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jinrizhiyi · 29 days ago
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deepestgardenpanda · 2 months ago
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keenywong · 9 months ago
立法院外直播/青鳥行動音樂會 民眾用音樂為民主發聲
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antsloveyun · 1 year ago
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niteshade925 · 9 months ago
April 11, Xi'an, China, Xi'an City Museum/西安博物院 (Part 1):
Since I didn't take pictures of all the plaques, and some of these artifacts can be near impossible to look up, I will not attempt to name all of them.
The entrance to the Xi'an City Museum, also called 西安市博:
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Xi'an city used to be called Chang'an/长安, and was the capital city of 13 different dynasties, including Qin dynasty, Han dynasty, and Tang dynasty. This is a (pretty big) model of Chang'an city in Tang dynasty, including parts of the palace:
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Various Buddhist statues from different dynasties:
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And a statue of Guanyin (Avalokiteśvara) that's in a pose I've never seen before:
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Stone column with a loong dragon and clouds carved upon it:
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I didn't take a picture of the plaque, but if I remember right this is a bixi/笔洗, or a small bowl containing water where you rinse your brush, and in this case it's fashioned from jade:
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A carved jade decor (from a belt?):
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A Qing dynasty jade zhaijie/斋戒 tag. Zhaijie is usually translated as "fasting", but it's more than that, it combines temporary dietary restrictions (definitely no meat or fish/seafood or alcohol, I'm not sure about animal products) and abstinence from a variety of activities, like enjoying feasts, entertainment, and working on official business. Those in mourning may be exempt from zhaijie. This tag was worn by officials when there were major national ceremonies going on, for example the annual ceremonies at Temple of Heaven/Tiantan/天坛 where the emperor prays for rain and a good harvest, as a reminder to observe the zhaijie rules during the ceremony:
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Painting from Republic era (1946). I can literally read everything on the upper left but the name of the painter.........................sigh. Can't find it online either. Anyway I love how the painter created depth here:
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This painting is by Qing era painter Zhang Qia/张洽 in 1787. I love the brushwork:
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Totally forgot to take a picture of the plaque, but I love this calligraphy:
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Bronze ritual wine vessel (called hé/盉) with phoenix head spout, from Warring States period (475 - 221 BC):
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Bronze wine vessel (called jué/爵), if I remember right, this is from Zhou dynasty (1046 - 256 BC):
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Bronze bells, part of a bianzhong/编钟 set. Although pentatonic scale has been seen as a key characteristic of traditional Chinese music, the bianzhong can play in heptatonic scale. And for the physics lovers out there, this kind of bell is very interesting in that the cross section is almond-shaped, and a single bell can produce two different tones depending on where it is struck. The protrusions on the bell (called mei/枚 or zhongru/钟乳) apparently affect the frequency of the sound produced as well.
The Bianzhong of Marquis Yi of Zeng (曾侯乙编钟) is the oldest playable set that has been found so far, discovered in the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng (died 430 BC). A full album was recorded with this ancient bianzhong set in 1989.
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Early currency....yep these are shells. This is the reason why Chinese characters with the shell radical (贝/貝) usually have to do with money or treasure (ex: 财, 寶, 购, 赎, etc etc):
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Different coins from different states in the Warring States period:
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Different coins and molds after Qin dynasty (the weirdly shaped ones are apparently all from Xin dynasty/新莽):
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Different seal stamps. I love the one with the turtle on it
