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jaunepastel · 7 months ago
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Inquiry about rental in New York
Inquiry about rental in New York
Inquiry about rental in New York
我被這則發文的豪邁給吸引住。 「······我們找房好一段時間了······衷心希望有機會入住您的套房。」
雖然依舊是剪下貼上,但文字背後的焦慮無助,或多或少成功傳遞到銀幕外的另一個空間去了。同一時間,我正糾結於三四個物件當中,短租的日期該如何兜湊,才能無縫接軌這半年;森林小丘上課要通勤一個小時,曼哈頓一樓要擔心老鼠和醉漢入侵,威廉斯堡房租要六個月全付會不會是詐騙,我像童話故事裡撿石頭不能往回走的女孩,再挑下去可是一顆石頭都沒有了。距離出發還有兩個多禮拜。 「小孩我是沒問題,只是我家在四樓沒有電梯,你們會不會不方便?」 莎拉簡短的答應,讓我想起她發文時的爽朗用字。「住很重要!我會幫你們打點好,請好好享受我的公寓。」這麼一句話,彷彿給我吞了顆定心丸,安撫行前騷動的思緒。搭機前一晚,包袱所剩不多,不安盡拋腦後,心情輕鬆的不可思議。我看著逐漸縮小的地表樓房,龐雜的台北城,我的故鄉,想著哪天我會不會愛上這輕飄飄的感覺。 於是,我們擁有了第一個結尾是New York的地址,位於曼哈頓百老匯區。
十二點十分,東部標準時間。與台北相隔十二個小時的曼哈頓午夜。從甘迺迪機場搭上華人計程車,行駛在平板無憂的快速道路上,兩旁盡是皇后區黝黑大遠景,此時還感覺不到紐約的形貌。空氣粒子旋轉收縮,直到出了中城隧道,我們隨著車流,一舉穿進曼哈頓的心臟。高樓百窗,霓虹街燈鼓譟,打亮了巨大看板上的秀顏,女明星眼眸深邃,企圖引人犯罪。三十七街經過第五大道,塞車的步調,讓我用慢動作欣賞了帝國大廈,那棟建築是你一看到就會認得,不需贅述的經典,這不是夢,卻像夢遊迷幻沈醉,我正在電影場景裡。 夜深,暖氣徐徐放送,驅散我體內的累積疲倦,遠方傳來救護車的高頻呼喊與零星槍響。我閉上雙眼,腦海不由地響起《計程車司機》中憂鬱的薩克斯風,寂寞都顯得立體。喝完母奶的溫溫被西恩抱在懷裡,早在柔軟大床上睡去,只留我與這城,遲遲捨不得入眠。 ♦
簡單梳洗,我們輕裝上街。地底白煙卷卷升起,南北向的道,費里尼電影般的靜止車陣,幾何玻璃帷幕,抬頭讚歎資本主義的雄偉;東西往的街,消防梯鏽得煙灰,鷹架層層堆疊,衰敗與生長同時交織成紐約的血肉。小販高聲兜售自由女神,芭蕾女伶頂著包頭,黑衣曲線魚貫沒入窄門,三件式西裝的俊俏男子,用力咬了手上的貝果,一步作兩步橫越馬路。 售票亭外熱熱鬧鬧,我和巷口的《貓》四目交接,黑底黃目如紐約客犀利,這貓名氣響亮,而我竟然一次也沒走進去過;徘徊中城一圈,在Wholefoods超市採購生鮮、酒足飯飽後,金黃燈光齊下,十字路口變成大型伸展台,時髦男女自信耀眼,提著大包小包的我們硬生生穿過《芝加哥》滿溢的開演人潮,美腿包圍爵士樂,上一秒還沈浸在感官享受,下個轉身就被《西方壞女巫》的綠臉紅唇給嚇個正著,衛生紙差點從紙袋裡滾了出來。
A new day has begun. 明天又有什麼等著我呢? 寫在2017年.春
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chicagochinesenews · 2 months ago
袁頌安專欄 : 《宜蘭二日遊》/ 文 : 袁頌安
  以定 以尚兩個兒子和兒媳佳禧 芳樂孝順,多年來每每利用寒暑假返台省親,或是安排和孫兒女們一起旅遊,這是我們二老最是樂意的團聚。因此我們到過世界很多國家的城市:美國的舊金山、洛杉磯、紐約、拉斯維加斯、 邁阿密,西班牙的馬拉迦、直布羅陀、森維亞、鳳兮羅拉、格拉南大、哥杜瓦、塞歌維亞、杜雷多、馬德里,英國的倫敦、溫莎古堡,德國的柏林、慕尼黑、達豪、羅斯土克、紐倫堡、波茨坦、班堡、鷹巢山,克羅埃西亞的普拉,意大利的威尼斯、羅馬,法國的巴黎,匈牙利的布達佩斯,波蘭的華沙、奧斯維辛、維利奇卡(地下鹽礦城市),希臘的聖托里尼、費拉、卡馬里、雅典,俄國的聖比得堡,芬蘭的赫爾辛基,愛沙尼亞的塔林,拉脫維亞的里加,巴拿馬,墨西哥,瓜地馬拉,厄瓜多、哥倫比亞、哥斯達黎加,巴拉圭的亞森松…
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thesnapshotcafe · 2 years ago
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- Wedding Photography, Videography and Hair & Makeup Service in Gothenburg, Sweden -
This is a Gothenburg wedding. We came to this small and beautiful city of Sweden from London, England to provide our wedding photography, videography and bridal, bridesmaids & relative hair and makeup service for a lovely bride and groom who grew up in Sweden with Hong Kong, Chinese heritage in the summer.
