#【  𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙴𝙳 𝚄𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁  】  ✦  future dreams.
lgckian · 2 years
“ i’m kinda sad, man... ” kian sighs, sitting comfortably in his bed; sights set on 𝙺𝙴𝙴𝙷𝙾. while there’s still so much excitement in his spirit regarding the current season of future dreams, a small part of it died whenever he and the others were told that the songs they’d been preparing weren’t going to be the ones they’d actually be performing. kian remembers how awesome it was to discover that the members in his group were all good pals of his, and while he started out a little nervous about being made the leader of them, he learned that he was actually pretty good at it; that his long training time had given him perspective to use and inspire others, and that if at all necessary, he can take the wheel and steer a group of people to success in the future. despite his age, he’s capable of that. the pieces had fallen together so beautifully, and he’d stressed out a lot teaching choreography and ensuring everything continued to fall in line, only for it to be told that it was essentially for nothing. “ like, me and the others worked so hard... we were doing so well, too. ”
kian leans against the pillows behind him, becoming more languid in posture for once. he realizes that, although they’re comfy in their dorms, they’re likely still being recorded, so he doesn’t want to say anything too extreme. above all, he’s gotta be mindful of his image. “ i’m excited for jikjin and stuff, but i was really proud of me and the ‘ boss ’ boys !! i don’t know... is your head spinnin’ around as much as mine is because of everything ?? i know you were the leader of your group, too. ” he asks, running a hand through his still-damp hair to fix its messiness post-shower.
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lgckian · 2 years
despite finding a home within legacy entertainment and being friends with many of the trainees he’s met, kian hasn’t once forgotten that he’s in a fiercely competitive environment. sure, he’s able to keep his head up when things go awry, and he values sportsmanship above all, but he understands that all of them are after the same dream; they all have their eyes on the same prize for one reason or another, and that, in and of itself, informs him that the people he leans on for support are also the ones who’ll likely leave him in the dust if it comes down to it. he wouldn’t blame them for that either, as he realizes that everyone’s been in the waiting room for so long now that having their names called is a huge honor. it’s happened in the past with a couple of his peers, and he knows it’s likely to occur again, so when he’s asked how he would rank himself out of the trainees taking part in the show, he knows that he needs to answer with confidence, neutrality, and practicality. while it may be more polite to dodge queries of this nature, he doesn’t want to be seen as weak. he wants to be taken seriously, especially since he’s the youngest male trainee competing.
“ while i think i have a lot of improving to do still, given the amount of time i’ve been training and the work i’ve put in over the years, it’s my personal belief that i could reasonably be in the top ten out of all the trainees here, ” kian begins; a bright smile beaming towards the camera. “ i try my best to be multi-faceted and above average in all areas, and some might argue that i’m striving to be a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none, and while that might be true, it’s really important to me that i’m able to offer a wide variety of skills !! ” he shrugs slightly, cheeky grin still tugging at the corners of his lips. “ the one area i need to work harder on is rapping, but i think i make for a strong dancer, singer, and performer, and i can’t wait to show everyone my progress and how hard i’ve been working !! that, and... ” he pauses, looking directly into the lens playfully — his features donning an impish quality now, “ i personally think i’m the cutest boy in the competition, but i’m pretty biased... ”
a flurry of laughter follows suit as he gently rolls his eyes at himself, bringing a finger up to poke at one of the dimples on his cheeks afterwards. however, now’s the time where he’s expected to let the production team know who he’d want to compete against, one-on-one, in a test of skills. pausing to think for a spell, he hums audibly as he recalls the many performances he watched. kian thinks of a few people right off the bat, and instead of becoming distracted by overthinking the question, he answers truthfully and honestly, albeit quite impulsively, as well. “ i’m someone who would want to compete against the best of the best. that way, if i win, i know my hard work is paying off, and if i lose, i’m losing to someone i respect immensely, and it’ll tell me that i still have more work to do. ” he keeps the preamble short, then dives in.
