#ー♡ You Promised To Protect Me
inniessick · 1 year
You promised to protect me, after all. / Yang Jeongin
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Pairing: nonidol!yang jeongin x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Fic Warnings: pet names (Innie, Jeonginnie, Love, Sweetheart, Pretty), cussing, yandere themes (stalking, narcissistic behavior, mental manipulation, overprotective/possessive, deceptive, lying, killing people and talk of killing people, physical violence <not to reader>, unhinged!innie), general violence warning <no physical abuse towards reader>, talk of past abusive relationship (insinuated, not in depth, literally like one line), very slight perv!innie, kissing, degradation (not sexual) That should be all, no smut in this chapter!
Series warnings: angst, dark content, smut, fluff??, yandere themes (stalking, narcissistic behavior, mental manipulation, overprotective/possessive, deceptive, lying, killing people and talk of killing people, physical violence <not to reader>, unhinged!innie), general violence warning <no physical abuse towards reader>, talk of past abusive relationship (part one has a 1 liner, part two goes a bit more into detail, no mentions of physical abuse just cheating), kissing????, degradation (sexual/not sexual), dominant innie (sexual/not sexual if that makes sense), dom/sub dynamics, very lowkey perv!innie, manhandling, cussing, names (bitch, whore, slut, cumdump <argue w the wall>, baby, babe, princess, my love/love/lovey, sweetheart, darling, babygirl, pretty/ innie, jeonginnie, jeong, sir,), size kink, fingering, oral (f/m), cumplay??, overstimulation, edging, orgasm denial, spit play, spanking, tummy bulge..., cervix kissing, mayhaps breeding kink idk, unprotected sex (pls dont do this), dumbification, begging??, choking, hair pulling,hickeys/lovebites, consensual even if not outright stated, let me know if I used a confusing term, or missed any!
likes reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated ♡ let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for future parts!
Part one, Part two, Part three < coming soon...
You are reading part one of the series...
a/n: this can be read as a stand alone if you do not want to read part two as it is a smut chapter.
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There you were, sitting at home, you had finally finished cleaning the house, top to bottom. Seriously, you dusted the damn ceiling. All jeongin ever wanted from you was your unconditional love, keep the house clean, depend on him, and never ever leave him. It hadn't sounded like a bad situation at the start, you had been completely infatuated with him. I mean, he took care of you in ways nobody else ever had. He swore up and down to protect you as long as you listened to him. That's what love is right? Give and take. Give yourself to him, and endlessly be cared for. Nobody had ever bothered to stay in your life after they had gotten what they wanted out of you. But Jeongin, he wanted things from you that would last forever. He did say, unconditional love and to never leave him. Certainly if you did that, he too would always need something from you, making him yours just as long as you were his.
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See, it wasn't hard for him, you were stupid. Completely and utterly dumb. You never locked your car door, always left your phone unattended and unlocked, constantly misplaced your wallet and house keys. You never checked to see if someone was following you, you wouldn't close your curtains, and you overshared. If someone had asked you for your mothers maiden name, you would've given them the story on what her name was and what it changed to after she married your father! You were an open book, allowing anyone to read you. How could a sweet girl like you ever take care of yourself? He had to have you all to himself, make sure nobody hurt you. Its like you were practically begging for him to take you.
It all started because your idiot self had picked up his drink thinking it was yours. He had been watching you for weeks. his plan was set in motion so easily. Get the same order as you, changing one minor detail, just before you ordered your own.
A hand gently gripped your shoulder, "I believe you have my drink, pretty." Your eyes went wide, both because he startled you and that you had just embarrassed yourself in front of such a handsome guy! You turned the cups label toward you, 'J---n-in, Light ice' the name had become smeared, "Oh shit, oh my gosh i'm so dumb. Sorry, it looked exactly like mine! Can I pay you back? I already took a drink o- Wait, haven't I seen you around before? You were the guy who returned my wallet and keys!" "Dont worry about the drink, and yea, that would be me. Your name is y/n isnt it?" It was all working out so well. "Yea it is!" You had turned around and grabbed your actual drink. "Here you can just have mine! Why dont you come and sit with me? I dont think I got the chance to actually thank you!" "You're sitting at the table in the corner right?" There you go again, book bag and laptop open, left unattended. "Mhm! cmon cmon come sit with me." You had already grabbed his hand and started walking to the small table. Oh, how warm your hand felt in his, he wanted to hold it forever. "Let me just put this away real quick." Setting the drink down before shoving your belongings in the bag. "So, thank you! I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't found my keys.. it would've been the third time i'd have to get a new one from the landlord." "Really? Do you misplace them that much?" "Yup, i'm sure i'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my neck!" A small laugh came from his mouth. "Sounds like you need someone to take care of all that for you." "Now that you mention it, i'm sure that would help me out a whole lot..." You paused, thinking about what you should say next, "Well, you know my name, but I dont know yours, Tell me it please!" "I'm Jeongin." "Jeongin... Jeongin. I like the sound of that." And he loved the sound of you saying it. How else would it come from your lips, what did you sound like when you were whining and begging? How would you say his name as you cried? How would you scream it? He snapped himself out of his thoughts, he could worry about all of that later. "Well, you're free to call me it anytime." A small grin appeared on your face, "Just wait till I have a nickname for you! It'll be super cool. I swear you'll love it."
Were you really going to hand yourself over to him that easily? Not that he would complain, but he would've expected you to at least be a tiny bit cautious. "I'll be waiting to hear what you come up with. You're an interesting girl, you know." "Am I? I haven't even told you all about myself yet!" "Why don't you? I'd like to get to know you better. We still have plenty of time, you're not even finished with your drink yet." "Ah yea, seriously I am sorry I took yours!" "Really, it's not a problem. Simply a coincidence that we had the same order." "Crazy how things like that happen, huh? Must mean we were fated to meet." Oh, how he wanted to laugh in your face. So stupid, so naive, and so adorable. Just what was he going to do with you? "I was thinking the same thing. If that's the case, go on, tell me about yourself." "Okay! so, I live in a small apartment downtown, and I go out every thursday night to just walk around! Normally at 10-11 pm. This town, it's gorgeous at night! I'm still learning my way around it, I actually only moved here 6-7 months ago." He already knew that, you were in apartment 107. Each thursday you would head out of your apartment, sometimes locking the door, other times not. You would walk a different direction every few weeks only ever circling your way back home after you had picked two or three flowers. Sometimes it took you awhile to find them, but after you found 3 it was time to head back. It didn't matter if it only took you 15 minutes. He wondered if someone as forgetful as you would really have routines to follow, he was just dying to figure out every little detail about you. Pick you apart completely and then put you right back together just how he wanted.
"Hm, why'd you move to this city? There's not a whole lot to this area." "Oh... well," Your mouth forming a slight frown, was he finally going to find something out he hadn't already known? "My ex boyfriend.. he was," A slight pause, insinuating it probably wasn't the best situation. You had turned your head to the side, avoiding his gaze. "Well, you know. he wasn't the best person... treated me real bad." You rubbed your arm, in an effort to calm yourself down. "I didn't have a whole lot, so it took a long time for me to leave. Family disowned me years ago." Now he was pissed off, had someone really dared to hurt you? He was angry he hadn't found you sooner, after all, he just wanted to protect you. He was protecting you already, but a part of him was glad you had no one, he really would have you all to himself. Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't even have to hurt anyone! Well, as long as you dont count the one guy who followed you last night. But you'd never have to worry, he took care of it. It was a shame his knuckles were still bruised, but he didn't care. He protected you, that's all that mattered. "Y/n, i'm sorry to hear that. I would never do that to you. I know you didn't deserve anything that happened to you." "Mhm.. well ya know.. things happen, it's okay though. Sorry to make the situation so grim." "Oh dont say that, I asked. You didn't say anything you shouldn't have. I'll listen to everything you have to say." He placed his hand right on top of yours, a reassuring gesture.
"I.. I appreciate that. you're really a nice guy, you know!" of course he was a nice guy, he only ever had your best interest in mind! "I could tell you other stuff about me? Maybe we can meet back here tomorrow..." "Sure, i'd love that. Why dont you give me your number, i'll text you so we can set up a time." "Sure!" You quickly typed your number into phone before standing up and grabbing your bag. "Well, thank you for the drink!" You flashed him a cheeky smile, "See you tomorrow, Jeonginnie!" He had won you over. You were his.
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Hey, its Jeongin.
Hi! I was wondering when you'd text me :)
Sorry to keep you waiting, pretty. So, do you think 5 is a good time for you?
Yea! i'll meet you there, same spot?
Same spot.
Thanks for talking to me today, I look forward to seeing you again. Goodnight Jeonginnie.
You were right, I do like the nickname. Night y/n.
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Just as you had agreed upon, you met back up at 5 pm in the same spot. You were late, only by 12 minutes. "Hey! Sorry i'm a bit late! I kind of.. got lost. Wrong turn." You nervously laughed. "I hope I didn't make you wait too long!" He knew you'd be late, of course you would. But he didn't care, you still met up with him. "No you're all good! I know you're still a bit new to the area, I didn't wait very long." You sighed as you pulled the chair in front of you out, taking a seat. "Great, I really was hoping you wouldn't leave before I got here..." Had you thought that lowly of him? Of course he would wait for you! It's not like he was crazy, who gets upset about 12 minutes? "Of course I wouldn't leave before you got here, i'm not like that." "Mmm I know.. I just really wanted to see you." Your head was held low, you had made yourself flustered with your statement. you weren't supposed to say that out loud. A small giggle coming from him got your attention, "I'm glad you wanted to see me. Let me go get you a drink, yea?" "Yes please! Here let me give you my c-" He was already walking up to the counter before you even had a chance to find your card in your bag. He was back before you knew it, handing the drink to you. "You didn't have to get it for me.. I could've paid." "Dont worry about that, if you're concerned about paying me back, just let me get to know you better. That's worth more than money." You could feel your face heat up, nobody had ever been interested in being around you, let alone the things you had to say. "Okay.. well,"
He sat there looking at you, taking a mental note of every little thing you mentioned. The pet hamster you had as a kid, how you'd been using the same 3 passwords since you were 10, your favorite colors, the things you did as hobbies. Granted he already knew half the things you had mentioned, you seriously were way too open. He'd have to teach you to not tell everyone so much. He had to make sure nobody ever knew you better than he did, that no one would hurt you because they knew so much about you.
Your rambling continued for quite some time before you finally closed it off, "And that's how I found out about this town! It was far enough away that I think i'll be safe... ahahaa, hopefully." You didn't have to hope, he would keep you safe. Really, you'll never need to worry about it again. "I was right, you are one interesting girl." "You're interesting too, i'd love to visit the town your from. You make it sound really nice." "Maybe i'll have to take you one of these d-" He was cut off by a worker coming over and letting you both know that the cafe would be closing soon. Had time gone by that quickly? "I hadn't realized we were talking that long." You scratched the back of your neck, embarrassed that you'd lost track of time like that. "Barely felt like any time passed at all, regardless thank you for coming and seeing me." "Of course Jeonginnie, lets do it again next weekend maybe? If you're not busy you know.." You mumbled the last part of your sentence hoping he would just agree to see you. "I'll make sure i'm free this weekend, text me when you want to meet up and I'll be there. If you want to go somewhere else, we can." "Maybe.. um.. maybe you can show me around a bit?" "Of course I can do that. It's a date." "It- It's a date!" You couldn't help but smile, you were just so happy he liked you! He laughed a bit, you seemed so enthusiastic, it was one of the cutest things he's seen.
