dailymaker · 9 months
BNK금융그룹 비은행계열사, 정기인사
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Sun Myung Moon’s second wife was Kim Chong-hwa. Both were jailed for bigamy since both were already married.
The family of the late Sun Myung Moon (of the Unification Church) is ‘more corrupt than you can imagine’
Sunday Journal USA Vol. 878, April 25, 2013 (part 2)
Moon Sun Myung married his first wife, Miss Choi Seon-gil, on April 28, 1945. [She was 19 when she was first introduced to Mr Moon.] They had a son, Moon Sung-jin, who was born on April 9, 1946. It became known that Moon Sun Myung and Choi Seon-gil divorced on January 8, 1957, on the grounds of the so-called Unification Church pikareum doctrine (a ceremony to restore the blood lineage [through ritual sex]). ...
Mr. Moon’s second wife was Mrs. Kim Chong-hwa. At this time, after being accused by Kim’s husband Cheong Myeong-seon of being involved in a ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum], Moon Sun Myung [and Kim Chong-hwa were arrested on] February 22, 1948 and he was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He carried out the sentence at prisons in Pyongyang, Daedong and Heungnam.
통일교故문선명일가의 ‘상상초월한타락상’
문선명씨의 첫 번째 부인은 최성길씨와 1945년 4월 28에 결혼했으며 슬하에 난 아들이 문성진 (1946.4.9) 씨다. 1957년 1월 8일 문선명씨의 소위 통일교 교리인 피가름 교리 (혈통복귀의식)로 인해 최성길씨와 이혼한 것으로 알려지고 있다. ... 
문 씨의 두 번째 부인은 김종화씨이며 이 때 혈통복귀의식으로 인해 김씨의 남편인 정명선 씨의 고소로 인해 문선명씨는 징역 5년을 언도받고 평양 대동 흥남 감옥에서 형을 살았다 (1948년 2월 22일).
Kim Kyong-rae interviewed Mrs. Kim Chong-hwa in Seoul:
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▲ Kim Kyong-rae 金景来
“The police of the North Korean puppet regime arrested Sun Myung Moon [in Pyongyang] on the charge of bigamy/sexual immorality. The reason was the husband of a certain Mrs Kim [金鍾和 Kim Chong-hwa] made an accusation to the police. The husband now lives in Seoul. At that time Moon said that he and Mrs Kim should marry because he had a revelation from God, although Moon still had a legal wife [Choi Seon-gil in Seoul]. When the police stepped in Moon was in the middle of doing this coerced marriage with the woman follower, Mrs Kim. The police arrested them. Mrs Kim was sentenced to ten months in prison. Moon was given a sentence of five years and six months. Mr Kim Kyong-rae interviewed this Mrs Kim in person and collected this information, and then wrote this report.” from The Real Face of the Principle Movement – What is the group doing? The clash between the reality and the weirdness. by Yamaguchi Hiroshi (published in August 1975) pages 163-164
In Japanese: 原理運動の素顔 何をする集団なのか その不気味さの実態を衝く   (1975年)
Michael Breen: “A few days after his arrival in Pyongyang, he [Moon] met Kim Chong-hwa and her husband, who lived nearby. She was the women’s group leader at the Somunae-pak Church, one of the largest Presbyterian churches in the city. She would become his main follower in north Korea. ‘A great preacher has come from Seoul,’ she told her husband’s cousin, Kim In-ju, also a Presbyterian…”
“In January, 1947, he [Moon] moved to the house of Kim Chong-hwa and her husband, Chong Myong-sun, who had become the leading members of his small group.”
“In Pyongyang, his followers did not keep in contact with each other. The only member who could have held the others together in Moon’s absence [in Heungnam prison] was Kim Chong-hwa, who had been sentenced to eighteen months in prison at the same time as Moon, but she had been unable to reconcile her faith in Moon with God’s apparent inability to prevent him from being sent to prison. She was released after one year, and was no longer interested in him or his followers.”
Sun Myung Moon, the early years 1920-1953, pages 72, 81 and 105.
