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horrormaestro-aa · 5 years ago
no  offense ,  but  would  anyone  be  willing  to  be  a  part  of  jackie’s  canon  in  a  platonic  way ?  mostly  shouting  out  to  ocs ,  but  honestly  this  bitch  needs  friends  &  other  connections.  &  if  anyone  wants  to  be  a  part  of  her  canon ,  it’d  be  super  rad  &  i’d  pay  you  in  lysol  &  snacky  snacks.
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galaxysgreatest · 5 years ago
i  present  to  you  the  idea  of   galaxy’s  greatest  freshly  squeezed  best  friends   doing  the  time  warp.  chuckie  t  as  frank n. furter ,  trent  as  columbia ,  orange  as  riff raff ,  &  kris  as  magenta.  you  can  thank  me  for  the  mental  imagery  later.
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nobodycorners-a · 5 years ago
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                        𝒕𝒂𝒈  𝒅𝒖𝒎𝒑.        part  one   —   to  be  determined  &  mun  related !
#tag dump.#˗ˏˋ  𝑑𝑦𝑛.  ˎˊ˗   to be determined    ⁄    dyn tbd.#˗ˏˋ  𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑝.  ˎˊ˗   to be determined    ⁄    brotp tbd.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑡𝑝.  ˎˊ˗   to be determined    ⁄    otp tbd.#˗ˏˋ  𝑎𝑟𝑐.  ˎˊ˗    to be decided    ⁄    arc tbd.#˗ˏˋ  𝑎𝑢.  ˎˊ˗   to be determined    ⁄    au tbd.#˗ˏˋ  𝑝𝑣.  ˎˊ˗   to be determined    ⁄    pv tbd.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   curiouser ﹠ curiouser    ⁄    answered.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   dude are you five? yeah five inches deep in your mom    ⁄    dash games.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   jigsaw vc: wanna play a game?    ⁄    memes.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   i know we're trash but we could be your trash    ⁄    plotting call.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   i'll have my cake ﹠ fucking eat you too    ⁄    wishlist.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   local alien enthusiast ﹠ mothman's offspring     ⁄    about rae.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   photoshop ﹠ i must be back on speaking terms    ⁄    edits.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   just remember it's called garbage can ﹠ not garbage cannot    ⁄    positivity.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   quality loves that always butter my croissant    ⁄    promo.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   common sense isn't all that common    ⁄    psa.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   your regularly scheduled programming    ⁄    queue.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   can you believe the stars just exist ﹠ we get to look at them for free?    ⁄    rae says.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   hey dipshit make sure you save this for later    ⁄    references.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   picture it: paul rudd smiling in a field of puppies    ⁄    save ﹠ smile.#˗ˏˋ  𝑜𝑜𝑐.  ˎˊ˗   support my career as a big dumb chaotic neutral lesbian    ⁄    self promo.
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horrormaestro-a · 5 years ago
sure ,  we  all  know  jackie  would  rather  die  a  most  painful  death  than  be  soft  &  settle  down.  but  a  novel  concept  would  be  for  someone  to  show  her  how  satisfying  &  fulfilling  softness ,  kindness ,  companionship ,  loyalty ,  &  unconditional  love  can  be.  make  her  fall  in  love  even  if  she  fights  it  tooth  &  nail.  show  her  it’s  not  something  she  should  fear  but  it’s  something  that  can  make  her  find  some  semblance  of  what  home  should  feel  like.
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woedwolf-aa · 5 years ago
so ,  this  is  my  first  upcoming  winter  as  james  &  one  thing  i  like ...  desperately  need  is  someone  dealing  with  him  being  a  bit  grumpy  about  the  cold  without  realizing  that  his  fear  of  extreme  cold  is  why  he’s  being  difficult  to  deal  with.  but  also  talk  to  him  about  it ,  let  him  vent  to  you.  &  then  show  him  all  the  lovely  things  about  winter  that  don’t  involve  the  cold.  
baking  sugar  cookies  in  the  shapes  of  snowflakes ,  snowmen ,  gingerbread  men ,  santa ,  etc.  would  make  him  so  happy!  curling  up  on  the  sofa  with  hot  cocoa  &  watching  classic  christmas  films   (  namely  it’s  a  wonderful  life ,  as  he  remembers  it  from  before  the  war  )   or   sitting  in  front  of  the  fireplace  just  talking.  then  maybe  after  he  feels  comfortable ,  take  him  ice  skating!  show  him  that  the  cold  weather  can  be  okay  but  only  when  he’s  comfortable.  take  him  out  to  build  a  snowman  or  have  a  snowball  fight!  show  him  that  he   doesn’t  have  to  be  afraid   but  especially  not  with  you.
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woedwolf-a · 6 years ago
uhm...  so  i  need  some  platonic  ships  for  bucky?  i  think  those  are  so  important,  even  more  important  than  romantic  imo  &  i’d  really  love  to  plot  some?  
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glampirefangs · 6 years ago
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                        TAG  DUMP.      part  five   —   writing  related !
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breatheswitchblade · 6 years ago
okay but i lack some m/m ships so who’s gonna give jay some dick? and nb pals we need you, too. trans kids, where you @? 
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horrormaestro-aa · 5 years ago
where’s  jackie’s  girlfriends ?  where’s  jackie’s  nb  partners ?  she’s  pansexual  &  i  see  it  as  a  crime  that  she  doesn’t  get  to  love  on  more  of  these  muses.
