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mightyecho · 3 years ago
✧ — — starter for : kadri & daphne ( @antilullaby​ )  ✧ — — when : event iii ‘ the magic which rules the land ’  ✧ — — where : daphne’s quarters
it’s the clearest his mind has been in years. he feels present in a way that he didn’t realize he hadn’t been, firmly rooted in the here and now instead of unconsciously looking ahead through the nearly-constantly open spyglass in his mind towards the future. the spyglass was shut but it felt more like a door that had slammed closed, shutting out those worlds and futures— and what a relief. what a weight off his mind and his soul and his conscience. his mind feels wholly his own and the dull ache behind his eyes has disappeared. it’s a different kind of relief- to suddenly not be in pain when you have been for so long that you stop realizing that it is pain and it just becomes a part of your life— and kadri can’t help but pray fervently, ( keep it. keep it, i don’t want it back. i don’t want to go back. ) 
but he knows it hasn’t been as easy of a transition for those he loves. his mother’s nerves seem to be riding on a razor’s edge, aditi’s silence speaks volumes and daphne... his poor daphne wilts. snow white petals aging and drying and falling with soft whispers, her wings had been heartbreaking to behold. he’d felt like crying, watching feathers drift slowly to the ground around her while daphne’s face twisted in despondency. it wasn’t fair that his sweet sister should suffer like this; why couldn’t she have been unburdened as quickly and as painlessly as he had? 
stepping through the door, he barely has time to register the body that flies into arms that will always catch her. arms that wrap around her middle, keenly aware of the emptiness against her back, the length of her wings having fallen. while he wished  ( begged and pleaded with any god that would listen ) that whatever shift in power had taken theirs from them stay as it was, he couldn’t help but feel guilty wishing that upon daphne. had she not suffered enough?
“come on. we’re getting you out of this room. even if just to walk through the gardens— the flowers are trying as hard as they can to bud, everything waking up after winter’s sleep... it’ll do you good to see it.”
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mightyecho · 2 years ago
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                        OF PALE MOUTH'D PROPHET DREAMING
                      k a d r i  g h i t a — master of laws & lord of wenchinka
berk cankat . cis man . he/him . wasn’t that kadri ghita walking the palace grounds ? it’s nice to see the master of laws/lord of wenchinka and about on such a fine day as this. i’ve heard from the court spies that they notoriously reserved, whilst also managing to be quite compassionate. the thirty-three year old is eager to find out who exactly is behind the killings from what’s being said at court. i heard that they themselves are vrajiit ( precognition ). it’s funny, whenever i think of them, i think of misty dawns, a gentle smile and a hand reaching out to help. great to see the seer around, isn’t it ?
NAME  : kadri ghita TITLE : master of law / lord of wenchinka AGE :  thirty-three  GENDER : cis - male   PRONOUNS : he  /  him SEXUAL ORIENTATION : homosexual BIRTHPLACE : wenchinka RESIDENCE  :  wenchinka / trasnavda
MOTHER : tba. MOTHER : tba. SIBLINGS : daphne ghita ; valda ghita ALLIES : princess lumina ; tba. ENEMIES : kassian valora ; tba.
LABEL : the seer POSITIVE (+) : compassionate — calculating — considerate — patient — loyal  NEGATIVE (-) : reserved  — apprehensive — reclusive — soft spoken — stoic 
BE STILL LOVE, DON'T CRY —— as a child, they called him delicate. he was small for his age, prone to chest infections caused by the damp air of wenchinka and fevers that would leave him tucked in bed for days. when he was well enough, he never strayed far from his mothers�� skirts, a small fist clinging to the sweeping fabric— no one could accuse kadri of being anything close to adventurous when he was very young. he had a precocious way of approaching the world, much too cautious to dive in and hesitant to even dip his toe.
his complicated relationship with sleep started practically from birth. he was a colicky baby- difficult to console and even more difficult to keep asleep- and suffered from awful night terrors that started when he was a toddler. the castle calm was interrupted nearly nightly by his horrified screams, sobbing into his mothers chests, telling them about the horrible things that were in his room— monsters, ghosts, things too terrible that his young vocabulary couldn’t put them into words. as he got older and learned to express himself better, he would tell his mothers and healers how he would wake up, unable to move- frozen to his bed, trapped- and then he would see the Bad Things. around the time he was five, a healer finally found a name for this strange ailment: sleep paralysis.
