token-ac · 2 years
塾・予備校の理想形態 =少人数制 文部科学省の国立教育政策研究所は『学習効果を高めるには、少人数クラス編成が理想的』としています 
個別でもない 大人数でもない 映像授業でもない 最高の環境だから第一志望校合格!
◎少人数制予備校・塾のパイオニア 2023年で創立58年になる少人数制予備校・塾のパイオニアである東研学院予備校は、いずれの校舎も地域密着型で、しかもとても通いやすいエキチカ好立地校舎です。
◎1965年以来、50年以上の受験指導・伝統と実績 東大・医学部・早慶合格! 信頼と実績が違います。
◎高校生・高卒生対象 ◎高卒生は朝から 第一志望大学の合格をめざす高卒生・高校生・中高一貫校生を対象した大学受験予備校・塾です。
◎黒板を使った一流の先生に直接習う生授業 理想の教育環境である少人数制黒板生授業で、一流のプロ講師から直接、授業や指導を受けられます。
◎国公立私立大学 理系 文系 医系全学部・学科対象  全学部・学科受験対象ですので、あらゆる教科・科目を勉強可能です。
◎1回の授業が1時限1時間30分(90分)の理想的な授業時間  大学入学試験時間は90分が多く(中には60分や120分などもあります)、1時間30分(90分)の授業時間はまさに本番の試験と同じ体時計感覚を養えます。
◎テキストは東研オリジナル  毎年最新の傾向に沿ったテキストで勉強しますから、無駄な勉強が一切ありません。
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nangiku · 2 years
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今日も有難いご注文❣️ こう見えて実は❣️ お寿司やさんなんですよねぇ〜🤣 仕入れの魚介類の値段も! 容器など資材の値段も! 上がって大変ですが! まだまだ南喜久は お値段据え置きで! 頑張っております‼️ ウニの自動販売機でお馴染みの❣️ お寿司屋さんです❣️ 100年以上前から伝わる寿司飯を今に伝える‥南喜久創業三十数年ですが発祥は生駒市から東大阪市瓢箪山は入り駒寿司100年以上の味を受け継いでおります。 Q&A ①ちょっと配達たのみたいんやけど… テイクアウトしたいんやけど… 配達営業時間は? ハイ!出前は11時から20時まで いつでも対応させていただいております! また早め遅めの場合等は まずはお電話はください! ②カード決済したいんやけど… ハイ!大丈夫ですが 現金の場合はそのままなのですが カード決済の場合資材等の値上げで 申し訳ございませんが 5%上乗せさせていただきます。 ご理解の程よろしくお願い致します。 配達先でもクレジットカード決済できます! ③お店で食べたいんやけど… ハイ!お昼は予約無しで大丈夫です! コロナ禍終息までは 夜は19:00までのご来店は予約無しで大丈夫。 19:00以降のご来店の場合はご予約お願い致します。 ④コロナ対策は大丈夫なん? ハイ! 殺菌灯、空気清浄機、アルコール消毒、 マスク、手袋 衛生管理もしておりますので! ご安心してご飲食していただけます! ⑤どこまで出前してくれるん? ハイ!南河内全域行きます! 大阪全域本気で行きます! ⑥配送料金は?   ハイ!配送料金頂きません! ⑦何人前か配達してくれる?   すいません! できれば!2000円以上のご注文でしたら有難いです! ⑧お弁当、幕の内弁当はいつまでの予約すれば良い? ハイ! 2日前にはご連絡頂きたいです! 個数変更は前日でも大丈夫です! ⑨オードブルはいつまでに注文すれば良い? ハイ!オードブルも2日前にはご予約していただきたいです! 富田林市若松町西2-1726-6 電話番号0721-23-2288 #寿司 #富田林#テイクアウト#羽曳野#藤井寺#河南町 #配達#松原#太子町#千早赤坂村 #出前#大阪全域#おまかせ料理 #お弁当#幕の内弁当#イカツイ#宴会#法事#慶次#割烹店内飲食#割烹#かつおたたき藁焼#海鮮自動販売機#うに#自販機#町おこし#雲丹#昆布締め 南喜久富田林店公式ホームページ nangiku.net Google南喜久富田林店ページ http://nangiku.com/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral 遠方でも対応しているサイト ごちクル https://gochikuru.com/store/2446/ ごちクル割烹清水 https://gochikuru.com/store/ スタフェス https://nangiku-o.com/ くるめし https://www.kurumesi-bentou.com/ 唯善 https://yuizen.cqree.jp/premium/store?id=154&prefecture=27 ケータリング