#⤷⌗⊹ ࣪ ˖𝑯𝑬𝑬𝑺𝑬𝑼𝑵𝑮
heevanly · 4 months
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𝐬yn. : being the host of a college late night radio talk show was a passion project since freshman year of college, but now as a senior, y/n hadn't expected the fame it brought to herself on campus... but maybe it was the recent string of murders that caused more tuning in than ever seen before.
𝐰arnings. / 𝐭ags. : (18+!). small series. gore. horror. college au. similar to a murder mystery au. swearing. mentions of wanting to vomit (no vomiting occurs). humor. mildly suggestive. no smut. main character death. side character death. heeseung and jay are manipulators. jay and heeseung have a small argument. enha members as main / side characters. lsf members as side characters. ive members as side characters. pet names used mockingly (baby, sweetheart, honey). more to be added as parts come out.
𝐧ote. : warnings are just overall, not everything mentioned is in this part in particular (like 98% is tho). also welcome to my first fully published work, i hope you guys like it. everything is also in lowercase, not sure why but that's just how things ended up happening haha.
𝐭aglist. : @livsateez @velvethana @ilyjxdz
© @heevanly 2024 | do NOT copy, plagiarize, reupload, or steal my works.
WC : 6.7k
Part Two. (TBD)
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walking towards the music building on your campus was always the worst trek for you. it was the furthest building from your on-campus apartment and it was a combination of uphill walking, stairs, and loose gravel sidewalk that for some reason the school had yet to get fixed. you kick a loose rock and grumble incoherently, watching the rock hit the bottom stair leading up to the building. letting out a sigh you begin walking up the last of the stairs that leads towards the building. 
the night was serene at least, a bit chilly but it was still early spring, you’re just glad the hoodie you’re currently wearing is enough to block out the wind blowing past every so often. with the last bit of sunlight fading behind the horizon, you scan your fob into the building’s sensor, unlocking the doors.
a small noise crunches somewhere from behind you and your head immediately turns in the direction of the sound yet nothing is there. eyebrows furrowing, you rescan the fob and head inside the building shaking your head, “i hate walking at night, curse heeseung and his off-campus apartment, if only he’d pick me up.”
you head into the hallway that holds the elevators that lead into the basement. it’s never been the most ideal location to record, but it offered a few rooms that had equipment and space you needed to borrow.
after the trip down from the elevator you walk into the room the four of you have continuously used for the radio show. setting your bag down you start cleaning up the space, trashing old papers left behind, wiping the tables, doing simple tests on the mics to just make sure they work, overall just getting the place ready. you leave jay and jake's stuff mainly untouched, as they have their own way of setting up the lights, mic sensitivities, and what all else.
the door opens up behind you as you continue to do tasks around the rooms, not bothering to look at the door, you glance at the clock instead, “hey guys, you’re a bit earlier than when you normally get here.. we still got an hour.. but since you’re here could you,” your voice quiets down as you turn to address whoever was behind you directly, however no one is in the room.
“what the hell,” you mutter out scratching your head, “i swear i heard the door open.”
you quickly scan the room you’re in, checking under the table to see if one of the four decided to fool around a bit. seeing no one under there you move to the other room where jay and jake usually stay in, but no one is seen there either. a sense of unease begins to grow in your stomach but you decide to keep yourself busy by finishing up tasks in the room. printing out the schedule and loose script for the recording, you skim through, making sure you didn’t leave anything out and once satisfied you set the schedules and script in heeseung’s and your spot.
the clock reads 9:27 pm and you sit down on the couch, getting comfortable, getting ready for the other three to walk in at any moment. your phone rings and seeing jake’s contact pop up, you answer.
“hey jake, what’s up, did something happen?”
jake clears his throat on the other side, “y/n! glad you answered, couldn’t get a hold of heeseung, but i told jay already- wait is he there yet?”
“er, no.. well at least i don’t think so.” you scan the room once before playing with the charms on your nails.
“what..?” jake asks, confusion in his tone, “you don’t think so? y/nnie i hate to break it to ya but i think you’d know if someone was in the room with you.”
you let out a puff of air out through your noise in fake annoyance, “yes i’m well aware of that jake sim. but i heard the door open up behind me a little bit ago and i figured it was one of you guys stopping in a little early but no one was there so..”
“well.. i’m sure it’s just your pretty little mind playin tricks then, anyways jay should be there soon though, he left the flat a bit ago- oh right! since he isn’t there i guess i should tell you. i can’t make it tonight, forgot i overscheduled myself with my plans so i have somewhere else i need to be tonight.”
“what? jake why didn’t you say anything earlier today? i mean it’s fine, i got the room mainly all ready anyway but a warning other than being like five minutes before you get here would’ve been nice.” you click your tongue in annoyance to further drive the point in. frankly, you didn’t mind that much but teasing jake a little bit was something you couldn’t pass up.
you hear jake give a dejected sigh and stifle a laugh, “ok listen i know i know, i’ll make it up to you i promise but just this night i can’t make it alright?”
“yeah yeah, you have fun with your plans or whatever.”
jake chuckles, “oh i will, see ya y/n.”
the call ends just as jay walks in, he gives you a little wave and sets his stuff by yours, “here like always, before everyone else is.”
you drum your nails along the couch’s arm rest as you watch jay get situated in the room, “someone has to get everything ready, and it sure ain’t gonna be jake with the way he bailed on us tonight. and we’re lucky if heeseung shows up 10 minutes before we go on air.”
jay lets put a small laugh, “he told you he’d be gone? thought i was gonna have to be the one to tell you.”
