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博學多識 學識豐富 博學多才 知識豐富 學識淵博 淵博 知識廣博 博學多聞 博學 學識廣博 博古通今 博聞強識 學富五車 淵博的知識 學問淵博 淵博知識 博學睿智 上知天文下知地理 通古博今 淵博的學識 博覽群書 學識 博學廣識 見識廣博 淵博學識 談吐不凡 博聞多識 學養深厚 通曉古今 學識深厚
晉 葛洪 《抱樸子·崇教》:“是以遐覽淵博者,曠代而時有;面墻之徒,比肩而接武也。” 宋 蘇軾 《東坡志林·記講筵》:“卿講義淵博,多所發揮,良深嘉嘆。” 清 昭槤 《嘯亭雜錄·純廟博雅》:“ 純廟 天縱聰慧,攬讀淵博。” 柔石 《二月》二:“你學問是淵博的,哥哥常是談起你。”
淵,精深;博,廣博。淵博:精深而廣博,形容知識廣且深,博學多才。晉 葛洪《抱樸子·崇教》:“是以遐覽淵博者,曠代而時有;面墻之徒,比肩而接武也。”
釋星雲(1927年8月19日[2]—2023年2月5日[3]),俗名李國深,法名悟徹,法字今覺,法號星雲[註 1],筆名趙無任[4]。生於江蘇江都,童年出家,漢傳佛教比丘及學者,為臨濟宗第四十八代傳人,同時也是佛光山開山宗長(方丈)、國際佛光會創辦人暨榮譽總會長、世界佛教徒友誼會榮譽會長[5],被尊稱星雲大師[1]。
姊妹計劃: 數據項
獨自學習而沒有朋友一起切磋、研討,就會造成學識淺陋而見聞不廣。 對朋友怠慢就違背了師長的教導;一旦言行偏差,就會荒廢了自己的學業。
原因: 朋友是你瞭解外部世界的橋樑,也是你不斷完善自己的標尺。一個人學習,而不接觸外部環境是行不通的。只有與朋友共同學習,集思廣益、取長補短,才能彌補自身的缺憾,並獲得更多知識。
1 人人身上都是一個時代
2 跑啊!林和
3 王永慶的兩百圓有多大
4 辜家豪門鑽石失竊記
5 台灣最貴單身漢
6 巴黎唯一的台灣人
7 神祕的第一位台灣人車主
8 名門公子���本浪漫遊
9 美國鳥人到台灣
10 明治元勳欠錢記
11 禁吃大蒜迎親王
1 戀愛?亂愛!
2 台灣人殉情記
3 少年仔愛看電梯小姐
4 煙草女工眼裡的蔣介石
5 懷念的鐵路便當
6 烤鴨該怎麼吃
7 愛鄉愛土全民票選台灣八景
8 1933年雙十國慶在台北
9 鐵達尼船難消息在台灣
10 豪華世界郵輪初體驗
11 英語演講比賽前先獎盃奉還
12 車牌暗藏魔鬼
13 那時候的公車會「犁田」
14 颱風來了會缺鹽
15 火災的關鍵詞
16 打開日本時代的鉛筆盒
17 考上醫校回頭嗆校長
18 修學旅行遇見明治天皇
19 捨不得不愛的農曆年
20 老藥房的推銷術
1 怪怪小偷和大盜
2 日本時代也有毒品?
3 盜賊拔刀海上來
4 偷車賊最愛的作案地點
5 好膽賭博要鞭刑
6 來看富豪斬雞頭發毒誓
1 那些年動物惹的禍
2 最佳療癒系之小鴨物語
3 小象闖進高級料亭了
4 猛雄藏了十個月的祕密
5 狗狗的日本時代
6 不是端午也能划龍舟
7 人間無處不花火
8 上陽明山不看櫻花
9 為路樹繫上第一張身分證
1 台灣銀行重返上海
2 東京火車站的呼吼
3 早稻田的咖啡店
4 松泉閣給的問號與答案
5 第一波青春壯遊
6 第三國人
7 撫臺街洋樓身世之謎
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手塚治虫,本名手塚治,生於日本大阪府,漫畫家、動畫製作人、醫學博士、現代日本動畫的創立者,有「日本漫畫之神」尊稱。 維基百科
出生資訊: 1928 年 11 月 3 日,日本大阪府豐中市
逝世: 1989 年 2 月 9 日,日本東京都東京半蔵門病院
配偶: 手塚悦子 (結婚於 1959 年–1989 年)
子女: 手塚眞, 手塚留美子, Chiiko Tezuka
獲獎記錄: 瑞寶章, 日本SF大獎, Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame, Winsor McCay Award, 講談社漫画賞一般部門, …
手塚治虫(日語:手塚 治虫/てづか おさむ Tezuka Osamu,1928年11月3日—1989年2月9日),本名手塚治,生於日本大阪府,漫畫家、動畫製作人、醫學博士、現代日本動畫的創立者,有「日本漫畫之神」尊稱。
1945年進入大阪大學附屬醫學專門部,1951年畢業,隔年通過醫師國家考試。1961年於奈良縣立醫科大學以《在異型精子細胞中膜構造的電子顯微鏡研究》論文獲得醫學博士學位。自1946年起在《少國民新聞》(現《每日小學生新聞》)上連載四格漫畫《小馬的日記》,從此走上漫畫之路。1947年,根據酒井七馬原作改編的漫畫《��寶島》發行,該作將大量電影拍攝法引入漫畫,一經推出就受到歡迎,人們由此開始接受"新漫畫"的概念。此後陸續創作出《森林大帝》、《原子小金剛》、《怪醫黑傑克》、《小飛龍》、《三眼神童》等大量膾炙人口的長篇作品,屢次獲得各種獎項,其中的《藍寶石王子》是公認的日本第一部少女故事漫畫。1967年開始連載的探討生命奧秘的作品《火之鳥》,是其創作生涯的巔峰之作,至他臨終時,作品最後一章《現代篇》仍未完成。1961年成立「手塚治虫製作動畫部」,翌年以「蟲製作公司」的名義開始活動,日本第一部多集TV動畫原子小金剛、第一部彩色多集TV動畫森林大帝、第一部長達2小時的電視動畫特輯《100萬年地球之旅 熊貓BOOK》等一大批優秀的動畫作品均誕生於此。晚年時製作的各種實驗性動畫在國際社會上得到很高的評價。
怪醫黑傑克(日語:ブラック・ジャック,英語:Black Jack,��譯:怪醫秦博士)
白色領航員(日語:白いパイロット,英語:The White Pilot)
肯恩隊長(日語:キャプテンKen,英語:Captain Ken,港譯:無敵隊長)
新寶島(日語:新寶島,英譯:New Treasure Island)
38 度線上的怪物(日語:38度線上の怪物)
緞帶騎士(日語:リボンの騎士) 又譯:寶馬王子(東販版)、藍寶石王子(文化傳信)。
雙子騎士(日語:双子の騎士) 又譯:藍寶石王子別卷。
神奇獨角馬(日語:ユニコ) 又譯:小小獨角獸。
太平洋X點(日語:太平洋Xポイント,英語:X-Point On The South Pacific)
Alabaster (manga)(英語:透明人)(日語:アラバスター,英語:Alabaster)
神奇獨角馬 (小學1年級學生版)(日語:ユニコ(小學1年生版))
手塚治虫短編集(日語:手塚治虫THE BEST)
火鳥2772(日語:火の鳥2772 愛のコスモゾーン)
舊約 聖書物語(天地創造 十戒 イエスの誕生)
銀河探查2100年(銀河探査2100年 ボーダープラネット)
三浦滿 1983年獲講談社漫畫獎得主(漫畫家,代表作《L&S》、《鄰家美眉》等)
1986年,日本放送協會為手冢治蟲拍攝和製作紀錄片《漫畫之神:手塚治蟲 創作的秘密》。[4]
手塚治虫(動畫業界)瘟神說是知名的謠言,讓「錯誤歷史」擴散出去的始作俑者之一,就是宮崎駿。[5] 在批判過蟲製作公司的幾部作品與手塚發言之後,宮崎這樣說明:「昭和38年,他以一集50萬日圓這樣的便宜價格開始製作日本第一部動畫《原子小金剛》。因為這樣的前例產生了弊害,造成後來動畫的製作費用經常性地低落。這本身是個不幸的開始,但我覺得是日本在達成經濟成長的過程當中遲早要發生的命運,只是恰好由手塚先生扣下了板機而已。」
《原子小金剛》雖然光看電視台支付的放映權費用是虧損的,但因為副收入而帶來盈餘。這些盈餘都回饋給蟲製作公司社員的薪水,給了社員足以獨立創業的薪資。是因為社員待遇良好,使得蟲製作公司經營惡化,最終倒閉——。 這是蟲製作公司的歷史概略。而這也表示,手塚治虫以低薪資要動畫工作者工作這點絕非事實。 宮崎駿說長篇動畫因為《原子小金剛》而無法好好製作,這不單是誤解事實,更是捏造。東映動畫的經營惡化、輕視長篇動畫而轉換路線的經營判斷,這些都不是手塚治虫負責的,自然不該擔負長篇動畫製作困難的罪名。
其它動漫作品影響:手塚治虫閱讀過大量的東西方動畫、漫畫及流行作品,並受許多漫畫、動畫大師,比如米特·格羅斯(Milt Gross)[6]、迪士尼、查理·卓別林[7][8]、麥克斯·弗萊舍畫室(Fleischer Studios)[9]。
社會環境:手冢治蟲曾受到二戰和日本思想變化的影響,作品常常凝重、深邃、帶有「求索」的心情,呼籲和平、反對戰爭。前者比如《佛陀》,後者比如《三個阿道夫》 這些作品在日本動漫乃至世界動漫都是非常少見,但的確也彌足珍貴。
小說:手塚治虫改編不少的世界名著,比如《新浮士德》、《一千零一夜》、《三隻眼》等。經改編的作品有的保持原貌,但大多加上作者的思想。此外亦曾受聖座教廷之邀製作《舊約 聖書物語》,除了動畫,集英社並於1994年發行漫畫版,全3卷。
職業和興趣:手塚治虫是醫學博士,喜歡昆蟲。於是創作《人間昆蟲記》、《BLACK JACK》(中文譯:《怪醫黑傑克》)等作品
1979年- 嚴谷小波文藝獎。
1990年- 獲得第19屆日本漫畫家協會獎文部大臣獎,並於國立近代美館舉辦「手塚治虫」展
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重溫《情書》,重溫兩段愛情裡的遺憾。 完整文章:https://hatsocks1975.pixnet.net/blog/post/68319969
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【 拉普拉斯的魔女 】
之前看到LINE群有人簡單分享一下觀影心得,今天看完之後,那位大大是對的! 如果對 廣瀨鈴 有愛的話,你會獲得大大的滿足...
