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【彩妝 唇彩】豐富色彩,妝點女孩、女人每一種風情。美國PALLADIO搖擺女伶絲柔唇蜜
秋冬到了~唇彩又開始進入唇蜜的天下, 這回要跟大家分享的是...美國PALLADIO搖擺女伶絲柔唇蜜, 是米國的品牌, 這一系列一共有12個色系, 這繽紛的顏色不管少女、熟女都能找到心儀色喔!
一般來說外國來的品牌應該都會幫各色系取上一個美麗夢幻的中文名字, 不過PALLADIO搖擺女伶絲柔唇蜜網站上沒有這樣的資訊, 所以我也不亂幫他們命名了。
每支唇蜜都有膠膜包裝著, 色號的部分標示在頂端, 依據編號跟名稱1-6號是~ LV01 ANGORA/LV02 BOUCLE/LV03 CASHMERE/LV04 DAMASK/LV05 JACQUARD/LV06 RAW SILK
LV01 ANGORA 有點大紅的色澤, 非常適合需要強烈氣場霸氣的時刻, 讓我想到OR01, 好在PALLADIO好卸除多了。
LV02 BOUCLE 有點近似藕色的感覺, 擦起來氣色好, 但又不會太過於招搖, 很適合喜歡低調的女孩兒。
LV03 CASHMERE 非常鄰家女孩的清新色調, 日常外出頗OK的。
LV04 DAMASK 這色的試色照放在我個人臉書引起了廣大的回應, 說真的第一次嘗試這麼狂野的顏色, 意外的很喜歡歡歡歡阿! 只是目前我能擦的場合真的不多, 很怕去市場買菜會被歐巴桑說我是不是食物中毒阿(囧) 不過為了這顏色我已經想好了主題的仿妝, 之後會再跟大家分享喔! (如果Q比大姊大不搗蛋的話)
LV06 RAW SILK 這雖然不是我最愛的顏色, 但他就連素顏使用都不突兀, 輕鬆就可以掩蓋黯淡的唇色, 算是我最常使用的顏色了。
LV08 PLUSH 有點桃紅的感覺, 想要喜氣又怕老氣的話, 這樣的色系是最OK的~
LV11 TAPESTRY 狂野程度不輸給LV04, 是走深酒紅的感覺, 如果塗一層後, 在唇中心加強一點的話, 會有點類咬唇的感覺~
LV12 BROCADE 美國PALLADIO搖擺女伶絲柔唇蜜這系列對我來說他的質地跟一般的唇蜜不太一樣, 一般唇蜜有時用起來會有點豬油唇的油亮, 相對的也會黏髮絲, 但美國PALLADIO搖擺女伶絲柔唇蜜是有點類似液體唇彩, 質地比我之前介紹過的紅酒染唇液厚重, 但又比一般唇蜜輕薄。
對好奇的女孩兒可以看這裡喔~了解美國PALLADIO搖擺女伶絲柔唇蜜~ 目前有些寶雅門市也有櫃了, 喜歡嘗試新色的女孩不妨自己去試試喔~
【台中 活動】禁得起近距離檢視的美肌女神。露奇亞Ruijia-白家綺見面會 【臉部 保養】保養新概念,一週一次美麗也能省時、方便有效率。露奇亞Ruijia白松露煥顏乳霜面膜 【家電 影音】不閃屏、智慧藍光,護眼電視保護全家人靈魂之窗。BenQ 43IW6500開箱文 【居家 用品】在家享受濃郁檜木清香的泡澡時光。壽源蒸籠木桶行 【親子 用品】促進手眼協調的音樂布蟲尺。Lamaze拉梅茲嬰幼兒玩具
【臉部 防曬】四款防曬噴霧的心得推薦。來大推一下來自泰國的~Keeleys水凝緊緻美白噴霧 【臉部 保養】來自東方夏威夷的肌膚的黃金『寶柚』養成韓妞般的水光肌。Erborian艾博妍柚萃活力保濕霜&柚萃保濕精露 【臉部 保養】厚厚敷一層,帶給肌膚滑嫩好觸感。Polynia珍珠酒粕滋養面膜 【臉部 保養】年過25的女孩們要注意的抗初老問題。UNT超能緊俏撫痕精華、超能緊俏撫紋奇肌霜 【唇部 保養】長效滋潤雙唇,一支唇膏在手~保養、防曬、唇彩都搞定。韓國OURA愛茉莉26小時馬油修護唇變色唇膏
【臉部 保養】給肌膚一杯現泡好茶,以嗅覺、膚觸品茗的新體驗。茶茶乎乎 鮮泡面膜 【美睫 保養】分享~睫毛嫁接(種睫毛)後的清潔與保養注意事��� &OPI AVOPLEX 指甲專用的精華液 【美睫 指彩】美甲、美睫、美體、美容都能一次搞定,一中愛美女孩的秘密基地。穆莎美學中心(原TiTi nail魔睫美甲店) 【3C 攝影】美美拍照捕光補妝不求人,粉嫩玫瑰金超可愛。MAGIPEA自拍神圈2.0(內有優惠代碼)
我們家的貓老大們有粉絲團啦~歡迎貓友們加入喔~~^^ 另外,小妹我也有粉絲團了,請各位有空讚一下吧!XD
#風格部落客#冬日潮流LOOK#Share your gift#搖擺女伶絲柔唇蜜#美國PALLADIO#唇蜜推薦#霧面唇彩#超顯色唇彩#palladiotw#Palladio Beauty Taiwan#PALLADIO#lipstick
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【Share your gift.冬日潮流LOOK】得獎名單公佈
非常感謝大家的踴躍參與,【2016 Share your gift.冬日潮流LOOK】的活動在12/31已經結束,這次的活動競爭依舊非常激烈,每一位參賽者都非常優秀,尤其是前五名更是令老編&小編都難以抉擇,得獎名單一度陷入膠著狀態@@
老編點評:服裝、配件與妝容互相呼應且搭配得恰到好處,酒紅皮草貴氣十足,結合金色連身褲裝帶出時尚感,飾品bling mix皮革畫龍點睛,老編私心最愛那雙羽毛跟鞋,完全性地大加分。而在��境的營造上更是用心,令人彷彿置身在派對後的微醺早晨,跟著艾莉諾一起沉浸在美國的派對文化裡吧!
另外,近期內也會公布『魅力完勝 新春LOOK』的活動,請大家持續關注我們&社團喔!
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Wang Yuan: Be the Light
At the end of 2018, Wang Yuan experienced the first winter of his adult life. In the newly published column, he had a summary and reflection on questions of life, and described the moment when he was hit by “A Littler Larger Than the Entire Universe”, poems written by Fernando Pessoa, in the hustle and bustle. He wrote: “The sky is full of stars, and there is a light I want to be.”
A person's life is a gleam of light between two eternal darkness. Only when his inner self begins an awakening will this light flash brightly, penetrate the night at an ephemeral moment, and be seen by more eyes. Wang Yuan has found the light that belongs to him, and then he wants to be the light.
Sitting in front of the interviewer, Wang Yuan exhaled softly. It was already 11:00 pm. The shooting for the magazine cover had just finished and he still needed to do an interview. He had a press conference for his personal documentary short film “No Summer Is Like This One” during the day. In total, he had been continuously working for more than fourteen hours.
"I have to think about how to say it." Wang Yuan paused, staring down at his hands on the table. The questions raised by the interviewer have appeared in front of him more than once in the past six months, and journalists repeatedly asked him: are you aware of the risks and losses behind the decision to study music abroad? They always seemed unable to accept the calmness shown on his face easily.
This time, he had to put it another way, Wang Yuan took out his hand: "For example, today there’s a latest designer handbag in front of you, will you buy it?"
The interviewer froze.
“Will you buy it or not?” Wang Yuan continued to ask.
“Yes, I will."
"Okay, you will! What's it for? Is it cost-effective? No, just because you like it."
“First of all, if I had a lot of money..." The interviewer collected herself and started to tease him.
“But you said you would buy it." Wang Yuan got a little bit nervous. He leant forward and interrupted her, still in a polite way. He clapped his hands and emphasized: “It’s because you like it and that matters, right?”
As soon as he finished his words, the staff around him all laughed at the boyish behavior. Wang Yuan seemed a little embarrassed, he scratched his head and added: “I made some decisions impulsively, just because I like it, and I’m still young, so there is a chance of trial and error. But if I miss the thing I like now, I will regret. I don’t want to have any regrets.”
Putting his hands back on the table, Wang Yuan returned to a proper and standard sitting position. He wore a white thick needle sweater, and the top of his shoulder looked slim, fragilely beautiful. However, he has a defined facial profile and a sharp jawline — this is 19-year-old Wang Yuan, an adult who knows himself and sticks to his decisions.
Freshman Wang Yuan
Hello everyone, my name is Wang Yuan and I’m from China. Nice to meet you."
——Wang Yuan / September 2019 / Berklee College of Music, Boston, USA
After the Chinese New Year 2020, Wang Yuan got back into his life as an international student commuting between his apartment and school everyday. He once had an imagination to depict his life as two sides of an old tape, side A is regular school life, and side B represents busy work. Back at school, the body pressed the play button to jump to the A side, and peaceful days “without waves” began.
The hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry disappeared. There were no endless schedules, no applause and flowers around, and no one was watching. Here, Wang Yuan can simply have a crew cut, instead of spending time on styling before going out every day, and he doesn’t have to wear a mask all the time. He is free to go to the supermarket and even walk in the street with a bag of rice on his shoulder.
"Except the Chinese, foreigners don't really know who I am, and I won't tell them." Freshman Wang Yuan took off his halo as a celebrity and quickly adapted to college life. Like other students from all over the world, he had to handle the coursework assigned by teachers and reserved the resemble room in advance for his rehearsal, or “they will be fully occupied”. New foreign friends have never noticed anything special about this Chinese boy, except that they asked him curiously in the beginning why he always wore expensive designer brands.
