#『 eighth doctor 』 despair accords with reality‚ but i insist on hope
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butterflygardcn · 1 year ago
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EIGHT: a playlist for the half-human, half-heartless doctor that also happens to be half-stupid on his mother's side
second skin by the chameleons | un bel di by armen ra | just one day by the mighty oaks | the baron by yuji nomi | laughing with a mouth of blood by st. vincent | the spine song by cake bake betty | come on! feel the illinoise! part i [...] by sufjan stevens | the fool by neutral milk hotel | when the end of the world came by the jane austen argument | outliars and hyppocrates: a fun fact about apples by will wood | eight by sleeping at last | apple tree by the marika hackman | the bad doctor by the mountain goats | czardas by vittorio monti | salut d'amore, op 12 by edward elgar | sabbath bloody sabbath by black sabbath
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eightdoctor · 4 years ago
you might've answered this already but where's your quote from? Despair accords with reality but I insist on hope, what a raw line. I know it's from doctor who but who/when/where?
yeah it’s one of my favorites!!! it’s from the eighth doctor adventure camera obscure, said by mx 8th doctor himself
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vortexparadox · 4 years ago
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“Injustice is the rule, but I want justice. Suffering is the rule, but I want to end it. Despair accords with reality, but I insist on hope. I don't accept it because it is unacceptable. I say no.” ― The Eighth Doctor
Doctor Who Expanded Universe Multimuse. Featuring the Eighth Doctor from Doctor Who (mixed canon). Adored by lefae.
✨indie. selective. mutuals only.  ★ full navi.  ☑ interest checker. 💫 read rules & other pages before following.
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prydon · 5 years ago
Favorite gifs/moments for the eighth doctor?
if i had to limit it to be only moments that could be giffed (aka from the movie and night of the doctor) that list would be very very short....but on the other hand, if i have to widen it to All of eight’s media, including audios, comics and books, that list will be ungodly long lolll. so this is a difficult question to answer.....
off the top of head, though, here are just A FEW of my favorite eight moments from across all his media:
- him saving the kittens in vampire science
- basically the entirety of scherzo ("your love for me has killed you, just as mine for you has killed me. what was the point of all that love? what was it for?")
- him painting with his own blood in interference. what can i say, i’m a sucker for pain
- "well, how much chaos would it bring to go back and save lucie miller? at the point of impact. to snatch her into the tardis. what would that do, except save one of the noblest inhabitants of the universe?” AGGGGHHH
- him being left behind by the aliens in the turing test and his quiet “no, you won’t” to turing after turing says all the grand things that he believes are gonna happen as a result of computers and that he thinks he’ll get to see
- that last scene from the flood. you know the one.
- him, like, conducting the lightning at the end of the year of intelligent tigers
- his confrontation with the entity on phobos aka “there are the things that i am afraid that i might do one day"
- the doctor meeting death in camera obscura. that and the entirety of the “despair accords with reality, but i insist on hope” speech/convo from the same book.
.......aaand i’m sure a million more that i can’t think of rn. OH. “these shoes, they fit perfectly!!!” as well OF COURSE haha
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butterflygardcn · 1 year ago
[eighth doctor] longing.
You create from longing. It is the overwhelming desire for what remains out of reach that defines your work. You are someone who is always wanting for something. The endless craving gnaws at you to the point that it would consume your every thought if you couldn't find a way to let it out. The nagging sense of lacking drives you to create, to give your desires an audience so that they do not devour you from the inside out. Creating something from your desires makes the sense of emptiness less acute. It's a way of obtaining some measure of fulfillment in spite of the constant craving for more. As long as you can create, an outlet for your longing is the one thing you can't be denied.
[fitz kreiner] longing.
You create from longing. It is the overwhelming desire for what remains out of reach that defines your work. You are someone who is always wanting for something. The endless craving gnaws at you to the point that it would consume your every thought if you couldn't find a way to let it out. The nagging sense of lacking drives you to create, to give your desires an audience so that they do not devour you from the inside out. Creating something from your desires makes the sense of emptiness less acute. It's a way of obtaining some measure of fulfillment in spite of the constant craving for more. As long as you can create, an outlet for your longing is the one thing you can't be denied.
tagged by:@susanforeman
tagging:@factsandfigures, @paradoxlost
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butterflygardcn · 1 year ago
After three years, the Doctor stopped counting.
Each micro, nano, picosecond ticked past without him tallying it, each moment flowing languidly, lazily, slowly, slowly, slowly past. Like water lethargically circling the drain of the communal showers. They all went unnoticed, because if the Doctor kept noticing them, he thinks he'd go mad.
Well, more mad than he already is.
Three years stuck in one building. Hundreds of futile escape attempts. Hundreds of snapped and worn-through crayons, colored wax caked on the white walls of his room. All the pigment meshing, melding, swirling incomprehensibly together. A pitiful simulacrum of the Vortex he so desperately misses.
The Vortex he'll never see again.
Because he's never getting out.
The fact sunk like a bag of rocks in his chest, sat like a stone in his stomach. It brought his hope down with it, and it had suffocated, drowned, was now pallid and bloated and quite dead. Never getting out.
He still concocts half-baked escape plans, just because he has not much else to do to stave away the boredom, just because he doesn't want Akalu to know he's given up. Even though the Doctor knows that he knows he has.