不喜歡廣瀨鈴的ㄧ些言論,但不可否認的是,她的演技存在感好強,名義上的主角 櫻井翔 ,都快被邊緣化了! 所以,海報的主視覺應該是第二張圖才對(笑) 結局弱了些,最近 東野圭吾小說改編電影結局最虛的一部! 說好的,東野圭吾系電影結局大轉折的公式在這部怎麼消失了呢...
個人喜愛: 7/ 10( 廣瀨鈴 及 豐川悅司 的演技 救了導演 )
【 故事大綱 】
地球化學教授青江修介(櫻井翔)到溫泉鄉協助調查一起硫化氫致死事件,眼中只有科學證據的他,以「氣候不安定的在室外,無法迫使他人吸入過多有毒氣體死亡」為由,排除死亡事件的他殺可能,但數日後,另一地溫泉又發生相同死亡事件,青江雖仍堅持是意外但信念也開始動搖,可是篤信科學的他,認為只有理論中能預測宇宙所有現象,被稱為「拉普拉斯惡魔」的虛構生物才能控制自然現象殺人,既然是虛構,不存在的東西要如何犯案?!此時一位自稱「拉普拉斯魔女」的神秘少女羽原円華(廣瀨鈴)用超越常理的的預知能力,徹底顛覆了他的科學理論! 究竟羽原的能力是真是假?而她口中所說的那位事件的關鍵人物甘���謙人(福士蒼汰)是否真有其人?單純的意外變成連續殺人事件,難道凶手真是傳說中的「拉普拉斯惡魔」?就在他信心動搖時,死亡事件再度發生…大學教授青江修介即將面對他生涯最艱難的挑戰。
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#TVR #TRUEVINTAGEREVIVAL #GQ #TVR524 #TOYOKAWAETSUSHI #豐川悅司 #亡命之途 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByxFO3fB_TK/?igshid=q52u37rmhzrm
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播放電影-hk 《最後的情書 》 線上電影 | 高清版完整版免費線 上觀看
最後的情書 完整版本 (2020-HD) Last Letter 完整版觀看電影在線小鴨 完整的電影 [4K]
𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊 🎥 ▶ https://bit.ly/31jW4kA
岩井俊二再現經典「岩」式浪漫!松隆子、福山雅治浪漫攜手主演。妹妹裕里代替去世的姊姊未咲出席同學會,想將姊姊死訊告知,卻沒想到反被誤認成姊姊,更與初戀情人重逢,開始了書信的往返。 片長:120分 上映日期:2020/08/21
最後的情書观看高清在线’2020完整版 最後的情書【2020-HD】完整版 最後的情書-完整版 【2020】hd.1080p 《最後的情書》 在线观看 [HD-2020] 最後的情書《Last Letter》在线观看 【HD.1080p】 在线观看HD【最後的情書】完整版
上映日期:2020–08–21 片 長:未提�� 發行公司:台北双喜電影 IMDb分數:6.7 導演: 岩井俊二(Shunji Iwai) 演員: 松隆子(Takako Matsu) 、 廣瀨鈴(Suzu Hirose) 、 福山雅治(Fukuyama Masaharu) 、 神木隆之介(Ryunosuke Kamiki) 、 庵野秀明(Hideaki Anno) 、 中山美穗(Miho Nakayama) 、 豐川悅司(Toyokawa Etsushi)
★ 七夕情人節 戀愛電影首選 ★ 新海誠力推!岩井俊二 繼情書後最動人的純愛的電影書寫 ★ 時隔22年 松隆子&福山雅治再結戲緣
劇情介紹 裕里的姊姊未咲撒手人寰。裕里(松隆子 飾)在告別式上,從外甥女鮎美(廣瀨鈴 飾)口中得知,有一封寄給未咲的同學會通知。裕里前往姊姊的同學會,想告知姊姊過世的消息,卻被眾人誤認為是曾為校花的姊姊,並且與她的初戀對象鏡史郎(福山雅治 飾)重逢。
一場誤會開啟了裕里與鏡史郎之間奇妙的書信往來。學生時期的鏡史郎(神木隆之介 飾)和少女未咲(廣瀨鈴 飾)以及少女裕里(森七菜 飾)之間淡淡的初戀情誼,又彷彿透過往返的信札鮮活起來。書信悄然串起他們的心,讓未咲死亡的真相、過去及現在,以及各自深藏在內心的初戀情懷,即將穿越時空有新了的發展───
最後的情書 澳門上映 最後的情書2020上映 最後的情書 HD線上看 最後的情書 線上看小鴨 最後的情書 电影完整版 最後的情書 線上看下載 最後的情書 2020 下載 最後的情書 線上看完整版 最後的情書 線上看完整版小鴨 最後的情書(2020)完整版本 最後的情書|1080P|完整版本 最後的情書线上看(2020)完整版 最後的情書線上看(2020)完整版 《最後的情書》 線上看電影(2020) 最後的情書 (電影)2020年再次觀看電影 最後的情書線上看|2020上映|完整版小鴨|線上看小鴨| 最後的情書 上看 最後的情書主題曲 最後的情書小鴨影音 最後的情書線上小鴨 最後的情書 完整版本 最後的情書 香港上映 最後的情書線上看小鴨影音 最後的情書2020 線上看 《最後的情書》 2020在线 最後的情書 1080P 下載 最後的情書 免費線上看電影 最後的情書电影在线2020年 最後的情書(2020)���线观看 最後的情書[2020]观看和下载 最後的情書[2020,HD]观看和下载 最後的情書 singapora(2020) 完整版 最後的情書線上看| 2020最新電影| 小鴨影音| 最後的情書 免費下載 最後的情書 下載 百度 最後的情書 2020上看 最後的情書 免費線上看電影 最後的情書-完整版小鴨 HD 最後的情書 線上看(2020) 最後的情書 台灣上映 2020 最後的情書 (2020) 線上看 最後的情書 線上(2020 HD) 最後的情書 2020 電影完整版 最後的情書 2020 線上 完整版 最後的情書-完整版 小鴨 2020 最後的情書 免費在線觀看(2020) 最後的情書 [2020] 線上完整版 最後的情書 线上看(2020)完整版 最後的情書 線上 [2020] 完整版 最後的情書 (2020)免費線上看電影 最後的情書 線上看線上(2020)完整版 最後的情書-HD 完整版 小鴨 [2020] 最後的情書 上看2020 HD.BD.1080p 最後的情書 HD|1080p|4K| 香港流媒體 最後的情書 2020完整版 小鴨 (HD.BLURAY) 最後的情書 2020 線上看電影粵語-流-下載完整版本
#最後的情書 完整版本 (2020-HD) Last Letter 完整版觀看電影在線小鴨 完整的電影 [4K] #最後的情書 2020 線上看電影粵語-流-下載完整版本 #最後的情書 2020完整版 小鴨 (HD.BLURAY) #最後的情書 HD|1080p|4K| 香港流媒體 #最後的情書 上看2020 HD.BD.1080p
电影/电影的定义和定义 在电影中扮演角色的玩家被称为演员(男人)或女演员(女人)。另外还有“演员”一词,用作电影中角色很少的次要角色。这与主要角色不同,后者的作用越来越大。作为演员,必须要有与他主演的电影主题相对应的演艺才能。在某些场景中,演员的角色可以由特技演员或特技演员代替。替身演员的存在对于替换扮演动作片中通常出现的困难和极端场景的演员很重要。 电影也可以用来传递电影制片人的某些信息。一些行业还使用电影来传达和代表其符号和文化。电影制作也是电影中形象化的表达,思想,观念,概念,感觉和心情的一种形式。电影本身大多是虚构的,尽管有些是根据真实故事或真实故事改编的。 也有带有原始和真实图像或传记电影的纪录片,讲述一个人物的故事。还有许多其他受欢迎的类型电影,包括动作片,恐怖片,喜剧片,浪漫片,幻想片,惊悚片,戏剧片,科幻片,犯罪片,纪录片等。 这是有关胶卷或胶卷定义的一些信息。该信息已从各种来源和参考文献中引用。希望它会有用。 FI电视电影❍❍❍第一部电视节目是实验性的,零星的节目,从1930年代起,它们只能在离桅杆很近的距离处观看。电视节目,例如1936年德国夏季奥运会,乔治六世国王加冕。在19340年的英国,以及1939年在美国纽约世界博览会上著名的大卫·萨诺夫(David Sarnoff)的发射,这种媒介不断发展,但第二次世界大战使战后的发展停滞不前。 19440年的世界电影启发了许多美国人,他们购买了第一台电视。1948年,广受欢迎的德士古星剧院广播电台成为第一个每���举行的电视综艺节目,该节目主持了米尔顿·伯雷(Milton Berle),并获得“电视先生”的称号,证明了这种媒体是稳定的,可以吸引广告商的现代娱乐形式。 1951年9月4日,美国首次全国直播电视转播,当时哈里·杜鲁门(Harry Truman)总统在旧金山日本和约会议上就AT&T的跨大陆电缆和微波中继系统发表演讲时,已向当地市场的广播公司播出。是。 1954年1月1日在美国举行了第一次全国性的彩色表演(1954年的玫瑰游行锦标赛)。在接下来的十年中,大多数网络广播和几乎所有本地广播都继续以黑白广播。宣布于1965年秋季进行颜色转换,其中一半以上的网络黄金时段节目都以彩色广播。一年之后,第一个全彩高峰季节来了。在19402年,白天网络节目的最后一次支持被转换为第一个全彩网络季节。 ❍❍❍格式和体裁❍❍❍ 另请参阅:流派列表§电影和电视格式和流派 由于可以呈现的格式和类型多样,电视节目比大多数其他媒体更加多样化。表演可以是虚构的(如喜剧和戏剧)或非虚构的(如纪录片,新闻和真人秀)。它可以是最新的(如本地新闻节目和一些电视电影)或历史的(如许多纪录片和虚构电影)。它们可以是教育性的,也可以是娱乐性的,就像情节喜剧和游戏节目一样。 [需要引文] 戏剧节目通常由一系列在历史或现代背景下扮演角色的演员组成。该计划遵循他们的生活和冒险。在1980年代之前,演出(肥皂剧系列除外)通常保持静止,没有故事情节,主要人物和前提几乎没有变化。 [需要引证]如果剧集中角色的生活发生了一些变化,通常最终会逆转。因此,可以以任何顺序广播情节。 [需要引证]自1980年代以来,许多FILMS的情节,人物或两者都有逐渐的变化。例如,希尔街布鲁斯(Hill Street Blues)和圣艾尔瑟弗(St. Elsewhere)是美国第一部具有这种戏剧性结构的黄金时段戏剧电视电影[4] [需要更好的消息来源],而后来的MOVIE Babylon 5进一步说明了这种结构具有有关计划的五个赛季的预定故事。 [需要引文] 据报道,到2020年,电视在大型媒体公司的收入中所占比例要大于电影。一些人还注意到某些电视节目的质量有所提高。 2020年,获得奥斯卡奖的电影导演史蒂芬·索德伯格(Steven Soderbergh)宣布了角色和叙事的模棱两可和复杂性:“我认为现在电视上已经看到了这些特质,那些想看这种特质的人正在看电视。 ❍❍❍感谢您所做的一切,并祝您观看愉快❍❍❍ 在这里,您可以找到所有可以在线播放的电影,包括本周上映的电影。 如果您想在该网站上看到什么,应该知道它涵盖的类型包括犯罪,科学,电影,电影,爱情,惊悚,喜剧,戏剧和动漫电影。 非常感谢。 我们会通知所有乐于接收有关今年电影节目以及如何观看您喜欢的电影的新闻或信息的人。 希望我们能成为您寻找最喜欢的电影的推荐的最佳合作伙伴。 这些都是我们的,问候! 感谢您观看今天的视频。 希望您喜欢我分享的视频。 如果您喜欢我们分享的内容,请竖起大拇指,表示喜欢或分享,让我们更加兴奋。 散发出幸福的微笑,让世界以多种色彩回归。 ”
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最後的情書 完整版本 (2020-HD) Last Letter 完整版觀看電影在線小鴨 完整的電影 [4K]
𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊 🎥 ▶ https://bit.ly/31jW4kA
