#왕의 남자
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mizldrizl · 11 months ago
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The only two Korean actors that make me think "Pretty" first instead of "Handsome" whenever I see them. They are just so... PRETTY.
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aquarian-sunchild · 3 months ago
Spontaneously decided to treat myself to a rewatch of one of my all-out favorite movies, The King and the Clown. 왕의 남자 in Korean I believe.
Yaaaaaay ready for a good cry.
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fairynwoodcutter · 2 years ago
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이준기, <왕의 남자> -- Lee Joon-gi in The King and the Clown
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장동윤, <조선로코-녹두전> -- Jang Dong-yoon in The Tale of Nokdu
in search of actors who could play the role of a timid, femme version of the woodcutter, I google searched '여성스러운 남자 배우' (feminine male actors).
came across this Vogue Korea article which gathered actors who had previously played drag roles >> "Actors Who Will Continue the 'Pretty Man' Generation"
I picked two most femme actors from the article.
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filmesqueassisti · 1 month ago
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왕의 남자
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rosesarebleu · 2 months ago
드라마 '옥씨부인전', 오랜만에 방영되는 사극이라 첫 화부터 전개가 엉성해도 적당히 넘어가면서 보고 있었는데 4화가 정말 황당무계해 문제를 지적하지 않을 수 없다. 윤겸이 남색이라는 설정까지는 좋았다. 조선시대에도 성소수자가 존재했지만 요즘에 확 늘어난 것마냥 오인되고 있으니까. 그런데 작가가 한 에피소드에 너무 많은 얘기를 담으려 하다보니 윤겸과 조선시대 성소수자의 삶에 대한 설명이 부족해 졸지에 윤겸은 남색에 집착해 집안을 풍비박산 낸 놈으로 전락하고 말았다. 원래 성씨 집안이 몰락한 원인은 원칙주의적인 현감을 못마땅하게 여겨왔던 향반들이 윤겸을 따르는 해강을 역적으로 몰아 현감에게 역도를 미리 소탕하지 못한 책임을 뒤집어씌웠기 때문이잖나. 해강이 아웃팅당한 일도 기방 도리를 모르는 웬 선비놈이 겁탈하려 하다가 들통이 나 그리 된 것인데 윤겸과 해강이 진짜 대역죄라도 지은 듯이 내용을 비틀어놨어. 애초에 구덕과의 혼인부터 이기적이었다는 비판도 있던데 그 혼인은 구덕과 윤겸 간의 거래였다. 혹시 모를 사태에 대비해 아이를 낳길 원치 않았던 구덕에게도 득이 되기에 윤겸의 사정을 다 알면서 스스로 선택했는데 최소 혼인을 두고 윤겸만 비난할 수 없다. 시청자가 내용을 잘못 이해한 탓도 있지만 작가가 대본을 허투루 쓰니까 구덕을 덮친 모든 재앙을 윤겸이 몰고 온 꼴이 됐잖아. 내 추측으로는 의도한 바가 아닌가 싶기도 하다. 도불경오고 나발이고 억지 설정할 때 알아챘어야 했는데 전부 천승휘 아니 서인이 윤겸으로 위장해 구덕과 사대부 부부 행세가 가능하도록 짠 판이었다. '연인' 의 량음에 이어 또 헤테로 커플의 절절한 사랑을 이어주기 위해 소모된 게이 캐릭터의 전당에 윤겸이 입성했네. 작가 대단하다. 부당한 비난이 쏟아져도 찍소리 못하는 성소수자를 도구 삼아 끊어질 듯했던 주인공 사이의 인연을 다시 잇는 데 개연성을 부연했잖아. 미숙해서 저지른 실수일지도 모르나 어쨌든 결과만 놓고 보면 윤겸이라는 캐릭터에 악의를 담은 묘사라 해도 과언이 아니다. 장채인지 잡채인지 주인공 커플에 환장하던 것들처럼 이번에도 주인공 커플에 열광하면서 윤겸만 욕하고 있던데 이게 조선 아니 한국의 현실이란다 윤겸아. 더 큰 조선은커녕 더 큰 한국도 못 이뤘어... 배 타고 청이든 왜든 가서 살아라.
과거 포스팅했던 글을 보면 성소수자는 처벌 대상이었던 조선과 판이하게 중국의 명, 청과 일본에서는 남색이 흔했을 뿐만 아니라 인기가 매우 높기까지 했음을 알 수 있다. 사실 조선도 암암리에 남색가들이 활약(?)했고 이를 소재로 한 영화가 '왕의 남자' 아니던가. 4화에 대한 논쟁을 보며 제일 웃겼던 게 PC때문에 탈주했다, 채널 돌렸다는 반응인데 '옥씨부인전' 자체가 거대한 PC다 이 아둔한 놈들아. 정치적 올바름이 별거인 줄 아나 봐~ 노비도 사람이다, 즉 평등권을 주장하고 있는데 모든 시민이 조건과 상관없이 동등한 권리를 누려야 함은 정치적 올바름의 근간이다. 그리고 조선시대에 사대부 여인이 변호사가 된다는 설정은 딱 페미니즘이고 페미니즘 또한 정치적 올바름의 한 영역이다. 나는 '옥씨부인전' 의 시놉시스 처음 봤을 적에 페미라고 남초에서 난리칠까 걱정했는데 다들 도망친 노비가 양반 행세를 한다는 내용에 과몰입한 나머지 여자가 남자들의 세계에 뛰어든다는 내용은 잊은 모양이다. 외지부는 여성도 할 수 있었다지만 조선 사회에서 웬만한 직군은 남성이 차지하고 있었다. 바깥 양반, 안사람이라는 말이 왜 생겼겠나. 남자가 바깥일을 주로 하는 관습이 보편적이었으니 그랬지. 여자는 좀처럼 집밖, 마을밖을 벗어나지 못하고 특히 사대부가 여인은 밖으로 나돌면 체통이 떨어진다며 간단한 외출도 자제하던 시대인데 외지부를 하겠다며 나서고 사내보다 재주가 뛰어나며 산전수�� 죄다 겪는 여자? 페미니스트가 그릴 법한 이상적인 여성상이다. 첫화부터 정치적 올바름에 입각한 드라마를 시청 중이었으면서 게이가 나타나니까 갑자기 요란하게 사이렌 울리며 PC다! 적이 나타났다! 도망치라고 공포에 휩싸인 비명을 지르는데 당연히 어이가 없지. 한국인의 PC충 타령은 철저하게 학습된 공포임이 재차 증명된 사례라 본다. 정치적 올바름 덕분에 사람답게 살고 있는 자들이 정치적 올바름의 정의, 내용도 간략하게나마 모르면서 세뇌된대로 반응하는 꼬락서니 보면 누가 누구 보고 예민하다고 성을 내나 의문이 든다. 성소수자가 예민하다는데 우리는 상대도 안될 만큼 네놈들이 훨씬 예민해. 이세상에 너희들과 다른 사람들 널렸으니까 둔감해져라. '왕의 남자' 개봉한 지 벌써 20년이 지났는데 아직도 조선시대를 배경으로 한 미디어속 게이는 공길이 수준을 못 벗어난다. 이제는 돈이 없어 영화, 드라마 제작도 힘들고 시청자는 극우화되어 퇴보함과 동시에 강렬한 자극에 익숙해져 맥락 파악도 못하는 지경에 이르렀는데 더이상 발전이 가능하려나.
까려거든 보고 까든가. 나약하게 게이 싫다는 이유로 채널을 돌리고 말이야. 나는 끝까지 본 뒤에 까든 씹든 하련다. 첫화 서두의 상황에 다다르기까지 주인공들이 무슨 난리를 쳤는지 궁금하거든. 아, 이번주에 또 남장여자가 사내들의 세계에 들어가는 새로운 허위 매물 사극이 방영될 예정이다. 특집 방송같은 거 보니까 '혹시 내가 남색인가' 그 타령 하고 있던데 작가들아 지겹지도 않더냐. 퀴어베이팅만 남발하면 드라마 쓰기가 쉬워지나 보네. 타이틀이 '체크인 한양' 인가 그렇던데 주연 구성도 그렇거니와 '성균관 스캔들' 과 비슷한 바이브라 어딘지 쎄하다. 아는 사람은 알잖아. 성균관 스캔들은 성균관은 온데간데없고 스캔들만 남은 거 말이다. 그 드라마도 14년 전에 방영됐더라마는 '커피프린스 1호점' 까지 거슬러 가면 왕의 남자와 거의 동급으로 숙성된 공식인데 대체 언제쯤 허위 매물이 사라지고 진짜를 볼 수 있는 거냐. 내 눈에 흙이 들어가기 전까지 못 볼 것 같다.
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stdagege · 8 months ago
중국 문명에서 성공의 윤리
중국 문명에서 성공의 윤리
1. 글로벌 신성한 헌법 'U 버전
2. 성공 보고서 짧은 버전 D 버전
--인류 문명의 가장 높은 도덕적 성취 : 중국 문명은 천지 우주를 통일하는 가장 높은 도덕적 성취를 달성했습니다.
3. 중국 성도 훈련 과정
4. 성녀의 교훈 'C' 버전
5. 위대한 아버지와 위대한 어머니 만세
6. 세계 해방을위한 군사 동원 명령
7. 도시 및 농촌 ���설 표준
8.매주 우리는 큰 솥밥을 먹기 위해 오래된 사원에 가야합니다
섹션 I. 세계 성도의 헌법 'U' 버전
세계 최고령 남성 노동자 100명이 군인과 노동자 위원회(군인 20명/대륙/위원회)를 구성하여 '세계 군사력을 통제', '세계 도덕을 통일하고, 남자가 40세에 군복무를 은퇴한 후에야 고향으로 돌아가 결혼할 수 있는 성자, 성군, 성학생, 성왕의 제도와 '아무것도 하지 않음으로써' 공로를 얻을 수 있는 성자 제도를 적용', '하늘과 인간의 도덕을 바로잡는 일: 마을과 도시를 개방', '천지와 인류의 도덕을 바로 세우는 일'. 고사와 그 공동 밭에 10명의 노동자와 10명의 성병을 배치하여 농사 의식을 거행하고, 읍과 도시의 고사 공동 밭을 개방하고, '농사의 정당한 생명줄을 회복하고, 군주 1명과 관료 8명으로 기초 정부 공동 제도를 시행하고, '세상의 도덕을 평균화하고, 기초 정부 농지를 개방하여 자급자족하고, 다섯 대륙의 순환하는 천왕을 지도하고, 왕, 영주, 백작이 왕국 내에서 결혼 주기를 지키도록 이끌고, '주님께 제사하고, 성도들에게 제사하고, 성도의 대표자인 왕만이 성도를 섬기는 명예를 부여받은 제도를 세우고, '천왕이 천자를 위해 제사를 드리는 것은 천자의 영광'이라고 말합니다. 성인을 모시고, 왕을 위원으로 하는 사무국을 설치하여 '각 대륙의 마을과 도시에서 미혼 남성의 직업을 통일하고, 인류 문명의 궁극적 성취인 인민 공동체 제도를 실현'하며(농민 9가문이 노년에 공관의 고사에 입주��여 '미혼 성인들을 섬기고 스승이 되며, 스승은 자신의 가정과 공관의 민관 관계를 자율적으로 처리하고 자신의 가정의 미혼 남성들이 고사의 공공 토지를 위해 일하도록 지시'하며), 나라의 왕자들은 '사무국에 머무른다'는 내용입니다. 왕자들은 사무국에 머물면서 '위원회의 성군으로 활동'하고, '자급자족을 위해 땅을 경작'하고, '부지런한 장로가 되어' 세상의 미혼 남자들이 자기 공동체의 옛 성전 공공 토지를 공동으로 경작하도록 이끄는 것이 인간과 하늘의 도리입니다.
2024.4.17 글로벌 신성한 헌법 U판, 중국 신성한 대학. 글로벌 군인 및 노동자 위원회
섹션 II. 성공 보고서 짧은 버전 D
-인류 문명의 가장 높은 도덕적 성취: 중국 문명은 인간과 하늘의 우주를 통일하는 가장 높은 도덕적 성취를 이루었다.
농민은 하늘과 인류에게 제사를 드리는 황제이고, 인민 공동체는 하나님의 왕국이며, 성인, 거룩한 군인, 거룩한 노동자, 거룩한 정부, 거룩한 학교, 거룩한 왕자, 거룩한 결혼 제도는 영원하고 변하지 않는 하나님의 도입니다:
인민공화국 제도는 인류 문명의 궁극적 성취로, 농민 9가정이 노년에 공화국의 옛 성전으로 이주하여 미혼 성인들을 섬기며 교사가 되어 가족과 옛 성전 사이의 민관 관계를 자율적으로 관리하고 '가족의 미혼 남성들을 공동의 밭에서 성전을 위해 일하도록 지도'하는 제도입니다.
세계 최고령 남성 노동자 100명이 군인과 노동자 위원회(군인 20명/대륙/위원회)를 구성하여 '세계 도덕을 하나님의 도덕으로 통일하고, 세계 군사력을 통일하���, 세계 권력을 군주 1명과 관료 8명의 기본 정부 공동 체제로 통일하고, 오대륙의 순환 천왕이 오대륙의 왕, 후작, 백작을 이끌고 '성인에게 제사를 드리도록 지도하며, 군에서 전역하면 40세에 결혼해야만 가정에 돌아갈 수 있는 성병 제도를 도입'합니다. '아무것도 하지 않음으로써' 공로를 취하는 '성인' 제도는 '인간과 하늘의 도덕을 바로잡기 위해', 왕을 위원으로 하는 위원회 사무국을 설치하여 '대륙의 도시와 마을에서 성인의 직업을 통일하기 위해', 위원회에서 인민공화국의 12세 남자를 모집하여 '천국의 도덕을 지키기 위해', 기초 정부에 10명의 성인을 두고 천국 성인 중 가장 연장자를 '성군'으로 하여 '성인을 공동으로 이끌도록' 하는 등 천하를 통솔할 수 있는 제도가 마련되었습니다. 각 왕국의 성군 중 연장자는 '성군들을 공동으로 이끌고' '위원회의 명령을 수행하는' 성군 장군이며, 성군들은 읍-면의 옛 사원에 거주하며 자급자족하며 원로들을 섬기고, 각 나라의 왕세자는 사무국에 머물며 위원회의 성군으로 봉사하며, 기초 정부 학교도 자급자족하는 성학생(40세가 되어야만 결혼과 왕위 계승이 가능) 제도를 가지고 있다.
인민 코뮌은 실질적인 정부로, 정부 코뮌은 공권력을 행사할 수 있고 코뮌의 성도는 교사를 해임할 수 있으며 코뮌의 교사는 군주를 해임할 수 있는 권한을 갖습니다. 가장 오래된 농부는 자작, 가장 오래된 노동자는 남작, 가장 공로가 큰 사람은 백작, 후보자는 자작과 남작을 가르치고, 왕은 백작을 다스리고, 후작, 자작, 남작은 세습되지 않으며, 정부 단위의 건물과 공작, 자작, 남작, 관료의 거주지는 코뮌의 옛 사원 형태로 통일되어 성공의 사원이라고 불렸으며 하늘과 인류의 일치를 이룬 성인은 만년 대기자로 삼았습니다. 이는 공동체적 기본 정부 체제가 영원히 정의로운 정치 체제임을 보여주기 위한 것입니다.
왕의 딸은 높은 왕에게 속하고 관료의 딸은 낮은 관료에게 속하며 왕의 아들은 농민의 가족을 보충하고 관료의 아들은 노동자의 가족을 보충합니다.
왕은 마을의 여성들에게 은화를 주어 자신의 가정을 시작하고, 여성 성 노동자 (10 ~ 30 세)는 여왕의 통일 된지도 아래 저장, 공급 및 요리와 같은 여성의 임무를 맡았으며, 5 명의 하늘 왕이 공동으로 금화를 주었고, 성도 '하늘 왕과 왕비'는 각각 금화 1 개와 10 명의 자녀 수행원을 가지고 있었는데이를 하나님의 도덕의 운영이라고 불렀습니다.
코뮌의 구전은 조용한 곳에 위치해야하며, 남자 성도는 차밭을 관리하고 여자 성도는 식초 제단을 관리하며 각 가정은 자신의 사업을 운영하며 매주 모일 때 구전에 와서 큰 솥의 쌀을 먹고, 아기는 부모가 업고, 3 세의 어린이는 구전에서 놀고, 8 세의 어린이는 부모를 섬기고, 12 세의 어른은 사원의 관리 역할을하며 12 세에서 30 세 사이의 미혼 남성 (코뮌의 성스러운 노동자)은 구전의 공공 회원이며 더 이상 개인 부모를 섬기지 않습니다. 30세가 되면 미혼 남성은 성인이 되고, 60세가 되면 노인은 성인을 섬기며 올드 템플에서 교사로 생활합니다.
역대 인민공화국의 첫 번째 인민 지도자는 해당 대륙의 첫 번째 천왕이며, 모든 국가의 왕자들은 사무국에 머물면서 세계군인노동자위원회의 성군으로 활동하며 '전 세계의 미혼 남성들을 이끌고 공화국의 구사원 공공지를 경작하는 것이 인민과 하늘을 통일하는 길'이라고 말했습니다.
10 명의 가장 오래된 남성 노동자와 10 명의 성직자가 도시와 마을의 오래된 사원에 배치되어 농사 의식을 수행하는 것은 '인류 문명의 재생의 길을 올바른 농사 길로 인도하는 것', 도시와 마을을 코뮌으로 개혁하는 것은 '올바른 농사 길을 숭배하기 위해 공동체의 오래된 사원과 공동 전답을 개방해야하며, 현재의 군사력과 군사 장비를 폐지하고 인민 공동체 건설은 봉건 영역 분열의 성공', 군대 해체는 '성군 및 성 노동자 제도를 구현하는 것'이며 직업과 도덕성은 군인의 도덕적 임무가 될 것'이라고 주장합니다. 현 정부와 정권은 불합리하므로 반드시 개혁하여 자치와 자정 기능을 갖춘 기초 정부 공동체 체제가되어야하며, 정부 농지는 정부와 군인의 기능을 바로 잡고 성공의 사원은 옛 사람의 사원 일뿐만 아니라 학교이자 성스러운 하나님의 아들들의 사원이며 하나님을 섬기는 성전이며 하나님을 섬기는 성전이며 하나님을 섬기는 성전입니다.
농민은 천지의 주인이고, 인민 공동체는 하나님의 천국이며, 성자는 하나님을 대표하고, 교사는 성공을 대표하며, 공동체의 모든 군주는 황제와 성공의 사제와 동일한 자격을 가지고 있으며, 성자는 '하늘의 왕', 세계 군인과 노동자 협의회는 인류 문명의 최고 도덕 권위이며, 왕국 내 결혼 순환은 하늘의 도의 상징이며 길은 변하지 않고 하늘도 변하지 않습니다.