"They kept talking about that." Wang Yuan was a little embarrassed about it: "I haven't bought much clothes in the past few years. Most of those I brought to the United States were gifts from brands, with logos on them.”
After being asked several times by classmates, Wang Yuan bought some ordinary clothes in private to replace those fancy designer brands while the temperature dropped significantly in Boston. But he eventually kept his branded shoes. “I’ve been collecting shoes of this brand since junior high school, because I like them, I still wear them.”
“I like it" can make the most accurate explanation for his many decisions. This is also one of the driving forces for him to study at Berklee at such a critical moment in his career. However, the path he chooses is destined to be uneven. A music producer who has made albums for many top Chinese musicians candidly admitted: "Now music is the underclass in the entire entertainment industry, and artists earn the least money by making music.”
Qu Yang, a graduate from the Berklee College of Music, who is senior to Wang Yuan, agrees with that view: "We believe that the best era of Chinese music has gone.” Qu Yang once studied at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and the Berklee College of Music. During his first lecture at the SCM, the teacher asked students: “How many of you want to make a lot of money from music? If anyone thinks so, I suggest you change your career as soon as possible.”
Long before Wang Yuan was born, the world's music record industry was already destroyed by a tidal wave of piracy and streaming media players. And in his childhood, the golden age of Chinese music came to an end. The road to the higher stage of life through music has become extremely narrow. Wang Yuan clearly knew that his choice came with uncertainty. In the interview, he said “I don’t know” three times to answer the question about his vision for future achievements. And he’s also aware that choosing a difficult path means more inevitabilities for him.
On September 3, 2019, before the flight to Boston took off, Wang Yuan posted a Weibo: "Going to an unfamiliar place to learn music is to make myself good enough in the future and to bring back a better me.” He became famous while young and had long understood that he not only represents Wang Yuan as a single individual. Today he’s been followed and admired by so many people, including the younger generation. The strength to move forward comes from this, and he needs to be stronger and more perfect to give back to the millions of supporters behind him.
Idol Wang Yuan
“Do you think it’s bright on the stage? But when I look at you, it’s actually very dark."
— Wang Yuan / April 2019 / The competition show “I Am A Singer-Songwriter”
As one of the most iconic millennial teen idols, many miracles happened to Wang Yuan. Now he has 78.83 million followers on Weibo, and a post from him has set record for more than 470 million reposts. This large number of fans also has amazing purchasing power: In May 2016, Wang Yuan made an appearance on a top fashion magazine. In 48 seconds, the magazine sold 71,319 copies, breaking the best selling record of that time. One year later, this record was broken again: in 2017, a magazine with cover of Wang Yuan was pre-sold online, 160,000 copies were sold out in 8 seconds and total sales amounted to 4.8 million yuan.
Wang Yuan continues to radiate influence on multiple circles. In 2017, he was named one of TIME’s 30 most influential teens of 2017; in January 2018, Wang Yuan, who had just turned 18, became the UNICEF ambassador, and spoke at a high-level meeting held by UN General Assembly in November 2019, calling for children’s right to education.
与王源合作制作英文单曲《The Wrong Things》的北美音乐人Justin Gray曾在微博上发布了自己与王源合作的视频,播放量很快就超过了100万。“It's crazy.”看到数据的Justin Gray感叹道。
Justin Gray, a Canadian musician who worked with Wang Yuan on his English single "The Wrong Things", once posted a video about their collaboration on Weibo, which soon surpassed 1 million views. "It's crazy." Justin Gray was surprised when he saw it.
After he went to US for study, the domestic schedules were significantly reduced, but Wang Yuan is still in the public eye passively — he recently cooked twice in his apartment in Boston, once for steak and once for noodles with hot pot broth. He posted these on social media, instantly the topics “Wang Yuan Cooked Steak” and “Wang Yuan Boiled Noodles With Hot Pot Broth” started trending on Weibo. In the first variety show he joined after studying abroad, he made Chongqing noodles for other guests, and “Wang Yuan Kind” became a hot topic for his fans on the night the show aired.
People has been paying meticulous and excessive attention to him since seven years ago Wang Yuan debuted. The 13-year-old boy walked all the way to here, behind his popularity there are all kinds of arguments and doubts. The divisive reality constantly polishes this young idol, which makes him become mature faster than others, and be considerate and sensitive enough.
“I was worried that things couldn’t go perfectly and my mental couldn’t keep up with my body. Also I was afraid of failing to achieve goals I set for tomorrow.” In the magazine column “Roy Says”, which is seen as a secret base for him, Wang Yuan described the anxiety of growing up. He puts self-examination on his daily to do list, and frequently looks back at himself, one stumbles forward.
In 2019, during a Chinese competition show “I AM A SINGER-SONGWRITER”, Wang Yuan shed tears on the stage when he was singing “Impossible Empathy”, a song written by himself. He said in the lyrics: “I face situations all alone. I cried alone at night with a headache till I fell asleep. No one can really understand you, people think you’re a hypocrite. There’s one word I always remember, be strong to conquer it all…” Wang Yuan teared up when he hold an electric guitar and stood in the center of the stage, singing the chorus.
Before singing, he asked the audience: “Do you think it’s bright on the stage?”
"Yes!" The audience answered in a loud voice.
"But I look at you, it's actually very dark." Holding the microphone, the young man in a white shirt said slowly.
In a talk show of the same year, Wang Yuan frankly attributed his success to luck, “three out of 1.4 billion”. He didn’t behave arrogantly as a “top artist”, nor complained about anything behind his good luck, but accepted reality calmly.
“You can’t be lucky forever. Once you have the opportunity, you have to seize it.” In front of the camera, Wang Yuan wore a black suit with a proper tie, and his eyes showed firmness.
Wang Yuan as an adult
“Growing up is always accompanied by anxiety and sensitivity, and the only solution is to stand up, to walk out, to do what you need to do, what you like to do, and what you can do.”
— Wang Yuan / January 2019 / Magazine Column “Roy Says”: The Little Thing Called Growing Up
Some people once described Wang Yuan as a rose “domesticated” by fans in the context of current celebrity culture — he is a combination of people’s virtual hope and the realistic object, a delicate and attractive flower in the display window.
However, after seven years since his debut, Wang Yuan's choices and actions repeatedly broke the boundaries of this definition. He has proved his charm, a beautiful but indestructible “rose” with strength to withstand the storm alone. And his desire to grow independently emerged even earlier.
In a 2019 film “So Long, My Son” directed by Wang Xiaoshuai, Wang Yuan played a teenager who lived with the name of a dead child “Liu Xing” and eventually chose to take back his real name and leave home. Wang Yuan gave the most authentic performance in this film and he felt that this character took root in his body. “We are a generation with a strong sense of self awareness” He commented after the film premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival.
The year he turned 19, the self-awareness of Wang Yuan was revealed more clearly. Before he went to Berklee, Wang Yuan released his first official album “YUAN” and held his first solo concert in Nanjing. He was surprising “aggressive” in the competition show which he insisted to attend despite objections from his team. At the demo session, he was the first to go into the audition studio when others hesitated.
During the six weeks, facing disapproval of his previous work, Wang Yuan continuously wrote five original song, including “Random Thoughts”, “Yao Bu Dao Tai” and “Impossible Empathy”. Every opponent he chose was much more experienced in the music industry.
“Adult tiger!” Although he felt stressed, this young man opened his arms and shook his fists in front of the camera to cheer himself up, then ran onto the stage.
“I grew up the fattest this year. I made decisions and took responsibilities for several big things in my life.” From the other side of the table, his voice sounded deep and powerful. He shared his life in the past six months.
In the past, he was eager to get rid of stereotypes and wanted to be called “Steel Brother”. After turning 18, Wang Yuan tended to attack in a moderate way. He gradually learnt to reconcile with his anxiety and found balance in his inner world. Even in face of challenges in songwriting that troubled him most, Wang Yuan is calmer: “I used to be stressed out but now I’ll leave it there until I get inspirations. Anxiety is not helpful, it’s better to take it easy.”
Certainly you can still see the softness and worry hidden by him sometimes. During the past six months, he stayed in Boston and neighborhoods except for work.
“(A long-distance travel) can be dangerous and troubling. Although it’s free in an unfamiliar city but not much fun when you visit it alone.” In spare time, Wang Yuan would rather stay in his apartment, reading books, writing songs or playing games with friends in China.
When asked if he was not used to facing a new environment alone since he was a kid, he answered: “I don’t know. I started working young so I've never visited places alone.”
The unique features of a young idol gradually appear. He was chosen by the era too early, enormous popularity drove him to success overnight, and it may take years for him to walk through mountains and pay for the gift bestowed in life. For Wang Yuan, the opportunity came so early but it would be a long way to go. Luckily, even when surrounded by praise and glory, he firmly remembers why he started.
At the end of the interview, Wang Yuan mentioned that he got hooked on snowboarding recently. “The most impressive thing is falling. I fell badly and that really hurt.” He lately learnt how to turn on a snowboard and was still a beginner. Two years ago when he learnt to ski, he never fell. But now he has to overcome the frustration after falling over and over again, stand up and get back on the skateboard.
