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followbnb · 6 months ago
#2024臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華 一起來追球、追音樂,享受Nick周湯豪、五堅情official、玖壹壹、麋先生MIXER等超強卡司帶來的震撼演出! 活動日期:7/6-8/19。了解更多詳情! #臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華 #台東鹿野高台 #光雕音樂會 #2024熱氣球嘉年華
熱氣球嘉年華「光雕音樂會卡司🎶」 一起來臺東追球、追音樂🤘🏻 2024臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華|光雕音樂會活動資訊 圖片來源 台東縣長 饒慶鈴 2024臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華|光雕音樂會活動資訊 圖片來源 台東縣長 饒慶鈴 超強卡司即將來到臺東😎 Nick 周湯豪、五堅情official、玖壹壹、麋先生 MIXER、宇宙人、icyball 冰球樂團、邱軍Kui、Boom!怪物星人 還有雙台語金曲曹雅雯+許富凱 Henry Hsu 不知道要來哪一場嗎? 那就都來參加吧(๑>ᴗ<๑) 2024臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華時間 • 日期:7/6(六)-8/19(一) • 地點:台東鹿野高台⛳ • 造型球展演及繫留體驗時間:05:30-07:00、17:00-18:30 貼心提醒🔔 • 夜晚燈光昏暗,請大家記得隨身攜帶手電筒 • 現場禁止使用空拍機,未經申請者,違者最高可罰款150萬元 •…
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antsloveyun · 8 months ago
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roundtripjp · 2 years ago
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shumi513 · 2 months ago
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Not my ring, I need it-
節錄自< GOL HAH DOV > by Corentine
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心中第一名Skyrim同人文就是< GOL HAH DOV >!
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nhu-an · 14 days ago
Tôi đã đi qua tháng năm, đi qua sông núi, đi qua nông thôn và cả thành thị, cũng đã từng đi qua người khác, tất cả suy nghĩ và ước mơ sinh ra trong suốt những nơi tôi đi qua, những người tôi gặp đã hình thành nên tôi. Trên hành trình ấy, có những thứ lướt qua, và rồi có những thứ mãi mãi ở lại trong tim tôi, nó khắc sâu, định hình, tôi luyện tôi, hoà quyện nên tôi. Tôi vốn dĩ là một tâm hồn lang thang, một dòng nước đọng lại khắp nẻo đường, là một thông điệp được truyền tải đi khắp vũ trụ bao la, một công dân tuân thủ pháp luật cùng một giấc mộng tự do tự tại.
- Như An dịch
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 3 months ago
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(Sold) 皮雕側背包改製成2只長夾-2 NaNa's 公雞葉題(夜啼) Rooster-reminder of leaves (rooster crows at night) Not finish
心心相印 💕 龜背芋它葉片本來的樣子就是有『心』了… 不過咱們就別細想它的"千瘡百孔"啦! 穿孔哲學也定是要保持美美的。哈哈哈! 😆😂 well, 今夜等色乾油染後即可縫製,並且與皮夾內層縫合。以上報告。The work progress. 💋 ℒan~*
📌 monstera deliciosa 龜背芋 ("swiss cheese plant" or "split-leaf philodendron")又名龜背竹、羽裂蔓綠絨、鳳梨蕉、蓬萊蕉及電信蘭,適應性強,性喜溫暖,潮濕的環境,但也耐陰、耐陽及有一定的耐旱性,原產於墨西哥的熱帶雨林中。為著名大型觀賞植物。也是園藝新手的好選擇,屬於半日照植物,請記得千萬不要將其曝曬於陽光下過久,容易有曬傷發黃的現象。 因其葉子長得像龜背上的花紋,所以龜背竹也同烏龜一樣代表著健康長壽之意。
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zhanlueji · 3 months ago
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🌸✨ Zhanlueji - Serenity GShade Preset 🌿🎮 | Bring your Sims' world to life with soft, dreamy tones 🌙💫
download : here
i use the currently newest version of gshade😘
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linghxr · 1 year ago
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哈尔滨风光 The Landscape of Harbin
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(I think they meant 9,462,300 and 3,298,600 for the population.)
