#【botw verse】 the fight for our people and our future.
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du3list · 6 years ago
BOTW Verse - Part One
Please do not reblog these headcanons, as they are my own and this crossover verse is my own creation.
This verse takes place both before the hundred-year skip and after. 
The Goddess, the Triforce, and the Royal Family of Hyrule
The three gods of old each have a spirit that represents their power. Only the prince or princesses of the royal line have the power to summon them and harness the power of the goddess Hylia.
Slifer = Farore (Courage), Obelisk = Din (Power), Ra = Nayru (Wisdom)
In the canon Zelda timeline, the gods of old bequeathed their power to Hylia in the form of the Triforce. Though it is not present in BOTW (beyond showing up on Zelda and Link’s hand), its power is still there and is the goddess’s to command, and thus her heir’s. It will henceforth be described as “the power of Hylia.”
Akhenamkhanen (King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule) was the heir to the royal line of Hyrule and married a woman of great beauty from a family who lived in Castle Town. 
The power of Hylia skipped over Akhenamkhanen since there was no danger during his lifetime. This would normally mean there would be no one to train his heir, but his wife had been one of the ladies-in-waiting to his mother and thus had enough experience to train Atem.
In keeping with BOTW canon, Atem’s mother passed away when he was six, just a year before he was to begin his training to harness the power of the god spirits, leaving Atem without a guide in harnessing the power of Hylia.
Atem is the inheritor of his family’s power, but has no idea how to harness it. 
In order to summon the power of Hylia, the heir to the Hylian line (and Hylia’s reincarnation) must summon Horakhty the Creator of Light. To do so, Atem needs to be able to control all three facets of her power at once. However, despite training himself near to death for the majority of his life, he cannot summon even one of the three god spirits. 
Though Atem is devoted to learning how to harness his ancestors’ power, he prefers studying the history of Hyrule, playing games of wit and skill, and researching the technology of his ancestors.
The Chosen Hero
Yuugi’s father and mother are both members of the Royal Guard, and his mother was close to the queen of Hyrule as part of her personal retinue.
Yuugi was trained by his parents from the time he could walk in swordfighting, but was mostly raised by his grandfather since his parents were busy with their jobs.
Sugoroku traveled often as the Hylian diplomat to the Zora realm and took the young boy with him, which is how Yuugi ended up in the Zora realm at such a young age. 
Yuugi impressed many in the Zora realm with his swordsmanship. He was able to best many among the Zora guard at the age of four, and was considered a prodigy. 
He made friends among the Zora children, but given his grandfather’s tendency to travel, he had to leave them behind.
Over the years, Yuugi’s swordsmanship only improved, and soon he began to travel without his grandfather. 
Wherever he went, stories of his skill with the blade followed. He bested all sorts of creatures and became renowned for his courage and good heart.
Yuugi was chosen as the champion of Hylia before he was chosen as the Hylian Champion. 
During his fifteenth year, Yuugi felt a tug somewhere deep inside of him. Following its pull, he ventured all over Hyrule in search of its cause, eventually coming to the Spring of Courage. 
There, he heard the voice of the goddess, and she sent him to wander the Lost Woods. 
For a long time, Yuugi wandered the woods endlessly in search of answers. Eventually, he heard a voice in his mind telling him to listen to his instincts, and he found the path through the woods and entered the Great Deku Tree’s sanctum. He endured the trials left there by the goddess’s servants and proved himself worthy of wielding the sacred blade. 
Once Yuugi took up the Master Sword, the tales of his feats of daring grew in strength and popularity. Soon, he caught the ear of Akhenamkhanen, and was summoned to the castle to become the Hylian Champion.
On the Races of Hyrule
The Gorons are more human in appearance, sporting normal proportions. Characterized by the ability to harden their skin to a rock-like consistency, they are tall and muscular and are largely androgynous in appearance. 
The Goron people are a close-knit race and have a tight community group. Individuals refer to each other as “brother” and “sister” regardless of blood kinship.
If one of the members of the other races is acknowledged by the Gorons to be worthy of being “one of them,” they earn the title “brother” or “sister.”
