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Dima Zverev. Escalator at Delovoy Center station. Moscow. February 2016
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#BW#Black and White#Preto e Branco#Noir et Blanc#黒と白#Schwarzweiß#Dima Zverev#Moscow subway#2016#2010s#Russia#Russie#Russland#Rússia#ロシア#魯国#Moscow#Moskau#Moscou#モスクワ
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A Japanese Illustrated History of America (1861), pictured: George Washington punching a tiger.
#art#Japanese history#Kanagaki Robun (仮名垣魯文)#Utagawa Yoshitora (歌川芳虎)#Osanaetoki Bankokubanashi (童絵解万国噺)
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-《国立公園大タロコの偉觀》(國立公園大太魯閣的偉觀) 絵葉書
ca. 1939
大太魯閣深水溫泉 (文山溫泉)
#岡田紅陽#koyo okada#絵葉書#繪葉書#postcard#landscape photography#国立公園#national park#1939#タロコ#太魯閣#花蓮#hualien#taiwan#台湾#台灣#臺灣#臺湾囯立公園寫真集#台湾囯立公園写真集#台湾囯立公園#囯立公園#propaganda#hand coloured photos
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朝食昼食オヤツ #フーハン ドゥジャン 冷たい豆乳とおぼろ豆乳。 冷たい豆乳はロイヤルミルクティーの薄めた味がした。おぼろ豆乳は出汁の味もする。計70元 #北北車魯肉飯 魯肉飯のお店 並んでいるけれどすぐに食べられた。魯肉飯には煮卵(小碗で食べた) 肉増しにすれば良かった。計45元 #金(3つ)燿金(3つ) なんかめでたそうな名前だから入店 お昼ごはんがもの足りず観光してたらお腹減ったのでオヤツ。チキンライス。まぁカオマンガイのようなもの。計109元 #台湾ビール 台湾ドルが1ドル4.6-4.7なので、大体5円とすると、円安って海外旅行になんのメリットもないなぁって思ってしまいながら台湾ビールの18天を飲む。 #歩き過ぎて #痛風 #痛くてね #国立博物館も行ったから #観光もしてますよ #今晩泊まって #明日はホテル移動 #さて今から #晩ごはん #せととら #瀬戸内トラベル #香川県 #高松市 #台北 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpAOisvv8vQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Shuri Castle - Burning castle of the Ryukyu Dynasty (Ref)
Shuri Castle, the royal castle of the Ryukyu Dynasty, was once the political, economic and cultural centre of that maritime kingdom. The date of construction of Shuri Castle is not known, but it is thought to have been built in the late 13th and 14th centuries during the Gusuku period.
Until the end of the 16th century, the Ryukyu Kingdom remained independent in turbulent East Asia, as did Korea and Vietnam, but was invaded and ruled by the Satsuma clan (now Kyusyu, Japan), and became a vassal state in the early 17th century.
After several fires and war damage, and repeated rebuilding, the World Heritage Site Shuri Castle was once again destroyed by a sudden fire on 31 October 2019, which lasted about eight hours and destroyed nine buildings and historical heritage sites, including the main hall. It is currently being rebuilt with a view to restoration in 2026.
The first burning occurred in 1453 during the struggle for the throne that followed the death of King Shō Kinpuku of the 1st Shō dynasty (Shiro-Furi Rebellion), when the castle was completely destroyed. The second fire, in 1660, took 11 years to rebuild, and the third fire in 1709 destroyed the main, north and south halls.
After the Ryukyu Disposition following the establishment of Okinawa Pref. by Japanese Government in 1879, the main hall and other buildings of Shuri Castle lost their role as the seat of government and were sold to the Japanese Army's 6th Division (Kumamoto, Japan) as a military camp and then to Shuri Ward (later Shuri City), which used them as school buildings for girls' schools.
It was almost completely destroyed during the Battle of Okinawa (WWⅡ) in 1945 and the construction of the University after the war, leaving only a small portion of the castle walls and building foundations remaining.