Sun Myung Moon: [Kim Chong-hwa is the only person who fits this description in Michael Breen’s book] “There was a woman who was an important figure in the providence [in Pyongyang]. I visited her house for a year and a half and witnessed to her husband and all the other members of her family. The husband might have wanted to kill me, but he couldn’t do anything.” http://www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/SunMyungMoon-Life/SunMyungMoon-Life-09.htm
Sun Myung Moon: “…they decided to report me to the authorities. This is how I came to be jailed for a third time in my life. This occurred at 10:00 AM on February 22, 1948.” http://www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/SunMyungMoon-Life/SunMyungMoon-Life-12.htm
Sun Myung Moon: “While I was in prison [in Heungnam], Mrs. Kim was incarcerated. Mrs. Kim was in the position of Rachel. … Grandmother Pak was in the Leah position.” http://www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/SunMyungMoon-Life/SunMyungMoon-Life-11.htm
Moon claimed to be restoring Jacob’s course. His words imply that he had relationships with both Mrs. Pak and Mrs. Kim Chong-hwa – who were in the positions of Jacob’s two wives.
Professor Kim Chong-Sun: “After leaving prison, Moon resumed his activities and left his wife to marry his follower, Kim. He referred to this marriage as “God’s wish”. On February 22, 1948, the North Korean Police again arrested him on the grounds of bigamy and “social disorder”. He received a five year jail sentence in Heungnam prison. Moon had never legally divorced his first wife and although legally a bigamist, he viewed his blood-sharing [pikareum] activities as responses to the holy spirit.” from his book: Sun Myung Moon (1978) University Press of America, Inc. page 12
Hagiwara Ryo: “Sun Myung Moon was first arrested by the security police on August 11, 1946. He was detained for three months at the Daedong police station [in Pyongyang] on the charge of causing social disorder, for alleged sexual immorality. On February 22, 1948 Sun Myung Moon was arrested for a second time by the 内務省 Ministry of the Interior [not 内務署 the Interior Department] for his coerced marriage with a married woman, Mrs Kim Chong-hwa. On April 27 he was sentenced to five years in Heungnam prison.”
The Life of Sun Myung Moon – the Messiah of a Perverted Sex Religion (1991) page 70   LINK to the Japanese book
Dan Fefferman:
 “There were charges in North Korea that Father’s group practiced sexual orgies. These are denied by the Unification Church.” http://www.tparents.org/library/unification/Talks/Feffermn/Fefferman-Pekerun.htm
Sun Myung Moon’s second wife – Kim Chong-hwa [NEW PAGE]
Kim Myung-hee, the third wife of Sun Myung Moon
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
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rkdgorh · 6 years
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kangsook · 2 years
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The Moonies Cult, Politics & Mixed Kids – Are They All Connected?
Becky and Cedric  #TheHalfieProjectPodcast
The Unification Church (also sometimes referred to as the Moonies Cult) is a religious organization that sprouted up in Busan, South Korea before making a very bold movement into the United States as well as many other countries around the world. Widely known for their mass weddings, the Unification Church has intrigued and disturbed many people in many ways in many circles – whether religiously, societally, financially and even politically. We discuss the possibility that the Unification Church has had an impact on how many mixed people, primarily mixed Korean, there are around the world today.
Japanese woman recruited and sold to Korean farmer
6,500 Japanese women missing from Moon mass weddings
Why did a Japanese Moon church member kill her Korean husband?
Japanese member, Ms. U, married to a Korean man who beat her
Atsuko Kumon Hong “suicide / murder” 2013
Japanese member, Ms. K, was forced to marry Korean man she did not like
“Apology marriages” made by Japanese UC members to Korean men
Top Japanese ex-UC leader, Yoshikazu Soejima, interviewed
Moon extracted $500 million from Japanese female members
How Sun Myung Moon bought protection in Japan
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe, transcript and links 1. “Rev Sun Myung Moon: Emperor of the Universe” documentary
.   A BBC / A&E Network co-production, 2000 2. World Domination – Sun Myung Moon died before he could take over a single country.
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
The Sunday Journal USA published two articles in Korean about the failing Moon ‘dynasty’.