This couple contacted us nearly 4 years ago before Covid19 pandemic and they had to postponed their pre-wedding and wedding 2022 summer time. We have also provided them pre-wedding photography and videography, and hair styling and makeup service in Windsor, Richmond Park also Mayfield Lavender Farm.
It was a full day coverage we have provided on their wedding day, which combined both Western culture and Chinese culture. It was challenging because it was very windy by the pier, where they had their outdoor ceremony. We started our day from 5am. Gothenburg is a harbour city. The wedding venue and hotel just located by the pier. It was refreshing.
Feel free to take a look at their pre-wedding photos and love story video on our website:
The hotel is called Quality Hotel 11 & Eriksbergshallen, in Gothenburg, Sweden. After the hair and makeup process finished, we took their shoots during door games, tea ceremony, and group photos with bridesmaids and groomsmen also mothers & fathers of the bride and groom.
Before the civil ceremony, we went to a charming park in Gothenburg city centre, and took more photos and video clips with their bridesmaids and groomsmen. The sun came up at this point, introduced some warmth on their photos.
Their wedding was impressive because of the view overlooking the harbour and Gothenburg bridge. It was meaningful to go back to the place they grew up to have their wedding after they moved to England. Majority of their friends and family are living in Sweden. There were about 200 guests presented in their wedding. The ceremony took place on the pier which belongs to a restaurant, called River Restaurant On The Pier. The couple also gave more tea to elderlies and had a grand banquet there.
When the sun went down, we took a lot of amazing, sweet and romantic couple portraits with video clip. The lighthouse by the pier, the restaurant lightings and those little lamps on the pier helped us to create a nice vintage look for the shoot.
We finished our work with pleasure. It was really enjoyable to look at their photos and videos. Gothenburg is a lovely city. The couple was easy-going and nice, which also made it easier to capture great shots.
We wish them a happy married life ever after. Hope that we will meet them again to take their lovely pregnancy and newborn baby photos in the future.
Feel free to take a look at our Facebook page, Vimeo page and our website to see their more photos.
