#ใ€˜๐™ฝ๐š˜๐š ๐šŠ๐š— ๐š˜๐š™๐šŽ๐š— ๐š›๐š™ใ€™
nihilistic-rick ยท 2 months
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"Tracking..... Tracking..... Tracking....."
It was now day six in his search, in the mist of it all, there was chaos, fear and adrenaline ran high. But most of all exhaustion had won. Nihilistic could be found passed out on the desk before him, he had not slept in these days and so exhaustion consumed him. He slept, dreamed into another reality, where he was with him.
"Incoming transmission..."
The computer's voice shook him from his slumber, and he immediately sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with one hand, swiveling in his chair to see the large screen before him, blaring lights and the words flashing across them. "Shit." He quickly ran over to the console and began to type in the access codes for it. Glancing over his shoulder he saw Incubus sleeping, unaware of the noises.
This computer screen flickered and it looked like it might be a false transmission when all of a sudden he heard a voice.
"Yoo-whooo Nihilistic sweetie....or should I say..."
Nihilistic furrowed his brow and muttered under his breath. "The fuck..." When he saw it , or better yet saw her on the screen. A smug smirk displayed on her ruby red lips, their eyes holding a gleam of triumph in them. Her smile, rose in bloom with thorns.
"Unity..." Nihilistic let out a low growl as he saw them displayed on the screen before them.
"Guard Dog.... My my my my... Such a temper now is that a anyway to treat a lady."
"Depends, but I really don't see a lady here." He shot back cooly. Nihilistic didn't have the fondest memories of Unity even his own, he held them all in the same headspace. Hivemind bitch just trying to conquer the next best thing.
Unity let out a laugh, he could hear the taunting tone behind it as she did so. "Ah, there it is. That snarky tone of yours. I can see why he likes it so much." She smirked as she leaned down further on the screen, eyeing Nihilistic. "Though I can't say much about your figure or appearance.... Ugh, what he saw in you I have no idea. Just like that one over there.... " She said as she pointed at Incubus.
"I know you have him ! Cut to the chase and return him back now !" The anger and rage that had been building up, was now overflowing and spilling out.
"Return him. Why would I ever do that now, when I can devour him for my meal and more..." Moving out of the way she revealed she had Richard confined in restraints, on their knees, battered and beaten. The sight before him made Nihilistic violently sick with rage. "Richard !" He called out to them, but when they tried responding to them, all they got was a choked out gasp as a mechanical claw wrapped around their neck, not yet chocking them but as if waiting to on cue.
"YOU FUCKIN' BITCH I'll KILL YOU !!!" He yelled at the screen, which caused Incubus to wake up, falling out of his chair. "H-H-hey man ! Keep it-" Incubus stopped talking the minute he saw what was happening and where Richard was. "... This fuckin' bitch...." He muttered under their breath. " Incubus long time no see, how's it hanging sweetheart." Unity greeted them as she gave them her most charming and sickening smile, meanwhile Richard's head went limp, hanging down. "The fuck did you do to him ?! "
"Nothing yet. Did you tell our little friend here, who he's been playing house with ? Hmm ? "
"Shit. Not now Unity. Give us back Richard. Come on now..."
Nihilistic's eyes darted between the two of them. "The fuck is this crazy bitch talking about?" He snarled out at them, his pulse was racing as he was on the edge, all he wanted was Richard home. Safe. Happy. With him.
"Nothing. She's just on one is all. Come on give us Richard back..."
They were acting too calmly for them to just come to the situation at hand. It was unlike them. "Incubus.... What the fuck is going on..." He asked through gritted teeth as he watched them now. "OH this is rich, ha. They don't know do they. They don't know at all !" The way they were mocking them, and how she displayed how safe she felt on talking down to them, told him something was missing. "INCUBUS!" Nihilistic yelled at them to get them to talk to them. His attention was drawn to the screen once more as Unity began to talk, this time her tone was more menacing.
"This right here? This man. This being! This is a GOD you fools ! And you think I will give it up just like that ? HA. Not a chance. Nihilistic darling meet your beloved Richard, a Prime. " At this she pulled Richard's hair hold his head up, his right eyes was bruised, blood covered his lips, a look in his eyes, defeat. "W-W-What the fuck is she on about? A Prime ? Richard a Prime ?" Nihilistic's mind was trying to put everything together at once, it wasn't that he looked over at Incubus who had a look of disappointment and regret.
