#【︎ immortalafton 】︎
hisfollower · 4 years
" um... s-so i know we aren't technically, like, IN a relationship, but... well, it's your birthday, and the movie theater is replaying that movie you love, and they sell champagne as part of a date package, and... well, i guess i'm asking if you wanna go out with me? for your birthday? "
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❝︎ S-Sir I.. I’ve been waiting for this for so long.. I’d love to go out with you on a birthday date! ❞︎
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foxyinaboxxy · 3 years
My Demon
Foxy’s legs shuddered a moment before they gave out entirely. The male gasped in pain as he hit the ground, breath knocked out of him. He rolled down the slope, coming to rest on his back. His chest moved painfully, trying to draw in much needed air. 
He was dying; he knew he was. At least it was out here, in the fresh air, away from that bastard. 
Fever raged through Foxy’s body. He shivered violently, still fighting to breathe. HIs shock of red hair, really more a mane than hair, was matted and sweat-soaked. His flesh was sunken from the fever... and from what had been done to him. 
Foxy was a half-demon. Neither human nor demon accepted him, but he’d been raised with humans. Until the day that demon saw him and kidnapped him. And since Foxy was only half a demon, he was powerless to stop him. The bastard had tortured him endlessly, dining on his screams as he tortured him. His eye was gone. So was his hand. HIs eye had been plucked from his head and eaten, like it was a delicacy. The pain had nearly killed Foxy, yet he hung on. 
Somehow he’d managed to escape. Even he didn’t know how. He’d lost track of how long he’d been there, how long the fever had been eating at him, how long ago he was so severly injured. 
But he was outside now, away from that demon. He could have a clean death. His breath rattled in his chest; it wouldn’t be long now.
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m0rb1dch1ld · 3 years
It was Sophie’s first “official” night as the night guard. It was definitely more relaxed than she ever pictured. The second guessing feeling crept up in the back of her mind, festering into a constant thought as she drew closer to the building. It was an…awkward first meeting. Needless to say there was a lot of unanswered questions still floating around.
He wouldn’t hurt me, would he? She thought, no…not at the risk of dad finding out…
Fishing for her keys in her bag, she heard the familiar muffled jingle as her fingers felt the cold tips.
With a heavy creak of the metal door she filed in quietly. “Hey, I’m back! It’s me!” She hollered as she dropped her stuff on the floor in the office. Sighing, she flopped into the chair and took off her eyepatch. Sophie a couple times to get adjusted to her surroundings as she set her eyepatch to the side. Fishing for her computer, she waited for heavy footsteps to come walking over to the office.
Another night, she thought, could be worse.
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missninetails · 4 years
“Springtrap!” She hugs at his arm excited to tell him the news of the gift he’s getting before their wedding. “I managed to get you a bunny.” They may have to travel to go pick them up.
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mechanicaldance · 3 years
This was the same place. It had to be. The same hallways, the main room with the stage, tables littered with party supplies. But everything was so..decrepit. Had she not been here a while earlier when everything seemed so new and shiny? Not so..withered, broken. Dark.
The same place William had taken her to as part as their first date, when he showed off his work place. The restaurant she'd been part of since then as their lives became mingled. But what happened, ir how she entirely got there..she didn't know. Her mind was fuzzy like she'd gotten hit in the head too many times.
The trapeze artist withdrew one of the many concealed daggers from her person, this costume of hers barely covered her garter with said weapons but they modtly were unnoticed. This place gave her the creeps as she wandered about slowly, taking in the details. It's almost like a dream turned sour, or cookies baked too long in the over.
But as she came down the hallway that lead to the security office, she heard it. Rustling. Metal scraping against flooring. Emelie clutched the dagger tight. She couldn't tell if the sound was in front of her.. Or behind.
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kitty-chan-art-den · 3 years
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dany-danke · 3 years
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a gift for my dear rabbit.
happy late birthday @immortalafton
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androidafton · 4 years
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How long has he been playing this game? Far too damn long. And all just to speak to the glitchy rabbit he keeps seeing that he’s 99% positive is his father. How could it not be, it’s a creepy rabbit. At first he was just seeing what the company had made with this game, knowing they were trying to use this game as a way to save face. However he decided to continue forward in the game once he saw the glitched out rabbit over to the side.