https://catering-selection.jp/shop/detail/shop0015 唯善割烹清水 https://yuizen.cqree.jp/premium/store?id=474 店舗情報サイト インスタグラム https://www.instagram.com/nangiku カクテク https://tondabayashi.kakuteku.com/group/nangiku/ Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/nangiku3 テックトック https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSRjBu1tn/ nangikhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLZpyOPhEdx3CeFVeELfABwu TV YouTube Facebook https://www.facebook.com/nangiku.tondabayashi (寿司・割烹・仕出し 南喜久 富田林市店(なんぎく)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj-KfC0rv2f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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herbiemikeadamski · 2 years
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(^o^)/おはよー(^▽^)ゴザイマース(^_-)-☆. . . 11月21日(月) #先勝(戊寅) 旧暦 10/28 月齢 26.7  年始から325日目(閏年では326日目)にあたり、年末まであと40日です。 . . 朝は希望に起き⤴️昼は努力に生き💪 夜を感謝に眠ろう😪💤夜が来ない 朝はありませんし、朝が来ない夜 はない💦睡眠は明日を迎える為の ☀️未来へのスタートです🏃‍♂💦 でお馴染みのRascalでございます😅. . 「人生、常にダイエット」こんな 語句というか成句?誰かが云って たか?ネットで検索したが出て来ない から、もしや私が提唱したかな💦 昨日は、そんな言葉が過ったので 本日より期間限定でスーパーダイエット 作戦を結構する事にしました😅💦 年末まで、初心を取り戻そうって 魂胆です🤣😆🤣頑張りましょう✊ . って事で残念ながら食事の画像は 暫くありません✋ってか土日のランチ だけはと弱気になりそうですが💦 さて、48753週目の月曜スタートです。 今年も残り丁度40日✋たったの💦 5週間ですよ✋本当に早いです🚀 となると僅か4週間ぐらいの期間 ですからね💦なんとかやれそうな 気がする😅今週もお手柔らかに✋ . 今日一日どなた様も💁‍♂お体ご自愛 なさって❤️お過ごし下さいませ🙋‍ モウ!頑張るしか✋はない! ガンバリマショウ\(^O^)/ ワーイ! ✨本日もご安全に参りましょう✌️ . . ■今日は何の日■. #阪和銀行経営破綻(ハンワギンコウケイエイハタン).  1996(平成8)年11月21日(木)友引.に旧大蔵省は、阪和銀行(本店・和歌山市)に対し、預金の払い戻しを除く業務停止命令を出した。  日本の銀行としては戦後初の銀行破たん、阪和銀行倒産であり、大蔵省が銀行に停止命令を出すのは初めての事でした。  1995年には当時としては異例の無配に転落し、大蔵省OBを頭取に迎えて経営再建を目指したが、1996年9月中間決算を発表できず。  債務超過額が確定分だけで200億円にのぼり、自主再建が困難と判断し経営破綻となったのです。  大蔵省は預金の払い出し以外の全業務の停止を阪和銀行に命じ、銀行店舗には不安げな預金者が列を作りました。  阪和銀行の倒産は関西地銀の特殊事例ではなく、その後に続く銀行倒産時代の幕開けでした。 . #先勝(サキガチ、センカチ、センショウ). 陰陽道(おんみょうどう)の六曜日の一つ。 この日は勝負ごと、訴訟や急用などに運がよいとされ、早い時刻ほど良くとされ、午後は凶になるなどの俗信がある。  寝坊は、もっての他とされますね😅💦 . #不成就日(フジョウジュビ). 選日の一つである。 何事も成就しない日とされ、結婚・開店・子供の命名・移転・契約・芸事始め・願い事など、事を起こすことが凶とされる。 市販の暦では他にも色々なことが凶となっていて、結局は全てのことが凶ということになる。 . #小犯土(コツチ・コヅチ). 戊寅(ツチノエトラ)の日(15番目)から甲申(キノエサル)の日(21番目)までの7日間をいいます。 犯土(ツチ)とは、選日(暦注の中で六曜・七曜・十二直・二十八宿・九星・暦注下段以外のものの総称)の 一つで、陰陽五行説による日の六十干支の組み合わせ(納音)が土と重なる日をいいます。  