#《⭒✩⭒ || verse: prosecutor (kazuma) 》
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howthesleeplesswander · 3 months ago
@bulletstarr continued from here!
Of all the oddities he'd witnessed from London's people thus far, this was one of the most unexpected.
All he'd done was accidentally bump into her on the crowded city sidewalk. And yet the poor girl startled so badly that Kazuma himself nearly jumped, rendering him helpless to do anything but blink at her in bewilderment for some moments after. It seemed a rather severe reaction, but...Well, regardless, he still felt guilty for causing her such alarm.
"Please, forgive me." But before he could ask if she was alright, her nervous admission served as answer enough. Immediately his guard raised, concern furrowing his brow as he watched her gaze dart over the bustling crowds. He followed her line of sight in a quick scan of his own, but saw nothing obviously amiss.
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"What sort of trouble?" he asked in a lower tone. "Are you being followed?"
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howthesleeplesswander · 26 days ago
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Since Toby seemed to have lost interest in the crime scene in favor of curiosity towards the latest to arrive, Kazuma figured it couldn't hurt to give him the attention he clearly wanted. The prosecutor leaned down, ruffling the fur atop Toby's head and scratching behind his ears.
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Only once Gina rushed over did he straighten up again. "'Personal business'?" he repeated with a quirk of his brow. What sort of 'personal business' could anyone have at a murder scene?
While he didn't directly point out how suspicious that sounded, he did tilt enough to peer behind her towards wherever she'd come from, hoping to glimpse some kind of clue. "Is everything all right?"
@howthesleeplesswander continued (X)
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Of course one should assume if Chief Inspector Toby is wandering about the crime scene, then Gina Lestrade can't be too far behind. And to be fair, she WAS on the scene, she just took a slight detour for... personal reasons. Besides, Toby was the best nose in Scotland Yard, Gina didn't need to be breathing down his back to make sure the pup was putting his sniffer to good use.
Only he was more curiously sniffing Prosecutor Asogi rather than sniffing for clues. The police dog sat down in front of the foreign Lawyer, tail still wagging up a storm and panting excitedly, looking up at the prosecutor as though he were expecting something. He was expecting pets.
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"Ah--Prosecu'or 'Soggy, sorry I'm late." Gina came rushing onto the scene, taking her spot behind Toby and delivering a quick salute. "I was, um, dealin' wiv some personal business, nuffin' important."
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barok-vanzieks · 2 months ago
I would like to dedicate this poem to former juror number four, who during that trial months ago said "the sweet-tempered prosecutor" a frankly uncomfortable amount of times. You know who I mean.
If you think Lord van Zieks is not callous Take a look what he does with his chalice When something’s the matter The glass he will shatter You can hear it from Buckingham Palace.
-Kazuma /@kazuma-asogi-blog
Ah, another valiant attempt at poetry, I see. This particular example seems truthful enough, but for the very first line. I should think that Her Majesty would have sent word by now if my shattering of hallowed chalices disturbed her peace in such a manner as to be deemed "callous".
More importantly, I noticed that you have a rather ambitious list of plans for the new year. May I propose an addition? You've produced quite a hefty amount of limericks this past year; pray forgive the discourtesy for pointing out your rather limited competency in this area, but perhaps it might be time to leave the "safe shallows" behind and explore some new verse forms?
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alynnl · 1 month ago
2, 3, 14, 48 for the AA ask game!
2. Favorite Case?
That's a hard one. There's so many good cases in the mainline series, and then I have the spinoffs to consider as well. I guess I will just mention the ones that first come to mind.
Turnabout Goodbyes for the mainline series, and Turnabout Legacy (or The Inherited Turnabout in the fan translation.)
It should come as no surprise that the Edgeworth cases are my favorites but I just love the storytelling in them! And both cases tie together not just because of the related incidents and returning characters. But there's also the recurring themes about corruption and miscarriages of justice, and how there is still a chance to correct that as long is there is someone alive to find the truth behind it all.
3. Favorite Defendant?
Maya Fey. I know it's a running joke that she can't go anywhere without being involved in a case somehow. But she gets so many scenes in between cases where she's interacting with Phoenix and the other characters. She's been through so much but she stays silly! And I love that about her. Also despite the whole family feud situation, Maya is always there for her younger cousin Pearl (who she knows is innocent in Reunion, and Turnabout and Bridge to the Turnabout.) Maya decided she was going to break the cycle of powerplay and backstabbing in her family while still mastering her natural talent of spirit channeling. I honestly respect her a lot for that so I will always be a big defender of her (right next to Nick, that is.)