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galaxysgreatest · 5 years ago
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                        𝐓𝐀𝐆  𝐃𝐔𝐌𝐏.        part  three :   writing  related !
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thatspookyagent · 4 years ago
I was going to send a ship in for you but I can't remember if I actually did or not, so if I did please ignore this one lmao
I'm about average height and goth, pretty much everything in my wardrobe is black bar the occasional red or green item. my hair is currently a complete mess, the front is basically white whereas the back is ginger with black ends, but I love it and that's all that matters, technically it's curly but it's a lil too damaged right now to actually curl properly so it just kind of frizzes a lot most of the time lmao.
I think I actually spend a lot of time on my appearance what with my hair and often spending a long time on makeup, which may come off as quite vain but it's actually something that helps me with my anxiety when going out! Like being able to focus on that sort of stuff before hand is kind of comforting.
I also collect a lot of things, it brings me comfort, for example I have a lot of rocks/gemstones, seashells and also dice! In total I have 88 dice, which isn't as many as I'd like to have but I've been planning for my new collection, I usually base them around characters so I collect a few sets on my wishlist before buying.
Personality wise I think I can be kind of a bitch, but everyone seems to think I'm nice so maybe I'm just wrong lmao, I'm usually pretty quiet in groups but one on one I'm much louder and more open. I have a few sensory issues due to autism, most of them texture based, which I think can make me come off as kind if difficult from time to timevbut I've learnt how to deal with them to avoid anything happening. Honestly I'm not sure how to describe my personality for real, I like to think I'm funny but I'm pretty sure most people like to think that.. I think it's easier to just describe small random things about me as opposed to my personality, for example it's almost impossible for me to sit through a full movie unless I'm in a cinema, it always takes me at least two-three days minimum. I can't ride a bike, I never saw the point of learning as kid so I never did, for some reason people find that weird but I didn't want to waste my time on something I knew I wouldn't enjoy. Rereading this, maybe what I'm getting is that my personality is just super pessimistic lmao.
I hope this is enough, if not please let me know what else you need and I'll give it to you! Yeah yeah, thanks in advance!! <3 I didn't proofread this so I hope to god its readable
I ship you with...
(Pre-Cult) Kai Anderson!
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I think the two of you would thrive with pessimistic personalities
No really cause you and him would shit on and slander so many things and he’d be right behind you, feeding into it and encouraging it, hell maybe even starting the slander in the first place
“Man that movie was utter shit." Commence the dragging
Basically y’all two would be the ultimate roasting buddies <3
Also he'd totally be loud and rambunctious with you, probably even more than you
Kai would teach you how to ride a bike but probably end up falling with you
Not on purpose, he’s just fucking stupid
He would make sure to buy foods that don’t mess with your sensory issues and if there’s any food around that does, he’ll gladly eat it up for you
When it comes to watching movies, Kai can’t focus either
He’s usually too busy criticizing everything or talking, usually giving behind the scenes info about all the crazy amount of work put into the movie or really gross details, sometimes both
He wouldn’t mind it taking two to three days for you to finish a movie, that way he can just talk more yanno?
Kai would start to also slowly wear everything you wear and or adopt your style gradually
Like it starts off subtly with him buying and wearing more and more black flannels 
Soon he’s just full on goth and it’s all your fault
The man would do his best to help you with your make up but lets be honest, he ain’t the best
Kai will literally smear chunks of caked up eye shadow on you and call it a night
Yes that’s literally something that classifies as presentable to him
But in all seriousness he would watch make up tutorials for you in order to help you out or give you new ideas
Would take him a while to adjust to actually having class for once but all in all he tries his best and isn’t too shabby himself
It would also help him out with doing his own make up so wins all around tbh
Any dice that Kai finds is immediately finders keepers (even if he steals it cause it’s technically owned by someone) and he would give it to you so that you can add it to your collection
He would also just buy dice off the internet and give you the ones he already has and can spare which are D&D dice (that’s right I headcanon that Kai plays Dungeons & Dragons, keep it movin!)
Whenever the two of you go to the beach, he will point out all kinds of sea shells for you
“Look (Y/N), there’s a sea shell! it’s almost as bad looking as that movie we saw last week!”
He would also get you cool and pretty rocks and gemstones for you as well
Kai would practice linking pinkies with you, it’s a big intimate thing for the both of you
Also he would constantly be hyped about anything you cook for him, and he’s actually more positive and nice towards you than he is with anyone else’s cooking
He would take cooking classes for you but then get kicked out for purposefully causing a huge grease fire
Also if you give him any gifts, he’d repay you in kindness and pinkie holds the best he can
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horrormaestro-a · 5 years ago
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                        TAG  DUMP.        part  four   –   writing  related !
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woedwolf-aa · 5 years ago
does  anyone  have  any   sam  wilson   blog  recs?  that’s  like  the  one  muse  i  never  see.  i’d  love  to  have  one  to  interact  with!
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woedwolf-a · 6 years ago
okay,  but  a  modern  au  for  buck  based  on  hallmark’s   love,  romance  &  chocolate   because  i  just  watched  it  &  it’s  fucking  cute.  
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signsheard-a · 6 years ago
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                       𝒕𝒂𝒈 ��𝒅𝒖𝒎𝒑.      amalia  westerberg   —   part  four !
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breatheswitchblade · 6 years ago
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                        TAG DUMP.      re: out of character & writing !
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