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2022-23AW KEY 7 COLORS “Fortifying brights” Red carpet/ Vim & violet/ Cardio orange/ Jackpot green/ Scandal pink/ Black balloon/ Comics blue Textile NO. a. 21561 b. KF752S D/#F-3320 c. KD501 d. H42052 e. SF00940 →These fabrics are ON SALE. If you have interests in them, please contact us via DM. We would be happy to help you. ★You can get more information about Trend colors of 2022-23AW on our blogs! ★tunageruのブログにて、トレンドカラー情報を紹介していますので、ぜひご覧ください! #trendcolor #22aw #23aw #colortrend #trendforecast #fashiontrend #trendingcolor #fortifyingbrights #redcarpet #vim #violet #cardioorange #jackpotgreen #scandalpink #blackballoon #cosmicsblue #nexttrend #autumnseason #wholealefabrics #wholesaletextiles #textilesforsale #fabricsforsale #textiletrend #trendtextile #textiles #fabrics https://instagr.am/p/CWQFND0t3KF/
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