14. Least favorite prosecutor?
It's hard to answer this for the mainline series because each prosecutor has a story as to Why They're Like That (incredibly rude to the defense, the accused, and even the Judge, that is.) And I actually came away from each game in AA 1-6 saying "It's a wonder they weren't any meaner, actually." Which isn't to say I wasn't salty at the beginning cases. I definitely was! That being said... if I had to go by who I was salty with the longest, it would be Simon Blackquill. He wasn't just rude, but trying to run the whole courtroom like it was his show! He gets better, but boy is it a long road.
If we're talking the spinoff series though I can answer right away. Kazuma Asogi. He is clearly going through some emotional turmoil and he's not in the right head space to conduct a fair trial at all. He spends most of his time on the prosecution bench being completely full of rage and out of control. (I realize this was on purpose, it was Stronghart who put him up to it.) The moment when he pushed Daley Vigil to have a mental breakdown was the moment he went too far trying to pursue vengeance (on the wrong person!)
48. If there could be an Ace Attorney crossover with whatever franchise you’d like, which one would you choose?
I thought of a crossover that I'd play simply for laughs. Ace Attorney x Legend of Zelda 'verse. Link is caught doing his usual things (smashing pots, cutting grass, taking people's rupees right in front of them) but instead of getting thrown directly in jail, he has to go on trial. Princess Zelda herself is a key witness. She says sometimes Link's shadow detaches from him and begins walking on its own. The trial culminates with a cross-examination of Shadow Link, who eventually admits he likes causing mayhem because it's fun for him.
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starrymused · 2 years ago
Please note that Kazuma can also be inserted into a modern verse where he works for the Prosecutor's Office after arriving from Japan.
Kazuma Asogi was born as the only son of Genshin Asogi and hails from a well-known clan.He becomes a student at Imperial Yumei University studying law, while also serving as a defense attorney. Due to his exemplary academic achievements, he was also chosen to study abroad in the British Empire towards the end of Japan's Meiji era. After his best friend Ryunosuke Naruhodo was put on trial for the murder of John H. Wilson and subsequently acquitted, Kazuma requested that he accompany him to Britain.
Kazuma is introduced as a composed, yet hot-blooded and outspoken youth with a strong sense of justice. He's well-known around his university for his accomplishments as being skilled in both academics and martial arts; and, despite his young age, had been chosen to participate in an exchange program to travel to the Great British Empire and earn the qualifications to become a defense attorney. However, after things take a turn for the worst and, while possessing dark secrets of his own, Kazuma ends up becoming a prosecutor to avenge his father's death.
He possesses a sharp tongue, and is quick to challenge or defy authority figures; a point of contention from local bailiffs and later, Mael Stronghart. This extends to a strong hatred for corrupt authority as well, as Kazuma displays contempt not only for the Japanese government attempting to use Naruhodo as a scapegoat, but for the British government having done the same thing to his father Genshin.
He can overdo things to a fault, as displayed by how he practiced the tongue twisters he struggled with until his tongue bled. Kazuma is also willing to go to great lengths in order to help his friends, even if it means risking his career and aspirations; and, despite his acerbic nature, is deeply respectful to those he cares about, and will never fail to encourage them. It is because of these traits that Kazuma is set up to be an ideal, one that his best friend Ryunosuke Naruhodo would think to in times of need.
Following his return, however, his presented image of an ideal is heavily deconstructed. What were traits initially presented as positive are now taken to a harmful extreme, with the most glaring being his determination. Even without memory, he was so determined that he traveled to the Great British Empire through working on steamships while relying on his knowledge of the English language, along with his skill in lawyering. As Naruhodo later discovers, this is all done in the name of avenging his father, displaying a strong dedication to filial piety.
However, said determination and loyalty leads him to go to extreme lengths, which can harm both others and himself. Such is shown by how Jigoku used this determination against him, as his condition to participate in the exchange program was to murder Tobias Gregson; and, later on, how he forces Daley Vigil to recall a traumatic memory in order to find the truth. His anger and determination towards van Zieks for the apparent use of forged evidence also leads Kazuma to be set on convicting van Zieks of Gregson's murder along with the Professor Killings.
Kazuma is also noted to be very closed-off about his problems and past, which becomes more apparent after the regaining of his memories. This is displayed by his closed-off body language, along with his eventual breakdown: trying, and failing to keep himself composed. That aspect of his has also been a long-running one, as Naruhodo notes that he has brief moments where he has a dark expression regarding his mission, yet says nothing; furthermore, Yujin Mikotoba states that he never knew that Kazuma had known about the Professor Killings and his father's involvement, which ultimately motivated him to travel to Britain.
However, Kazuma still retains his strong sense of justice, along with his love for his friends. He is ultimately able to see past his anger thanks to Naruhodo's words, and assist in exposing the truth behind the Professor Killings. He also displays strong consideration towards them, as he encourages Susato to accompany Naruhodo back to Japan in order to aid him in his work.
