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#水瀬いのり#瀬戸麻沙美#内田真礼#東山奈央#雨宮天#種崎敦美#久保ユリカ#Minase Inori#Seto Asami#Uchida Maaya#Touyama Nao#Amamiya Sora#Tanezaki Atsumi#Kubo Yurika
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泉大津市長 南出賢一さん
名古屋市 河村市長
山本太郎さん、伊原剛、木村正治さん、近藤 誠先生、坂本美雨、ジョコビッチ、お笑いのシルク姉さん、高木沙耶さん、ボクシングの村田諒太、宮澤孝幸さん
熊本県知事候補者 毛利秀徳さん、三宅洋平さん、田中昌之さん、千原ジュニアさん、
the pillowsの山中さわお
ピーポーピーポー 死んでゆく♪
ピーポーピーポー 死んでゆく♪
2021年09月13日 フライデー
自身のインスタグラムのプロフィールには《#コロナは茶番 #TVは真���こそ報道しない》と書かれている。ストーリーでは“ワクチンを打ってしまった”という一般ユーザーに対し
《遅くないです 解毒していきましょう ビタミンCを摂りニンニクも有効 血栓を溶かしましょう 意識的に亜鉛も摂り入れましょう みんなで生き残るんです》
日本の女に生まれたの恥じるわ 世間狭い頭悪い 勘も悪い 整形だけで生きてる連中
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会場|Minatomachi POTLUCK BUILDING 3F:Exhibition Space
ノブセノブヨ、つくじか出版、LOVERS'NAGOYA、よはく舎、夕書房、長島有里枝、artical inc.、K.Art Studio、本屋メガホン、平川祐樹、山下拓也、NEUTRAL COLORS、soda、迫 鉄平、蜜柑出版、KANA KAWANISHI ART OFFICE、佐藤李青、crevasse、寺脇扶美、Landschaft、これでいいんだ村、SeeSaw gallery + hibit・小野冬黄、若尾武幸、CLUB METROアーカイブ実行委員会、���とういもこ、Life Stories Project、paper company、EMI YOKOGOSHI、山をおりる、まるいわ書店、大福書林、hikita chisato、イシグロカツヤ、鈴木悠哉、Manila Books & Gift、Kana Kurata、ELVIS PRESS、小栗沙弥子、平松純一 平松絵里奈、田中瑞穂、anaguma 文庫、CAVE-AYUMI GALLERY、Type Slowly、吉岡千尋、madras、久常未智、村瀬ひより、谷澤陽佑、斉と公平太、秋吉風人、平尾 菫、Aokid + さとうかい、浄土複合、金 佳辰、土屋誠一(お蔵出し)、CYRO、今村 航/土屋小春、溝田尚子、いったーんプロジェクト編集部、新多正典、MOTEL、2ndLap、原田和馬、世界西垣感と伊藤健太、verse-paradox、小栢健太、上田 良、オル太、浅沼香織、momos(平出規人&今村 文)、平出規人、へいめん子、Yoshiki Fujiwara、365 wishes(神村泰代)、masayoshi suzuki gallery、のだはる、森田新聞社、小林真依、福田 柊、C-DOTS DESIGN PROJECT、The Liminal Voice、道音舎、C7C gallery and shop、坂田健一、komagoma press、oar press、彦坂敏昭、宮田明日鹿、lurie1969、早川美香、MYY Books(白澤真生、尾崎芳弘、荒木由香里のユニット)、Akane Yamazaki、this and that、ADHDじん編集部、リア制作室、ケルベロス・セオリー、千賀凱喜 | Kaiki Senga、くま書店、佐藤克久、タン・ルイ、片山 浩、PARADISE AIR、アートオブリスト実行委員会、mufubooks、霜山博也、between in between、名古屋芸術大学 文芸・ライティングコース、三村萌嘉、川崎光克、tunnel PRESS(天野入華・張 祐寿/psyain)、when press、デザイン・クリエイティブセンター神戸、Dog Ears Archive and Distribution、泉麻衣子・中島久美子、なかむら出版、Chizu Ogai research+design、山口由葉、のわ、服部浩之、詫間��り子、torch press、ウエヤマトモコ、細井章世、田本雅子、シバタリョウ、加納俊輔、北條知子、WEI-NI LU 陸 瑋妮+上田佳奈+六根由里香、Art Space & Cafe Barrack、川村格夫、ミヤギフトシ、山村國晶、川上幸之介、Sakumag+佐久間裕美子、Project Space hazi、Tiny Splendor、山口麻加、喫水線、蓮沼昌宏 ほか
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Dislyte JP Voices (updated*)
(*updated to the day i post this. anyone announced afterwards will not be included on this list.) This is basically a repost of my last JP voice list. The ones in bold were announced afterwards either through their twitter or the JP site. I’ve also added the kanji for the VA names to be consistent with my KR list.