Gerudo are capable of multiple hair colors and are not solely red-haired. Like in the game, their traditions are accepting of different gender experiences, meaning nonbinary people and trans women can enter Gerudo Town.
The Champions and the Story so Far
On his travels, Yuugi made many friends who would come to be important and influential once he became the Hylian Champion:
Anzu (Mipha), the princess of the Zora realm, was already known as a great healer by the time Yuugi first arrived in the Zora Realm. Zora, being a much more long-lived race than Hylians, have a longer life cycle. As such, Anzu was already a teenager when Yuugi first visited the Zora Realm.
With Yuugi’s infrequent visits and his youth, Anzu rarely had the time to see him as more than a child. However, this changed as he grew older, and she eventually came to fall for the young Hylian after he saved her life from a Lynel terrorizing Zora Realm from its highest peak.
Anzu frequently had to patch Yuugi up after his fights and often accompanied him on his exploits in the Zora Realm.
Jounouchi (Daruk) is a formidable warrior of the Goron tribe, a group of mountain-dwelling people who have the ability to harden their skin like rock.  
His father was formerly the Goron chieftain, or Boss, but due to his poor leadership and the exposure of his horrible treatment of his son behind closed doors, he was deposed. Jounouchi now leads the Goron people as Boss.
Compare the Gorons to the gangs that Jounouchi used to run with in canon. Honda might be part of the Goron race.
Seto (Revali) is the talented and prodigious Champion of the Rito tribe. He is an unrivaled archer and aerial acrobat, and is able to create an updraft with the help of his wings. 
Seto looks down on the prince for being unable to access his power, and dislikes Yuugi for being chosen as the prince’s personal guard and the Hero.
He does not get along well with the other Champions. His arrogant attitude often sets him at odds with Jou.
Isis (Urbosa) is the Champion of the Gerudo people. Gifted with the ability of farsight, her visions have helped to guide the people of Hyrule as well as her own tribe. As the chieftain of the Gerudo people, it is her duty to lead them and protect their secrets.
Isis was good friends with Atem’s mother, and after her death, she took on a mentoring role for the young prince. 
It was Isis’ visions that warned the people of Hyrule of the Calamity’s coming, though she did not know exactly when it would happen. 
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jadeile-writes · 4 years ago
Fanfic Progress Update 123
Hey, people, it’s update time! This time there’s a bit of news on Bushwa as well, as rare at that is. Stay tuned for a spoilery glimpse into the next chapter of Adventure Gone Mini at the end of the post.
Current WIPs:
Adventure gone Mini
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / The Minish Cap
Summary: Sidon is given his very own Sheikah Slate, the first replica Purah has managed to make, and sets out to travel with Link with the intention of registering warp points for convenient travel in the future. However, when a malfunction shrinks them down to the size of bugs, and they meet little people called the Minish, they have to change their plans from “fun adventuring” to “getting out of this mess”. Not that those two have to exclude one another. Link/Sidon.
Progress: Chapter 53 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 30th of June. Chapter 54 is 1/3 done, and the scheduled posting date is 21st of July.
I post a new chapter every three weeks on Wednesdays, except when I don’t manage to and move it by a week. These updates always include a sneak-peek for the next chapter, slowly getting longer over the three (or four) weeks’ waiting period.
Hah! Our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: This is not a stand-alone story! This is a oneshot/drabble collection in the universe as “Shit, the Radio Demon is a part of my afterlife”. Read the main story before bothering with this one.
I decided to give my readers a chance to throw Radiohusk prompts at me, and had the Afterlife-verse as an option to set the stories in. Everyone liked that, so this fic is now a thing. Enjoy the extra mischief from these two dorks!
Progress: Chapter 28 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 27th of November. Chapter 29 is technically written, but I'll need to look it over to see if I want to tweak it before I can call it done. The scheduled posting date is Some Friday, and there will be a sneak-peek on the Previous Thursday. Chapter 30 is half-done as well!
Note to new people who might be looking at this: I’m not taking prompts anymore. These will be the last chapters, and then the fic will be done.