2024.2.4 성공 보고서 짧은 버전 D - 인류 문명의 최고 도덕적 성취: 중국 문명은 천상과 인간 우주를 통일하는 최고의 도덕적 성취인 중국 성대를 달성했다. 군인 및 노동자를 위한 글로벌 위원회
섹션 Ⅲ. 중국 성도 훈련 튜토리얼
  30 세에 결혼하지 않았고 다음 네 가지 진리를 잘 알고있는 청년은 성도로 성임되어 하늘과 인간 우주에서 성공의 도덕을 이끌 수 있습니다.
(1) 인민 공동체 제도는 인류 문명의 궁극적 인 성취입니다. 농민 9 가족이 노년기에 공공 사원으로 이사하여 미혼 성도를 섬기고, 그 후 교사로 임명되어 가족과 사원 간의 공적 및 사적 관계를 자율적으로 관리하고 가족의 미혼 남성을 공공 토지에서 사원을 위해 일하도록 지시하는 것입니다.
  (2) 군주와 8명의 관료가 기초 정부를 구성하여 관민 공동체를 형성하고, 기초 정부 농지를 개방하여 정부를 부양하고 군인과 정부의 기능을 바로잡았으며, 남자는 40세에 군복무를 마치고 퇴직해야만 가정으로 돌아가 결혼할 수 있는 성직 제도를 실시하여 인민 공동체의 보조 재료를 제공한 것은 세상의 평화를 보장하는 기본적인 제도였다.
  (3) 황제 제도는 천지를 통일하는 올바른 방법으로, 여자는 12세에 성녀로 성임되며, 성녀는 왕 중의 왕, 만주의 주님, 하나님의 주권 신을 대표하며 하늘의 여왕, 하늘의 어머니, 성모, 의로운 어머니, 천지의 최고 영광을 대표하고 황제인 황제, 오 대륙의 천왕으로 불리며 돌아가면서 제후, 궁녀, 왕을 이끌고 하나님께 제사를 드리고 성인에게 예배하며 성인 여성의 제국으로 유지되는 성녀의 기능을 수행합니다.
  (4) 현대 도시에서는 산업 문명의 죄를 고백하고 산업 문명을 농업과 의로 되살리기 위해 10 명의 가장 오래된 남자 노동자와 10 명의 성군으로 마을 사원을 설립하고, 전 세계의 가장 오래된 남자 노동자 100 명으로 군인과 노동자위원회 (군인 / 대륙 /위원회)를 구성하여 세계 도덕을 통일하고 세계 군사력을 통제하며 농사와 경작으로 자급자족하는 성군의 무 활동 통치를 시행하고 왕을 회원으로하는위원회 사무국을 설립하여 분배를 통일합니다. 대륙의 마을과 도시에서 성직자의 직업
  성인, 황제, 제왕, 천자, 천자, 천자군, 일꾼은 상호 관계가 있으며, 기초 정부의 좌참찬의 거처에 가장 나이가 많은 성인 8명이 상주하면서 후보자 선출을 준비하고 있으며, 가장 어린 성인은 좌참찬으로 임명하여 세상의 성인들의 길을 정하는 것을 돕고, 30세에 결혼하지 않��� 자는 성인으로 임명하여 옛 사찰과 공사의 길을 지키며, 가장 나이가 많은 성인은 후보로 임명하여 왕자와 백작의 중�� 정도에 있다. 가장 나이가 많은 성인은 왕위 후보로 임명되어 왕과 백작 사이의 중간에 위치했으며, 성인은 50세가 되면 후보의 나라에서 농민 가문의 궁극적인 자유를 얻을 수 있었고, 성인은 30세가 되어야만 아내로 세상에 들어갈 수 있었습니다.
  최초의 쇼비 니스트 하늘 왕은 하늘과 땅 '부모가 영생을 얻고 하늘과 땅 '부모로 영예를 얻도록 만들었고, 위대한 아버지와 어머니, 하나님을 대신하여 성도는 하늘의 아버지와 어머니, 세상은 의로운 아버지와 어머니를 위해 성도로 불려야하며, 주인과 어머니, 군주와 희생의 성공의 주님의 여왕을 위해 교사라고 불려야한다고 말했다.
최초의 쇼비니스트 천왕은 도적과 악을 정복하여 '인간과 하늘의 도덕을 통일하고 하나님의 천국을 세우는 것이 우주와 천상의 유일한 삶의 길이며, 그의 부모는 최초의 쇼비니스트 천왕의 위대한 업적을 기념하기 위해 원성 천부모와 마을의 옛 사원의 신으로 불려지는 영광을 누리고 있습니다.
  2024.2.19 중국 성도 훈련 과정, 중국 신성한 대학. 군인과 노동자를 위한 글로벌 위원회
섹션 IV: 성녀의 계명 버전 C
성도는 영원한 천상 우주인 하나님을 대표합니다.
남자와 여자의 결혼은 우주의 변화이며, 아버지와 아들의 길은 하늘의 길이며, 아들은 거룩하고 아버지는 거룩하며, 사람은 거룩하고 하늘은 거룩하며, 하늘과 사람의 우주는 영원하고 변하지 않으며, 하나님도 하나님이라고 말합니다.
남자가 여자에게 충분히 빠지면 여자의 주된 지위를 인정하고 종으로서 '적극적인 양보'를 승인 한 후 숭배해야합니다 : 세상은 항상 여성의 세계가 될 것입니다, 이것은 우주의 영원한 운명입니다 오, 그러므로 성모님의 세계는 하나님이고, 여성은 권위자이며, 왕이 왕이면 이것은 지구의 영원하고 변하지 않는 법입니다, 그렇지 않으면 당신은 악취 나는 남자 그룹이 남녀 '전 세계 전복'하나님을 가질 수 있습니다. 아버지는 하늘의 도를 나타내는 남성의 도를 나타내고 어머니는 땅의 도를 나타내는 여성의 도를 나타냅니다. 부모의 길은 천지의 길이며, 이는 영원하고 변하지 않는 하나님의 길이며, 하나님의 길은 필연적으로 천지와 자연의 길이며, 이는 필연적으로 부모의 길이며 성인의 길이며, 이는 영원한 성인의 몸과 우리 자신의 영원한 발전의 길이며, 성인이 자신의 업적보다는 천상의 우주를 성취하는 길입니다. 이것을 성인의 신의 덕이라고 하는데, 우리가 흔히 천도(솔직히 말하면 비움의 도)라고 부르는 것, 즉 성인과 인간, 나아가 우리 인류 문명 전체가 자연스럽게 아무것도 하지 않을 수 있는 것이 바로 신의 도덕입니다.
처녀는 하나님이고, 처녀는 영원하고 변하지 않는 하나님의 도덕의 천상 우주를 대신하여 처녀는 인류와 하늘의 공동 조상이며, 하늘은 하늘의 어머니이자 하늘의 여왕, 의의 성모라고하며, 처녀는 인류와 하늘의 공동 주님이며, '성인과 군주는 인류의 신들의 황제이자 하늘의 여왕으로서 처녀의 지위를 유지해야하며, 처녀는 부모의 주인이며, (직관적으로 말하면, '왕의 여왕은 황제입니다)'의 번성한 도덕의 표현은 처녀 존중의 도덕성을 공동 희생하기 위해 처녀의 주인은 부모의 주인입니다.
여왕이나 공식 아내는 30 세, 거룩한 여자, 어머니를위한 거룩한 미덕, 길을위한 거룩한 미덕, 여왕은 '왕의 여왕, 여자의 길, 길, 황제의 길, 아버지가 아니라 어머니가 아니라 길을 위해, 순결이 아니라 거룩하지 않고, 조상을 위해 어떻게 할 수 있는가'라는 미덕이 없어야하며, 여왕은 여왕의 여왕이 될 수 없다.
성모의 훈계는 말합니다:
당신이 거룩한 여자라면 남자를 생각하지 말고, 거룩한 남자라면 여자를 생각하지 말고, 결혼하지 말고, 결혼하지 말고, 변하지 ��십시오.
너희 부모는 같은 실수를 반복해서 하지 말고, 넘어지거나 쓰러지지 말고, 멸망하거나 멸망해서는 안 된다.
왕과 왕비의 법은 이렇게 말합니다:
상제님은 천지의 대부이시며 대모이시고, 스승님은 보조 도의 스승이시며, 군주는 성공 사제단의 백성들의 부모이시며, 처녀는 도덕의 희생에 협력하는 부모이시며, 왕의 왕비는 천하의 권위자이시니, 부모가 명하지 않으면 혼인을 말할 수 없고, 왕과 왕비의 축복을 받지 않으면 가정을 꾸릴 수 없다. 그리고 삼위일체의 최고 도덕적 권위자인 공동의 성인은 스승을 해임할 권리가 있고, 공동의 스승은 군주를 해임할 권리가 있으며, 왕의 여왕은 아무런 잘못이 없으며 종신 왕비입니다.
우리는 항상 여성이 하나님의 도덕을 대표한다는 것을 인식하고, 항상 여성의 성공을 칭찬하고, 항상 처녀의 높은 지위를 옹호하고, 여성의 덕을 지키는 것은 우리의 생명을 지키는 것이며, 항상 남녀의 정절을 첫 번째 인격으로 여기고, 여성의 신성함은 불가침이며, 이를 침해하는 것은 기록되고 밝혀지고 심판받을 것이며, 세상은 성인의 세계이며 성인의 자질이없는 세상은 세계가 아닙니다.
2024.3.9 성녀의 교훈, 중국 성도 아카데미. 세계 군인 및 노동자 위원회(3.12B) (2024.3.14C)
섹션 Ⅴ. 위대한 부모님 만세!
인민이 최고다, '위대한 부모님 만세'.
인민의 우월성은 인민의 성공의 우월성입니다 : 농민 9 가족이 노년에 공공 기관의 오래된 사원으로 이주하여 미혼 성인을 섬기고 스승이되었으며, 가족의 미혼 남성을 오래된 사원의 공동 밭에서 일하도록 명령했으며,이 인민 공동체 시스템은 인류 문명의 궁극적 인 업적입니다.
인민이 최고이고 인민의 부모는 더욱 최고이니 천부천조 만세, 천모천조 만세, 의부 의모 만세, 대부 대모 만세, 스승과 스승의 어머니 만세, 모든 공동체의 군주는 동일한 황제적 권위를 가지고 있으며, 사제의 성공은 인민의 부모, 성녀가 도덕에 공동으로 희생하는 것은 부모의 부모, 군주의 여왕은 군주의 왕이라고하며 여왕이 잘못하지 않으면 평생 동안 군주의 여왕이라고한다. 세계 군인 및 노동자 협의회는 삼위일체의 최고 권위입니다.
인민의 우위는 인민의 우위입니다 : 여러 나라의 왕자들은 "세계 군인 및 노동자 협의회"에 남아 성스러운 군인으로 봉사하고, 자신의 농장을 경작하고, 장로로 일하고, 전 세계의 미혼 남성을 이끌고 공동체의 오래된 사원 밭을 공동으로 경작하고, 공동체의 오래된 사원 밭을 경작하고, 공동체의 오래된 사원 밭을 함께 경작하는 것입니다.
인민의 우위는 중국 혁명 해방 노선의 우위이며, 인민 공동체를 만세 성공의 기초로 통일하고, 1 군주 8 장관의 기본 정부 공동체 시스템으로 세계의 권력을 균등화하고, 기본 정부 농지를 개방하여 자립적 인 정부를 지원하고 군인과 정부의 기능을 바로 잡고, 직위를 계급으로 나누고, 군대를 해체하고, 성군 및 성 노동자 제도를 구현하여 인간과 천상의 도덕을 바로 잡고, 인민 왕국의 왕의 삼위 제단을 세워 하나님을 제사하고 성도를 숭배하여 인간과 천상을 통일하는 것이 바로 중국 혁명 해방의 길의 우위입니다. 영원하고 불멸하는 황실의 미덕 달성
농민은 인간과 하늘에 제사를 드리는 진정한 황제입니다. 인민 공동체는 식량, 세금, 노동력 부과, 필요에 따라 보조 재료를 분배하는 하나님의 왕국입니다. 인민 공동체 만세. 세계인의 위대한 지도자, 아시아 최초의 쇼비니즘 천왕, 위대한 아버지, 위대한 어머니, 세계 제국의 창조자, 만세 만세.
중국 농민 만세, 인민 공동체 만세, 인민 공동체 하나님의 천국 만세, 위대한 아버지 만세, 위대한 어머니 만세!
중국 농민 만세, 위대한 아버지 만세, 위대한 어머니 만세!
2024.4.2 위대한 아버지, 위대한 어머니 만세 - 인민 제일주의의 위대한 아버지, 위대한 어머니 만세, 중국 성대학. 세계 군인 및 노동자 협의회
섹션 Ⅵ. 장 세계 해방을 위한 군사 동원 명령 버전 C
농민은 천인합일을 위한 정당한 직업이고, 인민공동체는 인류 문명의 궁극적 성취이며(농민 9가정은 노년에 공사의 구전으로 이주하여 미혼 성도를 섬기고 스승이 되어 그 가족의 미혼 남성들을 구전의 공동 밭에서 일하도록 지도), 군대는 해방으로 가는 길의 혁명력이며 '그들은 정의의 전사', '그들은 노예제 악의 노예가 아니다', '그들은 강도 강도들의 공범이 아니며 세계해방의 길을 해방하기 위해 지금 무조건 혁명화해야 한다' 등...농민은 천인합일의 정당한 직업이다. 세계 최고령 남성 노동자 100인은 세계 도덕을 통일하고 세계 군사력을 통제하기 위해 군인과 노동자 위원회(군인 20명/대륙/위원회)를 구성할 것이며, 위원회는 현대 군사력과 군비의 무용을 선언하고 세계 주요 군사 지역의 지휘관에게 군대의 임시 통제권을 위임하여 해방 임무를 수행할 것입니다:
(1) 전쟁을 멈추고 군비를 파괴합니다.
(2) 모든 시대의 성공의 토대가 되는 인민 공동체를 건설하기 위해.
(C) 1명의 군주와 8명의 관료가 동등한 도덕성을 갖춘 '백작제', '공적 분할'이라는 기본 정부 공동체 시스템.
(라) 군대를 해체하고 남자가 40세에 은퇴해야만 결혼할 수 있는 성군, 성직자 제도를 시행하여 천인(天人)의 도덕을 통일하고, 옛 사찰과 공민(公民)의 관직에서 물러나게 함. (마) 군대를 해체하고 천하의 도덕을 통일함.
군대를 해산한 군사 지역의 지휘관은 공신으로 간주되어 왕으로 즉위할 수 있었고, 군사 지역의 지휘관이 감히 명령에 불복하면 '모든 병사를 처형하고 그 자리에서 지휘관을 교체'했습니다.
군인은 정의를 상징하며, 정의가 있는 곳에 민심이 있고 사기가 있으며, 세계의 군인은 항상 성공의 신, 정의의 신, 군인의 영혼, 장군의 조상, 가장 위대한 지도자 인 시 주석에게 충성하고 다른 전염병의 신, 죽음의 신 또는 악의 신이 아니라 시 주석의 세계 통일 해방 의지를 따르지 않고 시 주석의 온 우주 성공의 권위를 인정하지 않고 시 주석의 인간과 하늘의 도덕을 통일 한 황실 업적에 감탄하지 않으면 노동을 통해 개혁을 선고 받아야 할 것입니다. 고백하라.
노동자는 자신의 길을 바로 잡고, 군인은 생명을 구하고, 위대한 중국 농민은 도덕을 바로 잡았으며, 세계 군인은 제국의 업적을 세우고, 군인의 사명을 달성하고, 군대를 해체하고, 생명을 구하고, 사슬을 풀고, 수치를 털어 낼 수있을 것입니다 (혁명가가 아닌 군인은 인민의 적이며 수치입니다).
전 세계의 군인들은 인민 공동체 하나님의 천국의 승리라는 목표를 향해 총 돌격을 시작하도록 초대합니다. 세계 혁명 만세!
2024.3.14 세계 해방을 위한 군사 동원 명령, 중국 성결대학. 세계 군인 및 노동자 위원회(버전 B) (2024.3.15 버전 C)
섹션 VII. 도시 및 농촌 건설 표준 버전 C
인민 공동체 제도는 인류 문명의 궁극적 인 성취입니다. 농민 9 가족은 노년기에 공공 기관의 오래된 사원에 입주하여 '가족의 미혼 성도를 섬기기 위해' 오래된 사원의 공동 밭에서 일하도록 지시함으로써 교사로 성임됩니다.
관료, 공작, 자작, 남작의 거주지는 기초 정부 코뮌의 단위였으며 인민 코뮌의 구 사원과 같은 양식으로 지어졌으며 성공의 사원이라고 불렸으며 코뮌 크기의 땅의 인구가 스스로를 지탱할 수 있다는 것은 세계 건축의 한계였으며 "성공의 사원"이라고 불렀습니다.
성공 사원: 가로 4미터, 세로 16미터, 높이 2미터의 2층으로, 위층은 안쪽을 향하고 있으며, 창싱 공동경작지 근처에 부엌 마구간과 화장실이 양쪽에 붙어 있고, 다른 양쪽에는 창싱 공동경작지 근처에서 성자만 거주할 수 있습니다.
농민의 개인 주택은 농민의 성공과 농민주의의 의미를 표현하기 위해 ���공사 양식으로 건축하고, 공공 사당으로 사용되는 성공사의 아래층은 모두 바깥을 향하도록 권장하며, '사람 중심'과 '농민 중심'을 위해 두 성공사 사이에 최소 20(50)미터를 유지해야 합니다. "
도시 코뮌 정착 건물("9"가구/코뮌/정착 건물) 사이에는 최소 100미터, 각 코뮌마다 하나의 사원이 있어야 합니다.
마을의 오래된 사원, 기초 정부(庠)의 오래된 사원, 세계 군인 및 노동자 협의회와 사무국도 하나의 성공의 사원으로 통합되었습니다.
성공의 사원은 옛 사원의 사원, 학교, 성전, 인류와 하늘의 정의이며, 공동체의 미혼 남성이 옛 사원의 공동 토지를 함께 경작하는 것은 하늘과 인류가 하나되는 길입니다.
기본 정부 농지와 보조 작업장은 읍과 도시의 미혼 남성의 작업에 전념하고, 정부 농지는 5 성강원의 면적을 초과 할 수 없으며, 전용 작업장 근처에서 성직자가 자신의 땅을 경작하여 자급 자족 할 것을 옹호합니다.