Full-scale reconstruction was considered in the 1980s, and the restoration work, which took about 40 years, was completed in January 2019. In October of the same year, a mysterious fire destroyed the castle again.
Shuri Castle, which has been repeatedly persecuted and burnt down but continues to revive, seems to symbolise Ryukyuan culture itself.
首里城 〜 燃え続ける琉球王朝のお城(参照)
琉球王国は16世紀末まで、朝鮮やベトナムと同様に激動の東アジアで独立を保っていたが、薩摩藩 (現在の九州)の侵略と支配を受け、17世紀初頭に属国となった。
1度目の焼失は1453年に第一尚氏の尚金福王の死後に発生した王位争い (志魯・布里の乱) であり、城内は完全に破壊された。2度目の焼失は1660年のことであり再建に11年の年月を要した。1709年には3度目の火災が起き正殿・北殿・南殿などが焼失した。
1879年の日本政府による沖縄県設置に至る琉球処分以後は、正殿など首里城の建物は政府の所在地としての役割を喪失し、日本陸軍の第6師団 (熊本) の軍営として、その後は首里区 (後の首里市) に払い下げられ、女学校の校舎として利用された。
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Letter from Kondo Isami dated May 20, Genji 1 (June 23, 1864) to Nakajima Jirobei (中島次郎兵).
The second line from the left reads, "Male sexuality is popular" (男色流行).
Original letter
(本文略) 尚々、御家内中様御尊父始メ御勇猛之至奉恐賀候。陳者尊兄健次郎様事市ヶ谷辺江御縁談之由、恐悦至極奉存候。 次ニ下拙義も素□愚魯身不顧尽忠報国有志御募リ相成、然馬合之局中ヲ預リ、州鄙客申述頻ニ心配致ゆへ□哉意外多病相成、依而去二月肥後守殿□なるへく温泉致候様、依之罷越候処僅七八日ニ而俄ニ 肥後守殿御役替ニ付飛脚到来、其夜五十丁十六里帰京致候。 併相応度候哉当節大丈夫ニ相成候間、御懸念可被下候間敷、且乍憚一統様暫時処公然様奉願上候。 一、扨先年府中宿おいて御同様始楼登リ、妄戯仕事時々思ひ出申候。就而者当節婦人戯候事聊無之。局中頻ニ男色流行仕候。尚帰府之上申上度。以上
(Text omitted) I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you, including your dear father, for your bravery. I am very pleased to hear of your older brother Kenjiro's marriage proposal and move to the Ichigaya area. Next, I have been recruiting volunteers to repay the nation with loyalty without regard for my own life, and have been entrusted with the affairs of bureaucrats. I've had too many worries on my mind and I have been unexpectedly very ill. Last February, Higo-no-kami-dono asked me to visit a hot spring, so I did. After just 7 or 8 days, a courier suddenly arrived with news of Higo-no-kami-dono's change of position, so overnight I returned to Kyoto at a distance of 50 blocks and 16 ri [16 hour walk]. At the same time, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your concern. For the time being, I can only offer my best wishes. Now, I sometimes recall that last year when I was in Fuchu, we visited brothels and indulged in raunchy games. In that regard, people no longer play around with the ladies these days. Male sexuality is popular frequently throughout the headquarters. I would like to mention this to you upon my return to my home province. That is all.
In the main text (omitted), he writes that he was disappointed in the Shinsengumi's position and its role, and that he considered disbanding the group, but was consoled, and so on. [T/N: This was before Ikedaya]
In the postscript, in addition to congratulating the Nakajima family on their happy event, he wrote that he had fallen ill due to hard work and went to a hot spring for treatment, as recommended by Katamori, but after about a week, Katamori informs him that he was to be reassigned to a different position. It is written that he returned to Kyoto, sick and beaten.