“nah he told me, think he’s trying to get a hold of hee right now too.”
“eugh, good luck to him then.”
you raise your eyebrows in understanding, “yeah.. anyhow i printed out the schedules and cleaned everything up so..”
jay sits in his seat and turns to you, “you emailed me my schedule right?”
“yup, did it before i left my apartment.”
“perfect, alright you go get set up and i’ll test your mic and make sure feedback is clear.” upon hearing jay’s words you get up from the couch and move to sit down in your chair, jay gives you a thumbs up and you test your microphone, “test test test.”
jay fiddles around with a few notches and motions with his hand to try once again, “test test test.” you repeat into the microphone, which you receive a thumbs up and lean in your seat. all thats left was to wait for heeseung.
a few minutes later and he walks in, dragging his bag behind him, “woah dude you look like shit.” jay says, looking heeseung up and down.
“this assignment for prof kim is killing me,” heeseung groans out, exasperated, “i swear she wants me dead.”
your jaw drops slightly at the look of heeseung, “have you slept recently?”
heeseung drops his bag with everyone else’s, “just did, i was supposed to work on the assignment, fell asleep, woke up and sprinted over here.”
his hair was all tousled up and his shirt was slightly stained but his jacket managed to cover most of it up and his pants looked as if in some places dust or dirt got smeared onto it.
jay does one more look at heeseung before turning around in his seat, “alright well man, go get situated next, we’ll test your mic.”
heeseung simply nods before walking to his seat next, once jay gives him the go ahead he speaks up in the microphone, “test test.” jay gives the thumbs up to heeseung and you look up at the clock, 9:58 pm, almost time to go live.
you turn to heeseung, “you sure you’re alright? if you’re that tired i can handle doing a night alone.”
hee gives you a small smile, “promise im all good, that nap was like.. one of those ones where you wake up not knowing who you are or where you are kind, so i’m like.. oddly rejuvenated right now. think i could even fight off a werewolf and win.”
blinking once and then twice you look at him and slowly nod your head, “oohhhhhh kay mister tough guy.. whatever you say..”
“you not believing me is not very kind you know.” heeseung frowns, his lips forming a pout.
“i know, oh-! we’re going live.. 3.. 2..”
"welcome welcome welcome toooo SCU 101.85, you’re currently tuning in to the 10 o’clock pm talk show. i’m your host y/n and i’m here with my co-host..” you turn away from the microphone and glance at your co-host, lee heeseung.
“heeseung.” he speaks up into his microphone, shuffling a few of the papers around.
“and it’s currently a friday night, it’s 67 degrees out with a small breeze too so make sure you wear that jacket!” you chirp.
heeseung snorts and you pass him a look which he returns with a shrug, “you just sound chipper.. s’all.”
“ah.. well our ratings have been going up again.. it’s better than we’ve been seeing these past four months.. so.”
the past four months have been rather difficult for you and heeseung and the radio show. when you started this project sophomore year, it had just been you and your roommate kim chaewon, your ratings were steady in the beginning but had started declining after two months, which made your at the time co-host and roommate, quit. you don’t blame her, you nearly stopped too, which was before heeseung hit you up asking if you still needed another co-host.
accepting his help was the best thing you had done, his roommates jake and jay were all about the technical jargon behind running a radio show, which the reasoning was apparently the three had thoughts about starting a podcast but couldn’t get the timing right to actually get it started, so here they were willing to help you out.
production took off and the four of you found yourselves seeing steady viewers and got to even open a talk line, which was a segment that both you and heeseung took seriously, finding fun in chatting with anonymous students with various complaints they had of others, professors, relationships, or whatever else going on in their lives.
then, out of nowhere four months ago, the viewers started thinning out, causing your small team of four’s good feelings to falter. having been used to success it was shocking to be randomly met with a hard wall and seemingly, no way of getting out.
heeseung and your’s efforts were all in vain as you tried advertising the radio talk show, you had chaewon talk to her friends about spreading the show, heeseung talked to about it to his other friends and also had them spread the word. jake would mention it at his part time job, and jay even mentioned it at a small on-campus event, which he texted that he was never doing again out of sheer embarrassment.
heeseung hums, “well.. i could imagine people have been feeling a bit safer because of us, due to…” he trails off.
right, there's been a few recent deaths that have plagued not only your campus, but the town. you claim they’re very obviously murders while heeseung’s been claiming it’s been various unfortunate accidents. so far the death toll has hit only four, two on campus, one at a campus nearby, and one on the outskirts of town.
“the murders.” you finish his sentence off, gravelly.
heeseung rolls his eyes, but remembers that the listeners can’t actually see that, “you’re so obsessed with these being murders,” he teases.
“well.. it’s quite obvious, no?” you ask, tilting your head a little bit.
“ehh, i wouldn’t really say so, besides the two on campus cause they were ruled as a murder-suicide. regardless that was two months ago and the one at KTU was concluded to be an unfortunate accident.. shit what did they say about how she died again?” heeseung racks his brain, trying to remember how the girl from KTU died two weeks ago.
you scatter your papers around, “wasn’t it something about a lab issue..? their school got to close down because of it, that’s.. uh.. kind of all i remember about that.”
