bancho-zx · 1 year
【PlayStation】 Rockman 8: Metal Heroes / Mega Man 8 | ロックマン8 メタルヒーローズ ~OP/Attract Demo
// Singer: GANASIA // Lyrics: Takumi Ozawa | 尾澤拓実 // Composition: Takumi Ozawa | 尾澤拓実 // Arrangement: Takumi Ozawa | 尾澤拓実, Keiichi Takahashi | 高橋圭一 // Music: Shusaku Uchiyama | 内山修作
// MiSTer FPGA // PSX core // Y/C Composite // Sony KV-13TR20 CRT
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amayradraws · 3 months
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slash-claw · 2 years
ShindanMaker : You have to draw Aqua Man
ShindanMaker : You have to draw a picture of Aqua Man growing cola (?)
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d3pr3773dc4n73r · 11 days
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!KNUCKLE UP! BOY!!ナックルアップ!男の子!
💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊 Well…Here we are yet again. Now, I have done previous projects before that have not been very successful, but I do hope that this one, will be the exact opposite. So, welcome to the: “Knuckle Kid Knockout” Process! This project/collab will focus on creating an Alternate Dimension (Universe) where everyone in the first original Mega Man series will be humanoid Kickboxers/MMA fighters. This idea was highly inspired by one art piece made by a Twittex (Twitter/X) user named: Sweet_Ant (@Sweette59439603). The art piece in question can be found right here: Media posts by Sweet _Ant🍉🐜🐜 (@Sweette59439603) / X まぁ。。。また来ました。そうですね、私は過去にあまり成功しなかったプロジェクトを行ってきましたが、今回は正反対であることを願っています。さあ、ナックルキッドのノックアウトプロセスへようこそ!このプロジェクト/コラボレーションは、最初のオリジナルロックマンシリーズの全員がヒューマノイドキックボクサー/MMAファイターになる異次元(宇宙)の作成に焦点を当てます。このアイデアは、Twitter/XユーザーのSweet_Ant(@Sweette59439603)が作成した1つのアート作品に大きく影響を受けました。問題のアートワークはこちらでご覧いただけます。 Media posts by Sweet _Ant🍉🐜🐜 (@Sweette59439603) / X
Plus, I have noticed that people like to make alternate universes of the series. So, why not try it out myself? さらに、人々はシリーズの別の宇宙を作るのが好きであることに気づきました。では、自分で試してみてはいかがでしょうか。
-Each line of robots will be chosen by an individual where they will create messy concept art of how they would look as a Kickboxer/MMA fighter. -Once a line has been completed, results will be posted, showcasing the brainstorm of ideas. -I myself will keep these pictures, so that I can draw a full fledge design, incorporating the ideas that were given. -Once all lines of robots have been completed, I will continue moving forward with creating the story, and what will exactly happen in this alternate universe. -There is no due date. So, that gives plenty of time to put in enough mental and artistic effort! But again, these will only be concept sketches, so there is no need to look outright pretty to the viewer. -ロボットの各ラインは、キックボクサー/ MMAファイターとしてどのように見えるかについての乱雑なコンセプトアートを作成する個々の人によって選択されます。 -ラインが完成したら、アイデアを出し合う結果が掲載されます。 -私自身もこれらの絵を保管し、いただいたアイデアを取り入れて本格的なデザインを描けるようにしていきます。 -ロボットの全ラインが完成したら、この異世界で一体何が起こるのか、物語作りを進めていきます。 -期日はございません。つまり、十分な精神的および芸術的な努力をするための十分な時間が与えられます!しかし、繰り返しになりますが、これらは単なるコンセプトスケッチであるため、視聴者にあからさまにきれいに見える必要はありません。 If anyone else would like to join this project, my Discord is: “d3pr3773dc4n73r”. And although people are free to join, I will also be searching for volunteers in the meantime. Now, if some artists require payment, that is totally fine. I just will not be able to pay upfront for everyone. Only some, if I can afford right on the spot. So, I hope that we can work out an agreement when it comes to that matter. Other than that, here are the participants from the chosen lines, as well as the lines that are still available! このプロジェクトに参加したい人がいれば、私のDiscordは「d3pr3773dc4n73r」です。そして、人々は自由に参加しますが、その間にボランティアも探します。さて、一部のアーティストが支払いを必要とする場合でも、それはまったく問題ありません。ただ、全員に前払いすることはできません。その場で余裕があれば、ほんの一部です。ですから、そのことに関しては、私たちが合意に達することができることを願っています。それ以外は、選ばれたラインからの参加者と、まだ利用可能なラインは次のとおりです。