He then fondly remembers how they used to indulge in "raunchy games" together at a brothel in Fuchu, and tells them that these days there is no such thing as playing with women at all, and that "danshoku" (male sexuality) is prevalent within the Shinsengumi.
(source: www.toshizo.com)
Translator Notes
Instead of interpreting it as Kondo complaining about the prevalence of male sexuality, doesn't it sound like he's actually trying to convince Nakajima to go for male prostitutes together next time?
"I know we used to play around with women, but no one does that anymore. Here at the Shinsengumi HQ, we do male love all the time. Just something I wanted you to know before I visit you ;)" 😂
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Xユーザーの上海在住のえいちゃんさん: 「的を得た表現。『魯迅でもこんなピッタリな比喩は書けない』というコメントも秀逸 「愛国はパンツのようなものでみんな履いているが、もし頭にかぶって注目されようとする人が現れると、その人は必ず問題がある」 https://t.co/CtBAZ62Pg0」 / Twitter
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滷肉飯(ルーローハン/ローバープン[1])、または魯肉飯は、台湾の郷土料理[2]。小吃に分類される[3]。蓋飯の一種。 概要 台湾人に広く愛される郷土料理である[2]。豚バラ肉を醤油のスープで甘辛く煮込み、ご飯にかけたもので、代表的な庶民料理に数えられる[4][5]。台湾では店、家庭によってバラ肉以外にも様々な部位の豚肉が用いられ、茶碗サイズの器に盛りつけることが多いので、他のおかずと共に食される[5][6]。 「滷」は「鹵」に由来し[7]、「醤油や香辛料を煮込んだスープ。またはそのスープで作った食べ物」を意味する[8]が、漢字が複雑などの理由で同音の「魯肉飯」表記も用いられる[5]。 英語表記は台湾語のピンインをアルファベット表記した「Lu Rou Fan」や「Minced Pork Rice」が用いられる[5]。 歴史 元々は肉屋で余ったくず肉や脂身を煮込んだ料理が発祥とされ、やがてご飯にかけて食べられるようになった[5]。別の説では、貧しかった農民が貴重な豚肉を家族均等に食べられるように、豚肉を細かく刻んで煮込み、ご飯にかけたのが始まりだとされる[9]。 清と日本統治時代の台湾の閩南語辞典には豚角煮を意味する「鹵肉」しかなく、「鹵肉飯」、「滷肉飯」は関連文献を含めて記載がない[7]。そのため、滷肉飯として屋台などで提供されるようになったのは、第二次世界大戦後ではないかと推測されている[7]。 2011年発行のミシュランガイド台湾版では「魯肉飯は中国山東省が発祥」と記されたことで、台湾で抗議が起きた[9]。これは山東料理を「魯菜」と呼ぶことに起因していた[9]。
滷肉飯 - Wikipedia
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Dima Zverev. Poster on the tunnel wall. Taganskaya station. Moscow. September, 2013
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#BW#Black and White#Preto e Branco#Noir et Blanc#黒と白#Schwarzweiß#Dima Zverev#Taganskaya station#Moscow subway#2013#2010s#Russia#Russie#Russland#Rússia#ロシア#魯国#Moscow#Moskau#Moscou#モスクワ#Saint-Petersburg#São Petersburgo#Saint-Pétersbourg#Sankt Petersburg#セントピーターズバーグ
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「三国」の武将といえば、 蜀の五虎将(関羽・張飛・趙雲・黄忠・馬超)。 魏にも四天王(夏侯惇・夏侯淵・曹仁・曹洪)や、 五名将(張遼・徐晃・于禁・楽進・張郃)。 呉はどうかというと、 周瑜・魯粛・呂蒙・陸遜という存在がいるが、 彼らは最前線に出て戦うよりも大軍を指揮する指令官。 孫堅の旗揚げから仕えた叩き上げの四将。 程普、黄蓋、韓当、祖茂である。 後年、呂蒙がこんなことを孫権に言った。 「かつて周瑜、程普、両将の間がうまく行かず、国家の大事を損なう危険がありました」と。
孫呉の「四天王」は、なぜ蜀の五虎将や魏の五大将より地味なのか?(歴史人) - Yahoo!ニュース
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Lu Xun's "New Story": Criticizing Chinese Civilization(The Problems of the Dam): Essay
Three Gorges Dam
The collection of works in the title is a wonderful response between the artist himself and his works, as Lu Xun(魯迅), who was concerned about the future of China, was trying to sound a warning to the Chinese people. Although he was fully aware of the greatness of Chinese civilization, he wrote things that disparaged that civilization. The works included are 8 stories in total, including a ``reasonable new interpretation'' of Lao Tzu’s Departing episode, and are rich in variety, so you won't get tired of reading them.