Rares (Rs in the game)
Bai Liuli - Yuka Amemiya (雨宮 夕夏)
Bardon - Yuki Kaji (梶 裕貴)
Berenice - Maaya Uchida (内田 真礼)
Brynn - Haruka Tomatsu (戸松 遥)
Chang Pu - Aoi Yuuki (悠木 碧)
Freddy - Tomokazu Sugita (杉田 智和)
Jeanne - Ru Thing (ルゥ ティン)
Melanie - Akari Kito (鬼頭 明里)
Tang Yun - Kensho Ono (小野 賢章)
Epics (SRs in the game)
Alexa - Aoi Yuuki (悠木 碧) (same as Chang Pu)
Celine - Aoi Koga (古賀 葵)
Chloe, Lynn - Arisa Suzuki (鈴木 亜理沙)
Jiang Man - Saori Onishi (大西 沙織)
Jin-hee (assumed to be Maki in JP) - Aino Shimada (島田 愛野)
Koharu - Aoi Koga (古賀 葵) (same as Celine)
Mona - Yui Ishikawa (石川 由依)
Sander - Junichi Suwabe (諏訪部 順一)
Xie Chuyi - Yurika Moriyama (森山 由梨佳)
Legendaries (SSRs in the game)
Abigail - Kanna Nakamura (中村 カンナ)
Ahmed - Kohei Amasaki (天﨑 滉平)
Ashley - Mariko Kanke (菅家 麻梨子)
Brewster - Takuma Nagatsuka (永塚 拓馬)
Cecilia - Haruna Kuramoto (倉本 春奈)
the Fatum sisters - Aya Suzaki (洲崎 綾)
Gaius - Takeo Otsuka (大塚 剛央)
Hyde - Toshihiko Seki (関 俊彦)
Jin Yuyao - Yu Ayase (綾瀬 有)
Lewis - Kazuya Nakai (中井 和哉)
Li Ling - Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (松岡 禎丞)
Narmer - Show Hayami (速水 奨)
Ollie - Kouki Uchiyama (内山 昂輝)
Ophelia - Yuna Ogata (緒方 佑奈)
Raven - Reina Ueda (上田 麗奈)
Sienna - Hiromi Hirata (平田 宏美)
Tang Xuan - Natsuki Hanae (花江 夏樹)
Tiye - Rie Kugimiya (釘宮 理恵)
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A kind girl with a no-nonsense attitude and know-it-all reputation who is as dedicated to schoolwork as she is to gossip. As the next advisor to the king of the Sunset Savanna, she takes everything too seriously – including the running of her dorm, to her housewarden’s dismay.
[Toyhouse profile]
Name: Suzi Manyoya Nicknames: Penguin (Floyd), Mademoiselle Calao (Rook), Feathers/Birdy (Leona), Susu (Cheka) CVs: Seto Asami (瀬戸 麻沙美) (JP), Tara Platt (EN) Gender: Female Species: Hornbill beasthuman Birthday: April 25 Age: 18 Height: 170 cm (5’7”) Homeland: Sunset Savanna Dorm: Savanaclaw Year: 3 (Junior) Class: A (No. 14) Best subject: Protection Club: Arts & Crafts Favorite food: Githeri, chipsi mayai Least favorite food: Raw meat Likes: Folk music, historical fiction Dislikes: Being ignored, repeating herself Hobby: Beadwork Talent: Singing, Badminton Twisted from: Zazu from The Lion King Unique Magic/Signature Spell: Light as a Feather Allows her to manipulate the weight of objects and people, making them lighter or heavier than they are
Personality Suzi is a very responsible person and very diligent in everything she does. She likes order and efficiency and feels the need to step in if things aren't as organized as she'd like or thinks they should be. This almost exclusively applies to how Savanaclaw students behave and daily life in the dorm as a whole, which led her to act as an unofficial vice housewarden since her first year. Leona was against it at first since he thought she was challenging his authority and it caused a lot of arguments between them, but once he realized how much easier she makes things for him he decided to look the other way and only steps in when he disagrees with something. However, other students don't take kindly to her bossing them around, and she gets on some nerves and can step on a few tails so to speak. Due to her responsibilities with schoolwork and matters back home she has relaxed with this by her third year, but it’s still common to have some first-years think she’s the dorm leader for the first few days of class every year. A student at the top of her class, Suzi is very intelligent and knowledgeable not only of academic matters but everything that happens at school, making her the go-to source of information for everything from homework and tutoring to student and teacher gossip. She is very confident in her magical and academic abilities (sometimes to the point of smugness) and doesn’t shy away from demonstrating them, which has caused her to be seen as a know-it-all by her classmates – whether she doesn’t realize it or just doesn’t care is anyone’s guess. Despite being a bit Too Much™ for her dormmates sometimes, Suzi is overall friendly and sociable with students from all dorms (or “diplomatic” as she calls it), and always willing to help. As part of her unofficial vice housewarden duties she’s constantly breaking up fights, helping resolve arguments or mediating other people’s problems. Like most students in Savanaclaw, she has a competitive streak, although she