Kazuma is also noted to struggle with tongue twisters; and, although not revealed to be his least favorite food, he appears to have a strong dislike for chicken to the point where he ate none of it when it was served for dinner. In terms of hobbies, he is stated to practice archery with Naruhodo alongside other martial arts, speech and debate; and, as his conversations in the Prosecutor's office show, is implied to have an interest in arts and crafts.
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howthesleeplesswander · 7 months ago
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As Lord van Zieks rose from his chair, Kazuma expected that he would indeed take his leave for the night. But instead he turned to the cabinet full of those absurdly ornate chalices, and although Kazuma's attentive gaze caught the withdrawal of not one, but two cups, he was somehow still caught off-guard by the request that followed.
Not an easy feat to accomplish. He was always at the ready: poised to tackle any task with vigor and aplomb. This, however, was perhaps the first time Kazuma was unprepared for a task laid before him.
But no—he quashed that waver of uncertainty the moment it bloomed. The initial shock may have rendered him stunned for a moment, but in truth, Kazuma had long since been searching for an opportunity like this.
Despite their weeks of collaboration since that fateful trial, neither party had ever addressed those events...at least, not as directly as they deserved. Kazuma wasn't one to dance around a subject, but there simply hadn't been time—not when there was such deep history, so many wrongs, so much regret. The air around such a topic couldn't be cleared in a few stolen minutes throughout a busy day. Trying very well may just make things worse. He would be a fool not to seize this chance.
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After a few beats of silence, Kazuma set down his quill. "I'm hardly a wine expert." A gross understatement, considering he'd never had it before, but he wouldn't back down from the new experience any more than he would back down from a conversation so long overdue. "If you don't mind the selection of a novice, however, I can choose for us, if you wish," he continued, the statement serving as clear acceptance of the offer.
Rising from the floor, Kazuma ventured into the back alcove where the bottles were kept. He only spared a moment glancing over them. Each was the same as the next as far as he was concerned; and the wine they would be drinking hardly mattered. He selected one at random that at least had a label he could read and headed back out into the main office.
Determination coursed through him with every footfall. He didn't yet know his mentor's reasons for asking to speak with him like this, but regardless, Kazuma's own reasons would not be swayed. They had much to discuss.
"A fitting choice, I hope?" he posed as he held the bottle out to his mentor. "Though, it's hard to say without knowing the occasion." His posture remained strictly at attention. He couldn't rule out the possibility that Lord van Zieks had some sort of business to discuss, in which case it was his duty as apprentice to address such matters first before steering the conversation himself. "Is there something you wish to discuss?"
It was — difficult, this dynamic of theirs. A novel and personal trial. For a decade, what his colleagues thought of Lord Barok van Zieks had meant little to him; it was time and concern he could not have spared. The burden of London's collective judgement had sat heavy ( still sat heavy ) upon his shoulders, and it had taken every ounce of strength and of hard-practised aristocratic dignity to carry himself tall... as though his pride, throughout it all, had remained unscathed despite the blotting of his name.
( He had thought there was little else they could have done. That anyone could have done. And, oh, how he had thought wrong. )
It was a wonder that Kazuma wanted anything to do with the van Zieks name after that trial. But the Asogis were ever full of surprises... like father, like son. And so young Asogi's apprenticeship continued, this time without the oppressive hand of the previous Lord Chief Justice to smother his flame.
It was a frightening thing, at times, that boldness and that unrelenting will. Reminiscent of a vengeful ire that had, ten years before, sent Barok's own dear friend to a wrongful death.
But where Barok had only had Lord Stronghart to feed his mournful rage, Asogi — with support, and with Naruhodo's endless pursuit of truth to guide his spirit home — had surmounted the odds and the deception. He had entered London as a fragment of a man without a name nor face, burning so desperately for answers that he leapt at the chance to snap hungry jaws at any throat Stronghart offered him. And, despite Stronghart's wretched misguidance, Asogi had fought and clawed his way out from the wreckage of the trial, incorrupt and quick to once again find purpose.
... Barok envied Asogi, on the worst of days.
Today, he didn't bother to suppress his snort of amusement.
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❛ Hrm. ❜ Stubborn as a mule. Some things never changed; Barok knew better than to try and argue. ❛ So be it. ❜
He glanced at the sheathes of papers at Asogi's side and then at the darkened skies outside their window, contemplating.
No, there was no avoiding it. Not for long, in any case, unless Barok was willing to gamble his sanity whenever he next dared to glance at his apprentice, hoping that it would be Kazuma's brow furrowed in concentration across the office, rather than the visage of a ghost long past. The face of a man whose blood would stain Barok's hands forever.