"Would you like me to walk you home, y/n?" He was standing up and pushing the chair back in. "Oh.. Oh no, I can get back just fine. I think I'll be alright to go on my own." He didn't actually care what you had to say, he would be following you anyway. He can't let his sweetheart get hurt now, can he? It seems as though he'd simply be walking with you from a distance. "Alright, let me know when you get home okay?" He was holding the door open for you. "I will, do the same please!" He nodded as he turned around to pretend to be going back home, but just before he started walking away, "Jeonginnie!" he was turning back around, "Yea? You okay?" You were staring at the sidewalk, "Will.. Could.. Um," "Is something wrong, love?" You already had a hard time thinking straight, but the petname sure didn't help, you continued to stutter for another few seconds, "Will you come.. could you come back to my apartment with me?" You put your head back up, being met with him smiling at you. "I can walk you home, that's no problem." You turned your head to the side again, how were you supposed to say this? "No Jeongin.. I meant, will you come into my apartment with me? I.. would like to spend more time with you." For the first time, you had genuinely shocked him. He took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers, "If you'll have me, i'd like that too." And there you went, looking up at him with the sweetest smile. God how he wanted to kiss you. That could wait, right now he was just happy to have you all to himself. He would genuinely be alone with you. You both walked to your apartment, you leading in front of him. He wasn't going to tell you he knew where you lived, he wouldn't want to scare you after all. The walk wasn't long, maybe 10 minutes, it was silent most of the way. A comfortable silence, though, a silence that showed you both were simply happy to be together. His hand squeezing yours as your thumb rubbed the back of his hand.
You finally broke the silence, "It's right down the hall.. its not very pretty but its nice. I'm able to afford it." "I'm not worried about what it looks like, I'm sure its just fine y/n," He already knew what your room looked like, you really need to learn to close your curtains. He had let go of your hand so you could get your keys and unlock the door, to his surprise it happened to actually be locked this time. You held the door open, "Welcome in.." Closing the door and locking it once more. It was 10:27, you were hoping you'd be able to ask him to spend the night. You didn't want anything to happen, you just wanted his company. You'd even sleep on the couch to make him comfortable. "I'll be honest, when I asked you to come over I didn't have anything planned.." He started laughing, "That's okay, it's cliche but we can always watch something or talk. I just want to be with you." He put his hand on your cheek, making you look at him as he spoke to you. Had his hands always felt so soft? You put your hand on top of his, leaning your face further into it.
"Really like you Innie..." You kissed the palm of his hand, "I like you too." "No.. I like you." "I like you too." You stared up at him, did he really mean it? Surely he wasn't the same as your past partners, he wouldn't lie to you right? Of course not, he's not like that. He just wants to care for you, keep you safe. "Can you kiss me?" He didnt need to say anything, simply leaning in to touch your lips with his. It was warm, it felt comforting, like nothing bad would happen to you while you were with him. He pulled away first, hand moving from your cheek to run his thumb along your bottom lip before completely taking it away from your face. "Your lips are really soft..." "So are yours." "I like how it feels." Looking up at him, you never wanted to stop kissing him, it was euphoric. Like you needed to feel him. "I like you." "You make me feel safe." "You'll always be safe with me." "Promise?" "Swear, I'll do anything to keep you safe." You leaned up, begging for him to kiss you one more time, longer, passionately. You wanted to be his.
There was an emphasis on 'anything', but you didn't know what 'anything' actually implied. He truly meant, whatever it would take. He would lie, cheat, steal, kill for you. He would do whatever it takes to protect you. It didn't matter if he had to kill two or twenty people, he would always keep you safe. Nothing, and nobody would get in his way of that. He would give you whatever you wanted, no matter how crazy the request. Your word was absolute. You were his number one priority. His trophy. You were his.
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a/n: I really don't view innie as the kind of "yandere" to be batshit, and isolate or kidnap you. I think he's the kind of guy that is just a bit *too* protective/possessive. And if something crosses the line he's made, all bets are off. Stay behind the line? All is well. One step over it and he's threatening to kill whoever is around you and may pose a threat. Slightly unhinged. He's the person who plays mind games. He breaks your mental down until you're putty in his hands, ready for him to mold you into the perfect version of yourself, the one that's perfect for him. He's a stalker, and he's in it for the long run. He is slow and meticulous with his actions. He truly loves you too, he just loves you a bit too much. // Guys i feel like i'm going insane i know exactly where this is going and absolutely zero clue. Do u know how annoying it is to properly capitalize everything. id rather die thanks. but i have to do it again i fear. i have never had more fun writing something in my entire life. i have also never been so stressed while writing something. no smut in this chapter 🫣🫣 next chapter tho.. be prepared because i'm prepared to make the smut 2k words long for shits and giggles. OH do you like my new layout too?  ITS CUTE SAY ITS CUTE BECAUSE IT IS ITS ADORABLE AGREE WITH ME!! anyways. looking forward to publishing the next to parts. don't bother me abt image issues tumblr was being a raging cunt and i wanted to post this.
likes reblogs and feedback are appreciated! ♡ my requests are open!! let me know if you want to be added to a taglist for future parts!
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imavillainok · 1 year
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Feitan Portor x Reader | Sunburn☀️
Masterlist / Menu
ー ♡꒱・!Tags : no warnings, gender-neutral reader, fluff, established relationship, oneshot
Pairing [ Feitan Portor x Gn reader ]
ー ♡꒱・!Summary: You went on a beach date with Feitan and didn't listen to his advice about wearing sunscreen.
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You had been looking forward to your beach date with Feitan all week. You had packed your swimsuit, sunscreen, and a picnic lunch, ready to spend a relaxing day in the sun with your favorite Phantom Troupe member.
Feitan had warned you to wear sunscreen and protect your skin from getting sunburned, but you were feeling carefree and didn't want to be weighed down by sunscreen. You assured Feitan that you would be fine and that you wanted to get a nice tan.
As the day wore on, you and Feitan enjoyed swimming in the ocean, snacking on sandwiches, and lounging on the beach. But as the sun started to set, you began to feel the painful effects of your lack of sunscreen. Your skin was red and sore, and you could barely move without wincing in pain.
Feitan noticed that you were in pain and discomfort, and his expression turned stern.
"Tsk. told you to wear sunscreen, didn't I?" he said, his voice laced with annoyance. "You should have listened to me."
You winced as he scolded you, feeling guilty for not taking his advice seriously. But even as he scolded you, he gently took your hand and led you to the car, determined to take care of you. You could tell that he was upset with you, but you also knew that he cared deeply for your well-being.
Once you were back at the hotel, Feitan ran a cool bath for you and helped you soak your burnt skin. He brought you aloe vera gel and rubbed it gently into your skin, his touch gentle and soothing.
As you lay on the bed, wrapped in a cool towel, Feitan sat beside you and held your hand. "Sorry for scolding you," he said softly. "Just want you to be safe. I care about you."
You smiled weakly, grateful for his concern. "Thank you for taking care of me, Fei," you said. "You're always so good to me."
Feitan leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Will always take care of you," he promised. "No matter what."
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buccini555 · 1 year
𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒌 | 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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♡ ℱ𝓉. Hakkai Shiba, Naoto Tachibana, Kokonoi Hajime, Inui Seishu, Wakasa Imaushi, Shinichiro Sano, Taiju Shiba, Shion Maradame, Ryusei Satou and Pah-Chin
≡ 𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎! You're sick and he'll take care of you
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ‧₊˚ ٬٬ 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚘𝚔 ! . . . › 𝑷𝚊𝚛𝚝.𝟐 ♡
𝑯𝒂𝒌𝒌𝒂𝒊 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒃𝒂
He would go out of his way to take care of you and would definitely do his best.
He would ask at all times how you are feeling or if you are already feeling better.
He would definitely give you sweets or things to please you (as much as you are sick, you should eat more healthy things), he would do everything to cheer you up and make you feel good right away.
ー I-I'll take care of you, I'll always take care of you...
𝑵𝒂𝒐𝒕𝒐 𝑻𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒂
He would become even more protective of you, in fact he would be very concerned but maybe not show it too much.
ー I warned you not to get rained on, didn't I? Besides, you don't have enough blankets to keep you warm... and I won't have to make you eat soup, will I?
Despite lecturing you, he takes very good care of you and is affectionate most of the time, writing down all the times of your medicines and making you take them correctly, in addition, he always caresses you and watches you while you sleep
𝑲𝒐𝒌𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒊 𝑯𝒂𝒋𝒊𝒎𝒆
Koko would be almost paranoid of how much care he would have for you, he would want to help you with everything, keep you as comfortable, definitely Kokonoi would not try to cook for you, for fear of it ending up bad, so he would buy your favorite foods.
ー Hmm? Y/n? Hope you get better soon... Do your best to look good for us, understood?
𝑰𝒏𝒖𝒊 𝑺𝒆𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒖
He didn't really know how to take care of you, so he tried to make you as comfortable as possible.
Inupi tries to cheer you up all the time, in addition to bringing you little gifts, he always tries to check your medicines and buy them for you.
ー It's okay my love, hmm? It will pass and everything will be fine again...
𝑾𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒂 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊
Wakasa basically wouldn't leave your side, he would do everything for you, help you with everything and try to cheer you up.
Even if you were sick, he would take you for a walk at night, to at least try to distract you.
He would get lost in his medicine schedules, so he wrote everything down so he wouldn't forget.
ー Get better soon, honey, I really don't know how to take care of you.
𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒐 𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒐
ー You'll get better, I promise I'll try to take care of you, okay?
He would be very worried about you, all the time he would ask how you are feeling and if you need anything, besides, he became much more affectionate than usual.
He always goes out to buy your medicine, writes down all the times and always makes you take them on time.
𝑻𝒂𝒊𝒋𝒖 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒃𝒂
Taiju would be very worried, but he wouldn't show it.
Despite not being very affectionate most of the time, he was really trying to take care of you and get you back on your feet.
ー I told you I was going to be sick, didn't I? Now have your tea and then your soup I took so long to make.
𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒐𝒏 ��𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒂𝒎𝒆
Shion would practically go into despair, even though it's just a flu, in his head you were almost ready to leave.
ー Y/n? Don't leave me, okay? Look, I'll take care of you, or at least try, but don't make it worse, understand?
He would be by your side at all times, watching you and asking if you were getting better, in addition to organizing all your medicines and scheduling all your appointments so you wouldn't end up forgetting.
𝑹𝒚𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒊 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒖
He would be sad to see you sick, but he would do his best to try to make you feel better.
To try to cheer you up, he bought you some stuffed animals and things you like to eat, in addition he also bought the medicine and some candies to take the bad taste out of the medicine.
ー You'll get better soon, after all it's very strong.
𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒌𝒊 𝑯𝒂𝒚𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒅𝒂 (𝐏𝐚𝐡-𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧)
He would be extremely concerned, then become even more affectionate and attentive. As much as you weren't even that sick, his little heart broke when he saw you sick.
ー Hey, Y/n? Get well soon... I don't like to see you like this.
To cheer you up, he bought you a stuffed animal, flowers and some sweets, plus he took all your meals in your bed to keep you from overexerting yourself.
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dialovers-translations · 11 months
Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー Subaru [11]
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We fled from the Scarlet Manor,
with Subaru-kun carrying me in his arms.
I interlocked our fingers tightly,
so I definitely would not let go of his hand.
In correspondence to my actions,
Subaru-kun strongly squeezed down on my hand.
And so we aimlessly dashed forward.
To a place where we could stay somewhat hidden,
now that we had nowhere to go in this World.
ー The scene shifts to an abandoned house
Subaru: Where are we?
Yui: I didn’t think we’d stumble upon an abandoned building over here.
Subaru: We should have made it far enough. I’m putting you down.
Yui: Yeah, thanks.
Subaru: ...I can’t sense any Familiars around this area. Although we still can’t let our guard down.
Yui: I guess we should be fine for now? Shall we head inside and rest up? I’m worried about your injuries as well. 
Subaru: ...Might be best not to go inside.
Yui: Why not?
Subaru: We won’t be able to run if somethin’ happens, right? It’s not like we’ll stay here forever anyway.
We’re being targeted by the Scarlet and Orange houses, and obviously the Violet House as well.
We have to go somewhere a lil’ more safe than this worn-down shed...
Yui: ...
Subaru: Hah. This whole situation is a fuckin’ joke. We can’t trust anyone at this point. It doesn’t matter if they’re my brothers or not.
They’re all after me since they’ve got a personal vendetta ‘gainst me for stealin’ Eve away.
But isn’t that perfect? I guess I shouldn’t be relyin’ on anyone else’s help to protect my precious girl.
