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spacetime-premium · 2 years ago
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언제나 미니멀 라이프를 꿈꾸지만 필요에 의해서 어쩔 수 없이 물건이 늘어만 가죠.. 그렇다고 매번 버릴 수는 없잖아요. 편안창고를 이용하시면 그 고민을 해결할 수 있습니다! Small 사이즈만 이용해도 집이 3평은 넓어져요. 35년간 박물관을 전문특허기술로 만들어온 시공테크에서 직영으로 운영하고 있어 곰팡이, 화재, 침수, 도난 등을 걱정하실 필요없습니다. 그리고 순자산 1천억원을 보유하고 있어 폐업할 일도 없습니다! 올해 들어서도 개인 업체 몇몇 곳이 또 폐업을 했더라구요 이용하다가 그런 일을 겪으면 정말 난감할 것 같아요 지금 다양한 지점에서 풍부한 혜택도 드리고 있으며 4월 한정 수량으로 특정 지점에서는 더 큰 혜택을 중복으로 받으실 수 있습니다. 문의 02-3438-0011 (카톡@편안창고) 짐보관은 35년간 검증된 편안창고 #인사동맛집 #종로맛집 #국립현대미술관 #MMCA #대림미술관 #동묘맛집 #동대문 #동대문역사문화공원 #짐정리 #수납공간 (종로구에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq7BACgSZP0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wooreedul · 2 months ago
#서울라이트 DDP, 미래 도시의 예술과 기술, 전체녹화, ,동대문역사문화공원, 서울윈터페스타, @WRD-TV
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iamkenlee-blog · 7 months ago
"Benny Goodman - Goody Goody"
땅고 지인이 페이스북에 "친구가 구디역 근처에 스튜디오를 차렸다"는 취지로 짧은 글과 함께 사진을 올림. '구디역'이 어딘지 몰라 구글 검색했더니 '구로디지털단지역'의 준말.
기왕에 전철역 줄임말을 찾아보니 '고속터미널역 = 고터', '가산디지털단지역 = 가디'라고 동일한 패턴으로 줄여 부르는 반면, '동대문역사문화공원역'의 경우 "동역문"보다는 "디디피(=동대문 디지털 플라자)"를 선호하는 듯? 구식 사람인 나는 '동대문역사문화공원' 보다는 '동대문운동장', '구로디지털단지' 보다는 '구로공단'이 더 익��하지만서도.
문득 유시민 씨가 구로공단과 이화여대 앞을 비교하며 "콘트라스트"라고 표현한 글을 인터넷에서 읽은 기억이 떠올라 다시 찾아보니 출처가 '어떻게 살 것인가' 책 243쪽인가 보다. 누군가 블로그에 올린 내용을 재인용.
"…구로동 야학교사 시절을 생각하면 또렷이 기억나는 장면이 있다. 저녁 무렵 구로공단 진입로와 이화여대 앞에 가본 사람이라면 누구나 목격할 수 있었던 강렬한 콘트라스트다. 지금은 가산디지털단지가 된 구로공단 진입로에는 고된 하루 일을 끝낸 여성 노동자들이 무리를 지어 퇴근하고 있었다. 말하는 사람도 웃는 사람도 드문 침묵의 행렬이었다. 그 시각 이화여대 앞 골목은 강의를 마치고 쏟아져 나오는 여학생들로 붐볐다. 그들은 봄날 종달새처럼 명랑하게 웃고 떠들며 걸어갔다. 양쪽 모두 스무 살 갓 넘은, 동시대를 사는 대한민국의 젊은 여성들이었다. 나는 둘 모두를 보았다. 모든 면에서 그들은 달랐다. 옷차림, 피부, 표정, 걸음걸이까지, 마치 인종이 다른 것 같았다…"
우연히도 "구디"라는 귀여운 어감의 애칭까지 얻은 현재, 그 동네 과거를 상상하긴 어렵다. 또한 나는 우연히 발음이 같은 빅밴드 시절 스윙 재즈를 좋아한다. 1936년 마티 말넥 (Matty Malneck)이란 재즈 바이올린 연주자가 작곡한 '구디 구디(Goody Goody)'란 곡. 최초 녹음은 '테드 월리스와 스윙 킹즈(=Ted Wallace and His Swing Kings)'란 스윙 밴드가 했다고 하지만, 내가 이걸 알게 된 거는 같은 해 베니 굿맨(Benny Goodman) 악단도 녹음했기 때문.