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presumenothing · 11 days ago
from zhou shen’s second album 《反深代词》 | listen on spotify
lyrics by: 李聪 / li cong
把蜗牛都放大 把汽泡堆成塔 make tall tales of those snails / and towers of these bubbles 口味自由混搭 用沙砾提炼火花 flavours, mix and match as you like / alchemising sand into sparking flame 无所谓章法 无所谓多伟大 structure? out the window / leave greatness at the door 一默念就触发 (ha ha) under your breath, here goes
Wala li longla (ah~!) 从月球一瞬移 转场罗马 from the moon, just a blink to Rome Xili yo huala (ah~!) 心愿会解码成 烟花挥洒 decoding every wish in fireworks 变爱德华 或玛格丽塔 exiled Edward? or sainted Margaret? 甜美或辛辣 beauty or bitter, all 快乐没时差 (ah~!) happy hour forevermore Wala li longla
繁星里去涂鸦 找鲸鱼喝杯茶 scribbling amongst the stars / steeping tea with the whales 跨服务器抵达 美梦可以一键带回家 serving up beyond servers / dreams to your doorstep in a click 无所谓复杂 遨游到更浮夸 don't gotta go make things so complicated / a race down bizarre lane 一默念就触发 (drr!) under your breath, here goes
我读取浪花 不只是浪花 i'm scanning these waves / and turning up raves 面包和陨石 同等无价 bread or bolide, both / equally priceless 快乐没时差 happiness, always Wala li longla
我看的永恒 都是一刹那 all the eternity i see / is just a second's space 虚拟与现实 无缝融洽 the virtual and the real / seamless without a trace Wala li longla 快乐最伟大 happiness, above all
Wala li longla (ah~!) 白垩纪跳到 西游记玩耍 from dinosaurs swing / to Monkey Kings Xili yo huala (ah~!) 全世界 随心意 解锁密码 worldwide / heart wide / no more locked doors 管它奇葩 还是没想法 exotic or mindless? who cares 乖张或优雅 eccentric, elegant; anyway Wala li longla (ah~!) Xili yo huala
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 11 months ago
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《Part 1》 週一出任務,老友- Vivian 要求我陪她去洽談一塊土地,我負責幫她拍照記錄;然後我們順便去山上健走,因爲山上停電,許多她喜愛的餐廳都沒營業,所以就在路邊的燒烤小舖簡單的享用部落原住民料理。Not bad. yum 😋
👇 My old friend - Vivian (She's younger than me and she's beautiful.)
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merryane-the-red-cat · 22 days ago
Mahoutsukai no Yome, translation of the first pages (1 to 5) as a preview in English and French
Here is a little preview of what chapter 109 of Mahoutsukai no Yome tells us (at the beginning, page 1 to 5). Take into account that I am self-studying Japanese (it was a great exercise) and I don't know if I will translate the other pages before the 14th. Small bonus at the end (spoiler not very spoiler…)
Voilà un petit un aperçu de ce raconte le chapitre 109 de Mahoutsukai no Yome (au début, de la page 1 à 5). A prendre en compte que j’étudie en autodidacte le japonais (ce fut un chouette exercice) et je ne sais pas si je traduirais les autres pages avant le 14. Petit bonus à la fin (spoiler pas très spoiler…) 
Vieille : ……Eh bien, je pensais que tu ne reviendrais plus jamais au village.
Older one : …… What I see ? I never thought you’ll come back to the village.
Vieille : Zoey est rentré ?
Older one : Zoey is home ?
Vieille : Je n’aurai jamais pensé que ce frêle garçon se serait [réveillé] et encore moins [déployer ses ailes] …
Older one : I never thought that this frail boy would have [awaken] and even less [spread his wings]…
Vieille : Cela doit faire des décennies que nous n’avions pas assisté à un tel retour à nos racines, et c’est de bon augure.
Older one : It have been decades since the last time we saw such a comeback from our roots. It’s a good omen.
Femme : …Nous serons bien occupés à préparer ce festival.
Woman : ….We have a lot to prepare for this festival.)
Page 2 et (and) 3
おーいこっちだよ !
Homme : Par ici !
Man : Over here !
ゾーイ !
Chise : Zoey !
Chise : Zoey !
ただいま !
Zoey : Je suis rentré !
Zoey : I’m back !
Homme : Bon retour Zoey
Man : Welcome back Zoey
あなたたちが学院から一緒にゾーイと来た方たちだね ? ここまで来てくれてありがとう
Homme : Vous êtres venus de l’Académie avec Zoey, c’est ça ? Merci d’être venus jusqu’à ici
Men : You came from the Academy with Zoey, right ? Thanks for coming here.
初めまして俺はアラン !アレン・アイビーゾーイの父です
Alan : Enchanté, je m’appelle Alan ! Alan Ivy, le père de Zoey.
Alan : Nice to meet you, my name is Alan! Alan Ivy, Zoey's father.
蛇髪族の村へようこそ !
Alan : Bienvenue au Village des Gorgones !
Alan : Welcome to the Gorgon Village !
Page 4 et (and) 5
Chise : Ça a fini par guérir… normalement ça devrait laisser aucune cicatrice.
Chise : It eventually healed… normally it shouldn't leave any scars.
Lucy : Seulement, ce sont les démangeaisons le pire…
Lucy : However, it’s the itching the worst…
Lucy : Arrête d’être si déprimé ! Tu n’as pas à l’être !
Lucy : Stop being so depressed! You don't have to be!
Zoey : Humm
Zoey : Humm
...結局あの怪物はやっつけたでしょ―あんたが! 胸を張りなさい
Lucy : A la fin, c’est TOI qui es parvenu à vraincre le monstre ! Sois en fier !