Yui: I don’t think so! It isn’t a crime to rely on others. Although it might be difficult this time around...
Subaru: ...I wonder.
Yui: ( We truly can’t trust anyone...I guess it only makes sense to feel that way after Reiji-san tricked us like that. )
What should we do about your injuries? The wounds opened up again after what happened earlier, didn’t they?
Subaru: They didn’t. Don’t worry. 
Yui: Please, Subaru-kun. Don’t act tough in front of me.
I’m afraid that you’ll crumble under the pressure of trying to burden everything by yourself, only so I wouldn’t have to worry.
Subaru: You...
→ Because I don’t see a way out of this (🖤)
Yui: Now that we’re stuck being pursued by everyone while still completely unaware as to why all of this is happening...
I’m just anxious because I don’t see a way out of this. Like how much longer do we have to live like this...?
Subaru: ...Sorry for makin’ you anxious.
Yui: No, that’s not what I meant! I’m not putting the blame on you!
I’m sorry, Subaru-kun. For being this weak-spirited when I’m the one who said you should rely on me.
It just pains me to see you hurt...
→ Because I love you (♡)
Subaru: I just told you I’m fine, didn’t I? I’m a Vampire, so I can easily handle this much.
Yui: You might be okay with the whole situation but...
I love you, so I don’t want the person I like to have to suffer...
I may be powerless, but just like you vowed to protect me,
I also want to look out for you.
Subaru: Is that how you’ve been feeling?
Yui: Hey, would you perhaps be happier without me?
Subaru: Hah? Where does that suddenly come from?
Yui: I mean, even now you’re having to push yourself to run away from everyone, even though it’s my fault that you got injured in the first place.
...If I were to go back to either Carla-san or Reiji-san, and promise to help them out as Eve if they save you, thenーー
Subaru: Cut the crap!
Yui: Subaru-kun...
Subaru: Who says you can decide this by yourself!? Do you think you can rescue everyone if you just put yourself second!? Aah!? 
I can’t believe you’re still keepin’ up with the whole goody-two-shoes act. Fuck that!
Yui: That wasn’t my intention...
Subaru: I’ve told you countless times, haven’t I!? Without you, I don’t even care ‘bout livin’ anymore. 
Subaru: Fuck, why don’t you just get it!? I’ve long made up my resolve that I’ll spend my life with you.
Yui: ...!?
Subaru: I don’t care what happens to me. I refuse to hand you over, no matter what happens...
ー Subaru embraces her
Yui: Subaru-kun...
Subaru: I don’t want to lose the girl I’m holdin’ in my arms right now...!
That’s why, ...ow.
Yui: ...Ah, your injuries...Are you alright? Don’t push yourself.
( I can tell by his expression that he’s in pain after all. He’s acting strong, but his wounds actually hurt a lot, don’t they? )
( Isn’t he just being stubborn because he doesn’t want to cause me any worries...? )
Subaru: Fuck. Why does it have to hurt this much when all I did was embrace you...
I can’t do jack-shit like this. I won’t stand a chance if I have to fight with those guys...!
Yui: ( I’m sorry, Subaru-kun. ...If only I wasn’t here... )
Subaru: What am I supposed to do!? 
Subaru: ...What’s this light!? 
What happened?
???: ...
Yui: A sphere of light?
Subaru: The fuck’s this thing? Is somethin’ fucked up ‘bout to happen again...?
Socrates: My name is Socratesーー
Subaru: Uwah! It talked! Yui, stay behind me!
Socrates: What a noble man you are. You try to protect Eve despite being covered in injuries already?
It would seem that my experiment is headed in an interesting direction. I do not want to let this opportunity slip by.
Subaru: Experiment...?
Yui: What exactly do you mean? Who are you?
Socrates: It is not necessary for you to know me.  However, I suppose I can tell you that I am the one who knows the secrets behind this World.
Yui: ( He knows how this World works... )
Excuse me, how come this is happening to us!? Also, where are we!?
Socrates: This is a closed-off World, created through magic. You may think of it as a miniature garden.
And as long as you remain inside of this World, your memories should have not come back.
Subaru: As long as we remain inside, you say? So in other words...
Socrates: Yes. If you can somehow make it out, everything will be as before. The altered memories will go back to normal.
However, seeing as the two of you were able to remember regardless. 
I suppose it is possible for one’s memories to be regained through some kind of outer stimulus.
That was a blunder on my part. I shall take it into account for future experiments. 
Subaru: Future, you say...? Fuck off.
Fess up, you bastard! Since you know that much, I bet you’re the one who gathered us here, right!?
Why did you do this!?
Socrates: ...
Subaru: Che...Speak up!!
Subaru: ...What...?
Yui: You can’t hit him...
Socrates: Physical attacks have no effect on me. You cannot even touch me.
If you fight, then you will have to fight against this World itself, not me.
Subaru: Haah? 
Socrates: I made this World in a way that if a certain condition is met, it is very easy to destroy it.
Yui: ( I see. So there is a way to escape! )
Could you tell us what that condition is?
Socrates: That would be to sacrifice one of the members inside this World.
Yui: Sacrifice...?
Socrates: All you need to do is choose death yourself. It does not matter how you choose to end your life.
Yui: Choose death, so you mean...?
Subaru: ...Are you bullshittin’ us!? Are you tellin’ us to die!?
Socrates: There is no need for everyone to die. It will only take one life to be sacrificed. 
As long as somebody chooses to end their life without being killed by another, the experiment will no longer be able to continue and this World will crumble.
Subaru: Still, you really think we can do that!?
Socrates: In that case, feel free to remain imprisoned in this place where time has stopped forever. 
I do not mind that either. All I care about is that I get to watch over your future actions.
ー Socrates disappears
Yui: Ah, he disappeared.
Subaru: Oi, fuck! Wait! We’re not done talkin’ yet!!
Yui: Socrates-san! Why did you come up with something so cruel!?
Like having brothers fight each other, or setting this whole thing up so somebody will have to die, why...?
( We found out how this World works, but this is just too much...! )
( I can’t believe that nobody can be saved unless one person commits suicide. )
( It might be dangerous to take the words of some sphere of light which suddenly popped up for granted. )
( But if there’s no other way, is it worth trying it out...? )
Subaru: Kuh...
Yui: ( Seems like Subaru-kun is having a hard time deciding as well. )
( Of course he is. To willingly end one’s own life...that isn’t something easily done. )
( Isn’t there some other method? A way to destroy his World and all go home together unscathed... )
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lovingmichi · 2 years
♰ ⠀ — ⠀゛☆﹕f!izana reader x twst ; grim. 。。
❦ :: angst writing practice, death, overblot, not edited.
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Snow had gathered at the gates of Night Raven College. Grim watched as the frozen precipitation stuck to the ground. Ramshackle dorm quiet except the old creaky door that threw in cold air.
Watching you stand in front of the burning fire Malleus threw out Grim’s eyes widened. The fire came to a halt as you dropped down to your knees, your bare back exposed and usual soft (skin color) skin bubbled up with burn blisters. “You…what are you doing?” Grim asked watching your eyes fall on him. “You’re quiet the handful for a servant. My body moved on its own.” Your purple eyes filled with tears. He could tell the pain was unbearable, the tears and your uneven breath. “W-Why did you protect me?” Grim placed a paw on your leg, “You’re the queen and I’m just trash! You have an era that you want to build! Then you’ll be queen (Name), right?!” How he let you have his way ever since the beginning what once used to be the ‘Great Grin’ soon turned to ‘trash’ as declared by you. You brought your hand to his head. “It’s our era, ok?” Grim’s eyes finally let the tears falls. When did he last cry? Ever since he was left out to the die in the streets of the horrid world. “I’m sorry Grim, but…you’re the only one I have.” You smiled down at him as your tears hit his face.
All he could do was cry and once Riddle took hold of him he scratched, screamed and growled, but Riddle stood firm letting the cat get out his emotions as he too cried. Grim never saw Malleus with the same look of light in his eyes, not anymore.
“Why are you here?!” Grim screamed at the fae with tears running down his face. “Pleaseー” Grim had none of it. Pulling back his paw he scratched the man, dropping the flowers with him. “She wouldn’t want your stupid flowers, I don’t want your stupid flowers! I want you out and everyone with you! Don’t you see what you’ve done?!” Hysterically crying Grim looked over at the casket that laid your limp body down. “I don’t want to see you again. Leave.” Grim turned around leaving all of Diasomnia to do what he said. Watching them leave the crisp cold air Grim felt made him turn around. Snow. It was snowing outside.
— ‹𝟹
Laughing through the corridor of the orphanage you and the cat busted the door open. “It’s snowing!” The two of you cried out in glee. Snowball fights that you had claimed to win only because you had stepped over the line reciting “Promises are meant to be broken!” When he whined, “Not my snowman!” He cried seeing you kick over the small snowball rested on top of a bigger snowball. “I tried to help but I destroyed it!” You cheekily laughed. “You’re mean, (Name)! I’ll play by myself now.” He humphed you watched his little paws leave a path behind him with a laugh you spoke “Don’t be sad! Let’s build a snow dome!”
Finally done you carried him in your arms and gently sticking out one of his paws you placed it in the center of the snow dome. “It’s done!” Grim cheered with a triumphant smile seeing his paw shine. “That’s our kingdom’s castle.” You smiled letting his head, turning around to face you he questioned, “Our kingdom?”
“Yeah! This is our top secret plan!” Writing down the steps to your plan Grim watched the light in your eyes; could have been the small fire lamp inside the dome but no. “When we grow up well follow this plan and make the greatest kingdom! I’ll be queen,” Halting your scribbling you squinted your eyes over at the cat. “Hmm for a servant like you..yup! I’ll make you part of the troop squad!” You laughed as Grim meowed clearly disliking the idea of being called ‘servant’. “But I’m the Great Grim!” You laughed, “You’ll fight for our kingdom! Especially with your blue flames! Set everything ablaze!” He smirked at the idea, “Fine!” You smiled contently watching the snow shimmer with the light of the fire bouncing off of it. “We’ll make a country where the people are those with no relatives we’ll make a home for them.” He watched the way your eyes relaxed a warm feeling bubbling inside him. Watching you squirm out of the dome he turned to look at you. “I’ll be like ‘Citizens! I command you to pay your taxes!’ Just like that!’ Your laugh let out a puff of smoke as he laughed. “You’re weird.”
Not paying attention to his words you looked at the city’s lights. “We can’t afford to lose from now on.” Grim joined beside you, looking up and you looking down. “If that’s the case. We can’t lose not even once!” Happy with his answer you plopped down beside him, back first looking up at the very faint stars that littered the sky. “What’s the name of our kingdom?” Humming at the question you glanced at him. “Since I’m Sanzang and you’re Son Goku.” Grim’s blue eyes looked back at you with question. “Journey to the West?” Without responding to you continued. “Our kingdom will be called ‘Tenjiku’!”
“Tenjiku, huh? We’ll definitely create a great era!”
— ‹𝟹
Looking down at the earring that once was worn by you hung around his neck. Gently he moved under the red uniform sniffing in the remaining of your scent before those sniffles became cries.
“We lived such great lives, (Name).”
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inniessick · 1 year
You Promised To Protect Me, After All. / Yang Jeongin
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Parings: nonidol!yang jeongin x fem!reader
Word Count: 7.4k
Fic Warnings: this is complete and utter filth. refer to series warnings, its literally just smut on smut on smut, i'm disgusting.
Series Warnings: angst, dark content, smut, fluff??, yandere themes (stalking, narcissistic behavior, mental manipulation, overprotective/possessive, deceptive, lying, killing people and talk of killing people, physical violence <not to reader>, unhinged!innie), general violence warning <no physical abuse towards reader>, talk of past abusive relationship (insinuated, not in depth, literally like one line), kissing????, degradation (sexual/not sexual), dominant innie (sexual/not sexual if that makes sense), dom/sub dynamics, very lowkey perv!innie, manhandling, cussing, names (bitch, whore, slut, cumdump <argue w the wall>, baby, babe, princess, my love/love/lovey, sweetheart, darling, babygirl, pretty/ innie, jeonginnie, jeong, sir), size kink, fingering, oral (f/m), cumplay??, hickeys/lovebites, consensual even if not outright stated, choking, begging, hair pulling, spitplay, face fucking, overstimulation, edging, orgasm denial, spanking, tummy bulge..., cervix kissing, mayhaps breeding kink idk, dumbification, unprotected sex (pls dont do this), let me know if missed anything or used a confusing term!
likes reblogs and feedback are appreciated ♡
Part one / Part two / Part three < coming soon...
you are reading part two of the series...