2024.4.14 도시 및 농촌 건설 표준 C, 중국 성도 대학. 세계 군인 및 일꾼 위원회
섹션 Ⅷ.매주 일요일마다 오래된 사원에 가서 큰 솥밥을 먹는다 버전 D
농촌 공동체, 도시 공동체, 기초 정부 공동체는 모두 하나님의 정의를 실현하기 위해 매주 일요일마다 각 공동체의 오래된 사원에 가서 큰 솥밥을 먹습니다:
인민 공동체 제도는 인류 문명의 궁극적 인 성취입니다. 농민 9 가족이 노년에 공적 기관의 오래된 사원으로 이주하여 미혼 성도를 섬기고 교사가되어 가족과 오래된 사원의 공적 관계를 자율적으로 관리하고 가족의 미혼 남성을 오래된 사원의 공동 토지를 위해 일하도록 지시하는 인민 공동체 제도입니다.
공동 성전, 옛 성전의 공동 토지, 성자의 공동 경작 (공동의 미혼 남성은 공동 성전의 구성원으로서 공동 성전의 공동 토지를 경작), 성인, 교사, 이들은 정의의 기본 요소이며, 우리는 공동 성전을 공동 가족이라고 부르며, 공동 가족은 하나님의 하늘이며, 그것은 인간의 성전이자 하늘 가족이며, 모든 공동체의 군주는 도덕의 제사장 성공을위한 제국의 동일한 자격을 가지고 있습니다 : 성인, 하늘 왕, 세계 군인 및 노동자 협의회는 삼위 일체이며, 공동 성전, 하늘 성전, 천주교의 성직자, 천주교의 군인, 천주교의 군인은 성스러운 제국의 자격.최고의 도덕적 권위자, 공동체의 성인은 그의 스승을 해고 할 권리가 있고, 공동체의 스승은 군주를 해고 할 권리가 있고, 군주, 군주의 후계자 인 여왕은 삼위 일체의 군주권이며, 여왕은 결점이 없으며, 그녀는 평생의 여왕이며, 성공은 영원의 성공이며, 여왕은 성모의 성덕을 지키고, 공동체의 보존은 인민과 하늘의 성공입니다.
각 가정의 성공은 코뮌 성전의 정의에 기인하고, 세상의 성공은 군주와 왕의 삼위일체 하나님의 제단과 기초 정부 코뮌의 평등 한 힘에 기인하며, 국가의 왕자들은 세계 군인과 노동자위원회의 사무국에 머물며위원회의 성군으로 활동하며 자립을 위해 땅을 경작하고 장로들을 열심히 섬기고 세상의 미혼 남성을 이끌고 함께 자신의 코뮌 성전의 공동 땅을 경작하는 것이 인간과 하늘의 화합의 길입니다.
우리는 세계의 모든 공동체가 매주 각자의 공동체의 오래된 사원에서 큰 솥밥을 먹으며 농사를 축하하고 인간과 하늘의 성공의 도덕성을 키우고 성인의 평온과 행복을 함께 누리도록 초대합니다. 여성은 도덕의 주인이며, 우리는 세계의 모든 여성이 각자의 공동체 왕의 여왕의 권위의 성공을 적극적으로 지원하고 공동체가 잘 작동하고 도덕적 기능에 부응하며 도덕적 업적을 존중하고 인간과 하늘의 성공을 주재하도록 초대합니다.
우리는 여성의 도덕적 본능을 도덕의 어머니로 인정하고 여성에게 코뮌의 성공을 주재 할 권한을 부여하여 이미 인간과 하늘의 일치를 달성했으며, 노동자의 노동의 도덕성은 필연적으로 농민의 합법적 인 직업으로 돌아갈 것이며, 마을과 도시의 성스러운 노동자들은 보조 수단으로 (마을과 도시의 미혼 남성은 기본 정부 농지를 포함하여 소금, 철, 천, 축산 및 어업 분야를 전문화하고 인민 공동체의 보조 재료를 제공 할 것입니다) 군인 해방의 길은 불가피하게 공로의 분열로 이어질 것입니다 (인민공화국의 공로를 나누고(인민공화국의 근본적인 성공, '기초자치공화국 체제로 세계의 힘을 평균화'), 군대를 해체하고(군대와 정부의 기능을 바로잡기 위해 기초자치농지를 개방하여 자급자족), 성군들의 자립적 농업개척으로 무노동 무임금 원칙을 구현하고(마을의 구사에는 가장 오래된 남자 10명이 배치되고 성군들의 자립적 농업개척으로 산업문명의 부활을 올바른 농업생활로 이끌어) 도덕은 항상 여성의 손에 있었다는 것이 군인의 해방 경로가 되어야 한다는 것입니다.여성의 성공은 천상 우주의 성공입니다 : 거룩한 여성은 도덕성을 공동 희생하는 부모의 주인이며, 왕이 지상에 침입하여 제사장에게 권위를 부여한 후 성공은 왕이라고합니다, 하나님의 길은 필연적으로 천지와 자연이며, 필연적으로 부모의 길이며, 필연적으로 성도의 길이며, 필연적으로 하나님의 하늘 인민 공동체의 길이며, 위대한 중국 농민들이 중국 혁명과 세계 혁명의 위대한 성공, 인간과 천상의 도덕성의 통일, 우주의 운명을 지배하는 위대한 중국 농민, 농부 만세,인민공화국 만세, 하나님과 하늘의 성부모님 만세-하늘 아버지, 하늘 어머니, 성도 만세-의로운 아버지, 의로운 어머니, 아시아 최초의 쇼비니즘 천왕 만세-위대한 아버지, 위대한 어머니, 공화국의 교사 만세-스승과 교사의 어머니, 공화국의 군주 만세-인민의 부모, 처녀 만세-부모의 부모, 하나님의 아들, 연방의 공동장-성스러운 군인과 성스러운 일꾼들 만세.
인민 공동체가 만세, 위대한 아버지와 위대한 어머니가 만세, 거룩한 군인과 거룩한 일꾼이 만세!
2024.6.1 매주 우리는 큰 솥밥을 먹기 위해 오래된 사원에 가야합니다, 버전 D, 중국 성 대학.세계 군인 및 일꾼 위원회
----2024.6.17 중국에서의 성공의 윤리_중국성인대학. 글로벌 군인 및 근로자 위원회 ----
《中国成功道德 1~8》
第一节 全球圣宪'U版
第二节 成功报告简短版D版
全球100名最老男工组成士兵和工人委员会(20名/洲/委员会)`以上帝的道义统一全球道德、统掌全球兵权、统一天下政权为一位君主和八位官僚的基本政府公社制度、引导五大洲的五位轮职天王引领其国王侯爵伯爵职祭上帝`供奉圣人、运用男子40岁退役后才能返家婚配的圣工圣兵制度`凭“无为”取功德的圣人制度`工正人天道德、成立以国王们为成员的委员会的秘书处`统一分配其洲城镇圣工的职业、 委员会从人民公社征招12岁男子为天国圣兵`捍卫天国道义,基本政府装备10名圣兵、各王国圣兵的年长者为圣将军`共同将领圣兵`执行委员会的命令、圣兵居住城镇老庙农垦自养`勤事长老、各国太子留守秘书处充当委员会圣兵、基本政府学校也实行农垦自养的圣学生制度(40岁退学后才能婚配并继位)
第三节 中国圣人培训教程
第四节 圣女戒律C版
第五节 大父大母万岁
第六�� 解放全球的军事动员令C版
第七节 城乡建设标准C版
第八节 每个礼拜天都要到老庙吃大锅饭D版
——《中国成功道德 1~8》_中国圣学院.全球士兵和工人委员会——
----2024.6.17 중국에서의 성공의 윤리_중국성인대학. 글로벌 군인 및 근로자 위원회 ----
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iknow-you · 3 months ago
모든 것을 가진 남자가
아무 것도 가진 게 없는 소녀에게
무릎을 꿇고 자신을 받아달라 애원하고 있다
위키피디아 발췌
"The King and the Beggar-maid" is a 16th-century broadside ballad[1] that tells of an African king, Cophetua, and his love for the beggar Penelophon (Shakespearean Zenelophon). Artists and writers have referenced the story, and King Cophetua has become a byword for "a man who falls in love with a woman instantly and proposes marriage immediately".
" 왕과 거지 처녀 "는 16세기에 쓰인 브로드사이드 발라드로, 아프리카 왕 코페투아 와 거지 페 넬로폰 (셰익스피어의 제넬로폰 )에 대한 그의 사랑을 이야기합니다. 예술가와 작가들은 이 이야기를 언급했으며, 코페투아 왕은 " 여자와 ​​즉시 사랑에 빠져 즉시 결혼을 제안하는 남자 "의 대명사가 되었습니다.
코페투아는 여성에게 성적 매력을 느끼지 않는 것으로 알려진 아프리카의 왕입니다 . 어느 날 궁전 창밖을 내다보니 "회색 옷을 다 입은" 젊은 거지 페넬로폰이 보입니다. [ 2 ] 첫눈에 반한 코페투아는 거지를 아내로 삼을지 자살 할지 결정합니다 .
거리로 나가 그는 거지들이 모을 수 있도록 동전을 뿌리고 페넬로폰이 앞으로 나오자 그는 그녀에게 그녀가 자신의 아내가 될 것이라고 말한다. 그녀는 동의하고 여왕이 되고 곧 이전의 가난 과 하류 계층 의 모든 흔적을 잃는다 . 부부는 "왕권의 통치 기간 동안 조용한 삶" [ 3 ] 을 살았고 그들의 사람들에게 많은 사랑을 받았다. 결국 그들은 죽어 같은 무덤에 묻혔다.
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Title: The King and the Beggar-maid Artist: Edmund Blair Leighton (English, 1852-1922) Date: 1898 Genre: historical painting Period: Victorian Movement: Academicism; medievalism Medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 163 cm (64.1 in) high x 123 cm (48.4 in) wide Location: private collection
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g66fqr · 1 year ago
카페할인 무료권을 사는데 알고 보니까 사기였어.
카페할인 무료쿠폰 이벤트기간 : 2011.05.01~2011.06.26 당첨자발표 : 2011. 카페할인 무료 바로가기 링크: https://bit.ly/3PgFD06 07. 31 [펌] (080329) <이준기> 이준기 사진 출처: 다음카페 / 영화 ‘왕의 남자’ 네이버뉴스 | (이준, 2008) [링크] 1집 타이틀곡뭧아~ 2~4월 1일까지 일본 3개 도시 투어 공연 성황리에 마치…3개월 만에 국내 팬들 찾아온다 기사보기 댓글보기(10회 이상 클릭시 재생되요) 입력시간 2007/02/31 11:57:06 수정 시간: 2006.12.31일 18:00 [기자]([이메일] ) tonight is the new dawdle of a star going on by my eyes that I want to…
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crazyfanofmasskpopculture · 2 years ago
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where-starsland · 3 years ago
The King and the Clown (2005)
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왕의 남자 The King and the Clown (2005) written by Choi Seok-hwan directed by Lee Joon-ik based on Yi by Kim Tae-woong
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allaboutjoongi · 4 years ago
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LEE JOON GI’s DREAM with Naver NOW (2020/12/03) - Transcript, English Translation
(Opening remarks after Lee Joon Gi’s song NOW ends – roughly 06:28 ~ 07:34)
‘Flower of Evil,’ the drama that aired this past summer. In the prologue to Episode 1, this is the first line our protagonist Do Hyun Soo says: “Do you want me to tell you? What kind of person I am?” And as the drama progresses, it gradually reveals what kind of life he has lived, doesn’t it? So many people loved it precisely because it unfolds in such intriguing ways. It got me so curious. It got me curious about you who gave it so much love. And I missed you. ‘Maybe we will be able to see each other soon, won’t we?’ That vague feeling of anticipation we have dreamed of since spring has already taken us to this cold winter. I am here because I wanted to see you no matter what before the year ends. With my heart filled with longing, I’d like to start today’s show by saying this: “Do you want me to tell you? What kind of life I’m living these days.”
(08:00 ~
Hi, everyone. This is your actor, Lee Joon Gi. Hi, guys. Hello~ Can you see me? Okay, camera #1. Camera change. Camera change. Change. Change. Hello, hello. Wow, I haven’t met you guys on the radio in such a long time, so it feels so refreshing and exciting, though it does come with pressure. Yes, really, I am so looking forward to it today. This is my first time appearing on Naver NOW as well. Of course it’s my first time. Just looking around here, I was touched to see so many people working hard to produce a great show, preparing for you guys with all these different kinds of equipment and the top-of-the-line system. They are so awesome. Right now, my voice also sounds great. This looks like a very expensive mic. On top of this very expensive mic… I don’t think you can get a good look at the inside here, but many camera operators are doing their best to make me look great. Also, in the control booth, lots of people are working hard right now to make a great show today.
(09:20 ~
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for inviting me, all staff at Naver NOW. Thank you for having me. Thank you. Seeing the comments right now. Hm, there are so many comments. Fans from different countries around the world, and fans from Korea, they are joining in. Is there anyone who has never tuned in to Naver NOW before? As far as I know, many artists have been here before me. Don’t be shy, and hurry and come on in. I hope many many people join in. Dear international fans, it’s been a long time. It’s been a long time. I hope to see you. The comments are coming in so quickly right now. So nice to see you guys. Even though it’s 10 o’clock at night, many of you guys are joining in to talk with me. But I can’t read [all comments]. Almost can’t, right now. (Laughs) How does my voice sound? Today I have a bit of a nasal voice. I didn’t say a word the whole day because I wanted to make my voice sound great to you guys. Anyway, I guess I need a bit of warm-up first. I gotta warm up my voice as well.
Let me just quickly read some comments: “I’m a fan of yours, oppa.” Yes, yes, I think I would still be having trouble [reading all comments] even if I started rapping now, though. “I’ve been waiting all day,” “I miss you so much,” “You’re so handsome,” “You have a great voice.” Thank you. I chose to do this content [show] exactly because I am proud of my own voice. I also chose to do this, thinking that it would be nice if you hear my sweet [honey] voice at night. Yes, I’m glad to see you guys respond so well. “You have a crazy good-looking face.” I love comments like this. Yes, it looks pretty good, right? I don’t look so bad today. I had it [my face] taken care of before I got here. I take to my personal space [on SNS]. Personally I use Instagram Live. Lots of people do it these days, though. I don’t do it so often, but I want to receive [interact with] my fans. I go live on Instagram to meet my fans like this. I am so happy to actually meet you here like this. It really feels very refreshing. And I can hear my own voice now, and I’m thinking about how to make you guys happy with better sound quality, with a better voice. Right now, I also feel really close to you.
I am talking to you from NOW studio. The reason I visited NOW today. Do you guys want to know? First, as I said earlier, I wanted to interact more with you guys. Before the year ends… These days, because of Covid-19, I don’t get much opportunity to meet you in person. Of course, it’s so hard on you guys as well. So before the year ends, I wanted to repay the big love you have given me. Even a tiny bit of it. I wanted to repay you for that. Also, I came here today to connect with more fans. Yes, I’m seeing comments like, “You are like a piece of sculpture,” “You have a crazy good-looking face.” Thank you. It’s still great to hear things like that even when you get older. Dear international fans, yes, nice to meet you. Hi. How are you guys? [**Greeting in Japanese: It’s been a long time. Dear Japanese fans.**] [**Greeting in Chinese: Nice to meet you.**] Some fans are from Thailand. So many people are joining in. There are also fans from Iran, as well as those from Indonesia. Right now, I’m getting comments like, “You’re so cute.” Shoes? Yes, I am wearing a pretty pair today. But on this ‘visible’ radio show, you cannot see me down from the table top. Yes, I am wearing blue sneakers. Yes, thank you. Anyway, we have not been able to see each other in a while, so we should make good use of this time today, right? I’m going to talk with you so I can have a great time with you guys, so please look forward to it. I am going to fill this time with great stories, and heartwarming stories.
The NOW staff are telling me now that NOW and I were destined to meet. Yes. I wonder if you guys remember this. Back in 2016… I don’t remember much of that year right now, either. Was it 2016? My album called ‘Thank You.’ It had a song called “Now” in it. I played that song earlier as the show opener. It was on December 3 that it was released. December 3rd. And coincidentally – what’s the date today, guys? The day I’m hosting this live show on NOW? It’s December 3rd. December 3rd. The release date of ‘Now’—the song that’s filled with our precious memories and which I played as the opener—coincides exactly with the day I am meeting you guys today on NOW. Exactly the same. It feels as though I released this song for today’s occasion, doesn’t it? But this is really pure coincidence. Because today… At Naver NOW, they have a completely packed schedule. So it’s hard for them to find a time slot for me no matter how much I ask. But somehow, I got to have this time slot confirmed on December 3rd to meet you guys. Wow, this really gives me the chills! Chills.
Okay, then, let me say greetings again. On December 3, 2016, ‘Now,’ a track on ‘Thank you,’ was released. In 2020, four years from that day, in the fall of 2020, no, wait, it’s winter now. So on the same day in 2020, me sitting in the NOW studio, me meeting you guys here, and NOW – we are all like one community bound by destiny. We are a community with a shared destiny. I am your Lee Joon Gi. Once again, I want to say nice to meet you. Congratulations to you, NOW, as well. I am also honored to be with you. Our writers are so amazing they found this information. Even I did not know about this. This is why being a writer is such a tough job. Writers have to search for lots of information and know a lot. So I also learned something today. About a track on my album. The release date of my album. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Today, the college entrance exam… right, it’s finished. Today was the day of the college entrance exam. Is there anyone who took the exam today in the comments? You did a great, great job. In fact, this year, 2020, has been hard on so many people. Even now, it’s causing inconvenience for so many people, as well as pain; it’s so hard with each passing day. So I can’t imagine how hard the year of 2020 must have been for our test takers. I think you guys have had a really hard time, harder than ever. I sincerely want to say you guys did a great job. Just studying alone is so hard, getting through each day is so hard, right. On top of that, you have to take care of your health. It’s definitely not easy to prepare [for the exam] while following all these [Covid] precautions. You guys are really amazing, I want to say I’m cheering you on, and that I’m proud of you. I believe that as much as you did your best today, it will definitely get you a good result. It will bring you a good result. Your life is not completely determined by the result of what you did in a single day. I think that, as you get through every single day like you did today, and as you get these opportunities and these experiences with each passing year, you will become a better person and a better, brighter future awaits you. So I hope you guys cheer up and pray you will get a good result. All the test takers did a great job, but many other people are also having a hard time. Every one of you in my family [**JG often calls his fans ‘family’**] is toughing it out and getting through each day this year. For everyone, for all of you, I hope this time today will be a ‘healing time.’ Why don’t we give a round of applause to those test takers who did a great job today? Please give it up in the comments as well. You guys did such a great, great job. I’m praying for a good result for you. You did a great job, guys. Great job.