“oh you’re going to hell, haven’t you been following this whole thing since the murder-suicide on campus..?” heeseung laughs loudly and you slump in your chair, embarrassment flooding your system.
you sit back up and clear your throat, “in my defense..”
heeseung accusing points at you, “you! don’t have one.”
“pause, yes i do! rude…. my defense is that the fourth one’s been throwing me off with this whole thing, that i focused a little less on the third girl.” you huff out.
the fourth death was the weirdest in the whole thing so far, it happened a few days ago and it’s been the only one where the person involved wasn’t in the same age range and died supposedly.. well.. naturalistically. it had been a middle aged man, who was on his way home from work. apparently the report and the news claimed his tire gotten flat and when he had gotten out to check on it, he had been mauled by a pack of wolves wandering through. 
the police and how they concluded it just didn’t make sense to you, you stayed up for two days trying to determine it all. first, wolves hadn’t been sighted in that area for several months so a random pack coming through didn’t make sense. second, the blood inside the car, how did it even manage to get in there if the man was supposedly outside? the third rea-
heeseung snaps his fingers to try and get your attention back to the talk show, “hey, y/n, quit thinking about it, you’re just gonna make yourself paranoid.. or worse.. really obsessive over this.”
you sigh, biting at your lip as you mull over his words, “my bad, i just need to stay up on all this, our viewers need the information, they deserve the best after all.”
“and the best of the best is from two college seniors..?” heeseung raises an eyebrow.
“absolutely!” you respond, “we’re the only ones giving multiple sides to these events and ways to stay safe.”
“i’m sure the news have been doin all that too though.”
“pff, news schmooze,” you wave your hand at heeseung, “college students don’t care about tuning into the morning news before classes or turning the evening news on, we’re a source of entertainment AND murder mystery, and that’s what eats up.” 
“you’re greedy, y/n, soo greedy.” heeseung shoots a grin your way, a way to let you know he doesn’t mean it.
trying to stop a grin from making its way on your face, you roll your eyes, “oh suck my dick lee heeseung.” 
“gladlyyy..” he sings out, wiggling his eyebrows and chuckles into his microphone.
“you’re a freak..” you gather your papers back up and glance up at the clock, 10:26 pm, time to open up the first talk line segment of the night.
you give a small nod towards heeseung and he nods back and clears his throat, “well well well SCU you are listening on 101.85 and it’s rolling up to 10:30 pm, we got a two minute sponsor for y’all and when we come back live, our callers will be up discussin’ random whatever with us. give us a call at +82 70-5208-6001 and see if you’re lucky enough. again that is +82 70-5208-6001. see you soon.”
both you and heeseung give a thumbs up to the room in front of you and jay switches your sets off, rolling the sponsor. a few seconds pass and before you’re able to turn to heeseung to just casually chat, the switchboard for the phone calls light up, more so than you’ve ever seen before.
turning to heeseung you give him a look of wonder, his eyebrows are furrowed as if hes wondering the same thing you are, why are there so many callers tonight? jay clicks off the sponsor and puts on a jazzy song before stepping into the room, “what’s up with the callers tonight?”
heeseung looks up at jay, “not sure bro, we’re just as confused as you are. we haven’t seen anything like this before.”
the calls keep coming through, lighting up the board until nearly all have popped up, indicating that people are on the line waiting to chat.
jay takes a glance at his set up and back at the two of you and the board, “well you guys got about a minute before we go on air, can’t keep them waiting for too long so just…” he sighs and runs a hand through his hair, “just… i suppose keep their talking segments shorter..? man i wish jake was here right now he could help weed through the callers with me on my end.”
heeseung raises an eyebrow at jay, “he’s not here today at all? i thought he was just late?”
“nah, up and bailed last second, said somethin’ about a date but i think he’s lying.” jay rolls his eyes, “30 seconds, you’re both up soon.”
jay closes the door and you look over at heeseung, frowning “why the hell did he schedule a date during the same time he’s supposed to be here? he told me it was important, not that a date isn’t but i was thinking something with his parents or.. i don’t know..”
heeseung mulls it over for a few seconds, “i mean unless he was planning on bringin her home..”
“it’s jake we’re talking about, y/n.”
“okay, yeah you’re right, well you wanna go first with the calls then..?”
heeseung nods, the on air button lights up and he clicks on a random caller, “hey lucky number one, congratulations you’re on air with us on STU 101.85, what’s your name?”
“hey guys it’s yunjin!” yunjin’s voice is heard through the speaker.
you sit up in your seat a little bit, “oh my god, hey girl! thanks for calling, how you been tonight?” 
“same old same old, prof jeon is an asshole still and said my submitted designs lacks the ‘creative theme’ of what he asked for. the problem is, is that he gave us no theme, aside from it being wearable. so i based it off of 1960’s greek spring chic wear and now he’s denied my third design.”
heeseung nods his head, “we’ve heard from other fashion design majors that prof jeon is the worst, i guess this goes to show to any sophomores and juniors to not finish your semesters as a senior with prof jeon.”
yunjin scoffs, “you could say that again, i wish i took prof song’s class, apparently shes at least nicer with going about denying designs.”
“isn’t she tough to impress though..? i hear her students always come back with lower scores than those who take prof jeon?” you ask, “wouldn’t that be.. worse?”
