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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (19)
C for Coll (Hazel) - August 5th - September 1st
“Tree of Knowledge - 9th month of the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref)”
Color: Orange; Star: Mercury, Saturn: Gems: Topaz, Pearl; Gender: Male; Patron: Hermes, Mercury, Aengus; Symbols: wisdom + divination, poetry + learning, knowledge + intelligence, healing (healing) arts
About a dozen or so species of hazel species are found in the marshy regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The hazel leaves are rounded with jagged edges, velvety soft to the touch, and turn yellow or pink in the fall. The hard nuts of the hazelnut ripen from mid-August to October. Wrapped in ragged leaves, it is said that it takes 9 years for a hazelnut to bear a full crop. The number nine is the sacred number of the muses who are in charge of our intellectual activities. This is one of the reasons why, since ancient times, the hazel has been associated with inspiration in the arts and learning.
The ancient Celts regarded the hazel as a tree of knowledge. All knowledge was intertwined within the husk of the hazel nut. This is where the idiom "in a nutshell" comes from. The hazel is the tree of white magic and healing, the poet's tree. Its sacred berries were the food of the gods as well as a source of inspiration and immortality. For the ancient Celts, there was no better expression than poetry, neither in art nor in magic.
An ancient Irish code, handed down to posterity as the 'Sacred Triad', stipulates that anyone who intentionally cuts down a hazel tree is guilty of death. No other tree has been given such high status, except the apple.
The hazel is said to be a talisman of good health and protection against all kinds of disasters. In Ireland, on Beltine and Solstice, a cow is led in front of two huge torches, with its back covered in hair roasted with a flaming hazel wand, as a curse against magic and bad luck. Sometimes hazel twigs were also tied to horses' manes to protect them from fairy magic.
The planet that rules the hazel is Mercury. The hazel is inseparable from water, but the ruling element is air. It is said that the hazel is surrounded by the magical power of mercury, which enhances mood and brings inspiration.
ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (19)
C for Coll (ヘーゼル) - 8月5日~9月1日
『知識の木 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第9月』
色: オレンジ; 星: 水星、土星: 宝石: トパーズ、真珠; 性: 男性; 守護神: ヘルメス、メルクリウス (マーキュリー)、オェングス; シンボル: 知恵+占い、詩+学問、知識+知性、治療 (癒し)の技術
古代ケルト人はハシバミを知識の木と見なしていた。すべての知識はハシバミの実の殻の中で縒り合わされていた。「一言でいえば (in a nutshell)」という慣用句はここから来ている。ハシバミは白魔術と癒しの木であり、詩人の木である。その神聖な実は神々の食物であり、インスピレーションと不死の源でもあった。古代ケルト人にとって、芸術においても魔術においても、詩に勝る表現はなかった。
#trees#tree myth#tree legend#hazel tree#celtic belief#celtic calender#hazel nuts#mythology#folklore#legend#beltine#aengus#mercury#nature#art
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♬���すすめの曲 プレイリスト♪ Ferios List 205
I call your name / Sam is Ohm, MoMo 抜け空 / Ado 天使 / a子 Sign / Aimer 抱きしめられて / KOMONO LAKE BEYOND / ALI, MaRI ふたりのBGM feat. 土岐麻子 / GOOD BYE APRIL, 土岐麻子 駄叉 / joOji 背中 / adieu NEW POWER / Answer to Remember, ermhoi, 井上銘 City Habits / brkfstblend 快晴浪漫 / Sano ibuki YATTAAMAN / MisiiN, Maika Loubté たまゆら / cadode, 水槽 ナイトシンク / FINLANDS Unknown / THE SPELLBOUND White Lies / Newspeak drip / She Her Her Hers FRIENDZONE / Amiide ギンモクセイ / 柴 今 Ocean / ShowMinorSavage Merry Go Run! / Jua ラ・タ・タ~すべてはフィーリング~(feat. 堂島孝平&岸本ゆめの) / 松室政哉, 堂島孝平, 岸本ゆめの 純ラブ / reGretGirl 落陽 / Kick a Show I Miss U / the engy 廻る / Vue du monde, RITTO, DJ Mitsu The Beats 浜辺のこと / TRIO the CMYK Slow It Down / Melosa Wave , Slim RB, ASTRO JP Mama / Kaoru Tominaga DARKSIDE / 鞘師里保 down under / ざきのすけ。 Soooo Many Problems feat. tonun / 春野, tonun Moon High / 池田理論 Muse / Broken kangaroo LAST LOVE LETTER / 野田洋次郎 LONLEY / 5278, ELIONE, MuKuRo, Amo IKERU / ALLY & DIAZ, HAN-KUN, 大門弥生, SATOSHI YOUR LAST / voquote, Lil Summer その先にあるもの / 小田和正
#spotify#jpop#jhiphop#jhiphopmusic#jmusic#jrock#japanesemusic#japanmusic#japanpop#nowplaying#newreleases#newsong#newmusic#音楽#音楽好き#邦楽#新譜#おすすめの音楽#音楽のある生活#プレイリスト#ferioslist 205
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Thoughts on WayV in LA!