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太阳岛酒家 Sun Island Restaurant
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第一百货商店 No. 1 Commodity Shop
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教育书店 Education Bookstore
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国际机场候机楼 Passengers' Waiting Floor at International Airport
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松花江畔 The riverside of Songhua River
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中央大街步行街 Walking Street in Central Street
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雪乡 Snow Town
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冰灯 Ice lights
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雪雕 Snow carving
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冬泳 Swimming in winter
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The back of the first postcard
Sorry about the weird lines. I thought the scanner was broken, but when I tried a personal photo, it came out fine. It must be something about these postcards.
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gaetanchiao · 8 months ago
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他試圖專注於超越痛苦,控制它,但這不是真實的痛苦,它存在於他的內心。他曾經對槍傷不屑一顧,那些傷口並沒有像這樣痛……這是壓倒性的。 「那麼,隊長,告訴我更多關於像你和我這樣的人吧,」那個男孩說,看著肌肉英雄在床上扭曲翻滾。 「停下……」史蒂夫懇求著,不確定自己還能忍受多久。 「你給我住口,」盧卡斯怒斥道,「跪下!」他命令著肌肉英雄,指向他腳下的地面。史蒂夫吞了口口水,心臟在胸腔裡狂跳,面對向這個年輕人投降的前景。 他拚命忍住淚水,試圖控制自己的身體。「你只是在延長你的痛苦,乖乖跪下來吧。」盧卡斯命令道,手勢指向冰冷的石地面。 史蒂夫咬緊牙關,汗濕的頭髮黏貼在他的前額。他怒視著那個年輕人,感覺到內心的掙扎在肆虐。每一刻的沈默都在拉長,每一秒的流逝似乎都在痛苦中持續了永恆。 最終,無法再忍受,肌肉英雄不情願地爬下床榻,向著場地移動。 他走到盧卡斯面前,看到那個男孩的眼中閃爍著娛樂的光芒。最後,史蒂夫緩緩地跪在雙膝上,臉貼著地面。當他這麼做的時候,痛苦隨即消失,快感回歸,完全充斥著他的身體。 史蒂夫重重地呼出一口氣,感到心臟在胸腔裡狂跳。他的陽具立刻恢復活力,強烈地跳動。那個年輕人俯視著他,目光欣賞地掃過史蒂夫的身體。 「真是令人印象深刻,親愛的隊長,」他說,聲音中帶著惡意。「你是個乖孩子嗎?」 史蒂夫困惑地抬頭看���他。 「我問你話了,你是個乖孩子嗎?」 「我問了你一個問題,你是個乖孩子嗎?」 