The most interesting story among these stories is that when King Yu(禹), one of the three emperors Yao, Shun, and Yu, was desperately trying to control floods, scholars and officials connected to the central government What this means is seen as nothing more than an event in the world of Chinese characters, and the story depicts people having meaningless discussions about whether Yu actually meant an insect, and doing nothing about the problem. Eventually, the mud-covered Yus returned and despised and mocked those in the center.
Importantly, Yu succeeded in controlling floods by letting water flow without building dams. Modern China's Three Gorges Dam is only a recipe for disaster. Suicidal behavior of the Chinese people. They must read the classics properly. (Here,” The book:書経”)
Lu Xun's internal motivation for writing this story was that at the time, the system for discovering officials called the Imperial Examination had become meaningless, and the story of how a student taking the Imperial Examination who could only understand Chinese characters was now meaningless to even children. It seems that Lu Xun, who witnessed the pitiful situation where he gave a lecture on Chinese characters, wrote out his anger (though he did not know whom he was addressing) on a manuscript paper. In the case of Yu's tales, without making fun of the main character, he depicts a highly probable figure of Yu and instead criticizes Chinese civilization by pointing out the scholars and officials who have become a group of incompetents bound by Chinese characters.
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HD QUALITY 敢死队4- 完整版字幕國語【The Expendables 4 】線上看- 2023
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敢死队4 Expend4bles (2023) 导演: 斯科特·沃 编剧: 科特·维莫 / Tad Daggerhart / 麦克斯·亚当斯 / 戴夫·卡拉汉姆 / 斯宾塞·科恩 主演: 杰森·斯坦森 / 西尔维斯特·史泰龙 / 50分 / 梅根·福克斯 / 杜夫·龙格尔 / 更多… 类型: 动作 / 惊悚 / 战争 / 冒险 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2023-09-15(中国大陆) / 2023-09-22(美国) 片长: 103分钟 / 101分钟(中国大陆) 又名: 敢死队4 / 浴血任务4(��) / 轰天猛将4(港) / The Expendables 4 IMDb: tt3291150 敢死队4的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
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❍❍❍ TV FILM ❍❍❍
他的第一部電視節目是實驗性的,零星的節目,從1930年代起,只能在離桅杆很近的距離處觀看。電視節目,例如1936年德國夏季奧運會,喬治六世國王加冕。在19340年的英國,以及1939年在美國紐約世界博覽會上著名的大衛·薩諾夫(David Sarnoff)的發射,這種媒介不斷發展,但第二次世界大戰使戰後的發展停滯不前。 19440年的世界電影啟發了許多美國人,他們購買了第一台電視。1948年,廣受歡迎的德士古星劇院廣播電台成為第一個每週舉行的電視綜藝節目,該節目主持了米爾頓·伯雷(Milton Berle),並獲得“電視先生”的稱號,證明了這種媒體是穩定的,可以吸引廣告商的現代娛樂形式。 1951年9月4日,美國首次全國直播電視轉播,當時哈里·杜魯門(Harry Truman)總統在舊金山日本和約會議上就AT&T的跨大陸���纜和微波中繼系統發表演講時,已向當地市場的廣播公司播出。是。
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