#ꕥ;; maiden of the mirrors { mao }
@fxtelism​ said: "Mao, if y-you don't mind, how's t-things with T-Tisa? Is s-she doing w-well...?" Murelle asked.
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“Last I heard, she’s been doing well.” Of course she’s not saying anything about why Tisa isn’t here.
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@fxtelism​ said: "M-Mao...?" Murelle slightly widened in surprise when tears started to form around the former Mirror Maiden's eyes, something she didn't expect from her, considering how she was usually calm and composed. "Are y-you alright...?" Her hand gently placed on the other's.
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“I’m... I’m fine, it’s nothing.” She wiped her tears away, not wanting to trouble Murelle with her worries. The nightmares, Tisa’s departure... It still stung pretty bad to be all alone again. She’d come to Liyue of her own volition to find Murelle going to eat at the Wamin Restaurant.
So she’d joined her, and now she was ruining the mood.
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“I’ll be fine. We should put in our orders for what we want to eat. Please don’t worry too much about me.”
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@fxtelism​ said: 📖 (Murelle / worry?)
I’m sorry this took ages. This meme btw
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It’s been a while since I’ve seen Murelle. We parted ways at Mondstadt, with her wanting to stay behind for multiple reasons. I haven’t seen her since, even though I know that she should’ve been there. Has she gone elsewhere? Did the Fatui find her?
I’ve been searching for a while now, trying to find out where she is. Tisa keeps asking me what I’m looking for, and seems confused when I say I’m searching for Murelle.
.....What happened, Murelle? Are you okay?
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Quick tag thing for mel’s genshin verse.
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Anonymous said: "Tisa? Hah, she's weak anyway, well, if she would die. Good riddance, she's a failure anyway, like you, traitor!"
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If the Fatui member had thought that would make her be fearful, they were sorely mistaken. Through their travels together, Tisa had gotten stronger. Strong enough to hold her own, in fact. Even without the Cicins around, she was a force to be reckoned with.
It had been prudent for Mao to teach Tisa how to fight better, in the chance the two of them were separated during their brief travels together. “And I’d watch your mouth, Fatui. Who said that Tisa was weak and a failure? I’m certain you’d be no match for her if you were ever to threaten her.”
Stepping forward, the woman allowed a polearm to appear in her hand. Holding it out, pointing it towards the person who dared to insult her sister in this manner, she gave a dangerous smile.
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“Are we feeling cocky now? I could rend your flesh from your bones if you want to keep talking.”
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Anonymous said: How much means Tisa to you, Mao?
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“She’s like a younger sister that I’ve never had.” Mao admitted, before walking forward.
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Grabbing the greyface, she forced them to look directly at her. “I care a lot about her, and if you do anything to her... I will make sure your last moments are as painful and horrific as I can.”
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Anonymous said: "Why...? Why, Mao...? Why did you have to kill me...? I trusted you, I saw you as my younger sister that I never had..."
This was when Mao saw a taller woman, despite wearing ordinary clothing, she could recognize her.
Her eyes were tearing up, crimson scattered all around her face and body.
Before anything could happen, it just ended like a nightmare.
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“Lizbeth!” Mao had reached out to her fellow Mirror Maiden, who had trained with her. Shocking awake, Mao’s hand stretched out to the starry sky above and then fell down, covering her eyes as she breathed heavily.
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“....Yet another nightmare of her...” Sitting up, Mao wiped the tears from her eyes. She hadn’t wanted to do so, Lizbeth had forced her hand. So many years, only to be taken from the world by her own insistence of Mao being a traitor. A voice in the back of her head, Lizbeth’s voice, called a name that she didn’t recognize.
Velina? Who was Velina?
“......I should get going. I’ve spent too much time here.”
Packing up her things and kicking dirt over her campfire, Mao left where she was resting to continue her journey.
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Anonymous said: Mao, how beautiful is that fruit you’re staring at?
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She picks up the piece of fruit, holding it up to the greyface’s line of sight before proceeding to eat it.
“I was debating how to eat it.”
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She spent the past few weeks alone, readjusting to life without a companion by her side.
Now she’s just staring at a piece of fruit. Go figure.
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The Journey Together - Conclusion
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It’d been two weeks since Tisa had gone back home, and Mao had drowned in despair for those weeks. No Fatui went unscathed, no bandit untouched. It was as if she’d become an entirely different person once she was alone again. As if Tisa had been her only moral lining.
That wasn’t the truth. Mao was hurting, and she didn’t know how to properly deal with it. The devastation she left behind was nothing short of awe-inspiring to some, a fearful reminder of what Delusions could do to others. She seemed a lot different than before, too.
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It was as if she’d lost the spark that had kept her going for so long, replaced by the despair that ate at her.
For so long, she’d found comfort in having someone there with her. But no, her journey was one of solitude. Not of companionship, not of friendship or love.
Dear Tisa,
      It’s been about a month now. I don’t know exactly how this letter will find you, but I’ve been doing well. Things have stalled in my search, so I’ve ended up staying in Inazuma for a time. No one knows who I am, and I’m lucky I even got in here. They say the borders were closed for a good long while due to the Raiden Shogun’s idea of Eternity. They’ve just recently reopened, I hear, so I’ve decided to come here.
I’ve attached a few pressed flowers. I hope you enjoy them.
