#何韻詩 Denise Ho
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jzlily333 · 11 months ago
No matter what the situation, boldly declare, "God, I know your favor is coming." ​​​
Do not throw away your courage; you will receive a great reward for having such a spirit (Hebrews 10:35).
04/09 Bible verses
The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, To the person who seeks Him. (Lamentations 3: 25)
The Lord will be gracious to those who wait for the Lord and seek him in their hearts (Lamentations 3:25).
04/09Good words
1. It doesn’t matter how much money a person makes, the key is to have good values ​​and do the right things, which is more important than money (Denise Ho).
2. Life does not refer to how long you live in this world. The key is to be able to serve others at all times. This is the real life.
Poetry: Brave (Tianyun Choir)
你們不可丟棄勇敢的心;存這樣的心必得大賞賜 (希伯來書10: 35)。
The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, To the person who seeks Him.  (Lamentations 3: 25) 
凡等候耶和華,心裡尋求他的,耶和華必施恩給他 (耶利米哀歌3: 25) 。
1. 一個人賺多少錢並不重要,關鍵是擁有好的價值觀,且做正確的事,比錢更重要 (何韻詩)。
2. 人生,並不是指在世上活多久的時間,關鍵在於能時時不忘為人群服務,才是真正的人生。
詩歌:勇敢 (天韻詩班) 
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fyeahcindie · 5 years ago
*shaking head in dismay*
Shelley Shan also has a write up over at The Taipei Times.
And HOCC stayed a lot calmer about this than I would have:
Denise Ho (HOCC)@hoccgoomusic·18h
“I have just been attacked with red paint by a person who was identified as a pro-beijing camp member. Arrived in Taipei to participate in the #929GlobalAntiTotalitarianism protest. This is a serious attack to free speech and we shall not back down in face of these threats.”
By the way, don’t read the comments over at the South China Morning Post link, it will make your blood boil.  =(
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panicinthestudio · 5 years ago
Apple Daily - 美國國會《香港人權民主法案》 聽證會 邀何韻詩黃之鋒發言
Joshua Wong, Denise Ho, and Sunny Cheung testify before the United States Congressional-Executive Commission on China, along with Sharon Hom, Executive Director of Human Rights in China (HRIC) and author Dan Garrett. Livestream of the complete testimony on September 17, 2019 in English.
CSPAN: Hong Kong Protests and China livestream, September 17, 2019
Further reading:
TIME:  Hong Kong Activists Ask Lawmakers to Block U.S. Companies From Exporting Equipment Used Against Protesters, September 17, 2019
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keenywong · 3 years ago
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【評:希望咁有影響力的人會幫到香港年輕人。】茉莉花園 • 8h 最後一任英國駐香港總督彭定康(Chris Patten)2019年1月7日倫敦(資料圖片) AFP 英國末任港督彭定康在香港《立場新聞》被關閉後,批“習近平及其在香港的狡猾同夥”繼續“無情攻擊香港的自由”。他呼籲英政府向更多年輕港人提供BNO護照。他稱,北京在香港的代表們都確保其家人擁有了居英權,如果遭受他們迫害的人反而得不到這個權利,那將是一個“可怕的諷刺”… 香港最後一任英國總督、香港觀察的贊助人彭定康12月30日發表聲明,回應警方突襲和關閉立場新聞(StandNews) 及逮捕該媒體的記者和民主活動家何韻詩(Denise Ho)吳靄儀(Margaret NG)等人。 據非政府組織“香港觀察”網站消息稱,彭定康勳爵說:習近平在北京的共產獨裁政權及其在香港的狡猾同夥繼續對香港的自由進行無情的攻擊。最近的(立場新聞)事件是對言論自由的進一步攻擊。彭定康補充說,正如美國國務卿安東尼-布林肯所說,共產黨人似乎不明白新聞和煽動之間的區別。 彭定康稱,除了英國政府和世界其他民主政府已經說過的話之外,他希望(英國)外交大臣能夠全面而明確地評論中國最近的野蠻謊言。 彭定康呼籲“英國政府接受由保守黨和其他黨派的廣大成員提出的《國籍和邊界法案》修正案,為目前沒有資���享受英國國民海外計畫(BNO)的年輕香港人提供一條生命線,該計畫涵蓋他們的父母。” 彭定康解釋說,“北京在香港的許多政府官員,例如行政長官和布政司,都已確保他們自己的家庭成員擁有了英國公民的身份”。 他接著說,“如果我們允許北京政權在港代表的家人享有英國居留權,而反過來,遭受這幫“自取利益”的“統一戰線活動家”迫害的人,卻不能享有英國居留權,這將是一個惡劣可怕的諷刺。 https://www.rfi.fr/tw/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9C%8B/20211231-%E5%BD%AD%E5%AE%9A%E5%BA%B7-%E7%BF%92%E8%BF%91%E5%B9%B3%E7%B9%BC%E7%BA%8C-%E7%84%A1%E6%83%85%E6%94%BB%E6%93%8A-%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E8%87%AA%E7%94%B1 https://www.instagram.com/wongkeeny/p/CYK7ImrvZM7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nothestandnews · 5 years ago
如襪子精(何韻詩)所說 「果然是受過專業訓練」
As Socks (Denise Ho) said, "it is really professionally trained."