OZTheKid:ロックマン1 (Mega Man 1) @switchnx:ロックマン2 (Mega Man 2) @cherricokeart:ロックマン3 (Mega Man 3) @sonyshock:ロックマン4 (Mega Man 4) @neogandw:ロックマン6 (Mega Man 6) @d3pr3773dc4n73r:ロックマンロックマンワールド5 (Mega Man V) @aguita-mineral: ロックマン&フォルテ (Mega Man & Bass) Rere: ロックマン&フォルテ 未来からの挑戦者 (Mega Man & Bass: Challenger From The Future) @pikapulu: ロックマン9 (Mega Man 9) @decaffeinated-heads: ロックマン11 (Mega Man 11) And here are the lines still available for pick up! そして、これがまだピックアップ可能なラインです! -Mega Man 5 -ロックマン5 Mega Man 5 | MMKB | Fandom -Mega Man 7 -ロックマン7 Mega Man 7 | MMKB | Fandom -Mega Man 8 -ロックマン8 Mega Man 8 | MMKB | Fandom -Mega Man 10 -ロックマン10 Mega Man 10 | MMKB | Fandom -Mega Man DOS (PC) -ロックマンDOS Mega Man (DOS) | MMKB | Fandom -Mega Man 3: The Robots are Revolting -ロックマン3:ロボットは反乱を起こしている Mega Man 3: The Robots are Revolting | MMKB | Fandom -Mega Man Strategy -洛克人大戰 Rockman Strategy | MMKB | Fandom
Now, if anyone has any additional questions, feel free to send me a message. I would prefer you not send an ask. I do not want to reveal TOO much to the public eye. With all of that said and done, I hope that everyone who sees this will give it a look. If not interested, a reblog is always helpful! さて、誰かが追加の質問を持っている場合は、私にメッセージを送ってください。私はあまり多くのことを世間の目にさらしたくありません。以上を踏まえて、これを見た皆さんにはぜひ見ていただきたいです。興味がない場合は、シェアが常に役立ちます!
!SEE YOU IN THE RING! !リングでお会いしましょう! 🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥🥊💥
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acquired-stardust · 11 months
Game Spotlight #9: Mega Man Legends (1998)
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It was the year 1998 and my parents took me to Blockbuster after I begged them to allow me rent a video game. The game that I picked out would be my first experience with the Mega Man games and arguably the most atypical title in that series. Hey it's Larsa here and this time I'll be discussing the very first 3D Mega Man game: "Mega Man Legends" also known as "Rockman DASH" in Japan.
Before some of the other major titans of gaming in the 1990s went in completely new directions another iconic series led by a mascot already reinvented itself years before the larger competition. Though in the shadow of these colossal series while still being iconic itself, many the world over knew about the series of video games "Mega Man" aka "Rock Man" (ロックマン ) in Japan. Mega Man series starred Mega Man, a chibi robot who now should need no introduction. After several years of success eventually Capcom's beloved Mega Man franchise went in a bold new direction with "Mega Man X" in 1993. This new Mega Man X featured more gorgeous detailed sprite work supported by the more advanced technology on the SNES console, it told a more cohesive story, and featured more fast paced action-oriented gameplay than the original main series. Capcom's 'Blue Bomber' was successfully reinvented for the Super Nintendo but Capcom did not abandon their original blue boy and in fact Capcom continued developing titles for both series of Mega Man games side by side throughout the next several years. While Capcom had two separate main titles of Mega Man games they treated as big deals, they were looking to release Mega Man 8 and Mega Man X4 on the new consoles that came out after the SNES. These two titles would be developed for both the Sega Saturn and PlayStation putting their flag down with two strong titles on the newer consoles of the mid-1990s.