So glad Winwin got to come on this trip but at the expense of Kun ToT Misfortune always befalling this group. But without Kun, this is truly the kids' trip lol.
Seeing people hold phones up to their faces already...
Winwin in English mode. I'm guessing Winwin used to study English back and school because he had a basic understanding of English when he went to Korea. The guys would mention that he would speak to them in broken English. Winwin also mentioned that he once had to write a letter in English for English class (I think during the Christmas stream with Jaehyun and Chenle).
Hendery literally switched from Korean to Mandarin from one sentence to the next and it confused me lol.
Photography Hendery with Model Winwin. Winwin is muse wherever he goes :P
After a while Hendery just wants to play with Winwin.
Hendery do you even know what Y2K style is lmao.
We know Winwin and his love of hamburgers :P
It sounds like some fans bumped into them...I'm sorry but I get uncomfortable seeing that kind of stuff ToT
Hendery hyping up Xiaojun >3 I am on this Xiaohen btw.
Xiaojun now taking photos of Winwin >3 Again Winwin muse.
LMAO Winwin shakiest cam as he films the fountain.
Aw the shots of them having fun during lunch are cute.
Oh we were already getting Ten ponytail back then eh.
Weather in LA is good that day. Honestly that's all I hear about LA, their good weather, their beaches, and their highways lol.
Ten and Yangyang going clothes shopping :3 They are fashion buddies.
Person @ Yangyang: I love your outfit, so cute That's kind of cute tbh :P
Yangyang's bag is cute though. All the keychains and charms is cute :3
Hendery vs. jetlag v.v The time difference is probably pretty brutal.
I'd seen Xiaojun's reaction to this mint chocolate once before XD
Hendery and Winwin with the cone vs. cup debate. To be honest I try to go with cone to be more environmentally friendly but I do find them a bit troublesome compared to cup and spoon.
OMG Xiaojun abandoned his ice cream XD
Winwin asked Xiaojun to ask the worker the price of the tank top lol. That's so...they're so comfortable for Xiaojun to just do it for Winwin. I wonder if Winwin didn't know how to ask that specific question, because he did later ask the staff for a larger size.
Hendery is the dad who stands outside while Winwin and Xiaojun shop inside XD Or maybe it's because he can't go inside while still eating his cone.
Tbh I wonder if Winwin couldn't get a white tank top anywhere else ^^;;
Aw but the sweater he did get is very his style, very cute and cozy :3 Also the same colours as the shirt he's wearing.
The store worker asking if the guys are in a group :P And Ten being chill about it. To be honest, the worker was being chill about it so that's nice.
The caption says 在陪大人礦界的小朋友. He did say that when he was a kid and went to the mall with his mom, she would leave him at a playground so that she would shop on her own lol. I guess Ten is the one with things to do on this shopping trip.
Big oof, people really close to them when the guys were walking to the beach.
I wonder what performance they were watching :o
Yangyang and Ten struggling to do hand signs for LA lol.
I will say the beach looks fantastic. The waves are so big. Ocean beaches are different eh.
Beach model struggles
Multiple jumping photo attempts
Twas cute X3
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・Nagasaki Peace
「An atomic bomb exploded over Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, three days after the explosion of the first atomic bomb over Hiroshima. The bomb was assembled at Tinian Island on August 6. On August 8, Field Order No.17 issued from the 20th Air Force Headquarters on Guam called for its use the following day on either Kokura, the primary target, or Nagasaki, the secondary target. That same day, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan. The B-29 bomber "Bockscar" reached the sky over Kokura on the morning of August 9 but abandoned the primary target because of smoke cover and changed course for Nagasaki, the secondary target, and detonated the atomic bomb at 11:02 a.m.」
「The nuclear weapons dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki burned the victims to unrecognizable forms, and brought suffering from illness, poverty and discrimination unto the survivors. Nuclear weapons and humanity cannot coexist.
