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park-jaechan · 1 year ago
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Jaechan, "Refreshing cool image + mysterious" for Violet version of JCFACTORY
Jaechan of "DKZ" released an album with his own color.
The teaser photo of his first mini album "JCFACTORY" released through official SNS at 0:00 a.m. on the 31st.
The "Violet" version exudes a calm and soft charm. Jaechan captured the hearts of fans with his refreshing cool visuals.
He looks into the camera, looking blurry and mysterious against the blue nature. In youthful form, he foreshadows a more mature sensibility.
"JCFACTORY" is an album that contains everything about Jaechan. Jaechan participated in not only singing, but also writing, composing, and producing, proving his wide range of musical talents.
Meanwhile, Jaechan will release his first mini album on major music websites at 6 pm on the 6th of next month.
Source: 재찬, 신보 '바이올렛' 버전…"풋풋 청량하고, 신���롭다" :: 네이버 TV연예 (naver.com)
Translated by Park Jaechan Updates
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nctwish · 10 months ago
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240419 Official Twitter Update
#NCTWISH, 서울 찍고 부산, 전주, 대구, 청주 시즈니 만나러 간다! 전국 5개 도시 12회 걸친 전국 팬미팅 투어 개최! 단체 포스터 공개! ‘청량&풋풋’ 순정만화 비주얼 화제!
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koccanmama · 1 year ago
쏘 풋풋...💖 갓기 시절 FT아일랜드 이홍기 & 이재진 | 스타 골든벨 [KBS 20070825 방송]
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bts-trans · 4 years ago
201111 BigHit’s Tweet
[네이버 포스트] 2021년도 휀-클럽 아미와 함께할 비티엣-스가 돌아왔읍니다! 방탄소년단의 시즌그리팅 맛보기! 📸 (@ https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=29943041&memberNo=51325039) 
#BTS #방탄소년단
[Naver Post] BT-S has returned to spend 2021 with their fan*-club ARMY as well! Getting a little taste of BTS' Season's Greeting! 📸
(T/N: * The spelling of 'fan' here is 휀/hwen instead of 팬/pan, which has been done intentionally to make it seem more retro.)
Naver Post Translation
Keep reading for a plain text version of the blog post! For a picture edit version, please check out our twitter post!
Title: [BTS] 2021년도 휀-클럽 아미와 함께할 비티엣-스가 돌아왔읍니다!
Title: BT-S has returned to spend 2021 with their fan-club ARMY as well!
(T/N: Stands for ‘Hi ARMY’, which is how Bangbell always starts these posts.) 
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안녕하세요 아미 여러분! 방림이입니다!
Hello ARMYs!  It’s Bangbell! 
바로 어제! 아미 여러분에게 아주 따끈따끈한 소식이 도착했다고 해서 방림이도 재빠르게 찾아와 보았는데요!
Right now! I heard ARMYs received some extremely hot news so I came to find you as fast as I could!
The news is that the 
티저가 떴다는 소식입니다!
teaser has been released!
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벌써 2020년이 다 지나고 2021년이 찾아온다는 현실에 시간은 왜 이렇게 빠르게 흐르는지 슬픔에 잠기기도 잠시,
방탄소년단의 시즌 그리팅을 만날 생각하니 2021년이 빨리 왔으면 좋겠다 이거예요~
When faced with the reality that 2020 is almost over and 2021 is approaching I feel a little sad that time seems to be passing so fast,
but the thought that I’ll be able to see BTS’ Season’s Greetings soon  makes me hope 2021 comes quick~ 
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저 방림이는 압니다.. ‘티저로는 부족하다! 더 달라!’
I know what you’re thinking.. ‘The teaser wasn’t enough! Give us more!’
그래서! 방림이가 사알짝 담아와 보았습니다!
And so!  I’ve brought just a feeew things! 
현장에서 포착된 멤버들의 모습! 지금 바로 만나볼까요?
Pictures of the members that I acquired on set!  Shall we go see them right now?
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 제가 서울을 참 많이 돌아다녀 보았는데요.. 장담하는데 제일 멋진 사람 김. 남. 준. 아닙니까?
I’ve been all around Seoul..  But I can guarantee that the coolest person here is Kim. Nam. Joon. Isn’t that right?