He and Asogi ought to speak soon. Candidly, and without their business to distract them. It was only right.
He stepped out of his seat, turning to the cabinet beside his desk and plucking out a pair of chalices. With his back still turned to Asogi: ❛ You know where the bottles are kept — by the far wall, at the end of the kegs, all labelled and shelved by region and their age. Some imported and some bottled here... take your pick out of them, if you have a preference or perhaps any burning curiosities. If not, I will select a wine for tonight. ❜
Barok paused for a moment, halfway through wiping the insides of the glasses, and huffed out a restrained, barely audible sigh.
❛ ... if you won't mind joining me, that is. ❜
It was somewhat daunting: the idea of at last keeping Asogi company where their work was not concerned. But he was set upon forcing himself at last to nudge the quasi-comfortable line that master and apprentice had clumsily drawn thus far.
In his deep rumination, he had almost forgotten Asogi's say.
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dance-of-deduction · 3 years ago
#3: Learning the Law in Meiji Japan
Spoiler warning: None!
TGAA appears to be set in a fictionalized 1900-1901, and at this point, studying law wasn’t as prestigious as you or I might imagine. This is in part because Japan’s nationwide legal system only crystallized about halfway through the Meiji Era, so there wasn’t a domestic legal system to study for quite a while. Read on to find out about what university would have looked like for law students like Kazuma!
🌸 Reblogs appreciated! 🌸
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In 1871, the Ministry of Justice established Japan’s first institution dedicated to legal education. This wasn't a full-on university that anyone could apply to; rather, it was a training program for its own employees. Japan needed to develop a new legal system and train people in said system almost simultaneously, so the first priority was making sure members of the ministry were well-versed in international and domestic law. These student-employees received scholarships and were required to continue working in the Ministry of Justice for a fixed number of years. In other words, Japan's first law school graduates didn't immediately go on to become lawyers, prosecutors, and judges - most went into the civil service or administration. Before Japan developed its own legal codes in the 1880s, students were trained in French law. 
Established in 1877, Tokyo Imperial University included Faculties of Law, Science, Medicine, and Letters. Aspiring students had to have 10-15 combined years of elementary, middle, and high school education. That might sound like nothing compared to today’s law school requirements, but keep in mind that widespread compulsory education simply wasn’t a thing yet. By the 1860s, about 40-50% of Japanese boys, and 15% of girls, had received any kind of education outside the home. 
Japan wasn't alone in this. Other than Germany, which had already established compulsory education, other major European nations had similar rates of education. Education had become more widespread in the Tokugawa Era, which preceded the Meiji, but a commoner’s education was limited to practical skills: reading, writing, arithmetic, abacus use, and maybe calligraphy. Extensive formal education was a privilege only the wealthy got to enjoy, so we can assume that the Asougis, Naruhodous, and Mikotobas are fairly well-off. This is reflected in-game when Kazuma mentions that his and Ryunosuke’s student numbers are still in the triple digits, making them some of the earliest students in their university's brief history. 
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Private universities also existed at the time, but since Yumei is an imperial university, I'll focus on Tokyo Imperial University as a model. Tokyo Imperial University's Faculty of Law taught exclusively French and Anglo-American law until 1890. By that point, Japan had its own constitution, civil and criminal codes, and a Court Organization Law, so legal educators turned to focus on the new, domestic legal system. Studying criminal law wasn't as intense as civil, administrative, or foreign law, which were more rigorous and required more examinations. Meiji Japan focused more on its civil codes because it already had a long history of bureaucracy. Initially, it borrowed from French (and then German) legal codes, but there was a pressing need to build and grow a uniquely Japanese set of institutions; Japan knew it could not rely on imitation forever. So while criminal law makes for a more exciting game, it was less of a priority when it came to nation-building.
Although the fields of study had diversified, the ever-present Westernization of the era still had an effect on education. As mentioned above, foreign law was the focus of study for the first decade of Japanese law schools. At Tokyo Imperial University, law courses were taught in English, and students in the department were required to write their theses in English until 1882, after which they were permitted to write in Japanese or Chinese. Classes weren't taught in Japanese until 1883.
Kazuma and Ryunosuke wouldn’t have been allowed to practice law while in school, but by Meiji standards, they actually aren’t all that lacking in credentials. At the time, aspiring lawyers didn’t need practical experience or any post-graduate training. If one wanted to become a judge, lawyer, or prosecutor, the only qualification needed was a two-part bar exam. What's more, Tokyo Imperial University graduates did not need to take the exam at all - they could go from the Faculty of Law to the the judiciary right after graduation.
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(Oh Ryu, your lack of court experience is a feature, not a bug!)