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to someday:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
Revalink chapter fic (Zelda BotW)
A bunch of Hazbin oneshots and chapter fics, some started, some just on the idea phase. There’s… there’s a lot…
That’s it for the WIPs! Here’s the promised sneak-peek into Adventure gone Mini (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!
"Drop your weapons and surrender or else your friend gets it!" a Vaatian shouted at Link, Sidon held at swordpoint. All the while the other enemies were approaching him slowly, deliberately giving him time to choose his action rather than force him to fight.
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
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goldenworldsabound · 6 years ago
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Little biographies of each of my SIs below - post inspired by @benobiships​!
From left to right
Fandom: Breath of the Wild - with a few modifications. Unbeknownst to most people (my SI included) the Champions didn't die - they got put into resurrection chambers, complete with puzzles to unlock and discover them. Is She Me?: This is one of my SIs who is a bit more of an OC than exactly being me, as far as personality goes. Like me, she thinks she's kind of clever (and to a degree she is), she's silly, she can come off a bit clumsy sometimes, and is sometimes lacking in the commonsense department. Her interests are pretty different than mine - she's fixated on the old Sheikah tech that's around, and desperately wants to get into a shrine. She's fairly in tune with the spirits and other mystical beings in Zelda-verse, because she's a Chosen One like Link/Zelda (though her role is much smaller). She's also hilariously weak like myself and doesn't know when to quit (also like myself). She can become easily hyper-fixated by ancient things, which is not so much like irl me. Role: My SI grows up in Kakariko Village. While people are nice enough, and Impa kind of takes care of her, she always feels like an outsider. She is not a Sheikah herself, and that is obvious. She often goes to visit the other Sheikah out in Hateno and Akkala, to learn about the tech and everything. However, she becomes frustrated with not being allowed to research certain things ("the shrines are for the Champion, don't touch them"), so she runs away. Impa knew that she was a Chosen One, part of the legend, and panics a bit that she's run away. But unfortunately, Kakariko cannot spare to send anyone to find her, with the Yiga Clan's returned presence. And thus begins her journey to ultimately resurrect all the Champions (starting with Urbosa, followed by Mipha, Daruk, and Revali). She later meets Link (and Zelda once the world is saved). F/O(s): Romantically, Urbosa and Mipha (sometimes as a polyamory, but typically a V if anything). Platonically, Daruk, Revali, Link, Zelda.
Tags: Modern History (Urbosa x Wendy), Rainfall in the Ruins (Mipha x Wendy), botw aesthetic, Urbosa, Mipha
Fandom: Star Trek TOS Is She Me?: Very literally. She is me but through time travel shenanigans she ends up in the future (Star Trek is the future!!!) on the USS Enterprise. She even used to watch the Star Trek tv show! Very literally me. Over time as she becomes a science officer and computer specialist of the future, she diverges from me a bit, as her time on Vulcan helps her calm her emotions, and she learns to defend herself a little bit. And Starfleet grows more discipline in her. Role: Once she orients herself to being spontaneously transported to the future and gets through the grieving of losing everything, she starts trying to learn and grow on the ship, with the story that she is McCoy's niece (Everyone kinda knows this isn't true but opt not to question it). Kirk and McCoy take it upon themselves to take care of her while she acclimates, and Spock gets roped in as well. He kind of knows she has a crush on him, but he doesn't really know what to do about it or how he feels, although over time he figures out both of those things. He helps teach her about technology and science in the future, and she is kind of like his apprentice. Eventually they confess their feelings to each other. After some time, it is decided that it is too dangerous for Wendy to stay on the ship long term. Now that she has acclimated to being in the future, they want her to go to school on Vulcan and properly train for Starfleet/Science Officer duties. She is super scared to be away from everyone but ends up doing it. She and Spock bond before that. She goes to school, makes some friends, some shenanigans happen (including a traumatic event of someone else trying to break her bond with Spock), and then the Enterprise comes back to pick her up after some time. F/O(s): Romantically, Spock. Platonically, Kirk and McCoy (who waffle between familial and best friend depending on the day tbh), and the entire bridge crew. Amanda and Sarek are her in-laws and she loves them like family.