史蒂夫怒視著他,「我沒有那麼說。」 盧卡斯只是挑了挑眉,快感又一次消失了。 史蒂夫四肢著地尖叫,痛苦似乎是上次的十倍。「我問了你一個問題,Herrcaptain,你是個乖孩子嗎?」施密特堅定地重複道,他的語氣要求服從。 史蒂夫努力忍住尖叫;他的身體因痛苦而扭曲。他考慮了再次違抗施密特的後果,很清楚地知道抵抗意味著要忍受無法忍受的折磨。他不情願地強迫自己說出這些話,「是的,我是個乖孩子。」 就這樣,快感回來了,史蒂夫鬆了口氣,緩解是立即的,再一次他所知道的只有幸福。盧卡斯放下了場域,和他一起走進了牢房, 「那麼,我們學到了第一課,」那男孩在史蒂夫的頭髮間遊走著手指,而肌肉英雄討厭這���感就像是成千上萬的小小快感爆炸。他抗拒著將頭推向觸感以尋求更多,而是試圖集中注意力。 「很簡單,違抗我,」快感消失了,取而代之的是他血管中的熔岩般的火焰,「服從我,」而那達到涅槃的快感又回來了。 史蒂夫在地上喘著氣,無法完全理解他的處境。「現在,過來,孩子,」盧卡斯命令道,「我們將學習剩下的課程。」史蒂夫抬頭看著他,他完全被這個年輕人所支配,他的身體背叛了他,他的思維失去了所有連貫的思想。 他的陰莖堅硬如石,痛苦地在他的雙腿之間跳動。他知道自己正在遭受的羞辱,但快感如此壓倒性,以至於他發現自己無法抗拒。 「面對我,」男孩命令道,「看著我。」 史蒂夫猶豫了,但無情的快感波浪穿過他,迫使他服從。他的腿搖晃,但他設法站直,面對盧卡斯。那個邪惡的醫生審視著他的俘虜,欣賞著肌肉英雄完美的體格。 史蒂夫的胸膛因期待而劇烈起伏,他的心靈因感官的折磨而旋轉。「現在,打開我的長袍,看看我的身體。」 在命令下,史蒂夫顫抖的雙手伸出,輕輕地解開了綁著長袍的腰帶。慢慢地,他推開了衣服,露出盧卡斯緊實、雕刻般的身體。史蒂夫驚訝地盯著這個年輕人,當他看到那巨大的陰莖橫亙在他的雙腿之間時,他的眼睛瞪大了。 那比史蒂夫以前見過的任何東西都要大——一個真正巨大的標本,粗大而未割包皮,它軟軟地懸掛在那裡,比大多數男人勃起時還要大。肌肉英雄緊張地吞咽著,感覺到自己的陰莖不由自主地在腹部變硬。 「看著它,」男孩命令道,「那是一根精美的德國陰莖,一根主人的陰莖!」他伸手撫摸史蒂夫硬挺的陰莖,「這是一根精美的作品,一根偉大的美國陰莖,但這個,」他將史蒂夫的手放在自己的陰莖上,「這現在是你的主人。」 史蒂夫的手僵硬著,只是抓著男孩的陰莖,感受到它在手中慢慢變硬的熱度簡直瘋狂。 他感覺到陰莖抽動和脈動,一秒秒地變得更硬。史蒂夫幾乎能感覺到陰莖似乎有了自己的生命在跳動。他無法相信它有多大,它變得有多硬。史蒂夫自己的陰莖也跳動著,滲出液體,因為裝置讓這一切對他來說是愉悅的。 「做吧,」施密特命令道,「撫摸我的陰莖。」史蒂夫顫抖的雙手握住那巨大的陰莖開始撫摸,感受著每一條靜脈,每一個凸起。「崇拜那根陰莖吧,親愛的隊長,向我展示你理解它的力量。」 當史蒂夫聽從命令時,他的手自動地���作更快,摩擦著那粗大的陰莖,感受著掌下的隆起和凸起。肌肉英雄的心跳加速,他的陰莖在腿間跳動,每一次撫摸都讓他因為裝置而心跳加速。 他越是猛烈地手淫那男孩,自己就越是感到快樂……他催促自己停下來,但他無法停止這個循環。 他能嗅到盧卡斯激情的麝香味,這只是讓他自己的興奮感更加強烈。儘管他努力抗拒,史蒂夫發現自己完全屈服於這位年輕男子的要求。 快感太強烈了,他雙手抓住陰莖,想要在取悅那男孩的同時也取悅自己。 隨著他的努力,它變得更大,達到了令人難以置信的長度和厚度。史蒂夫對這個尺寸感到驚訝,被這個怪物般的陰莖嚇到了。當他繼續抽動它時,他感到自己的陰莖也變得更硬更大,渴望釋放。「乖孩子,」盧卡斯低聲說,他的陰莖在史蒂夫的握持中變得不可思議地巨大。"真是個乖孩子。" 這些話讓肌肉英雄的身體感受到更多的快樂,他作出呻吟的回應,雙手動作更快。 史蒂夫用力而狂熱地撫摸著那巨大的陰莖,看起來幾乎是絕望的。他自己的陰莖隨著手的每一次撫摸都跳動著,渴望釋放。他無法相信自己是多麼願意地屈服於這位年輕男子,他的身體渴望更多的快樂。 他看進那男孩的眼睛,看到其中的娛樂感,他知道這才是真正的折磨。 「很好,」他說著,拉開史蒂夫的手,「你可以被教導,現在……跪下。」 史蒂夫停下來,抬頭看著這位英俊的年輕男子,知道如果他拒絕的話會受到懲罰。他慢慢地降低自己,跪在這個高大身影前。