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kurosamehaiki · 6 months ago
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brownie-pics · 1 year ago
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'23.8.27 春日大社参道にて
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lachatalovematcha · 2 years ago
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mikzhyu · 1 year ago
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a romantic date
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vsynthbday · 5 months ago
happy anniversary to "Gankubi, Soroete Gokigen yo" (雁首、揃えてご機嫌よう) by Ukaroku (卯花ロク)! this song came out 4 years ago today.
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art by Danjo Sora | youtube upload | august 12th, 2024.
[Image description: A screenshot from the official music video for "Gankubi, Soroete Gokigen you". It depicts an unnamed character, holding their hand in front of the camera with rose petals coming out of their palm. They have long black hair, yellow eyes and are wearing a dark red and white school uniform with a dark red skirt. There's a faint halo over their head. The background is very light red, with rose petals floating. End image description.]
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odakuram · 10 months ago
お遊戯会、はじまりはじまり/Let Parents' Day Begin (English Translation)
Music/Lyrics: Ukaroku Illustration: Danjo Sora Vocals: Hatsune Miku
i had this translation sitting around in my drafts for a while and seeing that no one else tried to translate this i fixed it up a little
it's a very good song please listen to it
‘To everyone in the audience, I kindly invite you to come up to the stage.’
カーストの下位が粋がる様はただ無様だから 手を叩いた 玩具にしよう 囲めや囲めと焚いて 惨めなザマに仕立て上げて 手を叩いた 愉快な見せ物だ
Those in the lower castes just look uncouth showing off so I clapped my hands. Let’s turn them into toys Surround, surround and burn them, framing them as pitiful beings I clapped my hands. What a pleasant show.
クラスの誰も彼も知らぬ存ぜぬ顔で目逸らし 標的にはなりたくないもんね 見殺しにして手にした安寧の居場所は心地いいね
Everyone in the class looks away, feigning ignorance for they do not want to become a target, it seems. How comfortable it is to have peace in a place you belong in as you leave others for death.
弱い者に価値はないじゃん? 私が価格を決めたげるよ 誹謗的コーデでキメれば少しはネタになるからさ 頭垂れなさいな 誰からも持て囃されてんじゃん 退屈な毎日が今じゃ賑やかなお祭りね 飽きるまで君は猿回しのサル ほら くるくるり
Isn’t there no value to weak people? Let me decide your price for you. If you dress up in such a slanderous coordination, you’d make a good story So lower your head, are you not being given praise from everyone? What was once a boring everyday life is now a lively festival Until you’re done, you are a monkey trainer’s personal monkey-- Look at you, spinning round and round. [1]
私のことをこそこそ誹る大人の方々 手を叩いた 謎かけしましょう 匿名を振り翳して 誰かさんを晒し者にしてる 手を叩いた 匿名は誰でしょう?
The adults secretly slandering me clapped their hands. Now riddle me this Brandishing anonymity, someone has been exposed. I clapped my hands. Who is the anonymous person?
数を利用して血祭りに上げてた誰かもいたなぁ まるではしゃぐ子供みたいに それを囲んでさ 肩組み騒ぐ大人の皆様方
Using numbers, there was someone who was vilified too, huh? It’s as if all the adults, putting their arms around each other and making merry were enclosing it, like frolicking children.
弱い者いじめはノーと告げる唇で人を冒涜 それが特権だと言うなら早く大人になりたいな もしくは年召して 理路で整然な大人さんは 私らと同じレベルのお遊びがお好きなの? 答えなどいらないから似た者同士仲良くしましょう
The same people who say no to bullying the weak defile others If that’s called a privilege, then I want to become an adult quickly Or, when they put on their years, would those logical, orderly adults like to play games at our level? You don’t have to answer, so let’s be friends on the basis of being similar fellows.