Thank you
這對新人大約在 4 年前, Covid19 大流行前聯繫了我們,因旅遊禁令,他們不得不推遲他們的婚紗攝影和婚禮到2022 年夏季。我們還在溫莎、里士滿公園和梅菲爾德薰衣草農場為他們提供婚紗攝影和錄像、髮型設計和化妝服務。
這是我們在他們婚禮當天提供的一天服務。結合了西方文化和中國文化,這婚禮很有挑戰性。同時也因為碼頭邊風很大,而他們的婚禮是在戶外舉行儀式的。哥德堡是一個港口城市。婚禮場地和酒店就在碼頭旁邊。令人耳目一新。這家酒店名為 Quality Hotel 11 & Eriksbergshallen,位於瑞典哥德堡。我們從早上 5 點開始服務。髮型和化妝過程完成後,我們拍攝了他們接新娘、茶禮和家庭合照。
歡迎在我們的網站 (http://www.foreverlovejourney.com/) 上查看他們的婚紗攝影和愛情故事短片。
他們的婚禮令人印象深刻,因為有美麗的海港和哥德堡大橋。搬到英國後,回到他們長大的地方舉行婚禮是很有意義的。他們的大多數朋友和家人都住在瑞典。大約有 200 位賓客出席了他們的婚禮。儀式在碼頭舉行,該碼頭屬於一家餐廳,名為 River Restaurant On The Pier。新人再次敬茶給家人,並在那裡舉行了盛大的宴會。
請隨時查看我們的 Facebook 頁面、Vimeo 頁面和我們的網站以查看更多照片。
#RiverRestaurantOnThePier #QualityHotel11Eriksbergshallen #Gothenburg #hongkongweddingphotographer #hongkongweddingphotographerprice #Windsorpreweddingphotos #RichmondParkpreweddingphotos #MayfieldLavenderFarmpreweddingphotos #hongkongphotographer #sgweddingphotography #praguepreweddingphotographer #preweddingphotoshoothongkong #hongkongpreweddinglocation #Parisprewedding #sgpreweddingphotography #Parispreweddingphotographer #Parispreweddingvideographer #Londonchineseweddingphotographer #Londonchineseweddingvideographer #Parispreweddingbridalhairmakeup #HongKongcoupleinParis #ChinesecouplepreweddinginParis #ChinesecouplepreweddingphotoinParis #ParisChineseweddingphotographer #ParisChineseweddingvideographer #ParisChineseweddinghairmakeup #praguepreweddingphotoshoot #EiffelTowerpreweddingphoto #EiffelTowerpreweddingphotoshoot
#婚禮攝影 #註冊攝影 #證婚攝影 #情侶日常 #情侶攝影 #情旅幸福 #畢業相攝影 #vsco #hkig #中大畢業 #畢業公仔訂做 #畢業攝影 #Gothenburgweddingphotographer #Gothenburgweddingphotography #Gothenburgweddingvideographer #Gothenburgweddingvideography #TheArcdeTriomphepreweddingphotoshoot #ChampsÉlyséespreweddingphotoshoot #巴黎婚紗照 #香港人在巴黎 #巴黎婚紗攝影師 #巴黎華人婚紗照 #巴黎華人攝影師 #巴黎華人婚紗照攝影師 #preweddinghk #hanfuweddingdress #QingDynastydress #irishchinese #britishbornchinese #chinesedoorgames #畢業攝影 #swedenweddingphotographer #swedenweddingphotography #swedenweddingvideographer #swedenweddingvideography #stockholmweddingphotographer #stockholmweddingphotography #stockholmweddingvideographer #stockholmweddingvideography
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guangongtravel · 6 years ago
【書蟲出動】全球4間圖書館酒店推介 酒莊+宮殿改建!
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位於蘇黎世的 B2 Boutique Hotel + Spa,係書蟲們的打卡勝地,超級挑高的書架收藏多達33,000本圖書,大家要到處「攀爬」先可以瀏覽每一本書,場面相當震撼。由於酒店前身係一間酒莊,所以圖書館亦保留了過去酒莊的傳統,比大家一邊品酒,一邊閱讀,係一個十分難得的體驗。
B2 Boutique Hotel + Spa
美國紐約的Library Hotel,顧名思義,設計概念係以圖書館出發,每層樓、每間房都有不同主題,好似7樓為藝術樓層,9樓為歷史樓層,001房為建築房,004間為攝影房,每個房都有專屬書櫃,且擺放同樓層及房名有關的50至100本書籍。入住時,大家可以跟據喜好而選擇房間,好有趣味。
Library Hotel
位於印度海德拉巴的Taj Falaknuma Palace,係由宮殿改建而成,酒店內設有圖書館,主要係複製英國溫莎城堡圖書館的6千本書籍,比大家一邊感受古印度富麗堂皇的���族裝飾,一邊欣賞皇家圖書館中的珍貴文獻。
Taj Falaknuma Palace
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thesnapshotcafe · 2 years ago
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Pre-Wedding Photography and Videography Journey with Hong Kong Couple in Windsor Town and Mayfield Lavender Farm, Southwest England
We have provided pre-wedding photography, videography and bridal hair makeup service for a friendly Sweden born Hong Kong bride-to-be and Sweden born Mainland Chinese groom-to-be in one of the hottest days in the UK.
