#⭐ even if i came to love humanity in the end i don’t belong anywhere do i? ( cursedstitch. )
lunarscaled · 1 year
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tag drop for some relationships
⭐ how could anything bad ever happen to you? you make a fool of death with your beauty ( @holyfated. )
⭐ a spider who spins red thread / a hunter who was trapped as expected ( @groazei. )
⭐ well you're a 'real man' and you do what you can. you only take as much as you can grab with two hands ( @quirofiliac. )
⭐ self-sabotage like art skyrockets in value posthumously ( @mortul. )
⭐ Even if I came to love humanity in the end I don’t belong anywhere do I? ( @cursedstitch. )
⭐ no chorus could come in about two people sitting doing nothing ( @strawberry-barista. )
⭐ all the feeling was all or nothing and I took everything I could ( @demonsfate. )
⭐ cause the older I get I find that happiness is an extremely uneventful subject ( @regensia. | vital )
⭐ with your gaze I'm captivated but I am finding it holds no warmth at all ( @pwophet. )
⭐ then bow your head in the house of god. little girl who do you think you are? ( @livingecho. )
⭐ everybody wants to hear about the big mistakes. everybody wants a piece of your heart ( @tozasemurcielago. )
⭐ relationship tag ( blog. )
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lunarscaled · 1 year
❝ ... Say ... you ever eaten someone before? ❞
"---What an abhorrent question."
-> Which, of course, he asks when they are in the middle of their meal: chopsticks poking at a bit of meat sizzling in the corner of their bowl that they haven't yet touched. They remember hearing a rumor that pork tastes awfully close to human meat, but farm pigs usually aren't fed the omnivorous diet of humans, so they can't fathom how someone came to that conclusion outside of eating it themselves. They pinch a bit of noodles and meat and greens all in one go and blow on it gently before bringing it to their mouth, letting the sitting silence be more of an answer to his question than words would be. ( they have to play it calm when they speak---no one else can see him, after all. if they were agog or flustered it would seem to be at nothing, so they keep their stoic expression even when they chew and talk softly. )
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"Why do you want to know? Gonna mess with my lunch?"
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