#『✫ too fast for shadows. ☯ (headcanon.) 』
soclonely · 3 years
ൠ☯♦☮♥☠☆★☾ - dogma and tup
(if its too much just do dogma... i love him XD)
Dogma Headcanons
ൠ - random headcanon
Dogma likes to collect things, something little like bottlecaps from glass bottled sodas he has had or something. He likes the designs and labels on them and its like having art but on a smaller scale. He keeps them in a shoebox under his bunk
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Likes to just people watch. Take him to a park with you to chat and watch people playing, walking their dogs, and chatting and he is comfortable. Dislikes doing nothing. It makes him nervous to just sit around for long periods of time if work isn’t happening 
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Dogma probably would scrapbook. Its a good way to organize memories and souvenirs without it being a mess.
☮ - friendship headcanon
His love language for friends and family is gift giving, but nothing too flashy or expensive. and i am down with the idea that he would take the time and energy to make you a scrapbooking page of a trip you took together, a shadow box with ticket stubs in it, or a memoriy box of your friendship together. It shows a bit more loyalty and feeling then something you just pick up at Target
♥ - family headcanon
Dogma is extremely dedicated to family and that can sometimes be a problem when they do something completely wrong but ask for his support. Inner conflict in what is right vs what is expected. He has to slowly learn also that blood doesn’t mean family, and its okay to let people in that aren’t “blood related”
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
I don’t think he is much of a violent person when angry. He is more of a frustrated kind of angry when he doesn’t understand someone. He ends up more upset with himself than the other person and its all kind of confusing to him. It takes a lot to set him off.
☆ - happy headcanon
Dogma will casually go out and pick up trash as he is walking along the walkways in neighborhoods and parks. He always carries a small storebag for trash and wlll toss it after his walk. 
★ - sad headcanon
Dogma has a lot of questions on becoming a better person, but its for the wrong reasons. Deep down, he has this acceptance issue and when someone doesn’t like him he thinks its a “he” issue and immediately wants to learn why so he can “fix”. It takes him a long time with the 501st to understand its okay to not be liked by everyone and to also not like everyone yourself. the important thing is being kind and polite.  
☾ - sleep headcanon
Insomniac, but no one knows it. He lays there for hours listening to the others sleep, chat, sneak off to wander the ship, etc. he doesn’t understand why. He just can’t fall asleep
Tup Headcanons
ൠ - random headcanon
When no one is around, Tup will take a ship for a joyride. He is a pretty decent flier and secretly wants to be a pilot. 
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
This man LOVES cereal. He would eat it all meals of the day if Rex would let him. He isn’t picky either. Sugary cereal, fibery cereal- he don’t care. He hates warm breakfasts and honestly anything cooked and warm. He likes cool foods that he can eat fast
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Tup has a lof of internal anger issues and likes to do martial arts to sort of combat that and keeping his anger in check. He saw the jedi meditating and tried that, but he needed something a little more hands on. He likes to move and critically think, but without the pressures of being on a battlefield.
☮ - friendship headcanon
He is that friend that randomly shows up to your house at 2am with taco bell.
♥ - family headcanon
His family consists of an assortment of animals!
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
Deep rooted temper issues. Isn’t violent on purpose. He doesn’t realize it until he is told. Will sort of recoil and hide away after
☆ - happy headcanon
LOVES to cook. This man could be a chef. And he can do it with amost no fresh resources.
★ - sad headcanon
Feels like his hair defines him and he hates that. Doesn’t want to cut it, but gets tired of the jokes and hair related comments from everyone
☾ - sleep headcanon
you cannot wake Murder Tup up. The only way to wake him up is to take away his stuffy he is snuggling. And you better have a bowl of cereal or something waiting for him because he gets hangry
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