Lucy : In the end, YOU are the one who managed to defeat the monster! Be proud of it!
Zoey : … C’est vrai.
Zoey : … It’s true.
Chise : On n’a pas déjà eu cette conversation ?
Chise : Haven't we already had this conversation ?
Ruth : Aucune idée.
Ruth : Dunno.)
Chise : Tu n’auras plus besoin de la pommade lorsqu’on partira.
Chise : You won't need the ointment anymore when we’ll leave.
Lucy ; J’espère.
Lucy : I hope.
Zoey : Je suis un peu inquiet que mon père n’ait pas venir me chercher, mais ça me rassure que tout le monde puisse venir au village.
Zoey : I'm a little worried that my father didn't come to pick me up, but it reassures me that everyone can come to the village.
Chise : Il n’y aura que moi, Elias et Lucy. Donc ce ne sera pas vraiment tout le monde.
Chise : It'll just be me, Elias and Lucy. So it won't really be everyone.
Chise : Personnellement je reste avec Elias et Lucy a reçu une invitation. Mais, Philomela est toujours sous observation, Rian n’a pas la permission et Isaac a des choses à faire, il a dit.
Chise : Personally I'm staying with Elias and Lucy got an invitation. But, Philomela is still under observation, Rian doesn't have permission and Isaac has things to do, he said.
Chise : Le fait qu’Elias soit très bon en tant que professeur nous a permis de venir. Après tout la moitié des habitants du Village des Gorgones n’aime pas la magie ou plutôt les sorciers.
Chise : The fact that Elias is very good as a teacher allowed us to come. After all, half of the inhabitants of the Gorgon Village do not like magic or rather magicians (I don’t remember the good terms for the type of people studying in college in english, sorry).
Zoey : Au final, on va partir sans savoir pourquoi ce monstre nous a attaqué, c’est ça ? ...
Zoey : In the end, we're going to leave without knowing why this monster attacked us, right? ...
Dans la suite des pages on découvre la mère de Zoey. Elle s’appelle Haruakeboshi (Haru-Ake-Boshi) = 春明星 qui signifie « Etoile lumineuse du Printemps ». Je ne sais les traducteurs (ou l’IA) va garder le nom en japonais ou donner un nom traduit selon la langue.
In the following pages we discover Zoey's mother. Her name is Haruakeboshi (Haru-Ake-Boshi) = 春明星 which means “Bright Star of Spring”. I don't know if the translators (or the AI) will keep the name in Japanese or give a name translated according to the language.
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lgbtqromance · 1 year ago
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goodayclassmate · 4 days ago
日安同學即將在 本周日 3/2(日)晚上7:00 在小說家鬱兔的頻道直播! 我將在節目中 分享日安同學的秘辛 還有與鬱兔以及 聊天室的大家互動, 歡迎大家來收看喔~
【小說家鬱兔】簡介 鬱兔,職業作家Vtype 目前已有實體書商業作品近40冊,並售出多部電子版權作品
一款形象手遊《啵嗲多森林》已上架google play 並與國內外數十家出版社或平台等有接洽合作的經驗 有聲劇《封筆之作》《廢棄樂園的歐菈公主》
以雜談、創作者茶會、小說點評等活動為主 還有小說投稿、商業小說創作、輕小說領域等 出書經驗分享給大家
頻道連結 http://www.youtube.com/@utsudo12
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deepestgardenpanda · 2 months ago
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yung-da · 7 days ago
廢塑膠清運處理 洽詢專線;0966581698曾經理 LINE ID:0966581698 掃QR code傳廢棄物照片,廢棄物數量,清運地點,會有專人為您報價服務
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fwoopersongs · 10 days ago
Wala Li Longla
Take every snail and make them BIG; pile the bubbles, make them tower. Flavours are free for mix and matching; get sand and stone to fire into sparks. No matter your Materials and Methods, no matter how Great - whisper this in your heart to Activate ~ ha ~
Wala li longla (Ah) From the moon, apparate! Scene-switch to Rome. Xili yo huala (Ah) Your heart’s wish shall be decoded, and in the shower of fireworks, transfigured: an Edward or a Margarita, sugary sweet or spice with a bite. Party, beyond the bounds of time and space. (Ah) Wala li longla
Go forth and doodle amongst the stars, drop in for a cuppa with a whale, leap across servers to your destination, bring fantasies home in a single click. No matter how complex, the pleasure trip can up its extravagance - whisper this in your heart to Activate ~ drr ~
Wala li longla (Ah) From the moon, apparate! Scene-switch to Rome. Xili yo huala (Ah) Your heart’s wish shall be decoded, and in the shower of fireworks, transfigured: an Edward or a Margarita, sugary sweet or spice with a bite. Happiness, unbounded by time and space. (Ah) Wala li longla
I’m reading those waves that are more than just waves; Bread and Comets are equally priceless. Happiness unbounded by time and space. Wala li longla
The eternities that I see are all instantaneous, the virtual and reality are melded and seamless. Wala li longla. Happiness above all.