Even though university students were generally privileged, neither the government nor society viewed law school as an especially glamorous thing. In the early days of Meiji, establishing a centralized, codified legal system was a top priority so that Japan could assert itself as a modern nation. Once that was squared away, the government focused on expanding the economy and the empire, encouraging university graduates to go into careers that would serve those goals instead. 
And as it turned out, most law students had no intention of joining the judiciary, anyway. Law was simply an undergraduate major like any other, viewed as a general area of study rather than a highly specialized one. It was also the choice for some students who didn’t know what else to major in. Government jobs were some of the most sought-after positions among law students, because high-ranking bureaucratic work was both stable and prestigious. High-ranking civil servants enjoyed more pay, prestige, and power than judges and prosecutors. And as for defense attorneys…oh boy. Defending the accused was a pretty darn disreputable job for a pretty long time!
But more on that in a future post. For now, have my thanks for reading! Questions? Comments? Feedback? Just want to say hey? Send me an ask me any time!
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Sources and Further Reading
Legal Education and the Reproduction of the Elite in Japan
Turbulence Ahead: The Future of Law Schools in Japan
History of Education in Japan
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addicted-to-12th-intro · 3 years ago
[MAJOR TGAA SPOILERS] How TGAA characters would sing We Don’t Talk About Bruno
It was easy to assign parts to characters - it all fits so well, it’s almost a summary of case 2-3 in a song. In order of appearance:
1. Genshin Asogi: Bruno
The unfortunately knowledgeable, the falsely accused - who if not Genshin would be the focal point of the song? He touched the lives of so many people in the story - and the memory of him was forcefully buried.
2. Ryunosuke Naruhodo and Susato Mikotoba: Mirabel
This one is easy: they’re our narrators, strangers to the plot, to whom others describe their perspectives - and they also (albeit metaphorically) put the puzzle together.
3. Herlock Sholmes and Yujin Mikotoba: Pepa and Félix
No matter how you view their relationship, the “frantic and grounded” energy is quite undeniably there. And just like Pepa and Félix’s part comes first and estabilishes Bruno’s “killjoy” nature, Herlock and Yujin are one of the first people affected by Genshin’s actions after previously having a good time in London.
4. Kazuma Asogi: Dolores
He’s haunted by the mystery of his father’s death and he knows more than you might’ve suspected - like Dolores who grew up constantly hearing Bruno and feels sympathy for how misunderstood he was.
5. Esmeralda Tusspells (with Enoch Drebber and Courtney Sithe): Camilo
Exactly like Camilo with Bruno, Esmeralda revels in the spooky scary aspect of the Professor. Drebber and Sithe also experienced it more or less directly, so it would be fitting for them to join in here - and having the 2-3 trio in one place is always a good enough reason.
6. Maria Gorey, Tobias Gregson and the British judge: the townspeople
This part is silly even in the original song, and even more so now, as the subject has become, well, murder... anyway. Ideally I’d assign a longer and more meaningful part to Gregson, but the game does poke fun at his consumption of fish and chips, so he’ll appear as the “he told me I’d grow a gut” man. The judge is bald but wears a wig like the priest (?) in this part. I initially had no idea who could be the fish owner, but it kind of fits Maria?  And she probably has met Genshin, but very briefly. It was strangely difficult picking minor enough characters for this part...
7. Barok van Zieks: Isabela
Ah, the bittersweetness. Barok considered Genshin his friend, and most likely received words of admiration and encouragement about becoming a prosecutor - “he told me that my power would grow”. Similarly to Isabela, the promise of a “perfect” life was right in the worst way, and now he’s crumbling under the pressure to maintain his reputation. Miscellaneous: “grapes that thrive on the vine” is a very Barok-appropriate comparison.
8. About the final pre-counterpoint verse
Abuela Alma has a single line in the song, so I have to give her a character too. Considering the main antagonist role, it should be Stronghart. The next character to sing in this part is Dolores, and her “the man of my dreams would be just out of reach, betrothed to another” can be applied to Kazuma with some tweaks: the “another” is Isabela/Barok, so the metaphorical “man” is the everything Kazuma wants and Barok has but doesn’t want - the attention focused on him and the power to enact vengeance. Finally, Isabela’s “Hey sis, I want not a sound out of you” is similar to how Barok used to shut Ryunosuke down.
I don’t know about you, but in my mind I can clearly hear the song performed by the characters... ah, if only I could make animatics.
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howthesleeplesswander · 1 year ago
@tenacquity continued from here! ((hghhhgng these two are immediately tOO CUTE I'M DYING T~T))
It took longer than he'd thought for Kazuma to finish his work for the afternoon. Scarcely a week had passed since the corruption in Great Britain's own government had been laid out to bear. In the wake of Lord Stronghart's detainment, the staff of the Old Bailey were understandably flustered, thus both himself and his mentor had been busier than in the last three months combined—despite (or, perhaps because of) their involvement in that very trial.
