#생일 축하
ciy0 · 6 months
happy birthday bby boy (๑>◡<๑)(╹◡╹)/♡
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potato--killer · 2 years
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톰 스터리지 (Tom Sturridge) : 생일 축하 (Happy Birthday)
12월 5일이 톰 스터리지 생일이라고해서 급하게 ㅋㅋㅋ
여튼 생일 축하해 톰
즐겁고 행복한 생일 보내길
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p2harmony · 27 days
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아츠이 오토코 생일 축하 축하 다치지 말고 추고 싶은 만큼 춤추는 한 해가 되기를 바랄게 얼마 안 남은 24년도 달려봅시다 지금까지 수고 많았어 👏👏
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monstax-info · 8 months
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240115 @OfficialMonstaX Twitter Update
자아~ 우리 형원씨 일단 생일 축하 드립니다 몸 조심히 하고 계신가요? 몬베베들이 좋아하는 우리 형원이 얼굴 다치면 안되니까 항시 조심하고! 으이? 갔다와서도 길쭉길쭉하게 춤춰보자잉 많은 사람들이 너를 축하해 주길 바래 잘하고! 많이 축하한다잉! 사진은 미안하다! 해당 트위터는 2023. 08월 군복무 시작 이전 작성된 글임을 알려드립니다. #기현 #KIHYUN #키키트립 #KIKITRIP #기현타임캡슐 #겨울의따뜻한선물_형원데이
Noww~ I'd first like to wish our mr Hyungwon a happy birthday. Are you being careful with your body? Our Hyungwon's face that Monbebe so love cannot be tainted So be careful at all times! Got it? Let's dance a long* dance upon our return. I hope lots of people congratulate you Do well! And congratulations! Sorry for the pic though!
Translation by Monsta X translations
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bts-trans · 10 months
231204 Weverse Translations
Jimin's Post ❇️
JM: 석진이형 없는 진형 생일 (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/4-141852589)
Jin hyung's birthday without Seokjinie hyung
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
Jin's Post ❇️ with Jimin’s Comment 💬
안녕하세요 진입니다 생일 축하해주신 분들 진심으로 감사드립니다 항상 생일에는 라이브로 아미 여러분들과 항상 즐겼었는데 올해는 아쉽게도 즐기지 못하여 마음이 아픕니다. 비록 몸은 함께하지 못하지만 마음만은 여러분들과 즐거운 시간 보내고 있단걸 꼭 알아주세요 헤헤 어느덧 제가 입대하고 일년이란 시간이 지났습니다 아직 많은 시간이 남았지만 그래도 총 시간의 3분의1만 더 보내면 여러분들과 함께 할 생각에 마음이 벌써 두근두근합니다. 아 그리고 우리 멤버들 입대한다 하는데..(ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ) 눈물잌(오타) 앞을 가립니다ㅠㅠ 시간이 얼른 지나서 멤버들 그리고 아미 여러분들과 좋은 시간 보냈으면 좋겠습니다 생일 축하 다시한번 감사드리고 조만간 찾아뵙겠습니다 ※ 뛰어난 군 생활로 조기진급 한번 더 하여 현재 병장 김석진입니다 (중요) JM: 💜 (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/4-141969855)
Hello everyone, this is Jin. Thank you to everyone wishing me a happy birthday. I've always done a live on my birthday and had a good time with you guys, but unfortunately I can't do that this year, which makes my heart hurt. While I cannot physically be with you, please know that my heart is with you, having a good time hehe
A year has already flown by since I enlisted. While I still have a lot left, the remaining time is just a third of the total. My heart races at the thought of being with you all again once this time is over. Ah also, I heard that our members are also enlisting.. (hahahahahahahahahahajahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha) tearsh (typo) fill my eyes ㅠㅠ I hope time goes by and I can spend good times with you, ARMYs, and our members.
Thank you once again for the birthday wishes, I shall be with you soon.
※ Having excelled at my military duties and awarded early promotion, I am now Sergeant Kim Seokjin (important).
JM: 💜
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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elpis-rojey · 5 months
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너무나도 늦은 스칼렛 생일 축하 ㅠㅠ
스토리 상 맏이로써 엄마 대신 동생들 케어랑 집안일 하느라
자기 꿈도 포기한 아이인데 ㅠㅠ
정말 장하다는 말이 나온다
여담으로 스칼렛 생일은 4월 13일
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queenofthekings · 1 year
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Buffy's 26th birthday celebration (버피의 26번째 생일 축하)
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Holy moly, I can't believe I'm 26 already (time to check myself into an old folks home innit). This whole year has been incredibly life changing and I truly appreciate everyone who's been with me on this journey and have stuck by my side.