Tags: Love is Fascinating (Spock x Wendy), Uncle Kirk, Uncle Bones, Spock, Star Trek Aesthetic
Fandom: Fantasy setting Royalty AU - an AU entirely of my own creation, in a fantasy setting that allows for magic, different sentient species, etc. Crossover with all faves and their verses. Is She Me?: She looks like me, but in fancy dresses. Our personalities are fairly different though. She's a very magnanimous Princess, who is very brave and very selfless, and also has a really amazing magical power. She speaks politely and well. She is physically weak like myself, and despite her interest in learning to defend herself she is not permitted such things. We both really like to read and learn, even if that interest turns out just to be a hobby. Notably, she is a great diplomat and speaker, though she doesn't really enjoy the former (I wouldn't say irl me is GREAT but is okay, though I do not enjoy it also) Role: She was an orphan as a child, taken in by the Sheikah, who make up the elite royal guards. Once it was noticed I had an amazing magic power, to make massive unbreakable shields, the King and Queen scooped me up and I became the Princess. I grew up and was trained, and eventually I chose for myself four elite guards, who also became my secret lovers. It was an unusual move, but being beloved by the people, it was allowed. The King and Queen clearly think of me more as a pawn than as their child, so it was important I surround myself with people who really cared about me. My power has protected the city on numerous occasions, and the elite guard I chose have protected me even more times than that. F/O(s): My elite guards and primary lovers are Spock, Urbosa, Akabayashi, and Shizuo, as a polyamorous clump of sorts, centered primarily around me. Impa is a secret romantic lover as well (childhood friend who became leader of the Sheikah tribe), though outside of that group. Mipha is a Princess from another Kingdom who I am publicly romantically involved with - while we both consider it temporary (as in we won't get married), it's great fun and keeps away the other suitors. She sometimes engages with my elite guard as well. There will be platonic faves appearing as well.
Tags: Royalty AU, Royalty Aesthetic
Fandom: Durarara!! (x2 focused) - in this AU I am part of the yakuza as well. Is She Me?: She is the most like an OC of any SI. She is an outlet for feeling powerless - she is angry, she is strong, and she gets shit done. She swears a lot (which is true to me irl) and talks shit, and delivers on those promises to hurt them when people wrong her. She's the aggressiveness that I feel inside me, but that irl me would never consider executing. She's terrible at introspecting and talking about emotions (not like irl me at all). However, she does have a secret love for Poke'mon and plushies (irl me loves Poke'mon and plushies...). And also magical shield powers that she has weaponized. Role: She was an orphan American child who somehow ended up in Japan - she was adopted by the head of a small yakuza that co-existed with the Awakusu-kai in Ikebukuro. While she considers herself Japanese and Japanese to be her first language, she does speak English, and she is often accused of being a foreigner because she looks that way. Her adopted grandfather (she sees him that way, not as a father) does not force her into the yakuza - she joins on her own. She loves to fight, and being his granddaughter is given a lot of free reign to do what she wants within the boundaries of the small yakuza. She goes to high school at the same time as Izaya/Shinra/Shizuo/Kadota. She catches a lot of shit for being a woman, but she kicks enough ass that eventually she makes a name for herself - the Crystalline Angel. In addition to just being badass at fighting, she discovers early on that she has a special power - to generate shields. But she learns that she can form these shields into any shape, including razor sharp blades. When she's serious about using those powers, it's hard to beat her. Her primary job in the yakuza is to watch over prostitutes and make sure no one is causing them trouble, and if they are, she kicks an entire ass. Ultimately, her grandfather passes away, but he cuts a deal with the Awakusu-kai (who he was on good terms with) to let her join them. The other executives don't take her seriously for a while, but she shapes up and proves herself to them. There's a lot of shit talking, and she falls for Akabayashi almost immediately - and he falls for her instantly too. F/O(s): Romantically, Akabayashi. Platonically, Shinra and Celty, and sort of Izaya. She would really not call them friends, but they have a storied history and she wouldn't say she hates him either. Platonically also all of the Awakusu-kai execs - Aozaki, Shiki, and Kazamoto. She and Kadota were friends in high school, but haven't spoken since then.