keeps it in check. She is very loyal to her friends, family and the Kingscholars in general; however, she puts her duty above her feelings and plays by the rules, so Leona didn’t even consider including her in his plans to win the Spelldrive tournament, since he knew he’d get an earful about it (he still got it afterwards). The pressures of school life and her many responsibilities (some of which she imposed on herself by choice) cause her to have a short temper and become easily irritable. She loses her patience quickly, can be snappish and blunt, and can offend people without meaning to or realizing it. While other students know to stay clear of her when she’s acting like this, Leona finds her attitude very amusing and loves to tease and torment her any chance he gets just to see her riled up. Secretly, the stress and anxiety also make her prone to panic attacks and insomnia, which she doesn’t share because she “doesn’t want to inconvenience others” but which is really a fear of showing weakness. She has been working on managing her stress (and snapping at others), but there’s not much progress to be seen so far.
Background Suzi is the youngest child of the royal advisor of the Sunset Savana. Despite being familiar with the happenings of court from a young age, she did not know any of the members of the royal family personally other than Falena. Her oldest brother inherited their mother’s job when she retired a few years after Suzi was born but left the post a year later due to some disagreements with the king and later became estranged from the family. Her second brother took the position reluctantly, but did not do a very good job and left after his wife had complications in childbirth. The job inevitably went to Suzi then, but since she was 15 at the time her mother agreed to return to her old post and train her daughter to take her place once she turned 20. Being her family’s last hope to maintain their position at court, Suzi has felt a strong sense of responsibility and pressure since before she enrolled in NRC. Once she arrived, she was excited to be sorted into the same dorm as Leona and took it upon herself to “watch over” him, since as a servant to the Kingscholars she should be helpful to the member of the royal family closest to her at the time. However, she quickly became disillusioned at Leona’s personality and general attitude; she did not like the way he managed their dorm, was on his way to repeating the school year and was surprised (and disappointed) that he seemed to be nothing like Falena, whom she admires greatly. Leona didn’t take kindly to a freshman lecturing him on the running of the dorm and definitely didn’t appreciate the comparisons to his brother, so it didn’t take long for the arguments to begin. They reached an agreement in time, in which she’d be free to manage the dorm the way a vice housewarden would as long as she doesn’t go over his head and in exchange, he’d put more effort into his studies and let her study with him if she felt he needed it. She also convinced him to play chess with her from time to time, since she considers it to be a good strategy exercise for both of them as a member of the royal family and future advisor respectively (he initially agreed because he thought her reaction to him winning every game was amusing, but came to enjoy it over time since it’s one of the only moments when she’s not nagging at him). Despite earning a lot of respect for each other and improving their relationship, they still butt heads and argue from time to time, since Suzi still disapproves of a lot of his decisions regarding the dorm and his attitude towards life in general, but mostly towards his family. As his self-imposed guardian/helper, she was deeply affected by his overblot not only out of concern for him but also because she felt that she should have been able to prevent it from happening in the first place; the fact that a member of the royal family could have died under “her care” has only added to her stress since.
Unique Magic/Signature Spell Suzi’s signature spell is called Light as a Feather, and it allows her to manipulate the weight of anything she touches. She can make things light enough to float, or so heavy they’re impossible to move. It works on objects as well as people, and the amount of blot it produces depends on how long she maintains the spell.