So to celebrate both becoming 26 and a super late 300 followers; I'm gonna host my very first eventttt! Rules are as follows;
Celebration is from 14th August (Monday) until 20th August (Sunday).
You can send in any request during that time but please be patient as I do take my time with these things. So please don't spam my inbox demanding your request or I will just block you and delete your original request.
You can send multiple requests! Just please send them separately in different asks!
You don't need to be following me to request anything although a follow is always appreciated. Just please don't send in something marked for mutuals only if we are not mutuals.
I can write for Chrissy Cunningham, Nancy Wheeler, Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington!
My actual birthday is 17th August, but feel free to send birthday messages in before then, I just won't post them until the 17th. If you do not wish to see any of these messages, please block the tag #buffy-turns-26.
All posts will be posted under #26th-birthday-celebration.
As usual; minors DNI.
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👢 Super Yuppers! - send me this emoji for a moodboard based on your blog!
🐰 Cheer Up - send me this emoji for simply a message of love and support. If you need cheering up or simply just an affirmation that all hope isn't lost, send this my way. If you'd prefer it in a DM or answered privately please specify.
🐍 Black Mamba - send me this emoji for a handwritten letter from yours truly (mutuals only!)
🩷 Into the New World - send me this emoji if you'd like me to check out your work or of an author you love and who needs more support.
🫰 Lovesick Girls - send me this emoji to request any kind of fic from these prompts here! Just be sure to specify who you want it to be about, which specific prompt it is and which masterlist it is from!
🍒 Limbo! - send me this for a personalised playlist! (mutuals only!)
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Tagging some mutuals who've been so incredible during this journey; @changemunson @spicysix @lunatictardis @the-bat-ive-become @corroded-hellfire @comfortcharactercraze @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @keeponquinning @hellfiremunsonn @eddiemunsonsmum @pedgito @binickmiller @rosesgrownbytheseaside @keerysquinn @heroeddiemunson @quinnkeerys @roykentt @heartscoops @finalgalnancy
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neocatharsis · 6 months
(보일 듯 안 보일 듯) 첫 쩡로그🐶📹 | 도영 형&마크와 먹짱투어 / 왕크 쟈니 형 생일 축하 | JUNG LOG
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onlyoneofupdates · 1 year
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230331 OnlyOneOf Official Twitter
[#나인] 수야 생일 축하 걸지게 한다💙
그건 바로 나
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abcthv9597 · 7 months
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140309 - Jeongguk on Twitter:
네번째 손가락은 비워둬.. 형 생일 축하 드려요! #슙오글 #슈가형생일ㅊㅋ
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fyhyunah · 9 months
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[ 너무 많이 축하 받아서 행복한 생일 이었어요🥹🎀✨ ] ssssssssssul / 240111
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fy-bsk · 2 years
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230116 - DOKYEOM Weverse update with SEUNGKWAN
‘도겸’: 우리 승관이 많이 사랑해주시고 생일 축하 많이 해주세요♥️ 뿌승관이랑 함께한 순간들☺️ 행복한 하루 보내면서 많이 웃어 관아 사랑한댱😏
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kep1er-net · 1 month
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MADEIN_U: [🎂] 예서와 함께한 생일 파티 어땠어?~💕 오늘 생일 축하 해주신 모든 분들 감사합니다❣️
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tweekweek2024 · 3 months
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안녕하세요, 트위크 팬 여러분! Tweek Week 2024에 오신 걸 환영해요! Tweek Week는 8월 11일부터 8월 17일까지 진행되는 캐릭터 애정 주간이에요!
매일 두 가지의 프롬프트가 있으니, 여러분의 그림, 글, 그리고 우리 귀여운 친구에 대한 사랑을 마음껏 표현해보세요!