So here he is, probably hours later, having gone down painful memory lane, and all these cassette tapes set off to the side. He’s listened to them and honestly the presence of the rabbit worries him now more than ever. What are it’s plans?
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bxttenbound-archive · 3 years
@immortalafton​ found the Duchess
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It was another successful hunt that brought her close to humanity once more. The smell of blood oozed off her as she walked through the empty streets. Leaving the body behind in the alleyway she wasn’t concerned of anyone seeing her human or otherwise she expected the fresh corpse to draw a crowd after all but that would only mean another meal for her.
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speedsterredhead · 4 years
Wally followed eagerly behind ten other kids happily. A private show with cake and rock music, what a cool animatronic! Though he was a little confused as they entered the back room, and he became alarmed when the animatronic locked the door. He backed up shaking a little bit.
One brave boy, with raven black hair and freckles like Wally's spoke up. "Why is the door locked!"
A brown haired boy's eyes flashed in anger and he charged the animatronic.
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ask-springsecurity · 3 years
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((A GIFT TO MY BEST FRIEND! @immortalafton/@glitchdannysaur))
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foxyinaboxxy · 3 years
The sea. From the time that Foxy was young, he’d loved everything about the ocean. He hadn’t originally planned to be a pirate. But getting into the navy or some other seafaring branch wasn’t easy. Plus he didn’t always agree with their ideals. And he loved treasure.
He’d started as a simple deckhand, one who kept the ship clean. But as he’d aged, and earned the respect of those he sailed with, he’d been promoted through the ranks. When the last captain had retired, he’d chosen Foxy as his successor. And no one had complained. 
That was four years back, maybe five. Foxy was a pirate, but he was fair. He didn’t kill others just because they annoyed him. He even gave stowaways a hearing. Sure, he was often seen as cold, and could be ruthless if he really wanted to be. But mostly he was as fair and honest as a pirate could be. 
He looked the pirate too. He’d lost an eye in a fight, and so wore a patch where the eye had been. And one of his hands was a hook. He’d lost the hand saving a crewmate from being eaten by a siren. It had been worth the exchange. 
After all his time of being a captain, he looked a little more rugged, his fur longer than it probably should be. He also had two gold hoops piercing his left ear. And he wore a typical seafarer’s hat. 
Currently they were docked at a port, selling gold and gathering supplies for their next venture. The ship itself, The Mangle, was a worthy seafaring ship, fast in the waters. Currently her flags shone as simply red with a hook. It wouldn’t do to advertise that this was a pirate vessel. At least, not at port. 
He huffed his breath, gazing around with his one golden eye. Being tied to land made him twitchy; he wanted to be back at sea already. The ocean was what he loved, and he was antsy to go after their next treasure haul before someone else found it.
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missninetails · 4 years
@immortalafton​ continued 
The humans poured in and she feels almost nothing for the souls finding that this world was one to be dumped down the gutter. Serinaty waits for his cue before tapping the broach allowing it’s magic to spread adorning this one in a long dark galaxy cloak, and a nice dress to match the theme. The kitsune hums to herself walking bare steps past the humans.
Come little children I'll take thee away Into a land of enchantment Come little children The time's come to play Here in my garden of shadows
Attention was gathered as hands gesture to follow her as she twirls about the mall’s center stage humming the melody. Bright glowing amethysts call to them as the softest of dark magic spreads though tainting each soul. An audience drinks in each note, every tune like it was the only oasis in a desert. 
Follow sweet children I'll show thee the way Through all the pain And the sorrows Weep not poor children For life is this way Murdering beauty and passions
Next was a gesture to Glitchtrap to join her as she begins to hum the haunting melody once more. White wings form as this one lifts the sides of her dress to courtesy spreading the purity out wide to seal the deal.
Hush now dear children It must be this way Too weary of life And deceptions Rest now my children For soon we'll away, into the calm and the quiet...
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mechanicaldance · 3 years
Her own smile tugged at her lips when she noted how William slowly cheered up. That smile always made her smile, no matter how often she saw it. Fingers gingerly caressed her husband's cheek before tracing over his lips.
"You work too hard, you need to learn when to break," Emelie signed to him a soft hum. More often than not did she see him slumped over like that. "Tell me what you need, love."
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vnights · 4 years
Cold Nights
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