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undomychainofpain · 1 year ago
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God i miss the old 24k!
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leadme1241 · 2 years ago
드라마 다시보기 '소방서 옆 경찰서' 리뷰
드라마 다시보기 '소방서 옆 경찰서' 공조 범죄 수사극
  SBS - 소방서 옆 경찰서   편성 : SBS 금토드라마 출연진 : 김래원, 손호준, 공승연 外 ​장르 : 범죄, 스릴러, 느와르, 미스터리, 서스펜스, 형사, 소방 방송일자 / 방송시간 : 22. 11. 12(금) 첫 방송 / 금,토 저녁 10시 00분 방송회수 : 12부작 연출 : 신경수 / 극본 : 민지은   드라마 다시보기 '소방서 옆 경찰서' 소개   이번에 준비한 글은 소방서 옆 경찰서에 있는 인물들에 대한 정보입니다. 전편으로는 를 소재로 한 드라마가 방영이 되었는데요. 금토드라마로 금요일에 방영될 예정이었으나, 전작이 금요일에 종영되어 토요일에 방영되었습니다. 원래는 들의 후속작으로 기획됐으나, 이힘찬 PD가 하차하면서 제작이 밀린 것으로 보여집니다.   그 과정에서 실망스러운 일도 있었지만 그래도 잘 되길 바랍니다. 캐스팅은 김래원, 손호준, 공승연이 맡을 예정이며, '소방서 옆 경찰서'에 있는 인물 정보도 회차 기준으로 하되 시즌제를 도입하였습니다. 시리즈로 기획한 작품은 시즌 1과 시즌 2가 각각 12화씩 총 24화로 되어 있습니다. 시즌2는 2023년 하반기 방영 예정이라고 합니다.   지금까지 형사님들을 소재로 한 작품은 많이 봤지만 구조대원으로 합작 한 작품은 많이 보지 않아서 관심이 갔습니다. 더군다나 합동 대응에서 어떤 현장이 그려질지 더욱 궁금해집니다! Disney Plus 및 Wave에서 시청할 수 있으며 이어서 드라마 속 정보를 정리해보겠습니다.   소방서 옆 경찰서 주요인물   진호개 (cast. 김래원) : 형사팀 경위. 일명 진돗개, 미친개, 똥개 등 주로 개로 불리는 태원 경찰서 형사이다. 검사장 아버지를 두었지만 이미 소원한지 오래이다. 광수대 발령 후, 미제 사건까지 털어 검거율 118%를 넘긴 레전드 형사로 범죄자들만 보면 범죄 냄새를 기가 막히게 맡는다. 동물적인 육감으로 단서를 포착하고, 천재적인 수사감으로 범죄를 재구성한 뒤, 반드시 수갑을 채우고 마는 그의 직진 본능은 적을 만들고, 문제를 일으키기도 한다. 결국은 서울의 변두리 태원으로 좌천당한다. ���동 대응 현장에서 처음 마주친 옆집 소방대원들과도 부딪히기도 하고, 불도저 봉도진과 아슬아슬 티격태격하면서도 정작 사건을 마주하면 손발이 척척 맞는다. 봉도진 (cast. 손호준) : 화재진압대원. 일명 불도저로 불리는 태원 소방서 화재진압대원이자 화재조사관 겸직 중이다. 20kg이 넘는 진압장비를 번쩍 들고 불속으로 뛰어드는 강철 체력의 사나이다. 화재 공학과 법공학을 공부하여 화재조사 전문수사관 마스터 자격을 딴 인재로 말수도 적고 자신을 잘 내보이지 않지만 사람 좋은 넉넉함을 지녔다. 그는 출동 전 항상 다짐한다. "한 명의 낙오도 없이 무사히 돌아오기를." 송설 (cast. 공승연) : 구급 대원. 자신이 이송한 환자가 무사함을 확인하고 나서야 직성이 풀리는 따뜻한 오지라퍼 태원 소방서 구급 대원이다. 하지만 수많은 생명이 꺼지는 예측불허 현장에서 낭만은 무용지물이라는 것을 일찌감치 깨달았다. 거침없이 자신의 할 일을 해내며 필요할 땐 대쪽 같은 터프함도 발휘하며 그저 당장 죽어도 후회 없도록 하루하루 열심히 살아갈 뿐이었다. 그런 그녀 앞에 용의자를 앞에 두고 물러섬이 없는 일명 진돗개 형사 호개가 나타난다. 보다 보면 왠지 모를 아슬함에 그에게 다짐을 받는다. “약속해요! 시간 맞춰 출근하고, 살아서 퇴근한다고.” ​ 드라마 다시보기 '소방서 옆 경찰서' 그외 인물들   백참 역의 서현철, 공명필역의 강기둥,봉안나 역의 지우, 독고순 역의 우미화, 최기수 역의 정진우, 하동우 역의 이우제, 차재희 역의 양종욱, 한수진 역의 이화정, 곽경준 역의 허지원, 윤홍 역의 손지윤, 진철중 역의 조승연, 마태화 역의 이도엽이 출연합니다.   드라마 다시보기 '소방서 옆 경찰서' 기대평   '소방서 옆 경찰서'는 범인을 잡는 경찰과 불을 잡는 소방서의 합동 대응에 관한 이야기입니다. 한본 물면 안놓는 열혈 형사, 작은 상처 하나도 놓치지 않고 마음을 어루만지는 구조대원, 불길 속으로 뛰어드는 소방관의 독특한 이야기를 그리는 드라마입니다. '소방서 옆 경찰서'의 주인공은 형사 진호 역의 배우 김래원, 소방관 봉도진 역의 배우 손호준, 구조대원 송설 역의 배우 공승연이 주연으로 출연하는데요.   범죄자만 보면 사냥개 본능이 발동해 늘 수갑을 채우고 진돗개로 변하지만 광수대에서 서울 변두리에 좌천되어 처음 만난 옆집 소방관을 만나 공동대응을 하며 한판 붙게 됩니다. '소방서 옆 경찰서'에서 근무하는 봉도진은 태원소방서 소화기 담당입니다. 그는 인간의 선하고 너그러운 강인함의 소유자입니다. 도진이는 불을 잘 알기에 화재 진압 외에 소방 수사관으로도 활약한다.   ���한 소방공학과 법학을 전공한 전문 수사관 마스터로, 비번일 때는 요리 실력으로 멤버들의 야식을 차려주는 셰프이기도 합니다. '소방서 옆 경찰서'에서 근무하는 송설은 구급대원인데, 그녀가 매번 드리는 기도는 낭만적인 기도가 아니라 그저 나와 함께 최선을 다할 수 있게 해달라는 기도입니다.   송설은 타인의 죽음을 목격하면서 언제 죽을지 자신도 모르고 내일도 장담할 수 없음을 깨답습니다. 그래서 그녀는 오늘 죽어도 후회하지 않기 위해 하루하루를 충실히 살기로 즉각 결심했고, 지혜의 상실은 여기서 비롯됩니다. 위험한 상황에서 몸을 아끼지 않는 1선 경찰과 소방관들의 리얼한 이야기를 볼 수 있는 '소방서 옆 경찰서' 앞에 남겨진 에피소드도 궁금증에 빨리 보고싶은 심점입니다.   드라마 다시보기는 링크사이트 링크스타 에서 드라마 사이트를 확인하신 후에 시청하시는걸 추천드립니다.   - 드라마 다시보기 치얼업 - 드라마 다시보기 꽃선비 열애사 Read the full article
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heechanes-fiancee · 5 years ago
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Kisu (also known as Soo (also used to be in 24k)) supporting baron from vav 😭😭
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24k-world-blog · 6 years ago
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Kisu Military & Police Academy Photos
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taos-peach-ass · 6 years ago
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Kisu talked to fans and answered questions on the fancafe today(181105) and he ANSWERED MINE!!!
*t/n instead of using 나는 (na-neun) for “I” he wrote it 나누 (na-nu) so I translated it as “imma”
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plattagon · 7 years ago
Remember when Cory from 24K said he was named Cory because in Korea he’d be called Cory-ah. 
I think about that daily.
And this.
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24k-usa-blog · 7 years ago
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180730 Kisu IG story
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good-girlinhell · 7 years ago
We have reached the limit where I am crying over Choi Kisu so I will stop my spam so that my heart may be at peace.
Thank you for bearing with me through the Kisu spam
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flowers-for-hobi · 8 years ago
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(c) Key'sU G 
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erickaellaine-blog · 8 years ago
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if you don’t stan 24K then idk what you’re doing w your life || creds to owner
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choi-kisu · 5 years ago
[2019.11.30] Spring Day - Cover by KISU (최기수)
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for24k · 6 years ago
[181228]  fancafe update
Kisu's military base letter address
Hello 24U !!! I am 24K Fan-club manager. Finally!!!! Kisu finished 3 weeks of police school and was arranged to military base. From now on, Kisu will stay where he has been deployed for a year and a half. Fans who will send the letter will be grateful if you send it to the address below.