「向我展示尊敬,向我展示忠誠,孩子,」盧卡斯命令道,抓住史蒂夫的下巴抬起他的臉。 史蒂夫凝視著那雙藍眼睛,看到其中反映出的純粹邪惡。「好好崇拜那德國陰莖,」盧卡斯低語,他那深沈的聲音帶著黑暗的意圖。 史蒂夫的心跳加速,他的身體本能地對那挑釁的命令作出反應。他的手顫抖著,伸出去撫摸那巨大的軸心。他以溫柔的關懷輕輕追蹤著那條脈絡分明的表面,對其龐大的尺寸感到驚奇。 當他包圍著那腫脹的頭部,拇指輕輕掠過頂端時,他能感覺到盧卡斯強勁的勃起在他觸摸下跳動。 「它已經厭倦了你的手,它渴望更多,」盧卡斯說,等待著史蒂夫的理解。 史蒂夫低頭看著他手中的巨大陰莖,它似乎隨著每一次心跳變得更大更堅硬。「吸吮它,」他終於聽到自己低聲說出,那話語在他耳中聽起來如此陌生。他抬起臉,與盧卡斯的目光相遇,眼中充滿了羞愧和絕望。 這個男孩微笑著,將手放在史蒂夫的肩膀上,引導他靠近。史蒂夫的心跳加速,他的喉嚨收緊,當他向前傾斜時,感受到臉上的溫暖濕潤的空氣。 「拜託……」史蒂夫啜泣著,「不要逼我這麼做……」 「沒有人在逼你做任何事,隊長,這全是你自己的選擇……」那個男孩向他保證,「只要記住沒有快感時的感覺……」 史蒂夫呻吟著,張開嘴,輕微地張開嘴唇。他能感覺到陰莖壓在他的下唇上,當他為即將到來的侵入做準備時,眼睛充滿了淚水。他猶豫了一會兒,深吸了一口氣,然後猛地低下頭。 史蒂夫的嘴巴吞下了那巨大陰莖的頭部,他的舌頭自動地纏繞著它。那種味道讓他不知所措,一種麝香味和前列腺液的混合味道似乎覆蓋了他整個嘴巴。 當他開始吸吮那個男孩的陰莖時,裝置的指數飆升,給史蒂夫完美的身體帶來了更多的狂喜,就好像他在吸自己的陰莖一樣。當他更用力地吸吮那個男孩時,他得到了更多的快感,他呻吟著,感覺自己失去了控制。 他口中充滿了前列腺液的味道,陰莖在他口中膨脹。史蒂夫的呻吟聲更大了,他的臉頰凹陷下去,當他的頭上下搖晃時。 他喜歡陰莖滑過嘴唇的感覺,吸吮造成緊密的封閉,當他越吸越深時。每一次舔弄都給史蒂夫滲漏的陰莖送去了色情的火花,使他更加崇拜那根陰莖。 他想要取悅這個年輕人,因為這意味著對他來說更多的快樂。他的手抓住了陰莖的根部,幫助引導它更深入他的口中。史蒂夫的嘴越張越大,容納了那根巨大成員的驚人圍度。 這位肌肉英雄驚訝於他的嘴巴是多麼容易地接受這個入侵者,毫無抵抗地吞咽下去。他繼續上下搖晃著頭,品嚐著年輕人前列腺液的味道。 「你以為你會回到這裡嗎?回到你的膝蓋上吸德國人的陰莖,隊長?崇拜那肉棒!向我展示你服務於更優秀的男人!」盧卡斯在看著這位活著的傳奇人物吸他的陰莖時命令道。 史蒂夫感到他的下巴開始疼痛,當他深喉那根粗大的軸時,他的喉嚨肌肉掙扎著要適應那根巨大的成員。史蒂夫感到他的陰莖在他的腹部跳動,渴望得到關注,而他專注於取悅那個年輕的德國人。 「嗯,對,就是這樣,」盧卡斯低聲說,「更用力地吸,我的好孩子。」 這些話送來了一股快感,史蒂夫急切地遵從,他的嘴越張越大以容納那根跳動的陰莖。他能感覺到從那根巨大工具散發出的力量,用一種迷人的慾望和屈服的混合物充滿了他的整個嘴巴。 這位肌肉英雄沈醉於這種感覺,他的陰莖隨著時間的推移越來越接近高潮。 「哦,我看到你很享受自己,」盧卡斯觀察到,他的藍眼睛閃著娛樂的光芒。「告訴我,隊長,被貶為紅骷髏孫子的單純性交洞,感覺好嗎?」 史蒂夫的下巴緊緊地咬合,那羞辱性的指控刺傷了他的自尊。然而,他無法否認那湧上心頭的感覺——一種由痛苦、慾望和徹底無助混合而成的強烈情感雞尾酒。他把雞巴拔了出來,「閉嘴,」他憤怒地吐出這句話,聲音沙啞而緊張。 盧卡斯笑了,快感消失了,史蒂夫尖叫一聲,又回去吸那男孩的雞巴,渴望再次被性愛的極樂世界所包圍。 當盧卡斯向前挺腰,讓史蒂夫的嘴巴被他的雞巴刺穿時,羞恥感充斥了他的大腦,「偉大的美國隊長在崇拜一根優越的德國雞巴,來吧隊長,你享受這個!」 這位年輕人的話深深刺入史蒂夫的心靈,撕裂了他尊嚴的殘餘。男孩的前列腺液的味道充滿了他的嘴巴,與唾液混合,他繼續越來越狂熱地吸吮著雞巴。
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this photo pls? i think i found on pinterest a while ago (filthy app.)
