#ㅤㅤ´ writingsㅤ⸝ㅤ❆ㅤPOOR LITTLE SNOW WHITE
snehvit · 3 months
"Hey Ms. White. How's it going? You look good! Do something with your hair? It looks great you look great- hey, so uh, think you could do your old friend Jack a favor? It won't put you out too bad or anything but I have this GREAT idea for how to get some extra cashflow to me everyone in Fabletown without having to be too in old BB's pockets. I just need a liiiiiiiittle push to get things started, you know? You know- you're smart, you understand. Thanks!" -♡♤ Jack ( @jackoff-alltrades pretend its anon LOL)
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          Color her thoroughly unimpressed, evident by the steely-eyed gaze & her crossed arms; not immediately hostile [ THERE’S NO REAL REASON TO BE, TRULY ] but enough to convey that she’s not buying Jack’s nice act either; Snow refrains from rubbing her temples, but she’s willing to listen, at least…
Somewhat, anyway     ❛❛     Jack,     ❜❜     nodding her head once before uncrossing her arms; is this the only reason he made an appointment to see her today? Refraining from shutting down, Snow does her best to be polite,
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          ❛❛     It’s nice to see you too; I appreciate the compliments, but let's get to the point. I’d be… ah, happy to listen, but before we even consider ‘pushing’ to get anything started, I'd need a detailed proposal outlining your plan, potential impacts, & how it will be managed responsibly,    ❜❜     & she’s more than sure he doesn’t have this at his immediate disposal [ NOT THAT SHE’S PUTTING IT ABOVE HIS SKILL SET OR ANYTHING ]
          ❛❛     We would need to ensure it aligns with Fabletown's regulations and benefits the community as a whole. I’m sure you understand that, right Jack? We can discuss it further if it holds up; we can't bend the rules for personal gain, as you know… Do you have any of that for me today?    ❜❜
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snehvit · 4 months
“need some space?”
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          Snow hadn’t even heard him approach her; not that she mentions it, but her shoulders do give a slight jolt at the sound of Bigby’s voice [ TAKE A DEEP BREATH, COUNT TO THREE… ] and needlessly adjusts the lapels of her jacket,     ❛❛     … Something like that, but I’ll manage. I have to,     ❜❜     despite what most thought of her, Snow isn’t the patient sort.
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Funny, being that she’s normally the ‘good cop’ in their dynamic duo, but truly, Snow merely tolerated behind a thinly veiled ( albeit seemingly good-natured smile, ) & provided the impression of such. That’s all it ever is, isn't it? Smoke and mirrors,
          But she’s already making room for him to sit, despite her supposed temper,     ❛❛     … I won’t bite though; gotta maintain a professional image and all that. Like I said, I’ll get over it… What about you? I’m not boring you with my needless rambling, am I?     ❜❜     there’s a quirk to her lips, but no more than that.
A smile from Snow, however small, is still a win as not many can get her to do so in the first place.     ❛❛     I’m surprised you’re not pulling out the smokes. Crane really seemed to get under your skin back there; how are you feeling?     ❜❜
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snehvit · 4 months
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