Yes, OOO. “I took the exam today.” OOO, you did a great job. Did you do well? It must have been hard. It was very different from the previous exam system, wasn’t it? I also learned about it from the news today. It seems that under the [new] system you guys can’t really take the exam in a comfortable atmosphere; it seemed very stiff. Despite all that, you did a great job of staying focused. OOOO, “I got back from the exam.” OOOO, “I’m a mom to a high school senior! It was so hard.” It must have been so, so hard on the families of test takers, as well as the test takers, right? I saw this photo on the Internet, where the family even put up a tent at home. The family members couldn’t go out. I saw them having a really tough time taking care of the test taker [in their family] while trying hard to take care of their health, help the [test taker] stay healthy and stay in the right condition. To the mothers, the parents, you did such a great, great job. All the families of [test takers] did a great job. To you guys, and to me, this year will be an unforgettable one in so many ways. You did a great job. Your nephew/niece also took the exam? To the nephew/niece, I hope you accomplish your desired goals. Do I look tired? Nope, I am not. I had enough sleep before I got here today. Does it show that I slept a lot? I am not tired, though. I just slept a lot today. Because I wanted to make my voice sound great to you.
Now, I will let you know the special title of the show. Your comments are so heartwarming, and we are having a great atmosphere today, so yes, it’s going to be so fun. I haven’t done a radio show in a long time, so I needed a bit of warm-up, too. I think we are off to a great start, having fun. I am doing this broadcast with you guys, where we get to interact in a fun and heartwarming way. Do you see the title ‘DREAM,’ on the right side of the screen? It says ‘Lee Joon Gi’s DREAM’ in the upper righthand corner, right? You see it, don’t you? I came up with it with the [NOW] production staff, trying to give it several meanings. Literally, it means ‘dream.’ It’s a ‘dream,’ dream. Also it’s ‘hope.’ And ‘imagination.’ A place where everything is possible. As long as I am with you guys, I believe everything is possible. I can’t help but believe that. And I also start imagining all those things. That’s why I came up with the concept ‘DREAM’ so it conveys those meanings. Yes, anyway, it means I am going to talk with you guys about all sorts of stuff related to ‘dreams. I’m going to make this a fun time for you. Because I am here today to have a lot of chat with you guys, instead of staying at home. So I am going to talk fun stuff with you guys. Our dream has come true. Yes, dreams come true. Yes, anyway, I am going to host today’s show with the concept of ‘DREAM.’  
Today, I am going to keep giving things away. To repay you for all your support. I’m going to keep giving stuff. So I hope you guys participate actively. Very actively. At first, how about me starting with my latest TMI? I was thinking about what to start with… I will share some latest TMI, too. Also, I am giving out some gifts. I was really surprised when I got here earlier. Right now, there are so many gifts ready. Yes, so many. Yes, guys, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you, the NOW production staff. For preparing so many gifts. I will also do my best to hand out as many gifts to as many people as possible. In fact, the production staff and my own staff all worried so much about me. You guys know what I’m like, right? Hm, when I go live on Instagram or do something on social media, I become such a “too much talker.” I always end up spending more time than I should. I don’t know what’s going to happen today. It’s already late at night and you guys should go to work tomorrow and it must be so hard for you, but I am spending… I don’t even know how much time I have already spent on this opening segment. I don’t know if you still remember this, but I remember hosting a radio show and having a chat with you guys [**back when he was serving in the military**]. At the time, too, I remember the staff going through so much trouble. Today, I will try and keep it as brief as possible so it won’t cause any trouble for the staff, all the while making it fun. When you look at the system they have at Naver NOW, seriously, as far as I know, lots of A-list artists in Korea have dropped by here. So I intend to do more than an average job. Well, I am not going to get serious because I am an actor. But since it’s night time, I am not going to get too playful either. Today, I have a concept in mind: being a bit serious and witty at the same time. That’s right.
(23:55 ~
The comments I’m getting today are really… Just looking at them, I see some are from Jordan. Let me take a quick look. The sort of comment I get the most is, “You have a great voice.” Also, “You look cute when you laugh.” Yes, thank you. “Dear actor, you have a sweet voice.” Actually, my voice can be ASMR to you at night. I hope my voice can guide you to a really sweet dream. “Don’t laugh”? You don’t want me to laigh? Aha, if I laugh too much (laughs) Because “If you laugh too much, you get too cute”? “I love the way you talk.” “I want to bite you.” Yes. Yes… I am really a happy person. Even at this age, I am a man whom you want to bite. “Your voice is like honey.” I love this comment. I am getting lots of text messages from you guys. Some from Singapore; some from Indonesia; and from the Philippines. So many. “Your voice is killing me.” Yes, today I really feel like having five burgers stacked on my shoulders [**he uses the metaphor of pumped-up shoulders to show he’s feeling proud**] I’m so happy. (Laughs) I hope you guys continue to have a great time. The chat is going by so fast right now. Really, from my point of view, it almost looks like this. So if you feel like, “Since the chat goes by so fast, my comment won’t get read. Today this is an epic fail today. This is really frustrating. He isn’t reading it,” for you, I am receiving your comments through text messaging as well. I haven’t done this in a long time. Text #7117. It costs 100 won. I want to make this for free, but I don’t know why. Text #7117, #7117. The header is ‘Lee Joon Gi’ plus your nickname, and send in your comment. Think of it as another way to reach me.
(25:57 ~
All right, then. You are watching Lee Joon Gi’s DREAM today and I am your host. Let’s continue. Why don’t I start with what I have been up to lately? You guys were so curious about it, right? What I have been doing lately. In fact, when it comes to stuff like this, you need someone moderating this so I can think before I start talking about it. But today, I have to do everything. So please understand that I might be rambling a bit, talking all over the place today. For instance, [**JG starts role-playing as host and interviewee**] “We are live on Naver NOW. Today, we are having actor Lee Joon Gi with us. Actor Lee Joon Gi, it’s so great to see you today after a while. Can you tell us what you’ve been up to recently?” Yes. Recently, as you guys know, it’s been two months since the drama called Flower of Evil, the drama that aired on tvN called Flower of Evil ended. For the time being, I am reading scripts and working out. Although for now, since we moved to the higher level of social distancing because of Covid-19, I cannot use indoor gyms. So I am doing at-home workouts and walking leisurely at the Han river while wearing a mask. And including things like this, I am doing research and trying to come up with various ways to spend time with you. What kind of things I can show you guys right now. What kind of opportunities there are. I’m sorting out things like that. Also, I am constantly reading the scripts coming in right now. [I have read so many that] I really feel like I can even write book reports later on. Because I want to present a great project to you as soon as possible.
 Part 2.
(27:44 ~
Today, we have something marvelous here. Naver NOW has something like this: Naver Clova AI? AI? [**JG makes robotic sounds**] Hi. I am Clova AI N.O.W. Is it something like this? They tell me it’s going to help me out with the hosting. The state-of-the-art system. Wow, Naver NOW. Is the AI going to come out walking like this? [**JG makes robotic moves**] No, is it not? You guys have all sorts of things. I am very curious what it’s going to be like, so shall we bring it out? AI, please come out. {AI NOUNCER: Hello. This is Naver NOW’s Announcer (anchor), Nouncer. Mr Lee Joon Gi, nice to meet you.} {JOONGI} Are you called Nouncer? Okay. Nouncer. Your last name is Nou, first name is Uncer. Ms Nouncer. Ms Nouncer, nice to meet you. So when should I speak to you like this? {NOUNCER: I will come back out when you need me, so keep on hosting.} {JOONGI} What, you didn’t even say greetings. So you are just coming out like this when I need you? It’s not like I have to call you to bring you out or anything? What kind of announcer is she, then? What kind of announcer are you? Yes, she appeared when the ding-dong sound rang. They say it’s entirely up to the AI when and where she comes out. Well, since I am a “too much talker,” the script says, when I talk too much, she will come out saying “Please stop.” But I will ignore it. (Laughs) Bring it on. You think you can beat me? Yes, anyway, our reliable Nouncer who has a beautiful voice will be joining in on Lee Joon Gi DREAM. Now, on to the first segment: TMI Info.
(29:35 ~ “tmi DREAM”)
I was told that you guys sent in so many questions for me. I am so curious what kind of questions you guys sent in. I am going to read them, one by one. The questions my fans sent in before the show. Oh oops. “AAA Awards. Congratulations on winning two awards. You even gave a speech in English for international fans, it’s so perfect. Is there anything you just cannot do? Dear Mr Perfect. Is there anything you wanted to say but couldn’t on that day? Of all your 2021 plans, can you share at least one of them?” Yes, thank you. The AAA awards were such a huge honor that I received thanks to the love you gave me. I couldn’t even imagine it. You kind of know you’re going to receive an award when you get invited, but I didn’t know I would win two awards. You don’t know how big this award is going to be. Although they tell us something like, “You are probably going to win an award, so please come.” I received such huge, huge awards. As for the speech in English, well, I always think about what I want to say to you guys. That day, Best… Asia Celebrity Award? Yes, since that’s the award I won, since many international fans showed their support for me, I prepared a message that I could send out to them. There are lots of things I cannot do. Yes, but it’s just that I keep looking for ways, even slightly better ways to express my feelings to you guys. “Of your 2021 goals, can you share at least one of them?” In fact, this [Naver NOW show] today is one of those opened up. Yes, like the gift wrap got ripped open. As for Naver NOW, the staff and I had been talking about this since about 3 months ago. We’d already been talking about it. I told them, I personally want to meet you guys on the radio like this. But it kept getting pushed back, and then we found the right time. Originally, I thought of meeting you in November, but there was this awards ceremony and several other things I had to prepare, so we set the date like this, and I’ve been waiting since, looking forward to it. You guys were surprised, weren’t you? Yes, you’re in for a surprise, surprise. Radio, all of a sudden~! Yes. That’s exactly the kind of reaction I wanted from you.  
(32:00 ~
From Baby Flower Joongi [fan nickname]. “I heard about your diet during your Instagram Live. You said you don’t eat flours, try to avoid eating rice, as well. Hearing this got me reflecting on myself because I get food delivered all the time. Then what do you usually eat most often? What did you eat today?” Wait, sorry. The previous question was from “Joongi-nim’s fan since 2005.” Oh, I apologize. I forgot to say your nickname. Sorry. Right now, this is from “Baby Flower Joongi.” Well, I didn’t think that this would get talked about so much, though. It seems this surprised so many people. But lots of people do the ‘low-carb, high-fat diet’ these days. For me, of course, I cut off flours because of my work. At first, for the first year, I got extremely annoyed, struggled, felt depressed, so angry, and yes, so enervated, too. But as the years went by, one year, and two years, I stuck to my diet because I didn’t want to let the hard work I’d done go to waste. I also stuck to it because I felt lighter. But for me, this is something related to what I do for a living. That’s why I wouldn’t recommend it to you guys. I hope you stay healthy and eat many delicious foods. But don’t eat too much, enjoy eating. You guys enjoying delicious foods – that’s what is good. So don’t be too critical of yourselves. Just don’t eat too much, too often, though. I hope you don’t eat too much too often. Today, I ate duck. Basically, you should definitely eat vegetables. Veggies, duck, and soup. That’s what I ate. Normally, I ate one meal a day, or two meals. That’s right. I try my best to eat two meals, but these days I sleep a lot, late into the morning. Anyway, I try to eat without harming my health, so I hope you guys also take good care of your health. Also, the most important thing to strengthen your immune system is what you eat. So it’s important to eat nutritious meals. Especially in times like this, I hope you eat lots of foods to keep yourself healthy. Balanced meal.
(34:15 ~
Now, on to the short text messages that came in but are redundant. Those I just read earlier were the longer ones. I was told the AI Nouncer is giving me more questions, right? Nouncer, what questions do you have? {NOUNCER: Min-Cho. Mint chocolate. Love VS Hate?} Is it Yes or No? Min-Cho. Love. Yes. {NOUNCER: When eating tangsuyuk [*Korean sweet/sour pork/beef*], do you pour the source or dip in the sauce?} Dip in the sauce. {NOUNCER: The latest photo in your phone Photo Gallery is my selfie VS no} It’s my selfie. (Laughs) {NOUCER: Which one do you miss right now? Joon VS Kabi?} Oh, this is tough. Recently, Kabi has started acting really cute. So I miss Kabi. {NOUNCER: As the rep for INFP, which word do you prefer? Thoughtful VS Creative} It’s ‘Creative’ for me. Well, I didn’t even know I’d get ‘INFP.’ This is a little, this is weird. They should make another one. This is all… {NOUNCER: What drama did you enjoy the most this year? Please answer, except Flower of Evil.} This year. This year? Ah, really. Really, honestly, the one I binge-watched was “The World of the Married.” (Laughs) I binge-watched The World of the Married. I mean, married couple, we [him and Moon Chae Won] had to play a married couple, too. How… I watched it to see what it was like to be one, but I ended up enjoying it a lot, honestly. I enjoyed it. And then, I also enjoyed watching “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” as well. Yes, there’s a lot. I watch dramas often. Yes. Ah, I’m supposed to elaborate on these, too. Hmm, as for Min-Cho [mint chocolate], I would always get this fresh ice cream at that Thirty One [**JG seems to refer to Baskin-Robbins 31**] But I don’t understand why mint chocolate is not popular. Why is that? Is it because of the color? I love that feeling, though. You get to chew crunchy bits of chocolate in it. Crunchy? Mm. Also, there’s a bit of that fresh feeling. That’s why I loved it, but these days, this seems extremely shocking to some people.
(36:35 ~
As for tangsuyuk, I don’t hang out with people who pour the sauce on it. It’s just impolite. They have no manners. So I really hate pouring the sauce. What’s the point of deep-frying it, then? There is a reason you deep-fry tangsuyuk. You can enjoy the crunchiness of it too. Yes, also, I dip it in the sauce to savor just the right amount of sweetness I want. Ah, as for the selfies, as my fans know (Laughs) Yes, I love taking selfies. It seems, how shall I put it, you guys seem to have a lot of problems with my selfies. You keep saying I am so bad at taking selfies, calling me sel-something [**JG seems to refer to Korean slang “selgo” meaning someone who really suck at selfies**] But I think I am pretty good at it. Why do you think that? What am I supposed to do to take good selfies, then? I have no idea. I post things where I look handsome when I look at them. (Laughs) Weird. I take them from this eoljjang [**meaning ‘best face’**] angle. Like this, click. The ones I post – I take, like, thirty photos and choose one from them. Please show some love. Selfies. Why do you say I am bad at taking selfies? Yes, please enlighten me. Yes, right now, it’s Kabi that I miss right now. Recently, Kabi has become very, yes, very lovely. These days, she keeps climbing on me, keeping me from sleeping. She keeps bothering me. It’s like she’s suddenly starved for affection. She’s like 5 years old now. It’s about time she just ignored people. Strangely, though, she started bothering me so much nowadays. But I love it because the way she acts is very very cute. Yes, as for the dramas, I told you, right? The drama I started watching for inspiration, but got hooked on – The World of the Married. Yes, I enjoyed it a lot. There were so many great dramas this year. I enjoyed all of them. That particular one came to mind because – The World of the Married was the one I binge-watched, so it just came to mind. Personally, the drama I frequently watch is “Be Melodramatic.” I watch it often. I re-watch that one pretty often. Because it has funny lines in it.
(38:37 ~
I’m getting a great deal of questions about Flower of Evil. Actually, just others… I mean, not just others’ dramas, but the results of the valuable efforts of other people. I, too, watch a lot of those dramas myself, but ultimately, it’s my own dramas that I watch a lot. Someone said, “World of the Married? Shocking,” but I just watched it because it’s enjoyable. I was not trying to liken anything there [World of the Married] to Flower of Evil or anything. I just watched it, having fun. So we are now getting questions about Flower of Evil. Some say, “Please stop talking about other dramas.” Let’s move on to Flower of Evil. Let us get down to it and talk about Flower of Evil.
Flower of Evil. A question I get asked a lot each time my drama ends is: “Can you get out of character?” In fact, all my previous dramas and characters I did were not easy, either. They were all tough characters to play – mentally demanding characters. But when it came to Flower of Evil, so many people were so engrossed in it this year. It’s the drama they all cried and laughed and enjoyed together. The people around me kept asking me. “How can you get out of that character?” “Are you doing okay?” “Aren’t you feeling depressed?” “Isn’t it hard to get out of your role especially with the Covid blues on top of all that?” Those questions are the ones I get asked the most. Yes, well, I am… Okay. But strangely, this time, more so than ever, I think it’s especially harder than when I did any other project. Actually, I felt fine for a week or two after it ended, but I started having a bit more lingering feelings one month after, and to this day. Yes, it’s strange. And I started thinking more about having a family as well. I guess that’s because I played a character being married and having a family. I guess because I poured a lot of [what I’ve got] into this project in many ways. We have questions from our viewers, our listeners.
(40:43 ~
Oh, I love this. “What did you work particularly hard on to portray emotionless Do Hyun Soo?” First of all, well, my general mindset was, “Do not calculate [overthink].” For this project. Actually, when I start on a project, I tend to do a bit of study on the narratives, character relationships, and further stories that will come later on in the drama, and figure things out in advance. But for this project, I tried my best not to do any of those, but decided to let go of everything and focus on the situations I was given at every moment. Of course, I did think about the narratives surrounding this character Do Hyun Soo and discussed a lot with the director, but I still tried to focus the most on [my work] on set. So as I told you many times, I barely did any monitoring [of my own performance]. I just tried to focus solely on that given situation, do every single thing with the people I worked with, and focus on my work on the set. Sure, the best kind of acting is actually living the life of that person you portray, but wouldn’t it be hard living like that? I always read the script before the shoot and was particularly more immersed in [my role] this time, trying to focus on the given situation. Because the director led us through all that and made me feel comfortable, I did not have to monitor my work but instead did a lot more on set. Also, the actors who played their respective characters – they also gave me lots of help. All in all, I think focusing on my work on set was the best way to go.
(42:14 ~
“On behalf of emotionless Do Hyun Soo, what scene made Lee Joon Gi the actor tear up the most while watching the drama?” For me, it’s different each time. Recently, I’ve been watching it again… What? {NOUNCER: To talk about Flower of Evil, you can consult the Naver TV cast. Please use the iPad in front of you.} Mm, thank you. Thank you, Nouncer. Yes, it’s different each time I watch it. So, well, what’s there… At first, I felt sad watching the scene on the bridge where I had my first emotional outburst in front of Cha Ji Won. And then, in the workshop scene, in the last episode. [**JG looking at the screen**] This was from the trailer. Ah, here, Jiwon, I mean, Chaewon. Chaewon’s acting was so great. Yes, this scene was really sad. Cha Ji Won is… You guys all know what my performance was like here. But what Moon Chae Won did – later on, after I [Hyunsoo] have lost my memory, she remembers those traces that vanished and that space. As it showed briefly earlier. [**JG seems to refer to the scenes in Ep 16, including one where Jiwon holds the shirt Hyunsoo wore against her nose**] The scent, the smell of her man. The memories that come with it. And those deeply affecting, wistfully affectionate, and desperate feelings that come with it. The scene where she [Moon Chae Won] acts out these things. Following those emotions in the last episode really choked me up. When I was watching it again recently while drinking. (Laughs) So yeah, I cried a lot. Watching the last episode I teared up a lot. Also, when those things led to the workshop scene later on. “Many people call it ‘the drama of my life.’” Wow, oh, one of the camera operators here watched every single episode of it? Who is it? Hahaha. Thank you. No wonder you looked so remarkably adept handling that camera. I mean, there is some kind of artistic sensitivity to it. Thank you. Wow, so pleased to meet you. Strangely, Flower of Evil makes me feel extra happy.