“是真的很挫败、很挫败,但从刚开始完全不会,后来能站上去慢慢往下滑,能一点点找到新的成就感。”说到这里,一直表情严肃的年轻偶像不知想到了什么,终于笑了起来。兴许把每一次尝试都当做fresh start,也挺好。
“It was really frustrating. In the beginning, I didn’t know how to do it at all, but now I can stand on the skateboard and go downhill slowly. It gives me a sense of accomplishment little by little.” When he talked about it, this young idol who looked serious during the interview seemed to think of something and finally smiled. Maybe it’s great to take every attempt as a fresh start.
translated by Mian, Sheep
proofread by Moni, Nancy
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要说最近办公室最热话题是什么,研究反季节穿搭那一定是榜上有名。一直走在潮流前端的SO姐怎么能忘记各位小可爱呢? …
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Winter outfit Grey leather backpack by GRAFEA www.grafea.com
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Voices of Photography 攝影之聲 Issue 24 : 攝影書作為方法II Photobook As Method II
另外,我們還舉辦攝影書的國際紙上派對,邀集多位評論人、出版人、收藏者等來自世界各地的攝影專業讀者——飯澤耕太郎、朴智洙、言由、李錦麗、Daniel Boetker-Smith、Dieter Neubert和Larissa Leclair,與大家一起分享他們近期最喜愛的攝影讀本;當然,���們也沒忘了和大家一起去逛逛熱絡的國際藝術書展,感受此刻正在全球爆發的製本風潮與書展氣氛。同時,我們也新開啟「攝影書製作現場」系列,首集介紹在紐約從事獨立出版的Session Press攝影書企畫項目,其後將陸續從攝影書的編輯設計、印刷工法乃至品牌經營流通等環節,推出線上專業工作者的訪談,敬請期待。在「論影像」專欄,則挖掘了出版於1895年台灣受日本殖民統治開端之際、由英國人George U. Price拍攝的《北福爾摩沙的回憶》(Reminiscences of North Formosa),這是目前所知最早以「台灣/福爾摩沙」為名出版流通的攝影輯冊,在精煉的影像中,藉北台灣的茶業生態,書寫著面對不明未來的島嶼紀事;除了張世倫對這份珍貴影像史料的精彩分析,我們也將全書重新編輯作為附錄別冊,使讀者能一探其貌。
在Artist’s Showcase單元中,我們特別介紹日本藝術家栁美和,刊載她的攝影新作並回看她自1990年代以來的創作歷程。此外,也製作了已故攝影家深瀨昌久的專題,由深瀨昌久文獻庫總監Tomo Kosuga執筆,引介深瀨戲劇性的攝影人生。我們並紀念今年逝世的中國出版人殷德儉先生,感懷他在攝影出版上的投入奉獻。
◑ 購書 BUY ◑
As a form of creativity, books have become the single most important topic in the field of contemporary photography. Looking back, we first spoke about the self-publishing movement that was just unfolding in the inaugural issue of Voices of Photography in 2011. Several years later, this publishing wave has been raging and leaving its mark all around the world. Even though paperback publishing is thought to have entered its dying phase in this century, the burning flames of the photobook wave shows no signs of letting up. Nowadays, small international independent publishers have sprung up all over the world and art book fairs have bloomed. Photobooks are now the centerpiece of photography festivals, expos and creative competitions, becoming a special sight unique to this journey of development of photography and redefining the role and concept of “book-making���.
This is the golden age of photobooks. We have been watching closely the reading and publishing of imagery in Taiwan and since our inaugural issue, we have done photobook features every two years, keeping a record of the photography publishing landscape in Taiwan as an observation of image culture. This time, we had put out another open call for Taiwanese photography publications from 2016. We received more than a hundred contributions, a huge jump in numbers from before, flooding our editors’ room. In this issue, we are featuring many interesting publications, and have also invited designer Chia-Hsing Ho and art critics Manray Hsu and Shih-Lun Chang for a dialogue to discuss the current developments in regards to Taiwan’s photography publications.
In addition, we are throwing an international photography party on paper as we bring together critics, publishers and collectors from all over the world – Kotaro Iizawa, Jisoo Park, Yanyou Di Yuan, Gwen Lee, Daniel Boetker-Smith, Dieter Neubert and Larissa Leclair – to share their recent favorites in photography publications. Of course, we have not forgotten to bring our readers on a trip to boisterous international art book fairs for a real feel of the book-making trend that is exploding across the world, as well as soak in the atmosphere at the book fairs. At the same time, we are introducing a new “Photobook Making Case Study” series and in the first installment, we are featuring photobook projects from Session Press, an independent publisher based in New York. Subsequently, we will introduce the different aspects of photography publication such as the editorial designing of photobooks, printing methods, and even branding and supply chain management. Do also look forward to interviews with professionals in the industry in future issues. In “On Images”, we unearthed “Reminiscences of North Formosa”, a photobook authored by Englishman George U. Price, published in 1895, just as Taiwan came under Japanese rule. This is the earliest known photobook using the name “Taiwan/Formosa” and which was published and circulated. The slick images set against the background of Taiwan’s tea industry chronicle the happenings on this island facing an uncertain future. Apart from Shih-Lun Chang’s impressive analysis of this precious historical imagery data, we have also re-compiled the entire book and included it in this issue as a supplement volume for our readers.
In this issue’s “Artist Showcase”, we are introducing new photography works by Japanese artist Miwa Yanagi while looking back at her creative journey since the 1990s. We also have a special feature on the late photographer Masahisa Fukase’s dramatic life in photography, penned by Tomo Kosuga, Director of the Masahisa Fukase Archives. In addition, we pay tribute to the late Chinese publisher De-Jian Yin, who passed away earlier this year, as we reflect on his dedication to the publication of photography.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the artists who have shared their works with us for this issue. As VOP enters its seventh year, we are honored to be awarded the Golden Tripod Award (Humanities and Arts Award in the Magazines Categories) again as we continue pushing forward on this road of image publication. A big thank you to all our readers out there who have been marching alongside us!
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▲ 毛衣向來是冬季的必備單品
▲ 想簡易將毛衣穿出層次度?就從圖騰毛衣著手吧
# Look 1
▲ 當懶得想搭配又想擁有品味質感,推薦以圖騰毛衣點亮注目度
▲ 混搭牛仔褲或九分褲,呈現出舒適兼具的休閒風格
# Look 2
▲ 擔心圖騰毛衣難以駕馭?透過經典款單品簡單穿出多變造型
▲ 外搭西裝外套表現穩重氣息,換上羽絨外套瞬間變化潮流印象
# Look 3
▲ 型男最愛的大衣外套,能使身形製造完美的修飾度
▲ 內搭圖騰毛衣使造型質感更加分
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Joker Game Novel Translations: Book 4, Chapter 1 “Valkyrie” - Part 12 of 13
So this bit was short so I managed to end up this one was well and there’s another grat new... I sort of messed up the counting of the parts so it turned out they were 13 and not 14 so the last one is the final one... and guess who’s in it!
I’m going to try to make it as fast as possible because I really want to enjoy more of a certain spy... :P ...and yes, because I want to end this one before leaving for holidays.
Anyway here there’s another of my attempts at making sense of how translator engines translate @great-blaster transcription of the Japanese text of Valkyrie (you can find the link in the notes of this message if you’re interested). No idea if someone is still interested in Valkyrie but well, if you are here it is.
As usual I remember you all translators engine don’t really do a great work in regard to translating things perfectly, and that even if I tried to at least smooth the English a bit and to fix the sentences that were really impossible to understand, my knowledge of Japanese is really so low it’s not worth mentioning so I might have messed up more often than not…
Enjoy discovering Itsumi’s fate! Please enjoy this chapter and, please, if you spot mistakes you’re free to come hit me in the head with the right translation. I don’t mind.
Again a lot of thanks to @great-blaster who provided the original transcription and to @unnagi whose summary helped me to figure where this was going when Google translate was being particularly uncooperative.
11 何だか夢の中にいるような気がした。もしくはキツネにつままれているような感じが―――。 I felt like I was in a dream for some reason. Or as if he had been pinched by a fox ---. [1]
冬の夜空に次々と打ち上げられる花火をポカンと口を開けて眺めていた逸見は、気がつくとゲシュタポに取り囲まれていた。 Itsumi was watching the fireworks that were launched one after the other in the winter night sky with an open mouth, when I noticed it was surrounded by Gestapo.
問答無用で車に乗せられ、ゲシュタポ本部に連行された。抵抗も、口応えも、質問も、一切しなかった。へたなことをすれば、その場で射殺されるだけだ。 He got on a car without questions and was taken to Gestapo headquarters. He didn’t resist nor answered nor made questions. If one were to do something stupid, he would only end up being shot dead on the spot.
冷え冷えとした殺風景な小部屋に手荒くほうり込まれ、しばらく待たされている間に、だんだんと頭がはっきりしてきた。ゲシュタポに関するさまざまな���の噂―――恐るべき拷問手段、裏口から運び出される血まみれの死��、指が必ず何本か欠けている―――が脳裏に浮かび、逸見はぶるりと身を震わせた。 He was roughly dumped into a cold-hearted small room, and as he was kept waiting for a while, his head gradually became clear. Rumors of various things about the Gestapo --- terrifying meaning of torture, bloody dead corpses carried away from the back door, with fingers certainly missing – were floating on his mind and making Itsumi tremble.
しばらくして現れた尋問官に、逸見は自分から洗いざらい本当のことを話した。 To the interrogator who appeared after a while, Itsumi told the complete truth.
昨夕、ホテルに差出人不明の脅迫状が届けられた。ちょうどそこに、こっちで知り合いになった日本人、雪村が現れた。彼は脅迫状を一目見て、ソ連のスパイが関与している可能性を指摘した。二人で脅迫者の正体を暴こうということになり、待ち伏せしていたところ、逆に取り囲まれ、攻撃を受けた。絶体絶命の危機に、雪村が捨て身の作戦を決意。敵の十字砲火をかい潜って、爆薬に火をつけた……。 Last night, a threatening letter from an unknown sender was sent to his hotel. Just then there was a Japanese, Yukimura, who came to meet him. After a glance at it, he pointed out the possibility that the a Soviet Spy could be involved. They decided to uncover the identity of the intimidator by themselves, were ambushed, surrounded and attacked. In the middle of the desperate situation, Yukimura decided to abandon his strategy. He dived into the enemy's cross fire and lighted the explosive...
話しながらも、逸見は夢を見ているような感じだった、とびきりの悪夢を。 Despite talking, Itsumi was feeling like dreaming a surprising nightmare.
尋間官は無言のまま、心持ち首を傾げて聞いていた。逸見の打ち明け話が終わると、改めて机の上に両手を載せて訊ねた。 The interrogator remained silent and listened tilting his head. When Itsumi's talk ended, he asked again with both hands on the desk.