Sunday Journal USA Vol. 877, April 18, 2013 (part 1)
Sunday Journal USA Vol. 878, April 25, 2013 (part 2)
Here is an extract from part 2:
전격취재 2
통일교故문선명일가의 ‘상상초월한타락상’
한학자와의 사이에 14명 자녀 중 4명이 비명횡사 나머지 자식들도 불운의 삶 ‘정신병, 마약중독, 섹스광’
문선명씨의 첫 번째 부인은 최성길씨와 1945년 4월 28에 결혼했으며 슬하에 난 아들이 문성진 (1946.4.9) 씨다. 1957년 1월 8일 문선명씨의 소위 통일교 교리인 피가름 교리 (혈통복귀의식)로 인해 최성길씨와 이혼한 것으로 알려지고 있다. 문씨의 실제적 장남인 성진씨는 1973년 7월 18일 통일교의 주요한 멤버인 김원필씨의 딸 김동숙 양과 결혼했다. 문 씨의 두 번째 부인은 김종화씨이며 이 때 혈통복귀의식으로 인해 김씨의 남편인 정명선 씨의 고소로 인해 문선명씨는 징역 5년을 언도받고 평양 대동 흥남 감옥에서 형을 살았다 (1948년 2월 22일). 그리고 문 씨의 세 번째 부인은 김명희 (1955. 6.30) 씨이며 문희진씨를 낳았으나 사망하고 말았다. 김명희씨는 당시 Y대 대학생이었으며 처녀로 통일교의 교리인 혈통복귀의식을 받아들여 문씨의 세 번째 부인이 된 것으로 알려지고 있다. 그러나 1969년 8월 1일 열차사고로 세상을 떠났다. 문씨의 네 번째 부인인 최원복씨는 통일교에서 큰 어머니로 불리고 있다. 문씨의 다섯 번째 부인이 현재 통일교 총재인 한학자씨다. 슬하에 모두 134명의 자녀 출생했으며 그 중 4명이 사망했다. 그리고 한학자씨외에 또 한 명의 부인이 있다. 말하자면 문 씨의 여섯 번째 부인인 셈이다. 이름은 최순화씨며 처녀 혈통복귀의식을 통해 박사무엘을 낳은 것으로 알려지고 있다.
“Shocking Report – part 2
The family of the late Sun Myung Moon (Unification Church) ‘more corrupt than you can imagine’
Four of the 14 children of the marriage with Han Hak-ja died in accidental deaths. The remaining children lead unfortunate lives: ‘psychosis, drug addiction, sex mania’
Moon Sun Myung married his first wife, Miss Choi Seon-gil, on April 28, 1945. [She was 19 when she was first introduced to Mr Moon.] They had a son, Moon Sung-jin, who was born on April 9, 1946. It became known that Moon Sun Myung and Choi Seon-gil divorced on January 8, 1957, on the grounds of the so-called Unification Church pikareum doctrine (a ceremony to restore the blood lineage [through ritual sex]). On July 18, 1973, Mr. Moon’s actual first son, Sung-jin married Kim Dong-sook, the daughter of Kim Won-pil, an important Unification Church member. [Kim Dong-sook was born on January 30, 1955. There have been many reports that Moon was her father. She was listed as a ‘True Child’ when she visited Moon in 2012. She could only be a ‘True Child’ if Moon was her biological father. There is no family resemblance between Dong-sook and the wife of Kim Won-pil.]
Mr. Moon’s second wife was Mrs. Kim Chong-hwa. At this time, after being accused by Kim’s husband Chong Myeong-seon of being involved in a ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum], Moon Sun Myung [and Kim Chong-hwa were arrested on] February 22, 1948 and he was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He carried out the sentence at prisons in Pyongyang, Daedong and Heungnam. [Charges of bigamy have also been mentioned by the Los Angeles Times and other sources. Mrs Kim Chong-hwa spent one year in jail at the same time as Mr. Moon. See below.]
The third wife of Mr. Moon was Miss Kim Myung-hee (June 30, 1955). [This date seems to be the date of their marriage – not long before her departure for Japan. Three Korean scholars reported that Moon married her. UC publications in Japan state that they had a marriage ceremony.] She gave birth to Moon Hee-jin [on August 17, 1955 in Tokyo]. He later died in a train accident [as the train approached Maepo station in Chungbuk Province] on August 1, 1969. It was known that Kim Myung-hee was a student at “Y” University [Yonsei University in Seoul]. As a single woman, she took part in the ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum], according to Unification Church teachings, and she became Mr. Moon’s third wife. [A Japanese FFWPU / UC publication, The Chūwa Shinbun, states they had a marriage ceremony in Korea in 1954. See issue dated September 12, 1992. Perhaps the UC gave 1954 as a marriage date to give the impression that the couple were married before their child was conceived.]
Mr Moon’s fourth wife, Mrs. Choi Won-bok, was called the ‘Great Mother’ within the Unification Church. [She joined the UC in 1954. She was also known as ‘Second Mother.’]
Mr Moon’s fifth wife is the current Chairperson of the Unification Church / FFWPU, Han Hak Ja. She bore 14 children, but four of them have died.
And there was one more wife in addition to Han Hak Ja. She was, so to speak, sort of like Mr. Moon’s sixth wife. Her name was Miss Choi Soon-wha. It was known that through the ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum] she conceived and gave birth to Samuel Park [who was born on January 28, 1966 in the US].”