“oh you’re right.. ugh just don’t be a fashion design major, worst choice ever.”
heeseung lets out a laugh, “alright well we’re gonna let you go and head to the next caller, good luck on the rest of your assignment.”
a hum is heard through the speaker, “yeah i should really get to finish on working with the fourth design, you guys have fun, i’ll still be tuned in too.”
the line clicks and heeseung switches to another caller, “and listeners that was miss yunjin, another senior here at STU, you may have seen her around workin tirelessly at the sewing machines in the fashion department, so send some luck her way for dealing with prof jeon. now we got our next caller with us, you’re on air!”
silence fills the studio and jay looks at you two through the window, mouthing a “the fuck?” and you two shrug, confusion on the both of your faces.
“uh.. dude? you there?” heeseung looks annoyed as he shuffles around in his seat.
more silence fills the room and now you can also feel annoyance creep into your body, “hey, listen if you’re not gonna talk we’ll move on. not sure if you stepped away from your phone at all or what kind of prank you’re trying to pull but you can cut it out, it’s not funny and it just holds us and everyone else up.”
“..01101000,” a gravelly, raw voice crackles through.
heeseung sits up, “okay i’m changing the caller, you’re a weirdo and can get off our line.”
 the voice continues, “..01100101.. 01101100–”
heeseung cuts the line, cutting the voice off too.
“freak.” you mutter, “what the hell was that?”
heeseung shrugs, “sounded like binary code, probably someone from comp sci deciding to pull a prank on us.”
“well they’re not funny, that was weird and kind of scary.” a shiver runs down your spine as you think about the voice that crackled through, whoever it was managed to perfectly replicate fear in their voice.
“oh don’t worry, i can protect you.” heeseung winks at you.
“i think my chances of survival lay better with jay, hee.” you look down to choose the next caller as heeseung makes a noise of offense, taking your words to heart.
“he would not-”
you connect to the caller, “and you’re the third caller of the night, thank you for spending your night here with us at STU 101.85, may we get your name?”
“uh, yeah hi it’s yang jungwon.. i’m a sports medicine major.”
your eyes lit up in recognition at the name and voice, “oh yeah! you’re on the journalism club right? i’ve seen you there frequently.”
“yeah, thanks for helping us out, y/n. uhm, you know i wasn’t positive that i’d get picked so i guess i’m unsure of how to say this.”
heeseung leans closer to his mic, “what do you mean, jungwon?”
“uh, well it’s just, that last caller and then the mysterious figure on campus is what i wanted to talk to you about."
that made you sit up straighter in your seat and from your glance at heeseung, his interest piqued as well.
“go ahead jungwon, we’re interested and i’m sure all the other listeners are too.” you give the green light for jungwon to essentially take over the whole talking segment.
jungwon takes a deep breath and you can hear some shuffling in the background as he gets ready to speak,“okay well, i’ve been staying late on campus for the last week because i work on the sports section of the campus news website right? and i’m not sure what’s been going on but i’ve noticed this shrouded figure walking late at night. they seem to be following any student late at night leaving the stem building.”
you look up at jay and then over to heeseung, the both of them listening to jungwon’s words intently you look back down at the board as jungwon continues, “i think it’s cause they often stay behind the latest right? i’m not sure, i felt it was better to be here and say it as a warning, in case the man was dangerous.”
heeseung speaks up, “you’re saying something now? didn’t you say it’s been the past week?”
jungwon is silent for a few seconds before breathing out, “okay yeah i figured someone would ask that, honestly i thought it was a prank at first, especially because it was a costume the person was wearing.”
“costume?” you ask, “what sort’ve costume?”
“it was that ghostface costume, you know like the scream movies one?”
“ghostface?” heeseung asks, skepticism in his tone, “you saw a dude in a ghostface costume? in spring?”
jungwon clicks his tongue, “that’s why i didn’t say anything, because it just sounds stupid. i really thought it was just a prank someone was pullin on a friend.”
you nervously pick at your nails as you think about jungwon’s words, “you’re saying something now though aren’t you? what made you change your mind?”
jungwon hesitates before saying anything, “the call.”
you raise an eyebrow, “what’s the call got anything to do with the ghostface random?”
“i.. got a weird call yesterday night, it was the same voice that just called you guys. honestly if i wasn’t seeing the costume dude on campus i wouldn’t have thought much of it or if i wasn’t tuned into the radio show tonight.” 
“why don’t you go to the police or campus security? dude like campus security should and would kick the guy off campus, even if what he’s doing is harmless, he’s being creepy.” heeseung sighs out and rubs his forehead a little.
“i did, they think i’m sleep deprived and seein shit, apparently they can’t find ‘any evidence’ that supports that someone's walking around being weird so they think i just need more sleep.”
“what about that phone call? isn’t it logged?” you’re honestly a bit worried for jungwon, something weird is happening, the murders, the calls, and the shrouded costume ghostface guy.
jungwon speaks a bit faster, trying to get all the information he can into the hands of however many people are listening, “thought it was, i re-called the number two days ago and it just immediately disconnects, then the number was gone from my phone yesterday. poof up and deleted from my call log.”
“oh what the hell..” you breathe out, heeseung looks pale as he listens to jungwon’s words.