Address : 서울시 영등포구 여의공원로 119 46중대 최기수 (우편번호 : 07241) (Post code: 07241) ** For overseas fans, please write the address in Korean or print the address on a piece of paper to be stuck on the letter **
Please give a lot of support and love to Kisu is doing his duty of national defense despite the cold weather. :)
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kpopinformant · 7 years ago
24K (투포케이)
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DEBUT DATE: September 6th 2012 - Hurry Up
FANDOM COLOURS: Glitter Gold & Yellow Gold
RECENT COMEBACK: May 26th 2017 - Only You
COMPANY: Choeun Entertainment
YOUTUBE: choeunentofficial
FAN CAFE: Daum Cafe
CORY  (코리)
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REAL NAME: Hong Joo Hyun (홍주현)
STAGE NAME: Cory  (코리)
BIRTH PLACE: Daegu, South Korea
BIRTHDAY: November 25th 1990 (Sagittarius)
HEIGHT: 5′10″ (177 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Leader & Main Vocalist
TWITTER: 24k_coreeya
INSTAGRAM: 24k_coreeya
IDEAL TYPE: He prefers cute girls over sexy girls and he appreciates honesty. He would also like someone with pretty eyes.
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REAL NAME: Kim Jeung Uk (김정욱)
STAGE NAME: Jeunguk  (정욱)
BIRTH PLACE: Busan, South Korea
BIRTHDAY: March 20th 1993 (Pisces)
HEIGHT: 5′10″ (178 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Main Dancer & Main Rapper
TWITTER: 24k_uk
INSTAGRAM: 24k_jeonguk
IDEAL TYPE: Someone cute and sexy, and someone who is good.
KISU  (기수)
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REAL NAME: Choi Ki Su (최기수)
STAGE NAME: Kisu  (기수)
BIRTH PLACE: South Korea
BIRTHDAY: October 2nd 1991 (Libra)
HEIGHT: 5′10″ (178 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Main Vocalist
TWITTER: 24k_7s
IDEAL TYPE: A woman with pretty eyes.
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REAL NAME: Lee Changsun (이창선)
STAGE NAME: Changsun  (창선)
BIRTH PLACE: Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
BIRTHDAY: March 17th 1996 (Pisces)
HEIGHT: 5′10″ (177 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Lead Dancer & Vocalist
TWITTER: 24K_Chansunny
INSTAGRAM: 24k_changsunny 
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REAL NAME: Kim Jin Hong (김진홍)
STAGE NAME: Jinhong  (진홍)
BIRTH PLACE: South Korea
BIRTHDAY: January 2nd 1988 (Capricorn)
HEIGHT: 5′10.5″ (179 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist & Visual
TWITTER: 24K_jinhong
INSTAGRAM: 24k_hong
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REAL NAME: Shim Hongseob (심홍섭)
STAGE NAME: Hongseob  (홍섭)
BIRTH PLACE: South Korea
BIRTHDAY: January 8th 1998 (Capricorn)
HEIGHT: 5′10″ (177 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Lead Dancer, Vocalist & Maknae
TWITTER: 24k_seobs
SUNGOH  (성오)
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REAL NAME: Yoo Sung Oh (유성오)
STAGE NAME: Sungoh  (성오)
BIRTH PLACE: South Korea
BIRTHDAY: January 8th 1991 (Capricorn)
HEIGHT: 5′11″ (180 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Lead Vocalist
INSTAGRAM: 24k_sungo
IDEAL TYPE: Someone who has out-going personality and is energetic but also someone who is like a movie villain type girl.