That’s right~~~
((반박 불가))
((No rebuttals allowed))
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이런 친구가 길을 찾는 중이라면.. 저는 망설임 없이 하루종일 찾아 다녀주겠어요..
If someone like him was looking for directions..  I wouldn’t even hesitate to spend the whole day helping him find his way.. 
(하루가 뭐야.. 한 달도 부족 ㅠ_ㅠ)
(Not just a day.. Even a whole month wouldn’t be enough ㅠ_ㅠ)
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어머 여기 또 길을 헤메는 친구가 있네요?
길을 찾는 이들을 만난다면 참으로 운수대통한 날 아닐까요?
Oh, there’s someone else who’s lost his way here?
If I met these people trying to find their way I’d say it was an extremely lucky day, no? 
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푸르른 하늘과 정말 잘 어울리는 해피 해피 홉
Happy happy Hope matches really well with the blue sky 
제이홉의 해피 해피 밝은 에너지는 하늘보다 맑고 해보다 따뜻하고 별보다 빛난다구요!
J-Hope’s happy happy bright energy is  clearer than the skies  warmer than the sun  and shines more than the stars! 
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아니 여기 길 잃은 강양이가 있어요! 이렇게 귀여운 복장으로 귀여운 표정 짓는 건 반칙!!!
(이지만 귀여움 올림픽 금메달이니 인정해드립니다)
Hold on, there’s a PupKitty that’s lost its way here!  Putting on a cute expression dressed in an outfit this cute—that’s against the rules!!!
(Still, since you’re a gold medalist in the Cute Olympics I’ll give it to you)
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방림이는 육교를 무서워하는데요.. 초록색 조끼를 입은 친구와 함께라면 그 어떤 길도 무섭지 않을 것 같네요..
I’m scared of overpass bridges..  But if I could cross them with this friend in the green vest  I think I wouldn't be afraid at all, no matter what the route..
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“저.. 혹시.. 제가 옆자리에 앉아도 될까요..?”
“Excuse me.. Would it be okay if.. I sat next to you..?”
또 기억조작 하게 만드시는 분.. 버스에서 만날 수만 있다면 매일 같은 시간 같은 버스를 타렵니다..
He’s making me imagine things again..  If I could just meet him on the bus  I would take the same bus at the same time every day.. 
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WOW.. 이런 친구들하고 같이 여행하면 너무 좋을 것 같다.. 내가 캐리어가 되어도 좋아.. 7명과 같이 간다면 어디든 함께하겠어..
보기만 했는데 내 마음은 이미 휴양지고, 여행지다..
WOW.. Going on a trip with these guys would be so great.. I’m okay with being the suitcase too.. I’d go anywhere as long as I get to go with these 7
Just looking at them makes my heart feel like it’s at a vacation spot, a holiday destination..
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방림이 정신 차려! 아직 만나봐야 할 사진이 더 있다구!
Bangbell, get it together! There are still pictures that you have to go see!
그럼 또 다른 컨셉도 만나볼까요!
So, let’s go see a different concept!
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방탄소년단 뭔데.. 순수, 청순, 큐트, 스윗, 댄디, 풋풋, 러블리, 핸썸, 쿨.. 대체 이 컨셉 소화력 무엇..!!
BTS what are you... Innocent, youthful, cute, sweet, preppy, fresh, lovely, handsome, cool.. What on earth is this ability to pull off every concept..!!
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냉탕 온탕 왔다 갔다 하느라 방림이 정신이 또 혼미..
Going back and forth between a cold shower and a hot spring I’m in a complete daze
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앞에서 보았던 컨셉과는 180도 다른 매력에 아미 여러분도 정신이 혼미하시다구요?
Because this was a complete 180 from the concept you saw before You guys are also in a daze, you say?
이건 비밀인데요…
This is a secret but...
시즌 그리팅 안에는 오늘 공개된 사진 외에도 더 다양하고 멋진…!!!!!!!
Other than pictures shared today, there's stuff in the Season's Greetings' that's even more diverse and cool and...!!!!!!!
여기까지만 말씀드리겠습니다.
That’s all I’ll say.
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하지만! 이렇게 사진만 들고 왔을 방림이가 아니죠!?
But! I didn’t come here with just pictures, did I?!