“dude.. does that not remind you of the damn scream movies? like at least in some way?” heeseung shakingly asks, “it literally sounds like you’re being hunted jungwon.”
a clang is heard and a quiet “fuck” before some shuffling, “sorry dropped my phone, you kinda freaked me there with that heeseung.” jungwon lets out a sardonic laugh.
you turn to heeseung and lightly smack his arm, “no for real, why would you say some shit like that.”
heeseung splutters, “well.. like does it not? i don’t want to sound grave or mean about this right now but genuinely this shit sounds like jungwon is in danger.”
“not helping, dude.” jungwon speaks into his phone, voice low.
“no he’s got a point jungwon. with what hee’s talking about, you could really be in some serious danger. i mean a famous point of scream was the calls to the victims and if you’re really seeing someone run around in the ghostface costume..” you trail off unable to voice the rest of your concerns aloud.
“well thanks for helping me out you two,” the sarcasm in jungwon’s voice is clear and you flinch out of guilt. you didn’t mean to freak jungwon out a bit more, he really wanted to just warn people on campus who were out late. “regardless thanks for warning everyone on this, listeners tell your friends or if you know of any late night students, tell them they should be careful on campus now if they’re out late, just in case. jungwon this goes for you too you know?”
“yeah i know, i’m already off campus now so i should be fine.”
heeseung picks at his jacket’s sleeves, “still man, sounds like you gotta keep yourself safe anywhere.”
“i will, thanks for letting me stay for a while longer than you normally let your callers on.” from the background noise going on in jungwon’s call it sounds like someone coming in through his door, “i’ll go ahead and get going now, my roommate brought food and we’re gonna eat, thanks for having me guys!”
jungwon ends the call and you glance up at the clock which reads 11:07 pm, “alright we have time for one more caller, normally we’d have ended this by 11:00pm and done another segment at 11:30pm as you are all aware but i guess we’ll just have one long talk segment today. heeseung you wanna do the honors for the last lucky caller.”
heeseung nods and clicks on the next caller, “lucky number four, you are live with us at STU 101.85, you get to be the last call of the night with us, anything on your mind that you’d like to chat with us about?” heeseung and you are met with heavy breathing into the phone’s microphone. 
“hello..?” you call out tentatively and heeseung groans out beside you, “alright i’m really getting sick of the people who decide to prank us.”
the breathing stops abruptly at heeseung’s words and your breath hitches in the back of the throat. you’re unsure as to why the caller made you nervous, heeseung is right, prank calls have been weirdly often tonight, this was the second one of the night after all. heeseung’s hands reach to change the caller and that’s when a weird low static sounding voice filters through, “don’t hang me up, lee heeseung.”
heeseung stops his movement’s mid way and your head whips into his direction quickly, the voice continues, “why don’t you put your hand back down. we’re going to chat.” heeseung quickly obliges and fear has overtaken everyone in the room, jay from where he is, is even frozen from the voice.
“much better. thank you for having me on your lovely radio show. you know, i’m not exactly the happiest at having been the last caller, but i suppose only the best are chosen as the final right?” the voice takes a shaky breath before continuing, “y/n,” you freeze as your name comes out, “don’t you think being the final one is best too..?”
you don’t answer, unsure if that’s the best course of action, you just can’t bring yourself to say any words at this moment, but the mysterious caller decides he’ll make you answer, “answer me y/n. you get to choose the fate of someone very important tonight after all.”
your blood runs cold at his words, eyes shaking and tears even start to brim, you stutter out, “what.. what do you mean?”
“i’m so glad you asked honey, let’s bring out my special guest out.” the sounds of a muffled cry and cloth are heard before jake’s voice faint and hoarse comes out of the phone, “let us go man, just please let us go.”
you gasp loudly, heeseung slams his fist down at the table, and jay upon hearing jake’s voice runs into the room, a look you’ve never seen before on his face, either of their faces. jay looks like he may faint yet angry while heeseung looks as if he’s never experienced anger in the way he’s had before.
“i’m sure you know now who is with me.” the voice chuckles and you can hear some crying from a girl as well in the background, “i managed to get a two for one deal tonight for you all.”
“the fuck do you want with us?” heeseung grits out and the caller laughs.
“it’s not so what i want with your group, it’s what i want done with you, lee heeseung.”
heeseung’s bravado falters slightly, “what are you talking about? what could i offer you?”
“i wanna know why.. scratch that i think.. everyone here tonight deserves to know why actually, about the things you’ve done for your beloved radio show.”
you slowly turn your head to heeseung and he’s pale, hands slightly shaking, “hee? what is this guy talking about?”
heeseung looks up at you, pupils blown wide in fear and you feel your heart break at how scared he is, you know you’re not much better either, “i.. i don’t know, this doesn’t make any sense, i.. there’s.. i don’t know.” he’s panicking and you reach over to grab his hand to calm him down some. his hands are clammy but given the situation you understand, you squeeze and he squeezes back.
the voice scoffs, “oh please, get that fake shit out of my face. heeseung knows what he did sweetheart and if i were you i would think twice about holding his hands when all they know are acts of violence.”
jay speaks up before you have the choice to ask what they meant, “i’m calling the police, sick freak.”
“ah ah ah..” the caller tuts out, “if any of you three call the police, your beloved pal jake is getting gutted. i’ll even string out his body parts so prettily for you. send some lovely pictures, y/n you’d appreciate my art for you? right?”
you frankly feel like throwing up and you shake your head frantically, “no.. no..”
the caller lets out a cackle and speaks in a mocking tone, “aww… poor thing is so scared, heeseung why don’t you comfort your poor girl, after all you’ve done sooooo much for her.”