HUI  (휘)
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REAL NAME: Liang Hui ( 梁輝)
STAGE NAME: Hui  (휘)
BIRTH PLACE: Jiangsu, China
BIRTHDAY: July 18th 1995 (Cancer)
HEIGHT: 5′10″ (178 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Lead Dancer, Rapper & Vocalist
INSTAGRAM: lianghui_718
DAEIL  (대일)
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REAL NAME: Kim Dae Il (김대일)
STAGE NAME: Daeil  (대일)
BIRTH PLACE:  Busan, South Korea
BIRTHDAY: May 10th 1992 (Taurus)
HEIGHT: 5′10.5″ (179 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Lead Rapper & Main Dancer
TWITTER: bigone1sthename
INSTAGRAM: bigoneisthename
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REAL NAME: Hong Seok Jun (홍석준)
STAGE NAME: Seokjun  (석준)
BIRTH PLACE: South Korea
BIRTHDAY: April 14th 1990 (Aries)
HEIGHT: 5′10″ (177 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Main Vocalist
TWITTER: 24K_SeokJune
IDEAL TYPE: A woman with charms
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REAL NAME: Park Byung Ho (박병호)
STAGE NAME: Byungho (병호)
BIRTH PLACE: South Korea
BIRTHDAY: May 11th 1990 (Taurus)
HEIGHT: 5′10″ (177 cm)
PLACE IN GROUP: Dancer & Rapper
All information is from online, if any information is wrong please let me know. Information can be found on websites such as ALLKPOP, KPROFILE, NOWKPOP, and KOREABOO. Some information is also from interviews which members took park in.
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24k-world-blog · 6 years ago
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[180920] Kisu gif
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taos-peach-ass · 7 years ago
To.For You - 24K Kisu Solo English Translation
(DISCLAIMER: there may be translation error)
Do you remember the first night you and I saw each other?
That warm moment in September
Forever if you are on my side
always with me I won’t falter
I will protect you
Like an umbrella on a rainy day
For you I will sing
You can be happy
Always by my side
For you, even when you’re exhausted and it’s hard
To you, for you I sing
For you for you
Forever I love you, thank you (049)
You’ve really changed a lot
I meet you
You became my light
For you, even when you’re exhausted and it’s hard
To you, for you I sing
For you for you
Forever I love you, thank you (049)
Even if everything changes 
Pretend like it’s nothing 
and please be well
One year passes and even when another year passes again
I will remember your heart now
For you even when you’re exhausted and it’s hard
To you, for you I sing
For you for you
Forever I love you, thank you (049)
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underratedgroups · 7 years ago
24K Profile (투포케이) [EDITED]
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Debut date: September 6, 2012 Number of members: 4 in original sub-group, 6 in original group, 6 currently (as well as one on hiatus for medical reasons and military service) Agency: Choeun Entertainment Fandom name: 24U Color: Gold
Current Members:
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코리 - Cory
Birth name: 홍주현 (Hong Joo Hyun) Position: Leader, Main vocalist Birthday: 25 November 1990 Nationality: Korean Sub-unit: 4K
Facts about Cory:
-Born in Daegu, but grew up in Portland, United States -Speaks fluent English -Moved back to Korea after he graduated college -First debuted with sub-group 4k in June 2012, which debuted before 24K -Then proceeded to debut with 24K in September 2012 -He and Kisu have been in the group the longest -Often considered the “dad” of the group -Loves corgi dogs ️ -Very knowledgeable about writing and producing, helped produce “Super Fly” -Sungoh calls him Diglett because he says he looks like a Pokemon ~
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성오 - Sungoh
Birth name: 유성오 (Yoo Sung Oh) Position: Lead Vocalist Birthday: 8 January 1991 Nationality: Korean Sub-unit: 4K
Facts about Sungoh:
-Debuted with sub-group 4K, and then with 24K -Currently on hiatus for his dislocated shoulders; send well-wishes his way~ -Helped Cory in writing a few of 24K’s songs, including “Hey You” -Touches his lips often out of habit -Many people, including himself, say he looks like V from BTS. While this is true, remember to respect both of them by not comparing them too often! -Kisu believes he looks like a parrot -He is definitely a romantic; he once waited seven hours in the cold for his first love -Very skilled piano player -He is also currently doing his military duties 
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기수 - Kisu
Birth name: 최기수 (Choi Ki Su) Position: Main Vocalist Birthday: 2 October 1991 Nationality: Korean Sub-unit: 4K
Facts about Kisu:
-Debuted with the sub-group 4K, and then with 24K -He and Cory are the two who have been in the group the longest -Enjoys taking care of the other members whenever possible; he even drives the members places when the manager can’t-Often considered the “mom” of the group -Big fang of the group Big Bang -Other members say he is more shy and nervous off-stage -Loves all dogs, but especially pomeranians ️ -Has very nice calligraphy -Speaks Mandarin very well
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정욱 - Jeonguk
Birth name: 김정욱 (Kim Jeung Uk) Position: Main Rapper, Main Dancer Birthday: 20 March 1993 Nationality: Korean
Facts about Jeonguk:
-First joined 24K for the mini-album “U R So Cute” in August of 2013 -Stepped up as main dancer and choreographer after Daeil left the group -Has many tattoos, including a gun on his stomach (though most of them are located on his arms) -Very good at a street dance called “popping” -The tiger is his favorite animal -Role models include Michael Jackson and Steve Jobs -Part-time member of Poppin Hyunjoon’s PAC dance crew -His brother owns a food truck named “Holy Truck”
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창선 - Changsun 
Birth name: 이창선 (Lee Changsun) Position: Vocalist, Lead Dancer Birthday: 17 March 1996 Nationality: Korean
Facts about Changsun:
-Also one of the masked members in “Hey You,” as well as a backup dancer in “Super Fly.” He officially debuted with the group in “Still 24K” -Graduated with a major in dance, and was accepted into 24K through a dance audition -A super happy and optimistic person, which has earned him nicknames such as “Sunshine” and “Changsunny” -His childhood dream was to be an inventor -He believes that his best feature is his small face
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진홍 - Jinhong
Birth name: 김진홍 (Kim Jin Hong) Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Visual Birthday: 2 January 1998 Nationality: Korean
Facts about Jinhong:
-Prior to his debut with 24K, he was a member of the group AA from 2013 to 2015 -Joined at the same time as Hui, for the comeback “Hey You,” though he was one of the masked members -His hobbies include Taekwondo and writing lyrics -Some say he looks like Lee Geon from MADTOWN (but again, be careful not to compare the two of them too much!) 