“ with that said, when it comes to dancing, i’d love to go toe-to-toe with my pal, jung wookjin !! i know how amazing he is and i think it’d be fun to try and best him. when it comes to rap, i’m obviously nowhere near as awesome as he is, but i think i could learn a thing or two from kang max !! even if i totally fall flat on my face during this battle, it’d be cool to pick up some pointers from him in hopes that i can improve, too. ” when singing is involved, though, he pauses for a moment, mulling over his options, then proceeds. “ as for singing ?? that’s really hard because everyone is great and has their own style, but if it were up to me, i think competing against my good friend han keeho would be really fun !! i know how talented he is, and we’ve gotten really close over the years, so in my mind, we’d put on a great show together, even if we’re trying to see who’s best out of the two of us !! ” nodding his head, he feels content with his responses; his signature dopey smirk ever-present on his countenance.
kian hopes that the people he mentioned take his words as compliments. that’s how he intends for them to be received, and he’d absolutely hate himself if the individuals in question took them as personal attacks, especially since he doesn’t plan on taking anything he said back. it’s out in the open now. he has to live with the consequences.
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lgckian · 2 years
kian’s on cloud nine — over the moon, pumped up, and his limbs are physical proof of what’s currently going on in his head and heart. they feel as though electricity has sent a shock through his system; arms and legs tingling with the need to move, with a restlessness he’s become all too familiar with. he realizes that he’s in a new dorm, and that he’s likely going to be filmed if he gets up and stumbles into a practice room, but he can’t be the only person that’s unable to keep his eyes shut due to the excitement that he’s been experiencing, right ?? at least that’s what he tells himself to rationalize the need to follow the advice that his seniors gave him right this instant. he knew that it was a bold call to aim to impress the members of haru given that he covered ( or well, according to them, “ imitated ” ) a song by the ever-talented kang jaehyuk — one of kian’s largest influences, and the youngest member of the group he was showcasing his skills to — but that’s largely why he made that choice. he doesn’t want to be viewed as weak, or meek, or shy, or anything he’s not just because ultra-hd cameras are zooming around now, and being that he’s the junior out of all the male contestants, it’s his goal to prove that, despite his age, he’s ready for the next step, and above all else, he wants to be taken seriously like his seniors are.
so, with that in mind, he follows temptation and finds a vacant rehearsal space; air-pods secure in his ears so that his music isn’t loud over the sound system. he’d hate to disrupt the slumber of those who are able to sleep, especially since he knows how difficult that can be right now. it’s definitely a high stakes, high stress environment.
standing in the center of the floor, he replays the words he was told in his head — smiling at the memory of bae minwoo telling him that, skill-wise, he has “ everything needed to début as an idol. ” kian teared up slightly in that moment, but kept his act together; not wanting to let anything go to his head to make it larger than it needs to be. confidence is key, but arrogance and cockiness are destroyers of any hard work done. at least that’s what his dad’s always told him. luckily though, he was given advice on how to continue improving, and desperate to heed it, he puts some thought into what could make his performance of “ criminal ” more of a cover than an imitation. it’s complicated for him to decipher, especially since jaehyuk is someone he studies on stage, but what his senior is telling him is that he needs to find his own style; to be inspired by jaehyuk, but not to copy him move-for-move, note-for-note.
before starting the music, he marks the choreography slowly, silently — trying to relearn it with a fresh set of eyes instead of the ones that only have kang jaehyuk in their sightline. this makes him wonder what his personal flavor is. what can he add to this that feels like kian, and not like jaehyuk ?? as he moves — mostly out of muscle memory — he tries to separate himself from the original artist; allowing his body to move in a manner that feels most natural to him. kian’s noticed before that jaehyuk’s style focuses a lot on fluidity and clarity; controlled movements that are displayed with the perfect amount of energy every time. it’s something he’s always admired, but picking up on that technique hasn’t been easy on him. instead, he likes bouncy, energetic, and strong motions; packing a punch like fire instead of flowing like water.
pausing, he glances at himself in the mirror before him and he marvels at the color of his hair and how vibrant it is. people have told him that it’s a good color for him because it matches his personality. it’s fiery, it’s bold, it’s striking... and when he ponders about it even more, his family has always told him that he’s a life-sized energy bar or a never-ending battery; charged up and ready for anything. little-by-little, it’s clicking in his brain, and after shaking his body out to loosen himself up some, kian resets himself in the center of the floor; taking his stance on his knees, then presses play — the addictive melody streaming in through his air-pods and sinking deep into his soul. while he’s still not perfect yet, he springs to life.
