#「 ☆ 」 about ⟶ ❛ v. lin hayes. ❜
purehcneys · 17 days
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[  michelle yeoh,  60,  cis woman,  she/her  ]  and  now  walking  on  the  red  carpet  is  VIVIENNE LIN HAYES,  we’re  honored  to  be  in  the  presents  of  a  world  class  ACTRESS.  they  say  that  they’re  the  embodiment  of  HEART OF GLASS  by  BLONDIE,  we  can’t  argue  with  that  one  !  rumor  has  it  that  they’re  RESERVED  and  PASSIONATE.  we  often  hear  fans  online  compare  them  to  A SET OF ACADEMY AWARDS PERCHED UPON THE MANTELPIECE, FINE WINE, A SOFT YET COMMANDING VOICE.  we  heard  that  there’s  this  one  thing  they  don’t  wish  anybody  to  know;  DESPITE PORTRAYING THE IMAGE OF A PICTURE PERFECT MARRIAGE, SHE HAS BEEN SEPARATED FROM HER HUSBAND FOR YEARS,  let’s  hope  it’s  not  true  !
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name: vivienne lin hayes.
d.o.b. & age: november 13th, 1963; sixty years old.
birthplace: hong kong.
current location: london.
zodiac: scorpio sun, leo moon, aquarius rising.
sexual orientation: bisexual.
relationship status: married to kale hayes; secretly separated.
career claim: nicole kidman.
awards: academy awards ( 2 ), golden globes ( 3 ), emmys ( 2 ), tony awards ( 1 )
born and raised in hong kong, vivienne comes from a wealthy, influential family. her father was the ceo of a media company and her mother was a famous actress. she's the second born of four children and the eldest daughter. she always mothered and doted on her younger siblings growing up, and to this day, she still does.
growing up, she always had a passion for performing and at a young age, her parents enrolled her in acting and dancing lessons. it didn't take long for her to decide that acting was her calling.
it wasn't until the age of sixteen that her parents allowed her to begin to pursue acting professionally as they wanted to make sure she had a good education before doing so.
at the age of eighteen, she moved to london to study at tba. she was known as one of the most promising students during her time at the university, and is now considered one of the most successful alumnis.
by the time she was 21, vivienne finally caught her big break in hollywood and from that day forward, she worked her way up the hierarchy to where she is now; a two-time academy award winning actress and a household name.
she got married to a well-known film director, kale hayes, whom she is still married to. they are known as everybody’s favourite ‘loved up’ power couple, but what the public doesn’t know is that they’ve been separated for years and are both in secret relationships with other people.
of course, she loves kale dearly, he’s one of her best friends, but after a long time of marriage, they realised they weren’t meant to be but decided to keep up with their married image for publicity reasons.
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OMG I finally read the demo and I just…woah. It’s so well-written and engaging, literally had me wishing that every time I clicked next, it would continue. The characters we were introduced to already feel fleshed out, and I love them all (even Hayes…well okay maybe I don’t love Hayes, but I kinda feel for the guy…even if he is a jerk). It’s left me excited to meet the other characters and delve deeper into the story!
Further thoughts: I loved that we could pick the heart option without it triggering romantic feelings because, while Roan isn’t my first play through, my mc still loves them platonically and it was refreshing to be able to express that (can’t wait to meet them properly). Quinn is an actual sweetheart and I would give my life to protect them (I just wanna give them a hug). Khari was kind of a grumpy bastard, but those tiny little moments where their softer side showed through (both with mc and Morgan) made me v soft. Morgan was one of my favs, they made me feel sad and had me wheezing (when mc told them they named their car buttercup and Morgan just broke a little asjkdfjh). I can already see how great the poly will be. And last, but most certainly not least, our favourite arsonist who clearly does not know hand-shaking etiquette…I’m so curious to learn more about them (and to know why they’re interested by the mc).
I played my mc as kind because I was highly amused by everyone’s wtf reactions to it, but I definitely want to try playing a more chaotic mc as well lol, so I’m off to do that!
Take care of yourself Lin, and congrats on the demo <33 (even if it did bring out the furry in your anons 💀)
ajdhjdjdjd THANK YOUUUU
ohmygod this made me smile so much, I’m so happy you liked the character and interactions and just ajhdjd 🧡
Kind MC just shocks the entire Deadwood and its hilarious to write every time :d
Thank you again, love you!! Take care of yourself too!