はいはい 気に食わなくて狙いを私に定めたんだ モラルとか正義 建前にすれば石も投げやすいかい? コツは壊さないようギリギリ狙ってみるといいよ 玩具の遊び 心得てる先輩からの餞さ
Yes, yes, I don’t like this, my purpose was just decreed on me If morals, justice and the like were the front you used, it’d be easier to throw the first stone, no? It’s fine to just barely aim for it, so as to keep the trick intact This toy’s game, it’s a parting gift from a senior who gets it, see.
敗者は焦がされて 舞台をご退場 めでたいね 当事者以外が火を囲み この舞台は幕を閉じた 成すべきこと成して 拍手喝采で嗤い合って 燃え殻を撒いて遊ぶ様 私と瓜二つね 新しく産まれ堕ちた(あなたら)私の門出を祝おう
Burn the losers, exit the stage, how auspicious! The fire is contained within the concerned parties, the curtain has fallen on this stage Carry out what must be done, sneer at the applause, Playing by scattering cinders, my nails split Let us celebrate the departure of (you) me, newly dropped into this world
ほら はじまるよ
Look, it’s about to begin.
--------- Translation notes
[1] - The literal translation for monkey trainer in Japanese is 'monkey spinner', hence this line.
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rakuencoffee · 2 years ago
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【VANLIFEって】 移動販売車になる前のバス 今やあらゆる設備付けた車でVANLIFEとかいう動画たくさんあるけど サーファーの車中泊ってこれくらいで十分だったはずよね #楽園珈琲 #rakuencoffee #vanlife #vwtype2 #ワーゲンバス #ロクさん (楽園珈琲 rakuen coffee@蚊口浜) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqk7MWMPIT1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nariritrpg · 3 years ago
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CoC「誰がロックを殺すのか」 角刈りジョニー様作
KP:まるたろ PL:  HO1 Gt&Vo.:ミナト|暁 響叶  HO2 Key.:さやえん|狩土 雅樹  HO3 Dr.:あっさむ|熊 孝行  HO4 Ba.:なり|三岡 臣 バンド:Little Red Hood ※敬称略
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daily-voca-recs · 4 months ago
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373minami · 2 years ago
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刑事ロク 最後の心理戦 シーズン1
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jpopstreaming · 2 years ago
🆕🎶 「 ヨコハマオーセンティックブルー 」 new single by 椎名かいね, 咲乃木ロク is now available worldwide! 🌐 Listen now and discover new sounds from Japan on our weekly updated playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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kurosamehaiki · 7 months ago
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yoga-onion · 7 months ago
"In a crazy world, you can live more happily without having any ‘hope’."
- Hiro Sachiya (b. 1936 – d. April 7, 2022) was a Japanese buddhist scholar and a popular contemporary writer of Buddhism.
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"The big lie of “making the world a better place”
The world has never been a ‘good place' for its inhabitants. Regardless of the era, the world is always a‘bad place'.
'The three realms are not at ease, they are still like a house on fire', says the Lotus Sutra. The three realms (Ref) are the worlds of greed, colour and colourlessness in which human beings reincarnate through repeated births and deaths. You could think of it as the world we live in.
The Lotus Sutra says that there is no security in this world, that it is full of anxiety, like a house engulfed in flames and burning. What is required now is to learn from this Lotus Sutra and recognise that the world is a house on fire. Politicians are trying to plant the wrong perception in the minds of the people with their nonsense. Thus we must not fall for such tricks to deceive people and must first face up to the fact that the world is always a house on fire.
That is to clarify, therefore to give up.
And you have to take a hard look at the state of the burning house in our time. People who work and have a decent income are all in debt hell. That is the state of a house on fire today.
“Let's admit that the world is on fire. If we live in an age of debt, which is on fire, then don't we need to make more efforts to extinguish the flames?” There are probably people who think this way. However, Buddhism strictly warns against the short-sighted idea that if a fire is raging, it is natural to put it out.
“Get out of the burning house immediately.”
In other words, Buddhism teaches that one should not stay in a house on fire to extinguish it. It teaches that you should leave the fire immediately. 