the healer explained as best as they could to his young self that his part of his mind had woken up before his mind or body realized— that the things he saw were nothing but dreams, creations of a young boy’s imagination. they taught him tricks to help him try to wake the rest of his body, to pull his mind from the dreaming and back to the waking. it took time but with enough practice, the nights started to stretch uninterrupted til dawn and kadri, emboldened by the power he now held over the demons that lurked in the corners of his room at night, started to venture from the safety of his mothers skirts— see what the world might offer for a boy who could banish demons.
YOU'RE SO AMBITIOUS FOR A JUVENILE—— kadri took to his studies with his scholars like a fish to water. he loved to read, learning histories of walochnia and her folkstories. when his nose wasn’t stuck in a book, it was snooping around castle and the grounds. he would perch on a bench in the blacksmith’s shed, a thick leather apron draped across his front and weighing him down to the bench ( to keep him from inspecting any closer, just in case the young master got a particular curious bug up that nosy nose ) while the blacksmith mended scullery pots, shaped horses shoes or sharpened blades and imparted simple, worldly wisdoms.  hours were spent in the dusty stables, learning how each piece of the saddle and bridle worked, how to pick out the rocks and mud that packed in the horses hooves, and mucking out stalls alongside the stable-hands. he dipped and dodged underfoot of the various cooks and scullery maids in the kitchens, plucked from the floor to lean over a bubbling pan of sauce or plopped on a table with a spoon of whatever sweet batter was being prepared, his hair flour dusted and eyes attentive to the bustle that went into creating each meal that was placed before him and the rough, worn hands that prepared it.
it was about the people and learning from them, learning about them and their wants and needs and dreams— it was important for a young lord to know his people. at least that’s what he told himself whenever faced with the choice of running with the other younger boys and girls as they played in the sweeping fields of tall grass or retreating to one of his Safe Havens. it was just easier to be around adults— adults didn’t expect you to know rules of games or to even be good at them. there wasn’t rejection from adults, if anything the most he received was polite dismissal. that he could understand and rationalize; perhaps they were busy or had something important to do that he would only get in the way of. with other children though, their rejection ( or, the threat of ) wasn’t something that was easily rationalized.
his siblings were the only real children whose company he sought out. it was around his family that he was most himself— more apt to speak up and goof off and just be a kid instead of the wide eyed little boy desperately trying to be peers with adults. as daphne got older and started to explore and expand her own horizons, kadri found himself often trailing not far behind and then when valda started her own wandering, he was often chasing after her to try and keep her from any trouble the two might find themselves in. it was through his sisters that he started to actually heed the constant you-ought-to-play-with-children-your-own-age‘s that he heard from every other Safe Haven— and who would’ve guessed that if you gave others the opportunity, they might not disappoint you?
& IF THE NIGHT IS BURNING I WILL COVER MY EYES —— the visions started when he was nine and at first, he thought there were just dreams. they were faces he didn’t know, accidents that seemed commonplace that would leave him waking up feeling disoriented or horrible incidents that would rip him from sleep gasping and covered in sweat. he’d always struggled with nightmares- sleeping and waking ( though it had been years since he’d had an episode of sleep paralysis )- and when his tutors would inquire about his yawning or sagging head in class, he’d explain just that: he’d had nightmares.
one night he had a dream about a boy climbing a tree, racing two other children to the top. in his dream’s eye, he was the climbing boy and he saw himself reach for a branch only to have it snap off and then he was falling, hitting branches that knocked the wind from him and scratched at his arms and legs, landing on the deceptively soft looking ground with a sickening crunch and pain shot up his arm. a scream erupted from his dream mouth, waking him up to his arm still dully aching. he shook it off, chalking it up to another nightmare— until later that afternoon, he watched the scene unfold in front of his wide eyes, mouth dropping open in slow realization and dawning horror as the branch snapped and the boy tumbled to the ground, landing hard on his arm.