Tags: Sharp Lines and Soft Edges (yakuza!SI x Akabayashi), yakuza si, yakuza aesthetic, durarara aesthetic, Akabayashi
Fandom: Durarara!! Is She Me?: Yes, with a few modifications. She is me, but after I graduated college I moved to Japan to work there. And I speak Japanese relatively fluently. This means I discard a lot of the life experiences irl me had. Personality wise, we're generally pretty similar - kind and smart, but ready to lay down some sass at my friends. A little absent-minded at times. Differently, my SI here learns to fight fairly well, and also has magic shield powers. Role: She moves to Japan and almost immediately runs into trouble (depending on which F/O she's with, the trouble varies). She quickly learns that the city is full of bad people and unusual people, and finds herself making friends with the unusual people. In the verse where she dates Shizuo, she helps calm him down, and Izaya takes an interest in messing with her to mess with Shizuo. Things got complicated very fast. In the verse where she dates Akabayashi, she doesn't much learn to fight, as the yakuza protects her once her relationship with Aka is serious. In that verse she joins the Dollars before she finds out Akabayashi is in the yakuza, which is how she discovers her shield powers, despite not really knowing how to fight. F/O(s): Romantically, Shizuo or Akabayashi (not ever in the same verse). Platonically, Celty (BFF!) and Shinra are big friends of hers, as well as Anri being like a younger sister to her. She's also on good terms with the van gang in both verses.
Tags: Street Signs and Snuggles (Shizuo x Wendy), Red Devil’s Honey (Akabayashi x Wendy), durarara aesthetic, Shizuo, Akabayashi
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yvocaro · 7 years ago
Time again for the weekly handheld gaming news! It was an exiting week for me an my family as Sinterklaas once again found our door. I’ve mentioned this celebration in the Netherlands before, celebrating the birthday of Saint Nicholas. Lots of gift giving an writing verse, a cosy night with the family and to my joy, lots of sweet candy.
What an exiting couple of weeks it has been here on the site, as another great writer joined our ranks with a personal story about how her love affair with the DS came about!
The link to the first part of her story is here.
Vic shared her insights on the future of handheld gaming with us, which always gets us gamers going with some nice discussion. As she is also the one that started the successful Facebook group Handheld Gaming Network two years ago, she has seen the way we game change.
Her insights are here. 
But, lots more happened this week, so lets go!
The Game Awards 2017: Breath of the Wild is winner
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was announced Game of the Year! And not just that, the game was also voted Best Action/Adventure game and won in Best Game Direction. Of course, there where many more awards to be given, and these stood out to me. If you want to see the entire list, you can find it here.
Best RPG: Persona 5
Best Family Game: Super Mario Odyssey
Best Strategy Game: Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Champions Ballad, DLC for BotW
Nintendo took the opportunity to release DLC pack 2, the Champions Ballad and showed the trailer at the awards show. In case you missed it, the DLC is downloadable now!
The Champions’ Ballad DLC Pack adds a new dungeon, an original story, and even more new challenges. Many of these will guide you towards finding new outfits and armor. If you follow these, you will be able to find Zant’s helmet, Phantom Ganon’s armor, Ravio’s hood, and a royal guard’s costume. Most importantly, you be able to find Link’s lobster pajamas from The Wind Waker.
There is also a quest for an ancient bridle and saddle for your horse, which makes it easier to teleport them right to you and spur faster. Your journal will send you to a few locations to speak with locals or find journals with hints leading to these items. As for the awesome bike that is shown at the end, the Master Cycle 0, it can be unlocked once you clear the new DLC content.
In order to access the Champions’ Ballad quest, you will need to complete all four Divine Beasts and the quests surrounding them. When you’ve done that, you should hear a message from Zelda telling you to go to the Shrine of Resurrection. Go back, place your Shiekah slate in the terminal you find there and you’ll start up the DLC.
The Lost Sphear demo on Switch
The Lost Sphear demo has finally made it outside of Japan. North American and European gamers can head to the Nintendo Switch eShop to get the free demo for Lost Sphear. The demo is about an hour long, and it will give you a sample of what to expect. You go to the beginning of the game, exploring the initial town. When the final version arrives you can carry the data over too!