土をつかさどる神様、土公神(ドクシン・ドコウシン)様が土にいらっしゃる時なので土は避けようと云う意味です。 元々、暦のほとんどは農業のために作成されたという側面で、犯土(ツチ)は、土いじりの凶日です。  地鎮祭(ジチンサイ)などには「凶」となり、さけられて来ました。 . . #フライドチキンの日. #世界テレビデー. #インターネット記念日. #歌舞伎座開業記念日. #早慶戦の日. #日蓮大聖人御大会(お会式)(日蓮正宗). #街コンの日. #ロッキーの日. #イーブイの日. #ゆり根の日. #カキフライの日(#かきフライの日). . . #自然薯芋の日(11月16日は自然薯の日). #ダブルソフトでワンダブル月間. #ゼクシオの日(XXIOの日)(毎月21日). #マリルージュの日(毎月21日). #myDIYの日(毎月21日). #木挽BLUEの日(毎月21日). #生命保険見直し月間(1日から30日). . . ●世界ハロー・デー. ●バングラデシュ軍隊記念日. . . ■本日の成句■. #何でも来いに名人なし(ナンデモコイニメイジンナシ). 【解説】 何でも器用にこなす人は、何をさせてもそれなりにやってのけるが、どれも名人といえるほどの腕前ではないと云う事。 . . 1998(平成10)年11月21日(土)赤口. #向山瑞紀 (#みかいやまみずき) 【モデル、タレント、女優】 〔長野県〕. . . (Saburou, Kumamoto-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClMm-kFho4YfYYpdIxicbXHXb3Ned9lGGGhxJI0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hitome-world · 2 years
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Next project is coming…
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followbnb · 11 months
【 #鼎吉麵線控肉飯 】的絕美滋味| #花蓮市 #重慶市場美食 透過清晰的圖片, #綜合大腸蚵仔麵線 你可以看到湯裡的鮮蚵和大腸,濃郁的湯頭環繞著每一片食材,令人垂涎欲滴。 每一口麵線都吸附著湯汁,鮮美的滋味直接打入味蕾深處。而 #控肉飯 則是另一番風味,肥而不膩,配上白飯,簡直是完美的組合。
走進花蓮市熱鬧非凡的 #重慶市場 ,你絕對不會錯過這一家人氣爆棚的美食店【鼎吉麵線控肉飯】。每當用餐時間,前方總是聚集著一長串的人潮,其中不乏遠道而來的遊客和當地居民。假日的時候,更是熱鬧非凡,讓人不得不提早出門,以確保不會等太久。 【鼎吉麵線控肉飯】的絕美滋味|花蓮市重慶市場美食 【鼎吉麵線控肉飯】的絕美滋味|花蓮市重慶市場美食 Continue reading Untitled
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onpointbible · 1 year
適逢端陽,給大家送上一個小故事。 每天上學或放學站在學校門口,或是在走廊走走,都會遇到不少有趣的事。前幾天,剛巧上課的鐘聲響起,有一位家長跑來學校,她帶點喘氣聲,拿了糉子給我,說是多謝學校老師;儘管她的孩子是中途轉校的插班生,進步卻十分之大。我口頭代表老師們多謝她。畢竟,這是老師們盡心盡力的成果,並非我的功勞;最好的做法就是把糉子平分給全體老師們。 腦裡正在胡思亂想之際,忽然想起手中拿著熱騰騰的糉子,這種溫熱的感覺有點奇怪。我簡單地推敲一下:首先,家長來到校門前,旁邊並沒有學生,即表示家長已經帶學生回校了;她拿著糉子前來,已經是第二次往返學校。那她應該送孩子回校後,駐足觀看孩子上樓梯,然後看見我站在校門前,於是返回家中,再拿糉子給我。 當天,剛巧我沒有帶上早餐,家長送來的糉子正好給我果腹;解開糉子,溫度剛好,材料十足,是自家製的味道。如果要把已經做好的糉子翻熱,有幾種方法:1.…
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a3089732 · 1 year
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regine1663 · 2 years