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홍섭 - Hongseob
Birth name: 심홍섭 (Shim Hongseob) Position: Vocalist,  Lead Dancer Birthday: 8 January 1998 Nationality: Korean
Facts about Hongseob: -Worked as a chef before joining 24K -Debuted at the same time as Changsun, for the comeback “Still 24K”-Graduated with a major in dance-Can play the drums quite well-His childhood dream was to be a restaurateur, which is what he would be doing if he were not an idol right now
Former Members:
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석준 - Seokjun
Birth name: 홍석준 (Hong Seok Jun) Position: Main Vocalist Birthday: 14 April 1990 Nationality: Korean Sub-unit: 4K
Facts about Seokjun:
-Part of the original group 4K, and debuted with 24K -Left after the release of the first track “Rocking Girl,” for reasons not known -Enjoys playing soccer and composing songs in his free time -Still makes music under the name MeloGroo
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병호 - Byungho
Birth name: 박병호 (Park Byung Ho) Position: Rapper, Dancer Birthday: 11 May 1990 Nationality: Korean
Facts about Byungho:
-Was a part of 24K’s debut in 2012 -Took part in the release of the first mini-album “Hurry up” -Left the group in January 2015 to spend more time with his family -It was quite shocking: he had gotten married and then had a kid with his wife and kept them both a secret. But the fandom has been very respectful of his wishes to keep his life private and spend time with his family instead of being an idol
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대일 - Daeil
Birth name: 김대일 (Kim Dae Il) Position: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper Birthday: 10 May 1992 Nationality: Korean
Facts about Daeil:
-Joined the group for the debut of 24K -Choreographed a large part of the group’s routines, known as “Dancing Machine” -Was not a part of the release of the album “Still 24K,” though it was stated that he was still part of the group. However, it was later announced that he had officially left the group to debut under the solo name “Big One” -Has a tattoo and a nose piercing -He really likes the cold weather of winter, but dislikes snow -After leaving 24K in August of 2017, he appeared on the show “Show Me the Money 6”
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휘 - Hui
Birth name: 양휘 (Liang Hui) Position: Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Rapper Birthday: 18 July 1995 Nationality: Chinese
Facts about Hui:
-Born in Jiangsu province in China -Can speak Chinese and Korean -Joined the group after Seokjun and Byungho left -Was originally just going to be with the group during the China promotions, but he’s such a good vocalist that he became a permanent member in 2015, as one of the masked members in “Hey You” -He is not 100% fluent in Korean yet, so the members enjoy teasing him just a little bit -Cory calls him “grapefruit” because he had purple hair in the “Still 24K” comeback -Also very good at the popping street dance style -He used to be a backup dancer for the artist Leehom Wan -As of 2 November 2017 it was announced by Choeun Entertainment CEO that he was not a part of 24K anymore.
Bonus image to help with the timeline:
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*Keep in mind that Sungoh is still in the group, and is on hiatus for military and medical reasons! Also Hui is no longer a part of the group.*
List last updated 2 November 2017. If you see any errors or know of any information that should be on this list, please let us know and it will be fixed immediately!
Thank you to @that-fire-fly for giving us more/correct information.
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