She was accepted into Royal Sword Academy as well as Night Raven College, but both of her older brothers attended RSA for a while and were on the verge of being expelled, so her parents decided not to risk it with her
She’s been pestering Leona to study, go to class and graduate since she arrived at NRC, and every time he has to repeat a class feels like a personal failure to her
She adores Cheka but can only babysit him for so long before she loses her composure because he loves to test her patience
She has a nice singing voice, although she doesn’t like to sing in front of others. Leona heard her by accident once and blackmailed her into singing for him when they’re alone sometimes, since he says it helps him sleep (as if he needed any help with that).
She’s a borderline vegetarian
Loves puns and slips them into conversations unconsciously sometimes
Will never admit it, but she loves gossip - she calls it being well-informed on what goes on around her, since "the king's advisor is his eyes and ears and must be knowledgeable about the happenings of the realm"
While she scares many a first year into obeying her orders, a lot if not most of the older students know to ignore her rants and nagging, which pisses her off like nothing else
Has an unexpected sense of humor that not a lot of people get, since she tends to deliver her jokes in the same tone as she says everything else, and it never sounds like she’s joking
She unconsciously shakes her tail feathers when she experiences any strong emotion (like excitement or anger). She has learned to control it more over time but did it very often when she arrived at NRC, causing Leona to call her "Feathers", since it was her most distinguishing trait.
((I have a lot more stuff but I'll post it later cus this is already too long omg))
Profile & intro card templates by @unfinished-projects-galore
Candy template by @cheemawsarchive
#twisted wonderland#disney twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland oc#twst oc#savanaclaw#savanaclaw oc#the lion king#oc: suzi#my art#me: i love suzi and i want to make a lot of drawings of her!!#also me: (gives her the most time consuming hairstyle i can think of)#why am i like this#oc profile
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💭An unspeakable and sleepless daydream
The true character you are seeing
Is a carte that no one can read
I just want to know wonder💭
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Sarah Marigold
"Tch, these fools... If I were Vivi-chan, I'd have their head on a platter by now."
Very important note: Sarah was actually created by one of my friends, @mintychocolate04
Full Name: Sarah De Gracia Marigold
Japanese Name: サラ デ グラシア マ��ーゴールド
Romaji: Sara De Gurashia Marigorudo
Twisted from: The hunter's dagger/The lightning that struck the beautiful queen
V/A: Asami Seto(瀬戸麻沙美)
Age: 18
Birthday: November 1
Horoscope: Scorpio ♏
Species: Human, (alleged) Demoness
Height: 180 cm
Hair color: Ink black
Eye color: Red(normal), purple(using magic)
Homeland: Shaftlands
Position in Shard clan: distant family member, house Marigold
Dormitory: Pomefiore, transferred to Ignihyde
Class: 3-D (seat no. 19)
Sexuality: Pansexual/Demisexual
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous
{ Family:
Shuella Meilin Marigold(Mother)
Velveteen Belladonna Marigold(Aunt)
Ivan Marigold(Uncle)
Vivian Marigold(Aunt)
Florian Shard(Uncle)
Yona Von Monarch(Aunt)
Minami Rhys Von Monarch(Uncle)
Ludwig Von Monarch(Grandfather)
Grimhilde Shard Von Monarch(Grandmother)
Camilla Marigold(Cousin)
Aurelie Marigold(Cousin)
Mercury Von Monarch(Cousin)
Kiara Rhys(Cousin)
Victoria Shard(Cousin) }
Best class(es): Physical education
Worst class(es): Alchemy, incantations, herbology
Likes: Victoria, her cousins, her parents, sparring/training, honing her abilities, swordsmanship, spending time with her family, reading, Zen(platonically), Ignihyde's advanced technology, modifying her weaponry to her liking
Dislikes: False rumors, paparazzi, noble society, rumors surrounding her family, Malleus Draconia, Aurelie Marigold, Koral Larrane, rusted swords, blurry vision, alchemy, Camilla's singing
Hobbies: Swordsmanship, meditating, reading, walks in the forest, sparring, listening to music during class, slandering the Draconias to filth, helping Victoria with her "plans"
Talent(s): Agility, flexibility, dexterity, speed, strength, predicting attacks, swordsmanship, combat in general, ambidextrous, photographic memory
Flaw(s): Judgemental, overprotective, aggressive, (partially) manipulative, defensive, easily annoyed
Making her appearance in NRC in the middle of the second semester, Sarah is what one would call…. A bit unpredictable.
She's a very complicated young woman, especially considering she transferred to Ignihyde a couple of months into her stay in Pomefiore. Even though the latter dorm had her beloved cousin as a resident.