개인적으로 밀롱가에서 AM(=Alternatvie Milonga)으로 이런 스윙 재즈 나오면 좋으련만 아마도 땅고인들 취향은 아닌 듯? 가령 '미국인이 되고프냐(=Tu Vuo Fa L'americano)', '라짜렐라(Lazzarela)'처럼 미국 냄새가 덜 나야 좋아하는 거 같다.
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ensf2l · 2 years ago
고구마티비 볼까?
고구마티비보다 더 편하고 재밌었다.ᄒᄒ *아참! 쌩유베리캄사해요~ [동대문] 동대문역사문화공원/DDP 이 포스팅은 퍼온 것 입니다.포스트를 수정할 경우에 삭제처리됩니다. [링크] = 5501207[링크] & REVIED BY CHANGIN INTERNATIONS TODAES ARMAS JUNG KWON PARKS – ALL OF THE Year- 2008, the Design Forum hosts four of these commerce and deserves, including forehead, heels, bone, caps 고구마티비 바로가기: 고구마티비에 대해 더 알아보기 transportation system without loss to it make a production date at…
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rb7012 · 5 years ago
Reposted from @dongatv_insta (@get_regrann) - 📷 서울패션위크 L I E 포토월 #서울패션위크 #서패위 #디디피 #동대문디자인플라자 #동대문역사문화공원 #동역사 #패션 #ootdfashion #ootd #데일리룩 #오늘뭐입지 #2030 #모델스타그램 #seoulfashionweek #ddp #fashionshow #runway #fashion #model #dailylook #dailyfashion #k패션 #dongatv #동아티비 #전효성 #레이디제인 #조현영 #황우슬혜 #오승아 #배윤경 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ycGEqF88l/?igshid=om68wfumkulp
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spideygogogo · 5 years ago
Repost Regrann from @dongatv_insta All credit goes to the owners of the video/photos. ・・・ 📷 서울패션위크 L I E 포토월 #서울패션위크 #서패위 #디디피 #동대문디자인플라자 #동대문역사문화공원 #동역사 #패션 #ootdfashion #ootd #데일리룩 #오늘뭐입지 #2030 #모델스타그램 #seoulfashionweek #ddp #fashionshow #runway #fashion #model #dailylook #dailyfashion #k패션 #dongatv #동아티비 #전효성 #레이디제인 #조현영 #황우슬혜 #오승아 #배윤경 ・・・・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・・・・ ・・・・ @cho_hyunyoung ・・・・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・・・・ ・・・・ Please feel free to ask me to delete the post if it infringes your copyright and I am sorry for the trouble I might have caused you. (在 Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Op8EBFsOv/?igshid=az2yhdo3tfvg
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michaelkei · 2 years ago
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Hi buds~ these're my today scenes. Today was busy, even if be hold day. Guess that seem not to be unsignificant for break day. As like that, made me exhaustingly. During daybreak time, couldn't be slept well by mosquito.🤬 how can to fly mosquito yet!?😤 Moreover preparing was hard up to movement previous. Hmm Anyhow my first destination was Shinsaegae of Banpo. When look at there, people haven't a lot well. But underground merchant plaza has lotta visitors. My visit object was that, repair for my Kangol wristband watch @kangol @kangolkorea . Finally have treated it up. After that over, I moved at DDP. There has fleamarket. I wanted, see that event. However, hadn't much time. So past there. And proceeded there starbucks. This scene is to reveal at next post.🤘 #shinsaegae #banpo #gangnamshinsaegae #banposhinsaegae #luxurymecca #gangnam #gangnamstyle #kanggol #kanggolwatch #ddp #dongdaemun #東大門 #ddpfleamarket #강남 #강남신세계 #반포 #반포신세계 #강남스타일 #동대문역사문화공원 #동대문 #屍口門 #屍軀門 #광희동 #시구문 (at Shinsegae Gangnam Department store) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjXj76Dhpnj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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inquirykookjin · 6 years ago
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아그파 바스타200 인지 코닥 컬러플러스200 인지 잘 모르겠다.