he didn’t tell his mothers initially. shaken by seeing his dream pass into the realm of reality, he tried to rationalize the experience in his own mind. a coincidence, that’s all it was. he was sure that people who climbed trees fell out and broke their arms all the time, if it didn’t happen then it was bound to happen somewhere else— it was just a matter of chance that he happened to see it exactly as he dreamed it. however, a few weeks later after a dream of one of the serving girls burning her hand on a too hot pan and seeing the girl come out with her hand wrapped in a damp cloth before depositing his breakfast in front of him had him beginning to doubt just how much chance was involved.
after confiding the dreams to his mothers, telling them about watching the boy break his arm and knowing that the girl had burned herself, he was given a simple journal to begin recording the dreams in. every morning he would wake up and write whatever he’d dreamed the night before and as time went on, it became easier to distinguish was a dream and what was more-than-a-dream.
when he was twelve he had his first waking-vision. one moment he’d been talking with one of his tutors when the world suddenly fell away, his tutor’s voice fading as the more-than-a-dream sensation flooded his senses and the scene bloomed in front of his mind’s eye. when he came to, he was flat on his back hovered by the concerned face of his tutor calling for a healer. it happened three more times over a month before it was decided that kadri should attend the academy of mircea to learn how to control or at the very least manage this gift of his with those who might be better equipped at helping him.
YOU'RE NOT AS BRAVE AS YOU WERE AT THE START—— the first few years at the academy were filled with frustration. trying to learn how or why the visions came- waking or dreaming- was like trying to hold onto water; the second that he thought he had a grasp on it, it slipped through his fingers and he was left with nothing but droplets of whatever grand realization he’d come to. his nights were punctuated with more-than-dreams, his journal never more than an arm length’s away at any point now and his days were filled with hours long meditation sessions that left him feeling sluggish and restless.
he was away from his Safe Havens, away from his mothers and sisters, away from thundery skies and heavy air and thrust into this strange place with strange people and strange, thin mountain air where every day was the same thing over and over and it seemed like he was getting nowhere. for a time, kadri became more withdrawn in himself, isolating as much as possible from the other academy students, every thought consumed with trying to learn how to control the visions ( so that he could go home ) and also with the overwhelming dread of never being able to control them ( and thus, never being able to go home ). in reality, he knew that at any point, his status could earn him a ticket back to wenchinka whenever it became too much— but to go back home now would be giving up and that filled him with shame for even considering it.  no matter how difficult it was, he wasn’t leaving the academy until he knew how to control this gift he’d never asked for.
they compared time to a river. a river is a straight line until it’s diverted; sometimes the river is able to go around what is blocking it- like a rock- or seep around and eventually wear it down- like a felled tree. sometimes, a diversion could cause a full breakaway in the river, part of it diverted for good— but who was to say that the path this new stream would carve a better path than the one it was already on? or that the stream wouldn’t eventually curve and divert and find its way back to the river it branched from? or that it wouldn’t come to a dead stop, unable to flow any further once it reached a certain point— without the power of the full river at it’s back to push it forward, a stream could trickle off and end.
time was a powerful and also fragile thing; a butterfly could flap it’s wings in crysala and cause an avalanche in danruba. for people who were on this river of life, they could only see what was right in front of them— there’s no real peeking forward around the bend to see where the river’s going to take you. however, kadri could peek. they put it into terms of having something like a  spyglass that allowed him to look forward- not to see the whole picture, but a piece of where it could lead. up to this point, he hadn’t been using the spyglass but only opening an eye from time to time and catching glimpses of wherever it was pointing, usually not in the far off future. the trick was to teach his mind how to point that spyglass, how to focus it in on the places he chose— and more importantly, how to cap the lens when he wasn’t using it.
it took six years— much longer than most vrajiit stayed at the academy—and even then, there was still so much of this future-sight that he could not control or understand. he could never stop the waking-visions but had trained his mind to split in a way- allowing his mind’s eye to focus through the spyglass at whatever it had caught in its lens and the rest of his mind to stay awake and alert to keep him upright at the very least. he’d never figured out how to point the spyglass exactly but through deep meditative trances, he was able to almost expand the spyglass, letting that river of time pass over him with hundreds of thousands of futures passing by before catching hold to something and then narrowing that span of the spyglass in on it exactly. it was never exact and would have him sitting stone still for hours and when he would pull himself from the trance, the exhaustion from the effort would render him almost useless for hours, if not days without ample rest. the more time he spent in that river of time, letting the knowledge of hundreds of futures wash over his subconscious and losing himself in it, the more vulnerable it made his other mental defenses and the sleep paralysis came back with a vengeance.