We want people around the world to know about the consequences of nuclear weapons, and the journey of the Hibakusha - the atomic bomb survivors. As Hibakusha of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we have held exhibitions at the United Nations four times to date, at the timing of the NPT Review Conferences. As the risk of the use of nuclear weapons is today at its highest, we have decided to open this exhibition as an online museum.」
・Hiroshima and Nagasaki: A Multilingual Bibliography
「ABOUT US: The Aim of Our Project In 2014, a year before the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we started our survey and research into the multilingual publication of atomic bomb literature. Our goal is to make a comprehensive survey into the process of worldwide acknowledgment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for 70 years.」
「八月九日の原爆 によって七万余の日本人、数千の朝鮮人、中国人労働者、華僑、留学生、連合軍捕虜(イギ リス、アメリカ、オーストラ��ア、オランダ、インドネシア等)が犠牲となった。特に浦上刑務所のあった隣接する丘では、三十二名の中国人、十三名の朝鮮人が、日本人 受刑者とともに爆死し、また香焼や幸町の捕虜収容所では、被爆前に病気や事故などによ って数百名の連合軍兵士が死亡した。」
・「長崎の原爆ドーム」なぜ解体されたのか? 浦上天主堂が幻の世界遺���になった理由【長崎原爆の日】(22/08/09)
・«さもしいといって下さいますな» 福田須磨子さんの思い 原爆を背負って(30)(20/08/06)
「 《何も彼(か)も いやになりました 原子野に屹立(きつりつ)する巨大な平和像 それはいい それはいいけど そのお金で何とかならなかったかしら “石の像は食えぬし腹の足しにならぬ” さもしいといって下さいますな 原爆後十年をぎりぎりに生きる 被災者の偽らぬ心境です》1955年8月、被爆詩人・福田須磨子さん=74年に52歳で死去=が詠んだ詩「ひとりごと」です。」
・祈りと異質な巨大芸術 平和祈念像 法王は今回も立ち寄らず(19/10/27)
「祈念像の周りをぐるりと歩くと、像の裏には北村の言葉が刻まれ、こんなくだりもあった。「山の如き聖哲 それは逞(たくま)しい男性の健康美」。祈りとはかけ離れた異質なもの。」
「原爆投下から1ヵ月後、マンハッタン計画の副責任者であるトーマス・ファーレル氏は、下記のような声明を発表したとされる。 「広島・長崎では、死ぬべきものは死んでしまい、9月上旬において、原爆放射能の余燼ために苦しんでいる者は皆無だ」 残留放射能が存在しないとした理由について記者からの質問を受け、ファーレル氏は「相当の高度で爆発させた」ことを挙げていた。」
・核廃絶専門委、長崎の被爆者落選 禁止条約に否定的な政府支援なく(23/07/23)
・NHK長崎放送局 WEB特集 原爆
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Fräulein=Ojosama (フロイライン=オジョウサマ)
ホームラン級のポンコツさぁん! おメンタルのお・覚・悟よろしくって? You there, such a piece of crap you’ve hit it out of the park! Have you s-t-e-e-l-e-d yourself for what’s to come, good sir? (オジョウサマ! Uh...オジョウサマ!) (My lady! Uh... My lady!) あらあらあらなんですの? もしかして生まれとか貧富とか 言い訳なさるタイプ? My oh my, whatever is the problem? Don’t tell me you happen to be one of those people who makes excuses out of their lineage and social standing? 水たまりより浅い思慮 ミニチュア並みの器 それをシメ(導い)てこそ ノブレス・オブリージュ(貴人たる証)ですわ Your musings are shallow as puddles of rainwater, your capacity meager enough to be on par with that of a miniature. That I may lead (finish off) just such a person is precisely the proof of my nobility (noblesse oblige)! (オジョウサマ! オジョウサマ! Chu-Chu!) (My lady! My lady! Chu-Chu!) ま・ま・ま・ま・まさか!? 空気も読めない癖に "かしこさ" 虚数でいらして 脳漿が吐瀉物であらせられる? おハーブですわ C-c-c-c-could it be!? You cannot take a single hint, your “cleverness” exists only as an imaginary number. Is your gray matter constituted by vomit and excreta? How amusing you are. 醜い本音を 暴露(さら)してあげてよ 上等! ちゃちで薄い "孤独"でしょう? ほら (フロイライン=���ジョウサマ) 心臓(ハート)おブチまけあそばせ 莫迦になんてしませんわ ただ……私ただ捗るの♡ A-ha-ha Reveal (expose) the reality of their unseemliness! Yes, excellent! Shoddy and thin, isn’t it, that “loneliness?” Come now. (Fräulein=Ojosama) Go on and spill your heart (core) out! I promise I won’t poke fun at you. I’ll just... I’ll just move on ahead with my work ♡ A-ha-ha (オジョウサマ! Uh...オジョウサマ!) (My lady! Uh... My lady!) ヤダ! 誰も理解しようとしないくせに 自分だけ理解(わか)ってもらうおつもり? No! Do you really think anyone will bother to know (understand) you when you won't even deign to try to understand anyone else? アナタ世界で一番莫迦ってわけじゃないけど せ・め・て一番の方の永遠の健康を祈りなさい? マジで You’re not quite the greatest fool in the world, but you really should at l-e-a-s-t be praying number one lives a long and healthy life, don’t you think? For real. (オジョウサマ! オジョウサマ! Chu-Chu!) (My lady! My lady! Chu-Chu!) ま・ま・まさか!? ご自分だけは違うとかやっぱ同族嫌悪でして? 本当のこと仰れば楽ですのに…… おハーブですわ C-c-c-c-could it be!? Do you truly loathe all those like you, thinking yourself somehow special? You’d feel much better if you only spoke the truth... How amusing you are. 