#ใ€Ž ๐’๐”๐๐๐Ž๐‘๐“ โ€” alm. ใ€
alfvangr ยท 4 years
lost his wings and fell to earth
starter for @rudlm | [Grants +1 Sword]
โ€œFranzi Pansโ€ฆ?โ€ The name is gaudily splashed across the flyers plastered to the walls, advertising a seminar on swordsmanship from โ€˜the most famous knight in Leicester.โ€™ Alfonse feels like heโ€™s heard it somewhere beforeโ€”but thatโ€™s all it is, a vague sense of familiarity that may not even be real. Face pinches into a frown when ocean blues discover the fee for attending Pansโ€™ seminar; much as he truly wants to believe the best of others, the skeptic in him canโ€™t very well ignore the possibility of greed and deception at work.
( a loud sneeze resounds through the halls of a certain castle, and anna wonders if someone is talking about her where she canโ€™t hear. )
Looking into the matter further leads the prince to more flyers scattered throughout the monastery, their contents declaring Pans a fraud and confirming his suspicions to be at least justified even without the existence of hard evidence to prove it absolute. If the person behind these flyers has already done the bulk of the research into Pansโ€™ credibilityโ€”it takes a special kind of dedication to read through 27 books in a single nightโ€”the logical next step would be to take direct action. โ€ฆAnd hope that everyone will be able to get their money back afterward.
โ€œThanks for coming~! Go in and have a seat before the seminar begins,โ€ the people standing by the doors intone in perfect unison, saccharine and cheery in such a manner that, quite honestly, makes Alfonseโ€™s skin crawl. Itโ€™s an ill omen if heโ€™s ever seen one; the prince puts on his most polite smile regardless as he passes them and enters the lecture hall, eyes searching for perhaps a familiar faceโ€™s company to fill the space with something other than the chatter of those he is less acquainted with.
โ€œOh Brother, thatโ€™s not the attitude you use when looking for friends,โ€ he thinks in a poor imitation of Sharenaโ€™s voice. But these people arenโ€™t his friendsโ€”he may grow comfortableย around them, go through the motions commonly associated with friendship, but he cannot become attached. Itโ€™ll only make leaving harder when the time comes for them to return to Askr and leave this version of Fรณdlan behind.
( he tells himself this time and time again, as if doing so will make the guilt easier to bear. it doesnโ€™t.ย )
He should be relieved when he finds Alm among the rows of chairs. Theyโ€™re in the same house, and they get along well, but itโ€™s plain to see that something is wrong when Alfonse draws closer to his fellow Lion: Almโ€™s normally affable demeanor is virtually absent, replaced with despondencyย such that Alfonse wonders what could have happened for the other to look so gloomy.
...Oh. Right. Itโ€™s not that heโ€™dย forgotten, but more immediate concerns had pushed thoughts of the Valentian coupleโ€™s fallout to a far corner of his mind. Sharena would try to cheer him up if she were here.ย But she isnโ€™t, and thus it falls to him toย at least do something.ย โ€œAlm? I hope itโ€™s not an issue if I take this seat; you seem as though you could use some company... or a listening ear, should you wish to divulge whatโ€™s on your mind.โ€
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alfvangr ยท 4 years
He spots blue in the crowd. The student sticks out like a sore thumb what with their student attire, and though he is not alone, it's... still obvious. Painfully so. (Ah, but he's sure he would have come in his academy attire, were it not for Grandfather.) Alm takes a free glass from champagne and a glass of water, walks over to the student, and offers the glass of champagne to him. "I don't believe we've met. My name is Alm. Are you new? What house are you in?"
It would be a lie to say he isnโ€™t curious about the champagne being offered during this occasion. Heโ€™s had wine beforeโ€”what kind of prince would he be if he hadnโ€™tโ€”but other kinds of liquor were seldom to his taste (he doesnโ€™t understand at all how anyone can willinglyย drink beer). Periodically, his eyes will drift toward the table where the beverage is being served in stemmed glasses, though he has yet to actually take one for himself. Why, you ask?
Because despite the one-glass limit enforced by the faculty, his sister has somehow had enough of the drink to be visibly intoxicated. Alfonse watches with mild exasperation as Sharena dances with Gerome and, judging by the frequent movement of her lips, is talking the poor manโ€™s ears off with whatever comes to mind in her current state. No, heโ€™ll remain sober in case she ends up needing a hand laterโ€ฆ
โ€ฆOr at least, that was his plan until a familiar head of green hair approached him with a glass of champagne as an offering. Gloved fingers reaching to accept the drink, he listens as Alm introduces himself and gets asked about his own status as a student before taking a sip.
Itโ€™sโ€ฆ bubbly. Definitely not something he expected, but it isnโ€™t badย by any stretch of the imagination. Not too sour, but not overly sweet either; itโ€™s almost a pity heโ€™s only allowed the one glass now. (Perhaps itโ€™s for the best. He could never bear to make a fool of himself because he had too much to drink.)
โ€œIโ€™m Alfonse,โ€ he replies.ย โ€œIโ€™ve only recently become a student here, as part of the Blue Lions. Which house are you in, Alm?โ€
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