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정월대보름 달맞이축제
2024. 2. 24. | 14:00~19:00 용호별빛공원 부산 남구 2024 갑진년 정월대보름 달맞이 축제는 용호 별빛공원에서 개최되어 아름다운 바다 풍경과 함께 특별한 경험을 선사합니다. 이번 행사는 정월대보름의 전통을 이어가는 동시에 축제 분위기를 만끽할 수 있는 다채로운 프로그램을 준비하고 있습니다. 총 27개의 프로그램을 통해 다채로운 무대, 체험, 전시, 부대행사를 운영하며, 특히 탄소중립 실천과 환경보호를 중요시하여 정월대보름의 중요 행사인 달집태우기를 대신한 아름다운 LED 달집(높이 17m)을 점등, 전시하여 차별화된 콘텐츠를 선보일 예정입니다. 이번 남구의 달맞이 축제는 어디서도 볼 수 없는 색다른 경험을 제공하여 방문객들에게 즐거움을 선사할 것으로 기대됩니다. 축제 기간 동안…
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정월대보름 해운대 해수욕장 지불놀이 현장 ~ #정월대보름 #정월 #해운대 #해운대해수욕장(해운대 해수욕장에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cog1mWDvB4W/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#정월대보름 #달맞이대축제 #서생면 #진하 #진하해수욕장 #보름달 #불멍 #추억사진 #여행사진 #감성사진 #풍경사진(울산 진하해수욕장 - Jin-Ha Beach, Ulsan, South Korea에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoRx5sEvbFD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Repost @busancity —— @ _______아, 달집 태우러 가자! 이번 주 일요일은 정월대보름 🌕 뜨거운 불길에 모든 액운 훌훌~ 태워버리고 2023년 모든 소망이 이루어지길 🙏 * 달 뜨는 시각 17:20 ✅ #해운대달맞이온천축제 (달집점화 17:20 예정) - #해운대해수욕장 일원 / 오후3시~오후7시 ※ 2.3.~2.5.(3일간) 새해소망쓰기 부스 운영 ✅ #수영전통달집놀이 (달집점화 18:10 예정) - #광안리해수욕장 일원 / 오후3시~오후6시20분 ✅ 정월대보름 달맞이축제 - #용호별빛공원(분포로66-40) / 오전10시~오후6시 ✅ #부산송도달집축제 (달집점화 18:30 예정) - #송도해수욕장 일원 / 낮12시~오후9시 ✅ 정월대보름 달집문화축제(달집점화 19시 예정) - #다대포해수욕장 일원 / 오후2시~오후8시 ✅ #사상전통달집놀이 (달집점화 17:45 예정) - #삼락생태공원 럭비구장 일원(삼락동 29-52) / 오후1시~오후7시 ✅ 정월대보름 달집태우기(달집점화 17:30 예정) - #금정구민운동장 (두구동 1482-2) / 오후2시~오후6시30분 ✅ 정월대보름 달집행사(달집점화 19시 예정) - #철마면 장전리 축제장 일원(개좌로 789) / 낮12시~오후8시 ※ 행사 일정은 변경될 수 있습니다. ❗️대체로 맑은 날씨가 이어지면서 대기가 매우 건조합니다. 작은 불씨가 큰불로 이어질 수 있으니, 각종 화재에 각별히 주의하시기를 바라며, 산지 주변에서는 쥐불놀이, 소각 등 산불 우려가 있는 행동은 자제해 주세요! #정월대보름 #달집태우기 #보름달소원 #불조심(Busan 釜山, South Korea에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoORY4iyoUQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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정월대보름 상차림ㅣ오곡밥과 아홉가지 보름나물ㅣOgokbap and Seasoned Wild Greens
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Korean Holidays in Spring 🌼
Note (Another note from me, the team member responsible for posting our stuff on tumblr): So, it's basically summer in Korea these days (very hot and sunny!) and this may seem out of the blue... We planned this post when it was spring, but real life (a.k.a college assignments) delayed our schedule a bit. We still hope you enjoy our post about holidays in Spring. Here's the link to our instagram post as usual(part 1, part 2).
Just less than a century ago, almost every individual in Korea were farmers. Even in the 1960s, more than half of the total population grew crops for living. If we count from the days of Dangun (단군, the mythical founder of Korea), for more than 4000 years, the people of Korea were largely committed to farming.
