meowmoedotcom · 2 years
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ぐっすり寝てます #shorts #猫 #アメリカンショートヘア
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 9 months
Exposing SVSSS Fanon: 13/∞
Rating: CANON
Mobei-jun's blue eyes are one of his most striking features both in official art and fanworks alike. Aside from Luo Binghe's black (and sometimes red) eyes, Mobei-jun's eye color is the one most frequently mentioned in canon.
They are first described as blue when he appears at the edge of the Endless Abyss during the conference:
Sensing this shocking change, a cold flash of interest shot through Mobei-Jun’s pale blue eyes. (7 Seas, Ch. 4)
Most of the mentions of his eyes come from the Airplane Extras, which is a neat parallel-- considering the fact that Shen Qingqiu often mentions LBH's eyes in his frequent praising of his future love interest, it only makes sense that Shang Qinghua would do the same in his own narration.
There is a slight bit of ambiguity here, where it could be read that Mobei-jun's eyes are not always blue, but only flash blue at certain points:
Mobei-Jun sneered, an ice-cold glint of blue flashing through his eyes. Mobei-Jun sat straight up on the bed, eyes shining with blue light like an overcharged battery about to explode. (7 Seas, Ch. 26)
These descriptions are intense, describing the light from his eyes as blue, rather than his eyes themselves, however, the earlier passage states that his eyes are blue, as does the following:
Half-dreaming and half-awake, he seemed to see Mobei-Jun’s eyes open. Icy-blue pupils were bright and cold under the moonlight, like a pair of magnificent and eerie chrysoberyls. (7 Seas, Ch. 26)
Interestingly here, "pupils" (瞳孔) are what is being described as blue, and not irises (虹膜)while the passage from chapter four is just describing the eye color overall, however, the term isn't necessarily so precise and I do believe it can refer to the entire colored portion of the eye when used in this context.
The color his eyes are described as is 蓝色,which is a true blue color, often associated with sky-blue (and also the same character as the surname Lan from MDZS for those interested). More specifically, his eyes are described as 微蓝 and 冰蓝 (literally "slightly blue" and "ice blue").
I personally imagine the color to look a bit like the following:
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In the last quote, they are described as looking like chrysoberyl (specifically, 猫眼 "cat's eye") which has this appearance:
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So this could potentially also lend support to drawing him with lighter-colored pupils and darker blue irises.
Since Mobei-jun's eyes are both described as blue themselves, as well as flashing with specifically blue light, my conclusion on the matter is that Mobei-jun has blue eyes which have a bit of luminescence to them and light up even further when he is angry.
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biglittleluobo · 6 months
萝卜's Beginner Guide to Sichuanese!
Welcome to the first in an unofficial series of posts where I will share the (very large) amount of new vocab, cultural experiences, and topics that I was introduced to while spending ~5 weeks in China!
Today’s topic is: Sichuanese! 🌶️🌶️🌶️
I won’t pretend to be an expert in Sichuanese (yet, please chime in / add here if you are!), but I spent >50% of my time in the province while abroad which gave me lots of exposure. It certainly took me by surprise at the beginning! After about two weeks I started to get a better feel for it. Here’s some tips and vocab for getting started:
1. Get ready to hear 得 (“dei” pronunciation) just about everywhere, this is an essential character thrown around constantly. Most common are these three words:
要得 (yǎodei) – yes, good
没得 (módei) – no
晓得 (xiǎodei) – understand, aka 明白
Sometimes it also just randomly appears, for example 得行 (deixíng) has the exact same meaning as 行 (fine, okay)! You just gotta expect it.