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iaan1927 · 5 years ago
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#동대문역사문화공원 #동대문디자인플라자 #ddp #서울라이트축제 #미디어파사드 #자하하디드 #닭한마리 . . 멀건 국물이 어떻게 이렇게 맛있어 지는지 원~ 추위엔 역시 뜨끈한 국물이줘~ https://www.instagram.com/p/B62pFJynqd-/?igshid=fwxgyd3pvxkt
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giltenkreuz · 8 years ago
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Еще одно место, которое можно снимать с тысячи ракурсов в любое время суток #동대문 #동대문역사문화공원 #서울 #여름 #여행 #dongdaemun #seoul #summer #travel (at Dongdaemun Design Plaza)
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elliesty · 8 years ago
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Уиии #Repost @plis.nadya (@get_repost) ・・・ Вот и настал тот знаменательным день. Мы очень любим тебя, наш единорожка, и поздравляем с Днём Рождения! Очень и очень надеюсь, что тебе понравилось то, как мы его отметили 🎶 #friend #friends #selfie #snow #happybirthday #birthday #panda #chiken #friedchiken #seoul #korea #southkorea #ddp #한국 #서울 #동대문역사문화공원
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wooreedul · 2 months ago
#서울라이트 DDP, 미래 도시의 예술과 기술, 전체녹화, ,동대문역사문화공원, 서울윈터페스타, @WRD-TV
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hsangyul-blog · 8 years ago
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오랜만에 서울 나들이 동대문역사문화공원. . . #travelingram #trip #tflers #instadaily #instatraveling #instalike #photography #photographers #snapphoto #감성사진 #fellowphoto #fellow2fellow #like4like #소니 #여행 #언제나여행중 #rx100v #소니 #RX #RX100M5 #세계에서가장빠른카메라 #하이엔드카메라 #여행카메라 #감성여행 #세계여행 #서울여행 #국내여행 #DDP #동대문역사문화공원(동대문디자인플라자 DDP에서)
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rb7012 · 5 years ago
Reposted from @dongatv_insta (@get_regrann) - 📷 서울패션위크 L I E 포토월 #서울패션위크 #서패위 #디디피 #동대문디자인플라자 #동대문역사문화공원 #동역사 #패션 #ootdfashion #ootd #데일리룩 #오늘뭐입지 #2030 #모델스타그램 #seoulfashionweek #ddp #fashionshow #runway #fashion #model #dailylook #dailyfashion #k패션 #dongatv #동아티비 #전효성 #레이디제인 #조현영 #황우슬혜 #오승아 #배윤경 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ycChilvsF/?igshid=19e83gwvr4qif
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spideygogogo · 6 years ago
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#Repost Regrann from @daehoon_lee_ ・・・ 레인보우_지숙 하루반나절을..셔터만.. #korea #southkorea #동대문역사문화공원 #gns #DDP #서울패션위크 #서울패션위크2019 #fw2019 #fashionweek #seoulfashionweek #sfw #패션위크 #지숙 #소니 #a7rm3 #a7r3 #시그마135mm #출사 @jisook718 #김지숙 #지숙 #JiSook #KimJiSook #ジスク #智淑 #金智淑 #레인보우 #Rainbow #レインボー #RAINNOUS #seoulfashionweek2019 #FW2019(在 Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvfwcgmF-5n/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1smzhkjuwd5nl
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studylustre · 5 years ago
hey lovely!! im planning a trip to seoul next year + I know that you've been, so i just wanted to ask for your recommendations?? wheres the best place to stay area wise, places to visit, good food restaurants/cafes, how best to get around (im guessing subway)?? 💞
hello! how exciting omg. in terms of area, i don’t have any specific recommendations since i tend to stay in airbnbs when abroad and i’ve been in various different areas while in seoul. i think as long as u can find somewhere that’s ~fairly~ central and at a good price, then you’re golden! tbh it doesn’t really matter too much if you’re a little further out too bc the subway system is a dream and makes travelling around v easy (which answers your final question). you’ll just need a t-money card (which is like an oyster card/metro card for the subway that you load up with money and use to tap in/tap out at stations) and you can travel anywhere with ease!! the only thing to note is that trains stop running at night fairly early - i think it’s around/before midnight, so if you’re planning on staying out late then you’ll need to get a taxi.
here’s a few of my fave restaurants 🍚
카타코토카페 (the cuuutest japanese curry restaurant. it’s run by a couple and they’re lovely and super friendly!!)