& YOUR VOICE IS A WEAPON —— a seer was useful to a kingdom at war. kadri left the academy at eighteen and enlisted immediately to the vrajiit army. he grew up in the academy at mircea but the army made him into a man. it was a completely different world once again, frozen ground and sharp air that stung your lungs with every breath and there was no room for isolation in army barracks. his youth in wenchinka was a million leagues away from the rough and tumble upbringing the danruban soldiers had and the academy had been focused on training his mind, not his body. he had no idea how to fight- aside from the scraps he and his siblings had gotten into when they were young- and truth be told? he was not eager to learn at the hands of people who were definitely more capable.
eighteen years is a long time to go without an asskicking. each time he hit the hardpacked snow though, there was always a hand reaching down to help him up. kadri found acceptance and brotherhood among the ranks of others gifted with powers and found solace in the fact that really? most of them were still figuring out their gifts. no man is an island and for too long, he’d felt stranded— the army was what rescued him from that. the hesitancy he approached army life with slowly melted in the warmth of the bonds he was creating with his company. a bow felt at home in his hand, his focus aiding in helping him to hit targets from far distances with amazing accuracy and when his hand wrapped around the hilt of a sword, he could open that lens in his mind, catching glimpses of his opponent’s next move and counter before the other could begin to react.
little diversions— pebbles in the stream that would only cause the river to ripple. three years after he joined the army, his unit had been dispatched towards the borders on information from army intelligence of the location of ottolan army base camps. under orders by his captain, he stayed in one of his meditative trances for most of the journey, seeking through the stream in his mind for any information on the camps they were advancing on. he relayed everything he could gather about the camps to his superiors, exhaustion seeping into his very bones when through a narrow tunnel, they asked what moves could be made. without thinking, he handed them boulders and when time came that they were thrown into the stream of time, there was no diverting the stream in their favor— all it did was cause a huge splash.
they had planned an ambush, not knowing about the ottolan archers that had been hidden in the rocky terrain that surrounded the target camp. it was a slaughter and kadri had retreated with the few remaining members of his unit, horror dawning as his horse flew over frozen terrain that he had helped to make the call— the entire plan that became their downfall had been under his advisement. their ragged few returned back to the army base in danruba, relaying the news of the failure to the maistru and later that night, kadri tried to leave. it was too much— he couldn’t stop replaying it in his mind, going back and reviewing the visions he’d written down and the events that had unfolded before his eyes, trying to find the point where it’d gone wrong but all he saw was his vrajiit brothers and sisters dying over and over. there had been no future where they would’ve won— he hadn’t seen the whole picture and because of his own arrogance in thinking he knew what he saw, people had died. and he couldn’t live with it.
he wanted to go home, back to those Safe Havens that had kept him protected, to his mothers heavy skirts that he could ground himself with, to his sisters and the love and devotion to them that could anchor him and keep him from being swept away. it was too heavy a burden to bear and he was so tired.
they caught him at the border of trasnavda and with great reluctance, kadri went back. for the next two years, the weight of his future-sight wore on him. he tried to isolate himself again, pulling back from the vrajiit around him to try and distance himself from whatever untimely demise could befall them based on decisions made from the visions he was plagued with. he would relay the visions to his superiors but kept his mouth firmly closed after, refusing to offer any further insight or ideas on how to avoid what the future held or worse, how to manipulate it towards their favor— he wouldn’t be responsible for that blood again, though he knew in his heart that every time he shared what he had seen, it was his hands giving them the rocks to throw in the stream. there was no getting rid of that responsibility and guilt.