"#金光布袋戏 #温任 人鱼au私设🧐" — Anyu / 魚與花雕
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gayxiaoshuo · 11 months ago
职业特殊所以我在自己生活的地方我总是把自己同志的身份隐藏得很深,所以每次出差我总是希望能有“艳”事发生。正是基于这种心理所以每次坐火车我都一改往日的矜持,贪婪地找寻着猎物,因为在别人看来烦闷的车厢气味却最能激发我原始的嗅觉。故事就是在一次列车旅 途中发生的……
他一把把门锁上然后紧紧地搂住我,我们疯狂的接吻,他拼命地裹吸着我的舌头,他嘴里散发着甜甜的烟草味道。我把手伸进他的背心,他的胸肌好发达,我指尖用力捏着他的乳头,直到他发出了呻吟声。在他的示意下,我脱下了他的内裤,他的滚烫的**立刻蹦了出来,青筋暴涨,大鸟冲天,紫色的龟头透着光泽,太大了,我勉强地将它含在口里,他指尖伸在我的头发里生怕我吐出来,有几次插得太深,弄得我直呕,他边享受着我的口交,边随着我的吸吐发出呻吟。不一会儿,他的声音大了,尽管他刻意压制着不发出声来,但我能感觉出他已经要出来了,突然他猛的把大鸟从我嘴里抽出来,几下手淫过后射出了一股又一股的精液……我帮他擦干净龟头,抚摩着他渗着汗水发亮的身体。购.男文 父.子.调。教、体育。军X警,正。。太,小。.说.加微.。信:【la bi 100 10】。他突然问我,我也帮你弄出来吧。我正求之不得呢,他粗鲁地解下我的���带,拉下拉链,连着内裤和外裤一起褪到我的膝盖处,张开嘴一口把我的鸡鸡含了进去,他的口腔真深,每次都好象要碰到了他的喉咙,每吸一次,我都浑身发麻,过了一会,他把我的鸡鸡抽出来,用舌头从上到下的摩擦,他告诉我,虽然和同性作过好多次,但这是他第一次为别人口交,问我舒服吗。我*!我哪里还有那么多废话,抓住他的头发把我铁一样硬的大雕塞进他的嘴里。可能太兴奋了,没用十几下,我就感觉要飘了,他好象也感觉到了,加快了抽插的速度,随着我发出的“啊”的一声闷响,我射了,滚烫的精液射在了他的嘴里,他好象并不介意,依然吸吮着我的gui头。
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xingyueiri · 3 months ago
Finally got my PureArts Desmond🥺🥰
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catbell413 · 4 months ago
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Let's Talk About PingXie: Part 3
PingXie Fanfiction Vocabulary
Or "Some Words in PingXie Fanfiction That Can't Be Translated Properly by MTL" XD
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Here is a list of words that I found interesting and occasionally appeared in PingXie fanworks. I couldn't find the exact equivalents for most of them in English, so please excuse me for the long explanation. My friend helped me out, but my knowledge is still limited (⁠^_^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
It's not a complete list (and kinda random). Please note that they are mostly used in PingXie/DMBJ fandom, I don't know about other fandoms. I may add some more, if I find it again.
