kirijourney · 2 years
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No steel ring underwear is unwired and opaque. Perfect with all types of clothes or worn alone! Simply throw them in the washer with your colors and tumble dry on low. Our wireless high support bra is made with you in mind so you can wear them time and time again! Comfort Fit Lifts and shapes without underwires, while extra wide straps and wide back provide optimal support easy front hook closure eliminates the strain of twisting when putting it on or taking it off.
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winnngs · 1 year
這是一篇關於女性生理用品的心得與介紹大全套,會分享到衛生棉、 棉條、 布棉、月亮褲、月亮杯、月經碟片的使用經驗,不過開始之前想寫一些看似有關又無關的事。
其實要就這個點精確探討的話,我根本也沒有衛生棉可以貼,整件事情對我來說到這裡有點過於荒謬又偏離主題。月經是我身為女性的身份認同非常重要的一部分,如果說靈魂屬於中性與流動的,經期乃至於其他的身體經驗,才是我感受到陰性世界裡最有力量的一部分,經歷過漫長汙名化,包含了難以替代的疼痛或獨特經驗,誕育人類一切生命。月經是女性受苦的象徵,但也是理解自己、理解世界的起點。 2019 年的奧斯卡得獎紀錄短片叫《月事革命》,月事,確實有革命的力量。
1. 衛生棉
2. 布衛生棉和月亮褲
棉條(導管或指入) > 月亮杯(> 月經碟片)
棉條(指入) > 月經碟片
3. 導管式衛生棉條
4.  指入式衛生棉條
使用棉條不管用導管還是指入,一定要先了解置入無感的原理,也就是陰道有神經的區域只有靠近陰道口的大約 3~5公分左右的位置,只要推到夠深的地方,就不會因為在體內放東西而覺得不舒服。相對的,通常會有不舒服的感覺,就是已經快吸滿往外滑了。這也是其他所有置入式生理用品的 Lesson 1。
另外,剛開始使用棉條的時候,最好也關注一下 TSS(中毒性休克症候群)的風險及症狀。早期資訊比較不足,讓人覺得 TSS 好像是使用置入式生理用品就有可能會發生,機率很小但難以防範、非常危險的事情,實際上並不是,TSS 的發生原因也一樣很科學,就是金黃葡萄球菌從陰道的傷口進入後造成感染,主要在棉條吸收力過強或置入過久的時候有機會發生,而這都是可以注意避免的。就算不用置入式生理用品,外陰的悶濕也有可能增加其他的感染風險。
5. 月亮杯
月亮杯的體積和棉條比較起來大很--多,所以心理障礙也會特別大。但也是個認知到陰道原來別有洞天的好方式(?) 置入:
首先練習折杯子,目標是把比五十元硬幣大的杯口經過折疊縮小到陰道口可以容納的直徑(大約少於2.5根手指寬),可搜尋一般常見折法如 7字、C字或 punchdown,其他太複雜花俏的折法實用性其實也比較低。月亮杯的材質是有彈性但通常比較硬挺的,置入時要注意捏好,可以用手指圈起來模擬陰道口練習怎麼抓、怎麼推。
月亮杯最神奇的地方是不需要推到底,棉條沒有放好是會滑出來的,但月亮杯度過了陰道口的難關之後,大約推入半根食指深的位置,站起來走一走就會自動被吸到正確的地方。(據稱是裡面叫做陰道穹窿的地方) 展開:
置入後杯口應該要順利展開,如果沒有,就可能會漏接經血、取出時發生悲劇。這部分主要還是練習調整不同折法和置入角度,信任和熟悉自己的身體。 取出:
月亮杯的優點是環保、量超大、使用時乾爽到幾乎不會感覺到自己在生理期中。而且上手後非常有安全感,游泳、潛水都可以。(棉條雖然也有人說可以下水,但那條棉線實在是讓人放心不下) 缺點除了上手需要練習外,每個人適合的形狀或方式其實也都不一樣,價格又貴,探索時可能會花費不少成本。另外實際使用上我如果置入容量比較大的杯子的時候會頻尿、便祕(不方便上大號)。
6. 月經碟片
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杯子沒有可能顛倒放進去,而且一過陰道口就沒事,但碟片沒確認好真的不知道角度該怎麼放,滑出來也因為太無感不好發現。目前找到置入的方式大致是: 1. 雙指捏緊橢圓長的兩端呈長條狀,開口向上置入。 2. 前端(先推入端)緊貼陰道下緣,等都到陰道穹窿了,從後端找到堅硬的邊邊輕推到底並確認。 3. 以手指環繞碟片一圈。
我改用月亮杯其實只適應一個週期,過程是: 放不進去->求救->啊放進去了->開心
用碟片的第一個週期則是: 輕鬆放進去->成功->噴血->它到底有沒有展開->調整->噴血->調整->噴血->心累
如果說碟的體內無感程度是 0.1,杯子頂多 0.3-0.5,其實都很優秀。 體外無感程度:月亮杯>月經碟片>棉條
我前兩個月本來把碟片排在最後,適應後有進步了XD 安全感:月亮杯>棉條>=月經碟片
不過其實這是量大到超過負荷的時候才比較有差,碟片的特色就是會自然排液,沒辦法。 環境要求(按方便程度排序,所以是越後面要求越高):棉條(導管式)>月亮杯>月經碟片
私人總結,追求體內無感、量不多的人的最優解,應該是用碟片,量大時可能必須要搭配月亮褲,它流出來的量並不是側漏等級的量|||  追求體外無感以及上山下海的安全感,量大的第一天我會優先選擇杯杯,有需要可以同時使用月亮褲或布棉都,不配也沒關係。