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"Your lips are really soft..." "So are yours." "I like how it feels." Looking up at him, you never wanted to stop kissing him, it was euphoric. Like you needed to feel him. "I like you." "You make me feel safe." "You'll always be safe with me." "Promise?" "Swear, I'll do anything to keep you safe." You leaned up, begging for him to kiss you one more time, longer, passionately. You wanted to be his.
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This kiss was exactly that, it was passionate, sloppy, warm. You could feel it all over your body, sparking each cell. "We should stop.." He mumbled into this kiss, you pulled away. "Are.. you not comfortable?" He cupped the sides of your face, "That's not it, baby. I am comfortable, I dont wanna get carried away." "Would that be such a bad thing, Innie?" You looked up him again, tugging oh so gently at the sweater he had on. "Lovey.." He grabbed your hand, holding it just tight enough to stop your movement, "I dont want to move too quickly, I want you to really understand that I care about you."
Alright, he was bullshitting you just a bit. Genuinely, he hadn't wanted to move too fast, he really really did want to build a relationship, that much is the truth. But he's also really not above getting his dick wet. He knew he needed to break you just a bit more, make you open up just around him, and crumble right into his arms. That was just the first step, he knew sleeping with you, as great as it would be, would put a bump in his plan. He had to think each action through. this was something he just knew he couldn't do yet, trying to reject your advances and make you open to him would be a challenge. There is one thing on his side throughout all of this, how dumb and naive you are. Few kisses here, touches there, and leading the conversation right where he wanted wouldn't be all that hard. You were easily influenced, especially by him. He wasn't taking advantage of your vulnerability around him, no! He's not like that, he's not evil or crazy. He was just... influencing you, that's all.
Now you began whining, "But I know you care about me... 'n I want you so bad Jeonginnie~." You tugged at his sweater again, harder this time, you had become impatient at this point. He grabbed both of your wrists, holding them in one hand before using the other to grab your jaw. "Youre gonna listen to me, kay? If you keep whining like a little brat I'll fuck it straight out of you. You won't like it, I'll make you cum so much youll be screaming at me to give you a break. So why dont you be a good girl when I'm talking to you. That sound good?" You were scared, seriously scared, but holy fuck that sure didn't help you, if anything it made your panties stick to your core more than they had been. "Yes sir, I'll listen and be good." "promise ill take care of you later, princess." he released your wrists, giving you a kiss on your lips. it certainly wasn't as long as you would've wanted, but you weren't ready for him to talk to you like that again, so you settled.
"Do you think we cuddle in my bed at least? You can tell me more about yourself. Promise I won't do anything bad." He chuckled at your statement, thankful his plan worked. "Yes baby we can do that." "Its just around the corner, 'm gonna change real quick though. make yourself comfortable." You grabbed a pair of shorts to change into, much more comfortable than the jeans we were wearing. You walked out of the bathroom, and he had taken off his sweater finally, of course for a totally different reason than what you had wanted. He was just sitting on your bed, looking around the room.
He had been getting a layout of your whole room, where did you hide things? Where could he hide things? What are your most valued items? Why did you fold your laundry but never hang it? He wanted to know it all, he'd figure it out eventually. Most people might think those small details mean nothing, but those are the ones that matter the most. All those small things play into a bigger personality trait, one that he might just be able to control. And all of those traits, played into an even bigger picture, the kind of person you are. Your morals, your attachment styles, emotional or rational, once he knew everything about you he could do whatever he wanted. That's why he paid so much attention. You were his, and he was going to make sure that if he had to, he could make you do anything. Now, dont get it wrong, he valued each thought you had. He lives to serve you, he truly believes that. But just in case, in case you ever try to leave or defy him, you simply won't have enough willpower. You already said you didn't have a lot, that's why it took you so long to leave your ex boyfriend, you were already weak willed. The thing he needed to figure out most was, just what exactly did your ex do to you? Depending on your answer, Jeongin may or may not have to go and take care of him. Anything to keep his lovey safe, and protected, right? It was all for you, at some point you'd thank him.
"I like what you've done with the space, your room looks really nice." "You like it?" Sitting down next to him on the bed, taking in everything once again, "It took me awhile to figure out where I wanted to put things but I got it down eventually." He knows, he had watched you rearrange your room 2 times since he first found out about you. "I think you did a great job," He patted the spot on your bed behind him, telling you to lay down, and of course you did. He followed, pulling you towards him, and engulfing you in his presence. You laid your face down on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, it was slow, calming. "So, you want to know more about me?" He was almost whispering, "Mhm, I wanna hear all about you. Wan' more reasons to like you." "Do you not have enough?" "I do, I just want more so I can pick a new reason every day forever. Never wanna run out." He laughed, you could feel it. "You're real cute. If that's the case, I can tell you about some things I did as a kid. i'll work my way through the years." He did exactly as he said, telling you about how he grew up wanting to be a priest, but straying from the idea after he became a teenager. he told you all about school, and how bad he was at it. You learned he was the middle child, and he has a passion for dancing. He mentioned later that he liked singing too.
"Have you ever been in any relationships, innie?" "Mhm, a few." He combed his fingers through your hair, answering all the questions you had. "Have... have you ever been in any bad ones?" "Not particularly, I had my fair share of good people who were just bad partners, but nothing too bad." "Mmm... I wish I had been like that." "You're talking about the relationship you mentioned at the cafe, arent you?" He was silently celebrating in his head, this was the perfect time, you'd spill everything to him and he'd be that much closer to his end goal. "Mhm.. dont wanna bother you about it..." "If you want to talk about i'll listen darling. Whatever you have to say, i'll listen. You know i'm here for you." He placed a kiss on the top of your head, squeezing your waist a bit. "You're not gonna be mad at me for talking about it?" Mad? At you? He could never be angry at you, he hated that you even had that thought in your head. "No baby, I won't be upset. if you're comfortable, I want you to tell me." "He was just a bad guy.. yelled at me a lot. never hit me... got close to it though." That fucker, he'd handle it later, he needed be here for you right now. "I'm sorry love." "He did a lot of mean things, took most of my money when I worked... would bring other girls home while I was there. Wouldn't go anywhere with me.. I felt alone all the time." You started to sniffle, tears welling in your eyes, you hadn't talked about this at all since you moved here.
It still bothered you, but you didn't have anyone until you met Jeongin. "Y/n.. dont cry babygirl, hate to see you upset like that." You had pulled yourself up, slightly away from him, wiping your eyes over and over trying not to let the tears fall in front of him. "C'mere pretty, stop doing that. its okay to cry, 'm not mad at you baby." You shook your head, unable to form a proper response. He moved towards you, picking you up and setting you in his lap. "You can lean on me lovey, i'm right here. Jeonginnie's here." You held onto him, sniffling and crying in his arms. You had been so upset, you didn't miss your ex by any means, especially now that you had Jeongin. But you were in that relationship for awhile, you had so many pent up emotions that you never talked about. Jeongin kissed your forehead, putting his hand right under your chin and making you look up at him. you looked so lovely even when you were crying, he never wanted to see you like this because of anyone else. you're only supposed to cry for him, about him, to him.
"Is there something I can do to help you, doll? I'll do whatever you want, give you anything." You didn't hesitate, you knew exactly what you wanted. "Wanna forget about it, want you to make me forget about it Jeonginnie.." he knew what you meant, and he would do it for you. he'd make sure he the only thing on your mind, you would only be thinking of him, not a single thought in your head except for him. He put one hand on your hip, the other at the nape of your neck, his fingers tangled in your hair. Then he was kissing you, and holy fuck did it feel good. It was everything you had wanted earlier, long, passionate, sloppy, hot, the euphoria hit you again. something about him that just made you feel so fucking good.
He had you on top of his thigh, the hand on your hip moving you against it while pushing you down slightly. He was making you ride his thigh, he set such a nice pace, the perfect amount of pressure. You involuntarily moaned into the kiss, he took that chance to slip his tongue in your mouth. You knew better than to fight it, you let him win, enjoying the newfound warmth. He moved his hand from your neck down to your waist, pulling away from you, a string of saliva connecting your lips. he planted wet kisses all along your jaw down to your neck. the hand on your waist moving to squeeze your thigh before going right under your shirt. you couldn't help but moan and whimper for him, begging for just a bit more pressure, just a little faster. He cupped your breast over your bra, moving his mouth close to your ear, "I'm giving you 2 minutes, make yourself cum on my thigh. If you can do that for me I promise i'll reward you," Your breath hitched, he took your lobe between his teeth lightly pulling before letting go, "and if you can't do that, im leaving. you won't be getting shit, not my fingers, not my mouth, and most certainly not my dick. get to work, clock starts now." His hand leaving your hip, the other coming out from under your shirt.
He meant it, he wasn't helping you at all, "Innie~ not fair, it's not enough, need you to help me." You tried your hardest, he had gotten you so close, and now forcing you to set the pace on your own? There was just no way. "Cum on my thigh, by yourself, and I wont make you do anything else tonight. You can touch me all you want, minute 'n a half left." He kept his hands on your knees, not offering anything for you. You needed to cum, you had to, not just because you wanted to feel good but because you needed Jeongin. You needed him to touch you, to help you, to fuck you so good you could forget everything. You held onto his right shoulder, leaning your head into his neck. You pushed yourself down on his thigh, grinding against it quicker, you could feel yourself getting closer again. "Minute left babygirl, you better hurry up." he tapped on your knee, god you were so fucking close. Maybe if he could just kiss you, or touch you somewhere, maybe you could do it. You were moaning his name, whimpering and bitching about how unfair he is. "such a- ahh.. fuck.. you're a meanie." "30 seconds love." You couldn't do it, you were right there, but you needed something. You needed him to do something to you, and then like he heard your prayers, he whispered right in your ear, "Don't you wanna be good and cum for me?" That's all you wanted, all you needed. You did exactly what he asked of you, tears almost forming because of how good it felt.
He gripped your thighs as they shook just slightly. "You dont have to do anything else, I got you, lift your arms up for me so I can take this shirt off." You listened to him, he unclipped your bra right after, running his hands over your chest causing you to say his name once again. He chuckled softly to himself, "I know." He laid you down on the bed, sliding your shorts off. "Look at you all spread out for me, my pretty girl." He climbed on top of you, he wanted to laugh at you. How small you looked right under him, he could do whatever he wanted and you wouldn't be able to stop him at all. it was nearly pitiful, your frail frame underneath him. He took it all in, he was gonna fuck you absolutely stupid. He was going to give you exactly what you wanted, you'd only be thinking about him and how good he felt in you.
"Ahh- Innie, pleasewait. still sensitive!" He cupped your cunt through your panties, rubbing your clit. it was all way too much, the thin damp cloth adding a whole different sensation. Maybe it would've been fine if you had time to calm down, but Jeongin was set on making you feel too good. "What do you want from me, baby?" "Need it..." "Need what, my love?" "Your fingers pleaseplease. I need it all- oh shit, haa... Innie, need you. You're supposed to help me~" "Its no fun when i'm not teasing you..." You bucked your hips again his hand, begging for something more. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down. You had whimpered in his ear, "Ahh- mm.. Jeonginnie... need your fingers in me so bad, wanna cum on 'em. won't you let me? Please Innie~, just wan' make you proud of me.. Mmph! fuck.." He knew you could feel him smirking against your neck, biting it softly. "Well, when you beg like that I have to say yes."
