shaguagua · 2 years
Life as dream and shadow of tide
It's from 金剛般若波羅蜜經(Jīngāng Bōrě-bōluómìduō Jīng ; Diamond Sutra or Vajra Sūtra) shortened as 金剛經 (Jīngāng Jīng). In Asia, it has translated broadly and used commonly without its religious origin. The style of the sutra is a dialogue between Buddha and his diciple, Subhūti(須菩提). General story line is Subhuti asking Buddha, how to live, to practice and to resist temptation of evil. The quoted part is the last saying of Buddha in the 金剛經 which is called Śloka. It can be chanted as a prayer. Sanskrit version and translated in chinese.
tārakā timiraṁ dīpo
māyā-avaśyāya budbudaṁ
supinaṁ vidyud abhraṁ ca
evaṁ draṣṭavyaṁ saṁskṛtam.
一切有爲法 如夢幻泡影 如露亦如電 應作如是觀
(yi qi you wei fa ru meng huan pao ying ru lu yi ru dian ying zuo ru shi guan)
Whatever exists, are all truth,
haze of stars , snow and candle light,
phantasm, morning dew and spume,
dream, lightening nad clouds,
they are all the truth(Tanha).
Through the scripture, 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提(anuttarā samyak-saṃbodhi; A heart towards right enlightenment) which means the outward of a thing like status or notions do not matter to find enlightenment. So Buddha is saying, do not be blineded by outwards, look at its true nature with pure mind. The main point is to have pure mind to see the others.
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Wen kexing is saying those to who? I believe he means, don't be distracted by who he is but true himself. Because I think Zhou zishu already see him as a "brother". Wen kexing is reminding that Zhou zishu was not someone who judge people with the surface of them?
Then he said that after a story of his childhood. Any relation between his story and the sloka? Is he saying that to Zhang chengling? Wen kexing has hid truth with mixing fiction. Warning for Zhang chengling? I don't know 😵
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cosmojjong · 2 years
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i am absolutely normal about these pictures (i am actually not)
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forseokgyu · 9 months
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[231222] 도겸 Weverse Post Update:
정한이형 보고싶다 미쳤네 잘생겼다
trans: jeonghanie-hyung i miss you it's crazy you're so handsome
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galaxymagick · 9 months
240110 jungtw_leo🐦
응 육십 맞대
hmm 60 that’s right
↳quoting ⭐️:
아니 택운이 폰 상태 보니까 수리비 진짜 극대노할 만큼 들 거 같네 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
looking at Taekwoon's phone situation, I think it's going to cost him a lot of money to fix itㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
↳quoting ⭐️:
ㅇㅅㅇ 액정수리 얼만데? 육십? 액정만 육십? 사십팔만? 미쳤네.. 육시입? 육십 같은 소리 하네.... 무슨 아이폰, 핸드폰 액정 하나에 육십만원을 받아.... 돈 벌기 쉽네 짓챠
How much does screen repair cost? sixty? The screen alone is sixty sounds like nonsense.. Four hundred and eighty thousand? You're crazy. sixty? sixty... receiving 600,000 won for an iphone or phone screen… It's really easy to make money.
**about 4 hours later
screen fixed
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gaymer-hag-stan · 2 months
On the 4th of August, nine years ago, T-ara released their seventh EP, "So Good."
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The lead track, "So Crazy," is a catchy, energetic song, featuring upbeat rhythms and a playful vibe. The mini-album showcases T-ara's signature pop sound with a blend of dance and retro elements, reflecting the group's versatile musical style.
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binnbinnie · 8 months
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[정한이형 보고싶다 미쳤네 잘생겼다]
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msdk-00 · 2 years
Top 5 k-pop bangers go
oh my fuckin god. my top five is constantly shifting but let me try. only allowing one song per artist and kinda just pursuing my playlist and choosing whatever fucks most at this very moment otherwise this would be a zea song a shinee song and three infinite songs
1. The Ghost of Wind — Z:EA
2. The Chaser — INFINITE
3. I Feel You — Wonder Girls
5. 완전 미쳤네 — T-ARA (I assume in english the title would be "going crazy" or something similar)
Here's my top 100 ish favourite kpop songs that I chose from
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you-just-said-that · 2 months
같이 있는 관객들이 잘 즐기면 나도 잘 즐길 수 있는 듯. 노엘+리암 팬은 얕게 파는 팬이 많지 않고 나처럼 충성하면서 덕질 하는 팬이 대부분이라. 떼창 미쳤네. 같이 있던 팬 분들 덕분에도 잘 즐기고 왔습니다!
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issueinside · 3 months
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(채상병 사망 사건, '군 장비 파손' 발언으로 논란에서) 채상병 사망 사건, '군 장비 파손' 발언으로 논란 https://issuehaha.tistory.com/537 진짜 미쳤네.. 제 정신인가.. 당과 진영을 떠나 저런거는 조치해야 되는거 아닌가?
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177a-n-asgard · 5 months
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미쳤네 진짜........
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kmsnhw2024 · 5 months
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최근에 웹툰 보기 시작했는데, 요즘 웹툰 작화 미쳤네... 하 존잘인데 옷까지 잘 입어. 나 명품 좋아했네.
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y3u11aiu · 8 months
아 씨바 나도 잘래 코 잘라버릴라
미쳤네 자다가 죽는줄 알았노... 숨 좀 쉬자 코야... 나도 자야지 이 이기적인 놈아
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juanpabloyoon · 10 months
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가격 미쳤네 진짜....
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Watch "[정주행] 영화 '마녀' TMI 총정리, 최우식 폼 미쳤네! 마녀2 를 기다리며!" on YouTube
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
On the 4th of August, eight years ago, T-ara released their seventh mini-album, So Good.
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vvvmrh · 1 year
YouTube에서 '이재훈_94년 신인간시대 컷' 보기
이재훈 미모 미쳤네
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