I DON'T WANT TO REST IN PEACE——as soon as his five years were up, kadri didn’t linger in danruba. when he returned to wenchinka, he’d felt almost hollowed out, delicate in a way he hadn’t been since he was very small. that fragility only caused a sense of self-resentment and at first, he tried to find solace for the hollowed out feeling in his chest in his family, in his duties as a young lord, in prayer- to the one true god and when those prayers fell on deaf ears, to the old gods. when they stayed as mute as adi, he stopped trying to protect the thin glass shell around him and turned instead to trying to shatter it.
he tried to drown himself in wine and ale and between the thighs of lovers, desperately trying to fill himself up with anything to replace what the army had carved out of him. he tried to lose his mind in opium pipes and elixirs that opened his mind up to universes with their own streams of time— strangely, he found comfort losing himself into that oblivion. when the enormity of time stretches out before you, it seems too large but when the frame zooms out and the expanse of space and time and reality is laid out like a heavy quilt, you realize that your own burden is only one thread— hardly consequential.
maybe it was because he was lost that it was so easy to give himself to people. he chased after approval, acceptance, love all over walochnia but it was all in efforts to find absolution. his heart was an open door for people to track through, believing with every fiber of his being that whatever the intentions they had, they were pure. sometimes he was right- more often than not, he wasn’t. his journals stayed empty, gathering dust as he tried to keep that lens in his mind shut tightly as possible and in the times when he threw the shutters open to stare out into the expanse, he never chronicled what he saw. he knew what happened when other people knew what time held and he would not be responsible again.
LEADS YOU HERE DESPITE YOUR DESTINATION — there comes a point in every road- in every life- where you are faced with a fork in the road: a choice. it had been nearly a year since he’d left the army, kadri was faced with that point in the road and instead of continuing on the path to destruction, he chose the path to redemption. as first born, there was a heavy weight of expectation on his head and the concern in his mothers’ eyes at his self-destructive behaviors and the ever present worry about increasing tensions within wenchinka’s borders was enough to snap him into action. living for himself was a chore— living for his sisters, his mothers, his beloved wenchinka was a cause worth fighting each day for. kadri began to take a more active role in his position as lord, working and learning alongside his mothers and their advisors and found himself appalled at the amount of corruption and lack of care many of those in these high positions had for the citizens on which their titles held them above. he wasn’t new to the games of court, having grown up in it but after years of being away fighting alongside vrajiit- rich and poor alike- his heart had grown even more tender than it had been in his childhood for the impoverished wenchinkans his family was supposed to lead and care for. 
it was where his interest for law started: in trying to find a way to weed out the corruption that had taken root in the heart of wenchinkan politics. he was a quiet young lord but became known as quite ruthless when pursuing members of the wenchinkan court who worked with crime and slum lords- those that would use their position in order to gain more for themselves while letting the people suffer. opportunity presented itself in trasnavda and kadri took that quiet fire to the nation’s capitol, gratefully accepting a position on the king’s small council. he’s held the position of master of law for the last three years and while he holds the law in the highest regard, kadri has been a silent and subtle war for vrajiit since his appointment. it’s a delicate balance, upholding the law and knowing that there were laws that were flawed and it’s a tightrope that kadri walks across, knowing his king’s ears were closed to change but hoping that the princess’ are not-- after all, the king would not remain so forever and the crown of walochnia would be placed upon the head of either son or daughter and a new reign would begin. one that vrajiit were allowed more freedom in their lives if kadri can have any influence on it. 
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mightyecho · 3 years ago
FULL NAME : kadri berat ghita
MEANING : valuable, pure  — night of forgiveness
TITLE(S) : lord of wenchinka
DATE OF BIRTH , AGE & ZODIAC: july 13 — 32 — cancer
GENDER , PRONOUNS , ORIENTATION : cis-male — he/him — bisexual
SPECIES : vrajiit
POWER MANIFESTATION : precognition — supernormal knowledge of future events ; future sight. kadri experiences visions of the future- sometimes in dreams and sometimes in events that he calls ‘waking-visions’, that effect him in a similar way of a mild seizure. he has no real control over these visions though over his time in the academy, he did learn how to open and close himself off to them—  to a point. he uses visualization to picture a spyglass in his mind and whenever he wants to close himself off to the visions, he ‘closes’ that spyglass, maintaining a level of mental control to keep the visions at bay at least while he’s awake. the reverse is also true however, opening himself up to visions and being able to see a specific point in time are two different things and the latter takes deep concentration and mediation that can be very time consuming with no guarantee of success.