(44:44 ~
“Do you remember your first meeting, your first shoot with your co-stars?” Yes, well. The first meeting with another actor, of course, I remember meeting with our Moon Chae Won. But it was my second time working with Chaewon on a project. Instead of awkwardness, it was more of curiosity about how we should portray these characters. I remember shooting the past scene in the workshop first. It was actually the first shoot for me, but the one that’s most memorable is the kiss scene [in the workshop]. We shot the kiss scene very early on. It was the first scene, in the opening to Episode 1. So of course, we were nervous. Like, what should we do to make it look great? We are a married couple here, but both of us are too young and pretty. So I thought, we shouldn’t kiss looking too much like we were dating. But then, we probably shouldn’t kiss looking too much like a married couple. Anyway, I remember having those thoughts. I kept asking the directors and staff on the set. Then, one staff member… I asked him, “How do married couples kiss?” He said, “Why would a married couple ever kiss?” (Laughs) I was like, what’s that? Some married couples do love each other. You’re supposed to help me. [He said] “I just can’t for the life of me understand this scene.” Love each other, guys. Why would you not? Why wouldn’t you kiss? Yeah, anyway. To me that scene is memorable. That we did together.
(46:26 ~
When it comes to kiss scenes, you guys ask me, “What kind of feelings do you get?” Of course, an actor is supposed to express these basic emotions, so I’m supposed to focus on that. But in reality, we get really nervous. Because we have to find the best angles. And we have to figure everything out like how this will appear to viewers. So this is the moment when actors put in a lot of thought and get nervous. So do the staff. Especially the cinematographer works the hardest. To find the best angles. He works hard. Always. (Laughs) “Of the other characters in Flower of Evil, I want to play this character. What character?” Yes, for me, it’s Cha Ji Won. I’d like the role [Kim Moo Jin] played by Seo Hyun Woo, as well. But I often played characters that have professions like the one Cha Ji Won has. So on set, I’d always say “This time, it’s the other way around.” I find [her character] very attractive, and she did a brilliant job of leading this heartbreaking narrative. Personally, I wondered, what if I played that role? How hard and painful it must be? You know, those struggles to protect those things [she has] when she faces the truth? That desperation. She [Chaewon] did such a brilliant job of expressing those things. I think a lot about ‘What if I had to [deal with] those things?’ I often put myself in others’ shoes. So yes. Just talking about this suddenly reminds me of that. [**Server crashed at this point, 48:03***]
[**In specifying the time from here on out, I will pretend the server crash didn’t happen**]
(48:03~ after the server is back up)
Yes, I’m back, guys. You guys were surprised, weren’t you? Welcome back, guys. I was told the server crashed. WOW! I know it was such an inconvenience to you, but I felt so happy about it. Like, I am not an idol, but the server crashed. Earlier, someone said in the comments, “The power of Lee Joon Gi.” Yes, it’s good to see me back, isn’t it? Once again. Guys, so nice to see you back. Flower of Evil. I apologize, guys. The server crashed because there was too much traffic. So yeah, it shut down temporarily. “The broadcast shut down. Start over,” “Where’s the honey voice gone?” Even Naver NOW told me that this was the first time the broadcast stopped in the middle. Do you think they told me the truth? It’s true, right? Okay, then, thank you. (Laughs) I think the server crashed because I had just said I was going to call one of my co-stars and we got more attention. So that’s why the server crashed. Guys, come on in again. From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful for your interest and love. Right now, you are watching Lee Joon Gi’s DREAM, presented by Lee Joon Gi and NOW. The comments say, “My heart almost stopped.” My heart almost stopped. You have no idea what I went through to join in~ Why are you frozen like a robot? “The incredible power of Joon Gi.” Thank you. OOOO. “Naver, start working!” I can say this out loud, right? Is it not back up yet? “Please restore it.” Now it’s been restored, right? Yes, I think it’s back up. Is there anyone who just joined in now? Besides those who were already here? To those who just joined in, we have just started Part 2. Part 1 was sponsored by Lee Joon Gi, advertised by Lee Joon Gi. Lee Joon Gi and NOW present, Lee Joon Gi’s DREAM: Now, Part 2 has begun. Nothing happened. If you still don’t see or hear it, you can turn off the Naver app again and turn it back on. Try turning it off and then back on. When you turn it off and turn it back on, Part 2 has begun. Anyway, I will make up for the time we lost during the crash and do it longer, so please don’t feel too bad. Today, I practically own this place. Anyway, for me, I am feeling… I am very sorry that this has caused you such an inconvenience, but I was like, “Am I really that kind of actor who can cause a server crash? Am I that kind of person? I’m getting a little arrogant. I will stay humble till the end. Anyway, you know, I told you in Part 1, see you back in 60 seconds, right? I am going to call someone precious in Part 2.
(51:57 ~
Should I make a phone call now? Do we have many people in here? Who’s it going to be? Who’s it that will take the call at this hour? Right now, it’s 10:56 pm. It’s nearing 10:57. I’m sorry to make a call at night, but I’m going to make one anyway. Are you excited? I am excited as well. Isn’t the ringtone great?
{CHAEWON} Hello? {JOONGI} Hello? {CHAEWON} Speaking. {JOONGI} Aren’t you asleep yet? {CHAEWON} No. {JOONGI} Why are you still awake at this hour? {CHAEWON} Wait, I can say I’m aware that I am on the air, right? {JOONGI} Have you been watching this? {CHAEWON} No, I wasn’t watching it deliberately. {JOONGI} Oh, is that so? {CHAEWON} Yes. {JOONGI} Why, you should have! {CHAEWON} Because never in my life have I received a phone call on the radio. {JOONGI} Wow, really? {CHAEWON} I have never done this before. {JOONGI} Why, don’t the people around you care enough about you to do that? {CHAEWON} I mean, I have been on the radio before, but I have never had anyone calling me during a show. Seriously, I was literally sitting on my sofa waiting for your call. {JOONGI} Were you sitting on the sofa? {CHAEWON} This is so weird. Are there actually people listening to this? {JOONGI} They are REALLY listening to you right now. {CHAEWON} Oh my gosh, what am I supposed to do? But my voice doesn’t sound polished. It’s just my raw voice coming out. {JOONGI} Right now, your voice is sounding so REAL. {CHAEWON} Oh my god. {JOONGI} You.. {CHAEWON} I’m so screwed. I should have said I wouldn’t do this. {JOONGI} Why? You know, I was so excited just thinking about calling you. {CHAEWON} But it’s so weird. The fact that people can actually listen to this doesn’t feel real to me right now. {JOONGI} It’s the year of 2020 now. {CHAEWON} Because I feel like I’m just on the phone with you. {JOONGI} Do you? Just act like you always have when you’re on the phone with me. {CHAEWON} It’s just the same. {JOONGI} Exactly, that’s how it feels. {CHAEWON} Isn’t it just the same? {JOONGI} Yup, you’re exactly the same – Chaewon who always sounds cheerful and a bit more high-pitched on the phone. {CHAEWON} That’s right.
(54:34 ~
{JOONGI} That’s right. I kept a secret that I was going to call you, although I think everyone already guessed who. {CHAEWON} Yup. {JOONGI} I guess because people were wondering who I was going to call, we had a server crash in Part 1. People have such high expectations. It means there are so many people who love our Flower of Evil. {CHAEWON} Thank you. {JOONGI} So… First of all, let us go back to the polite way of talking. Since we are officially on the air. {CHAEWON} Okay~ {JOONGI} So, I am on the phone with Moon Chae Won. I am talking to her on my own phone. Don’t worry too much. Please say hello to our viewers, our listeners. {CHAEWON} Should I say hello to NOW listeners? {JOONGI} Yup, Naver NOW, to be exact. {CHAEWON} I see, Naver NOW. Hi, Naver NOW listeners, nice to meet you. {JOONGI} Can you make it longer? Please make it longer. {CHAEWON} Okay. I am… {JOONGI} Instead of saying I live in blah blah... {CHAEWON} Okay. I am Moon Chae Won. {JOONGI} We know you are Moon Chae Won. {CHAEWON} Okay. {JOONGI} We all know about ‘Hi, I am actor Moon Chae Won.’ {CHAEWON} I see. Then how am I supposed to say hello? {JOONGI} For instance, ‘How have you guys been doing? I am so very happy to meet you guys through Naver NOW. I hope you guys show your support for Joongi oppa so he can do a great job, and I will have a great time as well.’ Something like that. {CHAEWON} I see~ Okay. But you already have done it all for me. {JOON, CHAE} (Laughs) {CHAEWON} Dear Naver NOW listeners. I should have started listening earlier! {JOONGI} It’s fine. You’re supposed to feel comfortable. {CHAEWON} I just cannot get the temperature (tone) of this right. {JOONGI} The temperature is going up and down. It goes back and forth between hot and cold, or lukewarm. {CHAEWON} Okay, guys. This is so REAL and since my voice is coming out the way it really is, I wonder if people find it fun. {JOONGI} It’s so funny to me. I think all our listeners are loving it so much. Because this is so funny. When people think of you, Moon Chae Won, they assume you are always calm. {CHAEWON} Yes. {JOONGI} But I know that you are actually a very adorable and cheerful person. {CHAEWON} (Laughs) {JOONGI} I’m so looking forward to this. See? You can laugh like that.
(57:16 ~
{JOONGI} I am just going to share some feedback from fans, you can listen to it and follow it up [with your own response]. {CHAEWON} Okay. {JOONGI} So we have something like, “Do-Cha couple, long time no see. I love you so much, Moon Chae Won. So nice to see you again. Moon Chae Won, you are just so fun as you are, so you don’t have to do anything. Just talk a lot please.” Okay okay? {CHAEWON} Yes yes yes. {JOONGI} So let’s make it brief. Let’s do the greetings over. {JOON, CHAE} (Laughs) {JOONGI} Let’s focus on the keyword ‘Flower of Evil.’ In Flower of Evil… Please say something as if you’re promoting our drama. {CHAEWON} Our drama… As I remember it, we finished the filming on September 19. I am very happy and very grateful that those who watched the drama joined the radio show today and say they’re still missing the drama. Thanks to the drama, and thanks to you, I get to be on the radio through Naver NOW. It’s going to be a very unforgettable night. {JOONGI} Wow. {CHAEWON} I really tried my best. {JOONGI} Like you were forced to! {CHAEWON} No, I didn’t feel forced… {JOONGI} … You weren’t, though, right? {CHAEWON} I just wanted to avoid making any mistakes, and at the same time, I wanted to express how I’m feeling. I was trying to come up with some fancy words to express it. {JOONGI} You shouldn’t try so hard to look cool, though. For an occasion like this, you’d better look natural. {CHAEWON} Ah, really? {JOONGI} Natural. I am not doing that [looking cool] either. Today, I’m not doing anything like, ‘I am an actor.’ {CHAEWON} Hm, ah, guys, I am now… {JOONGI} You already showed people how you are as an actor in the drama. That was just enough. {CHAEWON} Right now, I am literally lying down. {JOONGI} Right. (laughs) {CHAEWON} You mean something like this? {JOONGI} Something like that. You sound very relaxed, and in a very, um, comfortable and stable position. {CHAEWON} Yup. I’m lying down right now. {JOONGI} We got comments like “Detective Cha, don’t be too nervous.” {CHAEWON} “Nervous.” {JOONGI} We’re also getting comments like, “Chat sounds SO REAL,” “Chaewon, you did such hard work.” {CHAEWON} Wow, thank you. {JOONGI} Reading the comments right now, I see so many people are missing the Flower of Evil couple. “Flower of Evil was so great. You guys are now the real-life version of Do-Cha Couple. Chaewon, your voice sounds so sweet.” You sound sweet, right? {CHAEWON} Nope. {JOONGI} No? {CHAEWON} Nope.
(59:59 ~
{JOONGI} It has not been so long since Flower of Evil ended. Like two months… But it’s already been two months, right? {CHAEWON} Yup, two months. {JOONGI} Some people still feel very sad about it, I can feel so much love from so many. They say “Your acting was so great.” {CHAEWON} Yes.  {JOONGI} It was a very tough time for you. {CHAEWON} This time, yes. {JOONGI} Working with me for a second time on a project that is this heavy… {CHAEWON} Yes. {JOONGI} How was it? I guess you must have felt something different. I watched Chaewon always so immersing herself in [her character] and struggling to maintain the emotion she had [at the moment]. So I wonder; I think viewers wonder what it was like. {CHAEWON} Right. I thought it was very meaningful and in a good way we were meant to work together for a second time. But I had never played a married person. I mean, I’ve done one or two projects where I ended up getting married or something, but I had never done a drama where I start out as a married person and have a child. {JOONGI} Right. {CHAEWON} Still, there is some significant feeling that comes with such a conceit. So, to me, it was a very enjoyable experience to do that kind of thing with Joongi. Actually, after I finished it, after those few months of working hard without a break, I felt rather sorry about not having been able to create even better memories by interacting more and having more fun with you – even though the drama itself had so many tough emotions to handle. And so many people loved it, too. {JOONGI} That’s right. I mean, very early in the drama, you learned that my husband was, in fact, Do Hyun Soo. From that moment on, Chaewon led the way in expressing those very tough emotions. So I was actually very worried that Chaewon might collapse or something. But she toughed it out so well. She toughed it out and handled it so well. I think that made viewers very happy. You did such hard work. {CHAEWON} You did such hard work, as well, together, seriously.
(62:32 ~
{JOONGI} In particular, as for Flower of Evil, Chaewon you recommended it to me, saying it’s a great project.. {CHAEWON} Right, right. {JOONGI} And you gave me enough strength for me to make my decision to do it. So personally, I am very grateful to you. {CHAEWON} Heh! {JOONGI} Heh? Okay, then. The second project you did with me. You loved it. Then are you willing to work with actor Lee Joon Gi for a third time? {CHAEWON} Sure, I’d love it. {JOONGI} In which genre would you like for us to reunite? {CHAEWON} Genre? With you, I worked on this police procedural called Criminal Minds. This [Flower of Evil] was a melodrama. {JOONGI} Then you already have the answer. {CHAEWON} And next… what answer do we have? {JOONGI} Like something historical… Or. {CHAEWON} Historical drama next? {JOONGI} Exactly, historical drama sounds great, doesn’t it? We already talked about this before. Like, “How about a historical drama?” “How about reuniting on a historical drama?” {CHAEWON} A romantic comedy, too. {JOONGI} I’d love a romantic comedy, as well. {CHAEWON} Yes, but historical drama? Right, there are so many fans who love your historical dramas so much. {JOONGI} Same goes for you, though. {CHAEWON} For me, too, fans remember and love me a lot when I do historical dramas. So if we were to reunite on one… {JOONGI} How about a historical drama plus romantic comedy? {CHAEWON} Sounds like a really great genre. {JOONGI} But we can also do something more lighthearted. Of course, Chaewon you have played more easygoing and adorable characters before, right? {CHAEWON} Yes. {JOONGI} So if we get to work together again [on a more lighthearted project] I guess we can create synergy. Surely, we love playing more serious roles where we continuously explore deep emotions. But we love lighthearted roles, too, don’t we? {CHAEWON} Yes, exactly. {JOONGI} Right now, the comments are chanting in unison: “Historical drama, historical drama, we are so looking forward to the two of you being in a historical drama.” {CHAEWON} Really, I think I would love it if we get to reunite on a project like that. {JOONGI} Then how about making a public pledge? If a great historical drama comes along, {CHAEWON} Hmm. {JOONGI} Do-Cha will reunite in a historical drama. {CHAEWON} Oh, yes. {JOONGI} ‘If a great historical drama comes along, I am willing to work with Lee Joon Gi again. I am willing to do it.’ {CHAEWON} Yes, I am. {JOONGI} Hooray. You said it. On the record. It’s done. Guys, please record this. It’s on the record.
(65:17 ~
{JOONGI} Now, we’ve got many fans joining us because of Flower of Evil. There are some people who have just become fans of Flower of Evil. {CHAEWON} I see. {JOONGI} So for those viewers, is there any scene you would recommend? Or even for those who already watched it. There are a number of different scenes. Earlier, I picked one scene, as well. Like any scene that made you tear up or you love? Is there any scene you would personally recommend? {CHAEWON} Mmm… For me, the scene where we are under the cherry blossom trees. {JOONGI} Ah~ {CHAEWON} Yes, I’d recommend that scene, and also the scene where we are under the eaves trying to stay out of the rain. Like the ‘good old days.’ Personally, instead of the sad scenes where we have these emotions running so deep, I would recommend the scenes that are more heart-touching and happier. {JOONGI} Right, when those scenes later lead to sad emotions and overlap with [sad present-day scenes] until we reach the devastating moment, those very ‘good old days’ feel rather more heart-touching. {CHAEWON} Right. {JOONGI} I cry a lot watching those scenes overlap like that. {CHAEWON} That’s right. {JOONGI} Why do they have to go through such an ordeal? {CHAEWON} But – exactly because they had those times [good old days], they can endure it. {JOONGI} Exactly. We talked about how we wished we could’ve filmed more past date scenes. {CHAEWON} Yes.