Love, Mao
The letter is sealed up, and Mao sets it with another letter addressed to Murelle. Looking at the mirror, she wondered if she should go find something to eat. Tomorrow, maybe. For now, she just had to wait for the postman to come collect her letters to take to who they were destined for.
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Anonymous said: "I will..." Tisa gave her a tight hug, it was lasting for awhile, not wanting to let go. Soon Mao could hear tears, the former Cyro mage couldn't contain herself anymore as she was sobbing. "T-thank you, thank you for e-everything. Y-you saved me f-from the Fatui. Without y-you, I wouldn't be h-here at all. Y-you're like a b-big sister to me..."
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It was then that the floodgates broke and Mao cried silently. Holding Tisa tightly, listening to her thank Mao for everything. It hurt to know she’d be alone again in her journey for the truth, but she couldn’t ask Tisa to continue travelling with her.
“And you’re like a sister to me, too.” Mao said, her voice not betraying her emotions. Even though she was crying, there was no indication other than the tears. She’d really grown to think of Tisa like a younger sister, and now it was time for them to say goodbye.
“I’ll come visit someday, I promise. Until then, remember what I taught you. Keep yourself and your parents safe.”
I love you, Tisa. My little sister.
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Anonymous said: "...!" Tisa lightly gasped, seeing her sincerely sad which it was quite shocking to her. Usually the former Mirror Maiden was composed and hid her emotions well, but this time, she could even see the tears threatening to fall. Her hands quickly held the other's. "W-we don't have to, Mao! If you ever visit my home, you're always welcome to do so! I'm sure my parents would be happy to see you. I promise you that..."
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So this was going to be goodbye to their journey? She was going to be alone again. The feeling of dread in her stomach seemed to burst, but the only thing that showed was the tears that fell. Tisa’s hands, though warm, did naught to stem the feeling of despair.
The darkness she had sunk into before, when she’d first become a Mirror Maiden. It threatened to swallow her, but she wouldn’t let it.
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Instead of letting Tisa get any more worried about her, Mao smiled easily. If one were perceptive enough, they’d see it didn’t reach her eyes like her other smiles. No, she was barely keeping her head above the despair that threatened to consume her. “I’ll be sure to visit, then. I’m sorry I made you come with me, Tisa. Please, take care of yourself and don’t get into too much trouble, alright?”
I’ll be fine.
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Anonymous asked: "Mao, what would you do if this is over...?" Tisa curiously asked, looking at her.
oh no
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What would she do if this was over? Did she mean their comraderie, or their journey? This was difficult to answer, as she hadn’t actually thought of it being over. Sky blue eyes glanced over at the Mage, and she looked a bit... sad.
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“.....I don’t know.” She said, honestly. She didn’t know what she’d do if this was over. If their journey was over, and they parted ways. If Tisa wanted to leave, and never look back. It made an emotion bubble in the bottom of her stomach. Where her heart had sank.
“These days with you, travelling and trying to find the truth, have been some of the days I’ve kept dear to my heart. Thinking of them ending... Is something I haven’t thought of.”
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It’s hard for the Maiden to think of days without Tisa. Without this journey at hand. In fact, it was difficult. Not because of anything romantic, no, but Mao had come to care for Tisa like a younger sibling. It’d been fun, it’d been the best days... Even if they had a few rocky bumps at the beginning.
But, if Tisa wanted to leave, she wouldn’t stop her.
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Anonymous said: Book ( Tisa / happiness )
This took forever I’m sorry. It’s from this meme
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It’s been about a month since I took Tisa under my wing. I’m not alone anymore. It’s filled me with an emotion I thought was long since gone-- an emotion that I think was called... Happiness at one point?
She puts a smile on my face, and I’m... happy to call her comrade.
It’s hard to think that this emotion still vexes me. Have I really been so lost?
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Anonymous said: "H-happy Lantern Rite, Mao! Here, I have some Jade Parcels that we can eat together." Tisa lightly blushed as she represented her the said dish.
Lantern Rite // Accepting
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Lantern Rite... The Liyue yearly tradition. Where they sent lanterns into the sky... Mao had no one to send lanterns to, so she had just been wandering Liyue itself during this time. Watching everyone else get ready for the usual festivities-- things she’d never thought she’d experience in her time as a member of the Fatui.
When Tisa approached her, holding out the Jade Parcels that they could eat together, Mao gave a smile and gently took the plate from her. “They look wonderful, Tisa. Come, let us go find a place to eat them.”
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Anonymous said: "I was always taught that we're doing the right thing, but-" Tisa downed her head. "-if it meant to kill my friends, I can't bring myself to do this, even they would attack me..."
More feels // accepting
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“I was as well. We all were, at one point and time.” She reached out, gently putting a hand on Tisa’s head. “But it’s okay to doubt what you’ve been taught. Sometimes the doubt helps you see beyond what you’ve been taught and look to a new path.”
Though she didn’t blame Tisa for not being able to kill those she’d come to know as friends, even if they didn’t share the same sentiment to traitors. “If it comes to it, you can let me bloody my hands. I won’t ask you to kill those you care about. That’d be asking too much of you.”
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After all, Tisa was already doing so much. She’d left the Fatui, and she was even travelling with Mao... but she could never ask the Mage to kill. That was something only Mao could do. Something that only she could stomach, even if it meant becoming a monster.
“All you need to do is call my name, and I’ll defend you with my life.”
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