“fuck. off.” heeseung snarls out, hand not holding yours gripping the table and the strength behind it shocks you.
“no fun, either of you, jay’s always been a bit boring anyways, wanting the police involved in our fun so early. however i’m aware we are live.. so i guess we should speed things up. besides jake here i have someone important to jay here. say hello to jay.”
the sobbing girl is heard more clearly and the pit in your stomach is ever growing, the feeling of vomiting coming back tenfold, “why.. why are you doing this.. please i never did anything to you, please please please, let me go i won’t say anything. please j-”
a loud bang and a shriek is heard and jakes voice is screaming, “stop! stop just let her go, man. what is wrong with you?!”
some more shuffling and the caller is heard better, “what’s wrong with me? me..? you were the one who brought your dear friend’s ex out on a date.”
jay slams his hands on the table, leaning forward, “my EX? you were out with fucking yujin?”
more sobs from yujin, you suppose, comes through the phone, “i’m sorry, i’m so sorry, i wanted to make you jealous. i wanted you back, that was it i’m sorry i’m so sorry.”
rubbing his jaw, jay paces around the room, shouting out a “fuck” and slamming his fist against the wall, “jay! this isn’t the time! this asshole WANTS us to act like this, you’re playing into his hands!” heeseung calls out, standing up quickly, “he WANTS you to get angry, he’s enjoying this.”
“yeah?” jay spins around and lets out a shaky laugh, “really? and how do you know that heeseung? you know this guy or something? i wouldn’t be surprised considering you’ve got some fucking secrets of your own now.” jay jabs at heeseung’s chest and he stumbles back in surprise.
you put your head in your hands and yell, “stop! just stop you two! a sadistic killer has jake and yujin and you’re fighting?! what the fuck. just what the fuck?!”
“yeahh.. you two, what the fuck..?” the voice giggles, “you should be more like y/n and focus on the two that’s with me. maybe you can make y/n’s job easier and help her with her choice.”
your whip your head up, tears streaming down your face, “what the hell do you mean help you, you sick fuck?!”
“that’s not very kind now baby… and i mean helping me choose who i kill for everyone tonight of course.”
oh. oh no. no no no no no. absolutely not, you would not choose that, there’s no way you could bring yourself to do that. you shakingly look at the board and whimper out a “no” which the caller barks out a laugh in return, “i’m afraid it’s non negotiable. if you don’t.. i choose at random then and the other person lives with the information that they were saved because of me! or… i just kill both.”
the two men in the room with you freeze at the information they’re hearing, heeseung slowly walks to you, pushes your mic away and crouches down to your level, putting his hands around your body to help the tremors going through your body, he rubs your back soothingly and jay’s jaw clenches as he angrily blows air out of his nose.
heeseung lowly whispers into your ear, “it’s okay y/n.. you.. you gotta do it.. you can do this.. make the choice.. it’s easy right..? you don’t know yujin.. jake needs to be saved y/nnie. jay will understand.. yujin cheated on him anyways.”
you’re not sure why heeseung is calmly telling you this information, you’re not sure why jay won’t look at you directly, you’re not sure why it has to be you that makes this choice, but as heeseung whispers more into your ear about how you can do it and he believes you’d make the right choice you start thinking that doesn’t matter and heeseung’s right. jake needs to be saved. jake is your friend. you don’t know yujin. yujin was a bad girlfriend to jay. you don’t question heeseung’s whispers, you don’t question heeseung at all.
“jake..” you quietly mutter out.
“what was that? i couldn’t hear you..?” the killer sings out and you almost throw up for what feels like the thirteenth time that night.
“jake..!” you speak up a little louder and heeseung squeezes your body comfortingly, “i choose to save jake.”
yujin screams in anguish and you flinch in guilt. “excellent choice, y/n. saving your friends.. how heroic.” the killer praises and you put your head in the crook of heeseung’s neck, wishing this nightmare would just end, he just rubs your back, but you miss the grin he sends jay’s way.
the phone is set down and you can hear yujin plead for her life with the killer, “i just did what you wanted! you said.. you said j- no no stop don’t come any closer i swear i swear no one will know. let me go please. please. i’m sorry,” she cries louder and starts pleading to you all, “jay please.. convince her to save me. jay please we can be happy again. no. no. no! NO! JA–”
the wet sounds of a knife meeting flesh is loud, yujin’s cries become louder and you breakingly sob into heeseung’s shoulder, he grips your body stronger and continues to rub your back. the squelch noise of multiple stabs into yujins poor body ring in your ears. her choked back sobs and cries as her throat fills with her blood causes your sobs to bellow out even louder, heeseung whispers that everything’ll be alright, his constant whispering so soothing you try to focus on them instead of yujin’s dying noises.
it feels like an eternity later but the noises quiet down and all that’s left is silence in the room and the killer’s heavy breathing. “thank you, for allowing me the opportunity to give you and your listeners a show.”
more silence fills the room and you can hear jay’s footsteps in the background pacing once more but you don’t dare look up, an irrational fear that the killer is in the room with you playing in your mind.
heeseung’s eyes darken as he looks down at your shaking body, the small whimpers you let out ignites a fire in his body that he’s only ever gotten killing others and he has stop the smile from forming on his face as he thinks how quick you were to just trust him. his eyes flicker towards jay as he turns off the equipment in the radio show, jay nods once everything is off and they’re no longer live.
the voice speaks up once more and your body stills, having believed the killer dropped the call, “you’re always so sweet y/nnie. so so so kind. the best player for our games. sweet dreams.”
you slowly lift your head in confusion but a small pinch to your neck makes your head drop back down, your eyes blearing together as the only thing you can make out is heeseung’s necklace and white shirt, the feeling of his steady breathing and whatever just stung you luring you into the dark and away from the sick and twisted situation.