醜い貌(みため)を 暴露(さら)してあげてよ 蒼氓(そうぼう) 仮面(マスク)して 御逃げなさい また (フロイライン=オジョウサマ) 他人(ひと)のせいにしてらして? 惨めったらしくって良いわ もう……私もう捗る気しかしませんの♡ Reveal (expose) the ugly figures (faces) of the people! Mask (disguise) yourself and flee once more. (Fräulein=Ojosama) Will you blame it all on someone (anyone) else? That sort of wretchedness suits you well. Why... Why it just fills me with the sole motivation to move on ahead with my work ♡ A-ha-ha 洗脳(おし)えて差し上げて? 虚無をもっと Will you do them a favor and educate (brainwash) them? With further nothingness. 生きろと謳う成金さぁん! (生きろと謳う成金さぁん!) 正しさ騙る七光りさぁん! (正しさ騙る七光りさぁん!) You there, o mister new-money insisting that people should live! (You there, o mister new-money insisting that people should live!) You there, o coattail-rider pretending you know what’s right! (You there, o coattail-rider pretending you know what’s right!) なんですの? その庭の隅っこの無害で不快な蟲みたいな表・情(か・お) とーっても捗りますわ♡ Whatever is the problem? Why are you wearing a face (expression) like some particularly harmless yet unpleasant insect lurking in the corner of the garden? Work proceeds at a wonderfully rapid pace ♡ ねぇもし私が間違いなら聞かせてよ 誰かじゃなく 誰かがじゃなく アナタがどう在りたいかを そう……目は覚めまして? おはよう 人生に品性は携えて? Now, if I’m wrong, be sure to let me know. It’s not a question of “someone” or “who” but rather of how you would like to be. Yes... Have you stirred? Good morning. Do you suppose that humans possess character? フロイライン! 大切なものは 生まれでもなくて貧富でもなくて 高貴で狂気な心の在り方––ですわ♡ A-ha-ha Fräulein! That which is most precious is not gained from lineage or social standing, but from the existence of a noble, mad heart ♡ A-ha-ha
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**キーワード:「ルソー」** フランスの哲学者、ジャン=ジャック・ルソー(1712-1778)は、近代思想の父とも称され、特に政治哲学や教育論において多大な影響を与えました。しかし、彼の人生は冒険に満ちており、興味深いエピソードが数多く存在します。 ### 楽しい豆知識 ルソーは音楽家としても才能を発揮し、特にオペラの作曲に情熱を注いでいました。彼の作品『村の占い師』(Les Muses)や『夢想のオペラ』(Le Devin du Village)は、当時の音楽界でも注目を浴びました。また、彼の生涯の後半は、彼自身が自らの思想に基づいて生活をし、自然の中で自給自足の生活を試みたことでも知られています。彼は自らの哲学を実践するかのように、自然と調和した生活を求めました。 ###…
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俺的心情那么像水脏雷,这大脑还可以自己高吭《Dead Horse》,果然这身体从来不完全属于咱们的。
My body is shaking and weak. Animating them is more difficult than doing some YouTube "20 minutes of intense cardio No equipment" videos. I can't feel hunger. I don't feel thirsty. I haven't done any chores. I'm useless.
I'm so tired. So tired.
And yet the most piercing sound of all isn't any Voice but this independent, uncontrollable sea shanty earworm. A poor old man came ridin' by, and we say so, and we know so. O, a poor old man came ridin' by, O, poor old man. Says I, "Old Man, your horse will die," and we say so, and we know so. And if he dies we'll tan his hide, O, poor old man.
Our brain always does this, innit? I bet you're being forced to listen to another earworm when you're reading this—or maybe you're listening to it right now because I mentioned it. Drop him down with a long long rope, and we say so, and we know so. Where the sharks will have his body and the devil takes his soul, O, poor old man.
It doesn't belong to us, this body. We're just its temporary occupants. All the time. Always.
I'm so tired. I feel like I'm that dead horse sinking. The mud is consuming me. I want to die, but I'm so cowardly and lazy to hasten it. I wish it's a heart attack that would take me. And we say so, and we know so. Can't commit to suicide, so can't commit suicide. O, poor old man. English very funny.
Maybe... Maybe that blackout wasn't so bad after all. Maybe it should last longer, last forever. We'll use the hair of his tail to sew our sails, and we say so, and we know so.
Even the Knocking Lady is disappointed in me. 要死就快点,磨磨唧唧的不像话!都是狗了,还留恋什么?!
And the iron of his shoe to make deck nails, O, poor old man.
