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hachicolle · 2 years ago
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tokyonow · 1 year ago
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(上演を重ねるごとにパワーアップ!『スクールアイドルミュージカル』2024年公演ゲネプロレポート到着 - Tokyo Nowから)
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tokyo-akb48 · 2 years ago
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omniverse-a-memoria · 11 days ago
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hide-note · 5 months ago
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koch-snowflake-blog · 6 months ago
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葵 成美 Aoi NARUMI
青山天南 Tena AOYAMA
青山ひかる Hikaru AOYAMA
蒼山みこと Mikoto AOYAMA
赤城ありさ Arisa AKAGI
朝比奈みゆう Miyuu ASAHINA
天木じゅん Jun AMAKI
天野麻菜 Mana AMANO
亜和 Awa
伊織いお Io IORI
池田ゆうな Yuna IKEDA
池本しおり Shiori IKEMOTO
石井優希 Yuki ISHII
市原 薫 Kaoru ICHIHARA
遠藤まめ Mame ENDO
大嶋みく Miku OSHIMA
木南美々 Mimi KINAMI
久我るり Ruri KUGA
草野 綾 Aya KUSANO
紅羽りお Rio KUREHA
小島まゆみ Mayumi KOJIMA
佐野なぎさ Nagisa SANO
篠見星奈 Seina SINOMI
鈴木 聖 Takara SUZUKI
鈴木ふみ奈 Fumina SUZUKI
世良ののか Nonoka SERA
蒼馬月葵 Ruki SOUMA
高砂ミドリ Midori TAKASAGO
高梨瑞樹 Mizuki TAKANASHI
竹川由華 Yuuka TAKEKAWA
ちとせよしの Yoshino CHITOSE
東条 澪 Ren TOJO
徳江かな Kana TOKUE
中川 心 Kokoro NAKAGAWA
長澤 茉里奈 Marina NAGASAWA
名取くるみ Kurumi NATORI
名波なな Nana NANAMI
西 綾乃 Ayano NISHI
西永彩奈 Ayana NISHINAGA
花咲楓香 Fuka HANASAKI
花乃衣美優 Miyu HANANOI
原つむぎ Tsumugi HARA
ぷにたん(能美真奈) Punitan
まいてぃ Maity
三田悠貴 Yuuki MITA
三橋くん Mitsuhashikun
美輪咲月 Satsuki MIWA
もものすけ Momonosuke
森 くるみ Kurumi MORI
森脇梨々夏 Ririka MORIWAKI
やしろじゅり。 Juri YASHIRO.
柳瀬さき Saki YANASE
雪村花鈴 Karin YUKIMURA
弓川いち華 Ichika YUMIKAWA
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rose022 · 11 months ago
i cant find this bit of trivia on the wiki anymore but. all proseka units have a unifying theme in their names. if i get any of this wrong and yall wanna correct me you can, i only really know leoni and niigo
星乃一歌 (ichika) the first kanji (hoshi)means star
天馬咲希 (saki) the first kanji (ten) means sky
望月穂波 (honami) the second kanji (tsuki) means moon
日野森志歩 (shiho) the first kanji (hi) means sun
花里みのり (minori) the first kanji (hana) means flower
桐谷 遥 (haruka) the second kanji (tani) means valley
桃井愛莉 (airi) the first kanji (momo) means peach
日野森 雫 (shizuku) the second and third kanji (no, mori) mean field and forest
vbs (less sure of these sorry)
小豆沢こはね (kohane) the first two kanji (azuki) means red beans
白石杏 (an) the first kanji (shiro) means white
東雲彰人 (akito) the first and second kanji (shinonome) is like the clouds at dawn (orange)
青柳冬弥 (touya) the first kanji (aoi) means blue
wansho (also not as sure here)
天馬司 (tsukasa) the first two kanji (ten, uma) mean sky and horse aka pegasus
鳳えむ (emu) the kanji (ootori) means phoenix
草薙寧々 (nene) the first two kanji (kusanagi) could be like kusanagi no tsurugi which is like Japanese Excalibur (sword in the stone)
神代類 (rui) the first kanji (kami) means god
宵崎 奏 (kanade) the first kanji (yoi) means evening
朝比奈まふゆ (mafuyu) the first kanji (asa) means morning
東雲絵名 (ena) the first two kanji again mean dawn but not literally
暁山瑞希 (mizuki) the first kanji (akatsuki) also means dawn but a different way
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journeytothewestresearch · 2 years ago
Peng Doesn't Like Farts
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Fans of Lego Monkie Kid, as many of you may already know, Peng is based on an ancient monster king appearing in chapters 74 to 77 of  Journey to the West (Xiyouji, 西遊記, 1592). In the end of his arc, he is trapped above the Buddha's throne and submits to Buddhism. But you may not know that this very same character appears in a later novel, The Complete Vernacular Biography of Yue Fei (Shuo Yue quanzhuan, 說岳全傳, 1684 CE; a.k.a. The Story of Yue Fei). Peng is exiled from paradise for ... and I'm not joking ... killing a stellar spirit for farting during the Buddha's sermon.