「いくつか質問がある」 "I have some questions"
「はい……なんでしょう?」 "Yes ... what is it?"
「貴様の話が本当だという証拠は?その脅迫状とやらは、今どこにある?」 "What is the proof that your story is true? Where are the threatening letters and where are you now?"
逸見は眉を寄せた。たしか、ホテルを出る際、雪村が「これは私が預かっておきます」そう言って、まとめてポケットにいれたはずだ。証拠はない。 Itsumi frowned. Certainly, when leaving the hotel, Yukimura said "I will keep this for you" so that he should have put it all in his pocket. There was no evidence.
正直に答えると、尋問官は呆れたように鼻を鳴らし、続けて訊ねた。 To his honest answer, the interrogator exhaled from his nose nasally as if he was amazed, and asked.
「脅迫のネタは何だったんだ?」 "What was the story of intimidation?"
それは、と逸見は一瞬言葉につまり、すぐに答えた。 At this, Itsumi hesitated for a moment, then immediately answered.
「宣伝省から任されている新作映画の製作費用を、私が私的に流用しているというものです。もちろん、誤解です。脅迫状の送り主は証拠を捏造して……」 "It was that I am diverting the production cost of a new movie given to me by the Ministry of Public Prosecution. Of course, it is a misunderstanding. The sender of the intimidating letter forged the evidence..."
尋問官は手を振って逸見の言葉を遮った。さらに質問を続けた。 The interrogator waved his hand and interrupting Itsumi's words. He kept asking further questions.
「ユキムラというのは何者だ?〝脅迫状を一目見て、ソ連のスパイが関与している可能性を指摘した″だと?日本人はみんなそんなことができるのか」 "Who is Yukimura? "After a glance at it, he pointed out the possibility that the a Soviet Spy could be involved" and can all the Japanese do such things?"
「いえ、雪村さんは……彼は、何と言うか……」 "No, Yukimura-san... He said ... "
逸見は口ごもり、視線を落とした。〝軍の機密事項です。他言無用でお願いしますよ″。確かそう言われたのではなかったか?だが―――。 Itsumi dropped his eyes, unconcerned. "It is a confidential matter of the army, please do not use it in other ways." Wasn’t this surely what he told him? But ---
ちらりと目を上げ、盗み見ると、尋問官の氷のような視線とぶつかった。南無三。口の中で唱えた。くそっ、かまうものか。こっちは命が懸かっているのだ。 He glanced up, suddenly and met with his eyes the ice-like eyes’ of the interrogation officer. He chanted in his mouth ‘namu’ three times [2]. Damn it, what did this matter. His life was in danger here.
「雪村さんは日本軍のスパイでした。本物のスパイ……」 "Yukimura-san was a spy of the Japanese army ... a real spy.... "
逸見が言い終わらぬうちに、尋問官の唇の端が妙な角度に引き上げられた。 Before Itsumi finished speaking, the edge of the interrogator's lip was raised to a strange angle.
「なるほど、ヘル・ユキムラは日本軍のスパイ。だとすれば、仕方あるまい。彼は任務のために命���落としたのだからな」 "Well, if Herr Yukimura was a spy of the Japanese army, it cannot be helped, as he lost his life for his duty."
命を落とした?雪村が? He lost his life? Yukimura?
逸見は唖然とした。そう言えば、雪村がどうなったのか考えてもいなかった。てっきり無事に逃げたとばかり思っていたのだが―――。 Itsumi was stunned. By the way, he had no idea what had become of Yukimura. He thought that he just ran away safely and clearly ---.
「現場から日本人らしき死休が発見された。ヘル・イツミ、これからあなたに身元を確認してもらいたい」 "It seems like a Japanese had been found dead on the scene. Herr Itsumi, I want you to confirm his identity now."
混乱したまま、地下にある死体置き場に連れて行かれた。 While being confused, he was taken to a corpse store in the basement.
身元の確認を、と言われたが、遺体には白い布がすっぽりと被せられていて、顔の部分は見られなかった。 He was told to confirm its identity, but the corpse was covered with a white cloth all over, and no part of the face could be seen.
「残念ながら、爆発で顔が半分吹き飛んでしまってね」 "Unfortunately the explosion blew away the face halfway."
死体置き場に長く住んでいるような白衣の老人が、感情を感じさせぬ平板な声で説明した。 An old man in a white coat that looked like he had been living for a long time in the corpse store explained with a flat voice void of emotions.
「だが幸い、左手が無傷で残っていた。日本大使館から採取した指紋と死体の指紋とが一致したのでまず間違いないと思うが、念のためだ。ヘル・ユキムラの体には本人確認ができるような、何かはっきりとした特徴はなかったかね?」 "Fortunately, his left hand remained intact. I think that there is no doubt that the fingerprints taken from the Japanese embassy and the fingerprints of the dead body will match, but this is just in case. Herr Yukimura's body did not have any distinctive features that could confirm his identity?"
さっき取調室でしばらく待たされたが、どうやらあの間に日本大使館から指紋を採取してきたらしい。逸見は眉を寄せ、思い出した。 Apparently as he was kept waiting for a while in the interrogation room, it seemed they had collected fingerprints from the Japanese Embassy during that time. Itsumi frowned and remembered.
銃撃を受けたさい、雪村が撃たれた傷の確認のためにシャツをめくった。雪村の脇腹に古い三日月形の大きな傷痕が見えた。以前の任務で負った傷だと言っていた……。 When he got shot, Yukimura opened his shirt to confirm that the shoot was only a scratch. He saw a big crescent shaped scar on Yukimura’s side. He was told that it was a bruise due to his previous assignment...
そう告げると、白衣の老人は満足げに頷き、白い布をめくって逸見に見せた。 When he said that, the old white man nodded satisfied, pulled away the white cloth and showed it to Itsumi.
「この傷痕かね?」 "Was it this scar?"
逸見はゴクリと唾を呑み込んで、答えた。 Itsumi swallowed and shriveled and answered.
「……間違いありません」 "……There is no mistake"
「決まりだな」 "Then it’s settled."
ふたたび白い布で覆われた遺体を呆然と眺めていると、突然、両側から腕を取られた。長い廊下を引きずられ、建物の裏口から乱暴に外にほうり出された。凍った地面で足を滑らせ、尻餅をついた。 Suddenly while he was staring at the remains covered with white cloth, his arms were taken abruptly from both sides. He was dragged in a long corridor and went out roughly from the back door of the building. He slid his legs on the frozen ground and fell on his backside.
「さっきゲッベルス閣下から命令があってな。〝命だけは助けてやれ″だとよ。……ちぇっ、つくづく運のいい野郎だぜ。さっさとどこにでも行っちまえ」 "There was an order from His Excellency Goebbels a while ago. It said "Spare his life.” ... Chieh, you’re a lucky bitch. Go ahead and go away quickly."
逸見をほうり出した屈強な体つきの男は、いかにも残念そうな顔でそう言うと、叩きつけるようにドアを閉めた。 A man with a strong body said so to Itsumi with a sad looking face, and closed the door behind him.
逸見は慎重にその場に立ち上がった。したたか打ち付けた尻が痛かった。が、生きている。首も、手足も折れていない。指も十本揃ったままだ―――幸い、と言うしかあるまい。 Itsumi stood carefully. His backside hurts. However, he was alive. His neck and limbs weren’t broken either. He still had 10 fingers --- He could only say he got lucky.
どうなっている? What had happened?
逸見は首を傾げた。 Itsumi tilted his head.
少なくとも、映画製作費横領疑惑については不問に付されたようだ。さもなければ、ゲシュタポ本部を生きて出てこられるはずがない。 At least, it seemed that the suspicion of embezzlement of the movie production cost was dropped without questions. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been allowed to get out of Gestapo headquarters alive.
いずれにしても、潮時だった。ゲッベルス閣下の気が変わらないうちに、この街から姿を消すに如くはない……。 Either way, it was a good opportunity. He would do better to disappear from this town before His Excellency Goebbels changed his mind.
通りに出た逸見は、最初に目についた店のショーウインドウに自分の姿を映して身だしなみを確認した。乱れた髪を指先で丁寧に整えながら、頭の中に世界地図を広げた。 Itsumi who walked out to the street appeared in front of the show window of a shop where he could first see and confirm his appearance. While carefully arranging his messed up hair with his fingertips, he spread the world map in his head.
アメリカはだめ。日本もだめ。ヨーロッパはどこへ行っても、この先雲行きが怪しい。となると―――。 He couldn’t go to America. Not even to Japan. No matter where he went in Europe, the future was as doubtful as the clouds. When it came to ---.
髭を整える指がぴたりと止まった。 His fingers stopped to adjust his beard.
南半球はどうだ? How about the Southern Hemisphere?
以前、旅の途中で立ち寄ったことのある港町が頭に浮かんだ。ヨーロッパ風の、それでいてエキゾチックな町並み。向こうにいる知り合いの話では、戦争続きの欧州向けに食料や物資を輸出して儲けた金で、最近はずいぶんと派手にやっているらしい。映画の需要もあるのではないか? A port town that he had visited in the middle of his journey came to his mind. European style, yet exotic townscape. According to an acquaintance who lived there it seemed that it was making money by exporting food and goods for the European who were continuing the war, and it seemed that they were doing it a lot more lately in these days. There was also demand for movies?
気がつくと、耳の奥で、バンドネオンが奏でる独特の哀愁のある調べが流れ出していた。考えてみれば、重厚悲壮なワーグナー・オペラなどより、よほど自分に似合っいたている気がする……。 When he realized it, he heard that from the band neon was flowing out an unique melancholic tune. If he were to think about it, he felt like he was starting to feel in a better mood than that heavy-hearted sad Wagner opera...
よし、決めた。次の目的地はアルゼンチンだ。あてなどないが、行けば何とかなる。きっと向こうでは、目を瞠るような美女たちが待っているに違いない! Okay, it was decided. The next destination was Argentina. He had no idea what, but he would do something. Surely over there, beautiful girls who were eye-catching should be waiting!