At one point, it seemed like our vigor had returned. I could crack jokes. I could muse. I could be erudite and draw references from 《一人之下》 to make our points. There was clarity and alacrity. It almost seems like the sediments are separating from the water. And we say so, and we know so. But as soon as we think we have perked people up and encouraged them—we are back in this envelope of thick, suffocating, black mud.
Always seeing bright spots in others, O, poor old man, and yet hard to see any reason to be optimistic about one particular person: Us.
They didn't even like their own compromise. Well, that sucks. Because I wearily thought it was workable. Just like a head pat on a dog.
They said they don't wanna treat us like dogs but gave a ✨ for a mention of "surviving by crawling on all fours" (just like a dog). Chulan himself didn't even want to live like that—he resented it. So I was confused. Are we commendable for being dogs? Do they see us as dogs or not? I don't actually wanna be a dog. I wanna be human.
At another point, the mud was too suffocating. I saw the kitchen knife. We hate that, right? We hate what people do to themselves with blades. But man, I felt like the mud was pulling on our limbs, which was why we couldn't move very well. O, poor old man. What if I should just cut the limbs off? Then we won't be dragged down into that mud anymore, right? We'll be free, right?
But I can't do it, y'all.
Because I'm a coward who's afraid of angering Fionn.
And worse, I just can't unhear it:
Says I, "Old Man, your horse will die," and we say so, and we know so.
And if he dies we'll tan his hide, O, poor old man.
It's so annoying. You're annoying for doing that, Fionn. For using his lines like that. I can't refute him because we've lost our erudition in this 阴五雷 style mud, but also because how do you refute a guy who looks so fucking handsome? 人太帅了,总觉得他讲得太他妈的有道理,真的是其娘之,michiin saekki shiba.
He's as dead as a nail in the lamp-room door, and we say so, and we know so.
I couldn't go through with something because of two fucking lines by a fictional character talking to another fictional character who thinks maybe he's condemned to die because of the circumstances of his birth and my dear friend had the galls to repeat it to me.
I'm so shit. This is why nobody takes our suffering seriously. I'll be talking about how shitty I'm feeling, all the Voices that are hounding, and then in the background, louder than everything, is
A poor old man came ridin' by, and we say so, and we know so. O, a poor old man came ridin' by, O, poor old man.
Right in our own fucking head. As though not even the brain takes us seriously.
It's like those tragicomedies. And really, isn't that our life? When we tell other people parts of it, it's always so funny. But remembering that we live it, and suddenly we're reminded of how tiring it actually is.
While we lays on and drags ye aft, O, poor old man.
「就算是素不相识,只要有人无故伤害了你,我难道就能袖手旁观了吗?」 And we say so, and we know so.
我们相识的话,就好。不把咱们当狗看,就好。不会袖手旁观的,很好。俺也想听有人告诉俺,“你们即降生于天地之间,就为天地所包容。你不是鬼,不隐形,世界不会因为没有你而变好。没有天生该死的人。” 俺想像你一样,与别人说这些安慰鼓舞的话。
So I worked on repotting 洋蕤 the chamomile instead. It's grown enough, so I thought it could be repotted to a bigger vase with more mud, so I tried. The earth used was on the blacker side, and with water it became dense. I used our bare hands to grab the mud. There was still a light shower outside.
In the real world, mud isn't the heaviest thing we've ever held. Megan's used diapers were heavier.
And in the real world... water and mud do separate themselves after a while, even if you don't try to force it to happen. And we say so, and we know so.
These heavy hands weren't disobeying our intent to work the mud. And in the real world, it doesn't stay as muck forever. O, poor old man.
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Jimin’s “Who” is on 'Best K-Pop Song by a Male Artists Edition' according USEN Encore Japan!
Chapter JIMIN「Who」
USEN MUSIC LOUNGE番組ディレクターのイチオシ!2024 K-POPシーン プレイバック!――��性アーティスト編
ソロアーティストとしてデビューから10年、成長のために努力を惜しまない姿勢、唯一無二の歌声とパフォーマンス、その魅力をしてK-POPのフロントマンと呼ばれるほど、絶大な人気を誇るBTSのメンバー、JIMIN。 2nd アルバム『MUSE』からの「Who」で見せたラテンテイストのカッティングギターにマッチする力強いボーカルやブレスの抑揚、深みを増した表現力、切れの良いパフォーマンスといった成長はファンにとっては感動もの。前作に続いて全作を通してソングライターとしても実力を発揮。 昨年12月以降入隊中だが、入隊前に準備した新曲やMVコンテンツなどを発表。プロモーションがないにも関わらずK-POPのソロアーティストとして初の40億ストリーミング再生を達成。米ビルボードシングルチャート「HOT 100」に12位でランクイン。ロングセラーとなっている。来年6月の除��が待ち遠しい。 (おわり) 文/李 再恩(USEN)
“Who” de Jimin está en la 'Edición de Mejor Canción K-Pop de un Artista Masculino' según USEN Encore Japan.