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美妙的一餐❤️ #三個人都不約而同的遲到 #結果三個還一起到 #又驚又喜的約會 #趕著進場沒有拍到合照 #聊得太開心吃完又往第二攤前進又忘了合照 #今天我的通告有夠滿 #早上先帶小孩回診趕十點要趕胖胖學校日結果醫院今天爆多人害我有點延誤打電話給老師老師還安慰我說她這裡也延誤了所以不用緊張 #出了學校請爸爸載我去幫太陽阿姨慶生誰知道路上車多 #太陽阿姨坐錯站 #30阿姨在捷運站跑到滿身汗 #你知道這一桌都是素食嗎 #我吃完才知道 #好多人要預約的推薦給你們(在 無口小廚 Mukuchi Kitchen & Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpXfFHxyj-F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brownie-pics · 4 months
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'24.6.1 奈良市忍辱山町 中池、圓成寺にて
@masachi さんとの柳生方面撮影会、奈良公園方面から東に向かって車を走らせ、リフレの綺麗な中池、そして運慶のデビュー作が安置されている古刹の圓成寺へ。午前の早めな時間もあって、昨夜降った雨の滴がまだ残るシズル感と心地よい湿り気を堪能しながらオッサン二人、めいめい撮り進みます・・
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niteshade925 · 3 months
April 12, Xi'an, China, Qinglong Temple/青龙寺 (Part 3 - History):
A model of Qinglong Temple in Tang dynasty (618 - 907 AD):
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There must have been something like thirty engravings of famous poems about the temple lining the walls of the corridors. Below are three examples of these engravings, from these poems one can get a feel for how Qinglong Temple used to look like. A note on the translations: they are rather unpolished as I just wanted to get the meaning across.
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《題青龍寺詩》 [唐] 朱慶餘 寺好因崗勢,登臨值夕陽。 青山當���閣,紅葉滿僧廊。 竹色連平地,蟲聲在上方。 最憐東面靜,為近楚城墻。
Translation (by me):
"In Commemoration of Qinglong Temple" By Zhu Qingyu (Tang dynasty) The beauty of this temple comes from the mountains, By the time I summited it was already dusk. Verdant peaks behind temple buildings, Scarlet leaves filling the corridors. Bamboo groves connecting flat areas, Chirping of insects above it all. Only the east side remains still, Since it's close to the city walls.
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《清明日青龍寺上方賦得多字》 [唐] 皇甫冉 上方偏可適,季月況堪過。 遠近水聲至,東西山色多。 夕陽留徑草,新葉變庭柯。 已度清明節,春秋如客何。
Translation (by me):
"Qingming Festival Above Qinglong Temple" By Huangfu Ran (Tang dynasty) It's comfortable up in the mountains, Watching the season pass by. Sounds of flowing water from near and far, Views of mountains from east and west. Setting sun upon the grassy path, Growing leaves cover the courtyard trees. Qingming Festival has come and gone, Just like the seasons and the temple visitors.