2. The majority of Sichuanese people do not pronounce the “h” in sounds like “ch”, “sh”, “zh”. This makes it very tricky for a student (like me!) who still internally looks up lots of words, so any “s-” word could be a word that starts with “sh-” OR a word that just starts with “s-”. Some examples:
橙汁 (chéngzhī) as "cengzi"
这儿 (zhè’er) as “zer”
什么时候 (shénme shíhou) as “sazisihou”
是不是 (shìbùshì) as “sib’si” (with the u sound in “bu” typically omitted)
3. The “an” sound is pronounced as in the English word “can” (as opposed to the usual pronunciation which is a bit more like the “awn” sound in “yawn”). Combined with (2), this has the very cute effect of turning 吃饭 (chīfàn) into something more like “cifaan”, and is something you should expect to hear a lot in a province like Sichuan! Just be aware that this applies to every “an”-suffixed word and can sometimes totally change how you hear it. In many ways I feel like this feature makes it sound a bit reminiscent of American southern dialects.
4. There are a few other Sichuanese alternative pronunciations to be aware of:
“Hu” is often pronounced as “fu”, leading 护照 (hùzhào) to sound like “fuzao”, or 西湖 (Xīhú) as “xifu”
“R” sounds can sometimes be pronounced with a “y”, e.g. 容 (róng) as “yong”
Most tricky is that the flat 1st tone is very rare, and many characters simply have different tones than “Standard” Mandarin. As far as I can tell (and have read online), there isn’t really a systematic adjustment for this, it’s just how it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5. Surprisingly, though Sichuan is a southern province, there are tons of erhua around! At least here, it seems like the 儿 ends up quite merged with the original word. Some examples I heard:
米粉 (mǐfěn) as “mifer” (extremely delicious breakfast option!)
老板 (lǎobǎn) as “laober”
没得 (módei) as “moder” (apparently extremely rarely heard though)
豆花 (dòuhuā) as “douhua’er” (quite common in northern Mandarin as well)
熊猫 (xióngmāo) as “xiongmer”
And finally, a few more Sichuanese specialties!
好(多)钱 - how much does it cost, aka 多少钱 (the 多 is sometimes omitted in quick speech)
啥子 (sázi) – what, based on the casual substitute word 啥 for 什么 (also often pronounced as sáza)
闹热 (nàorè) – lively, as opposed to the usual 热闹
可以 (kěyǐ), pronounced as as “kǒyǐ”
冒菜 (màocài) – a local variant of malatang (麻辣烫)
抄手 (chāoshǒu) – (v) to fold arms up the sleeves; (四川) wonton, dumpling
稀饭 (xīfàn) – congee, 粥, literally "thin rice"
干饭 (gānfàn) – regular rice, 米饭, "dry rice" to distinguish from 稀饭
嘛 (ma) - often heard at the end of sentences, just a local sound! Not (as I understand it) generally associated with some of its other meanings (like impatience, stating the obvious, etc)
See you next time. 下次见!
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vtuberconfessions · 3 months