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kirijourney · 2 years
Why must you choose no underwire underwear?
Why 無鋼圈內衣推薦? Most of us have grown up believing tales about what we need to put on or how we need to seem to be in order to be loved and widespread -- unfortunately regularly to the detriment of our mental and bodily wellbeing.
From corsets intended to reshape the herbal body, to push-up Bras made to boost cleavage, these unhealthy and negative “trends” often end result in our bodies searching and feeling incredibly unnatural and extraordinarily uncomfortable.
The case for Underwired Bras
胸圍內褲組合裝 have a Wire that runs under the cup, presenting ultimate guide and lift for your boobs. Underwired Bras are the most famous choice out there and there are a broad array of styles, fabrics and hues to choose from.
Given the assist the Wire gives to the form of breasts, if you’re above a size D this is probable the best preference for you. Today’s flexible Wire makes these Bras especially comfortable and exact for all-day wear.
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The case for non wired Bras
無鋼圈內衣 are less structured and normally made from soft cotton, so they’re softer on the breast and extra comfortable than wired Bras. They’re the pleasant option if you’re involved about breast health and are endorsed for women getting better from surgery. In addition, experts suggest that non-wired Bras should be worn by means of teenagers and through women at some stage in pregnancy and breastfeeding, as they permit the breast tissue to develop properly. As nicely as protecting and benefitting breast tissue, non-wired Bras can additionally confer long-term benefits. By allowing greater natural motion of the breasts, there’s more muscle and tissue strengthening going on, stopping sagging as we age.
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jxdeo41258 · 2 years
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進行適當的體育鍛煉。現代人運動不足,導致代謝不足,容易引起肥胖,引發疾病。所以要注意運動,最好是以有氧運動爲主,比如快走和遊泳。希愛力 印度希愛力 超級希愛力 希愛力功效 希愛力副作用 希愛力價格 希愛力雙效片 希愛力40mg
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kirijourney · 2 years
2 benefits of choosing the best Women's Intimate Care
Are you looking for Women's Intimate Care? Underwear is the first issue we wear when we get up and the remaining one we take off before going to bed.
We have it on no count the weather or the season, and as we all know, underwear have the power to make us sense more comfortable, confident, and sexy.