To think "let's make the world a better place" or "let's get rid of debt hell" is, on the contrary, to be attached to this rotten world. The modern way of reading this phrase is, “Don't do that, just leave the world as it is.”
Banks are surviving comfortably, while individuals are exhausted with debt. Look at this current situation. If you stay in the fire forever, the harder you try, the worse the situation gets.
When I say 'don't work hard, don't work hard', some people argue that they bought the flat for their family and cannot afford not to work hard to pay back the loan. The conversation ends there when I say, "Then why don't you just not buy a flat?"
If you remember the basics of living within your income, you don't have to work hard and you won't be taken in by the burning house called the world. The landscape of our times is that everyone has forgotten these basics and as a result is groaning.
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― ひろさちや (1936年 7月27日 - 2022年 4月7日) は、日本の仏教思想家。多数の一般向けの解説書を執筆。
[註: 仏教の世界では「諦める���を「明らめる」と書く。つまり、あきらめるとは断念するということではなく、事実をはっきり見ることであり、現実を直視し、それをありのままに受け入れるという意味にほかならない。]
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lachatalovematcha · 1 year ago
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║(O)║♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █
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daily-hyosatsu · 7 months ago
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Something different today! The term 五臓六腑 [ごぞうろっぷ] comes from traditional Chinese medicine. Its literal meaning is the five viscera and the six internal organs—organs as a TCM concept; not analogous to the anatomical organs. But 五臓六腑 can also mean guts/innards more generally, or figuratively, what's inside your heart​. (Though in this case, it's just the name of a nice sushi place.)
Breaking the kanji down by theme:
五 means 5. It's read いつ, いつつ, or ゴ.
六 means 6. It's read む (e.g. む.つ, むっ.つ, むい), ロク, or リク.
臓 means entrails, viscera, or bowels. It's read はらわた or ゾウ.
腑 also means viscera or bowels. It's also read はらわた, or フ.
So let's take a closer look at 臓 and 腑. They both mean guts, they're both read はらわた, and they both use the radical meat-moon ⺼, plus (as you may have noticed if you're an absolute genius) another kanji that can mean storehouse. Yes!
蔵 means storehouse, or to possess, own, or hide. It’s read くら, おさ.める, かく.れる, ゾウ, or ソウ.
府 can mean storehouse, though it more often means urban prefecture or government office. It's read フ.
So, Flesh + Storehouse = Organs. Good mnemonic!
But is there a difference between 臓 and 腑? In modern Japanese, only 臓 is common, unless you're into traditional Chinese medicine. In that context, though, the difference is that 臟 zàng refers to "solid" organs, which are yin, while 腑 fǔ refers to "hollow" ones, which are yang. (Again, not organs in the anatomical sense; sometimes they're described instead as functional entities or systems.)
Anyway, I am going to try to end this post before I overstep my rudimentary understanding of this subject, but 五臓六腑 comes from the Chinese zàngfǔ (simplified: 脏腑; traditional: 臟腑). Zàngfǔ is the backbone of the TCM concept of how the body works. Its literal meaning is hollow and solid organs, or "all the organs."
And this kind of construction is common in kanji vocab: use two contrasting descriptors to refer to everything in a category or to position along a spectrum. For example:
男女 [だんじょ] (men + women) = all genders
老若 [ろうにゃく] (old + young) = all ages
大小 [だいしょう] (big + small) = size; all sizes
凸凹 [でこぼこ] (convex + concave) = bumpy
加減 [かげん] (increase + decrease) = adjust, moderate
苦楽 [くらく] (pleasure + pain) = the good and bad (of life)
高弱 [こうじゃく] (strong + weak) = level of strength
好き嫌い [すきぎらい] (like + dislike) = preferences (usu. food) and so on.
P.S. - Incidentally, はらわた is more commonly written 腸. This character also shares the same general entrails/viscera meaning, but often refers more specifically to bowels/intestines. (And fun fact: The name 牛腸 Gochō (cow + bowels) was the impetus for me starting this blog!)
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dedp · 2 months ago
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