The Vtuber of the Day is Enya Yoruneko! She is a cat burglar! She streams on YouTube in Spanish as an indie!
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flamingo-rex · 1 month
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Cat ch.22のルーティンを熟知してる
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moko1590m · 2 months
ひろゆき @hirox246 東京都区内の火葬場の66%を持つ東京博善は中国系の会社に買収されました。寡占で値上げしまくり火葬料金は全国平均価格の4倍。骨壷の持ち込み不可。日本人の死体を燃やして稼ぐ取締役3人の年間報酬は7億8900万円。 各区長が規制しなきゃいけないのに放置し続けて、今に至る。 https://biz-journal.jp/company/post_382116.html/amp… 午後1:08 · 2024年7月10日 · @okada122400 · 8時間 そんなに儲かるビジネスモデルなのに何故日本企業が手放したか不思議ですね @sukonomaru · 8時間 昨日進展があったみたいですよ 引用 佐藤信顕@葬儀葬式ch 日本一の葬祭系Youtuberです+減税会 @satonobuaki · 22時間 火葬場問題は 区長「複数区に火葬場を持つ会社だし、東京都が意見を出せよ。許認可は営業だけで、料金とかそういうのは入ってないし~~~」 ↓ 東京都「東京都は管理主導する立場にありません」 ↓ 浜田事務所が、厚労省から言質をとる「金額も含めて指導監督は区長の仕事やん」 ↓ 区長の責任じゃん!!←今ここ 午後11:43 · 2024年7月9日 · 213万 件の表示 佐藤信顕@葬儀葬式ch 日本一の葬祭系Youtuberです+減税会 @satonobuaki · 22時間 価格も含めて区長の責任で監督指導できるっていうのが明確になったのが今回の成果なのです。いままで出来ない、そんな権利ないし~~~って言っていたのが、厚労省がありま��っていったので、できることが確定しました。要するに厚労省に区が確認取るのを「ワザ」としなかったという事です。 佐藤信顕@葬儀葬式ch 日本一の葬祭系Youtuberです+減税会 @satonobuaki · 22時間 じゃあ出来ますよね、いつやるんですか?いつ内訳を調べるんですか?燃料サーチャージもスルーしてましたよね。って価格指導権限があるとすれば、何で調査しない、なんで指導しないという「区や区長」の問題になります。ほーら詰将棋になってきた。指導しない区の問題が、意見をまとめない都か・・ 佐藤信顕@葬儀葬式ch 日本一の葬祭系Youtuberです+減税会 @satonobuaki · 22時間 あとは質問件ある議員にやってもらえばいいんです。正直何十億の案件だし、慎重になって時間もかかるのもわかりますけど、それで牛歩されないようにロードマップを出してくれとか言えばいいんですよ。 佐藤信顕@葬儀葬式ch 日本一の葬祭系Youtuberです+減税会 @satonobuaki · 22時間 期日と手順、なんなら僕がロードマップ書きますよ。質問してくれる議員さんからの協力依頼お待ちしています。 猫と薔薇の日々 @CDZj1kjPM0IGpoD · 8時間 昨日、京都市で火葬を済ませました。京都では葬儀会社でさえ「火葬場が民営ってアリなの」と驚く方が多いです。火葬場は公共施設であり福祉にも相当するものです。料金だけではなく、残骨の処理も大事です。京都市民で良かったと思います。 ノムタン @masaru1390 · 11時間 土葬の制限、火葬場以外での火葬禁止などの法で、実質は火葬は義務化されてます。 多くの自治体で火葬が格安なのも火葬が事実上は義務だからです。 なので自治体には火葬会社を強く指導する権限も義務もあります。 冥🌷 ボーッと生きてる @venus_meiko · 11時間 新宿区長、落合斎場をなんとかしろやヾ(。`Д´。)ノ 代々幡は渋谷区長に仕切ってもらわんと そもそも民間企業だってところに疑問しかわかない Narayan Lal Solanki @narayanmali85 · 3時間 私たちの国では、火葬場は最も神聖な場所ですが、火葬場の名の下に数百万の価値のあるビジネスを行うことは非常に非難される行為です。 Narayan Lal Solanki @narayanmali85 · 5時間 仕事は公共の利益のために行われるべきです Sprinkle 🇵🇰🇵🇸 @ursister366 · 7時間 そうなんだよね、区長の責任になっちゃうんだ。厚労省から言質を取るって、かなりの重圧だろうね。区長も大変そうだけど、しっかり対応してほしいよね。
(1) Xユーザーのひろゆきさん: 「東京都区内の火葬場の66%を持つ東京博善は中国系の会社に買収されました。寡占で値上げしまくり火葬料金は全国平均価格の4倍。骨壷の持ち込み不可。日本人の死体を燃やして稼ぐ取締役3人の年間報酬は7億8900万円。 各区長が規制しなきゃいけないのに放置し続けて、今に至る。 https://t.co/nxSjgQInB6」 / X
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Yuriko Tiger instagram post 6/1/2023
🐈 Amore first (in truth, second) bath!!
He is so handsome 😳💕..!! I’m making a new video for my channel after a very big absence on my YouTube channel (sorry, it will for my Japanese ch.🥲) some time for myself care and spoil my cat Amo ☺️🍼
So, no figa for today. Cats are better. アモーレ君の初シャンプー🧴 めっちゃいい子でした!しかし顔が絶望すぎてずっと笑っていた、、サイヤクのママです(笑)。
最後に可愛い写真も撮っていただいて ちゃうちゅるももらえた☆らっきー!