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Given their special role of daily essentials, we need to be cautious when shopping for undies, as the proper Underwear can significantly enhance our mood.
As Eco-Friendly Panties traces become increasingly more popular, consumers are searching for ways to make all of their cloth wardrobe choices greater eco-friendly, including lingerie. Companies making these undergarments matter primarily on Organic fabrics, eschew dyes and chemicals, and goal to send zero material waste to landfills. And since absolutely everyone — well, pretty a lot everyone — wears Underwear, SustainableUnderwear can probably have a big affect towards a cleaner, greener world.
Organic Underwear is better for the Environment
The first cause on any of my “5 reasons” posts is always going to be that it’s eco-friendly. Organic Underwear is made from Organically farmed cotton, bamboo, hemp or different natural fibres. And, simply like Organically farmed food, Organically farmed fibre crops are higher for the environment.
Organic Underwear is better for Human Health
What’s good for the surroundings is good for human fitness too. Think about it, all of those herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers used on conventionally farmed fibre vegetation are going to end up on the material that ends up on your skin. And when we’re talking about Underwear, it’s like proper on your skin.
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kirijourney · 2 years
Uses and Benefits of Menstrual leak proof pants
When it’s that time of the month, most of us count on disposable menstrual products like 月亮褲, liners, and tampons to get by. It’s what the considerable majority of women do besides thinking twice.
But what if we forget about all those Period merchandise for something a great deal easier like kiri胸圍? Back in the day, they didn’t exist, however now they are, and there are a variety of selections to choose from.
What precisely are Menstrual Knickers?
月經防漏褲 are basically Period Underwear or pants that you put on during your Period. They are used as an alternative to traditional sanitary merchandise such as tampons and pads and are made to absorb the drift of your Period and come in a variety of patterns and thicknesses depending on how heavy your Period is.
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Just like Period pads and liners, they have antimicrobial and moisture-wicking homes to help forestall odours, and one of their key benefits is that they are reusable.
Moreover, you can use them on their very own to absorb your Period, or you can use them with tampons or menstrual cups to assist prevent leaks.
Is it feasible to wear it all day?
It ought to all depend on when you design to wear them at some stage in your Period and how heavy your flow is. If your Period isn’t too heavy, you may be able to put on Period Underwear throughout the day. But, you ought to use it alongside tampons or a menstrual cup, for the day you have quite a heavy Period.
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kirijourney · 2 years
How Menstrual Leak-Proof Panties works?
月經防漏内褲 are undergarments supposed for you to wear for the duration of your Period to take the place of disposable safety products like tampons or pads — even though some women choose to rely on Period Underwear solely during lighter glide days, using them as backup for the duration of heavier flow days. Constructed to seem to be and feel like normal Underwear (i.e. not bulky), Period Panties are made with more layers and special fabric in the crotch area to take in menstrual blood. Wash them, re-wear them, and wash them again — these are a reusable alternative all cycle long.
How Period Panties work
防漏内褲 consist of an absorbent material that holds one to two tampons’ really worth of flow, a moisture barrier to keep you comfortable, and a layer designed to forestall any leaks or staining. Still hesitant to make the switch and entrust your drift completely to Underwear? Many customers first start with lighter glide days or using their Period Underwear as backup safety before graduating to full-time use.
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A first-rate way to give 滲漏內褲 a attempt is to wear it in a single day towards the stop of your Period when your flow is lighter, says Meika Hollender, co-founder and president of Sustain, which gives Period Underwear made from 95% third-party certified natural cotton and 5% spandex, with a lining of polyurethane laminate topped with organic cotton.
Why make the swap to Period Underwear?
Beyond the comfort element and leak-proofing, Period Panties are also gaining recognition as both an ecologically sustainable and economically clever choice. Try them if you’re looking for a answer less aggravating than tampons, more cozy than sanitary pads, and less messy than the use of a menstrual cup. And with Period Panties, you’re always ready: No greater frantic late-night tampon runs to the corner store.
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