He slipped his hand into your panties. "So wet, it's all for me isnt it?" You moaned in response, as you felt his fingers push just slightly at your entrance. He wasn't pleased with you, you should know better than to ignore him when he asked you a question. He pulled away from your grasp, listening to you whine that he wasn't close to you anymore, and whining again when you felt his fingers retreat, the whine being cut short by a yelp as he slapped your clit. "You answer me when I ask you a question." He gripped your face, squishing your cheeks together, "Mmph! Jeonginnie.. won't mess up again, don't stop, need you~" "Atta girl, knew I could train you right." You were nodding your head as he rubbed circles on the sensitive bud after slapping it, you couldn't think. He gathered your slick onto his fingers before quickly pushing two in. "So, who made you this wet?" "You Innie, just for you, only you make me like this." He leaned down to kiss your lips, so very proud of your answer.
He kissed you jaw, made his way down your neck before reaching your tits. Flicking his tongue over the bud, before taking it into his mouth, one hand fucking into you, and the other grabbing at your other breast, rolling your nipple between his fingers. It was all so overstimulating, you couldn't make sense of any of it, you just knew he felt so fucking good. Putting your hand over your mouth, trying to control your volume. He retreated from your chest, "What do you think you're doing? Let me hear you." "Innie~ it- its late, dont wanna wake up the other-r people." "You don't want them to hear you moaning my name, or knowing how good I can fuck you?" You clenched around his fingers, a smirk appearing on his face. "Well aren't you a dirty little whore," he curled his fingers, hitting your sweet spot, "bet you'd just love to have someone catch you, hm? Want people to know how good your Innie makes you feel?" You squeezed your eyes shut, clenching at the idea again. He chuckled, "I wont stop you, let them know who's making you cum. Make sure everyone knows I own you." His thumb running over your clit as he curled his fingers against your sweet spot again, causing a high pitched moan to come from your throat. "Mmm, fuck, Jeonginnie do that again, felt good." "Yea? Is it gonna make you cum?" You nodded your head as he groped at your chest again. He leaned into the crook of your neck, biting a spot that just added that much more pleasure. "You better scream my name when you cum or i'll punish you. You dont want to find out what that's like." As much as the idea may have intrigued you, you weren't risking an orgasm for it. His request was easy to fulfill anyways, you were already whimpering and moaning, hell, you'd probably end up screaming it even if he hadn't asked. "F-fuck.. ahh shit- baby please, wanna cum.. Innie! Please wanna cum all over your fingers~" "You know what you need to do." He rubbed his thumb over your clit faster, curled his fingers more frequently, he could feel clenching around his fingers over and over again. "Come on, do it for me. Tell everyone." "Haaahh, fuckfuckfuck, just like that, mmm.. Jeonginnie.. Jeongin!" You screamed his name another two times as you came undone on his fingers. "See what happens when you're good for me? Promised I'd reward you." You nodded, whining when he took his fingers out. "Open." He held his slick covered fingers above your lips, you opened your mouth, cleaning your mess off of his fingers. He gave you a kiss "..taste so good."
He pulled completely away from you causing you to start whining, "Nooo~ innie.. please im being good, don't stop please." "Be patient and quit whining before I put your mouth to better use." "But-" He quickly took your panties off, shoving them in your mouth, holding your wrists to stop you from removing them. "Shut it. If you can be patient i'll take them out of your mouth." You nodded quickly, eyes quickly getting watery. he took them out of your mouth, "You gonna quit being a brat? Don't wanna punish you, baby." Your mind still fuzzy from your previous orgasm, clearly not thinking right. "I wasn't being a brat, you were being mean! Shoving my panties in my mouth 'n moving away from me!" "I'm gonna give you one chance to start begging for my forgiveness. Talking back like this after I just gave you what you wanted?" "I wanted more!"
"I was being nice, but if you want to act like an ungrateful slut, i'll treat you like one." He grabbed you by your hair, pulling you towards him before laying you over his knee. "Youre gonna count each time I spank you, let's start at 15 and see what that does for you. You'll thank me for it too, teach your some damn manners." "Nonono innie didnt mea- EEK!" His hand colliding with your ass, it fuckin hurt. it wasn't too bad just yet, you would be able handle it. He pulled you up by your hair again, "Start fucking counting before I move it to 30." "One.. thank you," his hand coming down on your other asscheek, "Mm.. Two, thank you." He continued to alternate sides, by 8 you were digging your nails into his arm, feet kicking in a feeble attempt. You were sobbing, it hurt so bad. "Innie.. i'm sorry please wont do it aga- ah!" You sniffled, "Nine, t-thank you. Innie please hurts so bad, I learned my lesso-AH!" That spank being harsher than the previous, "T-ten, thank you!" You just sobbed, not bothering to try and talk him out of it. Looking back at him when he didnt land another spanking,
"Think you learned your lesson, princess." He massaged your ass in his hand, soothing the bright red skin. Hand prints would definitely be there in the morning, "Gonna let Innie take care of you now?" He wiped your cheeks and got the drool off your chin. "Mhm.. sorry for acting bad.." "I know you're sorry, you learned your lesson, gonna listen to me from now on, yea?" "yes.. gonna be good for you. wan' be a good girl." "that's my baby, knew you'd come to your senses. c'mon sit on my lap right." You straddled his lap, hugging him as he kissed your head and face. You had intended to readjust yourself on his lap, moaning when your bare cunt came into contact with his boner. It felt good, you slid yourself against it one more time, Jeongin audibly groaning before grabbing your hips, holding you above him. You whined at the loss of contact. "You really are just a little slut for me, aren't you?" He looked down, seeing all your juices dripping on your thighs, "I punished you, and yet you're still a wet mess for me." You nodded enthusiastically at him, agreeing with everything he said. "Want it innie.. need you in me so bad.. He softly squeezed your ass, causing you to whimper, "I'll take care of you baby, let's lay you down."
"What are you gonna do Innie? Want you so bad..." "Shh, just relax, i'm gonna take care of you." He slid you right to the edge of the bed, legs being held open by his arms, your pussy on display just for him. He kissed the insides of your thighs, tasting you before he'd even properly began. "What are you supposed to say when i do something nice for you? I taught you manners." He laid his tongue flat, licking all the way up your pussy, before reaching your clit and lightly sucking in it. "Mhmmhm! thank you innie, don't stop, nobody does it like you, thankyouthankyouthankyou~" He hummed against your pussy, the vibrations causing you to shiver and arch your back. "..Taste so fucking good, could do this forever," You grabbed at his hair, thighs attempting to close before being separated again, "Behave." "But- fuck.. Innie I can't- Jesus Christ, haaa... Innie want more of you, moremoremore baby please!" "What do you want, sweetie? You want my fingers again? Speak up." "Mhm! Want your fingers, Love your hands! So big feel so good," He laughed lightly against your core, taking one finger and pushing it into your hole, slowly curling it as he pulled it out before sliding back in. You were morning for him, babbling incoherent nonsense. "Want another one Innie, more please," He added a second finger, scissoring the two, quickly fucking them into you. He circled your clit with his tongue, feeling it pulsate from all the stimulation. "Fuck, can't- stop its too much-" "I can you feel clenching around me, its not too much for you yet." You arched your back, grabbing the hand that was on your thigh and squeezing it. "Innie- need to cum, please wanna cum for you, need to cum for you letmeletmeletme-" He looked up at you, a silent yes. He flattened his tongue on your pussy before harshly sucking on your clit. "Jeongin! fuck cumming, cumming ahh- Jeonginnie!" He slowed his fingers down, helping your ride out your high, but that wasn't it.
He wasn't done. He took his fingers out and watched you clench around nothing. "Such a pretty pussy all for me." He tightly held your legs apart, "Jeong, what are you- oh fuck!" He hadn't gotten enough, he needed to taste you, small kitten licks on your clit before flattening his tongue out and then pushing it inside of you. You screamed, all way too much too soon. You thought you would pass out, your legs were shaking, tossing your head side to side and gripping the bedsheet. "JEONGIN!" There it was, you sounded so pretty screaming for him, he couldn't get enough of it, he had to make you do it again. "Fuck! oh my god, close again, gonna cum again, please- shit, Innie!" You were babbling non stop, trying so hard to close your legs, the pleasure was too much, you didnt know what to do. You just laid there and let him do as he pleased. "Innie~ cumming again- mm! ahh.. oh my god-" He had finally separated from your core, wiping his chin on the back of his hand. you were breathing heavy, your body unable to recover from the back to back orgasms.
"Hey, pretty, still here?" "Mhm... need to take a break can't think." "I was making sure you hadn't passed out, not asking if you needed a break. You don't need to think." You could hear him undoing his belt, "Innie I can't take anymore." "I decide when you can't take anymore." "But i'm too sensitive canttakeit." "You asked me to fuck you dumb, i'm gonna do that." He looked over at you, "Do you really want me to stop?" No... "Answer me." "Don't wan' you to stop.." "That's what I thought." He turned to face you, taking his shirt off "Holy shit.." "Hm?" "Wanna touch you so bad, hurry up." You could feel yourself getting wetter from just looking at him. All his muscles.. I mean you thought he worked out, sure! But he was so toned, his arms looked so nice. You wanted to claw at his back, leave hickeys on his chest and abs. You needed to fucking touch him.
Finally he had gotten to just his boxers, you knew he would big. I mean you felt it when you were on his thigh. and again when you sat on his lap, not to mention the tent it made, but you hadn't prepared to actually understand how much of a size difference you and Jeongin had. He stepped out of them and all you could do was stare. He wasn't big, he was huge. It was girthy, precum smeared across the tip. you backed up on the bed, sitting on your knees. "Innie, that's not gonna fit." "I'll make sure it does, dont worry your pretty little head." "No jeonginnie, its gonna fuckin tear me apart-" "Said I was gonna fuck you dumb, I meant it." He held your head up, "What do you want?" "Wanna touch you.." "Touch me wherever you want." He put one knee on the bed, enough to support his weight, you ran your hands over his arms "So muc bigger than me..." You ran your fingers over his chest,and then his stomach. "So handsome.. so big.." You looked down at his member, "Can.. I?" "Whatever you want, babygirl." You wrapped your hand around it, eyes going wide then you realized that you'd need two hands.
You put the tip in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it. Your jaw already starting to hurt a bit, "Don't push yourself, fit as much as you can." You looked up at him, nodding a bit. How many times had he made you cum tonight? The least you could do is help him out here. You got a bit over half into your mouth comfortably, you weren't going to stop there though. You prepared yourself to fight off your gag reflex as much as possible before trying to get another inch or two in. You felt the tip hit the back of your throat, Jeongin groaned "oh fuckkk.." His hand finding its way to the back of your head, "That all you can fit in love?" You pulled yourself away, allowing your tongue to slid across the underside of his shaft before completely releasing him. You immediately wrapped your hands around it, moving them up and down at a steady pace. You could see Jeongin's saw tense, his breathing definitely becoming more rigid.
"Wanna fit more.. Wanna try and get it all in my mouth." He moaned as you said that, just you wanting to fit him in your mouth completely was already sexy, but when you looked up at him like that, with your whiny voice? It made his dick twitch in your hands, his precious babygirl trying so hard to please him. Your tiny mouth was already so full but you wanted to try. You swirled your tongue around the tip a few times, licking long strips along the sides, "Stop teasing me like that, can't control myself when you look at me like that." "Use me Innie, use my mouth however you want." You once again took him completely into your mouth, getting back to the same spot before looking up at him, his hand pushing your head further down. You moaned when you felt him get farther down your throat, your mouth felt so full but you want more, he could feel your throat contract around him. He whimpered a few times, "Baby, ahh- mmph.., fuck, stop doing that, gonna make me cum in your mouth if you don't quit." You nodded your head the best you could, "You want me to cum in your mouth?" You nodded again, humming slightly, earning a moan from him. "Gonna let me use your pretty throat?" You moaned around him, the thought of him using you however he pleased making you drip for him.