티저를 보고 너무너무 소장하고 싶어 할 아미들을 위해 방림이의 조그마한 선물..♥
For ARMYs, who probably saw the teaser and really really wanted to own it,  I have a tiny present..♥
모두 저장할 준비 되셨나요?
Everyone, are you ready to save some pictures?
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Caption: Dokgo Mint Choco (T/N: ‘Dokgo’ is a rare surname, and was likely chosen to rhyme with ‘Mint Choco’.)
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Caption: Tuna-flavoured Cucumber (T/N: In the early days of the game MapleStory, a common trend among Korean users was to use ridiculous food pairings as their username, e.g. Watermelon-flavoured Shrimp Crackers.)
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Caption: Taejeon-dong shooting guard T/N: Taejeon-dong is the neighbourhood in Daegu that Suga is from.)
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Caption: Ilgok-dong Bounce (T/N: ‘Ilgok-dong’ is a neighbourhood in Buk district of Gwangju which is also J-Hope’s hometown.)
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Caption: Football King Jjim Dori (T/N: A play on ‘축구왕 슛돌이’/chook-gu-wang shoot-dori, the Korean title for Japanese anime ‘Moreo! Top Striker’. The caption replaces ‘슛’/shoot with ‘찜’/jjim, a cute way of shortening Jimin’s name.)
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Caption: Bangtan-dong Long-headed Grasshopper (T/N: ‘Dong’ is the suffix for neighbourhoods in Korea.)
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Caption: Busan Guy (T/N: The Korean word used here is 싸나이/ssa-na-i, which is Busan dialect for ‘guy’. The stereotypical image of a Busan guy is someone who is tough and manly.)
그 어디에서도 본 적 없는
♥빌보드 핫 백 2주 연속 1위 하고♥ ♥2주 연속 2위 하고♥ ♥다시 1위랑 2위하고♥ ♥Savage Love랑 Dynamite로 1위 2위 동시에 한♥ ♥비티엣스 배경화면 선물♥
Those were never-before-seen phone wallpapers of BTS who were
♥Billboard Hot 100 No. 1 for two weeks and♥ ♥No. 2 for two weeks and♥ ♥Then No. 1 and then No. 2 again and then♥ ♥No.1 and No.2 at the same time with Savage Love and Dynamite♥ ♥as a present♥
그러나 뭔가 허전하시다구요? 단체 배경화면은 어딨냐구요?
But there’s still something missing, you say? Where’s the group wallpaper, you ask?
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이것을 놓칠 방림이가 아니죠.
단체 배경화면은 방탄소년단 포스트에서만 독.점.공.개! 미공개 사진으로 준비했습니다!!
Bangbell wouldn’t just forget it, of course. 
The group wallpaper is here on BTS’ Naver Post Ex.clu.sive.ly! I’ve got an unreleased  picture  for you
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Caption: BTS
누군가 뒤에서 흐뭇하게 아미들의 배경화면을 바라보고 있다면 그건 바로 방림이! (씨익)
ARMYs, if you see someone behind you smiling at your phone wallpapers, that’s me, Bangbell! (Grin)
많은 아미들 휴대폰 배경화면으로 저.장. 되면 뿌듯할 것 같은 방림이는 이만 인사드리겠습니다.
If many ARMYs sa.ve. this as their phone wallpaper I think I’ll be really proud. Now it’s time for me to say goodbye.
(스포주의) 오늘 시즌 그리팅 포스트는 1탄에 불과ㅎㅏ..ㅇ_ㅇ!!!!!
(Spoiler alert) Today’s Season’s Greetings post is just part 1..ㅇ_ㅇ!!!!!
(T/N: Short for “Bye ARMY! Poof!”, which is how Bangbell always ends these posts.)
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본 포스트는 빅히트 엔터테인먼트에서 직접 운영하는 포스트입니다.
This Naver Post account is personally run by Big Hit Entertainment.
[End Note]
Trans cr; Faith & Aditi @ bts-trans | Typeset cr; XPXOXD @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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jindoelf · 4 years ago
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200917 my_seezn
[#빽투더아이돌] 다시보기
댄스연구회 #은혁 X #민혁 🕺
#크래비티 와 함께한 10분 과제!
재탄생한 풋풋 청량 데뷔곡🎵
💎#샤이니 의 #누난너무예뻐
놓치면 정말 #Criminal ~
📢9/23(수) 편집본 공개!