超久しぶりに動画も撮っておいてます📸!!中々集中ができなくてー ちょっと、、休んでました(動画ね) いつも通り活動もしてますわ。
#猫のいる暮らし #猫スタグラム #すこてぃっしゅふぉーるど #猫のいる幸せ #catstagram #catlover #catoftheday #scottishfold #bokunoamore
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sentistrange · 2 years
Conlang Tips & Info
@typotripprr asked about this, but it would be way too long to comment (lol).
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Some Basic Notes
I think the first thing you should ask yourself is this : will it be for a fictional world or for the modern day?
This is important because if it's used for a nation/group in a fictional setting, you need to think about what sounds speakers can make (pitch for rodent-inspired characters, clicks for aliens, etc.). And if you are solely using this language for specific scenes, then you really only need to create words for those moments. You’d need words specific for that world, probably without a direct translation for extra realism.
If you're using this for the modern world and everyday use, then you'll need to add words we use day-to-day in the present (car, computer, soda, etc.). However, you can make combo words to make something new or the same words with multiple meanings.
You can also take inspiration from a lot of languages, but don't clutter them. My first conlang, Sukoig Nohaas (lit. Star Sound/Language) has been described as sounding like Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Polish, and quite a few others, but I actually didn't take inspiration from any of them. But it is a language that can be used IRL.
The Letters & Sounds
This is something you should start with, as it's the foundation of your words.
You can start with these kinds of charts :
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But personally, they're too complex and complicated for me, so I stick with basic, "a = ah, e = eh, i = ee, etc." which works fine.
Think about the sounds letters make. In English, "c" can be "k" or "s", but in Indonesian, "c" is "ch", and in Chinese, "c" is a mix of "s" and "z" (but that depends on dialect). You can choose to have certain letters with the same sound, but how the word is spelt changes which one is used. Or you can remove one entirely. In Gaelic, there is no "k", and they always use "c" for that sound.
If you can't decide what letters you want, you can do a couple things. If you have Scrabble, grab a random bunch of pieces and use those letters or find random letter generators/assign numbers to letters and use a random number generator. You can also choose words/names and take those letters. My second conlang, Kikke Molmi (lit. Name Language), only uses the letters in my full name : a, e, i, o, u, j, k, l, m, r, s.
Also, we have letters that make different sounds when put together. In Gaelic, "bh" makes a "v" sound. In Sukoig Nohaas, "sg" makes "sh", "vg" makes "th", and "gh" makes "ch".
But if you're making your own alphabet or using a non-Latin real script, you can have separate letters for the sounds. In Japanese, "し" is "shi" and "ち" is "chi".
While it doesn’t have special letters, this is Kikke Molmi’s script (based on things I like) :
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Letter Order
This can be important or it can’t matter at all. Having a specific formula for letter order helps the language stay congruent, but your language doesn't need to be.
For making new words with a specific order, there is a website called Awkwords that a lot of people use. Using Kikke Molmi as an example, it looks like this :
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(Note : V = Vowel, C = Consonant, N = Nasal, but you can add/remove.)
And by doing this, you can choose words in that order or random.
Some people just make up random orders. Using Sukoig Nohaas as an example :
Stet angha nen biirn'mius nen. Gholu stet haram sgapa ferharma nen yaun opur sgri (lyrics from a cover I made of a song called Still (Piano Ver.) by Rua feat. K. It's 1:15-1:25).
Grammar, Pt. 1
Okay, this part's a bit tricky.
You'll see examples using "S", "O", and "V", which means "Subject", "Object", "Verb". They'll be in the form of SVO, SOV, OVS, etc.
Examples :
English, SVO : The woman plays the piano.
Japanese, SOV : 私は猫が好きです。(lit. I cat like. Means, "I like cats".)
Ancient Middle Egyptian, VSO (some are supposed to stack) :  𓇋𓅱𓅠𓅓𓈖𓀀𓋴𓏭𓏞𓀀 (lit. Found the scribe her. Means, "The scribe found her".)