Chapter one of Yue Fei's biography reads:
Let’s talk about the Buddha Tathagata at the Great Thunderclap Monastery in the Western Paradise. One day, he sat on a nine-level lotus throne, and the Four Great Bodhisattvas, the Eight Great Vajra Warriors, the five hundred Arhats, the three thousand Heavenly Kings, nuns and monks, male and female attendants, all of the heavenly sages who protect the Dharma, gathered to listen to his lecture on the Lotus Sutra. His words were like flowers and precious jewels raining from the heavens. But, at that time, a star-spirit, the Maiden Earth Bat, who had been listening to the lecture from beneath the lotus throne, couldn’t bear it any longer and unexpectedly let out a stinky fart. The Buddha was a great, merciful lord, so he didn’t mind even the slightest bit. But don’t sympathize with the Dharma protector above his head, the “Great Peng, the Golden-Winged King of Illumination,” whose eyes shone with golden light and whose back was a scene of auspiciousness. He became angry when he saw the nasty, filthy Maiden Earth Bat, and so he unfurled both his wings and dropped down to kill the spirit by pecking her on the head. The light-point of her soul shot out of the Great Thunderclap Monastery and went to the Lands of the East (China) in the world below to find a mother and reincarnate. She was reborn as a daughter of the Wang clan. She would later marry the Song Prime minister Qin Hui (1091-1155) and come to cruelly kill the righteous (i.e. Yue Fei) as a means to get revenge against today’s enemy. We will talk about this later. Let’s return to the Buddha, who saw what happened with his all-seeing eyes and exclaimed, “Good! Good! It turns out that this is an episode of karma (cause and effect).” Then he called the Great Peng bird to come closer and shouted, “You evil creature! You already took refuge in my teachings. How can you not follow the five precepts by daring to commit such a horrible crime? I don’t need you here; you will descend to the mortal world to pay off your (karmic) debt and wait until you have fulfilled your work. Once that is completed, only then will I allow you to return to the mountain to achieve the right fruit (Buddhist merit).” The Great Peng complied with the decree, flying out of the Great Thunderclap Monastery directly to the Lands of the East to be reincarnated. We will stop here (translation by me). 且說西方極樂世��大雷音寺我佛如來,一日端坐九品蓮臺,旁列著四大菩薩、八大金剛、五百羅漢、三千偈諦、比丘尼、比丘僧、優婆夷、優婆塞,共諸天護法聖眾,齊聽講說妙法真經。正說得天花亂墜、寶雨繽紛之際,不期有一位星官,乃是女土蝠,偶在蓮臺之下聽講,一時忍不住,撒出一個臭屁來。我佛原是個大慈大悲之主,毫不在意。不道惱了佛頂上頭一位護法神祗,名為大鵬金翅明王,眼射金光,背呈祥瑞,見那女土蝠污穢不潔,不覺大怒,展開雙翅落下來,望著女土蝠頭上,這一嘴就啄死了。那女土蝠一點靈光射出雷音寺,徑往東土認母投胎,在下界王門為女,後來嫁與秦檜為妻,殘害忠良,以報今日之讎。此是後話,按下不提。 且說佛爺將慧眼一觀,口稱:「善哉,善哉!原來有此一段因果。」即喚大鵬鳥近前,喝道:「你這孽畜!既歸我教,怎不皈依五戒,輒敢如此行兇?我這裡用你不著,今將你降落紅塵,償還冤債,直待功成行滿,方許你歸山,再成正果。」大鵬鳥遵了法旨,飛出雷音寺,徑來東土投胎不表。
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raincandyy-u · 2 years ago
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kohinatairoha · 1 month ago
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こんばんは、古日向です! 石神戦記第22話前編、本日更新です。今回のお気に入り作画ポイントはこのページ。右下のイサザが良い感じに描けました。22話後編には御髪の乱れたヒイラギ(一押し)が出てくるのでお楽しみに。 読んでいただけると嬉しいです。よろしくお願いしますー!