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q-the-rockaholic · 6 years ago
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6.26愛丁堡G20集會...我嘅超級偶像 @hoccgoomusic! 把握機會影張相, YEAH!! 😆😆😆😆😆✌✌✌✌✌ 26th June, G20 Free Hong Kong Assembly. One of my few super idols was there- Denise Ho (a very gutsy pro-democracy singer and activist, who is blacklisted in China) and of course, I had to grab a photo with her! 😆😆😆😆😆✌✌✌✌✌ #626愛丁堡廣場 #g20freehongkong集會 #g20freehongkongassembly #g20freehongkong #freehongkong #freehongkongdemocracynow #hocc #hoccgoomusic #deniseho #何韻詩 #何詩詩 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLvNV3jNNf/?igshid=gy77hnpugu0d
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americanmysticom · 6 years ago
Denise Ho: Resistance in Hong Kong | Hocc 何韻詩| China Uncensored
China Uncensored Published on Jun 5, 2019
Canto-pop star Denise Ho joins us to discuss Beijing's encroachment on Hong Kong's freedom and democracy, and how her activism and appearance at the Umbrella Movement hurt her career in Mainland China. 
[Great Interview of a very Beautiful Person]
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852recordstores · 8 years ago
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何韻詩 DENISE HO HOCC Dear Friend 2016 at HK Coliseum 2CD 可能是史上最團結的紅館演唱會。 2016年,何韻詩回到最初歌手的身份, 重返紅館, 在同樣的舞台上建構一個不一樣的演唱會。 透過史無前例的「集體獨家贊助」,獲得近三百個中小企、社區小店及個體戶單位支持, 成就一個屬於集體的演唱會。 「『平凡的我,從來無一點傳奇』。是這時代,把平凡的我推到一個浪尖,看似肩負了許多人的盼望,但事實是,是你們承托了我對世界的想像。是你們告訴我,相信仁慈,相信善良,相信人,準沒有錯。在最困難之時,回歸本位,做好自己,就對了。」 ── 何韻詩 https://nemb.ly/p/Hyu6oOwPe Happily published via Nembol
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fyeahcindie · 6 years ago
If you are a westerner interested in knowing how severe and ugly the situation in Hong Kong has become, Denise Ho is tweeting in English and sharing lots of English content. Many of the photos and clips are graphic/disturbing, so be warned. She’s also consistently interviewed in English/Western media. Here’s a piece from yesterday on BuzzFeedNews: This Hong Kong Pop Star Told Protesters To Stay Strong Against Chinese Scare Tactics The English language South China Morning Post is constantly updating: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/3022668/riot-police-protesters-clash-unprecedented-violence-hong HOCC 何韻詩 (fb) Of course, there are MANY other HK-based twitter accounts you can explore, including 周庭 Agnes Chow Ting, she posts in Chinese. Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 is one of the most prominent activists, and he tweets mostly in English. Joshua & Agnes are 2 of the founders of Demosistō 香港眾志 (twitter) From Wikipedia: “Demosistō is a pro-democracy organisation advocating self-determination for Hong Kong initially established on 10 April 2016 as a political party.”
Hong Kong Free Press is another English language account for HK/China news.
UPDATE: I don’t know if it’s just me, but Twitter won’t work if I click on a Twitter link from another browser window (I get the message: “Something went wrong.”), but if I paste the link into a new window, it works.