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However while this console transition was happening it did not stop Capcom from reinventing the wheel yet again when they re-imagined Mega Man for three dimensional gaming. "Mega Man Legends " was a big departure from either previous two established ongoing series featuring Capcom's then-favored mascot. Instead of sprite based artwork we were now officially going to see Megaman in the world of polygons which was an exciting fresh prospect for many gamers of the time. Even though it bore the same name as a notoriously difficult franchise, this new series would be forgiving and more aimed at players of all ages according to producer Keji Infaune. For this title the Mega Man series would be focusing less on an intensive gameplay challenge and more on seeing and experiencing the world. Instead of being a challenging platformer the game would be an action-adventure title.
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The new tone of "Mega Man Legends " is immediately communicated with one look at our new lead, "Mega Man Volnutt". Volnutt is a new cuter take on Mega Man than the then-newest interpretation featured in "Mega Man X", who is an inexperienced kid looking for the world's treasures known in this setting as a "digger". You see he is not a 'Super Fighting Robot' or a hunter of dangerous virus-infected robots bound against their own free will. Our boy Volnutt is a part of a traveling family searching for secrets of the world from ages long past. His family is made up of his dependable sister Roll Casket, a dancing monkey known as "Data", and lastly his grandpa Barrell Casket all living aboard a ship by the name "Flutter". The game starts off right away setting the stage for its brand new location "Kattelox Island" and why you the player will be staying there. At the time of your arrival a group of pirates known as "The Bonne Family" have been spotted scoping things out on the island which has made the denizens of Kattlelox anxious. Teisel Bonne, Tron Bonne, and the Servbot army serving them are real scene stealers without giving away too much. "Mega Man Legends" is an ambitious game with an emphasis on the world being a sandbox in which Volnutt can travel to a various points at essentially any time. There would be much to do on Kattlelox Island and even merely talking to the various townspeople would become interesting as they change location and gain new dialogue as the events of the story progresses. As a player it makes the world feel that much more alive when NPCs potentially talk to you about the giant robot you thwarted recently.
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The entire game formula has changed in this new 3D title with an emphasis on exploration. "Mega Man Legends" has more in common with "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" than any previous game in it's own series. Many people compare Volnutt's adventures to "Ocarina of Time" naturally but it is important to note that "Mega Man Legends" actually game out several months before Zelda's debut on the N64 console. Unlike the other "Mega Man" games which were divided into stages this new take on the series featured a town that acted as a hub and underground ruins. The winding underground ruins are vast and they all connected through various obstacles that Volnutt can knock down to create new routes connecting locations which he can do as he gains new special weapons throughout the game. Speaking of weapons, you can utilize over a dozen special armaments in addition to the traditional Mega Buster which Volnutt can equip one at a time as a "Sub-Weapon". You don't need to defeat bosses for these weapons like one would normally expect in this franchise, instead to encourage exploration you discover weapon parts from various locations on the island. Likewise Volnutt can discover parts through the mass of ancient scrapped parts that enhances his armor in various ways giving the game some light RPG elements. This game was very experimental with the things it attempted to do. A hard to notice feature of the game is a morality system that changes the color of Volnutt's armor depending on your choices on the adventure though this feature is woefully underdeveloped but it does show the dev team were shooting for the stars with this game.