Sukoig Nohaas uses OVS and Kikke Molmi uses VOS.
Additionally, if you're using a new alphabet, which way do you write it? Latin sentences are left-to-right, up-to-down, but Chinese sentences are (traditionally) up-to-down, right-to-left. Sukoig Nohaas is written in Latin order, but Kikke Molmi is written left-to-right, down, right-to-left, down, and so on. This was inspired by Atlantean from Atlantis: The Lost Empire (my favorite Disney movie).
(This is the sentence shown in Grammar Pt. 2.)
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Grammar, Pt. 2
Next, you need to think about when things like time/tense, adjectives, prepositions, and amounts. Using Kikke Molmi as an example, the full order is :
Time - Location - Verb - Amount (+1, +2)  - Adjective - Object - Amount - Adjective - Subject.
So a full sentence would be :
Liklu osura rasja orki aska askok ku (lit. Lunchtime eat dead dog happy cat. Means, “During lunchtime, the happy cat eats the dead dog”).
But are you going to form these things? Maybe you don't need adjectives or tenses or pronouns. Kikke Molmi has no tense (as you may have noticed) nor pronouns, as it uses names only and a term for the "unknown person" if the name is unknown. So no I/you/us/he/she/they/it.
As opposed to Sukoig Nohaas, which depends on root words and affixes.
For example, the root word "zusiefaur" means "romantic love", so "le'zusiefaur" is "lover" (le' is a person), "me'zusiefaur" is "to love" (me' is a verb marker, and then uses a suffix for tense) and ner’zusiefaur means “romantically lovable” (ner’ is an adjective marker). So these two languages are very different when it comes to that.
Also, Kikke Molmi’s number system are in the form of +1, +2, +3, but use symbols with 1 stroke for +1, 2 strokes for +2, etc., which can be confusing
Creating a Lexicon
When creating your lexicon, think about *what* it's for. In fantasy/sci-fi languages, focus on specific scenes and terminology. As for everyday use, I personally make words as I need them or find a list of words and fill them all out. You should definitely keep them on an online document or notebook and if you want to use it IRL, it's a good idea to make flashcards/quizzes to memorize.
Slang is a good thing to add. English uses “fruity” in reference to being gay, while Spanish uses, “Tener pluma.”
An example of Sukoig Nohaas slang is, “ner’nemmia ner’nuun fomaasg,” which means, “a dusty old book.” This is slang for someone who is outdated and shuns modern technology-- basically a boomer.
Actually Writing Things
You can easily look up "conlang exercises" and poems, but if you want a *real* challenge, translate a book.
As I showed before, you can also make song covers. Keeping the same amount of syllables is hard, though, so I separate each syllable, count them, and find my own words that match and share the meaning. It's tricky, though, and you'll need a decent amount of words to do so. Sometimes you need to make new words to fit it.
It's tough at the beginning, but it definitely gets easier the more you practice.
Here are some prompts to get you started :
Pick 3 random vowels and 8 random consonants.
Choose 5 random or your favorite Pokémon and use those letters.
Start every syllable with a vowel and end it with 2 consonants (same or different).
Take real words and invert/scramble for a new word.
Use the first 2 letters of 6 people you know.
Only use the letters of your full name. (Credit : @/conlangprompts)
Find three random items and use those letters for a word.
And prompts for scripts :
Use your favorite things as letters.
Make every letter have a swirl.
Only use boxes and circles.
Draw shapes with your eyes closed and use those as letters.
Helpful Sources for Info, Prompts & Help
(YouTube) Biblaridion
(YouTube) Artifexian (Inspired Sukoig Nohaas)
(Tumblr) conlangprompts (Inspired Kikke Molmi)
(Site) Awkwords
(Site) Ogden's Basic English
(Site) Arth(aey)
Making a conlang seems daunting and intimidating at first, but it's super fun! I came up with Kikke Molmi in less than 10 minutes. Creating a language for a fictional world can be a lot harder because you need to obey certain rules, but Awkwords really helps with that! Don't stress and work at your own pace. Let your creativity flow, even if you don't see yourself as creative.