But this was where Kazuma's title of "apprentice" paid off. With Lord van Zieks away attending to other matters, the instant he completed his tasks from that morning, he was finally free to indulge in the distraction who'd been pacing the Prosecutor's Office.
Ryunosuke's squeak and subsequent grousing was met with a fond chuckle. "If I did that, I wouldn't get the pleasure of startling you," he teased. Loosening his arms enough to let the other man turn, Kazuma's hands settled at his waist once they faced each other.
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"Wouldn't you? Hm, somehow I doubt that." Gloved thumbs traced idle circles at the rise of Ryunosuke's hips, a soft smile adorning his mouth. This whirlwind of a week had left time for criminally few moments like this. Now that he had the chance, it would be equally criminal not to relish having Ryunosuke in his arms again.
"Not to worry: I've finished my duties for today. Though, if I'm ready to leave, well...that's another story entirely." Ducking his head down, his lips danced featherlight along the curve of a handsome jaw. A chosen spot of skin shadowed just beneath was bestowed with a soft kiss.
"Not when I've got you all to myself in here."
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howthesleeplesswander · 4 months ago
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Kazuma was still grappling with the consequences of that fateful trial. His involvement had earned him a fair amount of suspicion and scrutiny from most everyone in London, and he knew it would take time to redeem himself. Let the law and his colleagues at the Old Bailey think whatever they pleased until then. It was all trivial—especially compared to the consequences of a more personal nature.
Nothing made his heart ache quite like seeing the mist well up in Susato's eyes. This was the most painful repercussion by far, enough that Kazuma had to fortify himself with a long, steady breath in order to remain composed when faced with such a sight. He would never regret seeking justice for his father, but now that he'd reached the other side of that life-long quest, now that he could look back and see how much suffering he'd caused the people who he cared for the most...
He swore long ago that he would always protect her. He swore that he would personally deliver swift punishment should anyone dare harm her in any way. And yet...
Hadn't he chosen to carry on with so many secrets and deceptions despite knowing that it inevitably would?
Kazuma would have understood if Susato refused to so much as speak to him. After all, she'd been by his side since the beginning. She was the one who he'd lied to the longest; who, for no other reason than his own pride, he'd refused to confide in despite how readily she'd accepted him into her heart and home, despite the boundless compassion and devotion she'd offered in their years of growing up together.
If only he'd confessed the turmoil in his heart when he'd had the chance. Perhaps she could have warned him just how vengeful and lost he had become.
Unfortunately, Kazuma couldn't change the past. But he quelled those nagging regrets in favor of focusing on what truly mattered.
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"As am I." His smile was soft and his voice was warm, for even at his lowest, he couldn't possibly give Susato any less. "I'm sorry to have left you for so long." Not nearly enough of an apology, he knew, but there would be time for that now—a fact for which Susato herself was partially to thank.
"From what I hear, you've earned yourself the title of 'best judicial assistant in the world.' Not that I'm surprised; I always knew that you would achieve great things." A single step brought him closer: the first step toward mending the rift that his own actions had forged between them. In that proximity, Kazuma reached out and took her hands, coaxing knotted fingers from their tight clench to hold them gently. "Thank you, Susato-san, for standing strong at Ryunosuke's side when I could not."
It's funny as she stands here, with her hands held clutching each other a little too tightly, next to the man who had been raised by her side. Because Susato, normally so precise and eloquent with her words, finds... she doesn't know what to say to Kazuma now.
It's been a source of great pain for her, because she predicted this would happen long before she managed to find the courage to speak with him. Unfortunately, all the courage in the world hasn't been enough to sort out her feelings, to put them in words that she can understand or that she can communicate, even to the man she cares about so dearly - the one she dedicated her life to, once upon a time.
She's wondered many times if she feels betrayed, and it's anger that has her lost for words. But... she could never be truly angry with Kazuma. Even if he wasn't the same person she thought he was, even if he's been keeping so many secrets that it feels like she never really knew him... hasn't he been fighting on his own for so long? He shouldn't have to deal with the pain he'd feel from her anger now, on top of everything else.
If anything, it's her fault for not being enough to earn his trust. ...No, that doesn't feel right either... but Susato still can't help but wonder, as she always does, if there's more she could've done. Either way, it feels like her feelings are buried so deep that she can't even identify them for what they are... but she doesn't want to stay silent any longer.
There has been silence between them for far too long.
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"Kazuma-sama..." to her own horror, Susato feels herself nearly tearing up as she's hit with a sudden wave of emotion. "...I'm so glad. That I'm able to speak with you again, I mean."