逸見はショーウィンドウの中の自分に向かって一瞬ポーズを決め、背筋を伸ばして通りを歩き出した。 Itsumi paused for a moment to look at himself in the show window, stretched his spine and walked out to the street.
[1] ‘Feeling like one had been pinched by a fox’ is a Japanese idioms that stands for ‘doubting his own senses’. However as it was picturesque, easy enough to figure out and connected well with the previous sentence I left it as it was.
[2] Namu ‘南無’ is a word part of a Buddhist chant which is usually translated with ‘hail’ or ‘amen’. Fundamentally I guess what Itsumi doing is the equivalent of praying, though take this with a grain of salt as I’m not really knowledgeable in the realm of Buddhism.
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趁這些 Mango 秋季單品下架之前,用它們來襯出 Celine By Philo 高級感穿搭!
隨著巴黎時裝週越來越接近,Celine 粉絲除了懷著忐忐心情迎接 Hedi Slimane 帶來的新面貌,也難免要緬懷 Phoebe Philo 所建立的經典風格。是的,即使穿上 Bring Back Philo 的 T-shirt 也無法時光倒流,不過要塑造那簡潔高級感,其實亦不一定非 Celine 不可,至少憑著 Mango 的單品也可還原 90% !恬靜耐看的中性色調,精簡合身的剪裁,一點點不隨主流的觸覺,有眼光就能用大眾品牌價錢襯出 Celine Look。
雙襟西裝外套 + 蛇紋低筒靴 + 金屬耳環
Mango Structured Suit Blazer
休閒西裝從未過時,而淺麻灰色更尤其顯得有質感。雖然充滿了中性的結構風格,但背後的修身設計能略微凸顯腰身,非常的 Celine。
Mango Snake-Effect Ankle Boots
大大小小的品牌都推出蛇紋單品,這對靴則以獨特的楔形鞋跟脫穎而出,而且米白色調亦減輕了蛇紋的成熟感。(延伸閱讀:預計 3 個月內一定爆紅,今季你要入手的 Boots 絕對是這款!)
Mango Slim Metal Earrings
高領針織上衣 + 格紋裹身半截裙 + 尖頭襪靴
Mango Turtleneck Ribbed Sweater
羅紋針織是低調又富質感的款式,5 種顏色之中最百搭又不沈悶的就是墨綠色。
Mango Check Wrap Skirt
格紋今年重回潮流行列,而裹身款式亦能營造不對稱感,可以予人長腿的感覺。(延伸閱讀:格仔裙這麼經典又時髦,卻總是給人扮演學生的感覺?讓時尚達人 20+教你怎樣穿!)
Mango Patent Sock Boots
羅紋迷笛裙 + 鱷魚紋腰包 + 綁帶方跟靴
Mango Ribbed Midi Dress
Mango Belt Bag
雖然 Celine 未曾推出腰包,但可以想像應該與這款仿鱷魚皮包很相似。
Mango Lace-Up Leather Boots
毫不花巧的羊皮靴,只有鞋帶設計帶有古典風,修長的鞋形配合 4 cm 方鞋跟,能不著痕跡地拉長雙腿。除了可像 lookbook 中襯白色牛仔褲,用來配搭連身長裙也是時尚女生的秋日穿搭公式。(延伸閱讀:看完這輯秋冬街拍 30+,可能你也會愛上「裙子+靴」這配搭!)
Mango Buttoned Wool Jacket
繭形外套加上大鈕扣,有點 60 年代的風格,這款比灰色更顯年輕。
Mango Pleated Suit Trousers
Mango Adjustable Waist Trousers
Mango Leather Shopper Bag
有點 Celine oversized bag 的影子,簡單的打結也很有個性。
Mango Slit Leather Shoes
黑色的平底鞋更帶 V 衩設計,應該是最型格的芭蕾舞鞋,另一款草綠色到了春天也依然合宜。
延伸閱讀: 從 Céline Lover 到 Phoebe Philo Fan:這位風格博主的 IG 照片,紀錄了我們都喜愛過的 Céline 這些 Zara 新品 500 港元以下,卻能打造看似千元以上的貴氣造型 Gigi Hadid 穿的這雙 Ankle Boots 竟然來自 Mango,而且只需港幣 $499! High-Low Mix 高手在此!這位街拍紅人每套衣服都穿出格調,你能認出當中混搭了 Mango 單品嗎? 為換季做好準備:除了 Zara 外,小資女絕不能錯過 Mango 的最新系列! 簡約單品也可塑造強大氣場:只要做到這 3 點,質感𣊬間大提升!
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【穿搭 飾品】以復古色系重新詮釋流行元素,可性格也可甜美的黃銅飾品。月冠瑪菲斯
飾品的流行元素一直在變化, 金飾被列為屬於保值、高單價的飾品後, 而銀飾的價格也開始居��不下, 這時兼具美觀與耐用的黃銅飾品就開始成為大家的新寵兒了。
比金黃色低調些, 又比玫瑰金來得搶眼。 戒指上黃銅玫瑰做工精緻, 搭配上天然石的鑲嵌, 復古風格中帶著華麗氛圍, 不管是氣質OL或是個性女孩都很好搭配; 再加上黃銅的色澤有讓肌膚顯白的對比感, 真的是我們黑肉底女孩兒的好搭當。
也有單朵玫瑰造型, 簡單卻不失重點, 真的是百搭的好單品。
這Lady Rosa系列的戒指讓我想到很久以前想要尋找的戒指, 不知道大家有沒有看過愛美大作戰這部日劇, (日劇、漫畫我都有看,還不只看一遍阿) 女主角就有一枚單朵玫瑰的戒指。 有段時間很很流行玫瑰手鍊、項鍊, 但唯獨沒有戒指, 就算有~也是非常大朵、誇張的類型, 所以當我看到她的時候, 不禁在心底驚呼著...終於找到了, 雖然材質不同, 但她真的是最近乎我追尋多年的款式。
今年最流行的流蘇, 不僅可以以布織品、麂皮的方式呈現, 以金屬質感的黃銅重新詮釋流蘇的風格, 整體感更加的華麗, 也讓人在舉手投足間多了幾分的流動的風情。
而時常出現在配件、穿搭元素中的蕾絲, 也不再拘限於布類織品了, 黃銅搭配著天然石的組合, 也讓原本代表著溫婉氣質的蕾絲, 多了幾分剛強與個性的元素。
把女性柔和美好的細膩與黃銅的性格融為一體, 更能代表現代女性的新性格。
代表著氣質、高貴的珍珠, 也能與黃銅締結不同的花火, 就如同智慧漸長的職場女性一般, 獨立自主卻又不失去自己典雅的氣質。
喜歡繽紛與垂墜感的, 這一款半客製化的魯魯米就非常適合你了。 可以選擇三個字母來搭配, 不管是家人、另一半、自己的寵物、寶貝娃的縮寫, 都可以圈在一起, 時時刻刻的陪伴著。
想要一直維持黃銅飾品的美麗, 在清潔保養方面也很簡單~ 1、可以選用拭銀布 2、或著是以乾淨的布料(或棉花棒、化妝棉等)沾取少許銅油擦拭恢復飾品光澤,再以沙拉脫洗淨多餘銅油。 3、將飾品黃銅部分浸泡檸檬原汁(1:1),來回刷動約10秒,再以清水沖洗即可。
而這麼有質感的黃銅飾品來自於哪裡哩? 就是位於東海藝術街的月冠瑪菲斯。
位於東海藝術街61巷這兒, 就在耘織坊的正對面, 所以逛到61巷的話一口氣可以來走訪這兩家非常具有特色的店家。
店面的外觀看起來有點鄉村風, 蠻適合拍照的感覺。 店內的部分是禁止拍照的, 而Leona本次所拍攝的店內環境、飾品等, 通通都是有經過店家的同意喔!
走進店內~會發現店內的陳設真的是別具風味, 展示桌是以裁縫車的桌子改造的。 牆面上乾燥花束、綠色植物妝點著整體空間, 在微暗的燈光下更顯得有氣氛。
店內的飾品數量非常的多, 真的是讓喜歡飾品的我非常心癢難耐。 月冠瑪菲斯有三位正職的設計師, 他們都非常積極的在謀殺大家的荷包。 大約每半個月都會推出不同的小單品, 每次的小單品數量都不多, 以店內販售為主, 所以有時候一上架連照都來不及拍就被買走了。 對於喜歡新鮮又愛獨特性的女孩們來說真的是一大福音, 但是...真的是太遠了, 不然你叫我一週逛過去一次我都OK阿(掩面哭泣)
【恆星系列-守護御守】 而每三個月(大約一季)會推出系列產品, 一整組會有項鍊、戒指、耳環等組合, 除了實體店面可以購買, 網路上(官網、粉絲團)也可以下單, 所以跟我一樣不方便常常跑東海的姊妹們就可以多多關注他們的粉絲團, 才不會錯過最新的飾品。 雖然我沒有製作過黃銅飾品, 但以之前銀飾製作的經驗, 就會知道這樣麻花款式的飾品做工是非常複雜, 也是很費時的, 真的會花上不少的時間心力阿。
除了女生飾品挑不完之外, 喜歡性格飾品的男生們, 或著是想送男友飾品的女孩們~ 月冠瑪菲斯沒有忽略掉男性同胞的需求, 也有不少性格又好看的飾品。
以黃銅串起不同的天然石, 帶起來搶眼又有個性。
如果喜歡更簡約、更有獨特性的話, 也可以來自製屬於自己的黃銅手環喔~
金工課程只要兩個人就能開課, 教室空間一次可以容納四位學員, 所以不管是���侶、夫妻或姊妹檔, 都可以一起來製作。 敲擲手環的種類架上的都可以選擇, 依據手環的種類價格在$1080-$1680間。 教學內容包含敲打、塑形等、 最高價位那一款(上圖右下)還包含了鋯石的鑲嵌。
也因為每個人手感不同, 敲大的方式、力道不等, 所以既使是相同的款式, 經過不同人的製作也會呈現不同的感樣貌, 屬於自己獨一無二的款式。
而這麼好看的聖誕系列【小燈樹】竟然是購物滿千加價購的商品, 項鍊加購價$680、手鍊/耳環$580, 而且現在滿三千還有送項鍊(限定款式) 看了是不是超心動的哩?