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▲ Sun Myung Moon with children of his from three different mothers. This photograph was taken on January 5, 1965 at the Cheongpa-dong Church in Seoul. Moon Sung-jin (born in April 1946; mother Choi Seon-gil) is on the left. Moon Hee-jin is on the right (born in hiding in Tokyo on August 17, 1955; mother Kim Myung-hee). The younger children in the photo are Ye-Jin and Hyo-Jin. They are standing in front of their mother, Hak Ja Han.
문선명의 정체! (1)  김명희
문선명의 정체! (사진으로 보는 문선명의 정체)
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) – 1 .    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
유신희 – 6마리아의 한 사람 이었다.
홍난숙은 1998년에 미국 CBS TV 60분 프로그램에 출연하기도 하였다.
일본인 멤버 K 씨는 자신이 싫어하는 한국인 남자와 강제로 결혼했다.
일본인 멤버 U 씨는 그녀를 폭력을 휘두르는 한국인 남자와 결혼했다.
1955년 이화여대에서 일어난 문선명 섹스 스캔들
통일교, 한학자 – 7남 문형진 미국서 골육상쟁 벌리고 있는 내막
문선명 7남 문형진 어머니 상대로 골육상쟁 소송 ‘전말’
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Korean language information on Sun Myung Moon is available here
The six ‘wives’ of Sun Myung Moon
 The Sunday Journal USA published two articles in Korean about the failing Moon ‘dynasty’. Sunday Journal USA Vol. 877, April 18, 2013 (part 1) Sunday Journal USA Vol. 878, April 25, 2013 (part 2)
Here is an extract from part 2: 전격취재 2 통일교故문선명일가의 ‘상상초월한타락상’ 한학자와의 사이에 14명 자녀 중 4명이 비명횡사
나머지 자식들도 불운의 삶 ‘정신병, 마약중독, 섹스광’ 문선명씨의 첫 번째 부인은 최성길씨와 1945년 4월 28에 결혼했으며 슬하에 난 아들이 문성진 (1946.4.9) 씨다. 1957년 1월 8일 문선명씨의 소위 통일교 교리인 피가름 교리 (혈통복귀의식)로 인해 최성길씨와 이혼한 것으로 알려지고 있다. 문씨의 실제적 장남인 성진씨는 1973년 7월 18일 통일교의 주요한 멤버인 김원필씨의 딸 김동숙 양과 결혼했다.
문 씨의 두 번째 부인은 김종화씨이며 이 때 혈통복귀의식으로 인해 김씨의 남편인 정명선 씨의 고소로 인해 문선명씨는 징역 5년을 언도받고 평양 대동 흥남 감옥에서 형을 살았다 (1948년 2월 22일). 그리고 문 씨의 세 번째 부인은 김명희 (1955. 6.30) 씨이며 문희진씨를 낳았으나 사망하고 말았다. 김명희씨는 당시 Y대 대학생이었으며 처녀로 통일교의 교리인 혈통복귀의식을 받아들여 문씨의 세 번째 부인이 된 것으로 알려지고 있다. 그러나 1969년 8월 1일 열차사고로 세상을 떠났다. 문씨의 네 번째 부인인 최원복씨는 통일교에서 큰 어머니로 불리고 있다.
문씨의 다섯 번째 부인이 현재 통일교 총재인 한학자씨다. 슬하에 모두 134명의 자녀 출생했으며 그 중 4명이 사망했다. 그리고 한학자씨외에 또 한 명의 부인이 있다. 말하자면 문 씨의 여섯 번째 부인인 셈이다. 이름은 최순화씨며 처녀 혈통복귀의식을 통해 박사무엘을 낳은 것으로 알려지고 있다.
Translation: “Shocking Report – part 2 The family of the late Sun Myung Moon (Unification Church) ‘more corrupt than you can imagine’ Four of the 14 children of the marriage with Han Hak-ja died in accidental deaths. The remaining children lead unfortunate lives: ‘psychosis, drug addiction, sex mania’
Moon Sun Myung married his first wife, Miss Choi Seon-gil, on April 28, 1945. [She was 19 when she was first introduced to Mr Moon.] They had a son, Moon Sung-jin, who was born on April 9, 1946. It became known that Moon Sun Myung and Choi Seon-gil divorced on January 8, 1957, on the grounds of the so-called Unification Church pikareum doctrine (a ceremony to restore the blood lineage [through ritual sex]). On July 18, 1973, Mr. Moon’s actual first son, Sung-jin married Kim Dong-sook, the daughter of Kim Won-pil, an important Unification Church member. [Kim Dong-sook was born on January 30, 1955. There have been many reports that Moon was her father. She was listed as a ‘True Child’ when she visited Moon in 2012. She could only be a ‘True Child’ if Moon was her biological father. There is no family resemblance between Dong-sook and the wife of Kim Won-pil.]