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《青龍寺早夏》 [唐] 白居易 塵埃經小雨,地高倚長坡。 日西寺門外,景氣含清和。 閑有老僧立,靜無凡客過。 殘莺意思盡,新葉陰涼多。 春去來幾日,夏雲忽嵯峨。 朝朝感時節,年鬓闇蹉跎。 胡爲戀朝市,不去歸煙蘿。 青山寸步地,自問心如何。
Translation (by me):
"Early Summer at Qinglong Temple" By Bai Juyi (Tang dynasty) Light shower settled the dust, Temple grounds blending with the hills. Setting sun outside temple gates, The scene filled with an air of serenity. An old monk stands in idleness, There are no worldly passersby in the stillness. Remaining birds having sung their melodies, New leaves providing ample amounts of shade. End of spring was just days ago, Summer clouds are already towering above. Every day we feel the passing of seasons, Our hair graying in the meantime. Why obsess over bustling cities, When we can return to the lush countryside? These verdant mountains are but a corner of the world, Here I stand and reflect upon the state of my heart.
Huiguo and Kukai
In the first part I mentioned that Qinglong Temple was where Kukai/空海 studied Vajrayana Buddhism (the Chinese Esoteric tradition was also called "Tangmi"/唐密, since it was very popular in Tang dynasty) under Huiguo/惠果. Huiguo was a student of the famous Vajrayana Buddhist master and translator Amoghavajra (Chinese name Bukong/不空). Huiguo eventually became a master himself in the Chinese Esoteric tradition, and was an Acharya (Sanskrit term meaning teacher; translated phonetically as asheli/阿阇黎 in Chinese) who had many students from different places, including from surrounding countries. Kukai was one of his last notable students before he passed away. Kukai returned to Japan in 806 AD and founded the Shingon school of Buddhism/真言宗 (also sometimes called Eastern Esotericism/東密).
Kukai was also a calligrapher and a poet, below are two examples of his works (first is an ink rubbing of his calligraphy work titled "Buddha", second is his calligraphy work named Huushincho/風信帖; both were written in Chinese):
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Closeup of Huushincho (from Wikipedia). The original is at Touji Temple in Kyoto, Japan.
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Shōryō shu/Xinglingji/性靈集, a collection of kanshi by Kukai. Kanshi/漢詩 is a Japanese word for Chinese poetry. These books here are a gift from Japan.
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Bunkyō hifu ron/Wenjingmifulun/文鏡秘府論 by Kukai which discusses Chinese poetry. These books are a gift from Japan.
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There are also other gifts from Japan. Left is the top of a khakkhara staff (In Chinese and Japanese: xizhang/锡杖/錫杖, shakujō/錫杖). Right is a Vajra (in Chinese and Japanese: jingangchu/金刚杵/金剛杵, kongosho/金剛杵), this is a Vajrayana ritual object. This particular Vajra is commemorative and bears the names of Huiguo and Kukai:
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And that's all for Qinglong Temple. Next up is another famous temple in Xi'an, Daci'en Temple/大慈恩寺.