Jimin "Who"
¡Recomendado por el director del programa! ¡Reproducción de escena K-POP 2024! --Edición de artista masculino
Han pasado 10 años desde su debut como solista y los miembros de BTS son extremadamente populares y son llamados los líderes del K-POP debido a su esfuerzo incomparable por crecer, su voz y actuación únicas y su encanto. . Su crecimiento en "Who" de su segundo álbum "MUSE", con su poderosa voz y entonación que combina con la guitarra cortante de estilo latino, su expresividad más profunda y su interpretación nítida, es algo que impresiona a los fans. Siguiendo su trabajo anterior, también demostró su habilidad como compositor a través de todos sus trabajos. Aunque se ha estado alistando desde diciembre del año pasado, ha lanzado nuevas canciones y contenido de vídeos musicales que preparó antes de alistarse. A pesar de no haber recibido promoción, se convirtió en el primer solista de K-pop en alcanzar 4 mil millones de reproducciones en streaming. Ocupa el puesto 12 en la lista de singles de Billboard de EE. UU. "HOT 100". Se ha convertido en un producto de larga venta. No puedo esperar a que me den de baja del ejército en junio del próximo año. (Fin) Escrito por Suen Lee (USEN)
지민 (Jimin) 'Who' Official MV
#park jimin#지민#jimin#jiminshiii#amor a mis chicos jmjk#지민 (Jimin) 'Who' Official MV#Jimin’s “Who” is on 'Best K-Pop Song by a Male Artists Edition' according USEN Encore Japan#“Who” de Jimin está en la 'Edición de Mejor Canción K-Pop de un Artista Masculino' según USEN Encore Japan#felicidades jimin#congratulations jimin#Jimin x USEN Encore Japan#Youtube
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安娜普納大環線,Komrong - Kymui - Pittam Deurali
Komrong - Ghandruk,3公里,1.5小時。
Ghandruk - Kyumi,3公里,1.5小時。
住宿:Bee Hive Guesthouse,房間200rs
費用:茶 (espresso) 150rs + 午餐 (veg fried noodles) 420rs + 茶 (lemon ginger honey) 100rs + 晚餐 (fish curry with rice) 800rs,早餐 (coffee+museli+gurung bread w honey) 630rs
繼續爬到Landruk,我現在算是越過一個河谷,已經到了往Mardi Himal的路線了呢!
今天其實一直無法決定在哪裡落腳,是要上Pittam Deurali,還是多走三公里少爬升200米?
Kymui - Pittam Deurail,8公里,4.5小時。
住宿:New Vie Lodge,房間含衛浴500rs
費用:茶 (milk tea) 100rs + 午餐 (veg spring roll) 600rs +晚餐 (ramen) 550rs,早餐 (light breakfast) 750rs
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ということで、ローリング・ストーン誌の1位に選ばれている Charlie xcx のアルバム "Brat" を聴いてみることにする。"Charlie xcx"?。このネーミングは、アーティスト名なのか、それともバンド名なのか。それすら判然としない。なんとなく、Hip-Hop 系のアーティストのような気がした。AppleMusic でアルバム "Brat" を確認すると、そのジャンルは「エレクトニック」となっている。これなら聞けそうだ。Hip-Hop であったならば、パスしただろう。
Charlie xcx のアルバム "Brat" を一通り聴いてみる。うーん。どこにでもありがちな、至って平凡なアルバム。これが第一印象だ。心動かされるところが全くない。これがそれほどまでに価値ある、素晴らしいアルバムなのか。やはり理解に苦しむ。とはいえ、こうしたことは最近では珍しくない。私の持つ感性はすでに過去のものとなっていて、現代の音楽シーンにはそぐわないのだ。これは私自身、十分に理解していて、自分に正直でありたいとも思う。決して迎合する気はない。時代の推移とともに、音楽も進化しているのだ。
・Britany Howard - "What Now" ・Mannequin Pussy - "I Got Heaven" ・Muse - "Absolution" ・Deep Purple - "=1" ・The Cure - "Songs of a Lost World" ・Nick Lowe - "Indoor Safari" ・Saxon - "Hell, Fire And Damnation" ・The Yellow Monkey - "Sparkle X"
あるではないか。こうしたリストが欲しかったのだ。言うなれば「聴いておくべき2024年のロック・アルバム」ということになろうか。このようなアルバムであれば、聴いてみようという気にさせてくれる。一応、評価の高いアルバムを選定してはいるが、、あくまでも私の好きなジャンルのミュージシャンがリストアップされているだけで、そのアルバムが優れているとは限らない。なお、Muse の "Absolution" に至っては2003年のリリースでありながら、2024年のUKロックの名盤としてリストアップされており、依然として高く評価されているという理由で2024年のリストに含まれている。必ずしも新譜ではなく、普遍性が重視されている点も興味深い。
とはいえ、普段の夜、自室で作業する際に聴くのは、たいてニュー・エイジやアンビエント系の楽曲である。波の音や川のせせらぎ、雨音、���鳥のさえずりなどの自然音も含まれる。夜なので、心を���めるという意味合いもあるが、大きな目的は集中力や思考力を上げることである。特に、歌詞の入った楽曲は避けるようにしている。つい聞き込んでしまって集中力が損なわれる恐れがあるからである。若い頃に比べれば、集中力は相当落ちていることを実感する。よく聴くのは、自作のアンビエント系のプレイリストと AppleMusic の "Focus" である。これはステーションなのか。
AppleMusic のステーションでは、あるテーマや目的に即した楽曲を次々に再生していく。これは、基準となるテーマを数値化し、そのモデルに類似した楽曲を選定した集合を作成していると思われる。類似性や近似性を評価する数学モデルはいくつかあるので、それらを応用し楽曲を選定しているだろう。Apple のことなので、独自の改良を加えているはずだ。
・Be Creative ・Go Out ・Be Curious
・Be a Challenger ・Output Oriented
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✩ introduction post !