所以各位喜歡飾品的女孩兒, 如果有逛到東海藝術街這兒的話, 千萬別錯過了月冠瑪菲斯, 說不定剛好碰上單品上架, 就能搶到稀有單品喔! 不能常去逛的就跟我一樣~快快加入他們的粉絲團吧!
《LuneX Mauvis accessories-月冠瑪菲斯》 營業時間:12:30 - 21:00 電話: 04-26521171 地址:台中市龍井區藝術街61巷7號 粉絲團:LuneX Mauvis accessories-月冠瑪菲斯
我們家的貓老大們有粉絲團啦~ 歡迎貓友們加入喔~~^^ 另外,小妹我也有粉絲團了,請各位有空讚一下吧!XD
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別一昧追求貼腿褲了,IG紅人兼Vlogger的Emma Hill簡單又出眾的穿搭,絕對能說服你換上卡其褲去上班。白色開襟衫、九分褲搭配同色系的鞋包,還有胸前那條畫龍點睛的金幣項鍊,幹練又不失溫柔,這個Look編真的私心愛翻了!
Photo Credit:Instagram @emmahill
西班牙部落客Edurne Alba將度假色彩直接洋灑在穿搭上,淺墨綠及踝長褲,屬於寬直管剪裁,搭配蕾絲滾邊細肩帶,讓這套休閒風裝扮也飄散著性感女人味。藤編帽、西部風包包、成串手環和麂皮皮帶是推薦配件。
Photo Credit:Instagram @rebelattitude
高腰褲能讓雙腿顯長,這個編不說你也知道,但想讓腿又長、腰又細,該怎麼穿呢?你可以在Alba Zapater的IG上找到解答。今年復活的卡其褲,又以這種花苞褲頭最受歡迎,繫上皮帶的話,絕對能讓你的腰線狀態看起來更完美;想穿去上班或度假都行,只要換雙鞋就能搞定。
Photo Credit:Instagram @mstreinta
Alba Zapater示範卡其褲穿搭, 軟料襯衫搭配花苞卡其褲,繫上皮帶能更顯瘦。
Photo Credit:Instagram @mstreinta
就是在說編本人無誤(舉手)。假如你也同身為小隻女。記得微微反摺褲管,露出些許腳踝會令比例看起來更好。你可以學愛穿小白鞋的部落客Maria Valdes,穿針織衫搭配卡其管褲去上班,或是走完度假行程,在腰間綁上印花絲帶,則是值得一試的巧思。
Photo Credit:Instagram @marvaldel
稍顯寬鬆的白T恤、卡其褲,被時尚KOLLeandra Cohen這麼反摺,就巧妙收束成烘托身形的組合。除此之外,飾品也是成就這套Look的重點!大膽混搭民族風和金屬材質吧,不論頸鍊或手環,越誇張越有份量,把腳上那雙高跟鞋換成涼拖鞋,立馬能變成出色的度假裝。
Photo Credit:Instagram @street_style_corner
*本文由 ELLE Taiwan 報導,未經授權同意不得轉載* 更多流行時尚資訊,盡在《ELLE》 加入ELLE LINE@好友,關注最新潮流大小事 原文文章
延伸閱讀 【穿搭筆記】穿得好是個性仙女、穿不好是暴露大媽!學街拍達人駕馭薄紗單品的10種方法 【穿搭筆記】她們不高但為什麼腿看起來特別長?宋慧喬、IU、周冬雨 美腿穿搭都要穿A字裙
#流行穿搭#Emma Hill#KOLLeandra Cohen#_revsp:elle.tw#流行時尚#Alba Zapater#_uuid:eaf135c4-ff35-3459-b473-02f031e824c5#褲裝#_lmsid:a077000000CKn8aAAD#Maria Valdes#Edurne Alba#卡其褲
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光文社古典文庫から途中、新潮に切り替えたが、新潮版にも不備が多く、こっちも参照することにした。両者を比較するほどに、欠陥の傾向がわかってきた。新潮版はケアレスミス、変換ミス、はやとちりの類、増刷の際、不備を正せば、かなりいい訳になる。光文社版は、はやとちりがない。その代わり「おそとちり」がたくさんある。 「嵐が丘」は冒頭の部分で訳のよしあしがわかる。 「This is certainly a beautiful country!」 これをいちおう無難に訳してあるのは新潮版だけだった。 「それにしてもこの土地は美しい」(光文社) 「ここはほんとうに美しい土地」(角川) これらは間違い。岩波の新訳も見た。そのまま平易に訳してあるが、解釈を入れていないから、物足りない。もう少し思い切って味をつけないと(翻訳者にとって)翻訳をする意味がない。(岩波の新訳は以下に指摘した箇所でも、無難といえば無難、逃げといえば逃げ、突込みが浅い) 「さても麗しの郷(さと���ではないか!」(新潮) 最悪と評されているこの訳はいいと思う。 この場面、実は語り手が目の当たりにしているのは、荒涼とした風景。美しくもなんともない。それを「美しい」と宣言する理由。人嫌いの語り手が、人付き合いするのは一人だけで、そいつは自分と同類なのがわかった。だから、気分がいい。荒涼とした風景も美しく見えるというもの。つまり、語り手は冒頭で皮肉を一発かましている。それを読み取れないと「嵐が丘」のつかみを外してしまうことになる。 光文社版の「それにしても」では、人間嫌いとは独立させて「美しい」と言っているので、作者の意味とは反対にズバリ「美しい風景だ」と言っている。人間嫌いとの連携を完全にしくじっている。目立たないがこれは重大な誤訳。 「嵐が丘」はたいした作品ではない。名作とは名ばかり、あとで詳しく書くかもしれないが、小説としては構成が壊れている。作者の一人よがりの一種のプロレス、作者があんまり天然でヒステリックなので、ところどころ読めるところがあるという程度。 だが、冒頭の部分だけは名作の名に恥じないとおもう。「人嫌いの語り手」でなければ、そもそも壮大なヒースクリフのストーリーに関心を持つはずはない。その感情移入があってはじめてお手伝いの非現実的な長話にも耐えられる。ここをしっかりと刻み付けないと、ただでさえおかしなストーリーが、もっとおかしくなる。 とにかくまず冒頭で皮肉が聞こえるように訳さないとダメ。 新潮版は翻訳者なりに問題を解決した、その意味でまともな「嵐が丘」の翻訳は今のところ新潮版だけということになる。 「荒涼とした風景」を前に「美しい」と言っている、というのは、この時点で上巻しか読んでいないのぼくの主観だったが、実際に下巻の最終章近くで、冬と夏で嵐が丘周辺の風景がどのように違うのかを作者が明確に記述していた。冒頭は深い雪に覆われていることから真冬なので、付近一帯は寒々とするほど荒れ、風光明媚とは言いがたい景色。それを前に語り手が感想を述べた、と考えるべき。 ぼくはこの翻訳者にいいたいことがある。 議論より先に、紙と鉛筆を突きつけてこう問いかけてみたいのだ。 「あなたの頭の中の絵を書いてください」その絵にふさわしい訳になっているかどうか、絵と訳文と原文の間に齟齬があれば、翻訳者の描いたイメージ、または解釈のどちらかに誤りがあるはずだ。それを突きつめるのが翻訳という仕事になる。 「遊び���達にけちをつけられてもかまわないかのように、ヒースクリフの気持ちに無関心ではいられないからです」(光文社) 「まさか知らんぷりというわけにも行きません。遊び相手が軽んじられてもどうってことない、なんて顔はできないわけです。」(新潮) 光文社の訳だと「遊び友達にけちをつけられてもかまわない」と無関心でいるのを是認し「ヒースクリフの気持ちに無関心ではいられないからです」と否定し、一文で矛盾が生じている。 ここは英文だから一度の否定でかまわないので、日本語にする場合は、両方とも否定をかけないと意味が成立しなくなる。新潮版は「というわけにも行きません」と否定し、文を分けて「できないわけです」と二回否定を重ねている。これが正しい。 光文社版でも「、」をはさまなければ誤訳とはいえない。適切な訳に一応入る。なぜ切ったかといえば、読みやすさを考慮してのこと。一般の読者を相手に「読みやすさ」を優先するととんでもないことになるという見本。 15章(下・1章) 「you know that I could as soon forget you as my existence! Is it not sufficient for your infernal selfishness, that while you are at peace I shall writhe in the torments of hell?」 光文社版「おれはお前のことを忘れるくらいなら自分のことを忘れたい。お前は身勝手だから、自分は安らかに眠っていながら、おれは地獄の責め苦にもだえているだけというのではまだ不足なのか」 新潮版「おまえを忘れるぐらいなら、自分が生きてることすら忘れちまうさ、そうだろ! どこまでふらちなわがままをいえば気がすむんだ? おまえがのうのうとしているときに、俺が地獄の拷問にのたうち回るぐらいじゃ足りないのか」 ここはヒースクリフ特有の節回しが出ているので、のほほんと訳しちゃダメなところ。「おれはお前のことを忘れるくらいなら自分のことを忘れたい」こんなに軽い意味のはずはない。もっと感情の高ぶりを出さないと。ヒースクリフは「自分の生存に賭けて」と言っているんじゃないの?「安らかに眠っていながら」キャスはちゃんと起きて喋っているし、まだ死んでもいない。 上記の比較のとおり、光文社の訳のレベルがだいたい上巻を読み終えた時点でわかった。 だが、実際にはもっと深刻な問題を含んでいるようだ。 例えば「ナイフつきのピストル」という訳がある。 それはどういうピストルなんだろう。 やはりこういいたくもなる「あなたの頭の中の絵を書いてください」。銃剣という武器はあるけれど、これは銃身が長いので槍としても使える。だがピストルにナイフを付けてどのように武器としての意味があるのか。それよりも、歴史的にピストルにナイフを付けた例があるのか。 新潮版「ナイフと弾を込めたピストル」 単にこういうことじゃないの? ナイフとピストルは別々、原文を見なかったけど、直前の名詞に掛ける形容詞節ではなく、主語に掛かる副詞節で、主語が何かを保有しているという解釈ではないか。 原文:It had got dusk,and the moon looked over the high wall of the court,causing undefined shadows to lurk in the corners of the numerous projecting portions of the building. 