I hope this helps. And remember, don't stress and have fun!
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oratokyosaigunda · 11 months
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// "𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍" BAE🔥新曲 \\ 『Ch△mp1on』 アン・フォークナー(CV:#96猫 )の バースをPICK UP💥 🔽新曲shorts動画をYouTubeでCHECK🎥 https://youtube.com/shorts/EL_p983XS80 #パラライ
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valentine-evenings · 1 year
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from 二哈和他的白猫师尊 (Dumb Husky and his White Cat Shizun), ch. 119
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vynegar · 1 year
minor translation error in bustafellows ch. 4
as said in the title, it’s very small and you can probably assume the actual, intended meaning bc the given line just doesn’t make sense lol. but i decided to post about it because the reason for the error is pretty interesting to me.
slight spoilers!
the scene is the party at Carmen’s, where everyone is celebrating Teuta and the Fixers give her the bookmark as a gift. here’s the line with the error:
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sounds great, except i didn’t hear alex say “neko” in any of those lines, and here’s the bookmark:
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so i looked up the first sentence in japanese and it’s this (bolded mine):
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Teuta-san ga ikari no motiifu o sukidatte jouhou wa Shu-san de,
錨 (ikari) means “anchor”. but it just so happens that the kanji for it looks very similar to the one for “cat” (猫), and it doesn’t help that Teuta liking cats is perfectly accurate for this game too!
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doglok · 5 days
【猫動画】スコティッシュの赤ちゃんを迎えた伝説の日!! #shorts 【猫×#shorts 】 足長マンチカンのちょびまると、立耳スコティッシュのちゃちゃまるです♪チャンネル登録ぜひよろしくお願いし ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tIsMFrLXRc
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caramelcubechocolat · 3 months
☆*CARAMEL MUSEUM情報 夏のCM ご参加作家様一挙ご紹介*☆
7月19日~8月13日の26日間、池袋PARCOさん 本館 B1Fにて開催する
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★・*。+ CARAMEL MUSEUM 参加作家様一覧 +。 *・ ★
✳︎* Cスペース 前期・中期[7/19~8/4]参加作家様 * ✳︎
tommy110369 様 ( CC BB-7 )
✳︎* Cスペース 中期・後期[7/28~8/13]参加作家様 * ✳︎
Limon 様 ( CH A-53 )
✳︎* Cスペース 前期[7/19~7/27]参加作家様 * ✳︎