岩井俊二再現經典「岩」式浪漫!松隆子、福山雅治浪漫攜手主演。妹妹裕里代替去世的姊姊未咲出席同學會,想將姊姊死訊告知,卻沒想到反被誤認成姊姊,更與初戀情人重逢,開始了書信的往返。 片長:120分 上映日期:2020/08/21
最後的情書观看高清在线’2020完整版 最後的情書【2020-HD】完整版 最後的情書-完整版 【2020】hd.1080p 《最後的情書》 在线观看 [HD-2020] 最後的情書《Last Letter》在线观看 【HD.1080p】 在线观看HD【最後的情書】完整版
上映日期:2020–08–21 片 長:未提供 發行公司:台北双喜電影 IMDb分數:6.7 導演: 岩井俊二(Shunji Iwai) 演員: 松隆子(Takako Matsu) 、 廣瀨鈴(Suzu Hirose) 、 福山雅治(Fukuyama Masaharu) 、 神木隆之介(Ryunosuke Kamiki) 、 庵野秀明(Hideaki Anno) 、 中山美穗(Miho Nakayama) 、 豐川悅司(Toyokawa Etsushi)
★ 七夕情人節 戀愛電影首選 ★ 新海誠力推!岩井俊二 繼情書後最動人的純愛的電影書寫 ★ 時隔22年 松隆子&福山雅治再結戲緣
劇情介紹 裕里的姊姊未咲撒手人寰。裕里(松隆子 飾)在告別式上,從外甥女鮎美(廣瀨鈴 飾)口中得知,有一封寄給未咲的同學會通知。裕里前往姊姊的同學會,想告知姊姊過世的消息,卻被眾人誤認為是曾為校花的姊姊,並且與她的初戀對象鏡史郎(福山雅治 飾)重逢。
一場誤會開啟了裕里與鏡史郎之間奇妙的書信往來。學生時期的鏡史郎(神木隆之介 飾)和少女未咲(廣瀨鈴 飾)以及少女裕里(森七菜 飾)之間淡淡的初戀情誼,又彷彿透過往返的信札鮮活起來。書信悄然串起他們的心,讓未咲死亡的真相、過去及現在,以及各自深藏在內心的初戀情懷,即將穿越時空有新了的發展───
最後的情書 澳門上映 最後的情書2020上映 最後的情書 HD線上看 最後的情書 線上看小鴨 最後的情書 电影完整版 最後的情書 線上看下載 最後的情書 2020 下載 最後的情書 線上看完整版 最後的情書 線上看完整版小鴨 最後的情書(2020)完整版本 最後的情書|1080P|完整版本 最後的情書线上看(2020)完整版 最後的情書線上看(2020)完整版 《最後的情書》 線上看電影(2020) 最後的情書 (電影)2020年再次觀看電影 最後的情書線上看|2020上映|完整版小鴨|線上看小鴨| 最後的情書 上看 最後的情書主題曲 最後的情書小鴨影音 最後的情書線上小鴨 最後的情書 完整版本 最後的情書 香港上映 最後的情書線上看小鴨影音 最後的情書2020 線上看 《最後的情書》 2020在线 最後的情書 1080P 下載 最後的情書 免費線上看電影 最後的情書电影在线2020年 最後的情書(2020)在线观看 最後的情書[2020]观看和下载 最後的情書[2020,HD]观看和下载 最後的情書 singapora(2020) 完整版 最後的情書線上看| 2020最新電影| 小鴨影音| 最後的情書 免費下載 最後的情書 下載 百度 最後的情書 2020上看 最後的情書 免費線上看電影 最後的情書-完整版小鴨 HD 最後的情書 線上看(2020) 最後的情書 台灣上映 2020 最後的情書 (2020) 線上看 最後的情書 線上(2020 HD) 最後的情書 2020 電影完整版 最後的情書 2020 線上 完整版 最後的情書-完整版 小鴨 2020 最後的情書 免費在線觀看(2020) 最後的情書 [2020] 線上完整版 最後的情書 线上看(2020)完整版 最後的情書 線上 [2020] 完整版 最後的情書 (2020)免費線上看電影 最後的情書 線上看線上(2020)完整版 最後的情書-HD 完整版 小鴨 [2020] 最後的情書 上看2020 HD.BD.1080p 最後的情書 HD|1080p|4K| 香港流媒體 最後的情書 2020完整版 小鴨 (HD.BLURAY) 最後的情書 2020 線上看電影粵語-流-下載完整版本
#最後的情書 完整版本 (2020-HD) Last Letter 完整版觀看電影在線小鴨 完整的電影 [4K] #最後的情書 2020 線上看電影粵語-流-下載完整版本 #最後的情書 2020完整版 小鴨 (HD.BLURAY) #最後的情書 HD|1080p|4K| 香港流媒體 #最後的情書 上看2020 HD.BD.1080p
电影/电影的定义和定义 在电影中扮演角色的玩家被称为演员(男人)或女演员(女人)。另外还有“演员”一词,用作电影中角色很少的次要角色。这与主要角色不同,后者的作用越来越大。作为演员,必须要有与他主演的电影主题相对应的演艺才能。在某些场景中,演员的角色可以由特技演员或特技演员代替。替身演员的存在对于替换扮演动作片中通常出现的困难和极端场景的演员很重要。 电影也可以用来传递电影制片人的某些信息。一些行业还使用电影来传达和代表其符号和文化。电影制作也是电影中形象化的表达,思想,观念,概念,感觉和心情的一种形式。电影本身大多是虚构的,尽管有些是根据真实故事或真实故事改编的。 也有带有原始和真实图像或传记电影的纪录片,讲述一个人物的故事。还有许多其他受欢迎的类型电影,包括动作片,恐怖片,喜剧片,浪漫片,幻想片,惊悚片,戏剧片,科幻片,犯罪片,纪录片等。 这是有关胶卷或胶卷定义的一些信息。该信息已从各种来源和参考文献中引用。希望它会有用。 FI电视电影❍❍❍第一部电视节目是实验性的,零星的节目,从1930年代起,它们只能在离桅杆很近的距离处观看。电视节目,例如1936年德国夏季奥运会,乔治六世国王加冕。在19340年的英国,以及1939年在美国纽约世界博览会上著名的大卫·萨诺夫(David Sarnoff)的发射,这种媒介不断发展,但第二次世界大战使战后的发展停滞不前。 19440年的世界电影启发了许多美国人,他们购买了第一台电视。1948年,广受欢迎的德士古星剧院广播电台成为第一个每周举行的电视综艺节目,该节目主持了米尔顿·伯雷(Milton Berle),并获得“电视先生”的称号,证明了这种媒体是稳定的,可以吸引广告商的现代娱乐形式。 1951年9月4日,美国首次全国直播电视转播,当时哈里·杜鲁门(Harry Truman)总统在旧金山日本和约会议上就AT&T的跨大陆电缆和微波中继系统发表演讲时,已向当地市场的广播公司播出。是。 1954年1月1日在美国举行了第一次全国性的彩色表演(1954年的玫瑰游行锦标赛)。在接下来的十年中,大多数网络广播和几乎所有本地广播都继续以黑白广播。宣布于1965年秋季进行颜色转换,其中一半以上的网络黄金时段节目都以彩色广播。一年之后,第一个全彩高峰季节来了。在19402年,白天网络节目的最后一次支持被转换为第一个全彩网络季节。 ❍❍❍格式和体裁❍❍❍ 另请参阅:流派列表§电影和电视格式和流派 由于可以呈现的格式和类型多样,电视节目比大多数其他媒体更加多样化。表演可以是虚构的(如喜剧和戏剧)或非虚构的(如纪录片,新闻和真人秀)。它可以是最新的(如本地新闻节目和一些电视电影)或历史的(如许多纪录片和虚构电影)。它们可以是教育性的,也可以是娱乐性的,就像情节喜剧和游戏节目一样。 [需要引文] 戏剧节目通常由一系列在历史或现代背景下扮演角色的演员组成。该计划遵循他们的生活和冒险。在1980年代之前,演出(肥皂剧系列除外)通常保持静止,没有故事情节,主要人物和前提几乎没有变化。 [需要引证]如果剧集中角色的生活发生了一些变化,通常最终会逆转。因此,可以以任何顺序广播情节。 [需要引证]自1980年代以来,许多FILMS的情节,人物或两者都有逐渐的变化。例如,希尔街布鲁斯(Hill Street Blues)和圣艾尔瑟弗(St. Elsewhere)是美国第一部具有这种戏剧性结构的黄金时段戏剧电视电影[4] [需要更好的消息来源],而后来的MOVIE Babylon 5进一步说明了这种结构具有有关计划的五个赛季的预定故事。 [需要引文] 据报道,到2020年,电视在大型媒体公司的收入中所占比例要大于电影。一些人还注意到某些电视节目的质量有所提高。 2020年,获得奥斯卡奖的电影导演史蒂芬·索德伯格(Steven Soderbergh)宣布了角色和叙事的模棱两可和复杂性:“我认为现在电视上已经看到了这些特质,那些想看这种特质的人正在看电视。 ❍❍❍感谢您所做的一切,并祝您观看愉快❍❍❍ 在这里,您可以找到所有可以在线播放的电影,包括本周上映的电影。 如果您想在该网站上看到什么,应该知道它涵盖的类型包括犯罪,科学,电影,电影,爱情,惊悚,喜剧,戏剧和动漫电影。 非常感谢。 我们会通知所有乐于接收有关今年电影节目以及如何观看您喜欢的电影的新闻或信息的人。 希望我们能成为您寻找最喜欢的电影的推荐的最佳合作伙伴。 这些都是我们的,问候! 感谢您观看今天的视频。 希望您喜欢我分享的视频。 如果您喜欢我们分享的内容,请竖起大拇指,表示喜欢或分享,让我们更加兴奋。 散发出幸福的微笑,让世界以多种色彩回归。 ”
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SGZ Biography of Zhuge Liang (Until Liu Bei’s Death)
I had a draft of this I was working on earlier. Daolun might appreciate it for his articles.
Zhuge Liang, styled Kongming, was a native of Yangdu county in Langye commandary. He was a descendant of the Han dynasty's Colonel-Director of Retainers, Zhuge Feng.
Zhuge Liang’s father was Zhuge Gui, styled Jungong, who served as a Minister of Taishan commandary during the final years of the Han dynasty. But Zhuge Gui passed away while Zhuge Liang was still young. Zhuge Liang thus went to live with his uncle, Zhuge Xuan, when Zhuge Xuan was appointed by Yuan Shu as Administrator of Yuzhang. Not long afterwards, the Han court appointed Zhu Hao to replace Zhuge Xuan as Administrator. So since Zhuge Xuan had an existing relationship with the Governor of Jingzhou, Liu Biao, he and his nephews went to stay with Liu Biao instead.
By the time Zhuge Xuan passed away, Zhuge Liang had taken up farming, and he was fond of the Song of Liangfu. He grew to be eight chi tall. He was always comparing himself to the ancients Guan Zhong and Yue Yi. Hardly anyone agreed with such an assessment; only Cui Zhouping of Boling commandary and Xu Shu of Yingchuan commandary (styled Yuanzhi), who were his good friends, said he was right to think so.