(66:59 ~
{JOONGI} Right. I have your phone number as ‘Actor Moon Chae Won – Cha Ji Won.’ {CHAEWON} Yes. {JOONGI} This is just a personal question, but what did you save my number as? {CHAEWON} ‘Actor Moon Chae Won – Cha Ji Won’? {JOONGI} Yup. {CHAEWON} That’s very… {JOONGI} Next time we reunite, it will be your next character. {CHAEWON} Isn’t that very businesslike? {JOON, CHAE} (Laughs) {CHAEWON} I mean… {JOONGI} Then what about you? What did you save mine as? {CHAEWON} Um… {JOONGI} See? You’re embarrassed. See? {CHAEWON} No, no, no, no. You want me to take a screenshot and send it to you? {JOONGI} You’re going to send me a screenshot of it? Sure. Okay. Be honest. {CHAEWON} I have yours as ‘Lee Joon Gi Oppa.’ {JOONGI} ‘Lee Joon Gi Oppa’? {CHAEWON} Yes. It says not ‘Actor Lee Joon Gi,’ but ‘Lee Joon Gi Oppa.’ {JOONGI} Okay. Then I will put yours as ‘Sister Moon Chae Won.’ {CHAEWON} Wait, there is one more letter after that: Lee Joon Gi dot [“.”] {JOONGI} Dot? {CHAEWON} Yes, as in ‘period.’… {JOONGI} How come you didn’t put a star or a heart, why ‘dot’? You’re too extreme. {CHAEWON} I still think it’s better than ‘Actor Moon Chae Won’ {JOONGI} Why? There’s Cha Ji Won after… Okay, I’m going to put a heart after it then. {CHAEWON} Yes, so that’s how I saved yours. {JOONGI} Lastly, today… Honestly, though, I want to keep talking to Chaewon, but Chaewon now sounds sleepy. You should go to bed now. {CHAEWON} That’s right. {JOONGI} Lastly, our show’s title is ‘Lee Joon Gi DREAM.’ Please say something to our listeners before you go. I think we should wrap this up, right? {CHAEWON} Ah. Does it mean Lee Joon Gi’s dream, then? {JOONGI} Right. It’s DREAM and a dream. {CHAEWON} Dear listeners, today you could not see me, I am not on the ‘visible’ radio, but it’ll be great if I can watch this broadcast later. Anyway, I was very happy to see you guys. I got to connect with Joongi oppa’s fans and those fans who loved the drama, so I had so much fun these 20 minutes. {JOONGI} I see. Did you have fun? {CHAEWON} Everyone, have sweet dreams. {JOONGI} Can you make it sound sweeter? {CHAEWON} I cannot do that myself. You are going to do it when you wrap this up. {JOONGI} Like, ‘Nighty night, guys,” like ASMR. {CHAEWON} Oppa, I really cannot do it, it gives me goosebumps. {JOONGI} You are so down-to-earth, anyway. Okay, then. Thank you very much for joining us today. It’s so late at night, but thank you so, so much for helping me out and taking the time to join us today. I will treat you to something delicious. {CHAEWON} Hehehe. Okay. {JOONGI} Chaewon, have sweet dreams. {CHAEWON} Okay. {JOONGI} Good night and keep in touch. {CHAEWON} Okay I will. Everyone, goodbye. {JOONGI} Okay, bye. Thank you.
(70:08 ~
So we talked for 17 minutes 34 seconds. Who’s going to pay the phone bill? Normally, the production staff make phone calls like this. But by doing this myself, I can make this look more real. That’s why I called her using my phone. When I read comments earlier, some said, “You have a Taegukgi (Korea’s national flag) [on your phone].’ It’s from my fans. It’s a sticker my fans gifted me. Saying that I should always carry this like a cultural ambassador. This is also from my fans. That was my TMI. Okay, I will always work hard with the mindset of a cultural ambassador. Moon Chae Won, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I think many of you enjoyed it. It was very real, wasn’t it? That’s how we usually talk on the phone. We tease each other as well. Chaewon laughs, looking so down to earth. When you watch her in the behind-the-scenes or in broadcasts, you might think Chaewon is very introverted, but she is, in fact, very enthusiastic, very forward-looking, and very considerate of others. So when we are on the phone, we sometimes end up talking for over 40 minutes. We sometimes talk for such a long time because she is very attentive and such a great listener. Please show your support and love for Moon Chae Won, as well. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Moon Chae won, for joining us. Now that we talked about Flower of Evil and talked with Moon Chae won, let me gift you a song. Masterpieces usually come with great songs. That’s why I have a Flower of Evil OST ready for you. Let’s hear Shin Yong Jae’s “Feel You” from Flower of Evil.  
(72:08 ~
Song: “FEEL YOU” by Shin Yong Jae (노래 = 08:08 ~ 11:35, 3m27s
(75:36 ~
Ah. It’s a great song. They say masterpieces come with great songs. We are back. You’ve been listening to Shin Yong Jae’s “Feel You.” I kept laughing reading the comments, because it seems you guys really couldn’t imagine I’d call Moon Chae Won. Right now the comments say, “We want to hear from the other actors too,” “Can you please sing the song yourself?” “I wish Moon Chae Won talked a bit more,” “Do-Cha Couple is so lovely.” Yes, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Well, I’m glad I did [call her]. There was a poll going on earlier, right? Yes, we had this poll window [on the screen]. Surprise quiz in celebration of me winning two AAA awards. AAA, right. Winner of two awards. That’s right, I won two awards. But the photo that appeared during the vote. While the song was playing, you saw the photo on the screen, right? So we ran a poll about what awards ceremony this photo was from. Some people voted for something completely nonsensical. Cuteness Awards Ceremony. Why did you do that? Were you that desperate for attention… Well, you got my attention. I wonder who voted for it. Anyway, I sincerely thank you for thinking that I’m cute. The answer is, it’s from the 2016 drama wards. A total of 94 per… Ah, this is percentage. Sorry, I was like, how come so few people voted? Aha, 3 percent of you voted for the Cuteness Awards. Okay, 1 percent voted for the Extroverted INFP People Awards. And 1 percent for the Exceptionally Introverted Awards… Really! I am not that exceptionally introverted. Well, tsk, fine, I am an introvert. Anyway, yes, the answer is the 2016 SBS Drama Awards ceremony. To those who got the answer right, thank you so much. It’s weird some of you didn’t get this right, but the funny wrong answers are also welcome.
(77:58 ~
Ah, this is the new system NOW has just created. This… Hm, it’s not much of a surprise, but anyway, it’s fun. Quite fun. Yes, this poll system… So did you all get to participate in the poll? Maybe you guys were so mesmerized by the Do-Cha Couple’s voices that you are still not back in the real world. Some of you probably couldn’t participate in the poll. They must be feeling very bad now. We have more polls ready so you can participate later on. So make sure to participate. You can participate by clicking on the poll window. It was a photo from the 2016 Drama Awards. I was also not so sure, so looking at the photo, I was like, ‘When was this?’ [** The song ‘For You’ starts playing **] Hmm, the song’s playing right now. Yes, I was there for “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo.” Just hearing the song alone brings back the memories of that time. We, Team Moon Lovers, had such great teamwork. Back at the SBS Drama Awards, many people envied us and were surprised, seeing the camaraderie our team had, and we also got compliments from other related staff. We truly enjoyed it. We shot the drama for about a year. So we got to share so many things and make so many memories. Yes, thanks to you guys who loved the love story of Moon Lovers and those heartwarming stories in it, we really had a great time. Recently, through Flower of Evil, after watching Flower of Evil… Yes, through actor Lee Joon Gi. Many people started watching Moon Lovers.
(79:49 ~
So after watching Flower of Evil, they started binge-watching [Moon Lovers] – these days, people call it “binge-watching for the nth time” or something like that. Many of them say they became fans after watching Moon Lovers. I mean, it’s been 4 years! The fact that we are still getting such a great response is such a blessing. I want to thank our Lee Ji Eun [IU], our fellow actors, the director, and the production staff who worked with me. Just among us, we always say we are grateful. Moon Lovers, in particular, has a lot of fans in Korea, but it has a global fandom as well. Even now, it is getting so much love. As for me, I got younger fans, like middle- and high-school students? I even saw some elementary school students becoming fans of mine. I was truly surprised by how Moon Lovers was watched by such diverse groups of people. Personally, for me, it was like a big gift that really diversified my fan base. Ah, is it among the most watched on Netflix now? Wow, I hope our Flower of Evil soon becomes like that, too. (Laughs) Please show your support for Flower of Evil. Anyway, when it comes to Moon Lovers. Yes, do you want me to? Want me to do something in ASMR style? Then I’m going to do the best line from Moon Lovers. For those who are still missing Wang So. Hm hm. It’s from the last episode, right? That line from the finale. [**JG speaks as Wang So**] “If we are not from the same world, I will find you. My Soo.” (Laughs). Save. Pretty good, wasn’t it? Because the mic is so good, my voice comes out great, too.
(81:50 ~
Yes, so it [Moon Lovers] is the quintessence of rediscovery. [** ‘yeok-ju-haeng’ is a popular Korean term that refers to old stuff getting rediscovered or receiving newfound popularity **] (Laughs) People are so hyped. Great, let’s go. It’s getting hot, so I am going to take this off before we continue. Looks like you guys loved it [**JG’s reading of Wang So’s line ASMR-style**] [**JG takes off his jacket**] Ah, now it’s better. It seems many of you really love it. Was it good? (Laughs) I haven’t played Wang So in a long time, so I felt a little awkward. I wonder if it was good. Yes, some call it the ‘Joon Gi Universe,’ or the universe of the Joon Gi works. I see you guys are so looking forward to it. There are comments like: “You have a honey voice,” “Dear Wang So,” “It’s like you sprinkled sugar over my ears,” “My heart exploded.” The chat window is going so wild right now. Yes, Wang So is so popular. Since many of you were looking forward to it. And since I haven’t spoken in that voice in a long while. I felt awkward, but it seems you guys loved it.
(83:24 ~
Now, Joon Gi’s Universe. Let us talk about the universe of Joon Gi’s works. Joon Gi Universe. What should we talk about next? It’s been a while, so shall we bring our Nouncer back out? Nouncer, please come out. {NOUNCER: Take a look at the following comment, and name what work it refers to.} {JOONGI} Here is the comment. Yes. It’s appearing on the screen now. It looks too small to me, I can’t see it clearly. I will make it bigger. Yes. On the screen… Now it’s bigger. [** A comment shows up on the screen **] “A timeless masterpiece you can’t just praise enough.” “One and only in the truest sense of the term. Just a timeless masterpiece.” Yes, OOOO wrote this 4 years ago. (Laughs) It’s been a long time. Yes, this comment. 4 years ago. From OOOO. Wow. What work is it referring to? What do you think it is? Just looking at this first comment. Ah, many say it’s Time Between Dog and Wolf. Moon Lovers? Time Between Dog and Wolf? King and the Clown? Right now, many comments say Time Between Dog and Wolf. Moon Lovers comes second, followed by King and the Clown. Yes, of course, there are still good works that are not being mentioned here. Second hint. [** Song ‘Fate’ starts playing **] Now, you are hearing the background music. It’s much easier now. Yes, “The one and only 10-million audience movie in the truest sense of the term.” Yes, do you guys get it? Do you get it now? Yes, comments are coming in. King and the Clown, King and the Clown, King and the Clown, King and the Clown, King and the Clown. King and Clown. That’s correct, guys. It’s the work that’s an integral part of the Joon Gi Universe. King and the Clown.
(85:38 ~
Korean cinema has now grown so much and there are many brilliant movies that drew more than 10 million moviegoers. But I remember it [King and the Clown] was such a sensation and received so much love. King and the Clown is a work that’s like part and parcel of me. It is a work that made actor Lee Joon Gi widely known to the public. Hm, how should I put this? To me, it is a blessing. Those who started loving me back in the King and the Clown era – they still believe in me, cheer me on, and love me. It’s a work that made me known as an actor who receives so much love in and outside of Korea. It’s also a work that let the whole world know about the beauty of Korean cinema. There’s a lot more. Back then, I received so much love. So much so that I wonder if I will ever get to enjoy days like those again. Will I ever get to enjoy days like those again? Of course, I just have to keep striving and working hard to do projects like that. Really, I was so lucky to be part of the work. Through that work, I met you guys. It came out in December 2005. I remember it stayed in theatres for a very long time, until well into 2006. Because so many people asked it to. Seriously. Yes, it received so much love. I remember it played in theatres for a long time. Also, back then, I still remember this fan who watched King and the Clown 48 times in theatres. The fan brought all her admission tickets to prove it. Many people watched it so many times. Will I ever get to receive such love again? With a movie? I remember asking myself that. There are several other things I remember. I also remember all of us watching it standing at Daehan Cinema. At the time, there were so many people… In fact, there was something like a craze for the movie. So it probably won’t happen again, but at the time, there weren’t enough seats available in the theatre, we were all watching it standing. It was so packed that even the buses coming out of the theatre were shaking. Even when the actors were leaving, they could not really move because it was crowded with so many people. Yeah, I remember those things. It was like, I felt like a rock star. I remember receiving so much love. There must be so many other records.
(88:12 ~
So about King and the Clown, Nouncer, our AI Nouncer has something to say. Let’s hear it, shall we? {NOUNCER: These are the actual records of the polls you topped at the time. Listen carefully, and pick your favorite No. 1: No. 1 in the Netizens’ Choice of Fairy Tale Princes; No. 1 in the Celebs You Want to Get a Congratulatory Kiss from When You Become a Grownup; No. 1 in the Celebs You Want to Bring Along on the Way to Your Hometown during Korean Lunar New Year Holidays; No. 1 in the Best Devoted Men of the Era; No. 1 in the Most Precious Men on the Small Screen; and No. 1 in the Celebs Who Have the Most BGMs on Cyworld.} {JOONGI} Hmm, there were so many back then. My favorite No. 1. I like all of them, though. I like that fairy tale prince thing, and the man you want to get a congratulatory kiss from. Back then I… Many people feel sad about it now, but back then, we used to have a thing called Cyworld. The one who had the most BGMs on Cyworld, 5,031 songs. I bought some of them, but at the time, many many fans visited my page. They gifted me a lot of Dotori [** acorns; virtual currency used on Cyworld**] and gifted me a lot of songs, as well. I remember I couldn’t accept all of those gifts so I actually had to set a day aside to check and accept all those tokens of love from my fans, one by one. One more thing, actually. This is something I want to brag about. I think mine was the most visited Cyworld page at the time. Of all pages. I am not sure if I still have the screenshot of that [record]. It was incredible. Also, not just the total number of visits, but I also had an almost record-breaking number of daily visits from members. It was monumental. I was sort of proud of that kind of thing at the time. But I felt sad when hearing the news of Cyworld shutting down. It has so many memories I shared with my fans back then, so I feel very sad. Very sad, indeed. I made ilchons [friends] as well. I had ilchons, as well. Some comments say ‘ilchon.’ Yes, of course. At the time, when I received ilchon requests, I accepted a lot of them. I would exchange a lot of messages with my fans, too. So that’s what happened.
(90:24 ~
“Oppa, are you sleepy?” Nope, I am not. I am not sleepy at all. On the contrary, I was thinking hard, wondering what I should do to talk faster and say all the things [I want to say]. “The number of visits to your Instagram page is about the same as the number you had for your Cyworld page.” Oh, really? Hm, really? Still, it was an incredible number at the time. So I like all of those, but my favorite is ‘The one who had the most BGMs on Cyworld.’ Also, ah. I like them all, at the time. Also, Naver back then. Now that I am here on Naver. Naver’s most searched persons. You know, [persons] topping daily charts. I remember topping the charts for like 40 something weeks. Nobody has mentioned it yet. I’m disappointed. Can’t you look it up, Naver? Some data, please? There should be some records of me topping the daily most searched person charts then. Yes, I think there should be. Anyway, the Joon Gi Universe. King and the Clown. That good old King and the Clown. Such a blessing to me. Filled with precious memories I shared with you guys. So we talked about King and the Clown.
(91:29 ~
Next work from the Joon Gi Universe. Please show us a comment. Give us a comment. “Boaster Joon Gi.” “Boaster Joon Gi.” (Laughs) [** A comment shows **] “Final…” Yes, the next work from the Joon Gi Universe. Hint: “Withdrawals from that final episode are real. Just thinking about it even now makes my heart ache.” Yes, OOO. It was posted 3 years ago. What work is this referring to? It is a very hard question. Now, you guys are saying, Moon Lovers, Moon Lovers, Time Between Dog and Wolf, Time Between Dog and Wolf, Moon Lovers. Yes, it looks like Moon Lovers is dominating. But we already talked about Moon Lovers. So think a little more please. “It just came to mind and I started binge-watching it. I feel like I watched a 16-hour movie.” Oh, I won’t say the nickname. [** The nickname shown here is ‘Gae-sae,’ which is shorthand for ‘Gae-sae-kki,’ meaning son of a bitch; also, ‘gae’ = dog, ‘sae’ = bird in Korean **]. The nickname has, um, a mix of my favorite animals, I guess? (Laughs). Now, guys, here’s the background music. You get it, don’t you? That’s right. You should know by now. Those who just recently became fans of mine probably have no idea. Yes, that’s right. It’s “Time Between Dog and Wolf.” Doesn’t it make your heart ache just hearing this background music? Sometimes, I watch Time Between Dog and Wolf on YouTube while drinking beer and, yes, I cry a lot. In particular, when watching Episode 12, or Episode 14. About that heartbreaking life of Soo Hyun. Yes, watching my performance. I know it’s a bit pathetic crying while watching my own performances. (Laughs) But I really cry a lot, a lot. Do you guys also feel the same way when you watch it again? I think Time Between Dog and Wolf was a sort of turning point for me.
(93:48 ~
There is this article dated December 25, 2005. “Lee Joon Gi, leading star of ‘My Girl,’ has topped Internet searches for 8 consecutive days, demonstrating his rise in popularity.” So I topped the searches for 8 consecutive days. In “My Girl,” I played a second male lead. In fact, in that drama, I played a sort of, how should I put this, a devoted chaebol guy? So I was playing that kind of role. It was sort of an androgynous character. A bit androgynous and pretty. But at the same time, a most tough guy when it came to love. Seo Jung Woo, right? It’s a very precious work of mine in that romantic comedies have become nonexistent [in my filmography] since. Following that drama, I needed a turning point in terms of acting. Then, like by a stroke of fate, came along the script of Time Between Dog and Wolf. It was the work that cast ‘Actor Lee Joon Gi’ in a new light, and I also think that was actually the reason I chose to be part of it. More specifically, by this time, I had received an explosive amount of love for being a pretty boy, like a gentle and tender guy having long hair and an androgynous charm. Then I thought, I want to be seen more as an ‘actor.’ Sure, as a male actor, there are several different things you can be seen as, but I thought, seriously, it was about time I had tried different other things and taken risks in terms of acting; otherwise I might fall behind. At the time, I worried a lot about this. It was at this time that I came across this script, and the script was entitled, ‘Time Between Dog and Wolf.’ Even now, after we already found out how it ends, the title is still cool, but when I first saw it, I thought, “Wow, it is such a cool title.” It has so many meanings behind it, and I could immediately sense the good versus evil conflict from the script. So the moment I started reading it, the scripts – synopses – for episodes 1, 2, 3, and 4 read so smoothly, and I flew through them. Right after reading the synopses, I just completely made up my mind to do it.