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The character designs feel like they would be right at home in the late 1970s animations and overall the artstyle of "Mega Man Legends" heavily resembles old Tasunoko cartoons. I feel the inspiration is obvious for any who is familiar with series such as " Yatterman ". As a result of putting focus on such a highly stylized designs the game's look doesn't feel as aged as some of the other titles released in this time period. I believe the original musical score still sounds great to this day the music can go from whimsical to heroic depending on the scene. The songs associated with the Bonne family are my favorite tracks in the game in part because they are just plain awesome and additionally because of how much they compliment the current mood of the scenes they play during. Now with that said at times some classical scores such as " Waltz of the Flowers " for example by legendary composer Tchaikovsky make it into the game. No offense to one of the greatest musicians of all time but hearing songs like this can be a little disappointing and distracting when you enjoy the original sounds so much and feels like it undermines the setting a bit. This is the most minor of nitpicks though and it doesn't truly detract from the game. At the same time it poses an interesting question for us all to ponder over while playing this game: Such as is Tchaikovsky actually still alive in "Mega Man Legends" and producing musical bangers on Kattlelox Island?
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"Mega Man Legends" has some flaws and can come across as slightly primitive even for the time. Thankfully the game gives you a very endearing experience which does not overstay its welcome by becoming a game that is overly long. You could feasibly clear this game in under ten hours which is a good thing in this case because by the time you finish the game you may kind of miss it. It is the kind of game that leaves you wanting more without feeling like it didn't give you enough in the first place and the lovable cast that play role in the story stay with you as well. Capcom would eventually create a sequel title and it would also get it's own spin-off that we may discuss someday.
A gem hidden among the stones, Mega Man Legends is unquestionably stardust.
-- Larsa
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n1essofficial · 2 years
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▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.1 1.王子の冒険 (カエルの為に鐘は鳴る より) The Prince's Adventure (from "For Frog the Bell Tolls")
2.ピラプト王国 (スーパーマリオランド より) Birabuto Kingdom (from "Super Mario Land")
3.Eyes On Me (ファイナルファンタジーⅧ より) Eyes On Me (from "FINAL FANTASY Ⅷ")
4.ビコーズ・アイ・ラブ・ユー (MOTHER2 ギーグの逆襲 より) Because I Love You (from "EarthBound")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.2 1.ポリアンナ (MOTHER より) Pollyanna (from "EarthBound Zero")
2.憩いの町 (不思議のダンジョン2 風来のシレン より) Mountaintop Town (from "Shiren the Wanderer")
3.クロノ・トリガー (クロノ・トリガー より) Chrono Trigger (from "Chrono Trigger")
4.Time is changing (ダーククロニクル より) Time is changing (from "Dark Chronicle")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.3 1.Snakey Chantey(スーパードンキーコング2 より) Snakey Chanty(from "Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest")
2.Escape From The City(ソニックアドベンチャー2 より) Escape From The City(from "SONIC ADVENTURE2")
3.サラダロアの町/サラダ町奉行所(サラダの国のトマト姫 より) Saladoria/The Prison(from "Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom")
4.レイトン教授のテーマ(レイトン教授と不思議な町 より) Professor Layton's Theme(from "Professor Layton and the Curious Village")
5.タイトル(どうぶつの森 より) Title(from "Animal Crossing")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.4 1.あさってCOLOR(スプラトゥーン2 より) Fresh Start(from "Splatoon 2")