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leomacgivena · 10 months
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nangiku · 1 year
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Q&A ①ちょっと配達たのみたいんやけど… テイクアウトしたいんやけど… 配達営業時間は? ハイ!出前は11時から20時まで いつでも対応させていただいております! また早め遅めの場合等は まずはお電話はください! ②カード決済したいんやけど… ハイ!大丈夫ですが 現金の場合はそのままなのですが カード決済の場合資材等の値上げで 申し訳ございませんが 5%上乗せさせていただきます。 ご理解の程よろしくお願い致します。 配達先でもクレジットカード決済できます! ③お店で食べたいんやけど… ハイ!お昼は予約無しで大丈夫です! コロナ禍終息までは 夜は19:00までのご来店は予約無しで大丈夫。 19:00以降のご来店の場合はご予約お願い致します。 ④コロナ対策は大丈夫なん? ハイ! 殺菌灯、空気清浄機、アルコール消毒、 マスク、手袋 衛生管理もしておりますので! ご安心してご飲食していただけます! ⑤どこまで出前してくれるん? ハイ!南河内全域行きます! 大阪全域本気で行きます! ⑥���送料金は?   ハイ!配送料金頂きません! ⑦何人前か配達してくれる?   すいません! できれば!2000円以上のご注文でしたら有難いです! ⑧お弁当、幕の内弁当はいつまでの予約すれば良い? ハイ! 2日前にはご連絡頂きたいです! 個数変更は前日でも大丈夫です! ⑨オードブルはいつまでに注文すれば良い? ハイ!オードブルも2日前にはご予約していただきたいです! 富田林市若松町西2-1726-6 電話番号0721-23-2288 #寿司 #富田林#テイクアウト#羽曳野#藤井寺#河南町 #配達#松原#太子町#千早赤坂村 #出前#大阪全域#おまかせ料理 #お弁当#幕の内弁当#イカツイ#宴会#法事#慶次#割烹店内飲食#割烹#かつおたたき藁焼#海鮮自動販売機#うに#自販機#町おこし#雲丹#昆布締め 南喜久富田林店公式ホームページ nangiku.net Google南喜久富田林店ページ http://nangiku.com/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral 遠方でも対応しているサイト ごちクル https://gochikuru.com/store/2446/ ごちクル割烹清水 https://gochikuru.com/store/ スタフェス https://nangiku-o.com/ くるめし https://www.kurumesi-bentou.com/ 唯善 https://yuizen.cqree.jp/premium/store?id=154&prefecture=27 ケータリング https://catering-selection.jp/shop/detail/shop0015 唯善割烹清水 https://yuizen.cqree.jp/premium/store?id=474 店舗情報サイト インスタグラム https://www.instagram.com/nangiku カクテク https://tondabayashi.kakuteku.com/group/nangiku/ Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/nangiku3 テックトック https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSRjBu1tn/ nangikhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLZpyOPhEdx3CeFVeELfABwu TV YouTube Facebook https://www.facebook.com/nangiku.tondabayashi (寿司・割烹・仕出し 南喜久 富田林市店(なんぎく)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqxgrAfJTrM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eijukawai · 5 months
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hitome-world · 11 days
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the-don-crow · 1 year
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yetiwang2000 · 5 months
Vrelnir’s QA about Bailey & Eden (2)
When Eden and Bailey were younger, did they celebrate birthdays? 
伊甸和貝利年輕時會如何慶祝他們的生日?他們會自己慶祝還是和朋友一起慶祝? 伊甸和貝利會送對方禮物嗎?
How would Eden and Bailey celebrate their birthdays when they were young?Will they celebrate by themselves or with friends? Will Eden and Bailey giveeach other gifts? 
They celebrated with friends, and gave each other gifts. 
Eden and PC are holding a wedding in the forest. Will Eden invite Baileyto attend? 
貝利會默許伊甸與PC的婚姻,還是會要求伊甸付更多錢? 抑或是貝利會等到PC還完所有欠債才同意他們的婚姻?
Will Bailey acquiesce to Eden's marriage to PC, or will he ask Eden to paymore money? Or is Bailey waiting until PC is completely free before Bailey willaccept it? 
Bailey would make demands of Eden, and not necessarily involving money.
Will Bailey attend the wedding of Eden and PC? What would Bailey do at thewedding if she would attend? If he won't participate, why? 
Bailey would attend. They'd be the best man or maid of honour.
What birthday gifts did Bailey give to Eden? What birthday gifts did Edengive Bailey?Are both parties satisfied with the gift? 
They mostly gave each other toys or sweets. They were satisfied with thegifts.
PC will frown if he cooks breakfast for Eden when he is not good athousework. If Eden eats the rice cooked by Bailey, will he also frown? 
Aye. Eden would not enjoy Bailey's cooking.
