godricofgaul · 3 years
@chromatiica​ ᴡᴀʟᴋꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ
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INDIE HEARD WHAT GODRIC WAS SAYING but that did not mean she had to agree with his position on being… traditional. That word hadn’t even been in her vocabulary until she met him; always preferring to do things her own way without anyone, including this so called Vampire King, getting in the way of stopping her. From the whisperings around the nest over the past few weeks whenever he had visitors over that she did in fact notice, despite what he may have thought in her zombie-like state, Godric could easily take on the role as the new king—— but why wasn’t he?
The joke was on him. Godric doubling down about needing to see the king and ask for permission only brought up a sense of defiance in the woman, frame shifting forward as she sat on the couch debating how to eloquently phrase her opinion. “That’s funny, I wouldn’t have considered you the type of person to follow ‘tradition’ and follow the rules when you’ve accepted a human into you’re home.”
Was she wrong though? Despite the producer’s lack of eyebrows she crinkles her forehead together in an attempt to convey what she meant; a bulb going off in her head. Indie carefully shifted her weight to lean forward on the couch as she took a lesson from her mother: telling stories. “You know, there once was a time where two common girls were were raised by a commoner in the Kingdom. They were poor and the King was cruel, hoarding all the plants for himself to make money. He acted like he cared for those less fortunate when he didn’t. It’s funny, really, the grey area between what the King said is right with distributing licenses to grow that silly little plant… while the rich King made all the profits off the plants.”
And then, and only then, did Indie lean back against the comfort of the couch cushion, arms folded across her chest. “What do you think the commoner should have done? Should he wait around and let someone else make the first move for a revolution, or should we— he— just stand back and let his family and others perish because of what a corrupt King says? Or take matters into his own hands?”
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" ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴏᴠᴇʀ 2,000 ʏᴇᴀʀꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴇɴᴄᴇ is enough to allow my own traditions. ” The vampire grinned at his companion. Of course Indie would be critical about vampire hierarchy and the arcane methods they as a species have chosen to continue to honor. The irony of the situation------- that vampires should want to live among humans as equals while simultaneously playing the roles that popular culture had penned for them------ was not lost on Godric.
He raised a thick eyebrow. “ Did you tell stories like this before we met? ” Because he knew that some of his traits had influenced the musician ( and perhaps some of hers had influenced him ). It was all well and good that they were in agreement on the King but their opinions would not change laws.
Now the ancient raised both eyebrows ( wearing his thoughts on his face surely was something that he picked up from Indie ). “ What you are saying sounds dangerously like treason. ” But he did just mention his ‘ own traditions ’ and he was willing to do whatever it would take to spread Indie’s vision. Godric moved his body closer to his partner and lowered his voice as if someone could possibly hear them in the privacy of their own home. “ What would this commoner intend to do to take these matters into his own hands? ”
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