this first run-through feels different to him — better, almost. instead of overthinking things and trying to recall the hours of video footage he watched of jaehyuk, he’s focused solely on doing whatever he wants with the moves he memorized; choosing moments to add flare and power, adding more locks for flavor, and being lighter on his feet for added bounce in some of the sections; creating a vibe that captures the sexiness jaehyuk delivers, but in kian’s own style. there are moments where he absentmindedly reverts back to how he’d rehearsed it originally, but the seed to improve has been planted within him, and he’s nurturing it in order for it to grow. what’s important is that he’s onto something, and the cameras in the room capture him “ honing his skills, ” which is another thing bae minwoo asked him to do.
knowing it may not be the smartest idea to miss out on rest, he continues going into the night, and he hopes that his efforts pay off somehow. there’s a lot of heavy pressure present on his shoulders, and he wants to prove that he can still presenting glowing results while carrying the added weight. right now, there is nothing is more important to him than that, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen.
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lgckian · 2 years
kian doesn’t even spare a millisecond to think. instead, he beams a smile and backs up his response with confidence. “ honestly, i’m really happy that i ended up with ‘ boss ’ because it’s a little more challenging for me, ” he begins; licking over his lips. “ a song like ‘ rock with you ’ would be easier for me given that the concept, the sound, and the styling, are all more fresh and alternative. that, and well, i really love that song, too !! ”  he admits, shrugging his shoulders. “ however, ‘ boss ’ is darker in a lot of ways, and it’s really helped me learn to be adaptable — to show a different side of myself and learn how to perform new concepts that are out of my comfort zone !! ” for a moment, kian pauses and wonders if his answers are a bit too polished; curious if he should maybe loosen up some more. “ if i could’ve, though, i feel like an even bigger challenge for me would be performing ‘ bungee, ’ but i don’t know. do you think i’m cute enough to pull it off ?? ” he jests, a toothy grin tugging at the corners of his mouth large enough to reveal his dimples. to add even more adorability to it, he brings his right index finger up to poke at the indentation on his right cheek, then winks.
it’s clear to him that his answer to this question could easily be misconstrued. that, or edited in a manner that makes it seem more pointed and harsh than it is, but despite him being an impulsive speaker, kian collects his thoughts for a moment — worried that he’ll trip over his words and say the wrong thing. he is known for often putting his foot in his mouth. “ for the time were were given to practice, i think everyone did a great job !! ” he begins, pursing his lips together. “ as a leader, i understand how hard it is to get everything organized, and to keep everyone on track, and to make sure everyone’s feeling heard, and good, and all that, so i admire all the leaders for their hard work. it’s definitely not easy; i’m learning that !! ” it’s all honest, and he continues his candor with the not-so-great critique he’d give. “ if i were to choose a group that needs to improve s’more, i might say the ‘ rock with you ’ boys, but it’s just because i really love that song, and in my opinion, if you’re covering someone else’s work, you need to perform it at the same level as them or better than they do, and i don’t think that that group is there yet, but they’re close !! they’ll get there !! ”
this is another query that he feels could be misshapen to fit the narrative the editors and production team have in mind, but he chooses to remain optimistic. putting bad energy into the air with overly negative thinking doesn’t seem necessary, or useful, or conducive to the already tense, competitive environment. “ my first thought was being worried about my group-mates. as their leader, i wanted to know how they were taking the news, first and foremost... ” kian sighs, then shrugs. “ i loved being able to work with them, and it makes me sad that all of our hard work won’t see a large-scale stage like we once thought it would, but the thought of performing a really cool, super gigantic ensemble number with all of the participants is thrilling, especially knowing it’ll be at such an awesome event !! ” a newfound exuberance races through his limbs like lightning, his eyes wide at the thought of the lgc family concert.