2.Historic Soldier(グラディウス より) Historic Soldier(from "Nemesis")
3.Radical Dreamers ~盗めない宝石~(クロノ・クロス より) Radical Dreamers ~Unstolen Jewel~(from "Chrono Cross")
4.Sagat Stage(ストリートファイターII より) Sagat Stage(from "Street Fighter II")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.5 1.Hopes and Dreams(UNDERTALE より) Hopes and Dreams(from "UNDERTALE")
2.愛のテーマ(ファイナルファンタジーIV より) Theme of Love(from "Final Fantasy IV")
3.UNTAMED HEART(風のクロノア door to phantomile より) UNTAMED HEART(from "Klonoa: Door to Phantomile")
4.Dreams Dreams(ナイツ NiGHTS into Dreams… より) Dreams Dreams(from "NiGHTS into dreams…")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.6 1.海ステージ(星のカービィ スーパーデラックス より) Sea Stage(from "Kirby Super Star")
2.ひまわりとまぼろし/おかあさん?!(MOTHER3 より) Sunflowers and Illusions/Mother?!(from MOTHER3)
3.君と二人で~ある新米鍛冶師の場合~(サモンナイト クラフトソード物語 より) Together With You ~A Certain Rookie Blacksmith~(from "Summon Night: Swordcraft Story")
4.ヨッシーのうた(ヨッシーストーリー より) Yoshi's Song(from "Yoshi's Story")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.7 1.おおぞらをとぶ(ドラゴンクエストIII そして伝説へ… より) Heavenly Flight(from "Dragon Warrior III")
2.剣入手前フィールド(ゼルダの伝説 夢をみる島 より) Sword Search(from "The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening")
3.FLASHMAN STAGE(ロックマン2 Dr.ワイリーの謎 より) FLASHMAN STAGE(from "Mega Man 2")
4.Stickerbrush Symphony(スーパードンキーコング2 より) Stickerbrush Symphony(from "Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.8 1.作戦~ラストバトル オープニング(スプラトゥーン2 より) The Plan ~ Last Battle Opening(from "Splatoon 2")
2.フライ・オクト・フライ Fly Octo Fly
3.フルスロットル・テンタクル Ebb & Flow
4.フレンド・フロム・ファラウェイ Into the Light
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.9 1.風に誘われて (Twin memories)(Pop'nツインビー より) Calling for the wind (Twin Memories)(from "Pop'n Twinbee")
2.THEME OF ROCKMAN EXE(バトルネットワーク ロックマンエグゼ より) THEME OF ROCKMAN EXE(from "Mega Man Battle Network")
3.ワイルドウインド(Napple Tale Arsia in Daydream より) Wild Wind(from "Napple Tale: Arsia in Daydream")
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music LIVE 1.風の憧憬/クロノ・トリガー Wind Scene/Chrono Trigger
2.Hopes and Dreams/UNDERTALE Hopes and Dreams/UNDERTALE
3.運河要塞/ロマンシング サ・ガ2 Canal Fortress/Romancing Sa・Ga2
4.Stickerbush Symphony/スーパードンキーコング2 ディクシー&ディディー Stickerbush Symphony/Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
5.エリア1/ドラゴンスピリット AREA1/DRAGON SPIRIT
6.メタナイトの逆襲:エンディング(友と夕陽と…)/星のカービィ スーパーデラックス Revenge of Meta-Knight Ending Theme/Kirby Super Star
7.Darker Than Midnight/東方風神録~Mountain of Faith 運命のダークサイド(Dark Side of Fate) Touhou Fuujinroku~Mountain of Faith
8.タイトル/どうぶつの森 Title/Animal Crossing
▼Ultra Hyper Grooving Game Music Vol.10 1.果てしなき世界(ドラゴンクエストII 悪霊の神々 より) Endless World(from "Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line")
2.Bein' Friends(MOTHER より) Bein' Friends(from "EarthBound Beginnings")
3.夢は終わらない 〜こぼれ落ちる時の雫〜(テイルズ オブ ファンタジア より) Yume Wa Owaranai ~Kobore Ochiru Toki no Shizuku~(from "TALES OF PHANTASIA")
4.「Reset」(大神 より) 「Reset」(from "Ōkami")
5.ICO -You were there-(ICO より) ICO -You were there-(form "ICO")
6.Still Alive(Portal より) Still Alive(from "Portal")
7.妖魔夜行(東方紅魔郷 〜 the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. より) Apparitions Stalk the Night(from "Touhou Koumakyou: The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil")
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shelloop · 4 months
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mel-the-glaceon · 9 months
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saritatoyx · 1 year
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Nintendo amiibo Super Smash Bros Rockman/Mega Man (Japon)
IMPORTANTE: La figura es nueva solo que fue utilizada como exhibición únicamente y por eso presenta alguna coloración amarilla en parte del blíster y el cartón debido a la luz solar recibida.