(The Annals of Emperor Xian states, "When the Administrator of Yuzhang, Zhou Shu, passed away of illness, Liu Biao originally sent up a petition stating that he had appointed Zhuge Xuan as the new Administrator, with his headquarters at Nanchang. But when the Han court heard that Zhou Shu had died, they sent Zhu Hao to take over the post from Zhuge Xuan. Zhu Hao asked the Inspector of Yangzhou, Liu Yao, for troops and then attacked Zhuge Xuan. Zhuge Xuan withdrew to camp at Xicheng, while Zhu Hao entered Nanchang. In the second year of Jian'an (197), the first month, the people of Xicheng rebelled; they killed Zhuge Xuan and brought his head to Liu Yao." This account naturally conflicts with the base biography.
Xi Zuochi's Annals of Han and Jin states, "Zhuge Liang's family lived in Deng county in Nanyang commandary, twenty li west from the city of Xiangyang, at a place called Longzhong."
According to the Registry of the Cui Clan, this Cui Zhouping was "the son of the Grand Commandant, Cui Lie, and the younger brother of Cui Jun".
The Weilue states, "During the days that Zhuge Liang lived in Jingzhou at the beginning of the Jian'an reign era (after 196), he spent his time wandering and learning in the company of such people as Shi Guangyuan and Xu Yuanzhi (Xu Shu) of Yingchuan commandary and Meng Gongwei of Runan commandary. Now these three fellows each had their talents, but Zhuge Liang still saw himself as greater than them. Whenever they were enjoying a moment of respite during the mornings or evenings, Zhuge Liang would often rub his knees and make a long sigh. He would say to the other three, 'Perhaps you gentlemen will rise high enough to become Inspectors or Administrators.' When they asked him what fate he saw for himself, he would only laugh without answering. Later, when Shi Guangyuan grew homesick and wished to return north, Zhuge Liang said to him, 'The Middle Kingdom is full of great leaders and gentlemen. Wander if you like, but can you really be sure of getting home again?'"
This Meng Gongwei was named Meng Jian; he also enjoyed honor and success in Wei.
In my (Pei Songzhi's) view, both Zhuge Liang's comments to Shi Guangyuan and his earlier words were indications that Zhuge Liang felt that he was not yet able to fulfill his desires. Laozi commended those who could recognize the value of others as knowledgeable and those who could appreciate their own worth as wise, and truly worthy and successful were those who displayed both these talents. Could a man of Zhuge Liang's perception and intellect have failed to recognize his own worth? He may have been indulging in songs and playing for time, but judging by his words and his feelings, his great ambitions and passions were already formed by this time.
Suppose Zhuge Liang had decided to wander through the heartlands of the dynasty and display his magnificence. Even a deluge of talents would not have been enough to obscure him! He might have given himself over to Wei, and there developed his potential and his abilities. Had he done so, he truly would have outshone even Chen Changwen (Chen Qun) and Sima Zhongda (Sima Yi), much less anyone else! No deed or endeavor would have been impossible for him; no path would have been closed to him. Yet despite being a man of such boundless ambition, in the end, he did not go north. He must have done so because he perceived that the dynasty's authority was already gone and it was on the brink of collapse, and so he wished to serve and assist some worthy relative of the dynasty to restore what had fallen, continue what had been broken, and revive what had been ended. Would he have ever limited himself to merely eking out a meager living in some border region? The proverb sums it up: "the great birds soar across the wide world, but even a bound one will still glance longingly towards the lakes and ponds."
At this time, Liu Bei was camped at Xinye. Xu Shu came to see him, and Liu Bei appreciated him. Xu Shu told Liu Bei, "Zhuge Kongming (Zhuge Liang) is known as Sleeping Dragon. General, would you be willing to meet him?"
Liu Bei said, "Sir, let him come with you to see me."
Xu Shu replied, "He is the sort of man whom you may visit, but he will not deign to come to you. I hope you will condescend to visit him."
So Liu Bei went to meet Zhuge Liang, finally seeing him on his third visit. Liu Bei privately said to him, "The house of Han is in dire straights; a wicked (or perverse) minister is eyeing the Mandate for himself, while our sovereign suffers in exile. Though I am not possessed of virtue or blessed with strength, still I wish to restore what is right to the realm. My cunning and my skills are shallow and lacking, which has caused me to suffer several terrible stumbles. But even so, I have not given up on my ambition. Sir, what do you propose that I should do?"
