#살면서 처음 보는 내용인데 유명한가봐
shaguagua · 2 years
千山暮雪 我孤翼只影向誰去啊?
Snow on top of mountain coloured sunset, My shadow only has one wing of pair, where to, with who?
From 元好問 (Yuan haowen), 摸鱼儿·雁丘词 (mo yue er • yan qiu ci). The back story of this praise is; the poet hunted a pair of while geese. One day one of the goose died. Then the left goose soon died after its pair. The poet felt sad, so he buried them and made this poem for a pair of geese. 雁丘 means geese grave.
Cloud lays a long distance, Snow on top of mountain coloured sunset, a shadow, which lost its pair, head where?
Basically, the poem sings about love as a pair. Because of their love so deep, the pair even shares death.
This is mentioned also in 神雕侠侣(The Return of the Condor Heroes) by 金龍(Jin yong). It's meaning may be a spoiler who hasn't read, so I would just say the praise "千山暮雪,只影向谁去" sums the story.
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