El amiibo de Mega Man (ロックマン, Rokku Man literalmente Rockman en japonés) es una de las figuras pertenecientes a la serie Super Smash Bros., representante de uno de los personajes iniciales de Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS y Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
Este amiibo está basado en la apariencia que tiene su personaje como luchador en Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS y Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, que a su vez es una recreación tridimensional de su sprite de 8 bits de sus primeros juegos.
Consiste en un androide de armadura azul, con un casco con algunos salientes en la parte central del mismo y dos salientes rojos a lado y lado de la cabeza, posiblemente siendo el equivalente a sus orejas. En su mano izquierda tiene un cañón, el cual está apuntando hacia arriba. Mega Man mira hacia la izquierda, en una pose que muestra serenidad.
#SeVende #Nintendo #amiibo #SuperSmashBros #Rockman #MegaMan #Capcom #Nintendo3DS #WiiU #Retro #Vintage #photooftheday #picoftheday #follow #followme #instagram #instagood #saritatoyx #FiguraDeAccion #FigurasDeAccion #ArticuloDeColeccion #ArticulosDeColeccion #Coleccionable #Coleccionables #FigurasColeccionables #ColeccionablesColombia #FiguraDeColeccion #FigurasDeColeccion #Coleccion #Coleccionable #Coleccionista #Figuras #FigurasDeAccionColombia #FigurasDeAccionYColeccion #ArticuloDeColeccion #ArticulosDeColeccion
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katojunichisokuhou · 1 year
1: 風吹けば名無し 2023/04/08(土) 05:05:45.10 ID:x3FvbsZK0 ・FPS1mmしか理解できない為FPSやり出したらほぼ別枠にいく。▶︎なお配信の8割はFPSな模様 ・グロ・胸糞・怖い系ゲーム好きじゃない▶︎めっちゃやりおる ・パワプロ嫌い・ロックマン見る気になれんかった・ウイポも見る気なれん もうこれ衛門って言えないな (more…) “”
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yorinri · 1 year
デイリーの16時の記事、新しいライターさんだ 娘の涙を集めて加工して幽遊白書の氷泪石っぽくする、なんかすごい気持ち悪い!応援したくなる気持ち悪さではある 価値観はあわなさそう
不定期に観測していたラストメタル(ヒプノシスマイクのメタル版パクリ)ですが、相変わらず昨年8月以降動きなしです いつ公式サイトが消えるか、そういうフェーズか? 別に強い興味があるわけではないけどきっと用意されていたであろうアレコレが日の目を見ることなく沈んでいくのは難だって悲しいね
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thyele · 2 years
Jさん「あけましておめでとうございます! 今年2023年も最高に熱い1年になるように、 お互い燃え上がっていきましょう! 今年もどうぞよろしく。 #HappyNewYear2023 #wumf #J」https://twitter.com/J_wumf/status/1610192172825088001
Ryuichi Kawamuraさん「https://t.co/0Tz74pAdKm」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1610192420343513090
Köziさん「1月のコヂ 1/17 Naked Loft Yokohama/弾き語り 1/27 EDGE Ikebukuro/ZIZ https://t.co/vI6P811j6l」https://twitter.com/Kzi_official/status/1610193624813408257
UNCLOCK LOVER 頼田陵介さん「1/1-暁- https://t.co/8Eq3iyTObr 1/2-君がいたから- https://t.co/untwGtScJ4 1/3-Alive- https://t.co/I9ZxFAzeHM 本日も日付けが変わる頃に何か上がります😊 ところで、、、 いくらなんでも距離取りすぎじゃないですか?w 本日も良き一日を✌️ https://t.co/A1USgwY8oN」https://twitter.com/yorita_ryosuke/status/1610196381788180485
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kid-cobra · 6 years
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pokelele · 7 years
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anacrogames · 7 years
HOY en las #efeméridesanacrónicas de #Anacrogames: ¡Rockman 5 cumple 25 años! • Rockman 5 Blues no Wana!?, en su idioma original ロックマン5 ブルースの罠!? (algo asi como “La trampa de Blues”) es la quinta entrega de las aventuras originales de Rockman (Mega Man por estos lares) y llegó a las tiendas niponas el 4 de diciembre de 1992 • El plataformas para Famicom /NES fue desarrollado por Capcom, diseñado por Ichirou Mihara, la música de Mari Yamaguchi y el indiscutible arte de Keiji Inafune • #megaman5 #rockman5 #japan #capcom #protoman #famicom #nes #8 bits #anacrogames #retrogaming #pendodelespacio #keijiinafune #ロックマン5 ブルースの罠!? (en Tokyo, Japan)