He held your head, bobbing you up and down, fucking your throat however he pleased. "Feels so fucking good.. wanna fuck your mouth until you can't take it anymore.." Your eyes began to water, he was picking up the pace, lazily thrusting into your mouth. "You think you can fit the rest in your mouth for me pretty girl?" You nodded your head, you needed to feel all of him. You had reached one of your hands down to rub your clit, desperate to feel something that could help you release. "Cmon princess just a little bit more, almost done." Tears were spilling out of your eyes, drool began to fall down your chin and to the valley of your breasts. He pushed the last bit of his dick into your throat, he could feel everything, all of your moans causing a vibration that made him whimper for you. "Fuck.. please.. let me-" You moved your head back, just enough to sink back down and deep throat him. He was moaning your name over and over pushing your head down slightly, slowly. "ahh shit.. y/n.. fuck.. wanna fuck your face so bad. just wanna use your pretty mouth. look so good with it stuffed full of my cock." You whined, nodding your head, silently begging him to just use you. He looked down at you, wiping the tear off your cheek before starting to fuck your face. He was ruthless, slamming you back down onto the full length after nearly pulling completely out of your mouth. he was cursing under his breath, telling you how good your pretty mouth felt, begging you to let him keep using you till he was satisfied. You hadn't stopped playing with you clit, your moaning only helping Jeongin reach his higher quicker. "Shit.. so fucking good.. so close, wanna cum in your mouth so bad- fuck- haaa.." You could feel him twitch in your mouth, waiting for his release. He gave you a few more harsh thrusts before pulling halfway out and cumming all over your tongue. Some of it spilling out onto your lips and chin. He lifted your chin up, "Dont swallow, show me." You opened your mouth for him, showing your tongue covered in his cum, "Swallow it, all of it." You did, the slightly salty flavor not bothering you. Opening your mouth to show him again that you'd swallowed all of his release. He collected remaining cum left on your on lips and chin onto his thumb, pushing it past your lips. You licked his finger, making sure to get every last bit. "That's my good little whore." "Are you proud of me Innie?" You wiped the drool on your chin off, not worrying about any of the tears. "So proud of you, took me so well. My good girl, always trying to please me." He leaned down to kiss you, the taste of his release still present.
He pushed you back onto the bed, leaning on top of you and kissing all your neck, continuing to litter it with marks. Everyone would know you were his. "Fucked your mouth, and now I get to fuck you stupid." "Wait Innie! Seriously it's too big, it's not gonna fit in me..." "I told you not to worry about it, i know you can take it." "But I don't- it won't-" He put one of your legs on his shoulder, holding the other to keep you spread open for him. "So pretty for me, love it so much... pussy made just for me. All mine. You're perfect for me." He grabbed your thighs, spreading them apart. You whimpered in his grasp, scared of how much it's going to hurt. "Do you want to stop? Because once I start i'm not stopping until youre crying and unable to say anything but my name. I'll fuck you all night, I dont care." You were scared, he was ruthless with you earlier, you had no clue what he was going to do to you now. But fuck, did you want to feel him inside of you. And more than anything, you didn't want to think. "Mhm.. you can try to make it fit.. wanna be good for you, don't wanna think.." "I promised I'd make you forget, I will." He put his hand your lower stomach, "You'll feel me all the way up here, won't be able to think about anything else." You gulped, struggling to breathe before nodding. "Now be a good girl and keep your legs apart for me, okay?" "Mkay Jeonginnie," You did just as he told you, trying not to close your legs at all, you felt the tip of his dick go through your folds a couple times, moaning at the sensation, still sensitive from earlier. "I know you can take it, pretty." You nodded your head, fear quickly turning into excitement, "Hurry Innie, want it..." He pushed the tip into your cunt, the stretch was painful, you reflexively tried to move away from him, being met with him grabbing your hips and pushing further into you. "JEONGIN! fuck- ahh- no- too full can't, can't, can't. No more Innie! too big, too big, i'm full already, can't take anymore." That's the second time he made you scream, he wasn't planning on it being the last. You were shaking your head side to side, babbling and crying. "C'mon princess, almost there, just a little bit more for me, taking me so well." He cursed under his breath, rubbling circles on your hips. You couldn't stop crying, the stretch was so much, and he seriously wasn't done yet? "Just do it, babe. Hurry please." He pushed into you, completely bottoming out, shaky breaths coming from him. He kissed your forehead, "You did it baby, so- fuckkk.. so proud of you darling." "It hurts Innie.. Hold my hand please.." He pinned your hand to the bed, intertwining your fingers together. "I'm gonna move, 'kay lovey? Promise i'll make you feel good, don't want you in pain." You were whimpering, nodding your head. He started so slow, only pulling out halfway before pushing back in. It had to have taken a solid 5 minutes of him barely moving just to even start to stretch you out.
"Haaa.. Jeonginnie, faster please, need more." You finally getting used to the stretch, enjoying the feeling of being so incredibly full. "You sure baby? Thought it was too much for you." He wanted to hear you beg for it, say it needed to be him. You bucked your hips up, attempting to feel some kind of friction that you needed so desperately. He groaned, "Shit- stop it-" You had started to roll your hips just slightly, "Innie please need you so bad.. ha~.. fuckfuckfuck, please innie want you. need you to do it for me.." you yelped, his hand harshly slapping your ass, "Whore for my dick now? Can't even listen right. Thought you had learned your lesson earlier." He pulled all the way out before pushing back into your velvety walls, he quickly gained speed. "Too much of a cock hungry bitch to remember the shit I say to you." You were thanking him, begging for more, saying it was too much all at the same time. He was kissing your cervix with each thrust, quickly snapping his hips into yours. "So big- fuck baby slo- ahh! mmph! slow down!" He had pushed your knees to your shoulders, giving himself the perfect angle to see his cock disappear into your hole. "Feel so good around me, made just for me.." Your head started to get cloudy, a knot In your belly forming again. "C-cum... wan' cum p-please." He angled himself up, aiming for the spot that would make you see stars. "Jeong- please so close-" "Who do you belong to?" "You! Just you! All yours. Just you, you Jeonginnie. fuck, ahh, too big so full-" "Beg." "W-what?" "Start begging." "Innie!! Stop... too fast- Can't think! Need to cum for you, have to. Love when you fuck me like this, dont stop, dont wan' you to stop!" "Say you're mine." "All yours Innie, belong just to you. Only want you." "You wanna cum on my dick?" "So bad!! Need to~! Need to cum on your cock please, havetohaveto~ please." "Cum for me, be good." "Haaa~ fuck.. gonna be good for you.. mmph! right there please- fuck- Innie! JEONGIN! c-cumming fuck-" he didnt slow down, continuing to fuck into at the same pace, getting you all the way through your orgasm before changing his angle.
"Mmm.. Innie. Dont stop, need it, please need you, need this." he ran his hand over your cheek, you turned your face to the side. "So tight.. thought I would've fucked you open... clenching around me like that." "Jeonginjeonginniejeonginjeongin!" You kept saying his name over and over, he couldn't get anything else out of you. "Baby went dumb from being fucked so good?" "Mhmmhm, Innie, haaa- Jeonginnie wan you, need you. Jeongin~" he ran his thumb over your lip, you opened your mouth for him. He put two fingers in your mouth, pushing on your tongue. you were drooling everywhere. "My messy whore, isn't that right? Jeonginnie's slut?" he took his fingers out of your mouth, wondering just what you'd have to say this time, "Wanna be your pretty slut, wan you to use me." "Oh yea? You that much of a whore for me?" "Mhm! Innie! Pleasepleaseplease, want Innie. Want Jeongin, fuck- haa.." You were gripping onto his biceps, digging your nails into them as he held your legs up. You were crying, babbling nonsense, he touched your cheek "Baby, dont cry, you're okay." "Nuh-uh not sad. Want you to fuck me like this forever, feels so good. Want you in me all the time, dont leave me. Need you innie, want you so bad." he groaned just hearing you, his cock twitching inside you. "Not gonna stop, gonna fuck you for as long as you want." "Mhm! please! dont stop, need you to cum in me. let me feel it. fill me up Innie." he threw his head back, cursing. "Such good pussy, take me so well." he grabbed your jaw, making you look at him.. fucked out face still somehow smiling at him,
"Wanna be my little cumdump? Take all of it like a good girl?" "Yes Sir! Want it so bad! Cum in me, need it." He had trained you real good, alright. "Open your mouth." You opened it, tongue laying flat, he spit onto it. "Swallow it." and you did. "God, such a dirty bitch, taking whatever i'll give you." "Only for you Innie, just you Sir, love you, love you Jeonginnie." His hips slowed down, he thought he was gonna cum right that second, "Mmm innie, dont stop! Need it bad! So close," He leaned in, kissing your swollen lips, fucking deep into you. He looked down, your tummy bulging every time he thrusted into you. He pushed down, causing your back to arch. "Feel me right here, yea?" You moaned so loudly, your face contorting into that of pure pleasure. "Mhm mhm! Feel it Innie, love it so much, harder! Want it harder." He gave you what you wanted, fucking into you harder, moving his hand down to rub your clit, feeling your cunt clamp down on him each time. "Say you love me, that you're mine." "l- haaa.. love you innie, wanna be all yours.." "You are all mine." "Promise?" "Swear baby." His thrusts got sloppy, "Cum in me jeongin, please!" you wrapped your legs around his waist, holding his closely before grabbing his face and kissing him, "Mm- love you innie, need you, can't live without you.. need you to fuck me every night... wan' love you forever" He'd made you absolutely stupid on his cock, you kept saying it over and over, his name and 'love yous', he pushed deep, letting out a moan as you clamped harder onto him, taking every last drop of his seed, you didnt care as long as it was him. He fucked his cum into you a few times, before pulling out, watching some of it drip out of your hole.
"Kiss.. want to kiss you." Taking your face in his hands, he kissed you, a deep, slow kiss. "I love you so much Jeonginnie. Only think about you." "Do you?" You pulled him on top of you "Love you more than anything, need you, don't know what to do without you." "Love you too babygirl, not gonna leave you. Lemme clean you up, We made a mess." You shook your head, "Don't care, just want you. Dont go, stay with me." "5 minutes and then were gonna get you cleaned up." "Mkay... I like you a lot.." You put your hand on his chest, he started laughing, "You dont say, would've never guessed with all the 'love you' and 'need yous' you said while I was fucking your brains out." You hit his chest lighting. " Don't laugh, im still- what's the word." He laughed at you again, "Fucked you a bit too good?" "I'm having a hard thinking about anything else, so I think you did your job. But, I do love you, can't live without you." "I know." "You love me too?" "Love you more than anything." "That's a whole lot." "You deserve it. My perfect girl. All mine, only for me." "Mhm.. just you.. only wanna be with you." he pulled your further into his arms, whispering in your ear, "Good, you never had a choice."
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a/n: IM A FILTHY DEGENERATE. I AM DISGUTSING I CANNOT EVEN LOOK AT MYSELF. I AM SO NASTY. WAS THIS OVERKILL? HOW MUCH SMUT DID I PUT IN THIS HOE????? IM SORRRYYY??????? HELP? IM DIGUSTING I NEED GOD. im bad at paragraph breaking idk // hey god send me a bf/gf who's as obsessed with me as jeongin is with y/n. // being so fr I have bpd and that's the only reason I write obslove jeongin well, bc I live that. this is why I dont get into relationships. responsible adult choices. dont drink and drive or smth idk
likes reblogs and feed back greatly appreciated! ♡ let me know if you want to be added to a taglist for future chapters and posts! my requests are open!
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195 notes · View notes
inniessick · 1 year
calling it quits for the night! been writing blurbs for part three of the jeongin series for awhile now. just trying to get all my thoughts in order. will work on it tmr if i feel up to it. be patient with me pls lol
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inniessick · 1 year
i think you truly start to understand the depth at which i had written You Promised To Protect Me once you realize the reader is in a way a parallel to jeongin. if jeongin if someone who holds things back and takes information from others, ready is someone who gives everything they have and more. they both fall in love too fast, and they place too much responsibility on each other, but in opposite ways.
luckily, they are compatible but it's literally a puzzle piece relationship, jeongin wants to have you to himself and in turn he will endless serve you; reader wants to give themself to someone and be promised a person who will never leave them.
jeongin just takes initiative where the reader doesn't it, they're both equally as fucked in the head. just in different ways. IM TELLING YOU THERES SO MUCH MEANING TO THIS FIC THAT I KNOWWWW WILL BE OVER SHADOWED.