#Seezn오리지널 #슈퍼주니어 #몬스타엑스 #CRAVITY #MDR #M드로메다 https://t.co/ChqWdOQQLy
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park-jaechan · 1 year ago
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DKZ Jaechan, the cool + refreshing boy himself
Jaechan released an "ORANGE" version concept film of his first mini album "JCFACTORY".
Dongyo Entertainment uploaded the "ORANGE" version concept film of the first mini-album "JCFACTORY" on the official SNS at 00:00 today (30th).
Jaechan revealed the teaser contents of the "ORANGE", "VIOLET" and "BROWN" versions representing "JCFACTORY". The "ORANGE" version contains the beauty of natural and pure youth. Attention is focused on what kind of image will appear on the "Violet" and the "Brown" version where the two colors are mixed together.
Jaechan will release his first mini album 'JCFACTORY' on September 6. The album contains a total of 5 self-composed songs including the title song "Hello".
Meanwhile, His first mini-album 'JCFACTORY' to be release through various music sites at 6 pm on the 6th of next month, and will make his solo debut for the first time.
Source: DKZ 재찬, 청량+풋풋 소년 그 자체 (naver.com)
Translated by Park Jaechan Updates
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tomorrowxtogether · 6 years ago
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09/04/19 MBC Tweet
쇼챔직찍 l TXT - 어느날 머리에 뿔이 자랐다(CROWN) 상큼과 풋풋 그 사이 강인한 아이들 쇼챔에서 청순함까지 다해버린 날! #쇼챔피언 #쇼챔 #쇼챔직찍 #TXT #TOMORROWXTOGETHER #투모로우바이투게더#연준 #수빈 #범규 #태현 #휴닝카이
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nctwish · 1 year ago
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240228 Official Twitter Update
청량 위시돌 탄생! #NCTWISH, 데뷔곡 ‘WISH’ 뮤직비디오 공개 화제! 초보 큐피드로 표현한 여섯 멤버의 풋풋&사랑스러운 에너지! NCT WISH의 아이덴티티 만끽할 수 있는 완벽한 뮤직비디오!
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mbkupdates · 6 years ago
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Eunjin Instagram Update 190806
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girlgroupinsta · 6 years ago
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181215 / euna102794: 오늘 보컬플레이 하눈날!!! ㅎㅎ 다들 무대 봐주실꺼죵?! 같이 봐용! todays the day to watch VOCAL PLAY! you guys are all gonna watch our stage right?! VROMANCE X KHAN! :) 10:30pm on channel A everyonee! #브로맨스 #칸 #무대 #오늘 #다같이봐요 #풋풋#체널에이 #보컬플레이 #vromance #khan#vocalplay
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fysnm · 6 years ago
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181130 _hongeuijin_
프로필 사진을 원하시길래,, 작년6월 풋풋🌱
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tomorrowxtogether · 6 years ago
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09/04/19 MBC Tweet
쇼챔직찍 l TXT - 어느날 머리에 뿔이 자랐다(CROWN) 상큼과 풋풋 그 사이 강인한 아이들 쇼챔에서 청순함까지 다해버린 날! #쇼챔피언 #쇼챔 #쇼챔직찍 #TXT #TOMORROWXTOGETHER #투모로우바이투게더#연준 #수빈 #범규 #태현 #휴닝카이
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nctwish · 1 year ago
240118 cosmopolitankorea Instagram Update
#COSMO_ISSUE 청룡의 해의 꿈과 소원, NCT WISH가 모두 이루어드림!🌟 NCT의 마지막 주자, #NCTWISH(@nctwish_official)가 2월 데뷔를 앞두고 코스모에 인사를 남겼습니다🤗 풋풋 그 자체죠? 지난 9월, 일본 프리 데뷔 투어를 마쳤으며 앞으로 전 세계 팬들을 만난다고 하는데요. 희망찬 에너지를 전하는 ‘WISH 아이콘’이 되겠다는 위시돌, #엔시티위시 를 주목해 보세요.✨ Assistant Editor 장호정 Video SM엔터테인먼트
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oneus-archive · 6 years ago
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눈호강...💕 얼굴 기억해쥬므 😱 #프로드슈101 #이건희 #여환웅 #20살 #23살 #풋풋 #오늘뭐먹지 #야식라이브 #셀카 #selstagram #잘생겼다그램
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