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hawon-ee · 3 months ago
絵本『おばけのマールとすてきなことば』に登場するアイヌ語|Ainu words in the Picture Book 'Marl and the Ghost and Some Beautiful Words'
国立アイヌ民族博物館 第6回テーマ展示「ミナ ミナ おばけのマールとすてきなことば」展|2024年3月16日(土)から2024年5月12日(日)まで・国立アイヌ民族博物館 2階 特別展示室
To note: This sheet of paper seems to be guided towards the foreign tourists, as the chart's translations goes in this order: (After Ainu) English, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese.
For the Ainu language, it is categorised as アイヌイタㇰ (Ainu language). The categorisation of each language is done in their own respective language.
I will be only translating to the languages that I know. Unfortunately this means I will not archive the Simplified Chinese translations here. I apologise (I don't know how to write them).
For my own convenience, I will change the order of translation to: Japanese, English, Korean.
Lastly, I will also flip the order of which alphabet of the Ainu language writing system appears, with the Roman letters coming first. This is just because I wrote it down in these letters first, and has no other meaning behind the switch-up. Both are presented in the chart.
apkas ・ アㇷ゚カㇱ・歩く・to walk・걷다
mik mik ・ ミㇰ ミㇰ・ワンワン・woof woof・멍멍
irankarapte ・ イランカラㇷ゚テ・こんにちは・hello (greetings)・안녕하세요
rekte ・ レㇰテ・〜を鳴らす(ムックリなど)・to play (a mukkuri, etc.)・~을 울리다, 소리를 내다 (묵쿠리 등)
poronno ・ ポロンノ・たくさん・many・많이
ku=ewen na ・ クウェン ナ・ごめんなさい・I'm sorry・미안해요
mina ・ ミナ・わらう・to laugh, to smile・웃다
ku=iperusuy ・ クイペルスイ・お��かがすいた・I'm hungry・배고프다
issorore ・ イッソロレ・こんにちは・hello (greetings)・안녕하세요
ikatay ・ イカタイ・こんにちは・hello (greetings)・안녕하세요
inankarapte ・ イナンカラㇷ゚テ・こんにちは・hello (greetings)・안녕하세요
isiorore ・イシオロレ・こんにちは・hello (greetings)・안녕하세요
irankarahte ・ イランカラㇷ゚テ・こんにちは・hello (greetings)・안녕하세요
keraan ・ ケラアン・おいしい・tasty・맛있다
horippa ・ ホリッパ・踊る、踊り・to dance, a dance・춤추다, 춤
rimse ・リㇺセ・踊る、踊り・to dance, a dance・춤추다, 춤
upopo ・ ウポポ・座り歌、歌う、踊る、踊り・a seated song, to sing, to dance, a dance・앉아서 부르는 노래, 노래 하다, 춤추다, 춤
pirka ・ ピㇼカ・よい・to be good, beautiful・훌륭하다, 아름답다
iyayraykere ・ イヤイライケレ・ありがとう・thank you・고마워요
opke ・ オㇷ゚ケ・おならをする・to break wind, fart・방귀를 뀌다
aynu ・アイヌ・人間・human・인간
kotan ・ コタン・むら・village・마을
nupuri ・ ヌプリ・やま・mountain・산
poro ・ ポロ・大きい・big・크다
pet ・ ペッ・かわ・river・강
upas ・ ウパㇱ・ゆき・snow・눈
amam ・アマㇺ・こくもつ・grain・곡물
This was from a sheet of paper given by the Upopoy Museum when visiting in 2024 from march to may for their special event. Every once in a while, they have a specific new theme for their ever-changing spare exhibition room.
If you want the book for Marl the Ghost, it should be available on Amazon as a pdf or as a physical copy. There is a Japanese version and an English version.
Thank you for your attention.
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