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inniessick · 1 year
currently writing part 3 of You promised to protect me, after all. I dont know when it will be published but just know!! im working on it as we speak. I think everyone will enjoy it.
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inniessick · 1 year
you know you wrote a damn good fic when you go to read it and it makes you all flustered LIKE I WAS THE AUTHOR, THAT CAME OUT OF MY HEAD.
sorry jeongin saying "if you keep whining like a little brat i'll fuck it straight out of you" SWEAR ON GOD I WAS JUST TYPING THAT SENTENCE AND I HAD A LOTTLE GIGGLE FIT LIKE .. yes u may <3 u tell em mullet daddy
0 notes
inniessick · 1 year
i cannot stop writing about yang jeongin. anyways genuine break for a bit because writing "You promised to protect me" literally killed my physical body. like i am pay the price. my everything hurts. part 3 out when i think of what the hell to write!
0 notes
Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Azusa Dark [07]
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ー The scene starts in Carla’s room
Carla: ...Nnh...
Yui: ( Aah...When will this end...? )
( My mind has gone completely blank, I can’t think straight anymore... )
Carla: ...Nn...Nnh. 
...So he finally came. 
Yui: ...Eh...?
ー Azusa bursts into the room
Azusa: Let her go!!
Yui: ーー !! Azusa-kun!? 
Yui: Ah...!!
Azusa: ...Ugh. 
Carla: How noisy. It truly shows that you are an inferior being. 
Azusa: ...What did you do to her? 
Yui: Azusa-kun...
Carla: ...
Azusa: What...What did you do to her...!? 
Carla: ...We are done here. Now get out of my room. 
Azusa: ...!? 
Carla: Get out. That is what I am asking. 
Azusa: ...Let’s go, Eve. 
Yui: ...Yeah.
Um, Carla-san...About earlier...
Carla: ...
Azusa: ...Eve. 
Yui: R-Right...
( He’ll think about it, right...? )
ー Yui and Azusa return to their room
Azusa: ...Fuck...!
Yui: Azusa-kun...
( Is he upset? ...No, mad even? )
Azusa: ...He sucked your blood, right...?
Yui: ...I’m sorry, Azusa-kun...
Azusa: Show me. 
Yui: Eh? 
Azusa: Show me where he bit you. 
Yui: N-No...I don’t want to show you...
Azusa: Show me...Please...
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...No...!!
Azusa: ...He left his mark. 
Yui: ( ...! He saw it... )
( I didn’t want Azusa-kun - the person I love - to have to see this... )
Azusa: ...Hey.
Yui: ...!
Azusa: Why would you do this...? 
Yui: Why...you ask? 
Azusa: Why did you allow him to suck your blood...? 
Yui: ...Well...
( I can’t say it was to save him. )
( I mean...Azusa-kun already looks so sad. )
( He’s saddened knowing that guy sucked my blood...and mad as well. )
Azusa: I don’t understand you. I feel irritable and complicated. Why...? How come...?
Even though I treasure you so much...Even though I love you so much...
Yui: Azusa-kun...
Azusa: Give me your blood, Eve. Let me suck you too...?
You let Carla-san have your blood, right...? Then let me have some too...Please. 
Yui: B-But...
Azusa: I don’t want to have to see his bite mark on your neck...any longer. 
Yui: ( Is he jealous of Carla-san...? )
Azusa: I can’t hold back any longer. I’ve reached my limit...
Yui: No...Don’t...!
Azusa: Don’t worry, it’ll be over before you know it. I’ll just get rid of this mark with my fangs...
See, like this... ーー 
Actually, nevermind...
Yui: ...What’s wrong? 
Azusa: If I end up sucking your blood against your will, I’ll just lower myself to their level...
I’m different from them...I actually love you. 
So I won’t suck your blood. I’m sorry, Eve...
Yui: Azusa-kun...
Azusa: ...It must have hurt when he sucked your blood, right...?
Poor, little Eve...I’ll comfort you, okay? ...Nn. 
Yui: ...!
Azusa: I wonder if licking the wound will help against the pain...? Hey, what do you think? I’ll try to be as gentle as I can, so I don’t hurt you... 
→ It’s embarrassing
Yui: I-It’s a little embarrassing to have you lick it.
Azusa: How so...? It hurts, doesn’t it? 
Don’t worry. If I do this...See? ...Nn. 
Yui: Ah...
( It really does soothe the pain... )
Azusa: Does it feel nice? I’m glad...
→ It no longer hurts (♡)
Yui: It no longer hurts. 
Azusa: Really...? But your skin looks sore here. See? ...Nn.
Yui: ...! Geez...It tickles. 
Azusa: Fufu. You’re back to smiling...
I love your smile...I want you to smile even more. 
...Nobody should be allowed to harm you. 
Yui: ...! Azusa-kun...
Azusa: ...Hey, Eve? Do you love me? 
Yui: Of course I do. You’re the only one I love. 
Azusa: Then...Don’t ever let someone else suck your blood. 
Yui: Eh...?
Azusa: Promise me? 
Yui: ...Yeah, sure. 
Azusa: ...I’m glad. 
Yui: ( I’m sorry...Azusa-kun. I lied to you. )
( I don’t care what happens to my blood, as long as I can save you. ...That’s how I feel. )
( Because you’re the person I love most in this world... )
Azusa: ...Uu...
ー He suddenly collapses 
Yui: Azusa-kun!? 
Azusa: Ugh...Guh...
Yui: Your arm!? Does it hurt!? Has it gotten worse...!? 
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: ( The tissue has died all the way to his shoulder! His life will be at risk at this rate! )
O-Oh no!! Azusa-kun, hold on one sec!
Azusa: Where...are you going...?
Yui: I’ll be right back!
( I can’t wait for that guy’s answer anymore...! )
ー Yui rushes out of the room
Azusa: ...
Why...? How come...? I’m always so weak and useless...
At this rate, I won’t be able to protect her like I want to...!
Because I’m powerless...? Uu...It hurts...It hurts so bad...
ー The scene shifts to the outside of the manor 
Carla: ...
The wound ーー
Inflicted upon him by Father, a Vampire Hunter,
will rob Azusa-kun of his life. 
We have no moment to spare. 
To save Azusa-kun,
I have to choose a means (手段), 
This is the undeniable reality (現実), 
which I was suddenly confronted with, leaving me in a state of sheer panic. 
Like nothing else ever could. 
<- [ Dark 06 ] [ Dark 08 ] ->
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Dark [09]
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ー The scene starts in the forest
Yui: ( Kou-kun called me a nuisance...right to my face. )
( I’ll just go back to the human world...I shouldn’t be here. )
( But...I’m neither human, nor a creature of this world. )
Then...where exactly do I belong...?
( I thought I belonged by Kou-kun’s side but... )
( That was nothing but a wishful illusion... )
Yui: ...!
( I heard a sound just now...Is someone there? Could it be a wolf...!? )
Yui: ( Oh no, where can I run...? )
ー A mysterious figure appears
Yui: W-Who are you!?
???: ...Aah, no need to be so startled. 
I promise I will not harm you in any way. Please, rest assured, Yui-san. 
Yui: You...know my name?
???: Why of course. You are a rather special existence amongst us Vampires after all. 
Yui: ‘Us’...Then, you’re also...? 
Mertz: My name is Mertz. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. 
Yui: ( This man...He’s a Vampire. )
( He speaks very calmly but...If he truly is a Vampire, I shouldn’t let my guard down, should I? )
Mertz: Oh dear? You still seem wary of me? 
What a shame...I wonder what would put you at ease? 
ーー Aah, right. Shall I tell you about the Sakamaki brothers then? 
Yui: ...You know them? 
Mertz: Yes. I have known them from a very young age onwards. What do you say? 
Yui: ( I won’t know whether he’s speaking the truth even if he tells me... )
( However, I can tell that he’s trying to look out for me. He might not be that bad of a person. )
U-Um...It’s okay. I’m sorry for doubting you. 
Mertz: Oh no, it only makes sense. You must have felt anxious all by yourself. 
Yui: ...Yes. I kind of got lost while walking as well. 
Mertz: Why are you alone, exactly? 
Yui: ...Well, I’m looking for the exit to the human world. 
Mertz: Will you be returning there? 
Yui: ...
Mertz: I see. ...In that case, allow me to escort you. 
Yui: Eh? ...Are you sure? 
Mertz: Yes. If you wish so.
Yui: U-Um...If it’s not too much trouble, then please. 
Mertz: Please follow me then. 
ー The scene shifts to the underground waterway
Mertz: Please watch your step. 
Yui: Yes...Thank you very much. 
( I passed through here...Not too long ago, when Kou-kun and I made our way to the Demon World. )
( When we were attacked, Kou-kun stepped in front of me...and protected me. )
( ...Oh no. The memory is making me tear up... )
Mertz: We’re almost there. 
Yui: O...Okay. 
Mertz: Please use this if you’d like. 
Yui: ( A handkerchief... )
Mertz: Please tell me if you are tired. This is not the ideal place for taking a break though. 
Yui: ...I’m okay. Um, thank you very much. 
Mertz: No need to thank me. You should look after yourself with the utmost of care as well. 
Your body is very valuable after all. 
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall of the Sakamaki manor
Yui: ( We finally made it back to the Sakamaki manor... )
Excuse me, Mertz-san? Thank you so much. 
Mertz: You’re welcome. If you happen to find yourself in a pinch again, do not hesitate to ask me for help. 
Yui: This...It’s the handkerchief you handed me earlier. I’ll give it back. 
While I did not use it, I was happy with the sentiment. 
Mertz: You are very attentive. ーー Well then, if you’d excuse me now. 
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s bedroom
Yui: ( Mertz-san was such a nice guy. But...He’s a Vampire as well. )
( I’m sure he was only kind to me because I’m considered a delicious snack by Vampires...I can’t trust him. )
( Kou-kun is a Vampire as well. His behavior towards me must have also been... )
→ For my blood
Yui: ( I’m sure Kou-kun only kept me around for my blood as well...That’s all. )
( I just misinterpreted his actions...That’s how I should see it. )
Yui: I’m such a fool... 
( If only I had used my brain a little, this outcome should have been obvious but...It still hurts. )
→ But his kindness was genuine (♡)
Yui: ( ...But his kindness was genuine. The fact he protected me, his smile...and his kisses as well. )
( That’s what I want to believe. ...Or else. )
Yui: This is...just too painful, Kou-kun. 
Yui: ( I’ll never see him again...Meeting him would be painful, so I don’t want to see him. )
So, why...? 
( Even just recalling his face hurts. That’s why I escaped the Demon World and came back here... )
( So why do I miss him so badly...? )
I miss him...
( I love you...Kou-kun. )
ー The scene shifts to the living room of the Tsukinami manor
Carla: ...Who is there? 
???: It’s me, Carla-sama.
Carla: You. Where have you been this whole time? 
Shin: You sure have some guts to vanish after you promised you’d take care of us.
???: My sincere apologies. 
Shin: So, what’s your excuse? It better be a good one or you’re dead. 
???: The girl in question has returned to the human world, so I came to report that. 
Carla: ...Are you positive? 
???: Yes, of course. 
Shin: Nice! That was an excellent report! Props to you!
She basically sealed her own fate (1). ...Hehe. 
ーー I want to see him.
ーー I don’t want to see him.
My feelings sway from one extreme to the other. 
Both are the truth (真実). 
Both are a lie (嘘). 
ーー I miss him.
ーー I don’t miss him. (2)
However...I love him. 
Translation notes
(1) Shin uses a Japanese idiom which means ‘like a summer insect/bug flying into the flames’, which refers to someone bringing danger/trouble upon themselves.
(2) In the Japanese dialogue, the same text is repeated twice. While 会いたい literally means ‘to want to meet’, it is often translated as ‘I miss you’ in English since the Japanese language lacks a verb for ‘to miss’ (someone)’. For the sake of variety, I used both in my translation. 
