#堂島 Yakuza 1 Verse の龍
dragonofdojima · 2 years
堂島 @falsiliar​ Continued from Here の龍
   Famous last words in cases like this were usually pretty dumb. On one hand, the victim could beg “Wait, stop” as if saying that to someone fully intent on their actions was actually worth a crap. But on the other, for those feeling braver, you could goad the attackers: “Oh yeah? Like you actually have the balls” or “What, you’re really going to throw that at me?”
   Kokichi typically leaned toward the latter. If the stupid street thugs planned on harming him, then he at least wanted to enjoy himself before it happened. Nothing would change their minds. He knew this from experience—well, many experiences. And so, simultaneously with his thoughts weaving through about three different escape routes, he’d managed to utter, “Wow, wasting a perfectly good bottle on me? Pretty weak move, guys.”
   The phrase itself should’ve been all it took to tempt them to action—enough with the pussyfooting, right?—but just as Kokichi was targeting a gap in the group through which he could weasel himself (maybe even between that big lug’s legs...? Eugh, gross, but fine—), he heard a shatter at the same time as a new player entered the field. A much... larger player, and with his back facing Kokichi, it became clear all too quickly whose side he was on.
   A new party member, huh?    Well.
   The action sequence was over in what felt like a blink. This guy was, like... super over-levelled or something; Kokichi still heard the pump of adrenaline in his ears and that never-ending itch to move—to run—buzzing like electricity in his legs even after the thugs were handled. He looked down at their remains (still alive, no worries, but definitely gonna feel this for awhile) in rightly stunned silence in those seconds of calm after the fact.
   But then, so incredibly unperturbed by the danger he was just in, he faced his “hero” with an all-too wide grin and gasp of awe.
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   “Woooow! You really showed them, Mister Tough Guy! That bottle didn’t even stand a chance against you.” Delighted energy bounced in his heels, and Kokichi raised his volume to speak over the pained grumbling in the sea of thugs around them. “I’m sure you’re toootally not gonna get in trouble for that or anything! As long as you were protecting the innocent, how could anyone be mad?”
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   GUYS LIKE THIS have been around for as long as Kiryu himself could remember (Most definitely longer, even). And while he himself tended to mind his own business for the most part, never would he allow himself to turn a BLIND EYE to a kid in danger. For regardless of what the reason was, it was still PATHETIC of these men to corner him like this. Away from the public eye, with no chance of escape or call for aid.
   And sure, while his line of work (Or at least, just before his expulsion) tended to involve communicating with his own FISTS. Thugs like these thought will always think that INTIMIDATION alone will be enough to get whatever they wanted. And so, what better way to resolve this than to speak their language?
   Kiryu’s already had enough of all this.
   And the fight was over in a moment, as he would smash the remaining thugs down with a swing of a nearby garbage can. Wasting no more time, once it became clear that these guys weren’t leaving. But, just like so many others-- these stubborn idiots would still believe that outnumbering him with weapons in hand would be enough to beat this “old man”.
   With one last glance to the groaning bodies at his feet, the ex-yakuza would return his attention back to the boy. Noticing that he hadn’t taken the chance to run, and instead stood by to watch the entire thing. And before he could ask if he was alright, the boy would suddenly begin to chatter excitedly to his saviour. Those purple eyes actually SPARKLING then, as they peered up at him.
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   ... Mister Tough Guy, huh? 
   And he was quick with the nicknames too, wasn’t he? Still, with how lightly he was taking all of this, something told Kiryu then that this wasn’t exactly his first rodeo. Almost appearing as if he was having the TIME OF HIS LIFE, instead of it being on the line. In fact, the SHEER DELIGHT on the other’s face and in his voice would incur the slightest raise of a thick brow... before furthering to a deep furrow of both brows themselves over what was said next.
   ... The boy was probably concerned then that he himself would get in trouble over all of this. Though, it was a little hard to tell. Especially when he was still grinning away like that. And so, offering nothing more than a shake of his head to that statement (No, the cops normally had more important things to focus on than this, actually), Kiryu would then gesture for him to at least follow him back out into the streets, where it would be much safer.
   “Just be careful from now on, alright, kid?” After all, this wasn’t the only group of thugs that was terrorising city, after all. “It’s best you don’t mess around with guys like that.”
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dragonofdojima · 4 years
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Unprompted Asks
@frenziedhound​​​ said: “Anyone ever tell ya light, light black’s really yer colour?”
   SLOWING DOWN IN HIS ONCE STEADY MARCH, it hd become SECOND NATURE by this point to reach for the CELL PHONE in his back pocket-- the moment he would feel the slightest vibration from it. Flipping it open, as he then brought it up to view whilst carrying on his way towards his next destination that day. With PAGERS by the year 2005 having since become a THING OF THE PAST, this was one device in question that he certainly needed to grow accustom to using from here on out. 