(96:09 ~
Also, a meeting with director Kim Jin Min also left me more convinced. I remember back then, I was told, “Shouldn’t you take on more film work?” “Why would you take risks in the drama?” “It’s so tough. Dramas are not easy,” “You need more experience before doing it.” But for me, it was a tremendous challenge. Yes, it was during this time that I did a rethinking of how to approach acting. It became a turning point where I learned a lot. Yes, I received a lot of love, as well. Yes, that’s right. (Laughs) Yes, [Soo Hyun] also ranks among the most pitiful characters I’ve played. (Laughs) All my characters are so pitiful. Yes, it’s a salt flat. It’s a salt flat. For all my characters. [** Pitiful characters make you cry. Tears are salty. Hence the ‘salt flat’ metaphor **] My fans always tell me, “I want our actor to live a good life, with both parents alive, looking neat and tidy and cool.” Someday I will play roles like that. I think from this time on, my aspirations as an actor became greater. I started giving a sort of ‘sincere’ performances where I threw myself around and poured all of my passion in it, and director Kim Jin Min helped me a lot with this. Back then, director Kim Jin Min had a very strong personality. When it came to the drama, I was still not so… I was not yet flexible when it came to this drama-making system. I got scolded a lot by the director, but also I learned a lot from him. Time Between Dog and Wolf had the script and directing that maximized those skills and potential that I had in me, and I think it was made possible by the help I got from so many people. At the time, all the actors were rising stars, weren’t they? Rising. There were Jung Kyung Ho, Nam Sang Mi. I had lots of help from them. Personally, I think Time Between Dog and Wolf is a truly brilliant drama that can stand the test of time. It was the sort of noir drama that I doubt can ever be made again in Korea. As far as I know, it was the first noir picture to ever be made in [Korean] drama history. The character with such a turbulent life. Seriously. The life of a man who’s standing on the edge of a cliff. Things like that. I think actors tend to have this strong desire to play that kind of role. Back then, I think I was hesitant [to take on that role] because I was so scared. But yes, it was such a great drama.
(98:47 ~
Okay, then. “Oppa, your dramas are all masterpieces.” “Is this program going on all night?” Ah, is it boring? (Laughs) Is it boring? No, it’s not going on all night. What is it? What time is it? Guys, did you all vote? Yes. [**Poll on screen – “The most pitiful of all characters (played by JG)?”: Wang So from Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo 67%, Do Hyun Soo from Flower of Evil 15%, Jang Tae San from Two Weeks 6%, Lee Soo Hyun from Time Between Dog and Wolf 6%, Yong from Iljimae 4% **] (Laughs) Yes, did you love Soo Hyun and Kay so much? “Look at his shoulders,” yes, that’s right. “Actor who is the best at portraying pitiful characters.” Yes, that’s right. Ah. Characters that live turbulent lives, characters that touch your hearts, and characters that live on salt flats – all played by Lee Joon Gi and his Universe. Who is the most pitiful character? Who is your choice? Yes, Yong from Iljimae got 4%. Ah, Yong is also very… Lee Soo Hyun from Time Between Dog and Wolf got 6%. Do Hyun Soo from Flower of Evil, wait, Jang Tae San from Two Weeks got 6%. Oh, they got the same percentage, didn’t they? Do Hyun Soo from Flower of Evil got 15%. Wang So from Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo got 67%. (Laughs) You know what’s so funny here? All these five characters are just so too much. [**JG talking to himself**] How come, of all the characters, you chose these? Seriously. You are truly one of a kind, really. I mean, really, all of them have some brushes with death. This is so... If I had had to shoot all these dramas in a single year, I probably wouldn’t be here. (Laughs) So what if I had a choice? Wow, all these are really… After finishing all these dramas, I got eye infections; I got fevers; and I got fractures too. Anyway, I think I ended up in bad shape after finishing each of these dramas. Ah, of course, as for Flower of Evil, it was mentally exhausting as well. As for the rest of the dramas, I was really in bad shape [right after finishing them]. But for me… The most pitiful character? They are all so poor, though. But if I had to choose one, I think I like Yong from Iljimae the most. Because… Ah, “like”? I mean, it was so sad. He saw his sister executed right before his eyes. And his father, too, dies right before his eyes. He’s really watched all those heartbreaking situations right before his eyes. Since such a young age, no less. Since a young age, he’s witnessed the death of his own father and also the death of the other father who raised him as his own child. Also, just after he has barely reunited with his biological sister, he sees her executed right before his eyes. It’s just too much. I just couldn’t survive if I were Yong. To this day, just thinking about him makes me tear up.
(101:30 ~
Yes, Wang So from Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, whom most of you chose, is also very pitiful. For me, though… that’s right. Now (laughs) Do you want me to do that? You know, from Time Between Dog and Wolf, how exactly does it go, my [voice-over] narration? I can’t remember it well. How does it go? When the sun falls… Everything. I will do that line for you, as a gift. I need to get out of Wang So. Um… “When the sun falls, everything gets washed up red. And the silhouette that approaches from those hills, whether it is the dog that I raised, or a wolf that comes to hurt me. The time when I cannot tell. It is the time when both good and evil can only be red.” (Laughs) I tripped over my words in the middle of it. (Laughs) Yes, it’s supposed to feel a bit hesitant like this, right? I tripped up a bit, though. But it’s okay. This style [of narrating] too. I haven’t done it in a long time. It is a difficult narration. Now I got this comment, “Let us do this all night.” Yes, I can do it. But you see, the camera directors and the production staff here all have their own families [waiting for them at home] It could get them in trouble. So yeah, no, we can’t. For me, I want to spend all night with you guys. Should I just buy this place? If I get a great response today, I will have a talk with Naver NOW and try to create another opportunity to do this… Oh, the writer is Okay with it? I am having fun doing this. Yes, I will think about it after seeing how you respond. Now I am going to play another song. The reason I chose this particular song is actually, as I have often told my fans. The very reason I have received so much love; I have done such a variety of precious projects in such great environments; I have shared and connected with you guys; I have felt such happiness; and I have lived such a blessed life with you guys. That’s because you guys have stayed by my side, right? So I wondered, how on earth did all these precious bonds that I have with you guys begin? [**Korean word “Inyeon” means fate, connection, tie/bond; it’s also the name of Lee Sun Hee’s song for King and the Clown**] How could I ever measure the value of these bonds? Where did all these come from? As I am now appreciating how precious all these are and reminding myself of those bonds I have with every single one of you, I find them more precious tonight. That’s why I have this song ready for you. It’s a song by Lee Sun Hee. “Meet Him Among Them.” Let’s hear it, and I will be right back.
 (104:18 ~ 108:03)
Song: “MEET HIM AMONG THEM” by Lee Sun Hee
 (108:04 ~
I am back. Lee Joon Gi DREAM. Presented by me and Naver NOW. Many of you love this song. I gifted you this song several times personally on social media, too. Mmm. When I listen to this song, I tear up for no reason, and I feel happy for no reason. And I think about the gratitude I feel towards so many people without whom I wouldn’t exist as I do right now in real life, and about how precious they are and how much they mean to me. I also think about what kind of life I should live from now on. In the end, I should continue to “walk” along with them. This is not the kind of life you can make easily. That’s why I feel so much gratitude towards them, and how precious they are, staying by my side. Because of Covid-19, I felt sad as I spent a whole year finding it increasingly more difficult to have those ordinary and precious everyday moments and connect with those people. How precious those normal everyday moments were. Just how did we get to this point where those are so badly missed? I really had precious moments with such precious people. I think this year has been one that has made us all realize such things. Personally, it made me feel a lot of things and reflect on myself. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, and hope you have a great rest of the year, and stay healthy. Please always stay by my side. So, now, the comments: “Can’t you be a regular host on NOW?” Regular host on NOW. I can’t really use this expensive studio, but as I told you earlier, the writer keeps saying, “Let’s do this again.” Anyway, I will leave it completely up to you to make it happen. “I hope you continue to do this. I will wait. Red Ginseng Joongi, go on and become a regular.” Ah, I also feel so happy interacting with you guys in such a great environment. I am so happy. I hope we can spend more time together like this. “I’d love it if you’d be a regular,” “Be a regular,” “Become a regular.” Regular… Right now, the keyword in the chat is ‘regular.” The keyword ‘regular’ has become regular now. Thank you so very much. Thanks to your love, I get to have a great time here like this. Now you guys are watching Lee Joon Gi DREAM live.
(111:54 ~
Now, on to the Character World Cup! [**On screen: What’s Lee Joon Gi’s favorite character?**] The segments we prepared today… I wonder if you guys find them entertaining enough. This is something a lot of people do these days, right? So, as an extension of the Joon Gi Universe, we will be doing this World Cup of the characters in Lee Joon Gi’s filmography. Let’s do this My Favorite Character World Cup. What is Lee Joon Gi’s favorite character? Originally, we were supposed to start with a 32-team tournament, but we don’t have time. (Laughs) So let us get right to the 8-team tournament. Hm. First, we have Lee Soo Hyun from Time Between Dog and Wolf, and Park Yoon Kang from Gunman in Joseon. It’s a tight match between these two characters. Both of them are, well, great. Yes, as for my favorite character. But as I told you earlier, although both are very amazing characters, the character that is still loved so much and from a work that became a turning point in my acting career – that is, Lee Soo Hyun from Time Between Dog and Wolf – that’s the character that I will never forget forever. So, it’s Lee Soo Hyun. Lee Soo Hyun wins. Advancing to the next round. Next up, Gong Gil from King and the Clown, and Seo Jung Woo from My Girl. What about you guys? What about you? For me, of course. Yes, that’s right. The one that connected me to you guys, the link that connected us together – from my life-changing work. Gong Gil from King and the Clown. Gong Gil is moving up, on a tightrope. (Laughs) Next up. Next is also a tight match. Historical drama versus historical drama. Wang So from Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, and Yong from Iljimae. This is so… Hmm. Iljimae is the quintessential modern-day hero… Wait, no, the quintessential historical drama hero. This is the kind of hero that is so rare in Korea. Ah, this is so tough. Iljimae. Ah, seriously. As for Wang So, he touched the hearts of so many women. Right now, Wang So is dominating the chat. Although many also say Yong. Yes, Wang So from Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo. Today, I will go along with your choice. Both are my favorite characters, though. Wang So advances.
(114:47 ~
Lastly, Do Hyun Soo from Flower of Evil, and Bong Sang Pil from Lawless Lawyer. Of course, both are awesome, but recently, in terms of the drama, or in terms of acting, thankfully so many people gave such positive feedback and so many people are still in love with him, right? Do Hyun Soo from Flower of Evil advances. So now, we just played the 8-team tournament. Are you guys happy with the result? Hmm, Do Hyun Soo, Do Hyun Soo, Do Hyun Soo. That’s right, a lot of you say Do Hyun Soo. Mmm. As for Bong Sang Pil, I had this thing. I mean, I lost a lot of weight because of this drama, so I personally feel so emotionally attached to this character. Some of the characters I played could have been just copies of my own work. In particular, in the contemporary drama, if I end up looking like a hero, the narrative, the depth, and the emotions that my character has could not be shown but get buried. So I wanted to put more thought into it in different ways. In playing Bong Sang Pil, I really put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into it. Back then, many of you felt so bad for me. I think I had never lost so much weight throughout my acting career as I did at that time. So yes, Bong Sang Pil is also a favorite character of mine that I cannot ignore. The other day, at the AAA awards, I met Yea Ji again. We received the awards together, and we really had a lot of fun then. I remember saying to Yea Ji, “Hey, I wish we could have been up here like this back in the Lawless Lawyer era.” In the end, we were up there as male and female recipients of the Best Artist Award. So it was then that I asked Yea Ji: “Can we walk arm in arm when we go up there? When we walk onto the stage together? So we can use this as though we did it for Lawless Lawyer.” (Laughs) So yeah, it was a sort of, sort of a wish come true.
(117:02 ~
Yes, “What is it you are drinking now?” What I am drinking right now is the fruit juice my fans sent me earlier.  An assortment of fruits are dancing in it. Yes. Yes, it’s delicious. “You had great chemistry with Moon Chae Won.” “You also had great chemistry with Hae Jae Yi.” Yes, thank you so much. “Oppa’s big picture.” Yes, whenever I get up on the stage, I do things like that because I want to show you guys something entertaining. Yea Ji is also very…. How should I put this? I thought she might feel a bit awkward, so I teased her a lot too. You know, Yea Ji has a great personality. So she took it very well, saying, “Oppa, you are still the same goofball.” Now, we have the 4-team tournament ready. 4-team tournament. Which do you think is my favorite character? We have four teams, four players: Lee Soo Hyun from TBDW, Wang So from Moon Lovers, Gong Gil from King and the Clown, and Do Hyun Soo from Flower of Evil. “Please say something in a dialect”? Why speaking a dialect all of a sudden? Ah. [**JG speaks a dialect / Busan accent because he’s from Busan, Korea**] So we have Lee Soo Hyun from TBDAW and Wang So from Moon Lovers up against each other. (Laughs) I can’t do it, trying to do it all of a sudden. So, the four-team tournament. Lee Soo Hyun from TBDAW versus Wang So from Moon Lovers. This is a big match, big match. A comment says, “This is like between the two highest peaks.” Wow, this is really tough. What am I supposed to do? Lee Soo Hyun from Time Between Dog and Wolf, Wang So from Moon Lovers. You guys are going wild right now. The comments say, Wang So, Wang So, Wang So, Lee Soo Hyun, Lee Soo Hyun, Lee Soo Hyun. Wow, right now, it’s so… It’s just gone wild for now. Yes, it is exactly like what’s going on inside my head. This is exactly what’s going on inside my head. Wow. I’m dying here. This is too much. This is too cruel. Seriously, this is too brutal. What am I supposed to do? Help me out guys. Help me. This is really difficult. I think I can spend the whole night just on this. (Laughs) How about this? Wang So from Moon Lovers… The comments say, this is like the final. Wang So from Moon Lovers has gotten so much love from you for the past 4 years. So let’s have Wang So make room for his senior, Lee Soo Hyun. Although he himself is from the Goryeo era. (Laughs) Yes, let Wang So make room for him. This feeling of longing for Lee Soo Hyun from Time Between Dog and Wolf, hmm, deepens tonight. Yes, I will hand a victory to Lee Soo Hyun from Time Between Dog and Wolf, who might be working now as a spy in Paris, France. Yes, Wang So is already getting so much love, so he can be a bit more generous.
(120:16 ~
So now, King and the Clown versus Do Hyun Soo from Flower of Evil. What am I supposed to do? Let me take a look at the comments. Gong Gil from King and the Clown. From Flower of Evil. Wang So? You guys are still talking about Wang So. Gong Gil from King and the Clown, Do Hyun Soo from Flower of Evil. Yes, Gong Gil. Gong Gil has been sufficiently loved. Yes. As I told you earlier, he represents my history. So Do Hyun Soo, from Flower of Evil. “Gong Gil Do Hyun Soo.” (Laughs) Do Hyun Soo from Flower of Evil. I want to give one more vote to Do Hyun Soo who’s getting love from you now. So by one vote, Hyun Soo advances. So we are down to Lee Soo Hyun from TBDAW and Do Hyun Soo from Flower of Evil. Coincidentally, these two are both from contemporary dramas. Hmm, I didn’t even think about this. I’m a complete idiot. Right. (Laughs) Many of you are saying Do Hyun Soo, though. Hmm. Even though they’re both from contemporary dramas, I really found this difficult. I mean, in Time Between Dog and Wolf, I suffer memory loss, and then I start on undercover work and suffer an identity crisis before I finally get my memory back. Likewise, in Flower of Evil, I receive this assessment called anti-social personality disorder and live without knowing what emotions are, but Hyun Soo could have been a sufficiently good ‘flower’ if he had been loved and raised in a good environment. It was so hard and I felt a sort of obsession and weight in giving a delicate portrayal of him. But anyway, I found it so hard but also thrilling to express those psychological states both characters are in. Actors are like that. When you guys relate to [my character] psychologically and feel the heartache and confusion along with me, I feel a tremendous sense of delight and achievement.
(122:34 ~
So now, we are down to the final match, guys. Final match. Lee Soo Hyun from TBDAW and Do Hyun Soo from Flower of Evil. Hmm. What is your choice? Hmm, Do Hyun Soo. Lee Soo Hyun. “For me, it’s Lee Soo Hyun, Lee Soo Hyun.” “It’s so tough I love it.” (Laughs) “I loved it because it was tough.” “Soo Hyun is a character you can’t do if you are not a good actor.” That’s right. “It’s so tough, tough, really tough. Do Hyun Soo, Soo Hyun, Lee Soo Hyun, Do Hyun Soo.” I just had a quick look, and ah, of course. Yes, good. This is the choice I’m going to make. A comment says, “Do Hyun Soo Hyun.” (Laughs) I’m speechless. Yes. The winner is Do Hyun Soo Hyun, from Flower of Time Between Dog and Wolf. (Laughs). Heartfelt congratulations to Do Hyun Soo Hyun, Flower of Time Between Dog and Wolf. Isn’t that brilliant? Hmm, my choice is. Many of you made that choice too. To an actor who is now thirty something years old – because I do not like revealing my age – as an actor who is now thirty something and who has been around for 20 years since his debut, to actor Lee Joon Gi, he brought this new flower into bloom and has since been loved by you guys – that is, Do Hyun Soo from Flower of Evil! Is my final decision. Heartfelt congratulations to Do Hyun Soo, Flower of Evil. (Claps) Fanfare. Bbam bba ra bam. Bbam bbam bbam, bbam bba ra bam. Chuuuuu congratulations. Yup, hi, this is Do Hyun Soo.
(124:24 ~  / background music “FEEL YOU”)
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. (Laughs) I never thought I would receive an award like this. Ji Won, this is all thanks to you. Ji Won, I will hurry back home. (Laughs) To our director Kim Chul Gyu, who allowed me to play Do Hyun Soo, writer Yoo Jung Hee, and CP Yoo Sang Won, from Studio Dragon, to Moon Chae Won, Jang Hee jin, Seo Hyun Woo, Kim Ji Hun, and other senior, junior, fellow actors, the production team, and the staff. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. (Claps) Guys, please continue to watch Flower of Evil multiple times. Flower of Evil gets even greater when you watch it several times. (Laughs) “Do you want me to tell you? What kind of person I am?” (Laughs) So yeah, so I played this World Cup segment that apparently many people do these days, but it’s so tough. Just for no reason. It’s not that fun, but it’s tough. (Laughs) Next time, I will prepare an even better segment. But it was really tough for me. Seriously. Wow, because I had to choose quickly while doing this live. Anyway. Thank you, the production staff, for allowing me to reminisce about these great characters and relive those memories with my fans. We have a lot of segments ready today, but it’s already midnight. Hmm. I knew it. I told you I am like that. I don’t know. It’s 12:09 a.m. now. Ah, why am I so talkative? Hmm, anyway, I will speed things up. So yeah, I have like, four or five segments ready, but I guess I should put them aside for now. (Laughs) Because, I am sorry. I really am, guys. You guys should go to work tomorrow, but… I apologize. As for the segments I prepared, I will try and do them before the year ends if I get the opportunity to do so. (Laughs) I will do them before the year ends. Before the year ends. Yes. This is why I can’t be a good DJ [host].
