#「OZBANE.」”I’ll be here until the end.”
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dulledwolf · 5 years ago
“You say that, but..--”
Ear twitched slightly as she stared up at the wolf she had found out to be Ozbane and not Legoshi. She felt slightly uncomfortable around him, but that didn’t mean she was going to simply walk away. She couldn’t help the curiosity that tugged her towards him so that she could find out more about him.
His way of thinking was unlike Legoshi’s, so she knew that she couldn’t speak to him in the same way, but still she had to say her own piece. Hand is brought up to the back of her head where she gently rubbed and thought about how she could word what she wanted to say.
“I think that there are people who are genuinely monsters who only care about hurting others and there are people who are genuine heroes who try to save others.” Legoshi in her eyes was her hero who saved her when she’d been kidnapped by the Shishigumi and the monster who had taken her away was nothing more than a monster.
“There’s a gray area, sure, but I don’t think that things are broken.”
They could smell that uncertainty on her ; sense it in the way she moved. How she kept distant with them, both verbally but also physically. Far, yet she tried to step closer in her own ways. What a strange, persistent little rabbit she was.
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“...oh, things are broken. It just takes a bit of digging to unearth it ; the world likes to hide those things.” they trailed off, their tongue moving to idly rub along one of their fangs. Like Legoshi, Ozbane had their own ticks ; though they mostly fiddled with their claws and teeth when thinking.
They stared down at Haru now, eyes looking, well, far off. As though Ozbane had checked out for a second ; but they were still present. Listening. They inhaled lightly, then spoke so bluntly, yet calmly,
“You seem very relaxed for someone who’s realised that I’ve taken the place of your,” Oz paused, considered, “lover.”
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dulledwolf · 4 years ago
Must I pretend that I am someone else for all time
Ozbane stood, frozen -- realising, with a very sickening sensation that curled in their gut, that Haru had seen them.
Shirtless ; truly, shirtless, without their binder on that flattened their chest. Ozbane looked pale, as pale as their white fur could look, as though they wanted to be ill. They seemed to start back into things, because they hurriedly moved to, cover their chest with that binder, not putting it back on, but just, using it to cover themselves.
That heaviness on their shoulders, pressing into them ; Ozbane couldn’t breathe, not completely.
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dulledwolf · 5 years ago
“ you’re enough. you’re more than enough. ”
Legoshi blinked, glancing up at his grandpa. The young six year old smiled gingerly up at the older komodo dragon.
“You too, grandpa! You’re enough!” Legoshi’s small arms stretched out, hugging around his grandpa’s leg. Gosha smiled down at his young grandson, and squat down before lifting Legoshi up into his arms. Legoshi let out a happy delighted noise, gasping with a toothy grin,
“So tall!”
“You deserve good things, Legoshi.”
Legoshi’s chest felt warm ; he was happy, and hummed, nuzzling into the side of his grandpa’s face, careful not to touch around his mouth.
“Love you, grandpa gosha.”
Gosha’s gaze narrowed, and he hugged Legoshi to him tightly, murmuring softly and with such, care,
“Love you, little legoshi.”
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dulledwolf · 4 years ago
4,9! ((I used the anime height since it seemed closer to me to Jack
Send your character's height and I'll compare it to mine.
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dulledwolf · 5 years ago
💋 from Haru!
The first 5 Asks to send 💋 get a kiss [ 1 / 5 ]
“Haru.” Ozbane says this, one day, of the many days spent together in one another’s company ; the two were just sitting together, on the end of a pier, overlooking the ocean. There was a slight breeze, but the sun was warm. Oz glanced over at her, spoke her name. She looked up over to them, her ears shifted towards him ; and she smiled, that head tilt slightly in curiosity that Oz had grown accustom to from her.
Their gaze narrowed down at her, and they moved a hand, laying on the pier next to her, leaning down. Their lips, very briefly, brushed over hers. Oz pulled away, their heart feeling light, thudding so strongly in their chest. Still, they stared down at Haru.
Taking in the sight of the beauty of this world. Wanting to cherish her, while Ozbane still had the chance to.
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dulledwolf · 5 years ago
Jack had nearly fell over with the other when he had fell off the bench, but he managed to gain a grip on the other and keep them in his arms, getting help from nice strangers. Jack managed to fake it till he made it all the way to the hotel; paying for a two bed room, and placing OZ on his own bed, worry clear in his face as he checked Oz's vitals once more to still feel a pulse. "Ozzy.." Jack uttered as he peered down at his face, eyes closed strangely peaceful "What's going on?" Jack thought.
Their vitals were stable, they were breathing, but it was almost too shallow. Too sparse ; not enough to require immediate medical attention. Ozbane was carried to the hotel room, and brought to a nearby bed.
Oz’s chest rose and fell, their face looking, peaceful ; soft, for once. As though they were merely sleeping. But Ozbane would not rouse. No matter how much Jack spoke to them ; no matter how Jack moved them. No matter how many hours Jack waited in that day, that evening, that night.
Ozbane would remain unconscious into the next day, and the next day, the very next day too.
3 days would come and go, between when Ozbane collapsed in the train station, and where they were still laid up in the hotel room.
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dulledwolf · 5 years ago
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[ so THIS is just Ozbane / Ozbane’s life 24/7. fair warning: loud noises near the end. ]
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dulledwolf · 5 years ago
who do you ship ozbane with?
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[ Therapy. Lots and lots of just, emotional & mental support.