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iloveyeon3294 · 1 month
𝒏𝒉𝒌 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒄 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒐 2024
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#엔하이픈 #ENHYPEN
🍃𝒑𝒍𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 & 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈 / 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕🍃
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orimuraa · 1 month
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚𝒑𝒍𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊 𝒂𝒎 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒑𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒊𝒅𝒐𝒍𝒔 𝒊 𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒅𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒔 𝒊 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎. 𝒑𝒍𝒔 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒚 𝒊𝒅𝒐𝒍𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍-𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆. *ੈ✩‧₊˚𝒑𝒍𝒔 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕, 𝒓𝒆𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆, 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏. 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒎 𝒊𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒐𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓.
✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮ 𝐄𝐍𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐄𝐍 ୭ ˚.⁺⊹ .ᐟ 𝐎𝐓𝟕
i think i’ll fall in love with you ꕤ things that makes enhypen fall even more in love with you - flufffff
oh baby i just really love you *ੈ𑁍༘ when your sick, the only person who can aid you back to full health is your lovely boyfriend - sickfic, fluff, crack
so sweet like bubblegum ˖ ִֶָ𐀔 when you are enhypen’s tutor but they end up falling in love with you - fluff, tutor to lovers
dear. my darling ༊*·˚ it was so painful for enhypen not to miss you - heavy angst, death
when you’re not here 911 calling ִֶָ☾. when enhypen is clingy - fluff, crack
gotta make that money make purse ✰⋆⁺ when enhypen loves spoiling their girlfriend - fluff, rich enha
i'm gonna cherish you ᥫ᭡. cuddles with enhypen - tooth rotting fluff, cuddles
criminal love ༒︎ secret love with enhypen - fluff, secret relationships
cause i'm so stupid in love ೀ catching the attention of y/n's ult bias was not on her bucket list, but what happens when she actually does catch the interest of her bias? - fluff, crack
holding you close ♬⋆.˚ after a hard day, all you want is to be in the arms of your loving boyfriend - hurt/comfort
𝑺𝑰𝑴 𝑱𝑨𝑬𝒀𝑼𝑵⊹₊⟡⋆심재윤 coming soon...
baby don't cry 𓆩♡𓆪 when two best friends like each other, what could go wrong? turns out, quite a few things - angst, some fluff?
10 days love ★彡 the notorious bad boy seems to have fallen in love with the school's angel, will he be able to make her fall in love with him in just 10 days? - angst, fluff, crack, written series
𝑲𝑰𝑴 𝑺𝑼𝑵𝑶𝑶⊹₊⟡⋆김선우 coming soon...
𝒀𝑨𝑵𝑮 𝑱𝑼𝑵𝑮𝑾𝑶𝑵⊹₊⟡⋆양정원 coming soon...
so let's go see the stars ୨ৎ late nights are full of starlight when you're with your wonderful boyfriend - fluff
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maeum-your · 3 months
ᡣ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶𐭩 ♡ 𝑬𝑵𝑯𝒀𝑷𝑬𝑵
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꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 𝑯𝑬𝑬𝑺𝑬𝑼𝑵𝑮 ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
walks under the moonlight 1.9k
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 𝑱𝑨𝒀 ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
park you (smau)
the frog prince 14.1k
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 𝑱𝑨𝑲𝑬 ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 𝑺𝑼𝑵𝑮𝑯𝑶𝑶𝑵 ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
swirling & twirling 1.6k
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 𝑺𝑼𝑵𝑶𝑶 ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
did you know 1.1k
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 𝑱𝑼𝑵𝑮𝑾𝑶𝑵 ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
roses are red, violets are blue, valentine's day sucks but less with you 2.3k
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ 𝑵𝑰-𝑲𝑰 ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
i can barely stop thinking of you 1.3k
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heevanly · 5 months
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𝐬yn. : being the host of a college late night radio talk show was a passion project since freshman year of college, but now as a senior, y/n hadn't expected the fame it brought to herself on campus... but maybe it was the recent string of murders that caused more tuning in than ever seen before.
𝐰arnings. / 𝐭ags. : (18+!). series, not sure how many parts yet. gore. horror. college au. humor. mildly suggestive. no smut. slight smau...potentially? character death. enha members as side characters. lsf members as side characters. more to be added.
𝐩airing. : ghostface!co-radio host!heeseung x radio host!fem!reader
© @heevanly 2024 | do NOT copy, plagiarize, reupload, or steal my works.
TEASER WC : roughly 1.2k
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❝welcome welcome welcome toooo SCU 101.85, you’re currently tuning in to the 10 o’clock pm talk show. i’m your host y/n and i’m here with my co-host..” you turn away from the microphone and glance at your co-host, lee heeseung.
“heeseung.” he speaks up into his microphone, shuffling a few papers around.
