#『  stella / &octavia.  』    ❝ there is no greater wonder in this galaxy than you. ❞
crimsonfacets · 2 years
mama demands, mama gets.
『  stella / &octavia.  』    ❝ there is no greater wonder in this galaxy than you. ❞  // @idyllicserendipity
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crimsonfacets · 2 years
stella: wants to support octavia’s growing independence and see it blossom. also stella: IF ANYONE OUT THERE HURTS MY FUCKING BABY BECAUSE I WAS NOT AROUND TO SUPERVISE HER I WILL TEAR THIS RING TO THE GODDAMN GROOOOOOOOOUND-
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crimsonfacets · 2 years
❝ i’m fine ! i’m perfectly fine ! ❞ Octavia @ Stella aieaueh
Stella's fingers drew back, crumbled into her palm. Oh, it was going to be one of these moments, was it? The moments where her daughter stood on some far away ice berg while she was on land with no ferry to carry her closer. Her palm drew to rest on her chest.
For a few beats, the mother only watched her daughter with a quiet, unreadable expression. Studying her in silence, wondering what from the day had potentially caused this sudden defensive strike. This is one of the moments where Stella absolutely hated that Octavia was growing up; it meant she struck out on her own more often, grew independent (which was not a bad thing at all, but it was the moment like this that it left a sour taste in her mouth), left the house and meddled who knows where doing who knows what, getting hurt by who knows who. Stella had her precious snow globe so she could keep watch of Octavia now and then, but she did not want to encroach entirely on her daughter's privacy.
Fuck. Regrets built around that choice in the moment like clusters of ice, but they were always bound to. This was not the first time and unfortunately, it would not be the last. They’ll melt again.
Stella closed her eyes and breathed in quietly, then she lifted her skirt to fold one leg over the other as she took her seat next to Octavia. "Well, I know that's a complete and utter lie, darling." said Stella frankly, hands crossing over her knee. This is the part where she would have been rubbing Octavia's shoulder, comforting her, but she could sense the ward her little girl had thrown up. She wanted distance. She wanted space, and Stella respected that lest she break trust, or earn some sort of mark in the teenager's book.
"But I won't force the issue. I'm just going to sit right here until you tell me what's going on in that head of yours. Fair enough?" This she would not budge on.
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crimsonfacets · 2 years
Little Octavia but trembles and whimpers, as she reaches out her tiny talons towards her mother. More than shaken by the cruel nightmare that she just had, even as she was slowly reassured by the sight that her parents were indeed-- still right there with her. "M-Mommy! Mommy... I-I... I had a bad dream... a t-terrible one... y-you and daddy weren't..." The little owlet wasn't even able to finish, before breaking into any series of frightened sobs. Clinging tightly onto her, as she hid her face away into her shoulder.
A gentle click of the tongue, and a shake of the head. "And it was just that, my darling - a terrible, awful dream. A terrible image in your head, that is all."
While Stolas took the more gentle and gushing approach in terms of comfort, Stella often took the logical and realistic one. It never lacked love, mind you, 'twas only more crisp, direct. That was the excellent balance the both of them struck, she thought; Stolas was always the much more gentle individual, he always has been, he always was. Stella, on the other hand, was known to be more fierce and sharp, piercing, intimidating. Rearing a child with both forms was important. The warmth of the father, the elimination thought process of the mother.
Where Stolas would soothe the ache, Stella assured it would not harm her any further, and that she was stronger than it. Yes, that applied even to little nightmares.
Stella wrapped her arms around her frightened Octavia and cradled her beneath her beak, blanket wrapped around the owlet. "Dreams can be so very cruel, but they hold no power over reality, dear. They can trick and deceive you when they're naughty, but your daddy and I are right here, are we not? Yes we are, yes we are."
It surprised Stella how... melted, she could sound. While Stolas was the tip of the iceberg, Octavia was truly the experience that made Stella realize just how warm she could be. The way she spoke with her child always surprised her, so soft, so gentle. She never knew tears before, but she became familiar with them after her daughter came to be. Happy ones, worrisome ones.. all so very strange, but so very possible.
The magic of a daughter. The magic that was Octavia.
Stella pressed a small kiss to her weeping child's head and gave her a squeeze. "We're not going anywhere, Via. You're rather stuck with the both of us for a very, very, very, very very long time."
All the while, she did flick open an eye towards her husband and gave a dart of her pupil from him to his old grimoire. Someone had best get on casting a spell for good dreams.
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crimsonfacets · 3 years
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This post acts as both an interest check and a tag dump for Stella. Please leave a ❄️ in the replies (and for multis - muses you're interested in having her interact with), or like this post, if you have interest in interacting with her! Her wiki can be found here.
『  stella / ic.  』    ❝ & when she whispers ; your blood shall run cold. ❞
『  stella / visage.  』    ❝ supernova by any other name. ❞
『 stella / insp.  』    ❝ the cosmic ivory of the goetia. ❞
『  stella / aes.  』    ❝ wintry cold feathers and dust of the stars. ❞
『  stella / interests.  』    ❝ bubble baths in the milky way ; decapitations at five. ❞
『  stella / hc.  』    ❝ galaxies are drunk deep ; aged to be her fine fine wine. ❞
『  stella / style.  』    ❝ with godless starlight on her arms. ❞
『  stella / bonds.  』    ❝ the ones for who stars fall ; birth ; erode for. ❞
『  stella / &stolas.  』    ❝ a star fell from your heart and landed in mine. I’ve been starstruck by the love of you. ❞   // @idyllicserendipity​
『  stella / &octavia.  』    ❝ there is no greater wonder in this galaxy than you. ❞ // @idyllicserendipity​
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crimsonfacets · 2 years
Stella and Stolas always having one another’s back without missing a beat.
Stella and Stolas being one helluva battle couple.
Stella and Stolas protecting Octavia together.🪦♥️
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