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drinkabletoxicdishsoap · 4 months ago
Project Sekai x Fairly Odd Parents A New Wish AU? Why yes of course! WARNING: THIS IS SUPER EXTRA LONG!! BE PREPARED TO READ FOR A COUPLE OF MINUTES 😭😭😭
Hazel- Hazel was one I struggled with! She’s either Saki or Emu. Emu’s story is that she is the daughter of the owner of Phoenix Wonderland, and grew up watching shows in the park. After seeing Tsukasa fail his audition, she hires him, along with Nene and Rui, to return the dilapidated Wonder Stage to its former glory. Emu wants to perform on the small Wonder Stage and keep it alive, as it was her late grandfather's favorite stage. She was inspired to make others smile by her grandfather, whom she greatly looks up to, though he passed two years before the main story. I feel like this matches Hazel a lot! The passion and wants to make people smile. Saki’s story is that Saki was born with a weak body. Because of this, she was hospitalized throughout middle school. Her older brother, Tsukasa, took care of her during that time. At the beginning of the main story, she has become healthy enough to return to school. Saki is determined to enjoy her youth and experience all the things she couldn't while she was in the hospital. Due to this passion, she sometimes overworks herself and falls sick. Saki and Tsukasa's mother is a piano teacher. I feel like this matches Hazel by wanting to experience her whole youth and how her older brother took care of her. For the songs that match them I’d go with Once Upon A Dream and Stella.
(1 and 2 are Saki, last is Emu)
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Dev- He would probably be in Nightcord at 25:00! His story reminds me a lot of Mafuyu’s! If you don’t know it, basically Mafuyu’s mom is a manipulative, overbearing mother who tried to raise Mafuyu into becoming a doctor, stopping her from pursuing her own dream to be a nurse, which caused Mafuyu to suppress her own emotions to please her mother's high expectations (I totally did not copy and paste this shhhhhhhh). Instead of with Mafuyu suppressing her emotions, with Dev, he lets out too many emotions if that makes sense!! Dale would probably really want Dev to follow into the family’s footsteps, ignoring Dev’s dream. (no idea what that is yet, honestly your choice!) The song that I feel like matches him the best is probably BUG.
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Jasmine- Jasmine would probably be in More More Jump! I could see her being Minori. Minori is a girl who no matter what, won’t give up on her dream and encourages others to follow theirs! Someone who looks up to others. Minori has a kind heart and tries to be considerate of others. However, she is also clumsy, tends to get panicked easily, and often has trouble keeping her composure. She looks up to many of her friends and classmates and aspires to be like them (totally didn’t copy and paste this either shhh). I feel like this in my opinion, totally matches Jasmine! The song that I feel like matches her best is Angels Clover.
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Winn- See with Winn, I was stuck. I know I wanted them to be in Vivid Bad Sqaud or Leo/Need, I just honestly didn’t know who they would be. I don’t know they would be and I’m still a little unsure 😞but I ultimately went with An and Ichika. An’s story is that she is the daughter of the popular former musician Shiraishi Ken, who now owns a popular live cafe & bar called WEEKEND GARAGE, where she sometimes worked. She hopes to one day surpass the legendary event he put on, called RAD WEEKEND. She has been surrounded by music ever since she was young, and began singing partially because she felt a natural connection to it, and partially because she wanted to be like her dad. She has a lot of connections in the street music scene, due to being Ken's daughter. I feel like this just honestly gives Winn vibes? I don’t know how to explain it 💔 For Leo/Need, I gave them Ichika. Although Ichika seems stoic at first glance, she is a quiet, modest, and kind girl who is always thinking about her friends. Adding to her kind nature, and despite her insistence, she is good at complimenting others. According to one of her friends, she doesn't always communicate very well. (I’m now too lazy to copy and paste this but here’s the photo that explains her more.)
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I feel like this sort of gives off Winn vibes? Tbh it’s hard to assign characters to Hazel friends since we barely know anything about them and it’s so sad because they’re so silly 😞😞😞 The songs that match them best are probably Pulse of the Metor and Awake Now.
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(1st card is Ichika and the 2nd card is An)
For the vocaloids, they could still be you know, be vocaloids, have them as fairies, or they could be Cosmo, Wanda, and Peri! Like Wanda could be Meiko and Luka, Cosmo could be Kaito and Len, and Peri could be Rin and Miku!
Anyways, here’s all of the songs and their lyrics in one video clip (5:21):
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tokyonow · 2 years ago
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(「男子高生ミスターコン」グランプリ・西岡星汰が映画初出演で主演に大抜擢!映画『うかうかと終焉』2023年秋公開決定!! - Tokyo Nowから)
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tokyo-akb48 · 2 years ago
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omniverse-a-memoria · 12 days ago
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hide-note · 6 months ago
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ari0921 · 1 year ago
軍事占領されるくらいなら降伏しようという政治家はいないが、話し合いによる「平和統一」がよいとする意見が台湾の世論で目立つ。危険な兆候だろう。平和的統一の次に何が起きたか? 南モンゴル、ウイグル、チベットの悲劇をみよ。
 (十年前の拙著『悪の孫子学』<ビジネス社>です ↓)
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