He's sitting on his cot, legs drawn up to his chest. His head propped on his knees. Denim grates at his chin, and his gaze is vacant. He's thinking of all the places he's seen. All the places he'll never see again: Times Square, New Mars, Viridia, Betelgeuse V, Ancient Rome, the Bubble Gardens of Lemurn.
Worst of all, though, are all the people he'll never see again. Grace, Carolyn, Jo, Alistair, Adrienne, Susan.
She was still out there, somewhere, and he'll never ever find her.
Somehow, the notion that she'd find him had never crossed his mind.
Suddenly, she's in front of him, filling his vision, vibrant and fantastic and wonderful and alive.
The Doctor inhales sharply, like a nearly-drowned man breaching the surface. He felt the recycled air tickle his tongue and throat, and it tasted as fresh and clean as the air in the primordial jungles of Antarctica.
He seized her in a great hug, latching onto her like a barnacle, before he's given a phone and spilling instructions to some fellow on the other end of the line for how to activate the TARDIS' homing circuits, before snapping the mobile shut and - oh, that's right!
"Sam, Sam," he elatedly exclaimed as he reached under the blankets to pull out the threadbare teddy bear he'd gotten her as a gift, three years ago. One of the eyes had been detached after the Doctor spent an entire day picking at it.
Finally, finally, finally, he had the opportunity to give it to her.
"This is for you."
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butterflygardcn · 1 year ago
“  when you look at me,  i feel seen.  i feel like you see past everything i’ve always surrounded myself with to try and protect my heart.  no one has ever looked that deeply at me.  ” //for the doctor
"Then has anyone ever looked at you properly, Sam?"
The Doctor asked this with a sad, solemn sort of smile, leaned back in his easy chair in the console room. The Tiffany lamp on the occasional table next to him diffused a warm gold glow, casting the shadows on his face into sharp relief. His gaze twinkled out of the darkness, eyes seemingly more reflective than most. They glinted like two chunks of raw blue crystal held in a matrix of rock.
He gently sets down his tea, the porcelain clinking amidst the soft, perpetual hum of the TARDIS.
"I see you only as you are, you know," he said fondly, "There's nothing deep about it."
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butterflygardcn · 1 year ago
The Doctor shrugged, chestnut curls bouncing easily, as if they were lighter than air. With a loud clack! that summoned up images in one's mind of hardwood floors being scratched or scuffed, the back legs of his chair hit the floor as he stood up to stand in front of Romana's desk.
He picked up one of the trinkets she'd kept there, turning it around in his grasp idly.
Humming, he commented, "Yes, it does, doesn't it?" he leaned in close over her desk, speaking in a clandestine stage whisper, a hand curtaining the side of his mouth, "I'm starting to think it's following me around, you know. Chaos. Perhaps it's taken up residence in my shadow. Wouldn't be the first time something untoward has dwelled in there."
The Doctor straightened up, tossing Romana's trinket leisurely, like a cricket ball. "Still, though," he considered, "Gallifrey's such a dull old place, I'm sure some chaos wouldn't go amiss.
@butterflygardcn continued from here.
It had been a while since Romana had last seen the Doctor. A lot had changed, for her, since then, though she doubted that he would ask, and doubted even more than she would share. He may have been one of the closest people to her in the universe, but... times had changed, since they had travelled the stars together.
The dream, itself, was another thing that she didn't particularly want to share with him. At best, he would find her subconscious' depiction of him concerning. At worst, he wouldn't see any issue with it whatsoever. She wasn't sure which outcome would be worse.
"I can't imagine you doing anything normal." Romana said instead, her tone dry.
It was strange, seeing him in her office. She knew that he had been President once, but he didn't seem to fit. Even on his own planet, he looked like an alien. She wondered if he would consider that an insult or a compliment.
"I wonder if it was the Matrix warning me of your coming. Things do become quite chaotic whenever you deign to visit."
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butterflygardcn · 1 year ago
❛  you were part of my dream last night.  ❜ for eight :3
The Doctor hummed. "Oh, was I?"
He eagerly leaned forward, sitting on his hands. The back legs of his wooden seat followed him up in an arc until he was perched precariously on just the front pair.
Romana sat before him, all official behind her large Cadonwood desk and in her prestigious presidential robes. The Doctor felt rather like a young tot who'd been sent to the Chancellors office in the Academy, about to be reprimanded for playing yet another prank on Borusa. Naturally, he was just as insouciant now as he had been then.
"What was I doing in it? Nothing too normal, I hope?"
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butterflygardcn · 1 year ago
dear doctor,
“ you should move on. i did. ” (from the angst meme)
kindest regards,
autumn brooke tardisghosted
"But how can I move on when I don't remember who you are?"
The Doctor's tone was pleading. Eyes a deep, vast blue, urging like a riptide, questioning as the ocean's depths. Hands hooked round her biceps like vices. This woman, Autumn, was a mystery to him, and as he was so wont to do upon stumbling across a mystery, he immersed himself in it wholeheartedly.
He didn't like forgetting things, didn't like it at all. Call it a result of his birth trauma, but it always left him with a deep-seated feeling of discomfort. Gave him a momentary disorientation, a vertiginous sense one feels right after they trip.
"Please, please, Autumn," he begged, softly, gently, "Please tell me: what happened to you?"
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