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Mega Man X4 Full PC Game Overview. Mega Man X4 Download Free Full Game, originally released in Japan as Rockman X4 (ロックマンX4?), is a video game developed by Capcom. It is the fourth game in the Mega Man X series and the second game in the series to be released on the Sega Saturn and PlayStation. Free Download Megaman X4 Full Version Pc. 10/23/2019.: January 5, 2012 (Zero Version), Mode (s) Mega Man X4, originally released in Japan as Rockman X4 ( ロックマンX4), is a developed. It is the fourth game in the series and the second game in the series to be released on the and. The two versions were released simultaneously in Japan in 1997.
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Download the best games on Windows & Mac. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love. Description. Have fun playing the amazing Megaman X4 (SLUS-00561) game for Sony PSX/PlayStation 1. This is the USA version of the game and can be played using any of the PSX emulators available on our website. Download the Megaman X4 (SLUS-00561) ROM now and enjoy playing this game on your computer or phone. Your emulator will now be ready to play Mega Man X4. But now you’ll need to find the correct ROMs online. A ROM is essentially a virtual version of the game that needs to be loaded into the emulator. Step 2: return to Retroarch and hit File > Open. Navigate to the downloaded file and double click it to open it.
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Mega man x4 game free. download full version for pc with highly compressed link and setup crack. Megaman X4 PC Version Full Game Free Download Mega Man X4 (known in Japan as Rockman X4) is a side-looking Over action platformer distributed and created by Capcom for the Sega Saturn and PlayStation in September 1997 in the united states.
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Download Mega Man X4 (Action game) - A classic arcade platform game made by Capcom, this is the fourth of MegaManX series. Mac OS X OpenEmu Windows ePSXe Mednafen. Mac OS X OpenEmu Windows ePSXe Mednafen. Download extras files Manual available Description of Mega Man X4 Read Full Description A short-lived but excellent entry in CAPCOM's intermittent line of Mega Man series that is much more famous on console systems than on PC, Mega Man X4 is an excellent platformer that every arcade fan should definitely play. Mega Man Unlimited also known as (ロックマンアンリミテッド Rokkuman' anrimiteddo?) is an unofficial fan-made game created by MegaPhilX. It was released on July 14, 2013. According to the game's creator, it was originally meant to be a "hypothetical" sequel to Mega Man 9, created before the official Mega Man 10..
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#Free Download Megaman X4 Full Version Pc series. Overall, Mega Man X4 is arguably the best release in the long, intermittent line of Mega Man series on the PC. I especially like the little touches, like X and Zero landing from a jump with a "ka-clink" sound, and others like Zero's Beam Sabre letting out a loud "FWOOSH!!" when swung.&quot. Click at the bottom of the screen and click Menu Bar. Click to save your changes. On your Mac, do any of the following in an app: Hide or show the toolbar: Choose View Hide Toolbar or View Show Toolbar. While working in full screen for some apps, choose View Always Show Toolbar in Full Screen. Remove a button: Hold down the Command key while.
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