shaguagua · 2 years
The title and the authour of this poem is unknown. It's from 古詩十九首(gǔ shī shí jiǔ shǒu; 19 old poems). The poem is regared from 漢朝(Han dynasty). Unlike the other old poems most of the poem are lyrics, singing love.
明月何皎皎 照我羅床緯
How bright the full moon! moonlight shines on my bed.
憂愁不能寐 攬衣起徘徊
Sleepless night, roem around holding sleeves.
客行雖云樂 不如早旋歸
Traveling may be pleasant, but would it be better than coming home?
出戶獨徬徨 愁思當告誰
Stray about all alone, who would I tell my worries of you?
引領還入房 淚下沾裳衣
Look faraway in vain, heading back in while tears soak my clothes.
This poem is about a wife worrying her hushand during the night under moonlight. This poem is definitely a lyric.
It changes my understanding of Zhou zishu totally. It was Wen kexing who sings love poems not Zhou zishu!! As how I love his noble moment, he must have known the meaning of that. WHY?? why would you say that??
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it's because of Wen kexing's name. How Zhou zishu understood his name with dividing may not be the case here but Wen kexing said one of the old poem from 古詩十九首.
人生天地間 忽如遠行客
Living in this world is like a wanderer who hurries the road.
The common meaning of this poem is just enjoy the drink and live the moment. But some interpretations saying that the speaker of the poem is worrying something. According to the historical aspects it's the ruin of the nation. Think about Wen kexing's situation in ghost valley it's comprehensive.
This is why Zhou zishu saying the love poem❤️ Because it's also from 古詩十九首. Here is Zhou zishu noble moment, I'm sure he must have chosen, picked and selected from the poem and finally he decided to say that. Well they both are under the moonlight. Somehow, Zhou zishu knows Wen kexing leaving. At that moment he says the poem which means he would be waiting for Wen kexing. 으아아아아아아아아烈女怕纏郎!!!!열녀가넘어가버렸어!!!!!!
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