光文社版「辺りはすでに薄暗くなって、中庭の高い塀の上には月がかかり、お屋敷の隅々の石がたくさん突き出ている部分にもやもやと影をつくっています」 新潮版「もう陽は暮れなずみ、月が中庭の高い塀の上に顔を出して、お屋敷の建物から無数につきだした石のすみに、ぼんやりと薄暗い影をつくっています」 「お屋敷の隅々の石」この石はどういう石なのか、屋敷とは独立した石のように思える、それが「たくさん突き出ている部分」、いっそうなんだかわからない。 ここでも「あなたの頭の中の絵を書いてください」。どういう場面を想定しているのか、さっぱりわからない。まるでどこか別の惑星の風景のようだ、これじゃ空想科学小説だ。新潮版もけっしていいとは思えないが、どういう場面かは想定できる。これが最低限度。これ以下は訳文とは認められない。ここは上った月と高い塀と光の入射角度を紙に書いて、塀との距離から影の範囲を実際に想定すればわかる。建物に付随した建物本体の出っ張り部分、そこに影がかかろうとしている。影が忍び寄っている。そういう訳が正しいはずだ。 もっと大事なのは筆者が何を言おうとしているかを読み取ること。この文はちょうどヒースクリフが戻ってきた場面、高い塀はヒースクリフを指している。ヒースクリフという影が建物の出っ張りにかかり、じきに建物全体を覆い尽くす、と暗示している。ここから翻って考えれば、光文社版の「おそとちり」の深刻さがはっきりするだろう。この訳なら、この一文は削ったほうが作品のためになる。でもブロンテにしてはよく書いている場面で、ここは外せない。だったらこの後のストーリー展開のプロローグとして機能するようにどう訳すか、をじっくり考え直す必要がある。光文社と新潮の立場の違いを表している部分を最後に指摘しておこう。 光文社版 「あなたがあの子にそれを勧めたのは、どうせ悪いことを企んでいるせいですから」「おれが考えていることは、これ以上はないほど正直なものだよ」 新潮版 「あなたが来い来いと云うからには、悪いたくらみに決まっています」「いたって誠実な企みだがなあ!」 「あなた」「あの子」「それを」これでは高校生の答案用紙だ。こんなふうに喋る人っていないよね。指示代名詞の内容を取り込むのが翻訳。そうでないのは英文解釈、それに日本語の文章としておかしい。せめて「企んでいるから、勧めたんでしょ」という流れにすべき。新潮版の「来い来い」「企みだがなあ」に諧謔味がある。これは翻訳者の仕事としてかなりいい線をいっている。
Amazon.co.jp:カスタマーレビュー: 嵐が丘(上) (光文社古典新訳文庫)
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Winter outfit Lilac leather rucksack by GRAFEA www.grafea.com
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一個人 的 世界(十一、十三 )
一個人 的 世界(十一)
石川 達三 昭和57年(1982)
禮拜日 下午,住在同一棟大樓 的 坂本 來訪,有事相託。說表妹
坂本樣 高興的拿出了禮物,是名古屋特產的醬菜。
「喔,. . . . . 去名古屋了。」
坂本樣 紅著臉,低下頭
「說真的,以為已經再見 sayonala了,卻還是無法踩剎車。
真不像話。」 不是學生不好,而是 坂本樣 自己要去,既然去了,不免與學生
陶醉一晚,那青年或許也想分手,坂本樣 也想分手,就還是分不
了手。坂本樣 一方面心裡拒絕,卻是身體一直不聽使喚,精神
支配了肉體。彼女雪白的肉體搭乘著 新幹線,徹夜的時速 250公里,
都顯得不安定;中年寡婦自滅之愛。 再下一個禮拜天的早上,約定 10 點的女學生 加藤久美子 來訪了。
還有,有色眼鏡,眼簾青色的 eye shadow,雙手手指銀色,耳垂
有微妙的描述,第一沒有單字。這覺得糟糕而接受了,久美子 從
「對不起、菸灰缸 . . . . . . 」
「老師來一根吧 」 在桌邊坐了下來,久美子 顎下的領子敞開著,整個乳房大咧咧的
豐富的肉體經驗,直到現在。男人的體味滲入了她裡面。真咲 憑著
女人的直覺,像狗一般的分辨著她身上男人的味道。 「老師,那個 . . . . . 」說得斷斷續續,「. . . . . 我想只教一個人很
一個人,是個留學生,下次一起帶來。不好意思,不添麻煩。」 一下子就拒絕 久美子 覺得對不起 坂本,又多一份學費。兩個人一起
教,也許反而輕鬆也說不定。 隔天,久美子 帶來了。真咲 幾乎不相信自己的眼睛,一直以為新來
的是個女學生。一見到以為是 久美子 的 情人。一見到這個名叫
日高創吉 的青年,真咲 心裡起了一陣騷亂。骨骼粗壯的體態、
力道、動作的安靜、眼睛的聰明。不是東京的人種。真咲 喉嚨
發生寫著,最初發生的現象彼女也感到了“感嘆”。可是 感嘆 是
稍稍碰一下,更大膽一點的說,用雙手緊緊的抱看看。 那一天的法文教得心猿意馬,她 一下子看 日高創吉 的手指,一下子
加藤久美子 知道了自己心中的騷亂,會是多麼羞恥。 不過,那不是什麼戀,也不是愛。心中騷亂不是真心,而只是別的
住自己。毒藥也是良藥。日高創吉 是 真咲 的毒藥沒錯。她的直覺
小十幾歲的青年奪去,那自己又如何去嘲笑往來於名古屋的 坂本 呢。
那個人的愛是自滅的愛。 對這個自滅之愛,真咲 真是羨慕極了。男人情慾的底蘊溫暖、圓熟,
而一路腐爛下去的自己的肉體感覺,如同芳醇的酒,散發著香氣。 回到了家,真咲 閉著眼,橫躺在沙發上,想像著那兩個人夜晚裸體
一個人 的 世界(十三)
石川達三 - Wikipedia
新潮文庫 昭和 五十七年 五月 二十五日(1982)發行 昭和 五十七年 七月 二十日(1982)第四版
小泉真咲 在 百貨公司的 資料室服務。她的工作 主要是 法文
翻譯。翻譯 從 巴黎、羅馬 送來的 商品資料說明,然後轉給
進口貨部門。分配工作 的 就是 桑野主任。6 點剛過,出了
資料室,小泉真咲 被 主任 叫住。主任 也是剛要 回家。 「有沒有時間?一起去 吃些好吃的,我請客。… . . 不用
擔心,我雖然會搞 婚外情,不過絕對 不會誘拐 自己的
部下。真的!只是想了解一下現在的 年輕女孩 到底在想
什麼而已。我們的 職場 是 百貨公司,而 百貨公司 的
商品,百分之八到九十 都是 給女性。不了解今天女性的
生活內容,百貨公司 就會 活不下去。所以涅,就想說 以妳
作 參考資料 . . . . . 。想吃些什麼?」 桑野 是個年過 50 的 灑脫男人。抽著 香香的 煙斗。穿 有
線條紋的 襯衫,高級皮鞋,到了冬天,戴紳士帽。年輕的
時代 在巴黎、羅馬 待過 6、7 年。操著 如同音樂 一般的
法語。經常的 保持著一種 英國人 一般的 冷靜,不曾讓人
看過 激情。因此總在那裡顯得 孤獨,謹守分寸。有著讓人
覺得不容易親近 的 感覺。半分紳士,半分玩家的感覺,從
女人的 角度看來,有虛可趁 的 感覺,好像有,又好像沒有;
不能掉以輕心。 氣質高雅、有禮貌、有學問,在步上鋪著 紅地毯的樓梯時,
桑野樣 很自然的,用 女性不會在意的程度,輕輕的 扶著
真咲 的 手臂。. . . . . 這就是 所謂的 紳士。 上了樓,嵌著 厚玻璃 的門打開了,裡面是 義大利料理 的
餐廳,如同 天使 一般,美麗的 Madam 傾著頭,送給了
桑野樣 一個 微笑。然後向 真咲 簡短的 打了一個招呼。
因此,這就怪了;真咲 馬上想到。第一次見面的客人會說
連話也不用說了。在夜晚 的 窗邊桌子,一面雙雙坐了下來,
「主任」 真咲 說道。
「這位美麗的 Madam 是你 在 義大利 時的 舊識嗎?」
桑野樣 瞬間 用 一種嚴厲眼神 望著 真咲,然後又 淺淺的笑到、
「君(kimi),推理小說 看過頭了。」
「聽聽有趣 . . . . . ,卻是 . . . . 」 像天使一樣 漂亮 的 Madam,從 插滿了 玫瑰 的 花瓶 那
邊 看了過來。和男人 分開了的 女人,看到自己以前的
男人帶著新女人,向著自己的過去,嫉妒之火 燃燒了
起來。桑野主任 是 故意的嗎?不了解。桑野主任 喝著
葡萄酒,一面點了 鱒魚料理。他一定是 手腕 很好的 和
那個 漂亮的 Madam 分手了。分手的名人。. . . . . 這就是
紳士啦。不過太漂亮的分手,不會有 迷戀 留下嗎?真咲
這樣想著。 「要開始來問妳了 . . . . . 」 主任 說著。
「用了美味的晚餐,就有了要求回答的權利了 . . . . . 」
「不想聽一些有的沒的。只想聽妳真正的 想法。」
「不要 . . . . . ,我是有一些 不能見人的事。只一個 晚餐,
就要 問一堆?」
「原本 . . . . . 。o k,就直接 進入 正題好了。. . . . . 那一陣子
風行 日本 的 mini skirt,差不多 都過去了。現在還在穿的,
只剩下 女警察 了。」
「啊,真的涅。那是因為 公家 出的錢。」
「妳的 mini skirt 都那裡去了呢?」
「收進紙箱放到 衣櫥 上了。」
「hmm,接受妳的拒絕。 . . . . . 來問別的。. . . . . 肌膚 吹彈得破
稱做 某某look、有 bikini 的 泳裝、露背晚禮服。女人有機會
一下肌膚,就被稱做 癡漢(色狼)。. . . . . ,這妳不覺得
「這種問題 很奇怪。主任 應該瞭解得很透澈吧。」
「什麼 . . . . .」
「知道。想先聽聽告白、知無不言 言無不盡 地。. . . . . 就是說
君(kimi). . . . . 先將 君 放在一邊。君、就是說 . . . 直接在
君 的肌膚上,男人一指微觸就發飆、沒禮貌!。為什麼要
發飆呢? . . . . . 我並沒有做什麼太過份的事啊。然而 君
發飆,並稱我為 色狼。為什麼 . . . . . 。依我看來,我只稍微
碰一下,然後全身觸電。這個觸電是什麼呢? . . . . . 不就是
昂奮嗎。昂奮 有各種種類。不快的昂奮、心花朵朵開一般
的昂奮。 . . . . . 為了追求如同開花一般的美好的昂奮,
這麼認為吧。然後涅,這格時候,要怎麼辦才好 . . . . 」
「什麼事都不做 . . . . .」
「這是女人的 隱私。」
「喔、是喔。了解 . . 」 【出勤日の簡単まとめ髪】簡単すぎる!働くアラフィフ夫婦のヘアーアレンジのご紹介/みんなに褒められるアレンジ! - YouTube
一個人 的 世界( 一、二、三 原序號 )
一個人的世界(十八) https://iseilio-blog.tumblr.com/post/646000525027966976 The all-new BMW 7 Series. Official launch film. (youtube.com)
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"Just Shenzhen" Eco-Discovery Route
As the 3rd route product under “Just Shenzhen”, the Eco-Discovery Route is now officially launched!