Our journey has started with this couple for long time ago before Covid 19 pandemic actually . The lovely bride-to-be had contacted with us nearly 4 years ago for getting married in Gothenburg, Sweden. The wedding was cancelled because of covid pandemic. Earlier this year, the couple reached out to us for their wedding this year Summer again.
On the prewedding shoot day, we have started our job very early in the morning at 4:30 to help the bride-to-be for her hair styling and makeup. It is because we want to avoid the extreme heat. That day, the temperature reached 40°. We started feeling the heat after the shoot in Windsor Town, Southwest England and took some photos and film video clips around the castle and some beautiful spots in the town.
After that, we travelled to Mayfield Lavender Farm, Banstead in Surrey. The couple said they love the colour of Lavender. The couple has changed their outfit and we touched up the bride-to-be's makeup. The Lavender Farm photo and video shoot looked more fun than the romantic Windsor town's one. Lavender field in Surrey is one of the most popular spots for couples who love countryside. It located between Croydon and Sutton in Greater London. Because of its popularity, the farm has to set up photography permit for protecting the farm.
Lastly, we went to Isabella plantation in Richmond Park, also had a look at The Thames by a terrace garden nearby. The couple has changed into two other outfit here. We were actually a bit tired because of the hot weather but we done our shoots like how we imagined. One of the reasons is the couple was easy to work with. They took instructions quite well. The result looked very good with some refreshing photos and video film around the park. The couple said they particularly love the drone shots.
We are now going to take their wedding photo and video also provide bridal hair and makeup service in River Restaurant On The Pier and Quality Hotel 11 & Eriksbergshallen in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Look forward to serving them with our best work and wish them happy married life.
Feel free to take a look at their photos and video on our website, Facebook & Vimeo pages.
Thank you
實際上,早在 Covid 19 大流行之前,我們與這對新人的旅程已開始了。準新娘約在 4 年前就與我們聯繫有關在瑞典哥德堡的婚禮。由於新冠疫情,他們要取消婚禮。今年春天,這對新人再次聯繫我們他們今年夏天的婚禮。
在婚紗拍攝當天,我們從凌晨 4 點 30 分開始工作,幫助準新娘弄髮型和化妝。這是因為我們要避免極端高溫。那天,氣溫達到了40°。在英格蘭東南部的溫莎鎮拍攝後,我們開始感受到熱力。幸好能在城堡周圍和鎮上的一些美麗景點拍攝了一些照片和錄影片段。
我們現在準備前往瑞典哥德堡的 River Restaurant On The Pier 和 Quality Hotel 11 & Eriksbergshallen 拍攝他們的婚禮照片和錄影,並提供新娘髮型和化妝服務。
隨意在我們的網站、Facebook 和 Vimeo 頁面上查看他們的照片和錄影。
#Windsor #HongKongbridetobe #Isabellaplantation #RichmondPark #IsabellaplantationRichmondPark #MayfieldLavenderFarm #hkpreweddingphotography #hkbridalhairmakeup #hkbridalmakeup #hkbridehairmakeup #hkbridemakeup #hongkongbridalhairmakeup #hongkongbridalmakeup #hongkongbridehairmakeup #hongkongbridemakeup #RiverRestaurantOnThePier #QualityHotel11Eriksbergshallen #Gothenburg #溫莎 #溫莎鎮 #溫莎古堡 #梅菲爾德薰衣草農場 #薰衣草農場 #里士滿公園 #哥德堡 #瑞典 #薩里 #英國 #倫敦 #婚紗攝影 #歐洲婚紗攝影 #新娘化妝 #新娘彩妝 #singaporeweddingplanner #singaporeweddingphotographer #preweddinghk #sgprewedding #sgpreweddingphotography #sgpreweddings #sgwedding #sgweddings #sgweddingphotography #sgweddingphotographer #sgweddingdecor #weddingceremony #sgweddingcake #sgweddingguide #sgweddingservices #sgweddingmakeup #sgweddingvideographer #sgweddingmedia #hkpreweddingphotography #hkpreweddingmakeup #hkpreweddingphotographer #chineseweddingteaset #hkpreweddingphoto #hongkongweddingphotographer #hongkongweddingphotographerprice #hongkongphotographer #preweddingphotoshoothongkong #hongkongpreweddinglocation #bigdayphotographyhk #londonweddingphotographer #Parispreweddingphotographer #Parispreweddingvideographer #Parispreweddingbridalhairmakeup #Parispreweddingbridalmakeup #Parispreweddinghairmakeup #Parispreweddingmakeup #ParisChineseweddingphotographer #ParisChineseweddingvideographer #ParisChineseweddinghairmakeupartist #EiffelTowerpreweddingphoto #EiffelTowerpreweddingphotoshoot