@howthesleeplesswander ( starter for kazuma! )
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howthesleeplesswander · 1 year ago
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((HEYOOO everyone, the time has finally come! OWO 🙌💖 As promised, I'm going to start expanding my character roster by adding non-Genshin muses to this blog! I have so many muses who I'm so excited to share with all of you! 💕
Additionally, since many of my followers are Genshin-centric/feature Genshin characters, I'll be giving all the non-Genshin muses I add to this blog a Genshin!verse to allow for easier interaction with my followers and current partners! ;D
So with all that said, please welcome my first new muse! (´;ω;`)/
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Kazuma Asogi from the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles has joined the roster of wanderers! ⭒✩⭒ See Kazuma's info HERE! ⭒✩⭒
If you're interested in interacting with an honor-driven lawyer with a passion for justice who will say anything he damn well pleases in front of God and everyone, please drop a like on this post for a short starter! Multimuses are free to comment if they'd like it directed at anyone specific!
Thanks so much for your time and your support! >w< ❤️))
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howthesleeplesswander · 1 month ago
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Surprise Toby for Kazuma! (I'm on mobile but I'll try to make a proper starter later ^^;)
Answered! || @themxtleycrew
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"What are you doing wandering around by yourself?" Kazuma posed to the dog sniffing near his feet. It was rare to see Toby without Gina. The crime scene was fresh enough that it was still buzzing with officers—surely she had to be among them.
"Miss Lestrade?" Kazuma called as he wove between officers hard at work. He'd have to do the same in due time, but it was always helpful to get a debrief first, and he trusted Gina to give an honest rundown.
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starrymused · 4 years ago
It had been two days since Ryunosuke and Susato had left for Japan, and Kazuma found himself thinking about them again. He knew they’d be fine — even if Ryunosuke’s last sea voyage hadn’t been the most fortunate — and that he’d hear from them when they arrived. So, instead of allowing his brain to run away with silly ideas of what could happen during their journey, Kazuma turned his focus to his present and the large pile of paperwork that still required completion...
...And one that he and Lord van Zieks had been working their way through for the past hour and a half.
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“We should take a break after we finish this.” He announced suddenly as he eyed the report he was working on. “Let’s get some fresh air, at least.” Because he would go stir-crazy if he had to remain within these walls for any longer than what was necessary. Looking to his mentor now, Kazuma fixed him with a look as if daring him to deny the request.
“What do you do for fun when you aren’t working?”
While he had been under the tutelage of the other prosecutor for a few months, then only known as the Masked Disciple, the two had never gotten to know each other as individuals. Did van Zieks have hobbies other than flinging wine glasses and bottles around? Kazuma was curious.
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starrymused · 4 years ago
"Kazuma," His assistant hesitated for a moment, but he had reassured Xiang that she was permitted to speak her mind. And this was pure curiosity. "Why is it that your mentor extends his leg over the desk when he objects in court?"
There was absolutely no rhyme or reason for it as far as she knew.
"I think it’s a combination of two things: he doesn’t want to point while he’s holding his win so it doesn’t spill and he also just wants to be dramatic.” Wait, now a third theory had popped into his head! “...And maybe he doesn’t have much time for a regular exercise routine, so he does it in court?” Kazuma had no idea why he hadn’t asked the man before. It was a habit that he’d gotten used to seeing.
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“Or perhaps he’s trying to draw the attention of the single ladies in the gallery? Hahahahah!” Like a mating ritual of sorts! Now, that was amusing!
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howthesleeplesswander · 1 year ago
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Considering he had devoted the last decade of his life to preparing to fight for the justice his father deserved, admittedly, Kazuma had expected to be entirely unprepared for what came after.
What would he do when the driving flame that had spurred him for so many years was finally quenched? The thought had crossed his mind on more than one occasion, but it was unimportant. Trivial. A question to wrangle at the appropriate time.
With that time now upon him, Kazuma found his assumption had been partially correct. Layers upon layers of unforeseen circumstances resulted in things unfolding in ways he could have never expected. For just a moment during that fateful trial's conclusion, he'd felt equally lost as he felt relieved, happy, ashamed. But no sooner had the final gavel sounded did a new fire ignite in Kazuma's chest.
It burned just as brightly as its predecessor, illuminating his only path forward: to be the hand that delivered justice to men like Lord Stronghart. At long last, his father's honor was restored, and his spirit could finally be at rest. Fighting to achieve that same peace for others would be his new purpose.
He'd been prepared to make it happen by any means necessary, just as before. So imagine his surprise when the very man he'd attempted to send to the gallows readily agreed to maintain their mentorship after the fact.