<- [ Dark 08 ] [ Dark 10 ] ->
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Ecstasy [08]
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ー The scene starts in the storage room of Banmaden
Yui: ( What now...? There’s the two Founders here in the castle, and outside there’s a Vampire Hunter waiting for us. )
( I’m worried whether Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun are safe as well...Ruki-kun as well. )
( We haven’t seen him since we left the manor but to think that he would send a Vampire Hunter after Kou-kun...I want to believe that’s a mistake. )
Kou: ...Let’s leave this place.
Yui: But, Kou-kun...I’m sure the Hunter is still looking for you. It’s dangerous. 
Kou: Yeah, we might get chased again. ...However, we have to hurry.
He talked about killing Karlheinz-sama...If worse comes to worst, the Demon World could be in huge trouble. 
I have to inform him sooner rather than later. 
Yui: ( I do agree that it’s very likely we’ll eventually get caught if we simply stay put here... )
( I doubt we can fool those Founders forever. We have to get in touch with someone before it’s too late. )
Yeah...I understand. Let’s get out. 
Kou: ...Will you come with me? 
Yui: Of course I will. I told you that I’d stay with you forever, right?
Besides, I feel the safest by your side. 
Kou: ...Right. I’ll definitely protect you, Yui. 
Yui: I trust you. Also...I will keep you safe as well. So let’s push through together, okay?
Kou: Yeah...Thanks. 
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Kou: ーー Awesome, nobody’s around. Let’s go. 
ー They leave the manor
Yui: ( Thank god. We safely made it outside...! )
Kou: Let’s head back to the forest with haste. 
???: I don’t think so. (1)
Kou: ...!
ー Shin walks up to them
Shin: Hey! It’s been a while! You seem to be doing pretty okay. 
Yui: Oh no...!
Shin: You seriously thought you could trick me with that pathetic attempt at hiding? Hehe. 
Kou: ーー! Where did he g...
Shin: Where are you looking? 
Kou: Guah...!
Yui: Kou-kun!! ーー Kyah!
Shin: Nii-san is asleep inside, so keep quiet. 
Yui: ( My arms...He has them restrained behind my back, I can’t move at all...! )
Kou: Fuck...!!
Shin: Woah there, not another step! Not my problem if this chick ends up ripped apart. 
ー Shin tightens his grip
Yui: Guh...!
Kou: ...!
Shin: But well, you guys really showed up at the perfect time. I’ll give you props for that. 
I’m grateful, honestly. I couldn’t be any happier!
Kou: Guh, hah...!
Yui: Kou-kun!!
Shin: Can you tell how grateful I am?
Kou: Shit...!
Shin: Hehe. Oh come on, don’t be modest! Let me show you some more! Here!
Kou: Gah...Ah, aah!
Shin: Haha! Nice face you’ve got there. You’re more of a man than I thought. 
Kou: Uu, guh...!
→ Don’t be so cruel!
Yui: Don’t be so cruel! Stop...!
Shin: ...Your whining is so annoying. Were you never taught how to ask someone a favor? 
For one, are you in any position to say that? 
Yui: Eh...?
Shin: This guy has chosen not to fight back. Isn’t he doing all of this for your sake? 
Yui: W-Well...
→ Stop, I’m begging you! (♡)
Yui: Stop, I’m begging you. You’ll kill Kou-kun at this rate...!
Shin: Who cares if one Vampire bites the dust? 
Yui: No way...
Shin: Or maybe you’ll get down on your knees for me? 
Yui: ...I’ll get down on my knees as many times as I need to if that’ll make you stop. 
Shin: Woah, heavy shit! (2) You’re making me gag.
Yui: ( I don’t care what he says about me...As long as I can save Kou-kun. )
Shin: But sure. If you promise you’ll become mine, I guess I can let him go. 
Yui: ( Who knows what he’ll do once he gets his hands on me...But still... )
If I come with you...Will you stop beating up Kou-kun? 
Shin: Yeah, promised. 
Kou: Stop...! Cut it out!
Kou: Gah, guh...!
ー Kou collapses
Yui: Kou-kun...Kou-kun!!
Shin: Come on, make your decision. 
Yui: Okay...I’ll do what you say! Take me anywhere you want!
So please, just stop!!
Shin: ...Sure. 
Yui: ( We can’t meet our ends here. As long as we’re alive, there’s still hope...So... )
Shin: Well then. 
Yui: W...What are you doing? Let go of Kou-kun!
Shin: What’s the problem? Just like I promised, I’m not punching or kicking him, right?
Yui: Dragging him along like that...Where are you taking him?
Shin: Just up ahead. Now just follow along as well. 
Yui: Follow...?
( But there’s nothing there...? Only a cliff. )
Shin: You’re a human, right? Did you not have any parents growing up?
Yui: Eh...?
Shin: Did your mama never tell you to clean up after playing?
Yui: What are you talking about...!? Wait, stop...!
There’s a cliff over there...!!
Shin: I have to clean up my own mess, right? 
Yui: ...!!
No...! Kou-kun, Kou-kun...!
Shin: Ahー What a great feeling! That annoying piece of garbage is finally out of the way!
Yui: How could you...!! You’ve gone too far...!
Shin: Haha...! You’re quite nice! I’m really digging your current expression. 
Way better than when you act all docile. 
ー Shin steps closer
Yui: ...!
Shin: Maybe I should have given that guy a little show while he was still conscious. Of how I’ll make you mine. 
Yui: Ah...No...! It hurts, stop...!
Shin: Nn...Nn...Nnh.
Yui: ( Oh no...His fangs keep on sinking in...deeply. )
( If he sucks my blood so vigorously, I’ll...! )
Shin: Phew, nn...Haah. Your blood’s still tainted...But oh well. 
I’ll make sure to give you the full treatment. You’ve become mine after all...!
Yui: N-Nooooooo...!!
Everything is being engulfed in darkness...
It only took a split second. 
Completely painless, the darkness simply,
descended (押し寄せて) upon us. 
...Where exactly did it go wrong (間違っていた)? 
I can’t see a light.
I can’t see a path.
Not here...not anywhere. 
Translation notes
(1) Literally he says ‘That would be troublesome/bad.’
(2) With ‘heavy’, he is most likely referring to the way Yui is so utterly devoted to Kou and would do anything to save him. 
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Maniac [10]
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ーー When I first visited Kaminashi City. 
My first experience with the human world in quite some time,
was completely different from what I remembered. 
Both the city itself, as well as the people living in it, 
made it feel like any events of the past had been completely erased,
as if they never even happened at all. 
ー A flashback ensues
Kou: This is...Kaminashi City.
Yuma: Things have changed quite a bit while we were at Eden, huh...
Azusa: I wonder...if we can be useful to him...even in this world...
Ruki: Things will remain the same.
Kou: Ruki-kun...
Ruki: No matter how much people and their ways of living change, we have something which is permanent. 
Our relationship and bond as brothers will never waver. Aren’t I right? 
Yuma: I mean, ya have a point there. 
Azusa: ...Mmh.
Kou: Yeah. We won’t change, regardless of the time and place. 
ー The flashback ends
Back then, with what he said...
Ruki-kun took all of our fears and worries,
and threw them out of the window. 
Ruki-kun has always been right...
and extremely reliable. 
I’m sure it’s no different this time. 
There is no doubt in my mind that he did the right thing,
I just know that. 
ー The scene shifts to the bedroom in Mertz’ manor
Kou: ( It’s just that...I can no longer stand in the same place as him... )
Kou: ( I know...that much. Because our bond far exceeded that of even blood-related brothers. )
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Yui: ( ...Kou-kun. I’m sure he wants to rush to his brothers’ side. )
( I wonder if there’s anything I can do for him...? )
Mertz: Excuse me, Yui-san. 
Yui: Mertz-san...
Mertz: I have come to check up on you two because I was a little worried. 
I should have not told you about what happened to the Demon Lord’s castle...That was a mistake on my part.
Yui: Oh no...Please don’t say that. Thank you for informing us.
I’m sure it is painful news to Kou-kun but...It should be much better than remaining ignorant. 
Mertz: I hope so.
Yui: Do you not have any other information about the Demon World? What about the castle which was under attack? What happened to it? 
And how are the Vampires faring...?
Mertz: Good question...I don’t know much more than what I told you earlier. 
However, you are safe here. No harm will be inflicted upon the two of you. 
Yui: But...
Mertz: To stay put here is the only thing you two can do for now. 
Once the storm has passed, you might be able to take action again. Please keep low until then. 
Yui: ( But...Then Ruki-kun...and Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun... )
Mertz: I realize it is not easy, but please endure it somehow to ensure your own safety. Understood? 
ー Mertz leaves the room
Yui: Our...safety. 
( We are safe...While everyone else is at risk. While we can’t do anything for them. )
I just...don’t want that. 
( I’ll ask Kou-kun to go save Ruki-kun and the others once more. I’m sure that’s what he wants to do as well. )
( I don’t want Kou-kun to end up having regrets...because I held him back. )
ー The scene shifts back to the bedroom
Yui: Kou-kun! ...He’s not here. Where could he have...Ah!
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Kou: Ah, M-neko-chan...!
Yui: ( Kou-kun...He was just about to jump down. )
Kou: No...This is, well...How should I put it...?
Yui: Don’t tell me, Kou-kun...Were you thinking of going to the Demon World by yourself...?
Kou: ...Um, sorry. 
→ You’re going to leave me behind? (♡)
Yui: You’re going to leave me behind?
Kou: ...Sorry.
Yui: An apology doesn’t tell me much.
Kou: I promised I would stay with you and protect you forever. Yet...I’m sorry. 
I don’t blame you for seeing me as a traitor. 
→ I’m not mad
Yui: I’m not mad. But...I’m sad. Do you not want me by your side? 
Kou: ...That’s not it. But...I’m scared. 
Yui: Scared...?
Kou: I don’t know what will happen. Nobody will take our side or help us out either. 
That’s the kind of place I’m headed to. When I consider...that I might not be able to protect you, I just become terrified.
Yui: Don’t make wrong assumptions about me!
Kou: M-neko-chan...
Yui: If you’ve made a proper decision, I want to hear it. It doesn’t matter how dangerous or painful the path ahead might be. 
Talk to me. Please...
Yui: I’ll be on your side at all times...!
Kou: ...Yeah, sorry.
You’ve told me that plenty of times before too...I’m sorry, for real.
Yui: No...I understand why you’re hesitant. I was looking for you because I wanted to ask you to return to the Demon World. 
Because I don’t want you to have regrets or have to hold back because of me. 
Kou: ...Yeah, me neither. I don’t want to regret my decision of being with you. 
They’re all my brothers. I can’t leave them for dead even when I’m aware of the risks involved. 
Yui: Exactly...!
Kou: That’s why I’ll get going right now. You should stay he...
Yui: I’ll go as well. 
Kou: You can’t! The Demon World is dangerous right now.
Yui: Then I will definitely go with you. You might need my blood at some point, right? 
Kou: I mean...But still. 
Yui: I’m scared because I feel like if we part ways now, I will never see you again...
No danger could possibly be more painful to me than that...!
Kou: I’m not the only one who relies on your blood. Those Founders are after you as well.
Yui: Don’t worry. You will protect me after all.
Kou: ...!
...God. I know that I’m selfish at times, but you’re not too shabby yourself. 
This time, it’s my loss. Let’s go together, Yui. 
Yui: Kou-kun...!
Kou: We promised we’d be together forever after all.
Yui: Yeah...!
Kou: I’ll be there for you no matter what...I won’t let you go. So stay with me forever? 
Yui: I will...I promise I’ll follow you anywhere. 
Kou: Thank you, Yui. 
ーー We’ll fly there in one go. Grab onto me. 
Yui: Yeah!
ーー We jump into the night sky.
While relying on each other’s warmth,
we are swallowed by the neverending darkness. 
I clung onto (縋った) Kou-kun’s neck.
And vowed to myself to not let go,
no matter how harsh the wind may blow.
I can see a faint glimmer (きらめき), from the corner of my eye.
It’s Kou-kun’s ring around my finger.
Acting almost like a lighthouse,
guiding us and lighting up our way.
<- [ Maniac 09 ] [ Maniac Epilogue ] ->
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