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thesnapshotcafe · 2 years ago
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Pre-Wedding Photography, Videography and Bridal Hair-Makeup Service for a Nice Couple in Mayfield Lavender Farm and Windsor, England
We have provided pre-wedding photography, videography and bridal hair makeup service for a friendly Sweden born Hong Kong bride-to-be and Sweden born Mainland Chinese groom-to-be in one of the hottest days in the UK.
Our journey has started with this couple for long time ago before Covid 19 pandemic actually . The lovely bride-to-be had contacted with us nearly 4 years ago for getting married in Gothenburg, Sweden. The wedding was cancelled because of covid pandemic. Earlier this year, the couple reached out to us for their wedding this year Summer again.
On the prewedding shoot day, we have started our job very early in the morning at 4:30 to help the bride-to-be for her hair styling and makeup. It is because we want to avoid the extreme heat. That day, the temperature reached 40°. We started feeling the heat after the shoot in Windsor town, Southeast, England and took some photos and film video clips around the castle and some beautiful spots in the town.
After that, we travelled to Mayfield Lavender Farm, Banstead in Surrey. The couple said they love the colour of Lavender. The couple has changed their outfit and we touched up the bride-to-be's makeup. The Lavender Farm photo and video shoot looked more fun than the romantic Windsor town's one. Lavender field in Surrey is one of the most popular spots for couples who love countryside. It located between Croydon and Sutton in Greater London. Because of its popularity, the farm has to set up photography permit for protecting the farm.
Lastly, we went to Isabella plantation in Richmond Park, also had a look at The Thames by a terrace garden nearby. The couple has changed into two other outfit here. We were actually a bit tired because of the hot weather but we done our shoots like how we imagined. One of the reasons is the couple was easy to work with. They took instructions quite well. The result looked very good with some refreshing photos and video film around the park. The couple said they particularly love the drone shots.
We are now going to take their wedding photo and video also provide bridal hair and makeup service in River Restaurant On The Pier and Quality Hotel 11 & Eriksbergshallen in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Look forward to serving them with our best work and wish them happy married life.
Feel free to take a look at their photos and video on our website, Facebook & Vimeo pages.
Thank you
實際上,早在 Covid 19 大流行之前,我們與這對新人的旅程已開始了。準新娘約在 4 年前就與我們聯繫有關在瑞典哥德堡的婚禮。由於新冠疫情,他們要取消婚禮。今年春天,這對新人再次聯繫我們他們今年夏天的婚禮。
在婚紗拍攝當天,我們從凌晨 4 點 30 分開始工作,幫助準新娘弄髮型和化妝。這是因為我們要避免極端高溫。那天,氣溫達到了40°。在英格蘭東南部的溫莎鎮拍攝後,我們開始感受到熱力。幸好能在城堡周圍和鎮上的一些美麗景點拍攝了一些照片和錄影片段。
我們現在準備前往瑞典哥德堡的 River Restaurant On The Pier 和 Quality Hotel 11 & Eriksbergshallen 拍攝他們的婚禮照片和錄影,並提供新娘髮型和化妝服務。
隨意在我們的網站、Facebook 和 Vimeo 頁面上查看他們的照片和錄影。
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