Monster Hunter Stories on mobile in Japan
Now this was a surprise to me: We’ve only had Monster Hunter Stories in the West for a couple of months, but Japan has had the game on 3DS for a year now. Still, it surprises me that Capcom has released the game on mobile in Japan.
You can try the game for free on both iOS and Android and then purchase it for 1.900 Yen, for the full game. That’s about $ 17, a lot cheaper then the 3DS version.
Stardew Valley will come to the PS Vita
Well, well! Good news if you have a Vita, and haven’t played one of the console versions yet: Stardew Valley will come to the Vita too. It’ll be available next year, and it will have cross-buy too, so if you’ve got Stardew Valley on Playstation 4 you won’t need to buy it again to play it on your PS Vita. However, it’s worth noting that the multiplayer update, that will come to the console versions, won’t reach the Vita.
New street view in Pokémon Go
If you’ve been into your Pokémon Go recently, you might have seen a change. Niantic is no longer working with Google Maps, but with open-source, user-generated OpenStreetMap. This means that they are now using maps that have been made using data people all over the world provide. I just now checked, and saw an immediate change. We are having a weather alarm today, as lots of snow is expected. And that’s exactly the info I got in Pokémon Go, along with snow on my screen. Nice!
World of Final Fantasy Meli Melo releasedate
Last week I mentioned the new World of Final Fantasy games that is making its way to mobile. WOFF Meli Melo got a release date: December 12 in Japan. Plus, the game reached 500,000 pre-registrations, so that means players will get all pre-registration bonus rewards, including the 4-star Shiva Mirage for hitting 500,000. No news yet about a Western release. 
RPG Dragon Fang Z will hit eShop in America
A new, rogue-like title will soon hit the American Switch eShop: Dragon Fang Z: on December 19. Toydea, the creator of the game wanted to make an RPG with over 200 monsters that appear with the possibility of befriending them. Monsters have abilities that will come in handy during your journey too.
In addition to taking on dungeons the game offers plenty of other elements such as weapon and armor creating, item appraisals, item storage, monster fights and evolutions, score attack, monster bestiary, achievements, 50 stages rule practice puzzle dungeons, and high-difficulty long-dungeons for advanced players.
Enough for this week, right? I’m going to go back to playing Portal Knights on my Switch. I also bought Xenoblade chronicles 2 yesterday, a game that I’m not sure of yet. But a couple of my readers who tend to like the same games I do are very enthusiastic about it, so I’m giving it a go!
Have a great gaming weekend, thanks once again for reading!
    Handheld Gaming News week 49 Time again for the weekly handheld gaming news! It was an exiting week for me an my family as Sinterklaas once again found our door.
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du3list · 6 years ago
BOTW Verse - Part Two
Please do not reblog these headcanons, as they are my own and this crossover verse is my own creation.
Link to Part One
The Prince and His Champions
When Atem turned fifteen and the encroaching threat of Calamity Ganon became apparent thanks to Isis’s visions, Akhenamkhanen decided it was time for the young heir to begin his pilgrimages to the Springs of Wisdom, Power, and Courage to awaken the power of Hylia.
To accompany him on these journeys, as was traditional, the king decided to appoint a personal guard to serve and protect the young prince. 
The most obvious choice for this position was Yuugi, the young and formidable warrior who had been chosen by the holy sword. 
Akhenamkhanen forced Yuugi to swear an oath to serve by the young prince’s side for the rest of his life, protecting him from danger and seeing him safely through his mission to stop the Calamity.
Together, Atem and Yuugi set out to visit each of the four major races bordering Hyrule and enlist their aid.
The main goal of this trip was to find a Champion from each of the four races to pilot the four Divine Beasts.
They visited the Rito first, then the Gerudo, the Zora, and the Gorons. 
Once they had recruited each of the four Champions, they returned to Hyrule Castle to officially recognize their efforts.
At this time, Yuugi was officially recognized as the Hylian Champion.
Subdued Ceremony cutscene, but happier. 
Group picture!
Following this, the Champions each departed for their respective homelands, and Atem and Yuugi began visiting the three shrines so Atem could unlock his sacred power.
Shrine of Courage, then Power, then Wisdom. 