🆕Update: the follow-up is here, it's a compilation of tags
©Divider by @saradika-graphics, @anitalenia
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窗户纸 (mtl: window paper) : it's like a trope where they're being so ambiguous and the status of their relationship may not be revealed, but everyone also knows that they are lovers. It's a special connotation of symbolic objects in Chinese culture, refers to two people who have a very deep love but did not confess to each other, their feelings are hidden in the heart. Other people also know that their relationship is similar to lovers but they did not say it. It's like a layer of window paper has not been pierced.
捅窗户纸 (mtl: pierce the window paper) : it's almost the same as the previous one, but they come to the realization of their feelings and confess to each other. They end up together, become lovers.
论坛体/直播体 (mtl: forum body/live broadcast body) : something like Social Media AU, but it's often on the forum instead or written in forum style.
竹马 (mtl: bamboo horse) : a male childhood friend
校草 (mtl: school grass/school bully) : the most handsome boy in the school
沙雕 (mtl: sand sculpture) : funny and silly
骨科 (mtl: orthopedics) : incest
伪骨科 (mtl: pseudo-orthopedics) : they are brothers but not real siblings
清水 (mtl: clear water) : no description of s*xual activities
破镜重圆 (reunited after a broken mirror) : they meet again after separation which is usually not in a good way/unreconciled
本传 (mtl: biography) : refers to the main story of DMBJ
杭州名木/杭州著名木头 or 吴邪,杭州一块有名的木头 (mtl: Wu Xie, a famous piece of wood in Hangzhou) : it's like comparing Wu Xie to the wood, because he is being oblivious and insensitive, he doesn't notice that Zhang Qiling loves him haha. There is a meme based on this lol.
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Meme source: I forgot where I found it, but there should be a watermark on it. I translated the picture on the right side using mtl with a few corrections. Sorry for my poor translation (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
铁木真/铁・木・真 (tiě mù zhēn/temujin) : it's not Genghis Khan here, it's a pun or a joke about Wu Xie. It's like the previous one, but added one more element.
"铁" (mtl: steel/iron) for "钢铁直男" means he is a straight man of steel
"木" (mtl: wood) for "杭州著名木头" means he is the famous wood in Hangzhou
"真" for "天真" Wu Xie's "Tiānzhēn"
白月光 "bái yuèguāng" (mtl: white moonlight) : the first love that can't be forgotten
吴山四美 "wúshān sì měi" : four beauties of Wushan(ju)—Wu Xie, Zhang Qiling, Xie Yuchen, Hei Xiazi
嫩牛五方 "nèn niú wǔ fāng" : a group of five people—Wu Xie, Zhang Qiling, Pangzi, Xie Yuchen, Hei Xiazi
挨千刀 (mtl: suffer a thousand cuts) : it is used to scold someone, but it is not insulting them. Its tone is more into worried rather than being angry. For example, Wu Xie complains "挨千刀的闷油瓶" in his heart, it sounds like he uses a spoiled tone to show his annoyance.
醋[瓶] (mtl: vinegar) : jealous [Zhang Qiling]
墨水[瓶] (mtl: ink) : a slight dark [Zhang Qiling]
排雷 (mtl: demining) : a setting that you should pay attention before reading, usually it is unacceptable for most people.
黑金古刀 (mtl: black gold ancient sword/black gold ancient knife) : Xiaoge's sword
大白狗腿 (mtl: big white dog legs) : Wu Xie's dagger
发丘指 (mtl: hair mound finger/Faqiu finger) : Zhang Qiling's two long fingers
哥嫂 : brother and sister-in-law, refers to Zhang Qiling (哥) and Wu Xie (嫂)
吃软饭 "chī ruǎn fàn" (mtl: eat soft rice) : a slang that means men rely on women to survive
吃豆腐 (mtl: eating tofu) : something like taking advantage of others, teasing or flirting, etc.