In a society where farming is central to the community, the weather and the seasons hold great importance. Really, because if there is a storm or an extreme raining season, that would mean that the crops will be ruined that year, leading to a year of celebration. Thus spring, which marks the beginning of the year and also the beginning of the planting season, was full of traditional celebrations which wished for a good year and the blessing of the ancestors. This post will further investigate the traditional spring holidays of Korea and its unique customs which were set to celebrate such comings of life.
Seolnal [설날], also known as the Lunar New Year and Chinese new year, marks the beginning of the new year and celebrates the rise of the first moon. Now when the first moon rises, it appears as a very small crescent figure. After 15 days, it becomes the full moon. On this first full moon of the year, the jong-wol-dae-borum[정월대보름](hereon referred to as jeong-wol)holiday is celebrated. In the very early morning of the jeong-wol, families celebrate the day by eating bu-rom[부럼], which is a set of hard nuts such as peanuts, walnuts and chestnuts. By putting the hard nut in your mouth and purposefully breaking it with your teeth, you wish for good luck. More specifically, you wish for no bad luck this year.
This bu-rom breaking tradition stems from a homophonic term with bu-rom: bu-se-rom[부스럼]. Bu-se-rom refers to little pimples, thus by breaking the bu-roms, referring to bad luck in general, the people wished to have a healthy body in the new years which is essential for harvest. Traditionally, people would eat jabgok- bab[잡곡밥], which is rice cooked with nuts, with the na-mul[나물](seasoned spring herbs)s together.
(A picture from our family dinner in the new years week, which features the additional servings of jabgokbab, namul, and other traditional dishes)
During the middays, people went around each family’s houses and farms, each carrying traditional celebrations. Ji-bul- nori[쥐불놀이] was a ceremony of intentionally setting fire to the farmland. Attaching a small paper or a can to a long rope, the players of jibulnori would hold the end of the rope and spin it, while lighting up the small paper or can attached. After spinning the rope a few times, the player would throw the fire inside the land. The fire was thrown in not only to wish for good farming but also to eliminate the bugs and the weeds that have grown over the winter. The community came together and later played yut-no-ri[윷놀이] and many other activities.
After spending the day together families would gather and watch the first full moon rise together. People usually granted wishes, and they also predicted the outcome of the farming through the shape of the moon as well.
Due to the development and industrialization of Korea in the last few decades, however, many of the traditional celebrations have been reduced in its size and significance. Nevertheless, the core traditions remain and many rural parts of Korea still celebrate such traditions.
Thanks for staying with us and we hope you have enjoyed your five minute reading with us.
#korea#learn korean#study Korean#Korean vocab#Korean holidays#Korean culture#Living in Korea#Korean food#Korean tradition#한국#한국어
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day6_kisstheradio: 🌙 240224 키스더라디오 정월대보름, 데키라 가족들은 달님 보고 어떤 소원을 빌었나요?🌝 오늘 만큼은 영디 소원처럼 모두 안녕~~한 밤 되기를🙏🏻 #데이식스의키스더라디오 #데키라 #영디 #영케이 #데이식스
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happy first full moon of the lunar new year! 🌙
here’s an easy moon water manifestation ritual you can do to celebrate 정월대보름 (jeongwol daeboreum) ✨
(this is an older post from 2/5/23, but you can still repeat this ritual on 3/7/23 which is the next full moon!)
tiktok | all my links
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엇그제 내린 #눈 #설경 뭔가 좀 아쉬운 #상고대 차량 주행중에 아쉬운데로 스맛폰으로~
#정월대보름 울 친구님 #편안한 #주말 되세요~^^
-영상 BGM-
#스페이스A - #Again (2001)
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오늘 정월대보름, 가장 둥근 달은 밤 9시30분 / 연합뉴스TV (YonhapnewsTV)
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Repost @gayapark —— 달달 무슨 달 🌕 #정월대보름 까지 이어지는 #현장할인 #이벤트 ! 토끼해에 태어나신 분 🐇🐇 김해시민과 동반하시는 고향싸람 🚗 한복 입으신 분 📷 외국인 방문객 👨🦰👩🦰 모두 #현장매표소 에서 인증하면 할인 금액이 껑충! 💸 (~2월 5일까지 / 증빙자료 지참) 문의 : 055-340-7900 #김해가야테마파크 #가야테마파크 #정월대보름이벤트 #김해 https://www.instagram.com/p/CoHQQ7DSAx5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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