"No..." As if on cue, flashbacks swimed in his mind. Every kiss, every touch, every word ever traded between him and Richard, gone, tainted.
"Nihilistic it was a long time ago... It... It happened a long time ago. He's... He's not like that.."
"And that's exactly what's wrong with it. He's not like that. He's soft ! He was feared by all those that crossed his path ! He was a God in all his glory! Now look at him. Weak. Desperate. Pathetic. "Unity spat the last words out, and let Richard's head go. "No matter, we have something to fix that for him. Toughen him up. Chef if you will do the honors."
Out from the shadows, stepped the butcher Chef, the same guy that had wailed on him and taken Richard. It was their mechanical claw wrapped around Richard's neck, as if on cue, it began to squeeze, chocking them. At the same time Richard began to gasp for air, Incubus reached for his throat and began to gasp for air, clawing at his throat. "HOLY SHIT ! LET HIM GO !" Nihilistic yelled at them, but the second sound he heard was a pained scream, agonizingly, excruciatingly pained scream. It was coming from the screen, Nihilistic was watching the madness unfold when he looked over and saw Incubus thrashing on the floor, blood on the white tiles beneath them, and then their own screaming filling the lab walls.
Nihilistic rushed to them, turning them over, he saw their left eye, bulging and bleeding, at the same time, Nihilistic heard the sickening popping noises coming from the screen. What flew onto the ground was Incubus's eye, leaving him a screaming bloody mess.
"Perhaps this would be fit for your next meal, guard dog."
The Butcher Chef held up the eyeball to the screen, causing both he and Unity laughter, while in the background and in the lab, all Nihilistic could hear were screams of agony.
.End transmission.
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nihilistic-rick ยท 2 months
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It has been two days since their disappearance, and in those two days, Nihilistic had held himself locked up in his lab. The only thought was finding them, bringing them home safe. It was the only thought that consumed them, day and night. Part of him felt guilty for not being there, for not protecting them. If anything happened to them, he would never forgive himself.
Nihilistic knew that there was attention drawn to them, since they started hanging out. He was fully aware that others were curious and some even judgmental. Others were supportive and then there were others that were just not having it.
It was like seeing oil and water mixing together, the two changing physical substances, and separating. They were not to belong together. They simply didn't mix.
"Again..." His exasperated voice was heard inside the empty lab as he stared at the screen before him, watching the red dots scramble about. "Re-routing, coordinates. Tracking... Tracking... Tracking... "
Taking a seat in one of the empty chairs, he ran a hand through his hair, and let out a sigh. He hadn't been sleeping well either. When was the last time he ate something or even drank something other than liquor and coffee. Shoving their hands in his lab coat, he felt something inside of it, and pulled out the rosary.
Richard's rosary.
In his hand he turned it over, looking at the crucifix. Nihilistic was no praying man, he didn't believe in a lot of things especially in God, and let alone the religion that is Catholic. Yet here was he hunting down a man who did believe in these things.
"I'm sorry Richie..." He murmured as he still held onto the rosary in hand, and let his head fall into the other hand, leaning back in his chair. The computers beeping the only sound for the time being. "Tracking.... Tracking.... Tracking...."
The silence was interrupted by the labs doors opening, the familiar whooshing sound, making him sit up and pocketing the rosary, he heard footsteps, accompanied by the most annoying voice ever.
"Hey good looking, need some company?"
"Incubus... I see you're ready to cause more trouble..." Nihilistic looked over at them and gave them an annoyed look.
"Trouble? I'm offended. How dare you asshole."
Making a disgruntled noise, Nihilistic turned to look at Incubus, who was standing there with a smug smirk. "So have you found them yet genius ?"
"Does it look like we've found them ?" Nihilistic practically snarled at them, his exhaustion getting to him at this point. "No fuckface that's why I'm asking you !"