Speaking of which, Sarah's entire mindset is family oriented. She loves and cares for most of her family, practically unconditionally, and would do anything to protect them.
Hell, she admits to being influenced by Camilla and Mercury when it came to her insistence on willingly killing for her family's sake.
She's passionate, doting, carefree, and unabashedly fun-loving with all of her cousins, excluding Aurelie.
Although that does come at the cost of Sarah being rather overprotective of her cousins. Victoria specifically, since Sarah's admired Victoria since they were children.
When family isn't involved, Sarah remains closed off and painfully blunt, often coming off as sassy at times. And for whatever reason, she seems to have a vendetta against men.
Sarah is judgemental. With little to no shame, she's always saying things she probably shouldn't be saying aloud, and it barely bothers her as much as it bothered everyone else around her.
No matter who you are, family, friend, or foe. Sarah will shamelessly speak her mind with as little care as possible.
Unique magic: Thunder strikes(落雷)
Song: Thunder(Imagine dragons)
Like thunder, Sarah strikes fast, and in a flash, is able to hurt others at unspeakable levels, so it isn't a surprise that her unique magic reflects so much of her personality
This ability, though limited, allows Sarah to summon an occasional strike of thunder every time she snaps her fingers
Unfortunately, Sarah's energy will rapidly deplete the more she uses this ability, so she prefers not to use it unless the situation calls for it
As a child, Sarah would often use her unique magic to joke around with Zen and her cousins, but she decided to stop once she came to realize how much it was affecting her health
When they were children, Aurelie mocked Sarah for not being strong enough to control her abilities, which was enough motivation for the (at the time) 8-year-old to almost electrocute Aurelie into nothing but ash.
Name meaning
Sarah: In Hebrew, Sarah (שָׂרָה) is the feminine form of the noun Sar (שַׂר), which commonly translates to "chief", "ruler" or "prince"
De Gracia: "Of grace" in Spanish
Marigold: Marigolds were often linked to the powerful strength of the sun and represent the power, strength, and light that lives inside of a person
Sarah was homeschooled up until she managed to convince her parents to allow her to attend night raven college
She didn't have a personal reason to transfer to Ignihyde, she just personally preferred being there compared to Pomefiore (Which was enough for Crowley to let her transfer)
She won't admit it but her favorite cousin is probably Victoria
Calls Victoria "Vivi Chan" as her term of endearment
Sarah has an intense level of second hand embarrassment every time Camilla sings, it's just excruciatingly painful to listen to
One time she jokingly put on some of Mercury's corsets and realized just how fucking snatched his waist actually was
She originally took up swordsmanship in order to learn how to protect her cousins, but she eventually saw it as a hobby after a while
Due to the fact that most Marigolds had blonde hair, Sarah saw herself as a genetic defect and had a bit of trouble fitting in growing up in the Marigold side of the family
Victoria became Sarah's beacon of light because she convinced her to be more confident in herself
Absolutely hates what Aurelie did to inflict Camilla's curse, which is why she isn't as keen on protecting Aurelie compared to the rest of her cousins
Her father, Hawthorne, is a man who often smiles at all times and for whatever reason, doesn't have a last name
Sarah never questioned her father's lack of a surname, at least not out loud
Liked reading with Yona as a child and they continue to have reading sessions together whenever they find time in their schedules