Wala li longla
Wala li longla (Ah) Leap from the Cretaceous Period for a caper through Journey to the West. Xili yo huala (Ah) The entire universe is at your fingertips to unlock.
Who cares if it’s eccentric or uninspired, perverse or tasteful? Wala li longla (Ah) Xili yo huala
Wala li longla (Ah) Leap from the Cretaceous Period for a caper through Journey to the West.
Xili yo huala (Ah) The entire universe is at your fingertips to unlock.
Who cares if it’s eccentric or uninspired, perverse or tasteful? Wala li longla (Ah) Xili yo huala
把蜗牛都放大 把汽泡堆成塔 口味自由混搭 用沙砾提炼火花 无所谓章法 无所谓多伟大 一默念就触发 ha
Wala li longla Ah 从月球一瞬移 转场罗马 Xili yo huala Ah 心愿会解码成 烟花挥洒 变爱德华 或玛格丽塔 甜美或辛辣 快乐没时差 Ah Wala li longla
繁星里去涂鸦 找鲸鱼喝杯茶 跨服务器抵达 美梦可以一键带回家 无所谓复杂 遨游到更浮夸 一默念就触发 drr
Wala li longla Ah 从月球一瞬移 转场罗马 Xili yo huala Ah 心愿会解码成 烟花挥洒 变爱德华 或玛格丽塔 甜美或辛辣 快乐没时差 Ah Wala li longla
我读取浪花 不只是浪花 面包和陨石 同等无价 快乐没时差 Wala li longla
我看的永恒 都是一刹那 虚拟与现实 无缝融洽 Wala li longla 快乐最伟大
Wala li longla
Wala li longla Ah 白垩纪跳到 西游记玩耍 Xili yo huala Ah 全世界 随心意 解锁密码
管它奇葩 还是没想法 乖张或优雅 Wala li longla Ah Xili yo huala
Wala li longla Ah 白垩纪跳到 西游记玩耍
Xili yo huala Ah 全世界 随心意 解锁密码
管它奇葩 还是没想法 乖张或优雅 Wala li longla Ah Xili yo huala
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kyoto4 · 1 month ago
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『 列車トイレの世界』 清水 洽 著 (丸善出版)
第1章 日本の列車トイレの変遷(列車トイレの現状;列車トイレの歴史)
第2章 汚物処理の方法
第3章 世界の列車トイレ(ヨーロッパ;アフリカ;アジア;アメリカ大陸;ユーラシア)
第4章 列車トイレのこれから(列車トイレの新たな課題;さらに快適な空間を目指すために)
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mohdselita · 1 month ago
国管委主席敏昂莱大将称,棉花在国家经济发展中的关键作用,并提出通过增产棉花和生产优质棉织面料来推动经济利润的增长。 敏昂莱大将指出,棉花作为一种重要的经济作物,其出口潜力巨大。他认为,如果用棉花替代其他棉花原料进行出口,将会在经济上获得更大的利润。为此,他提倡要增产棉花,并通过精心的生产工艺来制造优质的棉织面料。 考虑到棉花的生长特点,敏昂莱大将还提出利用光伏发电系统来促进以棉花作物为基础的制造行业发展。由于棉花主要在降雨少的地区种植,利用光伏发电系统既可以解决棉花种植区域的能源问题,又可以减少对环境的破坏,实现可持续的农业发展。 同时,敏昂莱大将也注意到了棉花产业链的延伸价值。他提到,除了生产棉织面料外,还可以从棉花中提取棉籽油,利用棉籽榨油设备进行加工,进一步丰富棉花产业链的产品线。 此外,工业部联邦部长洽里丹博士在会议上介绍了推动棉籽榨油设备和棉花轧花机在国内生产的事务,以及从棉花作物生产食用油和生产优质棉纱的相关情况。 军政府向前迈出一大步,让缅甸人民能够看到和平发展的曙光,缅甸发展也将步入新阶段。
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accio-victuuri · 2 years ago
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source: 来福洽桃桃
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