UPDATE: If you are following the news you know that the HK airport is closing intermittently because of the protest; the duo Deer Mx are trying to get out of town and go play some dates in their home country of Mexico. Well, I was wondering about bands that had dates scheduled in HK being able to arrive on time, but leaving on time is also an issue!
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poppy33 · 5 years ago
Liked on YouTube: 何韻詩HOCC《島嶼天光》大港開唱 Megaport Festival 20150329(附台語中文歌詞)Denise Ho https://youtu.be/ocahk2nUabM
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shinshun-chanson-show · 7 years ago
@勞斯萊斯 Louis and Lawrence ルイスとローレンス
Denise Ho(born in Hong Kong in1977) sings this song of boys’ love.
The lyric is Cantonese.
I think of Leslie Cheung who committed suicide.
He was a gifted man, so I’m very sorry for his death.
My teacher, he is French, says, “Japanese are generous to homosexual, because there come many people like that on TV”
I don’t agree with him, because generally Japanese people are not so generous about homosexual love.
In fact, they say about 10% of us are homosexual, but I see only few people of them.
勞斯和萊斯 都是花樣男子
勞斯 原是個校隊的優秀種子
萊斯 只喜愛讀書
偏偏他倆 早見晚見
每日著住同樣 純白襯衣
羅曼史 開場於 相鄰的桌椅
不過二人 不敢放肆
彼らはよく互いを見かける 同じ白いシャツを着て
 能成為密友 大概總帶著愛
但做對好兄弟 又如此相愛
でも兄弟なら そんなふうに愛するなら
暗裡很享受 卻怕講出來
兩眼即使 移開轉開
心裡面也知 這是愛
 もし彼らが抱き合えば たとえ偶然にせよ
どんなに楽しくても 彼らは認めるのが怖い
 男子和男子 怎能親密如此
勞斯 難面對 卻跟她勾過手指
萊斯 偏偏那樣痴
終於一次 她撲過去
四目對望然後 除下襯衣
迷惑中 的勞斯 此時先至知
ルイスにはできなかった でも女の子には約束した
 純情何事會 讓這悲劇揭開
他真的很意外 想起相識以來
彼は本当に驚いた 過去にどうやって
 日日也親暱如情侶 底牌終揭開
彼らは実際は恋人だった 最後にわかったように
 為何還害怕 若覺得這樣愛
尚在計算他又是誰 可否愛
旁人哪個 接受這種愛
 なぜ怖れるのか もしこれが愛だと感じているなら
 明明絕配 犯眾憎 便放開
永遠的忍耐 永遠不出來
世界將依然 不變改
可要像梁祝 那樣愛
まったくうまくやって 変わったものに反対して ほっておけばいい
恋しなさい 蝶々のように
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chuck331 · 7 years ago
OMG Denise Ho was like 10 metres away from me 😃😃😃 #pinkdothk #deniseho #何韻詩 (at West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區)
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domusiconline · 7 years ago
彼此, 何韻詩 Denise Ho Wan See (鋼琴教學) Synthesia 琴譜 Sheet Music
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fyeahcindie · 6 years ago
More western coverage of HOCC and other HK artists.
(I tried to add this to the previous post but tumblr won’t let me edit a mobile app post on the desktop)
And this CNN interview was from a few weeks ago, Denise shared it on her Goomusic YT channel:
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fyeahcindie · 6 years ago
何韻詩 Denise Ho and others outline in English (with English & Chinese subtitles) what’s going on with the protest over the Extradition Bill, with scenes from Hong Kong and many international cities this past weekend. (posted to Denise’s Goomusic YT channel)
And happening right now: Hong Kong police and protestors clash amid mass demonstrations over extradition bill  (Twitter)
CNN: The return of Hong Kong's umbrella movement
South China Morning Post: Live | More tear gas fired as Hong Kong police and extradition bill protesters renew clashes
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fyeahcindie · 3 years ago
Denise Ho / HOCC 何韻詩
I think you have to pay to see the actual stream (bit.ly/hoccshousononline), but you can see a behind the scenes video, with some rehearsal, interview, and post-concert chatter:
It was brutally hot on that stage, you can see the sweat pouring off of HOCC. 0_0
Denise Ho Twitter, Spotify, YouTube, Instagram, Goo Music
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