Thankfully, Kazuma wasn't one to flounder even in the most uncertain waters. A lifetime of discipline proved a powerful boon: for no matter how strained the air between himself and Lord van Zieks felt at times, Kazuma was undaunted. He poured his all into every task, no matter how menial, never satisfied until he'd exceeded expectations. Even now, after hours of sifting through the towering stack of paperwork on his desk, the scratch of his quill never faltered or slowed. The sunlight through the window dwindled in tandem with the sounds of the office's staff as they took their leave for the night, yet Kazuma's attention was astute as ever—
At least, until his mentor's voice demanded it, instead.
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It was the first time either of them had disrupted the drone of pen on paper in hours. Immediately Kazuma looked up, ever prepared to be put to the task. But rather than adding to his work, Lord van Zieks bade the opposite. Strange, considering their shared relentlessness—near ceaselessness, even—towards their work.
"With all due respect, I see no reason why I should retire from my work any sooner than you from yours. I'm of the opinion that midnight oil is meant to be burned." Between his schooling and his personal studies in preparation for coming to London, countless sleepless nights had never stopped him when there was more work to be done. And there always was more work to be done.
Yet as he spoke, he flexed his hand around his quill, only noticing how stiff it had become now that he'd finally stopped. A glance at the complete darkness out the window betrayed how late the hour had gotten.
"I've no other engagements for the evening." Not to mention that he was nearing the finish line, now—the stack of paperwork was only a quarter of what it had been when he'd started. They could wait until tomorrow, technically, but there was no reason they had to. "If you must depart, however, I can finish here and lock up for the night."
@howthesleeplesswander for Kazuma !
The first case that Kazuma Asogi had taken in London had been monumental. Not to mention far over his head — very much by design of the man who had appointed a fledging prosecutor whose interests lay so dangerously close to the Reaper trial. And there was no doubt that Asogi was suffering for it now.
Apprenticing under the former Reaper of the Bailey had its benefits, certainly. The courtroom was hardly ever dull, what with the dramatics that Barok employed to capture the attention of judges and difficult-to-sway jurors.
Drowning in legalese, however, required little imagination and provided even less entertainment. And yet it was a part of the prosecutor's profession as much as the time they spent in the Old Bailey, and thus Barok pushed it mercilessly as he did every aspect of their duties. To grow into the role of the prosecutor Asogi intended to be, there was hardly room to moan and to drag his feet. And he took it well for the most part, poring over the paperwork, writing and reading and reviewing case reports cover to cover, and filing every report demanded of him, no matter how trifling Barok's request.
Barok's commendations were few and far between. Not for lack of performance on Asogi's part; it was merely the manner in which Barok had been taught when he, too, had been young and training in this merciless occupation. But the meagre praises were more than he would have offered most, should they find themselves under his tutelage. ( There had been none, until Lord Stronghart had handed Barok's first and only disciple to him, leaving him little choice but to take a nameless man under his wing. ) But, still, in the heart of Asogi's apparent flawlessness lay the very evidence of his limitations.
❛ Asogi. ‎❜
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Much like his father, Kazuma was a man of action... but this Asogi was younger, less practised in his work and much less measured in his emotion. As much as Kazuma was driven by his ambition, he proved at times helpless to its whims — unable to direct it, taken over by it.
( ... they were similar, in a great many ways. Stronghart had surely known when he'd called upon Barok and delivered Asogi's fate and future into the prosecutor's hands. From the outlook of the Reaper trial, he had been counting on it. Relying on another abandoned, angry heart to deliver an innocent man to his end. Just as Barok — for all his studiousness and all his then-perceived shrewdness that he thought had been impressed upon him by the blood, sweat and tears poured into this profession — had done. )
Barok felt wearier than ever as he watched Asogi toil away at the stack of papers on his desk. His own attention was fading fast, and his quill had slowed to a feeble scratch for over the better part of an hour. Asogi, meanwhile, had shown no signs of slowing. He was near machine-like in his determination.
Still too young, still too strong-headed, to recognise that his persistence and his perseverance could be his own failing.
❛ ... you've done more than your fair share of work. It would be best to retire for the evening. We will continue in the morning. ‎❜
One must know when to rest. Barok, too, had work to put into learning his limit. When he had worked alone, there had been less need for it; he alone suffered the consequences of his at-times unreasonable doggedness.
Now, he was not alone. As much as he and Asogi struggled verbally to come to terms with it, they had to consider one another — to do more than than simply coexist. To work with one another.
Perhaps it was guilt of years past, too, that indebted Barok to the task of keeping after Asogi's health. ( Guilt that held him to the oath Genshin could not himself keep, when Barok had sent him to the gallows: to look after his beloved son. ) Nonetheless, this was his apprentice; the man was under Barok's care, whether or not he liked it.
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