✩ DAY 1 ✩ 여름: 해변, 여름 옷, 풀 파티, 불꽃놀이 첫 데이트: 특정 파트너 또는 누구든지! 모든 커플 환영
✩ DAY 2 ✩ 수면: 낮잠, 잠옷, 껴안기 호러: 좀비, 뱀파이어, 악마, 외계인, 얀데레, 재난, 아포칼립스, 유령 등
✩ DAY 3 ✩ 밴드 AU: 뮤지션 트윅—그룹 또는 솔로! Y2K: 90년대/00년대 AU, 패션, 세기말 파티 등
✩ DAY 4 ✩ 젠더벤더: 성전환이나 다른 형태! 슈퍼히어로: 원더 트윅, 슈퍼맨—마법소녀, 히어로에게 구조된 모습이거나 어떤 히어로 트윅이든
✩ DAY 5 ✩ 동물: 애완동물, 마법사, 동물/인간 혼합 AU (Beastars처럼), 수인 판타지 AU: 진리의 막대, 야만인 트윅, 마녀 트윅, 드래곤 트윅, 로빈 트윅
✩ DAY 6 ✩ 취미: 스포츠, 예술, 공예, 레고, 종이접기, 베이킹, 낚시, 명상 포스트 코로나: 중년 야오이
✩ DAY 7 ✩ 생일: 파티, 축하, 생일 관련 모든 것! 프리 데이: 하고 싶은 것 아무거나!
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stonezzang · 1 year
생일 축하 받는다는 건 아직까지 부끄럽다.
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dreamer-hangugeo · 2 years
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𝐊𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫:  V-아/어 두다 ✏️ 𝐔𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 - The grammar pattern "아/어 두다" is used to indicate that an action is completed and that the object of the sentence is left in a certain state or condition as a result. Therefore, it is similar in meaning to the grammar 아/어 놓다. Only Verbs can come before this expression. E.g. 해외로 갈때 여권이 필요하니 여권을 만들어두어라. (Since a passport is needed when going abroad, get your passport in advance). → Indicate that the action of making a passport is completed and the passport is left in a state of being made and ready for use when needed. It can be translated as "Since a passport is needed when going abroad, make a passport and leave it ready." 출근하기 전에, 일기를 쓰고 내일 할 일을 적어두어서 까먹지 않도록 한다. (Before going to work, write a diary and write down what you need to do tomorrow so you don't forget.) → Indicate that the action of writing is completed, and the plans are left in a written form for future reference. ✏️ 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 (1) This expression is used to indicate either doing an action in advance to prepare for some other event or action or the fact that something is already in such a state. E.g. 발표할 때 실수하지 않으려면 연습을 많이 해 두세요. (In order not to make mistakes during the presentation, practice a lot in advance) * The phrase "해 두세요" is the imperative form of "해 두다" (to  do in advance) and it is often used to give a suggestion or advice 여행을 가기 전에 현지 통화를 사용할 수 있도록 환전을 해두세요. (Before going on a trip, make sure to exchange currency in advance so you can use local currency.) Top of Form (2) The expression V-아/어 두다 is used almost the same way as V-아/어 놓다 and therefore in many cases two expressions can be used interchangeably. However, compared with V-아/어 놓다, V-아/어 두다 is more often used to indicate that a relatively long time has passed since a state of coming about. Hence, V-아/어 두다 is used more often in cases describing the storage or saving of something. E.g. 지수는 김치냉장고에 보관해 둔 김치로 김치찌개를 만들었어요. Jisoo made kimchi stew with kimchi stored in the kimchi refrigerator. → Indicate that the action of "보관하다" (to store) has been completed and the object, "김치" (kimchi), is left in the resulting state of being stored in the refrigerator. ✏️ 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐱𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬 1. 창문을 닫을까요? - 아니요. 더우니까 그냥 열어 두세요. (Shall I close the window? - No, you can just keep it open since it’s hot.) 2. 자동차를 어떻게 샀어요? - 그동안 은행에 저축해 둔 돈으로 샀어요. (How did you manage to buy a car? - I bought it with the money I had kept saving in the bank.) 3. 생일 선물을 사러 가기 전에 생일 축하 카드를 준비해두세요. (Before going to buy a birthday gift, prepare a birthday card in advance.) 4. 공부를 할 때, 책을 읽어두어서 나중에 편하게 찾을 수 있어요. (When studying, read the books and leave them there so you can find them easily later.) 5. 승규는 학교에 가기 전에 새 연필 몇 자루를 꺼내어 예쁘게 깎아 두었어요. (Before going to school, Seunggyu took out a few new pencils and sharpened them neatly.)
#KoreanGrammar #KoreanLanguage #Studywithme  
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