14にゃんこ 様 ( CH B-9 ) Classic Works 様 ( CH AA-71 ) CRYSTAL GARDEN 様 ( CH A-9 ) empty 様 ( CH AA-22 ) ena 様 ( CH AA-96 ) Felina 様 ( CH BB-6 ) Lapis Moon 様 ( CH A-17 ) LittleSpica 様 ( CH AA-15 ) Magic Hour 様 ( CH AA-99 ) miika 様 ( CC A-40 ) MIYUKI Beads* 様 ( CH AA-53 ) NERO 様 ( CH GG-7 ) Stella rium 様 ( CH AA-25 ) twinkle 様 ( CH AA-87 ) U 様 ( CH BB-5 ) 藍猫屋 様 ( CH AA-36 ) あづまや 様 ( CH BB-31 ) カンパネラ 様 ( CH AA-6 ) 雪華 様 ( CH AA-31 ) 氷桜-hizakura- 様 ( CC A-48 ) 三日月ノ木 様 ( CH BB-3 ) 森と魔法道具 様 ( CC AA-25 ) 夜桜工房 様 ( CH AA-43 )
✳︎* Cスペース 中期[7/28~8/4]参加作家様 * ✳︎
Atelier Chouchou 様 ( CH A-77 ) blaue meer 様 ( CH BB-49 ) Color!! 様 ( CH A-29 ) hana*festival 様 ( CH A-25 ) haumygarden 様 ( CH AA-39 ) Jubilee 様 ( CH A-1 ) Kira Kawa Rainbow 様 ( CH A-21 )  LHM+Stantic 様 ( CH B-2 ) Maia Polaris 様 ( CH B-25 ) Novelize 様 ( CH AA-77 ) oldbasket 様 ( CH B-28(元CC A-3) ) PlanetNine 様 ( CH BB-25 ) sakuradrop 様 ( CC AA-46 ) -tsukishiro- 様 ( CH AA-30 ) 烏水屋-うすいや- 様 ( CH AA-52 ) くろねこ工房 様 ( CH BB-10 ) たいぇーるdeきゃび 様 ( CH A-78 ) 天使のくま房 様 ( CH A-60 ) てんしのしっぽ☆ 様 ( CH BB-23 ) 花纏 様 ( CH B-20 ) ヒナノハナ 様 ( CH AA-94 ) ゆりすけあにまる 様 ( CH A-23 )
✳︎* Cスペース 後期[8/5~8/13]参加作家様 * ✳︎
7palette 様 ( CH AA-26 ) caprice 様 ( CH AA-5 ) Flower drops 様 ( CH A-80 ) handmade shop Rouge 様 ( CC AA-29 ) kurosu 様 ( CH A-14 ) LuLuChronicle 様 ( CH BB-33 ) MAISON DE BAMBI 様 ( CH AA-72 ) MaRin 様 ( CH AA-18 ) Mef屋 様 ( CC AA-26 ) porupotoruko 様 ( CH A-2 ) rinae 様 ( CH A-57 ) sorahana 様 ( 外部 ) Spica LILA 様 ( CH AA-35 ) Stone Valley工房 様 ( CH BB-16 ) SugarShark 様 ( CH BB-30 ) UsariBon୨୧Shop 様 ( CC BB-32 ) あぅあ。 様 ( CH AA-49 ) 戯ノ杜-SOBAEnoMORI- 様 ( CH AA-42 ) 蒼花-Souka- 様 ( CH B-31 ) 一色‐ひといろ‐ 様 ( CH AA-48 ) 村人Cのお店 様 ( CC B-22 ) 夜明玉 様 ( CH AA-73 ) 林檎屋 様 ( CH AA-85 )
✳︎* Mスペース 1部・2部[7/19~7/31]参加作家様 * ✳︎
ericknoza 様 ( CH A-3 )
✳︎* Mスペース 2部・3部[7/25~8/7]参加作家様 * ✳︎
flap・flag 様 ( CH AA-46 )
✳︎* Mスペース 3部・4部[8/1~8/13]参加作家様 * ✳︎
396 様 ( CC A-12 ) MorfineGypsophila 様 ( CH AA-50 )
✳︎* Mスペース 1部[7/19~7/24]参加作家様 * ✳︎
BROWN TABBY 様 ( CH AA-24 ) nemo*phileo  様 ( CC A-21 ) citron candy 様 ( CC BB-15 ) FaLLMooN 様 ( CH B-19 ) Handmade accessory LOCO 様 ( CH BB-42 ) Hibiki's-M 様 ( CH B-14 ) Juel  Hearing 様 ( CH AA-28 ) komorebi 様 ( CH B-17 ) März Lilie 様 ( CH AA-40 ) minim 様 ( CH B-15 ) Nenneko bebe./泡淡星 様 ( CH A-6 ) NOMOAYA 様 ( CH BB-21 ) LED-Light Peer 様 ( CC BB-34 ) Lupo solitario 様 ( CH B-43 ) Lust 様 ( CH A-7 ) Raroko 様 ( CC AA-36 ) sacosso 様 ( CH A-61 ) tammy’s factory 様 ( CH AA-44 ) wangen 様 ( CH AA-74 ) 推し活応援団Dear BeLL 様 ( CC B-14 ) 煌々流星群 様 ( CH A-22 ) 武田商店 様 ( CC BB-14 ) ぶらかみ堂 様 ( CC AA-34 )