One of the first people to notice signs of Grimhilde's abuse toward Victoria, but unfortunately no one believed her when she tried to tell others about it
Hates Ludwig and especially hates Grimhilde for what she did to Victoria
The only person she probably hates more than Grimhilde is Malleus Draconia, and that's saying something because Sarah proclaimed that she hated Grimhilde more than life itself
Sarah (after eventually meeting Roya) would relate to Roya's insecurities over his horns, as she also dawn's a pair of horns as well
Had to be convinced to wear a different pair of glasses when she was 15 because she was using the same pair for 6 years (Only because Victoria gave her the glasses to begin with)
Denies any protectiveness she has over her cousins especially Victoria
Treats Zen like an annoying little brother even though he's technically older than her
Chose not to participate in the swordsman solstice because she wanted to support Victoria and try to memorize the players' techniques
Accidentally exploded her family laboratory when she was 5
Mostly ties her hair up, but doesn't mind having it styled
Threatened to rip Koral's throat open but had to be restrained before that could happen
#twisted wonderland oc#twst oc#shard family#victoria shard#camilla marigold#mercury monarch#mercury von monarch#sarah marigold#twst ocs#oc profile#ignihyde#twst ignihyde#ignihyde oc#twst pomefiore#pomefiore oc#pomefiore#night raven college oc#nrc oc#twst nrc#night raven college#twst night raven college
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2024年10月26日(土)〜27日(日)の2日間、グランフロント大阪北館1階 ナレッジプラザにて開催される大阪国際文化芸術プロジェクト「OSAKA ART MARKET 2024」に出展します。 日々のドローイングから500枚を展示販売予定です。販売の仕方はいつも通りです。お買い求め後はその場でお持ち帰りいただけます。詳しくはお近くのスタッフさんまでお尋ねください。
OSAKA ART MARKET 2024 大阪文化芸術事業実行委員会では、大阪・関西万博開催時に、国内外からの多くの来阪者に大阪の文化芸術を楽しんでいただくことを目的として、令和5年度より地域の文化資源の魅力向上や多彩で豊かな大阪の文化芸術の魅力発信を強化する「大阪国際文化芸術プロジェクト」を実施しています。 その一環として、気軽にアートに親しみ、アートを楽しむ「OSAKA ART MARKET 2024」を開催します。大阪で活躍する現代美術のアーティストを中心に、広く世界に発信するアーティストや芸人など、多様なアーティストによる、個性豊かな作品を展示・販売いたします。ステージイベントでは、アートにまつわるトークショーや、パフォーマンスショーを開催します。芸術の秋、うめきたエリアでアートに触れて、少し特別な週末をお楽しみください。 — <出展アーティスト> ※50音順 井口舞子、石塚大介、今若理歩、岩部彰(ミサイルマン)、umano、梅原直人、HG(レイザーラモン)、Eliy、OCPOCC、大須賀基、開藤菜々子、一瀬薫樹、木村達彦/hukritt、久保沙絵子、Gullig、KAC、Saigetsu、shinji horimura、snAwk、清、たいぞう、高棹祥太、谷内一光、谷垣華、玉住聖、チョウタロウ、友寄万梨奈、トヨクラタケル、TORAJIRO、中島尚志、成瀬ノンノウ、西田彩乃、西脇麻衣子、野村愛希子、175、振本聖一、古家達成、本家雅衣、前田茉里、前野めり、町田夏生、松原秀仁、Manabu Yamaguchi、manamu、marco、森本ゆい、山田HOW、リダヲ、Rim、倫理的暴力 — <ステージイベント> 10月26日(土) ■13:00~13:30 黒田征太郎ライブドローイング with shiuta 出演者:黒田征太郎、 バケツドラマーshiuta ■15:00~15:30 ARTトークショー① 出演者:くっきー! (野性爆弾)、石塚大介
10月27日(日) ■13:00~13:30 TOMOKA バトン&書道パフォーマンス 出演者:TOMOKA(竹田知華)
■14:30~15:00 ARTトークショー② 出演者:���リー(見取り図)、井口舞子、山田HOW
総合MC: 10月26日(土) 浅越ゴエ、高樹リサ 10月27日(日) 瀬戸洋祐(スマイル)、樋口みどりこ ==========
2024年10月26日(土) 、27日(日) 11:00~17:30 ※最終販売受付17:30(両日とも) グランフロント大阪北館1階 ナレッジプラザ(大阪市北区大深町3-1)
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「最後にひとつだけお願いしてもよろしいでしょうか」 2025年TVアニメ化決定!スカーレット役・瀬戸麻沙美! ティザービジュアル、ティザーPV、メインスタッフも解禁!
鳳ナナ(アルファポリス刊)『最後にひとつだけお願いしてもよろしいでしょうか』を原作として、ほおのきソラによってコミカライズ化もされている本作。シリーズ累計発行部数140万部突破の大人気作がついにアニメ化決定! 本日開催されたAniplex Online Fest…
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Now I end the night with a bang!
Goodnight friends, don’t forget that you ain’t gotta be in the mud to get dirty
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2024年08月04日の記事一覧 (全 7 件) 1. GOLDEN BOMBER - イイね 2. Ryokuoushoku Shakai - 言えない 3. Taku Iwasaki - Disheartened 4. Kana Hanazawa - It's My Thing 5. Modern Talking - You're My Heart, You're My Soul 6. 桜島麻衣(CV:瀬戸麻沙美) - 不可思議のカルテ All Heroine Ver. 7. EMA - 反逆者の僕ら August 05, 2024 at 05:00AM
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