#『the false god』⛧ ARCEUS.
exspiravited-a · 4 years
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pervorsitas-a · 6 years
The sick feeling she got while stepping upwards to the Hall of Origin was no longer due to Arceus’ aura, rather, it was her own anxiety getting the best of her. There were a thousand thoughts swirling in her mind, as they had been ever since she last saw her father. Thoughts of anger, sadness, and thoughts that contradicted each other.
All she’d ever wanted was for them all to be a happy family. That, of course, was never achieved. She’d had to find her family elsewhere, and she found that happiness she strove for in Abraham’s family... minus his sister, obviously. Chava’s words from earlier resonated with her, seeming to help her make her choice.
Giratina couldn’t have the happy family she always dreamed of by staying angry and stubborn, but she still had her own terms.
With a deep breath, she’d push the doors open, speaking before Arceus could say anything. “I’m willing to try and help you fix our relationship.” She said, stepping further inside. “There’s nothing you can do to change everything, and that’s fine. It’s done, it’s water under the bridge.” It didn’t take away the pain, but really... if it hadn’t been for all that happened, she wouldn’t have met all the people she came to love so much, and she wouldn’t have grown into who she was today. It was a very odd way of looking at it. Then again, Giratina herself was simply odd.
“I have my own terms. I don’t want to be putting in all the work. If you really have changed, I don’t expect that to be the case anyways. And-- and also, I want you... to teach me how to use a sword. You were teaching me a long, long time ago. I hardly remember any of it, but you only let me use a wood sword.” Arceus’ swordsmanship was practically unparalleled. Giratina was good, but her swings were too heavy and wide. She lacked speed.
Arceus would soon smile. “Is that all?” Giratina would look away for a moment. “I can’t think of anything else. I have everything I want in life right now, I mean, I never thought I’d see the day you became like-- like this again. I’m fucking floored, like I can’t believe this is real. I guess the only thing I really want is... for all of us to be a happy family again.” She’d add, rubbing the back of her neck.
“I will do my best to make that a reality, no matter how long it takes. There are many broken pieces to pick up still, but I am willing to take on that task.”
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exspiravited-a · 4 years
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“Well- would you look at that.”
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exspiravited-a · 4 years
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He sleep.
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exspiravited-a · 4 years
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“Is it really my fault that humanity believes my words so blindly? A child that destroys is a violent child. A child that tries to harm her own father is a violent child. Was it really a lie?”
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exspiravited-a · 4 years
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“Unfortunate for everyone... I am awake.”
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exspiravited-a · 4 years
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Kicks a soccer ball right into Arceus’ face.
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exspiravited-a · 4 years
it’s not a secret that arceus despised, detested, and loathed his children. he was angry and abusive to them, controlling them and their actions until it literally broke them. however, for some reason, giratina seemingly got it worse than her brothers. while they all suffered under his tyrannical rule, she got targeted.
because he created something volatile and unpredictable. while her brothers could use their powers well and with less trouble than hers, her antimatter was volatile, and unpredictable. arceus created something he couldn’t control, and that made him feel threatened.
he feared her, but in a primal sort of fear, and not the traditional sense. this primal fear manifested into rage and controlling behavior, which lead to heavy emotional, mental, and physical abuse. his way of solving the problem of her unpredictability was to take her away from her brothers and lock her away into a room far back in the hall of origin. out of sight, out of mind.
yet she still destroyed and ruined, all because her powers were too much for her to handle at such an age. it was good for arceus, however, because he was able to successfully throw her out of the dimension and into the distortion world, shifting the blame on her for her violent behavior and destructive nature, when in reality, it was his answer to his subconscious feeling of being threatened.
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exspiravited-a · 4 years
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He’s 6′10. He doesn’t deserve it.
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exspiravited-a · 4 years
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Between then and now, nothing has changed.
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exspiravited-a · 4 years
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Slaps his kids. “Trauma does a child good.”
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exspiravited-a · 4 years
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It seems that he needed to have a little talk with his son about respect when he was able to.
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exspiravited-a · 4 years
i want this man dead
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exspiravited-a · 4 years
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exspiravited-a · 4 years
STUDY    :  Arceus
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Repost it, do not reblog.
—    basics.
▸       is your muse tall    /    short    /    average ? at 6′10, arceus towers over most people he meets. he is very tall, and very intimidating.
▸       are they okay with their height ? absolutely. he used it as an intimidation factor when his kids were younger.
▸      what’s their hair like ? straight, pure white, long, and very smooth. he often has it either tied back or tied into a low ponytail, swept to one side.
▸     do they spend a  lot of time on their hair     /    grooming ? he doesn’t dedicate a horribly long amount of time to it. he does use more expensive hair/soap products, like top of the line stuff.
▸      does your muse care about their appearance   /   what others think ? absolutely not. only his own opinion matters to him, and he doesn’t care what ‘lesser beings’ aka the rest of the pantheon/humanity has to say about him or how he looks.
—    preferences.
▸  indoors    or    outdoors ? indoors. ▸      rain    or    sunshine ?  indifferent. ▸      forest    or    beach ?  forest. ▸      precious    metals    or    gems ?  indifferent. ▸      flowers    or    perfumes ? flowers. ▸      personality    or    appearance ? neither. ▸      being    alone    or    being    in    a    crowd ? indifferent. ▸      order    or    anarchy ? order. ▸      painful    truths    or    white    lies ? painful truths. ▸      science    or    magic ? magic. ▸      peace    or    conflict ? indifferent. ▸      night    or    day ? day. ▸      dusk    or    dawn ? dawn. ▸      warmth    or    cold ? cold. ▸      many   acquaintances    or    a    few   close    friends ? neither. ▸      reading    or    playing    a    game ? reading.
—    questionnaire.
▸      what are some of your muse’s bad habits ? his anger. his pride, viewing himself above anyone and everyone. putting others down for his own amusement. preying on the weak and inflicting pain on to them, be it mental or physical. his detachment from those he’s supposed to love and cherish, instead giving them the cold shoulder.
▸      has your muse lost anyone close to them ? how has it affected them ? no.
▸      what are some fond memories your muse has ? creating the universe. watching as he breaks down his children and utterly destroys them mentally. banishing giratina. tormenting his sons to the point where they just up and leave.
▸     is it easy for your muse to kill ? yes.
▸      what’s it like when your muse breaks down ? anger. nothing but anger. a rage with the blinding intensity of a thousand stars crushed into one spot. an anger so strong you can physically feel it in the air, you can feel it crushing your body and weighing you down with the weight of the universe itself. to feel his full rage would be a death sentence to any human. to any legendary, too, after a certain point. the very fabric of reality begins to unravel with his rage, splitting and tearing with a horrible noise.
▸      is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life ? no.
▸      what’s your muse like when they’re in love ? bold of you to assume he can feel anything remotely close to love.
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exspiravited-a · 4 years
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Eggs have been hitting the windows nonstop for over two hours now. He’s about to go ape.
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