“and it’s currently a friday night, it’s 67 degrees out with a small breeze too so make sure you wear that jacket!” you chirp.
heeseung snorts and you pass him a look which he returns with a shrug, “you just sound chipper.. s’all.”
“ah.. well our ratings have been going up again.. it’s better than we’ve been seeing these past four months.. so.”
the past four months have been rather difficult for you and heeseung and the radio show. when you started this project sophomore year, it had just been you and your roommate kim chaewon, your ratings were steady in the beginning but had started declining after two months, which made your at the time co-host and roommate, quit. you don’t blame her, you nearly stopped too, which was before heeseung hit you up asking if you still needed another co-host.
accepting his help was the best thing you had done, his roommates jake and jay were all about the technical jargon behind running a radio show, which the reasoning was apparently the three had thoughts about starting a podcast but couldn’t get the timing right to actually get it started, so here they were willing to help you out.
production took off and the four of you found yourselves seeing steady viewers and got to even open a talk line, which was a segment that both you and heeseung took seriously, finding fun in chatting with anonymous students with various complaints they had of others, professors, relationships, or whatever else going on in their lives.
then, out of nowhere four months ago, the viewers started thinning out, causing your small team of four’s good feelings to falter. having been used to success it was shocking to be randomly met with a hard wall and seemingly, no way of getting out.
heeseung and your’s efforts were all in vain as you tried advertising the radio talk show, you had chaewon talk to her friends about spreading the show, heeseung talked to about it to his other friends and also had them spread the word. jake would mention it at his part time job, and jay even mentioned it at a small on-campus event, which he texted that he was never doing again out of sheer embarrassment.
heeseung hums, “well.. i could imagine people have been feeling a bit safer because of us, due to…” he trails off.
right, there's been a few recent deaths that have plagued not only your campus, but the town. you claim they’re very obviously murders while heeseung’s been claiming it’s been various unfortunate accidents. so far the death toll has hit only four, two on campus, one at a campus nearby, and one on the outskirts of town.
“the murders.” you finish his sentence off, gravelly.
heeseung rolls his eyes, but remembers that the listeners can’t actually see that, “you’re so obsessed with these being murders,” he teases.
“well.. it’s quite obvious, no?” you ask.
“ehh, i wouldn’t really say so, besides the two on campus cause they were ruled as a murder-suicide. besides that was two months ago and the one at KTU was concluded to be an unfortunate accident, shit what did they say about how she died again?” heeseung racks his brain, trying to remember how the girl from KTU died two weeks ago.
you scatter your papers around, “wasn’t it something about a lab issue..? their school got to close down because of it, that’s.. uh.. kind of all i remember about that.”
“oh you’re going to hell, haven’t you been following this whole thing since the murder-suicide on campus..?” heeseung laughs loudly and you slump in your chair, embarrassment flooding your system.
you sit back up and clear your throat, “in my defense..”
heeseung accusing points at you, “you! don’t have one.”
“pause, yes i do! rude…. my defense is that the fourth one’s been throwing me off with this whole thing, that i focused a little less on the third girl.” you huff out.
the fourth death was the weirdest in the whole thing so far, it happened a few days ago and it’s been the only one where the person involved wasn’t in the same age range and died supposedly.. well.. naturalistically. it had been a middle aged man, who was on his way home from work. apparently the report and the news claimed his tire gotten flat and when he had gotten out to check on it, he had been mauled by a pack of wolves wandering through.
the police and how they concluded it just didn’t make sense to you, you stayed up for two days trying to determine it all. first, wolves hadn’t been sighted in that area for several months so a random pack coming through didn’t make sense. second, the blood inside the car, how did it even manage to get in there if the man was supposedly outside? the third rea-
heeseung snaps his fingers to try and get your attention back to the talk show, “hey, y/n, quit thinking about it, you’re just gonna make yourself paranoid.. or worse.. obsess over this.”
“my bad, i just need to stay up on all this, our viewers need the information, they deserve the best after all.”
“and the best of the best is from two college seniors..?” heeseung raises an eyebrow.
“absolutely!” you respond, “we’re the only ones giving multiple sides to these events and ways to stay safe.”
“i’m sure the news have been doin all that too though.”
“pff, news schmooze,” you wave your hand at heeseung, “college students don’t care about tuning into the morning news before classes or turning the evening news on, we’re a source of entertainment AND murder mystery, and that’s what eats up.” 
“you’re greedy, y/n, soo greedy.” heeseung shoots a grin your way, a way to let you know he doesn’t mean it.
trying to stop a grin from making its way on your face, you roll your eyes, “oh suck my dick lee heeseung.” 
“gladlyyy..” he wiggles his eyebrows and chuckles into his microphone.
“you’re a freak..” you gather your papers back up and glance up at the clock, 10:26 pm, time to open up the first talk line segment of the night.
you give a small nod towards heeseung and he nods back and clears his throat, “well well well SCU you are listening on 101.85 and it’s rolling up to 10:30 pm, we got a two minute sponsor for y’all and when we come back live, our callers will be up discussin’ random whatever with us. give us a call at +82 70-5208-6001 and see if you’re lucky enough. again that is +82 70-5208-6001. see you all very soon."
both you and heeseung give a thumbs up to the room in front of you and jay switches your sets off, rolling the sponsor. a few seconds pass and before you’re able to turn to heeseung to just casually chat, the switchboard for the phone calls light up, more so than you’ve ever seen before.
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