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compneuropapers · 4 years
Interesting Papers for Week 43, 2020
Any Target Function Exists in a Neighborhood of Any Sufficiently Wide Random Network: A Geometrical Perspective. Amari, S. (2020). Neural Computation, 32(8), 1431–1447.
Mechanisms underlying homeostatic plasticity in the Drosophila mushroom body in vivo. Apostolopoulou, A. A., & Lin, A. C. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(28), 16606–16615.
Preserved visual memory and relational cognition performance in monkeys with selective hippocampal lesions. Basile, B. M., Templer, V. L., Gazes, R. P., & Hampton, R. R. (2020). Science Advances, 6(29), eaaz0484.
Recurrent circuitry is required to stabilize piriform cortex odor representations across brain states. Bolding, K. A., Nagappan, S., Han, B.-X., Wang, F., & Franks, K. M. (2020). eLife, 9, e53125.
Distinct signals in medial and lateral VTA dopamine neurons modulate fear extinction at different times. Cai, L. X., Pizano, K., Gundersen, G. W., Hayes, C. L., Fleming, W. T., Holt, S., … Witten, I. B. (2020). eLife, 9, e54936.
Synaptic Connectivity between the Cortex and Claustrum Is Organized into Functional Modules. Chia, Z., Augustine, G. J., & Silberberg, G. (2020). Current Biology, 30(14), 2777-2790.e4.
A brainwide atlas of synapses across the mouse life span. Cizeron, M., Qiu, Z., Koniaris, B., Gokhale, R., Komiyama, N. H., Fransén, E., & Grant, S. G. N. (2020). Science, 369(6501), 270–275.
On a Scalable Entropic Breaching of the Overfitting Barrier for Small Data Problems in Machine Learning. Horenko, I. (2020). Neural Computation, 32(8), 1563–1579.
Ventral Tegmental Dopamine Neurons Control the Impulse Vector during Motivated Behavior. Hughes, R. N., Bakhurin, K. I., Petter, E. A., Watson, G. D. R., Kim, N., Friedman, A. D., & Yin, H. H. (2020). Current Biology, 30(14), 2681-2694.e5.
Estimating and interpreting nonlinear receptive field of sensory neural responses with deep neural network models. Keshishian, M., Akbari, H., Khalighinejad, B., Herrero, J. L., Mehta, A. D., & Mesgarani, N. (2020). eLife, 9, e53445.
Stable readout of observed actions from format-dependent activity of monkey’s anterior intraparietal neurons. Lanzilotto, M., Maranesi, M., Livi, A., Ferroni, C. G., Orban, G. A., & Bonini, L. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(28), 16596–16605.
Low-Dimensional Spatiotemporal Dynamics Underlie Cortex-wide Neural Activity. MacDowell, C. J., & Buschman, T. J. (2020). Current Biology, 30(14), 2665-2680.e8.
Sleep spindles mediate hippocampal-neocortical coupling during long-duration ripples. Ngo, H.-V., Fell, J., & Staresina, B. (2020). eLife, 9, e57011.
Persistent Firing and Adaptation in Optic-Flow-Sensitive Descending Neurons. Nicholas, S., & Nordström, K. (2020). Current Biology, 30(14), 2739-2748.e2.
Homeostatic mechanisms may shape the type and duration of oscillatory modulation. Peterson, E. J., & Voytek, B. (2020). Journal of Neurophysiology, 124(1), 168–177.
Inference of a Mesoscopic Population Model from Population Spike Trains. René, A., Longtin, A., & Macke, J. H. (2020). Neural Computation, 32(8), 1448–1498.
A role for neurogenesis in probabilistic reward learning. Seib, D. R., Espinueva, D. F., Floresco, S. B., & Snyder, J. S. (2020). Behavioral Neuroscience, 134(4), 283–295.
A decentralised neural model explaining optimal integration of navigational strategies in insects. Sun, X., Yue, S., & Mangan, M. (2020). eLife, 9, e54026.
Ketamine Affects Prediction Errors about Statistical Regularities: A Computational Single-Trial Analysis of the Mismatch Negativity. Weber, L. A., Diaconescu, A. O., Mathys, C., Schmidt, A., Kometer, M., Vollenweider, F., & Stephan, K. E. (2020). Journal of Neuroscience, 40(29), 5658–5668.
Category Selectivity for Face and Scene Recognition in Human Medial Parietal Cortex. Woolnough, O., Rollo, P. S., Forseth, K. J., Kadipasaoglu, C. M., Ekstrom, A. D., & Tandon, N. (2020). Current Biology, 30(14), 2707-2715.e3.
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