PA : parody
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脐橙 (mtl: navel orange) : a wordplay of "骑乘" which means r*ding aka c*wgirl position
水煎 (mtl: boiled water/water decoction) : a word play for "睡奸" which means somn*philia
Doi : same as ML (from English "do" and "i" from Chinese "Love" (爱 "ài")
双龙 (mtl: double dragon) : double p*netration
爆炒/炒 (mtl: stir-fry/fried) : to b*ng someone, "炒" is a wordplay of "f*ck"
XP : s*xual fetish
SP : sp*nking
QJ : r*pe
Some of them courtesy of PinkSnake. Thank you for all the help!🌹
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starlitwishforu · 1 year ago
青玉案 · 元夕 - 辛弃疾 english translation (and notes!)
ok well. all this chinese poetry posting has put me on a bit of a translation high so i wanted to share my most recent translation project, which i actually just finished recording and uploading yesterday after two whole months of waffling. the poem itself is SO fucking cute but SO hard to translate and i'm honestly very proud that i stuck with it to the end. it instantly became one of my top favourites the very first time i heard it so i hope other people can also find some joy from it!
here is the original:
青玉案 · 元夕
【宋】 辛弃疾
蛾儿雪柳黄金缕,笑语盈盈暗香去。众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在 灯火阑珊处。
and here is my translation:
Qing Yu An: Lantern Festival at Dusk
by Xin Qiji
Fireworks blossom beneath the touch of evening's eastern breeze; flurrying as they fall, sparks shower like stars. Prancing steeds pull chiseled carriages, sweeping fragrance across the path. The xiao’s decadent notes adrift, the jadelike light’s prismatic shift; the dragon-fish dance as the night-hours pass.
Combs shining in their hair, golden, silver, silken sway; sweet perfume and tinkling mirth linger in their wake. My searching gaze is futile as I scan the thronging crowds; at last I turn, and you are there, in the quiet dark of evening wane.
translation notes beneath the cut! there is a LOT, be warned!
translation notes:
so to start from the very top, let's first introduce the title 青玉案 · 元夕.
青玉案 (pinyin: Qing Yu An, lit. the matter of the verdant jade) is actually the name of a 宋词排名 (song cipaiming, song dynasty poetic/musical form). just as shakespeare wrote sonnets and basho wrote haiku, so the poets of the song dynasty wrote, among hundreds of other forms with fun names like this, Qing Yu An poems.
each 词排名 had a set number of characters per line, set rules for its tone patterns, and even came with its own tune. maybe a better western parallel would be twinkle twinkle little star, which uses the same tune as the alphabet song and baa baa black sheep.
the end result is that there are many titles under the heading of Qing Yu An, and even, according to chatgpt, another 青玉案 · 元夕.
anyway, this one by Xin Qiji, the most famous one, is titled 元夕 (yuanxi); 元 refers to 元宵节 (yuanxiaojie), the lantern festival held on the fifteenth day of the lunar new year which marks the end of the spring festival/chinese new year, and 夕 is dusk. hence a very naturally poetic name, lantern festival at dusk.
before i get into the text of the poem, i want to note that i often sacrifice rhythm/rhyme for precision of meaning. i ✨artistically✨ speed up/slow down some syllables while recording to preserve some sense of metre lol, but it does read quite awkwardly on paper. i'm a very inexpert student and have a lot to improve on!
ok so! line by line!
--is a literally genius pun. it transliterates as: the east wind in the evening blows open the flowers of a thousand trees. very spring, right? haha spring festival get it.
however! its a chinese celebration, so what will there definitely be? fireworks 😎 and it just so happens that one word for "setting off fireworks" in chinese is 放烟花 (fang yanhua). yep, that's the same 花, which means flowers, but when combined with 烟 (smoke), it becomes a "fire-flower" 🎆!!
it's also the same 放, which in the context of actual flowers means the opening of petals, but in the phrase 放烟花 means to set off (the fireworks).
together, this line evokes both the blooming of the spring flowers under the eastern breeze* and the blooming of a thousand fireworks in the evening sky.
*spring comes from the east ofc; this is folklore and not science i think but lends to the spring-ness of the line
this one is pretty straightforward. lit. blown through the air by aforementioned wind, falling like a rain shower of stars.
oh boy. when i tell you my mom (who is my chinese teacher) and i got in several petty arguments over baomadiaoche...
so 宝马 (baoma) are just well-bred horses, prize steeds with a pedigree. a 雕车 (diaoche) (lit. carved chariot) is a very expensive carriage carved with lots of intricate decorations. in other words, these ppl are RICH.
however, it was difficult to convey the sheer decadence of 宝马雕车 without either using a miles worth of syllables or entirely losing the original cultural context. carved was too direct and ugly to hear besides, etched was not elite enough, sculpted conveyed entirely the wrong image... also, for some reason, "proud" to describe steeds was vetoed for being inaccurate???? hence the arguments.