( ˃̵ᴗ°)▄︻デ═══一҉ enanans introduction post ੭ৎ
hello, hi n nice to meet u ! (♬ ᵔ ᵔ)
this is my first (actual) post on tumblr, aside from my stamps and personal use posts ^_^ my name is nina, although u can call me anything other than that like enanan !
before we can continue, why dont we go through my byi n dni first ? >_<
before you interact ! (。•̀ᴗ-)
maso ✧ sadist ✧ seperation / anxiety ✧ softhearted ✧ sensitive ✧ sometimes heavy nsfw ✧ appreciate if u use necessary tone tags, i am a sick fuck ToT
do not interact ! (⁰∽⁰)
basic dni criteria... if u want only want to judge me, then its best to not interact with me at all ^_^, thats how we give people an easy time :3
now, lets continue !
im multilingual ! i can speak malay, arabic, english, a little bit of russian n japanese ! im from southasia , malaysia n i really want to go to osaka with my brother ToT
i was born on the 10th of january ⸜(ˊ▽ˋ)
im not really comfortable with the topic that includes age n gender for many various reasons, but at some point: it can may be just because im not comfortable, im okay with people calling me a girl tho ! im okay with anything lol :3
i post stamps and personal uses for my rentry, etc ! i do post many other things too, but i dont do that too often (◞‸◟) really, i just came to tumblr because i wanted more friends on the internet T_T
( ˃̵ᴗ°)▄︻デ═══一҉ my interests ! ੭ৎ
general ! (ᵔ⌂ᵔ ♪)
watching shows / movies (mostly animes) ps; my comfort show is campfire cooking in another world with my absurd skill and bofuri ♡ eat n drink !! ♡ yapping ♡ sleeping for no absolute reason -3- ♡ i also like to read manga !! (dont ask me what manga they are) ♡ drawing / doodling ♡ games such as rhythm ones like muse dash ! ♡ idm animes / games as long as they interest me ^_^ ♡ touhou ♡ 2.0 mechanical pencils ♡ 2.0 colorful leads ♡ 9b pencils ♡ thick / interactive sketchbooks ♡ internet ♡ fidget boards ♡ staying indoors ♡ stimboards ♡ sleep
insects ✻ work ✻ outdoor chores / events ✻ heavy bags ✻ stubborn people
all time fave
ena shinonome ♫ prsk, tsukasa tenma ♫ prsk, sayaka ♫ puella, scaramouche ♫ genshin, normal guy ♫ elevator hitch, shahmat ♫ dirty crown
music (╹◡╹)
songs (i like songs in many other genres but this is all i could think of >o<)
電脳眠眠猫 (people who like this song are indeed cuties) ❀ ㋰責任集合体 ❀ テトリス ❀ きゅうくらりん ❀ ビノミ ❀ メイドやめますか?人間やめますか? ❀ 夜のサーカス ❀ 人間合格!!!! ❀ 魔理沙は大変なものを盗 ❀ インターネットサバイバー ❀ インベーダーインベーダー ❀ カエルのおどり ❀ 夜のうた ❀ そこにはまた迷宮 ❀ のぼれ!すすめ!高い塔 ❀ 塵塵呪詛 ❀ 物をぱらぱら壊す ❀ 天国へ行こう ❀ そのまんまそのまんま、そのままずっとそのまま ❀ あめだま ❀ めりぃめりぃろんり~ ❀ UFO
my fave ena/niigo covers
ノマド ꨄ︎ ロウワー ꨄ︎ サラマンダー ꨄ︎ ジェヘナ ꨄ︎ フォニイ ꨄ︎ ザムザ ꨄ︎ バグ ꨄ︎ 妄想感傷代償連盟 ꨄ︎ ノンブレス・オブリージュ ꨄ︎ Iなんです ꨄ︎ キュートなカノジョ ꨄ︎ マインドブランド ꨄ︎ ラグトレイン ꨄ︎ 神っぽいな ꨄ︎ アイディスマイル ꨄ︎ ベノム ꨄ︎ エンヴィーベイビー ꨄ︎ キャットラビング