"Not this again ! Look did you just come down here to bother me or what ?" Nihilistic held Incubus's gaze as he waited for their answer. "Sorry.. sorry it's just .. we need him back .. " Incubus sat in a chair, his face just as tired looking as Nihilistic's own. "I know we do..." He replied as he turned in his chair to face Incubus.
"You look like shit... That Chef guy did a number on you..."
"Yeah well it was to do something about it and or get Richard killed on the spot."
"Fuckin' Hivemind bitch taking him..." Incubus paused as he looked over at Nihilistic. "You want to know what they're calling you around these parts because of her .." A shit eating grin was on their face as he watched Nihilistic.
Raising an eyebrow at the other, Nihilistic looked at them."Do I really want to know..."
"..... What."
"Guard dog pfft hahah."
"Ugh... Great...more names..."
Nihilistic would show them just how much of a guard dog he would be for them, once he got his hand on those that took him.
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nihilistic-rick ยท 3 months
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This evening just had to be a shit show. Didn't it. It just couldn't be calm, no, they had to push my buttons, just when things were getting better, what am I saying, they probably won't even talk to me after this...
My only regret is having shown that side, especially in front of him. What if this was all some scheme to drive a wedge between us... Us. Is there even an us...
Tearing the surgical tape with his teeth, he tucked it in tight. Needless to say his right hand was going to be hurting for the next few days. Flexing his fingers, he sighed as he let his head fall back against the bathroom wall, and slumped downwards. The bathroom sink was covered in blood, and gauzes, along with stitches and scissors laying in the sink. The impact of his knuckles meeting skull has split his knuckles open.He can't even remember when was the last time he was in an actual fist fight. Closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose, he began to recall.
Diane, University years, some assholes were trying to pick her up at the bar. He remembered the bruising on his left eye and broken molar he got from breaking it on his tongue ring.
"Shit.. " He exhaled, as he looked up at the bathroom ceiling. All he could think about was their face, the way they looked at him. Disappointment. Complete disappointment. Nihilistic let out a growl of annoyance as he remembered the other Ricks taunting him, although two of them were just fucking around, while the other one meant to start shit on purpose.
Could he and that Jerry vamp be working together ? No, it seemed like a long shot and that one particular Rick seemed liked he worked alone when it came shitting on people. Pushing the thought out of his mind, he stood up and walked into the living room, went to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a drink, and reached for his smokes, and sat on the couch.
I should give him some space after this... I'm sure he won't want to see me soon after this...
"Guess it's just you two and I, this evening..."
Marry Jane and Mr. Jameson, were some of his closest friends whenever he was by himself. Even though there was that third person on his mind, lingering in there, always at the forefront of his thoughts.
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nihilistic-rick ยท 2 months
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Taking the potion in her hand, she looked at it and eyed it a bit suspiciously at first. She ran it through some tests and found that it indeed would turn her back to her true former self. She sighed happily, things will be good from now on.
Not wasting time, she uncapped it and drank it. What was once her petite frame and luscious curves, now transformed into male anatomy. Lean, hard muscle, and a "third leg" was now there, along with scruffy facial hair.
He stood naked in his lab, and looked down at himself. "Oh thank goodness, everything's there, balls and all." He sighed in relief, and tossed the vial into the trash. "I'm sure going to miss the twins though..." Nihilistic muttered as he reached for his lab coat and put it on. But most of all he was going to miss the girls, the ladies that had shown him how to do the ropes of being a lady. Well, ladies and gentlemen he should say
"I gotta do something nice to show my appreciation for them gals, real class acts if you ask me." He murmured as he padded barefoot through the lab, and made it to the doors to take the elevator. Though he enjoyed being a girl for once, he was already making a formula in his head to make a serum with.
Maybe once in a while he can be one of the girls and hang out with them soon.
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nihilistic-rick ยท 2 months
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I've got my eye on you
I've got my eye on you
Say yes to Heaven
Say yes to me
Say yes to Heaven
Say yes to me.....
In the palm of his hand, he had the two pills that he had concocted, as promised it would erase parts that they didn't want them to remember, they deserved a second chance at this. A second chance to get it right the first time around. Nihilistic didn't want to lose him, ever. "So it's not gonna be easy, it's gonna be really hard. And we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I wanna do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever. You and me. Everyday."
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