in this scenario, the final word choice really is a matter of the least bad option.
at the same time, the second half of this line 香满路 (lit. fragrance fills the path) implies movement: the carriage is passing by, leaving the fragrance of rich people perfume in its wake. for the sake of syllables, i shifted that movement to the fragrance part of this line. i also like that this evokes a high-headed noble sweeping elegantly through the crowds.
overall, this line adds to the picture of a decadent, bustling market street during the most joyous celebration of the year.
lit. the notes of the phoenix xiao (chinese recorder) move, jade gourd light shimmers, the fish dragons dance all night.
chinese ppl, ok, use two motifs to describe the beauty and virtue of every artistic thing ever: phoenix and jade. phoenix xiao means NOTHING. it's like virtuous xiao. jade gourd is a little harder; some say it's the moon, some say it's the lanterns. jade and light put together kinda implies moon anyway, so i just sidestepped the problem entirely.
as for 鱼龙 (lit. fish dragons), theyre a type of dragon lantern which supposedly has some characteristic of a fish. they are puppet-danced on sticks - dragon dancing, the classic. my mom and i both had a vivid image of this dragon-lantern-dancing, but we couldn't find it ANYWHERE. if anyone knows the right search query to pull this up, please lmk how to tame 谷大哥*. anyway, i left the lanterns implied because idk how the fuck to explain this whole thing in four syllables.
*lit. big bro google. its funnier in chinese
this is the line that, when i finally bothered to properly research it, made everything about this translation click into place. these are all hair decorations. 蛾儿 (lit. li'l moth) are silk moths, 雪柳 (lit. snow willow) are silver tassels, and 黄金缕 (lit. yellow-golden cords) are gold cords lmao. hence golden silver silken sway, which was SO satisfying to come up with.
lit. laughing speech tinkles and faint fragrance goes by. this one is also fairly straightforward. 去 means to go, so we specifically want the image of a group of giggly teenage girls fading into the crowd.
众里寻他千百度。蓦然回首,那人却在 灯火阑珊处。
and finally we reach the most famous line, the 千古名句 (qiangumingju) - iconic line of a thousand histories!
lit. within the crowd, searching for him* in a thousand hundred directions; suddenly the head turns, it turns out that person is standing in the darkness where the lights have gone out.
*"him" is highly debated. 他, used in modern chinese like the pronoun "he", was historically a catchall pronoun for people of any gender. iirc, 她 for "she", and the gendered distinction, was only introduced when china started integrating to the west. in this line, 他 could be the teen girl that just passed by, or her beau. whichever way, one is the searcher, the other is the searched. i chose here to sidestep this by using i and you bc fuck gender.
anyway, when the searcher's head turns - even this bit had to be suitably poetic, a nightmare - they find their lover in the 灯火阑珊处.
灯火阑珊处 this phrase refers to a very specific image. imagine, in the early hours of the morning, a dwindling market street; the stands are closing one by one, lights winking out, leaving a gentle blanket of dark and calm behind. it is the quiet after the rain, the breath after the shout; it is the sigh of closing your front door at the end of the night. it's not the absence or complete lack of light, but rather the exit of it. a place of that just-left-behind dark is a 灯火阑珊处.
this sentence gave me so much grief and i am so proud to have done it even just a little bit of justice.
so after all that, the scene described by this poem is something like this: a lively late-night market street. people from many walks of life fill the path, celebrating the lantern festival, the turn of a new year and coming of spring, a riotous party of light and noise and joy. as the night slips into the sixteenth, the market begins winding down, stalls closing and lights winking out. amongst the teeming crowds ambling their way home, a young person searches for the their lover from whom they were separated; on some sudden instinct, they turn, to find their lover already looking back from the darkness of the fading festival, gaze caught in the divide between light and dark, wake and sleep: a quiet young love on the edge of spring, something fresh and new.
if anyone made it to this point, thank you and i hope this was an interesting read! please feel free to add comments questions and observations!! i would love to discuss at any level with someone other than my mom and chinese poetry truly is one of my passions even when it makes me want to kill, so i'm always down to talk. :] <3
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little-lanterns · 8 months ago
@vivienna-vivid HERE IT IS
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