Atem was under strong pressure from his father, Akhenamkhanen, to gain access to his latent power. 
When the time came for Atem to visit the Shrine of Wisdom, Isis could feel the Calamity’s threat growing closer, so all of the Champions accompanied them to the Shrine. 
Caught away from their Divine Beasts, it was that much easier for the Calamity to set up traps for them that would spring upon their arrival. 
The Great Calamity
The Calamity was an ancient spirit known as Zorc Necrophades, the incarnation of Evil and Darkness
Fueled by lust for power after his defeat at the hands of the previous prince or princess and hero of Hyrule, Zorc used his dark power to take over the Divine Beasts.
This trapped the four Champions inside, forcing them to wage battle with the phantoms that Zorc sent to infiltrate their beasts for a hundred years. 
Unlike in game, the four Champions survive the assault and are preserved inside “shadow games” inside their respective Divine Beasts until Yuugi’s return.
After finally awakening his power in Yuugi’s defense, Atem had Yuugi sent to the Shrine of Resurrection, placed the Master Sword in slumber in the Lost Woods, and went to face Zorc. 
Locking Zorc inside the sanctum of Hyrule Castle, Atem used his newly-discovered divine magic to summon the three Spirits: Ra, Slifer, and Obelisk.
However, without Yuugi’s help, he was not strong enough to seal Zorc’s power. 
Instead, he enlisted the help of the Spirits to keep Zorc inside the sanctum and began building a divine maze to keep him sealed within, hereafter known as The Puzzle.
This Puzzle would keep Zorc in a dormant state for the next hundred years, until Yuugi’s awakening.  
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jadeile-writes · 4 years ago
Fanfic Progress Update 125
Hello everyone, and welcome to my post! Stay tuned for a spoilery glimpse into the next chapter of Adventure Gone Mini at the end.
Current WIPs:
Adventure gone Mini
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / The Minish Cap
Summary: Sidon is given his very own Sheikah Slate, the first replica Purah has managed to make, and sets out to travel with Link with the intention of registering warp points for convenient travel in the future. However, when a malfunction shrinks them down to the size of bugs, and they meet little people called the Minish, they have to change their plans from “fun adventuring” to “getting out of this mess”. Not that those two have to exclude one another. Link/Sidon.
Progress: Chapter 53 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 30th of June. Chapter 54 is almost finished, and the scheduled posting date is 21st of July.
I post a new chapter every three weeks on Wednesdays, except when I don’t manage to and move it by a week. These updates always include a sneak-peek for the next chapter, slowly getting longer over the three (or four) weeks’ waiting period.
Hah! Our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: This is not a stand-alone story! This is a oneshot/drabble collection in the universe as “Shit, the Radio Demon is a part of my afterlife”. Read the main story before bothering with this one.
I decided to give my readers a chance to throw Radiohusk prompts at me, and had the Afterlife-verse as an option to set the stories in. Everyone liked that, so this fic is now a thing. Enjoy the extra mischief from these two dorks!
Progress: Chapter 28 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 27th of November. Chapter 29 is technically written, but I’ll need to look it over to see if I want to tweak it before I can call it done. The scheduled posting date is Some Friday, and there will be a sneak-peek on the Previous Thursday. Chapter 30 is half-done as well.
Note to new people who might be looking at this: I’m not taking prompts anymore. These will be the last chapters, and then the fic will be done.
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to someday:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
Revalink chapter fic (Zelda BotW)
A bunch of Hazbin oneshots and chapter fics, some started, some just on the idea phase. There’s… there’s a lot…
That’s it for the WIPs! Here’s the promised sneak-peek into Adventure gone Mini (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!
"Drop your weapons and surrender or else your friend gets it!" a Vaatian shouted at Link, Sidon held at swordpoint. All the while the other enemies were approaching him slowly, deliberately giving him time to choose his action rather than forcing him to fight. Link's feet were walking him backwards, away from his pursuers, without a conscious thought. "Run, don't worry about me!" Sidon shouted, and got poked by multiple weapons instantly, although none of them pierced his scales – but that could change in an instant if the Vaatian in charge so commanded.
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
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