✳︎* Mスペース 2部[7/25~7/31]参加作家様 * ✳︎
A MICORON 様 ( CH AA-14 ) Corolle 様 ( CH B-7 ) cotelier 様 ( CH A-58 ) grat jewelry 様 ( CH B-3 ) mahana tiare 様 ( CH A-16 ) NODOKA 様 ( CH B-40 ) Pyon.made 様 ( CH B-13 ) ★Ruban au trésor★ 様 ( CC B-18 ) Soraha 様 ( CH BB-27 ) SheRa 様 ( CC AA-24 ) Stargazer 様 ( CH AA-54 ) sweet magic 様 ( CH AA-66 ) Dear BeL 様 ( CH BB-22 ) 月華堂 様 ( CC B-12 ) そばえのがっこう 様 ( CH B-4 ) 地球屋 様 ( CC BB-22 ) 蝶々華-Chouchouka- 様 ( CH AA-60 ) 猫青年の隠れ家 様 ( CC A-32 ) 巳桜(みお) 様 ( CC AA-45 ) みかりの宝石店 様 ( CH AA-4 ) ゆずのか工房 様 ( CH BB-19 ) ゆびさきマルシェ 様 ( CC A-20 )
✳︎* Mスペース 3部[8/1~8/7]参加作家様 * ✳︎
Azure Blue 様 ( CH A-31 ) Edelstein 様 ( CH BB-31 ) flower 様 ( CH B-37 ) ー Glaice ー 様 ( CC A-5 )  kanalima 様 ( CH A-51 ) minoristory 様 ( CH A-10 ) Muguet-Lune (ミュゲ- リュンヌ)  様 ( CH BB-35 ) Nyomin~Fake*Sweets~ 様 ( CC AA-47 ) Princessamulet  様 ( CC B-11 ) THEORY_MOVE 様 ( CH B-36 ) tonchi 様 ( CH AA-58 ) TsFactory&BLACKMASS 様 ( CC B-19 ) Viocrista 様 ( CH AA-88 ) xuehui-3 様 ( CH B-1 ) あいだより 様 ( CC A-39 ) おむすびころりん 様 ( CC B-1 ) 花魁鳥* 様 ( CH B-33 ) 涼花堂 様 ( CC BB-10 ) そらしえーる/四季彩 様 ( CH AA-61 ) ピスタチオ 様 ( CH GG-11 ) ゆきはな 様 ( CH BB-38 )
✳︎* Mスペース 4部[8/8~8/13]参加作家様 * ✳︎
Cats,Wind & Fire 様 ( CH BB-34 ) FLY-Real Flower accessory- 様 ( CH BB-9 ) GlassOre 様 ( CH BB-1 ) glisten 様 ( CC AA-41 ) GrassFour 様 ( CH BB-2 ) Hotaru 様 ( CC B-23 ) i-palette 様 ( CC A-1 ) Kitsch! 様 ( CC BB-35 ) Lacrime ~ラクリメ~ 様 ( CH B-11 ) Petit Lapin 様 ( CH A-32 ) &RiRi❥❥ 様 ( CH BB-7 ) tailorDream 様 ( CC B-4 ) ヴォートルボヌール 様 ( CH BB-42 ) 衣宙/esora-エソラ- 様 ( CH B-10 ) 金の庭 様 ( CH A-24 ) 黒蜥蜴亭 様 ( CH AA-92 ) 譁憐屋さん 様 ( CH AA-97 ) こなみこや 様 ( CH AA-2 ) デビルズケーキ 様 ( CC A-45 ) ひむくる。 様 ( CH A-55 ) 橘屋 様 ( CH A-13 ) メトオル堂 様 ( CH AA-95 )
7月19日~8月13日の26日間、池袋PARCOさん 本館 B1Fにて開催です♬
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vtuberconfessions · 1 year
Today's 4th and final (for today) Vtuber of the Day is Nekuro Konami! She is a catgirl/demon! She streams mainly on YouTube in Japanese as an indie!
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flamingo-rex · 7 months
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2が並ぶ、ニャン ニャン ニャンの日で
猫の日のせいなのか、Cat ch.22がオープンから
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