(126:49 ~
Now, it’s time for me to give out gifts to you guys. It’s time for me to show my appreciation to my fans for staying with me so late into the night. Was it since last week, guys? We started taking your personal stories last week, didn’t we? Right? Yes, your personal stories. So now, I have all your personal stories brought up here with me. They [staff] kindly printed these out for me. Hmm, I had already read all of them before I came in. Today, I am taking these stories home with me. We received these stories through email and via text message. I will read to you a few of these stories that I found very impressive while reading them. Yes. [**JG reads comments**] What? Ah, you want me to be a regular host? Nope. So we’ve got a lot of stories. Actually, these ‘bonds’ that I have with my fans really come in all different forms. I am proud to be one of the very few actors who have maintained very strong relationships [with my fans] for a long time. Yes. That’s why I feel grateful but also so bummed out that this seems the only way we got to see one another. I have always ended each year by making eye contact with you guys, jumping and singing together. Now, then, let us… Yes, “Joon Gi Brag Flex.” Yes, please show us the photos.
(128:32 ~
This is Lee Joon Gi, an actor who always stays connected with you. Yes, that’s right. Do you see the photos? Yes. The nickname is ‘준야’ [fan’s nickname]. Let me read this story from 준야. [** fan story begins **] “In 2005, with King and the Clown about to come out, just as profile photos of this actor called Lee Joon Gi, who played Gong Gil, gradually spread all over the Internet, I saw this one profile photo and fell in love with him. That photo marked the best and the greatest butterfly effect moment of my life, and even after 15 years, I am still writing this story while digging up this ‘fan box’ of mine. Though exceptionally introverted, I became a fan who helped fly the ad balloons at the place where we celebrated oppa’s military discharge; who made 2,000 paper planes for a fan event; and who flew overseas to attend your concerts. Looking back, I realized those moments added up to this incredible number: 15 years. Of course, just like any couple in love out there, no fan thinks about the end when it’s only just the beginning, but it has already been 15 years! Do you think this is what it feels like to get caught in a triangle choke, your special skill, which you said was not easy to let go and get out of once you got caught?” (Laughs) [**JG pauses**] Yes, because I practice jiu jitsu… [** back to story **]
“Even now, I find myself constantly falling so hard for Lee Joon Gi that it does not feel real seeing all this time passing. In my fan box, I see faded pieces of newspapers, tickets that are washed out and barely recognizable, the videotapes I cannot even play because there is no player available now, and the advertising photos where you are holding this flip phone. I feel weird because it feels like they are telling me about all this time that passed. I want to say to you ‘Thank you for not letting go of me for such a long time.’ I cannot even begin to imagine how much time you spent agonizing and worrying about showing us a newer and a more mature version of yourself each and every time. But thanks to you, I have lived every moment of my life as a fan of yours feeling unabashedly proud of ‘my actor.’ I pray that I will become a better person, and a better fan, who never changes but grows to be an upstanding person just as you are now. At the rate things are going now, I think I will be able to send a wreath to your 70th birthday party.” [**JG pauses**] (Laughs) It makes me both happy and sad. [** back to story **] “First things first, though, I guess I must survive before I get to do that, but I will do my best. Please look forward to it.” [** story ends **]
(131:11 ~
Ah. 준야, are you watching this? Yes, I remember it too. Hmm. There are a lot of people I can recognize just by their nicknames. (Laughs) That’s right. We really have spent so much time together. How did we get to connect with each other through that one profile photo you saw even before the movie came out? And then we have been a positive influence on each other ever since. Honestly, just as 준야 felt, thanks to your love, I am also so happy and so filled with precious moments that I didn’t even realize 20 years have passed. All those moments. Looking back, I think this is how I feel. When I look at the things I have had for a long time, I also realize they are no longer what they used to be. For instance, the tickets that are so washed up they are almost unrecognizable. And I have collected those handwritten letters and fan letters from you guys and I still keep them, but I don’t have space to store all of them. So as I dig up the old things and look through them, I realize, wow, so many of those sincere gifts are fading now, little by little. Those tapes, too, right? Videotapes. The player isn’t working any more. Those old CDs – I can no longer play them, either. Because I have a Blu-ray player at home now. Anyway, to this fan who has always stayed by my side and helped me become a decent person – I consider your story to be representative of those of my other fans. I am going to pick a gift from this gift list and send it to our 준야. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so touched. Here’s the Gifticon list, the NOW sack. What should I pick for you? There really are so many. So many, but. I want to give you something expensive. Hm. Yes. To someone who has given me so much strength for 15 years. I will send you a set. A set. What would you like? Hmm. Kyochon Chicken. My favorite. I mean, it used to be my favorite. Kyochon Chicken’s Red Combo Potato Wedges Set. Wait, wait. [** to the staff **] Does this Red combo come with the potato set? You’re not sending just the potato wedges, are you? Okay, to 준야, I will send you the Gifticon for the Red Combo Potato Wedges Set from Kyochon Chicken. Congratulations. (Claps) Thank you, NOW. Thank you, 준야.
(134:00 ~
Now, on to the next story. The nickname is ‘고파.’ [** ‘고파’ means ‘wanting something,’ often referring to hunger or thirst **] What are you so hungry for? I am so hungry right now too. Yes. (Laughs) 고파. [** fan story begins **] “To my precious actor. This is 고파 who misses Joongi so much.” [** JG pauses **] Hmm, so you mean that ‘고파,’ I guessed it right. [** back to story **] “First of all, heartfelt congratulations on winning two awards [AAA]. I was touched by your heartfelt acceptance speeches because they conveyed how you truly felt. When I am emotionally exhausted or anxious, that anxiety magically goes away when I see you. For that, I am very thankful. I was so touched by how caring of you to always stay connected with your fans, and by how thoughtful of you to give us presents such as this broadcast, something we can look forward to. When life gets tough, if there’s something you can look forward, it makes your life worth living, doesn’t it? Our dear actor, you always make my life worth living when it has ups and downs. I respect you, I love you [** ‘은애하다’ is an old-fashioned way of saying ‘love you’ **] and I love you.
There is one thing that worries me, though. It always worries me when you say you feel lonely and empty while alone after finishing a project. I pray you won’t feel so lonely but somehow find peace of mind even when you are alone, and that you get to meet a lot of good people as your life goes on. My precious actor, I love you. And I always miss you. The photos I want to show you are.” Oh, yes. (Laughs) “I was at the same place as you, around the same time as you were there. I saw the same view as you did here, and I leaned against the same balcony as you did.” [** JG pauses **] Yes, these are the photos. Wow, yes. (Laughs) You went so far away as there? Wow, it’s so amazing. Isn’t the view great there? [** back to story **] I took these photos to remember this very moment, because of my favorite scene from a drama and because the sunset at the time was so beautiful and I felt like this was a present from you.” [** story ends **] Yes. Wow, it’s so touching. I’m so deeply grateful. It really is not easy to go all the way there. You really went all the way there. Yes, I was there for the shooting of My Ear’s Candy. This place just automatically creates a romance. It just happens. How should I put this, it is just like a piece of painting, isn’t it? Just thinking that I was in the same space as you 고파, at the same place but at a different time – it feels like another romance. Hmm. It’s the kind of place that makes everything great. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
(136:35 ~
Many of you worry about me because I feel empty when I am alone after finishing a project. Actually, this year, a lot of people – not just me – probably have felt the same way, and this year, for me, that feeling is even greater especially because I have met you guys through this drama Flower of Evil and then said goodbye to you after it ended. It’s such a bummer. Because, once I have finished a project, I normally get over that feeling of loneliness by preparing to meet with you guys. This year, though, I cannot do that so I feel very sad, bummed out, and yes, a little depressed. You can say it’s because of the Covid blues, but yes, I feel especially so sad because I cannot meet you guys. I always miss you. Yes, I feel the same way. I love you. I will send 고파 a gift as well. 고파, thank you from the bottom of my heart. 고파 [again, it can mean ‘hungry’] hungry, hungry, hungry. I think you might be hungry now. So yes. Should I send you something like this? Would you like it? I will send you Myungrang Hot Dog, Jumbo Hot Dog [kinds of Korean corndog] Woohoo. Are you hungry? Then grab a bite of Jumbo Hot Dog. I will send you the Gifticon. Yes, that’s right. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. (Laughs)
(137:51 ~
Okay, I will read just one more story to you. Nickname. (Laughs) The nickname is ‘한빛.’ [** fan story begins **] “My brag starts with how I fell for the charms of actor Lee Joon Gi back when I was still in puberty, in school. Following your first fan meeting ‘Episode 1’ that took place at this gigantic, huge concert hall, I attended every single one of your birthday parties organized by your fan café [Korean fan community site], as well as all your annual fan meetings where you delighted and touched your fans with your dancing and singing skills that were as polished as those of any idol musician. Those are the things I want to brag about, and which are also my precious memories. The file attachments represent those memories: the tickets, autographed pieces of paper, and an autographed mug that was a birthday party souvenir. I had kept the mug carefully in the package for 13 years before I finally took it out this year and have used it since. Actually, the best thing I want to brag about when it comes to actor Lee Joon Gi is your fans who are just as energetic and passionate as you.” [** JG pauses **] Yes, this is about you guys. [** back to story **] “I also have precious bonds of mine that I formed through Lee Joon Gi, Actor Lee, and we have met regularly for the past 10 years, despite the 20-year age (generational) gap. With you, Actor Lee, we are all like teenage fan girls. Hehehe. I really wanted to brag about this group of ours to you. Kekekeke. Dear Actor Lee, I am trying to live my best life, always getting positive energy from actor Lee Joon Gi and thinking that I want to become a great fan my great actor can be proud of. I don’t have the drawing or writing skills to express how much I want to cheer you up, but I wanted to say that I am always walking right beside actor Lee Joon Gi and right behind you like your shadow. As much as you gave your fans strength, as much as you delighted your fans, we also want to give just as much strength and delight to you. As you continue to walk on – be it on a sunny day or a cloudy and rainy day – please do not forget that you have your fans walking by your side, right there to share an umbrella with you. I love you. I will always stay right here by your side [** from the lyrics of ‘The Giving Tree’ **] Yes, it’s from the song. [** JG sings the song **] I will always stay right here by your side. Yes. Thank you.
(140:07 ~
한빛 says she met precious friends because of me. To everyone who has shared with me stories of these precious bonds of theirs and stayed by my side, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Of course, with me, you guys are all teenage fan girls. With you, I am always a teenage idol. (Laughs) That’s right, what good does it do to want to grow up? [** JG has often said he wants to not grow up/old spiritually but stay young **] Yes. Today, though, I am acting very mature on this show now. You do know, don’t you? Guys. I am trying very hard to hold it back. Because it’s nighttime. I will be a different person when I go on the air in the morning. (Laughs) [** JG in cheerful voice **] Yes, this is DREAM presented by Lee Joon Gi. That’s how I would look, but right now, it’s nighttime, so. [** JG in soft, whispering voice **] I will stay soft and gentle. Yeah, the 20-year generational gap, there is no such thing. Right this moment I am spending with you guys is what is most precious. Each and every moment is really what is most precious and valuable and what makes us happy. Everyone, let us stay united and say 항.여.이.지. [** short form for ‘I will always stay right here by your side,’ from the lyrics of ‘The Giving Tree’ **] I will always be here by my… Uh? Did I just say ‘by my side’? (Laughs) I will always stay right here by your side. Yes, the comments say… “Fan meeting. For Chinese family, too.” Oh, I am sorry. But earlier, I said “好久不见” [hǎo jiǔ bu jiàn; Chinese greeting, “long time no see”]. Yes. I am always waiting to see my Chinese family again, as well. It seems like only yesterday that I toured overseas and met with my fans, but now, it is so hard to meet you. What’s happened to us? Yeah, but I haven’t been able to meet my fans in Korea, either. So please don’t feel too bad about it. I haven’t forgotten about you and never will. So let us pray for the day we will meet again. Let us look forward to the day. Guys. There is nothing more important than this: Until the day comes, put your health first. Yes. Yes, the comments are now filled with “항여이지” [‘I will always stay right here by your side’]. [** JG sings the part from The Giving Tree **] I will always stay right here by your side~ Yeah. (Laughs) I want to sing like this.
(142:17 ~
Everyone who has always stayed by my side. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will pick a gift for you, 한빛. What should I pick for 한빛? What would you like? Yes. Hmm. I would pick… (Laughs) I have this one ready for you so you won’t feel the generational gap. I will send you the McDonald’s 1955 Burger Set. (Laughs) Don’t feel the generational gap any more, do you? Yes, McDonald’s 1955 Burger Set. I will send you the Gifticon. Congratulations. Aside from these, there are so many stories from you. So many. Aigoo, guys. What’s going on here? It’s 12:26 a.m. (Laughs) I am so sorry. You guys should go to work tomorrow. Thank you for staying with me. Right now, the writer keeps making plans for the next broadcast, saying, “Let’s hear the rest of the stories on the next broadcast.” Well, I wonder if that’s going to happen. We will see. Anyway, thank you from the bottom of my heart to each and every one of you for sharing your very precious memories, your personal stories filled with love. I think the stories I read to you today represent the feelings of all my fans who are staying with me right now. I am always grateful. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who shared their stories. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for staying with me right now. Yes. Now, what am I supposed to do? (Laughs) I am so sad [to say goodbye] too. Then shall we take a look at a few more comments? “I love you,” “I am not going to work tomorrow,” What do you mean, not going to work? You must! “Thank you,” “Be a regular host,” “항여이지.” Yes, “On to the next segment.” Next segment. (Laughs) Yes, some say they are looking forward to my next project. “Please don’t go,” “Stay all night.” Yes, I’m looking forward to the day when we can stay all night together.
(144:40 ~
Guys, you have been watching Lee Joon Gi’s DREAM in real time on Naver NOW. Now it is time to wrap up. Actually, it is way past the time to wrap up. Yes. There are still so many stories you sent me, and so many comments coming in now. I am feeling so much love. Also, I lied to you earlier about Part 1 and Part 2, but we got so much love from you guys and had a server crash right in the middle of it. Once again, I am truly sorry about that. But personally, I was happy about it. (Laughs) Guys, how was it spending time with me today? Yes. Did you love it? For me, I was so happy to let you heart my voice right from here, in this great facility. In 2020, so many things happened, and the Covid-19 crisis that has been so hard on you – is still going on, right? I want to offer comfort to everyone who is hurting and sharing this time with me – from those high school students who took the test today, to those who are listening to this broadcast, and to those small business owners. Better days will come. In places where evil grows, good flowers still bloom. I think better days will come, the day when those flowers bloom will definitely come. Yes. I am sending you all words of comfort and encouragement as I am wrapping this up. Tomorrow another day will start. I hope you have a great day. Tonight, I hope you have sweet dreams. Oh. Tomorrow, at the same time, at 10 p.m. There will be a rerun. I was surprised; I thought they told me to go on the air tomorrow at 10 p.m. again. (Laughs) Yes, so we are going to have a rerun tomorrow at the same time, at 10 p.m. If any of you missed out on today’s show, please keep that in mind and stay tuned tomorrow. Today, I hope to comfort you by ending the show with these songs. I am going to play, like, two songs. Mmm, personally, this is the song I keep listening to these days. I will do my best to be an actor who can comfort you when you are having trouble and exhausted. This song has lyrics that express it. From Lee Juck, “Don’t Worry, Dear.” And praying for the day we will meet again, “For us.” Today I am going to say goodbye with these two songs. Thank you for staying with me. Let us always walk together. I will always stay right here, by your side. Have a great night, guys. Sweet dreams. Good night.
(147:47 ~
Song: “DON’T WORRY, DEAR” by Lee Juck.
(151:36 ~ end)
Song: “FOR US” by Lee Joon Gi.
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koreanfilminsight · 4 years ago
King and Clown // 왕의 남자 (2005) Directed by Lee Joon-ik // 이준익
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In the years of the infamous King Yeon-san, two clowns start a play that is satirical of the king which eventually becomes popular among the common people. But soon they get arrested for treason, and they bet their lives on making the king laugh with their play acting. Their fortunate success leads them to stay in the palace to perform regular plays, but the King's council strongly disapproves of this and soon there is great unrest within the court. The King ignores the advice that he his given regarding the eviction of the clowns and the situation gets even more heated when he begins to get infatuated with one of them. (Synopsis by KOFIC)
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koreantunes · 7 years ago
Lee Sun Hee (이선희) - Fate (인연)
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celluloidrainbow · 3 years ago
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왕의 남자 | THE KING AND THE CLOWN (2005) dir. Lee Joon-ik In the years of the infamous King Yeon-san, two clowns start a play that is satirical of the king and become popular among the common people. But soon they get arrested for treason, and they bet their lives on making the king laugh with their play acting. Their fortunate success leads them to stay in the palace and perform regular plays. As the king shows growing attraction and love towards one of the clowns, they realize that they are into irreversible stages of their lives, entwined with desire, power and thick blood. (link in title)
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kimjuncottton · 3 years ago
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04-20-2022 yoo taeyang fancafe update
Title: “🌞 Let's play a game~”
“When I went out today, there were rumor going around that "King's man" (왕의 남자) will be shown at 6 o'clock today!
I wanted to watch together & talk with you, but I'll be back soon.💚
Today's weather is nice 🌞”
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bodashiri · 4 years ago
Painter of the Night Season 2 TRAILER
So, I have finally read the famous Korean BL comic Painter of the Night 야화첩 夜画帳 which has a huge number of fans around the world. The drawing is really great but the forced relationship is not my cup of tea.  
Nonetheless, I enjoyed the comics because I felt that the artist is a sincere Sageuk fan. Her comics reminds me of two famous Korean historical drama/movie : Painter of the Wind 바람의 화원 (2008) and King and the Clown 왕의 남자 (2005). Both of them were released during the golden age of Korean Sageuk.
King and the Clown 왕의 남자 (2005, movie) is about a male clown loved by the king and their tragedy caused by the difference in status. In 2005 it broke 10 million submission mark and became the highest-grossing Korean movie ever. (The record was broken by Bong Joon-Ho's The Host 괴물 a few months later though)
Painter of the Wind 바람의 화원 (2008, SBS TV Drama) is about a female painter disguised/raised as a man since childhood. This story came from the novelist's imagination that Shin Yun-bok (신윤복), a mysterious historical figure who was obsessed with drawing women, was actually a woman who was seeking for her lost identity. 
Therefore, this drama has a unique love triangle. Her teacher (male royal painter) who recognized and nurtured her talents gets to love her even though he thinks she is a boy. The beautiful Gisaeng lady who plays music and discuss arts with the protagonist confesses her love thinking she is a boy. It ended up as a lesbian drama which was really sensational at that time. 
Most of all, I think Actress Moon Geun-Young who swept the acting awards with this role resembles the character Na-Kyum in the BL comics. Haha. 
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