Jointly initiated by 9 NGOs, “Just Shenzhen” Eco-Discovery Route contains 12 sites which offer fantastic scenery and inspirational learning experience. The route also introduces over 60 public ecological educational sessions or events scheduled from this July to June 2020!
Start an adventure with family or friends to explore the natural wonders of this green city!
When talking about Shenzhen, you might think of keywords such as economic development, finance, high-tech, entrepreneurship, modernization, vibrant, etc. This city with residents whose average age is 32 has become the dreamland of many entrepreneurs and the young generation. Commuting daily in this bustling city, you may have got used to the fast pace. However, have you ever spent time making a retreat to explore the ecological scenic places of the city?
As a “green city” with green space coverage rate of 45.1% in the built-up area, Shenzhen has more than 950 public gardens. The total length of urban greenways reaches 2,400 km. The total area of sustainable architecture in the city is over 60 million square meters. Strolling at park, therefore, is a common leisure for the local residents.
在此,“正深圳 Just Shenzhen”城市体验线路特别从滨海湿地、公园环境、郊野森林、绿色建筑和海岸五个生态系统中挑选了12个最具代表性的地点,带你一起领略“深圳绿”
“Just Shenzhen” Eco-Discovery Route consists of 12 representative sites, each specially chosen by the initiators to help you explore five main eco-systems of Shenzhen: Coastal Wetlands, Public Parks, Mountains & Forests, Sustainable Architecture and Coastlines.
Coastal Wetlands
As the 3rd route product under “Just Shenzhen”, the Eco-Discovery Route is now officially launched!
Jointly initiated by 9 NGOs, “Just Shenzhen” Eco-Discovery Route contains 12 sites which offer fantastic scenery and inspirational learning experience. The route also introduces over 60 public ecological educational sessions or events scheduled from this July to June 2020!
Start an adventure with family or friends to explore the natural wonders of this green city!
原始海岸线 / 自然学校 / 红树林
Seashore / Nature School / Mangroves
Located in the city, OCT wetland is the green lung of Shenzhen. Come explore the diverse species here and learn wetland protection; visit mangroves and catch a glimpse of hundreds of migratory birds in spring, venture into the mangroves in summer, and join handwork classes using leaves in autumn.
Location: Near the junction of Baishi Road and Yuntian, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
候鸟 / 弹涂鱼 / 海景
Migratory birds / Mudskipper / Sea view
Shenzhen Bay Park is known as a habitat for migratory birds and for its mangroves. Here you will see thousands of migratory birds, including black-faced spoonbill. You can see creatures in tidal zone.You can also walk or bike on the multiple passages along the shore.
Location: Exit D2, Shenzhen Bay Station, Binhai Boulevard, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Futian Mangrove Ecological Park
生态修复 / 自然力乐园 / 生态课
Ecological restoration / Outdoor Classroom / Ecological classes
Converted from an abandoned dock, Futian Mangrove Ecological Park is the first city park run by a NPO in China. The bordering estuary provides habitat for fish, shrimp and crab; In this area, you can find mudskipper and black-faced spoonbill. The Outdoor Classroom co-built by Nature Explore Classrooms is an ideal place for pre-school kids to have fun while learning about nature.
Location: Near the junction of Furong Road and Xinzhou Road, Futian District, Shenzhen.
海绵城市 / 荔枝林 / 生态水系
Sponge city / Lychee orchard / Ecological water system
Honey Park is an example of sponge city with an ecological water system. It is garnished with flowers throughout the year. You can enjoy the view of a 100,000 square meters' lychee orchard or observe aquatic plants and insects by the lake, bringing you fun experiences of childhood.
Location: 30th, Nongyuan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
Fairy Lake Botanical Garden
植物诺亚方舟 / 苏铁 / 木兰 / 秋海棠
Plant Ark / Cycads / Magnolia / Begonia
Fairy Lake Botanical Garden is a scientific research site. This natural oxygen bar comprises of nearly 12,000 species of plants. You can find China's rare plants like Alsophila spinulosa, Camellia nitidissima, etc. You can meander through cycads, shade plants, cactus and succulent plants. Besides, you can enjoy birds, flowers and butterflies in the kingdom of plants .
Location: 160th, Liantang Xianhu Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen
荷花 / 水鸟 / 落羽杉
Lotus / Waterbirds / Bald cypress
Known for lotus in summer and bald cypress in winter, Honghu Park hosts a big lotus festival each June with 120,000 square meters of lotus. Walking by the lakeside, you can immerse yourself in the lotus flagrance. It is also a paradise for waterbirds, where you may have up-close experience with them.
Location: 2023th, Wenjingbei Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen
Tanglang Mountain Park
豹猫 / 蝴蝶 / 山野徒步
Asian leopard cat / Butterflies / Trekking
Tanglang Mountain is covered by greens, where you can find rare plants such as Alsophila spinulosa, Aquilaria sinensis, as well as traces of wild mammals such as Asian leopard cat, small Indian civet, and masked palm civet. Several trails will lead you to the peak where you can enjoy a splendid sunset.
Location: 51th, Longzhuliu Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
毛棉杜鹃花 / 溯溪 / 两爬动物
Rhododendron moulmainense / Streams / Amphibians
The tallest mountain in Shenzhen, Wutong Mountain greets you with stream, waterfalls, and abundant green. Trekking along the stream, you will meet butterflies, dragonflies, and damselflies in the air, and Hong Kong newt and frogs in the water; in spring, the blooming Rhododendron moulmainense flowers all over the mountain will fill you with joy.
Location: 137th, Maozi Village, Shenzhen
国家地质公园 / 地质博物馆 / 吊钟花
Geopark / Geological museum / Fuchsia hybrida
Qiniang Mountain, formed by volcanic eruption, contains a variety of rock types. You could explore remains of ancient volcanoes, as well as visit the only geographic museum in Shenzhen. The verdant forest nurtures a rich eco-system which makes it perfect for excursions.
Location: 1st, Dizhigongyuan Road, Dapeng New District, Shenzhen
Gangxia 1980 Green Roof
城中村 / 海绵城市 / 绿色屋顶
Urban village / Sponge city / Green roof
Gangxia 1980 is a Japanese style youth apartment complex transformed from an old village house. The metal structure on the roof contains 400 planter boxes which collect rainwater. The rooftop serves as a green space for the building’s residents while also improving the overall environment of the neighborhood. It opens on Tuesday and Thursday from 14:00-16:00.
Location: 204th, Dongsanfang, Gangxia Village, Futian District, Shenzhen
潮间带 / 寄居蟹 / 沿海公路
Intertidal zone / Hermit crabs / Coast road
Yangmeikeng coastline is of dazzling beauty, biking along it will bring you radiant views. The intertidal zone is habitat to creatures such as sandworms, hermit crabs and sea anemones. You can also trek along the stream and taste fresh seafood here.
Location: Near Daya Bay, Dakeng Village, Longgang District, Shenzhen
Dongxichong Coastline
徒步海岸线 / 滨海植物 / 回收海漂垃圾
Coast trail / Seashore plants / Ocean waste cleanup
It is listed as one of the ten most beautiful hiking trails in China by the National Geographic. Besides pristine water and soft beach, you will see rugged rocks and seaside trees. You can also look into stars in the Observatory of Xichong.
Location: Dongchong scenic area, Nan'ao Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen
Nature Events Calendar
With 12 beautiful and awe-inspiring sites, “Just Shenzhen” Eco-Discovery Route also includes ecological educational sessions or events for several sites. You can choose any one of them to join and have lots of fun (all for free). Hoping to make the most of your stay in Shenzhen? Come and have a leisurely walk to get close to nature and discover the natural vitality of the city!
Across 4 districts of Shenzhen
Covering 9 ecological sites
Provided by 10 organizing partners
Over 60 free ecological educational sessions
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