Zhuge Liang replied, "Ever since Dong Zhuo's day, countless heroes have risen up to stand astride the provinces and control the commandaries. Consider Cao Cao: if we compare him to Yuan Shao, his reputation was not as great, and his army was not as numerous. Yet in the end, he was able to overcome Yuan Shao. This was an instance of the weak defeating the strong. Even if you say that Heaven had willed it to be so, it still required the planning of mortals to see it through. By now, Cao Cao has already assembled an army of a million soldiers, and he keeps the Son of Heaven in his power so that he may 'command the feudal lords' to heed his will. He cannot be confronted directly. There is also Sun Quan to consider: he wields control over the Southland, where his family has enjoyed power for three generations. His domain enjoys good natural defenses, his people are bonded to him, and he employs the worthy and able. You would be able to gain support from him, but he too cannot be conquered.
"Now consider Jingzhou: it is flanked by the Han and Mian Rivers to the north while enjoying all the bounty of the southern sea, and it borders Wu and Kuaiji to the east and Ba and Shu to the west. It is well suited for supporting military endeavors. Yet the lord of Jingzhou is unable to defend it. General, it is almost as though Heaven has furnished Jingzhou in order to deliver it right into your own hands; can you have no desire for it? Not only that, there is Yizhou: blessed with both sturdy natural defenses and a thousand li of fertile fields for harvest, it is a storehouse of Heaven's produce. It was for that reason that Gaozu (Liu Bang), using this region as his base, was able to achieve his ambition of becoming Emperor. But the current lord of Yizhou, Liu Zhang, is blind and weak, and Zhang Lu is to his north. Yizhou is a rich land and filled with people, yet he cannot (or, does not know how to) bring them comfort, and people of ability and intellect long to be ruled by a wise sovereign.
"General, you yourself are a descendant of the royal lineage, and your trustworthy and righteous reputation has spread all throughout the Four Seas; you gather and command bold heroes, and you seek worthy people like one thirsts for water. So I propose that you take control of Jingzhou and Yizhou for yourself. Then guard their defensive points (or mountain ranges), while you achieve peace with the Rong tribes in the west, bring comfort to the Yi tribes of Yue in the south, form ties with Sun Quan without, and reform and perfect your government within. Eventually, once some great opportunity presents itself, you may appoint a supreme general to lead the armies of Jingzhou towards Wan and Luoyang, while you lead the armies of Yizhou out into Qinzhou. At that time, who will dare not to come to welcome you and present you with food and drink? By doing these things, you may achieve your design as a hegemon, and the Han royal family may flourish once more."
Liu Bei said, "Excellent!" And he became close to Zhuge Liang and spent days together with him. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and others were not pleased, but Liu Bei explained to them, "Now that I have found Kongming, I am like a fish that has found water. Gentlemen, please say nothing further about this." So Guan Yu and Zhang Fei stopped.
(Xi Zuochi's Records of Xiangyang states, "Liu Bei discussed the affairs of the day with Sima Decao (Sima Hui). Sima Decao told him, 'What could mere scholars or common fellows understand of modern circumstances? It is those who are knowledgeable of such things that are the real talents. And among this sort are Crouching Dragon and Fledging Phoenix.' Liu Bei asked him who these two were, and Sima Decao replied, 'Zhuge Kongming and Xu Shiyuan.'"
The Weilue states, "During the time that Cao Cao was pacifying the region north of the Yellow River, Liu Bei was camped at Fancheng. Zhuge Liang knew that Jingzhou would be Cao Cao's next target. Yet Liu Biao had a complacent nature and did not grasp military matters. So Zhuge Liang went north to see Liu Bei.
“Since Zhuge Liang was a young man and had no prior relationship with Liu Bei, Liu Bei received him in the company of several other people. After the meeting had ended and the other guests all left, Zhuge Liang remained behind. However, Liu Bei did not ask him what he wanted to say. Instead, since Liu Bei had a habit of braiding bits of hair together and someone had given him some tail-hairs from horses and oxen, he was braiding them together. Zhuge Liang stepped forward and declared, 'A wise general ought to be considering long-term plans, not merely braid together some hairs!'
“Liu Bei realized that Zhuge Liang was no ordinary fellow. He tossed the hairs aside and laughed, saying, 'Why say such a thing? I was merely amusing myself to forget my concerns.'
“Zhuge Liang then said, 'General, do you think General Liu (Liu Biao) is any match for Lord Cao (Cao Cao)?'
“Liu Bei replied, 'He is not.'
“Zhuge Liang said, 'And how do you yourself compare?'
“Liu Bei replied, 'I am not his equal either.'
“Zhuge Liang said, 'So you recognize that neither of you is a match for him. Yet General, your army is no more than a few thousand soldiers. You intend to meet the enemy with such an army? What sort of plan is that?'
“Liu Bei replied, 'That is just what concerns me. But what am I to do about it?'
“Zhuge Liang said, 'Jingzhou currently has a considerable population. Yet the official population registries are quite meager. If you attempted to draft soldiers from among those who are already registered and have settled lives here, they will not be happy to suffer such disturbances. But you might tell General Liu to command all refugee households in the province to register themselves, and once they do so, you can further your numbers by drafting from among them instead.'
“Liu Bei followed his advice, and his army was thus strengthened. So Liu Bei knew that Zhuge Liang had heroic cunning, and he treated him as a guest of honor."
The Annals of the Nine Provinces has the same account.
Now regarding these two accounts, your servant Pei Songzhi notes that Zhuge Liang later wrote in his first petition to Liu Shan that "The First Sovereign (Liu Bei) overlooked my obscurity and humbled himself to come three times to my thatched cottage seeking me, in order to discuss the affairs of the age with me". So it seems clear that it cannot have been the case that Zhuge Liang was the one who approached Liu Bei first. Yet it does seem remarkable that two other texts would have an account of their meeting both so similar to one another and so different from Chen Shou's version.)
Liu Biao's eldest son Liu Qi also highly esteemed Zhuge Liang. Now Liu Biao had heeded the words of his second wife and began to favor his younger son Liu Cong, and was no longer pleased with Liu Qi. Liu Qi thus kept asking Zhuge Liang for a plan to help secure his position. However, Zhuge Liang kept putting him off, not wanting to be compelled to make a plan for him.
Thus, during an occasion when Liu Qi had brought Zhuge Liang to walk through and observe the rear gardens and they went up into a tall tower together, Liu Qi ordered someone to take the ladder away. He then said to Zhuge Liang, "Today we are cut off from both Heaven above and the earth below, so the words you speak shall be heard by my ears alone. Will you not say something?"
Zhuge Liang replied, "Sir, you are perhaps familiar with the ancient Duke Xian of Jin, whose wife Li Ji turned him against his sons Shensheng and Chong'er. Do you recall that Shensheng remained with his family and thus met his doom, while Chong'er fled the state and thus saved his life and became Duke Wen of Jin in the end?"
Liu Qi realized what Zhuge Liang was suggesting, so he secretly developed a plan to make his own escape. Not long afterwards, the border general Huang Zu was killed, and thus offered an opportunity to leave Xiangyang, Liu Qi had himself appointed as Administrator of Jiangxia to succeed Huang Zu.
Soon afterwards, Liu Biao passed away. When Liu Cong heard that Cao Cao was coming to campaign against Jingzhou, he sent envoys to him asking to surrender. Liu Bei was still at Fan, but when he learned that Liu Cong was surrendering, he led his forces south. Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu both accompanied him. But Liu Bei's forces were pursued and routed by Cao Cao, and Xu Shu's mother was captured. Xu Shu then took his leave of Liu Bei; pointing to his heart, he said, "This little heart of mine dearly wished to help you achieve your conquest, General. But now my old mother is lost, and my heart is in such turmoil that I would be of no use to you. Please allow us to part ways." And he went to visit Cao Cao.
(The Weilue states, "Xu Shu was originally named Shan Fu. As a young man, he enjoyed being a wandering tough and fighting people with his sword.
“On one occasion during the Zhongping reign era (184-189), he took revenge on behalf of someone else. Then, marking his face with chalk and letting down his hair, he tried to flee, but was caught by the officials. They asked him to identify himself, but he refused to say anything. The officials then tied him to a post atop a cart and beat the drums as they paraded him through the marketplace, but no one dared to recognize him. However, his fellows were able to break his bonds and let him escape.
“Shan Fu was so moved by this experience that he gave up the life of the blade, and putting on a thin scarf and plain clothes, he began applying himself to his studies. When he first came to the house of refinement, the other students ostracized him because they had heard about his past misdeeds. But Shan Fu remained humble, rose early, often swept the place alone, thought before he acted, remained diligent in his studies, and perfected his morals and his reasoning. He became good friends with a man from the same commandary as him, Shi Tao.
“At the beginning of the Chuping reign era (~190), when civil strife in the Central Provinces began, Shan Fu and Shi Tao went south to live as refugees in Jingzhou, and upon arriving there Shan Fu became especially close to Zhuge Liang. After Jingzhou fell under the control of Cao Cao, Kongming left along with Liu Bei, while Shan Fu and Shi Tao returned home to the north.
“By the time of the Huangchu reign era (220-226), Shi Tao had served as an Administrator and as Colonel of Agriculture, while Shan Fu had served as General of the Household Gentlemen of the Right and Middle Assistant to the Imperial Secretary. During the Dahe [Taihe] reign era (226-233), when Zhuge Liang came to Longyou on his northern campaign, when he heard that Yuanzhi and Guangyuan had been given such meager ranks and salaries, he lamented, 'How many talents Wei must have! Why did they not make greater use of those two gentlemen?'
“Shan Fu passed away of illness several years later. A stele was erected for him at Pengcheng, and even today (~265) it is still there.")
[Due to the uncertainties of the end of quotes, it’s possible that Pei Songzhi was saying that this stele still existed in his own time, ie ~429.]