Eden had a meal cooked by Bailey? Under what circumstances did you eat it?
Aye. There was a time when they took turns cooking.
Did Bailey like the Christmas gift from the mysterious man? 
It surprised them.
(身體交換前提)如果PC(其實是貝利)遇到狂怒狀態時想帶PC回家的伊甸,PC(其實是貝利)會如何解決這件事?他會被帶回小屋並關在籠子裡嗎?If PC(actually Bailey) encounters the super angry Eden who wants to take him back,how will PC (actually Bailey) solve it?Or was he taken back to the hut andlocked in a cage? 
They'd be able to convince Eden they were really Bailey.
Has Bailey ever seen Eden with such a bad temper? 
In what situations would Eden be angry with Bailey? 
If harm came to the PC. 
If Bailey grows a dog tail, at what point will Bailey look impatient buthis tail will wag happily? 
If the PC seduces them.
Besides Eden, does Bailey have anyone else they would consider a friendnow? 
Nope, and they wouldn't admit to even that.
Besides Bailey, does Eden have anyone else they would consider a friendnow? 
Nope, unless the PC counts.
Since Christmas is coming, I'd like to secretly ask if Bailey and Edenstill exchange gifts now? & Regardless of the answer, what would theyprepare if they had to exchange gifts with each other now? 
Bailey and Eden still exchange gifts. Eden will give something interestingthey've found in the forest, as they know about Bailey's more esotericinterests. Bailey will usually give Eden a book, and some sweet food.
在PC和伊甸見面前,伊甸就已經擁有了一張PC的照片。那是貝利給他的嗎?伊甸是什麼時候得到它的?伊甸在那個當下就對照片裡的PC一見鍾情了嗎?Before pc and Eden met, Eden had a picture of pc. Did Bailey give itto them? When did Eden get it? Did Eden fall in love with pc in the picture atthat point? 
Aye, Bailey gave it to them.
Who gave Bailey a gift for Christmas? Is it one of the orphans in theorphanage? 
I'm happy to leave the one responsible for that gift a secret! It's aChristmas miracle, after all.
What kind of scent do you think Bailey has on them? 
Bailey smells faintly of cologne or perfume, with an occasional whiff ofcigarette smoke.
I saw in the previous answer that Bailey does not smoke, so why     does they have a cigarette in their mouth when they is at home? Why does     their body with an occasional whiff of cigarette smoke? 
他和會抽菸的人打交道,有時也會抽社交菸。They have dealings with smokers, and sometimes smoke socially.
Since  Eden will come to town to look for PC, is there any chance that PC can  take him to visit the orphanage or even meet Bailey? I admit I just want  to see more of Eden's interactions with Bailey! 
Eden would not want to meet Bailey at the orphanage.
What does Bailey think of all the LIs?
They think Robin needs to learn a hard lesson. They think      Whitney is a useful idiot. They forget about Kylar when they're not  directly engaged with them. They've never met the others. Except Eden of course, but that's a story for another day.
If Bailey were to get a dog, how would they choose one? Do they     have any preferences or tendencies? And if they were to get a dog, what     would be their motivation? Would they walk the dog themselves every day,     or would they delegate that to someone else? 
They'd want a loyal and intelligent dog that would make a good      and useful companion. Preferably something that looks intimidating.      They'd likely walk it themselves every day.
What are Bailey’s thoughts on Harper, Eden, Remy, and Quinn? 
貝利並不算真的認識哈珀,他痛恨雷米和奎因,並且對伊甸的感情很複雜。Bailey doesn't really know Harper, hates Remy and Quinn, and has complex feelings about Eden.
What did Bailey usually do back when he was a student in     school? Besides studying, what other activities was he involved in? Did he     develop any influence within the school? Did he have a favorite subject,     something he was particularly interested in, or found most practical? On     the other hand, what was Eden's campus life like? 
Bailey did well at school, particularly in maths, and were      fairly popular. They were a bit of a bully, but protective of their      friends. 