covered songs
who? (original and / or orino riz) ❥ shadow shadow (original and / or x0o0x) ❥ 人マニア (original and / or chinoi momone cover) i dont really listen to covers other than niigo that often... so im sorry ToT
artists (i might have forgot others + i like many other artists in other genres but this is all i could think of T_T)
azari ✧ x0o0x ✧ iosys ✧ pinocchioP ✧ capsule ✧ kyary pamyu pamyu ✧ moe shop ✧ inabakumori ✧ pepeyo ✧ liz triangle ✧ cool&create ✧ karikibear ✧ deco*27 ✧ masa works design ✧ maretu ✧ kikuo ✧ lyrical lily ✧ unichord ✧ niigo ✧ owata-p ✧ gigap ✧ ghost and pals ✧ hya ✧ shade (19) ✧ 飽海 ✧ えもん ✧ 桃寝ちのい
thank you for taking ur time to read all of this ! i really appreciate it <3 also, i dont usually put tags because i dont actually want ppl to see my blog, so this is just for fun ^_^
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星実樹 「ささやかな問いの中で生きる」
Mitsuki Hoshi
“Living Within Little Musings”
2024.11.30 Sat. – 12.22 Sun.
Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun and Holidays
12:00 - 19:00
(星 実樹)
〒153-0063 東京都目黒区目黒4-26-7
金柑画廊 展示ページ▽
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Number_i 「雪肌精」グローバルブランドミューズ就任 ガッキー&羽生結弦さん&大谷に次ぐ4組目
Number_i "Sekkisei" Global Brand Muse Appointed Gacky & Yuzuru Hanyu & Otani 4th Group After
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勤億蛋品「金馬60放山蛋禮盒」 2024獲兩大國際設計獎 蛋殼粉變環保包材! 落實永續理念獲青睞
蛋殼回收再利用,獲得國際設計獎青睞!台灣第一液蛋品牌勤億蛋品科技,與第60屆金馬獎聯名合作,推出「金馬60放山蛋禮盒」做為貴賓禮品,外盒以黑色系呈現低調典雅質感,搭配人道飼養的放牧雞蛋,引起不少關注。而禮盒力求環保永續的包裝設計,最近更勇奪美國謬思設計獎(MUSE Design Awards)包裝類金獎,以及義大利A'設計獎(A'Design Award)包裝類銀獎,兩大國際獎項肯定!
蛋殼回收再利用,獲得國際設計獎青睞!台灣第一液蛋品牌勤億蛋品科技,與第60屆金馬獎聯名合作,推出「金馬60放山蛋禮盒」做為貴賓禮品,外盒以黑色系呈現低調典雅質感,搭配人道飼養的放牧雞蛋,引起不少關注。而禮盒力求環保永續的包裝設計,最近更勇奪美國謬思設計獎(MUSE Design Awards)包裝類金獎,以及義大利A’設計獎(A’Design…
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安娜普納大環線,Ghorepani - Banthati - Komrong
Poon Hill結束後可以選擇直接下山,或也以可繼續往ABC方向走。我既然還想待在山上,那當然就是往ABC的方向,只是並沒有打算上Base Camp,只是想多繞些山路,多走幾個村莊。
一下子又爬上另一個山頭,回頭可以正好看到對面的Poon Hill。這裡開始算是熱門路線,走Poon Hill或是ABC的都會經過,聚落的人們都懂的做一點小生意。
Ghorepani - Banthati,8公里,4小時。
住宿:Trekker's Sanctuary Lodge,房間500rs,網路200rs
費用:午餐 (veg momo) 600rs + 點心 (pumpki soup) 400rs + 茶 (hot chocolate) 250rs + 晚餐 (veg pizza) 750rs,早餐 (honey museli+milk tea) 750rs
第二天早上起來,景色出乎意料之外的好,吃完早飯,我問了老闆Ghandruk下山的巴士,結果老闆說現在修路,要不一大早,要不就是下午找share jeep,再不然就是走下去Kimche搭公車。我心裡有底了,大概就是Ghandruk 睡一晚,然後第二天走下去搭車,我懶得早起。
Banthati - Chuile,4公里,2小時。
Chuile - Komrong,4公里,2小時。
住宿:Komrong Guest House,房間400rs
費用:茶 (masala tea) 200rs + 午餐 (veg spring roll) 600rs + 茶 (lemon ginger honey) 200rs + 晚餐 (mixed pizza) 750rs,早餐 (light breakfast) 650rs
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