When Liu Bei arrived at Xiakou, Zhuge Liang said to him, "The situation is serious. Please grant me your authority to ask for aid from General Sun Quan."
At that time, Sun Quan was keeping his army held back at Chaisang, watching and waiting to see who was going to triumph. Zhuge Liang advised him, "General, you see for yourself how all the land within the seas is in great turmoil. You have risen up with troops and occupied the Southland as your own, while the Inspector of Yuzhou (Liu Bei) has gathered an army from those people living south of the Han River. Currently, both of you are contending with Cao Cao for control of the realm. However, Cao Cao has nearly already rooted out and vanquished the major internal threats to his rule, and now that he has routed General Liu, his authority shakes the Four Seas. Even heroes have not been able to stand against him, and thus General Liu has been compelled to flee here.
“As for you, General, you have considerable strength of your own at your command. Yet you remain waiting here. If you truly believe that the armies of the Wu and Yue regions are strong enough to oppose those of the Middle Kingdom, then you ought to break off relations with Cao Cao at once. And if you do not believe that you are a match for Cao Cao, then why haven't you disbanded your army, laid aside your armor, and faced north in submission to him? General, you give off an appearance of one who is about to submit, yet you continue to harbor uncertain plans as well. The situation is critical, yet you have made no decision. Disaster is at hand!"
Sun Quan said, "Sir, if my own situation is as serious as you say, then why hasn't General Liu submitted already?"
Zhuge Liang replied, "In ancient times, when the state of Qi was nearly conquered, Tian Heng still held fast to righteousness and refused to disgrace himself by surrendering to the enemy, and in the end he was able to restore Qi to its former glory. Now Tian Heng had no more personal attachment to Qi than that he was one of its generals. Could General Liu, who is a descendant of the royal family of the Han dynasty, fail to match Tian Heng's example and serve the dynasty to the end? He is a hero whose talents surpass the age, and both the great men and the people bow to and respect him like various rivers all flowing into the great sea. If he is defeated in the end, that will be one thing; it would have been the will of Heaven. But how could he possibly submit to another?"
Sun Quan then became agitated and declared, "I shall not give up my full possession of the Wu region or my army of a hundred thousand and submit to someone else. My plan is decided! None but General Liu can oppose Cao Cao. However, wasn't General Liu recently defeated? How then can he face such a threat?"
Zhuge Liang replied, "It's true that General Liu's army was defeated at Chang Slope. However, he still has personal command of an army of ten thousand elite soldiers counting those warriors who have returned to him and the reinforcements from Guan Yu's naval forces. And Liu Qi at Jiangxia also commands no less than another ten thousand warriors.
“As for Cao Cao, his army is far from home and suffering from exhaustion and illness. I heard that when he was pursuing General Liu, he made his light cavalry ride more than three hundred li in a single day and night. As the saying goes, 'when it's at the end of its flight, even a crossbow bolt cannot pierce the silk of Lu'. Even the Art of War argues against such a headlong march, warning that the army that does so 'will surely lose its vanguard commanders'. You should also consider that of the soldiers of Cao Cao's army, the northerners are unfamiliar with naval warfare, while the people of Jingzhou who are now serving Cao Cao have only been compelled by force to do so, and their hearts have not truly submitted to him.
“General, if you will only give the command for your fierce generals to lead a few tens of thousands of your soldiers to join forces with General Liu, you will surely rout Cao Cao's army. Having been defeated, Cao Cao will then return north. Power will split between the regions of Wu and Jing, and the realm will thus settle into a tripartite division. This is the very moment which will determine your triumph or your doom."
Sun Quan was greatly pleased with this advice. He thus sent Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu, Lu Su, and others with a naval force of thirty thousand to go with Zhuge Liang and join Liu Bei, so that with their combined strength they could oppose Cao Cao. Cao Cao was then defeated at Chibi, and he led his army back to Ye.
Liu Bei then occupied the region south of the Yangzi. He appointed Zhuge Liang as his Directing Instructor and General of the Household Gentlemen and had him administer the commandaries of Lingling, Guiyang, and Changsha, where Zhuge Liang collected taxes and rent in order to supply the army.
(Yuan Zhun's Yuanzi states, "Zhang Zibu (Zhang Zhao) recommended to Sun Quan that he should employ Zhuge Liang as one of his own officers. However, Zhuge Liang declined to remain in his service. When people asked him why he left, Zhuge Liang told them, 'One could indeed call General Sun a leader of men. But when I judge his character, I recognize that although he would respect me, he would not make full use of me. That is why I could not stay with him.'"
Your servant Pei Songzhi notes that Yuan Xiaoni (Yuan Zhun) was very fond of Zhuge Liang as a person in all his collections of writings and recordings of discussions. But in this account he really goes too far. We have already seen that following their meeting with one another, Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei developed such a rare relationship. Who could have possibly come between them? In what situation would Zhuge Liang have gone so far as break off his relationship with Liu Bei to serve Sun Quan? And would it have made a difference whether Sun Quan really would have used Zhuge Liang to his full potential? Could Zhuge Liang possibly have been that kind of person, to then abandon his lord? Remember that when Guan Yu was captured by Cao Cao, Cao Cao treated him with great favor, and surely it could be said that he made full use of Guan Yu. Yet Guan Yu still remained righteous and would not abandon his former lord. How then could one claim that Kongming would have proved himself inferior to Yunchang?
The Records of the Past Worthies of Lingling states, "During the time of this appointment, Zhuge Liang had his base at Linzheng county (probably in Changsha commandary).")
In the sixteenth year of Jian'an (211), the Governor of Yizhou, Liu Zhang, sent Fa Zheng to bring Liu Bei to Yizhou and ordered him to attack Zhang Lu. Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu remained behind to defend Jingzhou. When Liu Bei marched back from Jiameng to attack Liu Zhang, Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and others led an army up the Yangzi to assist him. They split up to settle various commandaries and counties, then joined Liu Bei's army to besiege Chengdu together. After Chengdu was taken, Liu Bei appointed Zhuge Liang as Directing Instructor and Chief of Staff of the General of the Left (Liu Bei's title). Whenever Liu Bei went away on campaign, Zhuge Liang often remained behind to guard Chengdu and ensure a steady supply of troops and provisions.
In the twenty-sixth year of Jian'an (221), Liu Bei's subordinates urged him to declare himself Emperor, but Liu Bei would not agree to do so. Then Zhuge Liang advised him, "In former times, Wu Han, Geng Yan, and others urged Shizu (Emperor Guangwu of Han) to do the same as we now urge you to do. Shizu, too, tried to decline, four times in all. But then Geng Yan stepped forward and told him, 'The heroes of the realm are flailing, seeking someone they can place their hopes in. If you do not follow our counsel, then every man will turn towards his own master, and no one will follow you.' Shizu appreciated the truth of this advice, and he did as Geng Yan proposed. Now the Cao family has usurped the throne from the Han dynasty, and the realm is without a ruler. Great Prince, you are of the lineage of the Liu clan and you have risen to this height already, so you must follow Shizu's example and take up the title of Emperor. Those people who have followed you and worked hard on your behalf also wish to have a chance to gain merits for themselves, just as Geng Yan once said."
Liu Bei thus declared himself Emperor. He wrote an edict appointing Zhuge Liang as Prime Minister, stating, "Due to the tragedy that has befallen my family, I am compelled to inherit the grand role. 'I am full of terror and feel the peril', and I dare not be complacent; I ponder how to bring peace to the people, yet fear that I shall not be able to achieve tranquility. Alas! May Prime Minister Zhuge Liang realize my intentions, never fail to help make up for my shortcomings, help to expand and magnify my glory and make it bright and clear to all the realm. Sir, be thus encouraged!" Zhuge Liang was appointed as Prime Minister, Chief of Affairs of the Masters of Writing, and Credential Holder.
After Zhang Fei passed away, Zhuge Liang was appointed as acting Colonel-Director of Retainers.
(The Records of Shu states, "At the beginning of the Jin dynasty (~265), the Prince of Fufeng, Sima Jun, was stationed in Guanzhong. He was discussing the affairs of Zhuge Liang together with his Marshal, Liu Bao of Gaoping commandary, his Chief Clerk, Huan Xi of Xingyang commandary, and his other ministers and officials. During the discussion, most of the people present felt that Zhuge Liang had both pushed himself past his limit and exhausted the people of the Shu region. They felt that his meager power had been insufficient to carry out his grand plans, and that he had not taken proper measure either of his virtue or of his strength. But there was present a certain Guo Chong of Jincheng commandary, who put forth the view that Zhuge Liang had been a man of authority and intellect, heroic and cunning, and that he had surpassed even the ancient chancellors Guan Zhong and Yan Ying. It was only because he had been unsuccessful in the end that people did not properly appreciate him. Guo Chong then related five untold stories about Zhuge Liang, previously unknown. Having heard these stories, Liu Bao and the others could no longer offer any objections, and the Prince of Fufeng was deeply moved by Guo Chong's words."
Your servant Pei Songzhi interjects here to note that, naturally, I am most inclined to hear tales of Zhuge Liang's excellence. However, we have good reason to be suspicious of these five stories that Guo Chong reported. I will continue to relate his accounts one at a time, but with my own objections following each tale.
This was Guo Chong's first tale: "Zhuge Liang administered the laws and punishments severely, laying a heavy hand upon the people, such that everyone from gentlemen to commoners were moved to anger and indignation against him. Fa Zheng remonstrated with him, saying, 'In former times, when Gaozu (Liu Bang) occupied the Qin dynasty's stronghold at Guanzhong, he charged the people only to keep his Three Precepts. Even so, the people of Qin knew virtue. Now you, Sir, have been granted power and authority and you stand astride this province. Having just come into control of the state, you rather ought to show leniency and demonstrate kindness and comfort. Besides, by the principles of host and guests, both should demonstrate humility to one another. Therefore, I ask you to slacken your restrictions and loosen your regulations, in order to reassure the people.'