“ it’s exciting enough to make me realize that i need to focus more on learning the new song instead of being so upset about the past, and even though we won’t be in a small and specific unit anymore, i’ll still have jiahn, indy, and cameron by my side for ‘ jikjin, ’ and that’s what matters most to me !! ”
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lgckian · 2 years
when it was decided that he, jiahn, indy, and cameron were going to be performing “ boss ” by lgc boys for their first task, kian was positively thrilled. for one thing, he knows all of the guys in his group and is aware of how talented they are. that, and he’s really close friends with at least one of them, so their dynamic and chemistry already started off fairly strong. what’s more is that he’s the leader of them all, and despite being the youngest of everyone, he’s trying really hard to put his best foot forward and not only keep everyone on task, but to keep the morale as high as humanly possible. teamwork is what’s most important in his eyes, and all of them need to be on the same level if they’re going to pull-off a masterpiece of a showcase, so though he needs to approach their piece with a critical eye, he realizes that he needs to be mindful and uplifting. well, that’s what his older brother has advised him to do anyway, and despite how annoying doan can be, he often has good points.
they’re in the middle of running through the choreography for the umpteenth time today, and now that all of them are familiar with the formations and the specific movements, in general, kian’s focusing less on performing at his top ability so he can watch how the others are doing in the mirror before them. he marks his moves simply, keeps an eye on everyone else, and when they’re done with the first section of the song, he rushes over to stop the sound system; hoping it’s not overly abrupt for the others. “ sorry, i need a second !! ” he announces, then seeks out a comrade that’s near and dear to his heart — one he considers more of a brother than a friend in many ways. “ jiahn !! ” he hollers playfully, ambling over to him so he can awkwardly try and drape an arm around his shoulders. kian’s shorter than him, so it’s not totally smooth, but it’s good enough. “ can i talk your ear off for a second ?? ”
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lgckian · 2 years
it’s been a wild couple of weeks, but i’m thrivin’, survivin’, and workin’ my tail off !! i didn’t think that signing up to be apart of future dreams for the first time would be this draining, but despite all that, i’m having a really fun time preparing for things to start !! i’ve been doing a whole lot of dancing, and i’m working on my singing, too, but to be honest, i feel like i could put some more attention into my vocals and brushing up on those techniques, too. it’s weird... i started at the company as a guitar-wielding vocalist, but since getting signed, i’ve found an even bigger and more incredible passion for dancing !! i started off as a beginner with it all those years ago, but now ?? i think i’ve actually gotten really good !! i don’t know if i’m at the level of a main dancer yet, but i’m getting there, and that’s what’s important, right ?? gosh, if i ended up getting that as a position in the future i’d be thrilled, but at this point, i don’t really even care to think about the role i’d play in a group. i honestly just wanna be given a shot to show everyone how much i’ve improved. i know i’m not perfect yet — and that i never will be — but i feel like i’m a better and way more diverse entertainer nowadays !! some of my friends have called me a ‘ jack of all trades, ’ and i think that’s fitting. that’s definitely the approach i want to take as a performer, too: someone who’s good at everything and can do whatever’s asked of them !!
i look up to artists who are like that, too. there’s just something exciting about a person who is multi-talented. i mean, don’t get me wrong, i think that people who are out-of-this-world good at one thing are really impressive, too, because like, the discipline it must take to master one thing is something i’ll never understand because i get really distracted, and that makes it all the cooler to me. the people who are like, virtuosos in specific areas are the ones i learn the most from. like, listening to main vocals is always fun for me to pick up new tricks and techniques of doing things, and watching main dancers on stage also has a similar effect on me where i learn from their skills !! i feel like i’m getting distracted right now, but the point is: even though it’s been hard work to prepare for the real filming to start, the excitement i feel for the chance of promoting a song is, like, so extreme — like the most extreme i’ve ever felt in my whole life, if i’m being real here. i feel all of this energy buzzing around in side of me; it feels like electricity. kind of like i have lightning zooming around in my veins !!
all i can hope now is that this electricity works in my favor and electrifies the viewers, and the judges, and the other trainees, too !! i also hope that all of them are feeling the same electricity, too, because that’ll make everything way more fun !! seriously, like, even though i’m nervous, i feel way more stoked to just be a participant this go around. like, i finally feel ready, and like, i’ll at least get my foot in the door even if i don’t end up winning a spot. that’s important, too !! any kind of exposure is good, from what i know, and it’s an honor to be included. ah, i can’t wait to see what challenges we’re going to do, and like, what performances i’ll be apart of, and who my teammates are going to be, and like, i can’t wait to get closer to the people that i don’t know all that well, and to see all the friends i’ve already made !! just thinking about all of this is making me wanna get up and move, so i’m probably going to go squeeze in some extra dancing time, but please know that i’m pumped !! that’s all. that’s it. that’s the journal entry — i’m so pumped !!!!!!
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