Mr. Moon’s second wife was Mrs. Kim Chong-hwa. At this time, after being accused by Kim’s husband, Chong Myeong-seon, of being involved in a ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum], Moon Sun Myung [and Kim Chong-hwa were arrested on] February 22, 1948 and he was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He carried out the sentence at prisons in Pyongyang, Daedong and Heungnam. [Charges of bigamy have also been mentioned by the Los Angeles Times and other sources. Mrs Kim Chong-hwa spent one year in jail at the same time as Mr. Moon.]
The third wife of Mr. Moon was Miss Kim Myung-hee (June 30, 1955). [This date seems to be the date of their marriage – not long before her departure for Japan. Three Korean scholars reported that Moon married her. UC publications in Japan state that they had a marriage ceremony.] She gave birth to Moon Hee-jin [on August 17, 1955 in Tokyo]. He later died in a train accident [as the train approached Maepo station in Chungbuk Province] on August 1, 1969. It was known that Kim Myung-hee was a student at “Y” University [Yonsei University in Seoul]. As a single woman, she took part in the ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum], according to Unification Church teachings, and she became Mr. Moon’s third wife. [A Japanese FFWPU / UC publication, The Chūwa Shinbun, states they had a marriage ceremony in Korea in 1954. See issue dated September 12, 1992. Perhaps the UC gave 1954 as a marriage date to give the impression that the couple were married before their child was conceived.]
Mr Moon’s fourth wife, Mrs. Choi Won-bok, was called the ‘Great Mother’ within the Unification Church. [She joined the UC in 1954. She was also known as ‘Second Mother.’]
Mr Moon’s fifth wife is the current Chairperson of the Unification Church / FFWPU, Han Hak Ja. She bore 14 children, but four of them have died.
And there was one more wife in addition to Han Hak Ja. She was, so to speak, sort of like Mr. Moon’s sixth wife. Her name was Miss Choi Soon-wha. It was known that through the ceremony to restore the blood lineage [pikareum] she conceived and gave birth to Samuel Park [who was born on January 28, 1966 in the US].”
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▲ Sun Myung Moon with children of his from three different mothers. This photograph was taken on January 5, 1965 at the Cheongpa-dong Church in Seoul. Moon Sung-jin (born in April 1946; mother Choi Seon-gil) is on the left. Moon Hee-jin is on the right (born in hiding in Tokyo on August 17, 1955; mother Kim Myung-hee). The younger children in the photo are Ye-Jin and Hyo-Jin. They are standing in front of their mother, Hak Ja Han. 
문선명의 정체! (1)  김명희
문선명의 정체! (사진으로 보는 문선명의 정체)
野錄 統一敎會史 (세계기독교 통일신령협회사) – 1
 .    박 정 화 외2인 지음 (前 통일교창립위원)
유효민 – 통일교회의 경제적 기반에 공헌하고 배신 당했다.
유신희 – 6마리아의 한 사람 이었다.
김덕진 – 섹스릴레이의 실천자
홍난숙은 1998년에 미국 CBS TV 60분 프로그램에 출연하기도 하였다.
박사무엘 비디오의 대본
한인 농부에게 팔린 일본인 여성 일본 통일교회에서 모집한 20세 여성이‘사과 결혼’을 통해 연장자인 한국인 농부에게 팔렸다. 그는 통일교 신도가 아니었다.
일본인 멤버 K 씨는 자신이 싫어하는 한국인 남자와 강제로 결혼했다.
일본인 멤버 U 씨는 그녀를 폭력을 휘두르는 한국인 남자와 결혼했다.
1955년 이화여대에서 일어난 문선명 섹스 스캔들
통일교, 한학자 – 7남 문형진 미국서 골육상쟁 벌리고 있는 내막
문선명 7남 문형진 어머니 상대로 골육상쟁 소송 ‘전말’
원리원본 原理原本 1952년
정득은 丁得恩 / 鄭得恩
진정서 “25년동안 속았읍니다”  송 부 웅
김백문의 ‘섹스 타락론’, 무엇을 말하나
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