伊甸有點獨來獨往。他有時候會遭遇霸凌,但他的耐受力很高*,而且有一小群會照顧他的朋友。他的成績很好,但在後期略有下滑。(註:Thick skin原意「因習以為常而變得不在乎他人的批評」,可以解作較中性版本的厚臉皮。近似詞為冷淡、麻木)
Eden was a bit of a loner. They were sometimes bullied, but      had thick skin, and a small circle of friends who looked out for them.   Their grades were good, but deteriorated towards the end.
If Eden knew that PC was in the prison, would they go to the prison to rescue PC?
They would contact Bailey, who would reassure them that the situation was under control.
貝利和伊甸曾經發生過爭執、意見分歧或衝突嗎?如果有的話,你可以透露背後的原因嗎?Has Bailey ever had arguments, disagreements, or disputes with     Eden? If so, can you reveal the reasons behind them?
Yes, and it'll be explored in the future.
Has Eden ever entered the orphanage for any purpose? If they have, what was the reason for their visit, and what are their thoughts     about the orphanage? Has Bailey’s influence affected their views?
Yes, and this will also be explored in the future.
What does Bailey think of Eden? Has Bailey’s opinion of Eden changed over time, becoming more positive or negative? 
Bailey's thoughts on Eden have changed over time, and will be explored in the future.
Does Bailey have any close friends? How does they view the concept of friendship? Since they has difficulty forming intimate relationships with people, I wonder if they sees friendship as a means to an end. But that would be quite lonely.
They have no close friends, but they have old friends.
Which Dol character is the strongest out of everyone? 
Eden is the strongest individual, but Bailey is the most powerful.
If Eden lives in the forest, what is their way of communicating with Bailey? 
They leaves messages for each other in a particular place.
I saw in your previous Q&A that the snake pattern related     to Bailey will be added in the future, so I am curious if there is some     connection between the image of the snake and Bailey? (All you have to do     is say yes or no,Please, this is really important to me.) 
There is a connection between Bailey and snake imagery.
Does  Bailey view Eden as a friend? 
Which one is taller, Eden or Bailey? 
What's on Bailey's tattoo? 
A snake.
What do people around Bailey think of them? 
Most people think they're a good and wholesome citizen. Others are afraid of them
Who else besides Eden had a relationship(include romantic) with Bailey when he was in school? 
None of the other named NPCs had a close relationship with Bailey.
Hey Vrel! I'm curious: when Bailey sells the PC to Eden, how on earth do they get word to Eden that PC will be waiting tied for them? Do Eden and Bailey     interact outside of that, too? Thank you! 
Eden and Bailey do interact outside that, though scarcely.
Did Bailey have s*x with Eden? 
Bailey and Eden have not had s*x.
How does Eden make income? Curious how they can afford to buy PC from Bailey. 
Do Eden and Bailey have any connection outside of     buying/selling the PC? 
Is there anyone Bailey respects or cherishes?The only thing I can think of that they hold dear is money. 
They respect Eden, in a way.
In the Christmas storyline, Bailey also received a gift. I’ve     always been curious about who gave him the gift. It seems that the PC  would not hesitate to give him a gift, but the game does not offer the  option to buy a gift for Bailey. Or perhaps it was given by Robin? I believe he’s the most likely person to do so. How did Bailey feel upon     receiving the gift, and how did he subsequently treat it? And what kind of     gifts would make Bailey happy? 
I want to leave the one responsible for the gift a secret. As      for gifts Bailey would like, Eden and some of Bailey's goons would know.      It might be explored in the future.
Has Eden ever betrayed Bailey? Because their relationship looks quite close, but somewhat complex on some level. 
From Bailey's perspective, yes.
If Eden caught PC and Bailey doing adult thing, what will Eden do and what Bailey will do too?
A: Eden would be shocked and appalled, and leave at once. Bailey would be angry with themselves.
source:Vrel’s Q&A (notion.site)
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