"Zhuge Liang replied, 'Sir, you understand part of the situation, but you do not grasp the whole. The Qin dynasty ruled without principle, and their oppression roused the anger of the people against them. At that time, all it took was the great shout of some mere common fellow (Chen Sheng), and the whole realm came crashing down. Those were the circumstances under which Gaozu found success by demonstrating magnanimity and mercy.
“‘But it has been different with our recent past. Liu Zhang was a blind and weak ruler, and the people of the Shu region had enjoyed generous treatment even since the time of his predecessors. The law codes were such that everyone did whatever they saw best; the virtues of the administration were not upheld, nor was the authority of its punishments respected. All the people of the Shu region, from the gentry down to the commoners, claimed power for themselves and became arrogant, and the proper relationship between sovereign and subjects slowly decayed. If they were favored with offices, they looked upon even the highest of offices as cheap; if they were shown grace, they were slow to be grateful for even the most bountiful mercies. It was for those reasons that Liu Zhang's domain came to ruin.
“‘That is why I now overawe these people through laws. When the laws can be carried out, that is when the people will appreciate grace. And for the same reason, I am stingy with granting offices. For when such is the case, then when people are promoted, they will understand the honor in it. Once grace and honor are properly understood, then everyone will uphold their duty. That is the reason I govern them so."
Objections: According to the Biography of Fa Zheng, Fa Zheng passed away before Liu Bei did. So since Fa Zheng appears in this story, Liu Bei must have still been alive at the time. Yet Zhuge Liang always acted like one of the limbs of the state, which is to say, he referred all such matters to the head, that being Liu Bei. Furthermore, Zhuge Liang was never directly in charge of Yizhou itself while Liu Bei was still alive, and he did not make decisions on such matters as honors, rewards, punishments, or administration. I also note that Guo Chong's main point in his account of Zhuge Liang's response was to play up his talents and abilities. But at the same time, such a response would have demonstrated a violation of a subject's proper place. And considering how modest and submissive Zhuge Liang was, it is almost impossible that he would have done such a thing. Lastly, the tale states that "Zhuge Liang administered the laws and punishments severely, laying a heavy hand upon the people". I have never heard of good government coming about as a result of oppression.
The second tale: "Cao Cao sent an assassin to visit Liu Bei. Having met, the two of them began discussing strategies for how best to campaign against Wei, and the man's proposals neatly accorded with Liu Bei's own ideas. During this time, the assassin slowly moved closer, and was about to have an opportunity to carry out his mission. But just then, Zhuge Liang entered the room, causing the assassin to lose his previously calm composure. Zhuge Liang thus scrutinized him, and discerned that he was no ordinary man.
“A short time later, the man left to go to the lavatory. Liu Bei mentioned to Zhuge Liang, ‘I have just obtained an exceptional fellow. He'll be well-suited to assist you, Sir, and cover your weak points.' When Zhuge Liang asked to whom he was referring, Liu Bei replied, 'I mean that man who just got up.'
“Zhuge Liang slowly sighed and replied, 'Did you not witness his strange movements and fearful trembling, how he looked down and mumbled so? A perverse exterior hides a wicked heart within. He is surely some assassin sent by the Cao clan.'
“Liu Bei sent someone after the man, but he had already climbed over the wall and fled."
Objections: The kind of person who would be an assassin is someone who would cast themselves into the tiger's maw or fling themselves into the roaring river, and die without any regrets. And Liu Bei was the kind of man who could appreciate someone's character. Yet he was enticed by this guest? If that were the case, the man must have been an exceptional talent of that era. Especially considering that Liu Bei comments that he could "cover Zhuge Liang's weak points"; in that case, he would have been nearly on par with Zhuge Liang himself. Would someone who was a match for Zhuge Liang ever play the part of an assassin? And even if so, any ruler of that time would have greatly lamented the loss of such a man, obviously of great use and potential, and would never have sent him on a suicide mission. And if the man really did not die, then he must have gone on to have an illustrious career in Wei. But who, indeed, was he? How could he have ever remained obscure, a mere nobody?)
In the third year of Zhangwu (223), Liu Bei was bedridden with illness at Yong'an. He summoned Zhuge Liang from Chengdu and instructed him on what to do after his death. He told Zhuge Liang, "Sir, your talents are ten times greater than those of Cao Pi, so you will surely be able to restore peace to the state and bring our grand endeavor to its conclusion. If my heir can be supported, then support him. But if he lacks talents, take his place for yourself."
Zhuge Liang wept as he replied, "I have always done my utmost to support you as one of your own limbs and fully uphold my loyalty and faithfulness to you, and I shall continue to do so until the death!"
Liu Bei also arranged an edict instructing Liu Shan, "You must follow the Prime Minister's commands, and treat him as a father."
(Sun Sheng remarked, "It is when one wields propriety and holds fast to righteousness, and in their own person encourage trust and submission, that they may indeed assist their ruler to achieve success and bring about the fulfillment of the grand design. Even a weiqi player cannot expect to overcome their opponent if their formation is unorganized. How much less can a ruler expect to compel the submission of powerful neighbors and embrace all the realm within the Four Seas by first attempting to split power into two or three camps? Liu Bei's instructions to Zhuge Liang posed the potential for immense instability!
“There are some who claim that Liu Bei's instructions on his deathbed were only a ploy to stiffen the loyalty of the one he intended to entrust his heir to and ensure that the wishes of the people of Shu were all of one accord. But the superior fellow can dismiss this idea. It is quite useless to instruct anyone in such a manner, for if the minister is loyal and worthy they will never heed it, while if they are not, it is only further indulging their traitorous desires. And ever since ancient times, it has been critical that a ruler speaks the truth when they are on their deathbed; when it is time to entrust one's heir to another, deceit and falsehood have no place.
“It was fortunate indeed that Liu Shan was so blind and unassuming that he had no paranoia or suspicion, while Zhuge Liang's power and authority were just sufficient to guard against the divergent plans of anyone else. It was merely for those reasons that no cause ever arose for divisions between them. If it had not been so, then surely suspicions and grudges between them would have given way to an open confrontation.
“Thus, to say that Liu Bei's instructions were to support Zhuge Liang's authority is nonsense!")
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江戶幕府末期,鎖國的日本面臨美國強迫開國的威脅,安中藩主-板倉勝明(長谷川博己 飾)為此鍛鍊武士,要求武士們進行一場馬拉松賽跑,最終優勝者就能獲得實現願望的機會。消息一出,全城武士群起激動,有想與公主結婚的傲慢公子哥-辻村平九郎(森山未來 飾)、擁有最快腳程卻被賄絡要求放水的上杉廣之進(染谷將太 飾),連想藉機落跑出城而女扮男裝的雪姬公主(小松菜奈 飾)也來參一腳。但在比賽前夕卻有人藉機計畫謀反,僅有一人察覺到了事情的不對勁,他是幕府派來的間諜-唐澤甚內(佐藤健 飾)。隨著比賽聲響起,各懷鬼胎的參賽者們終於起跑,與此同時,刺客們也準備展開襲擊。為了拯救所愛之人、守護重要之物,唐澤開始全力奔跑!
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甫於坎城影展台灣之夜發佈新訊的台日合製電影《亡命之途》Paradise Next,集結兩大巨星妻夫木聰與豐川悅司擔綱主演,兩人預先錄影向觀眾問候。妻夫木聰洋溢著溫暖笑容表示:「我很久以前就夢想能在台灣拍片,夢想終於成真,覺得非常開心。希望能在台灣拍出一部感染力十足的電影。」
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Book of Jin 100.1, Biography of Wang Mi
This is the rebels chapter, so expect rebels plotting rebellion. More specifically, these are all rebels against the Jin dynasty who don’t get entries elsewhere in the Book of JIn (so no lords of the Sixteen Kingdoms and no usurpers).
First up is Wang Mi, who was not actually the son of Wang Ping. Like many biographies, it’s pretty contextless if you aren’t familiar with the timeline involved.
Wang Mi was a native of Donglai commandary. He came from a family of Two Thousand 石 salary rank. His grandfather was Wang Qi, who was once Cao-Wei's Administrator of Xuantu. During the reign of Emperor Wu (Sima Yan), Wang Qi rose in office to Administrator of Runan.
Wang Mi was practiced and talented, and well-read and learned in books and biographies. As a youth, he wandered through the capital region as a warrior-errant. The hermit Dong Zhongdao saw Wang Mi and said to him, "Sir, you have the sound of a wild dog and the look of a panther. You are the sort of fellow who finds happiness in turmoil and delights in misfortune. If anything should befall the realm, it will not be the official's life for you."
Near the end of Emperor Hui's reign (~307), the crafty bandit Liu Bogen rose up at Jian county in Donglai commandary. Wang Mi led his family and servants to join Liu Bogen, who appointed Wang Mi as his Chief Clerk. When Liu Bogen died, Wang Mi led his forces to the sea islets. He was defeated by Gou Chun, but he fled to Mount Zhangguang and became a bandit leader. Wang Mi was very calculating and cunning, and whenever he raided a place, he always planned out his victory beforehand and never made tactical mistakes.
Wang Mi was nimble and agile with horse and bow, and his arm strength surpassed others. The people of the Qing region called him "Flying Panther".
Later, Wang Mi led his troops to invade Qingzhou and Xuzhou. The Inspector of Yanzhou, Gou Xi, intercepted Wang Mi and attacked him, greatly routing him. Wang Mi fled and gathered up all his scattered soldiers again, and the morale of his soldiers was restored. Gou Xi fought against Wang Mi several times, but he could not overcome him.