Honestly though, shipping with Ozbane will be, interesting? They’re extremely closed off and private, also very selfish and, possessive. They enjoy being the one to call the shots, but they’re not overbearing.
Ozbane is also a lot more blunt, but also passive aggressive, icy, in his responses. They’ve never dated before, I’m not sure they’ve ever really felt romantic inclinations towards another. If Oz ever did, I doubt they’d be willing to admit that right away.
It’d take a lot of time. As it stands, now? Ozbane is single & isn’t looking to date anyone. If it happens, it happens: Ozbane is very, single-minded and focused, so whomever they end up falling for, be ready to get a lot of attention and focus from Oz. ]
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dulledwolf · 5 years ago
‘Legoshi’ tags.
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dulledwolf · 4 years ago
"Oz, where have you been?" She pouts up at them, hands rested on her hips. They just up and vanished without any warning and she was worried!
They had been drinking ; had a higher alcohol tolerance so it took a bit to actually start affecting them. Ozbane hadn’t drank in quite some time, but given the absolute shit that was happening in their lives. Well, they could indulge, couldn’t they?
What Oz hadn’t expected was to be interrupted in the midst of this; by Haru, no less. They blinked, turned around and faced her ; their left eye was horribly scarred over, as though torn through mercilessly by a single jagged, huge claw. Spanning from their left cheek all the way passed their left eyebrow. Their left eye was scarred over due to this, closed entirely. They had been blinded, effectively, in that one eye.
The opposite eye of Legoshi, although at least Legoshi still had both his eyes: the fucker.
The second thing noteworthy would be that Ozbane smelt of alcohol; they blinked down at her.
“Haru?” it had been a while since Oz had seen her ; missed her, yes. But it wasn’t like Oz had left of their own accord. They hummed, took another sip of that flask that held the alcohol they’d been partaking in.
“Legoshi thought it’d be entertaining to blind me and then forcefully toss me back into my own realm. Took me a while to find my way back,” Oz exhaled, that alcohol warming their mouth and tingling along their throat. Their eye was slightly glazed due to being, well, buzzed.
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dulledwolf · 5 years ago
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FAIR WARNING: some of these are. uhh. pretty sad, lyric wise! but they work for oz, so. yes.
There’re more songs that make me think of Oz, but this playlist’s long already! Will make another one at some point! Enjoy listening ya’ll.
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dulledwolf · 5 years ago
How do you feel about Jack?
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“None of your business.” the answer is as sharp as it is instantaneous.
Ozbane cares for Jack, hadn’t expected to at all. In fact, Oz hadn’t anticipated any of what had transpired over the last week or so. They had gone from hating this realm, these morons, to finding comfort in it. In them all.
A sort of pang of longing crossed Oz’s expression, momentarily. They hummed, then their expression loosened and they looked, just there, again.
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dulledwolf · 5 years ago
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[ The more I write for Ozbane, the more I realise that he’s less like Scar and more like Kovu. ]
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dulledwolf · 5 years ago
What is your muse’s lifetrap?
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You are characterised by powerful feelings of defectiveness. They make you ashamed of who you are and you feel unworthy, as if not entitled to have any rights or to stand up for yourself. You may have volatile moods where you suddenly become very upset – crying, anxious, or enraged. You are likely to space out and disassociate, and have a hard time connecting with your emotions and your true needs and wants.
Because you feel unworthy, you may send out signals that encourage partners to treat you badly. Without knowing it, you send out messages that you are not worth treating well. You do this because you feel you must tolerate abuse in order to be worthy of having a connection with others. While you may have a hard time recognizing these feelings in yourself, your true experience of relationships is likely to be one of danger and pain.
You find it hard to trust people and may struggle with anxiety and depression. You are likely to have a deep sense of despair about your life, accompanied by low self-esteem and feelings of defectiveness. For these reasons, you feel you have to let the people in your life use you and take advantage of you. It feels as if abuse is all you deserve.
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dulledwolf · 5 years ago
[text:] hmm, good point, but have you ever considered: eat my ass???? ( from Haru )
【 RESPONSE TO @royaltywritten​ 】 > TEXT MSGS > ACCEPTING.
It was rare when Ozbane received a text message ; they rarely used their phone for that type of communication. So when their phone buzzed with that unfamiliar tone, they gave pause in the middle of their tiny kitchenette of their equally as small apartment unit.
[text:] hmm, good point, but have you ever considered: eat my ass????
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Silence. A couple seconds of Ozbane just staring at the screen of their cell phone. They texted back, long slender fingers shifting, though mostly they used the tips of their claws to press against the keyboard.
[text:] hello. you have the wrong number. who is this?
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dulledwolf · 5 years ago
They inhaled sharply, their eye snapping open as Ozbane regained consciousness after having been thrown through a portal by-- They coughed, gagging, quivering hands curling into fists as Oz pushed onto their arms and knees. Swayed and stumbled onto their feet, chest heaving ; blood filled their nostrils ; their own blood coated the left side of Oz’s face, and along their chest.
“Fuck!” they snarled, the only thought on their mind-- Jack, Haru, Louis-- Legoshi was back, but-- changed. “Fuck!” Oz  paced, not at all caring about their own wounds. How to get back. They had to get back there somehow...
Gaze narrowed, Ozbane closed their eye and focused. Legoshi had, somehow opened that portal himself. Which in turn, meant that Oz could do the same: they just had to figure out how to...!
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