신선설농탕 in myeongdong - i am v biased as a oxtail soup supremacist but this is honestly one of my fave places ever and i make it a tradition to come here every time i’m in seoul lmao IT’S JUST SO TASTY. tip: they’re always suuuper busy at breakfast and lunchtime so try to come before/after. also, there’s a rice porridge restaurant above this place on the 3rd floor (i think?) that is DELICIOUSSSS
광장시장 - the beeeest traditional food market. there are so many quality food stalls here and u can get a really, really top tier meal for super reasonable prices. note: they don’t accept card, so make sure u have cash on u before u go
maple tree house in itaewon - on the pricey side but god damn is their kbbq worth it (yes. the answer is yes)
 명동교자 - also another fave that i visit whenever i go!! their knife cut noodles are,,,,, incredible,,, and their dumplings are just so mind blowingly good just go and allow me to live vicariously through you please
나물먹는곰 - super cute restaurant that’s hidden away in hongdae. they have great traditional food
and some of my fave cafes ☕️
c.through cafe - check out their instagram for all you need to know about this place lmao
sulbing - this is a bingsu chain that you can find in multiple places!! their bingsu is so so good. i recommend the 인절미 bingsu and also there’s this one honeydew melon one they have with ice cream inside and it’s!! just!! amazing!! idk what it’s called but it’s super tasty YOU NEED TO TRY IT
cafe onion - the prettiest cafe!! they have two branches and both are lovely
not in seoul but honourable mention because it’s my fave cafe ever: waveon cafe in busan is,,,, life changing
as for places to visit, that rly depends on ur interests! i recommend visiting the palaces for sure and also the hanok village (but do be wary it’s a residential area so they understandably don’t like tourists lingering on their doorsteps for photos. there’s also quite a few cool tea houses in the area, i recommend you to check them out!!) n.seoul tower is also a must see - try going in the evening around sunset bc by the time you get up to the tower, it’ll be dark and that’s when the view is most impressive. the hike up there is also pretty nice if you’re prepared (i was NOT when i went and i nearly died lmfao but i digress). other places of interest:
한남동 has a lot of cool cafes!! it’s like a new, trendy up and coming area with a lot of nice eateries
홍대 is a lot of fun, especially in the evening bc lots of buskers perform there!! also there’s lots of boutiques with cute clothes!! it’s my fave area to explore because it’s just so lively
if skincare is your thing, you’ll like 명동. there’s also a lot of street food in the area in the evening
not area specific, but you need to try out coin karaoke at least once before you leave. it’s so so fun
동대문역사문화공원 is suuuper cool. there’s lots of really great artist stores inside the plaza
other general suggestions/advice
if you’re looking for good places to eat at and you’re in a jam, use mangoplate. it’s a super useful app for finding 맛집
kakaomaps may work better than google maps in seoul
please be careful of using public toilets bc there’s a huge problem in korea re: tiny cameras filming unsuspecting women. i don’t want to scare you, but i just want to give you a heads up as something to be wary of so you can protect yourself!!
you may want to get a sim card at the airport so you can use data. there’s wifi everywhere so you don’t have to get one, but i got one for my 2 week trip and it came in super handy countless times
things you should try before you leave: goobne chicken (get the red pepper one. i kid you not it changed my life), picnic by han river (you can order food to be delivered to you there!!), the convenience store kimbap (it’s SO good wtf), 떡볶이 (there’s a really good restaurant for it in hongdae that i can’t remember the name of but it’s really close to the gs25 store near one of the subway exits)/street food in general
not sure if you’re aware already, but you don’t need to tip in korea! also, you pay by the door before you leave so no need to wait at the table
i think that’s everything i can think of from the top of my head!! hopefully that helps. ik it’s a while off still but i hope you have the best time on your trip 🌷✨
EDIT: I AM A CLOWN i forgot to mention 교보문구??!??!? it’s a massive bookstore that has allllll the books you could ever want, including visual novels!! they also have stationery and cds and things, 10/10 recommend
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