Wang Mi advanced, and his soldiers invaded the commandaries of Taishan, Luguo, Qiao, Liang, Chen, Runan, Yingchuan, and Xiangcheng. Wang Mi entered Xuchang, where he opened the Arsenal there and took weapons and equipment. All fell before him, and many Administrators and Prefects were killed. His forces swelled to the tens of thousands, and the Jin court could not control him.
At this time, the realm was wracked by chaos. Wang Mi advanced and threatened Luoyang, and the capital region was greatly disturbed. The palace and city gates were all shut. The Minister Over The Masses, Wang Yan, and others led the Jin government officials to man the walls. Wang Mi camped at Seven Li Gully. The Jin royal army advanced and attacked him, and Wang Mi was greatly routed.
Wang Mi said to his fellow Liu Ling, "The Jin soldiers are strong and numerous, and there is nowhere we can go to for shelter. But there is Liu Yuanhai (Liu Yuan); when he was a hostage in the capital, he and I used to roam around the capital region together, and we formed a deep bond. Now he has declared himself the King of Han. We could go to join him. What do you think?" Liu Ling agreed.
So they crossed the Yellow River and went to join Liu Yuan. When he heard of this, Liu Yuan was overjoyed, and he sent his Palace Attendants and Imperial Secretaries to welcome Wang Mi at the border. He sent Wang Mi a letter stating, "General, your achievements supplant the age, and your virtues surpass the era; that is why I have sent you this welcome. Before you reach here, I shall personally prepare a place of residence for you, roll out the carpet and wash the vessels for you, and respectfully await your arrival."
When Wang Mi met Liu Yuan, he urged him to declare himself Emperor. Liu Yuan said to Wang Mi, "General, I used to consider you as just like Dou Zhougong (Dou Rong). But now I see that you are really more like Kongming (Zhuge Liang) or Zhonghua (Deng Yu). It is as Liezu (Liu Bei) once said: 'General, now that I have you, I am like a fish that has found water'." And he appointed Wang Mi as Colonel-Director of Retainers, Palace Attendant, and Specially Advanced, but Wang Mi firmly declined these things.
Liu Yuan sent Wang Mi to accompany Liu Yao to invade Henei, and they joined with Shi Le to attack Linzhang.
At the beginning of the Yongjia reign era (~307), Wang Mi invaded Shangdang and surrounded Huguan. Jin's Prince of Donghai, Sima Yue, sent the Interior Minister of Huainan, Wang Kuang, the Administrator of Anfeng, Wei Gan, and others to campaign against Wang Mi. Wang Mi fought them between Gaodu and Changping and greatly defeated them, killing sixty to seventy percent of their forces. Liu Yuan promoted Wang Mi to Grand General Who Conquers The East and Duke of Donglai.
Wang Mi joined with Liu Yao, Shi Le, and others to attack the commandaries of Wei, Ji, and Dunqiu; they captured more than fifty fortresses and drafted the people there as soldiers.
Wang Mi also joined with Shi Le to attack Ye. Jin's General Who Maintain The North, He Yu, abandoned that city and fled.
Emperor Huai sent the General of the Household Gentlemen of the North, Pei Xian, to march to Baima to campaign against Wang Mi; he sent the General of Chariots and Cavalry, Wang Kan, to Dongyan to campaign against Shi Le; and he sent the General Who Pacifies The North, Cao Wu, to Dayang to campaign against Liu Yuan.
Cao Wu's subordinate general Peng Mo was defeated by Liu Cong; when Cao Wu's troops saw that Peng Mo had been killed, they all retreated.
Liu Cong crossed the Yellow River. Emperor Huai sent his Colonel-Director of Retainers, Liu Tun, the general Song Chou, and others to oppose Liu Cong, but they could not resist him.
Wang Mi and Liu Cong led ten thousand cavalry to the Luoyang region, where they burned down the two Academies. The Prince of Donghai, Sima Yue, opposed them in battle at the Ximing Gate, and Wang Mi and the others were defeated and driven off.
Wang Mi led another two thousand cavalry to invade the counties of Xiangcheng commandary. There were tens of thousands of refugee families from Hedong, Pingyang, Hongnong, and Shangdang commandaries who were now living in Yingchuan, Xiangcheng, Runan, Nanyang, and Henan commandaries. They had been oppressed by the people already living in those places. So they set fire to all the towns and cities in those places and killed the officials of Two Thousand 石 salary rank and the Chief Clerks in order to support Wang Mi.
Wang Mi also led twenty thousand soldiers to join with Shi Le and invade Chen and Yingchuan commandaries. They camped at Yangyao. Wang Mi sent his younger brother Wang Zhang to join with Shi Le and invade Xuzhou and Yanzhou, and they routed the local generals.
Wang Mi later joined with Liu Yao to invade Xiangcheng, then advanced to threaten the Luoyang region. There was great hunger in the capital region at this time, and people ate each other. The common people all scattered and fled, and the nobles and chief ministers fled south of the Yellow River.
Liu Yao, Wang Mi, and the others broke through the palace walls, and when they reached the Front Hall of the Taiji Palace, they set their soldiers loose to sack it. They imprisoned Emperor Huai at the Duan Gate, threatened and disgraced Empress Yang, and killed the Crown Prince, Sima Quan. They dug up the old tombs and graves and burned down the palaces and temples. The governmental offices were entirely destroyed. More than thirty thousand people among the government officials and the nobles were killed. Then they moved Emperor Huai to Pingyang.
When Wang Mi wanted to pillage, Liu Yao forbade it, but Wang Mi did not listen. So Liu Yao beheaded Wang Mi's General of the Serrated Gate, Wang Yan, as punishment. This angered Wang Mi, and he had his soldiers block Liu Yao's; they fought each other, and more than a thousand people died.
Then Wang Mi's Chief Clerk, Zhang Song, remonstrated with him, saying, "General, you are supposed to be working together with the royal family of our state to achieve the grand design. We have only just accomplished this great feat, yet now you are fighting with one another. How will you be able to show your face to our sovereign? Although taking Luoyang was indeed primarily your achievement, Liu Yao is part of the royal clan, so you should yield a little to him. Remember what happened during the dispute between the two Jin generals (Wang Jun and Wang Hun) when they argued over who deserved merit for the conquest of Wu. That incident was not so long ago. I implore you, General, to consider that. If you continue to obstruct Liu Yao, what will become of your younger relatives and your clan?"
Wang Mi replied, "You are right. If not for you, I would not have realized my fault." So he went to visit Liu Yao and apologize, and they patched up their relationship to be like before.
Wang Mi said, "It was all thanks to Chief Clerk Zhang that I realized that I was at fault."
Liu Yao said to Zhang Song, "Sir, you are another Zhu Jian; how could you be a mere common sort?" And both of them rewarded Zhang Song with a hundred catties of gold.
Wang Mi advised Liu Yao, "Luoyang is in the center of the realm. It is enveloped by mountains and rivers, and considering the walls, moats, and palaces, there would be no need to prepare camps. You ought to advise our sovereign to move the capital from Pingyang to here."
But Liu Yao did not listen, and he burned the city before leaving. Wang Mi angrily said, "You Chuge brat, is this how a king or an emperor acts?" Wang Mi led his soldiers east to camp at Xiang Pass.
Earlier, Liu Yao had entered Luoyang before Wang Mi instead of waiting for him, and this angered Wang Mi. So this suspicion and division had sprung up between the two of them.
Liu Tun persuaded Wang Mi to return and occupy Qingzhou. Wang Mi agreed with him.
Wang Mi appointed his Chief Clerk of the Left, Cao Yi, as General Who Guards The East, and he gave him five thousand soldiers and many treasures and sent him back to his home district in order to recruit and entice fugitives to join him and protect Wang Mi's family.
Wang Mi's generals Xu Miao and Gao Liang both took several thousand of their soldiers and abandoned him to go join Cao Yi, and so Wang Mi's forces were gradually diminishing.
Earlier, Shi Le had been wary of Wang Mi for his bold and valiant spirit, and he often secretly made plans against him. After Wang Mi captured Luoyang, he kept sending Shi Le beautiful women and fine treasures in order to win him over. And when Shi Le captured Gou Xi and appointed him as his Marshal of the Left, Wang Mi said to Shi Le, "Sir, you have captured Gou Xi and put him to work for you; how divine and ingenious you are! If you can make Gou Xi your left hand, and have me as your right hand, there is no one in the realm who would be able to stop you!" But these things only made Shi Le even more suspicious of Wang Mi, and he secretly planned to get rid of him.
Liu Tun also urged Wang Mi to summon Cao Yi and have him bring his forces to execute Shi Le. So Wang Mi sent Liu Tun to visit Cao Yi in Qingzhou and order him to bring his troops to join with Wang Mi's forces, as well as entice Shi Le and attack him together at Qingzhou. But when Liu Tun reached Dong'a, he was captured by Shi Le's scout riders. When Shi Le saw the letter that Wang Mi had written to Cao Yi, he was furious, and he killed Liu Tun, but Wang Mi did not know.
Then Shi Le placed troops in ambush to surprise attack Wang Mi, and he killed Wang Mi and took over his forces.
The Historians' Appraisal: Wang Mi indulged in turmoil and delighted in misfortune. He took false and crafty villains to be his friends and companions, and he lay in wait for opportunities to exploit. He aided the perverse traitors at Pingyang and brought death and destruction to the capital. He caused the people to become miserable refugees and forced the imperial line into exile. He inflicted the devastation described in the Fine Wheat poem upon the state, and caused the palace and the temple to experience the pitiful state of the writer of the Drooping Millet poem. How could Heaven have willed it? How could the people have wished it? How could such a savage brute have caused ‘such grievous turmoil and division’?
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