   Thankfully enough, it didn’t take long familiarising himself with its more basic features. And it certainly helped with the NUMEROUS TEXT MESSAGES and EMAILS that he had received by this point from his various ACQUAINTANCES. Especially from one LIEUTENANT of the MAJIMA FAMILY in question. One who would own both his COMMENDATION and EXASPERATION, when pertaining to the messages that he would send for his CAPTAIN.
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   However, he was surprised to see that this wouldn’t be a text from Nishida, this time round. But from Majima himself. And whilst expecting some odd little (At times, downright BAFFLING) message that would only be the beginning of some CONVOLUTED PLAN in getting the two of them to fight for the UMPTEENTH TIME that week... he certainly hadn’t expected this. As he would allow his eyes to carefully scan through the short message itself. So would his stroll finally come to a COMPLETE HALT. “... light black?” As thick brows would knit themselves together in thought, a perturbed bottom lip would thin itself back into a straight line. Allowing another second or two pass, before finally glancing down towards his suit.
   ... Light, light black?
   Having adorned this attire for close to TWO DECADES now, that was certainly the FIRST TIME he had ever heard it being described as such. Having actually grown use to the TEASING COMMENTS about his apparently lacklustre fashion sense, so would a curl of his lips would begin to form, however. From memories of NISHIKI taking every given opportunity to chastise him for his choices in MENSWEAR. Remembering overtime how much harder his bro had DESPAIRED had only grown, as Kiryu continued to wear the same grey suit, from then on...
   ... Correction, light, light black suit.
  DESPITE THE OTHER’S IMMACULATE SPELLING AND GRAMMAR, far too VIVIDLY was he able to read this simple text out in that KANSAI ACCENT of his. Causing that amused little smile to grow all the more, before a soft huff of resignation would leave out through his very nose. It was a COMPLIMENT, at the end of the day. Surely an odd one, but a compliment, nonetheless. And having no real desire to discuss what ACTUAL COLOUR this suit might actually be-- especially via text messaging on a tiny screen- Kiryu would deem it wise then to at least reply with a little ‘Thank you.’. Seeing as this was once again the first time that anyone had ever truly complimented him on this attire.
   Just about to tap in those very words-- he would decide then, to express himself in a way that he hadn’t had the OPPORTUNITY to do so, just yet. Eyeing the little icon that resembled the FOLDED CORNER of a page, so then would Kiryu select it. As he was then brought into a fun little gallery that he was sure Haruka herself would have enjoyed exploring for herself. Only taking a moment to ponder over his choices, before selecting the sticker he believed would best express his gratitude to the other.
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   “Heh.” That should do it.
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dragonofdojima · 4 years
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Unprompted Asks
@frenziedhound​​ said: The only warning Kiryu gets is the rumble of the manhole cover underfoot before a gloved hand whips out from the sewer, latching itself onto the unsuspecting man’s ankle. An eye can just barely be made out as a figure begins to emerge with a familiar cry. “GOTCHA NOW, KIIIIIIRYU-CHAN!”
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   KIRYU HAD BECOME WEAK, A SHADOW OF HIS FORMER SELF. For during those years of solitary confinement, no one had dared to lay another hand of him since that one and only incident in the cafeteria itself. So much so that even he overtime-- had rather foolishly-- begun to completely LET HIS GUARD DOWN. Growing all the more idle in his activities as the days passed. As all he could do... was wait. 
   Wait until the day came for him to return home, and back to his family.
   His movements were evidently SLUGGISH when compared to how he had been ten years back-. His senior especially, would make all of this abundantly clear upon reuniting. As he wasted no time in welcoming Kiryu back with one of his friendly sparring matches. A sense of FAMILIARITY kicking a few frosted gears back into their rightful places, the moment that BLADE entered within his line of sight. The moment the younger man would raise his arms up in a defensive position, in an attempt to fend off the first few flurry strikes the other was not afraid to hold back on.
   It would however only be enough to deduce those final results themselves. Those DISAPPOINTING results that Majima himself hadn’t at all been pleased to share with him at the end of that match. As those normally gleeful looking features soured to that of something more sullen. It was the COLD, HARD TRUTH that even he had seen coming from a distance. And one that he had quietly appreciated, along with the man’s near immediate acknowledgment of his return to KAMUROCHO. And it was from that day on, that Majima had deemed it his SWORN DUTY-- in aiding him back onto his own two feet.
   “Nani--” Tried as he did to EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED of this man, Majima would always find new ways to catch him off guard. As a flicker of surprise would briefly cross his features whilst he looked down. His scowl would return full force as he then attempts to wrench his ankle out of that leather-clad hand. Giving a slight grit of his teeth as he regained his footing, while putting some distance between the two of them. 
   “Majima no Nii-san...” Was all that would be said, as he prepared himself for the inevitable battle. Getting into his own fighting stance, as he glared the man down...
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