POWER LIMITATIONS : unpredictability / accuracy —  there’s no telling when or how a vision of a potential future will show itself to him and even with the training and practice he has at opening himself up and seeking through the ‘time stream’ for a specific place in time to See, there’s never a guarantee that he’ll find what he’s looking for. and the most important thing- at least in kadri’s mind- is how the future isn’t concrete and the moment that we become aware of it, we change the outcome. physically / mentally taxing — after receiving a vision, he’s normally disoriented for a few minutes and typically unsteady on his feet. whenever he seeks out a vision, that feeling is multiplied and he’s useless without taking a rest.
OCCUPATION : lord of wenchinka — former vrajiit soldier
RELIGIOUS VIEW : to the public eye, he follows the one true god but his journey through religion has taken him down all sorts of roads. he sought absolution for sins committed during his time with the army in every place he could. he’s not devout by any means— honestly he uses religion more as crutch to support the weight of guilt that he carries.
EDUCATION : kadri had a very formal education with private scholar tutors until he was twelve where he was sent to the academy at mircea and was taught there for eight years.
PLACE OF BIRTH / RESIDENCE : wenchinka — wenchinka
FAMILY MEMBERS : filomena ghita — mother ; tba. — mother ; aditi ghita — younger sister ; daphne ghita — younger sister
ALLEGIANCES : wenchinka — as of right now, his devotion is wholly to his home and her people. he doesn’t want to think or see ahead any further than that.
STANCE : kadri is of a split mind—  on the one hand, he is forever grateful for the existence of the academy and the help and training he received there. on the other, the memory of his time with the vrajiit army leaves a bitter taste in his mouth and knowing that aditi carries her own demons from when she served has kadri dreading the impending deadline of daphne’s required service. if people chose to serve the king, they should but for his little sister and others like her? why was there choice taken from them? why was his?
FACE CLAIM : berk cankat
HAIR / EYE : disney prince brown hair — brown eyes
HEIGHT / BUILD : 5′11″ — he’s healthier looking now than he has been in years. his shoulders and torso have filled out and while he’s not an imposing figure, he’s strong again.
SPEECH : kadri has always been more on the soft spoken side— when he was a kid, they had to work on him not mumbling the majority of his words. his words always sound very earnest and genuine and normally, his tone is warm; he’s a terrible liar and his tell is a vocal uptick at the end of his sentences, nearly question-like but also not.
SCARS : what scars he has are minor- old scraped knees of childhood or marks from battle that he really can’t remember how or where they came from. nothing too noticeable or dramatic
BEAUTY HABITS : kadri takes care of his appearance but honestly in the most off-handed way. he keeps clean and his beard trimmed or clean-shaven ( though, he suffers from Baby Face when he shaves tbh ) and his hair clean. he dresses very modestly, sticking closely to the greys and blues of his house’s colors.
TROPES : addiction/withdrawal —  anger born of worry — big brother instinct — drowning their sorrows — samaritan syndrome — stranger in a familiar land
INSPIRATIONS : barry allen — the flash ; susan pevensie —  the chronicles of narnia ; kylan — the dark crystal age of resistance books/show ; arnold — please like me ; frodo baggins — the lord of the rings ; luke skywalker — star wars ; henry oak — dungeons and daddies ; dan torrance — doctor sleep
MBTI TYPE : infp-t — the mediator
ENNEAGRAM : type 2 — the giver
TEMPERAMENT : phlegmatic
ALIGNMENT : neutral good
ELEMENT : water
HOGWARTS HOUSE : hufflepuff
VIRTUES :  charity — temperance
VICES : anger — sloth
HABITS : crackling his knuckles — usually a nervous tic or if he’s feeling impatient ; biting his nails — a habit he’s had since childhood, his nails are bitten damn near down to the quick. it’s an anxiety thing. crossing his arms against his chest —  it’s his default standing position, giving him a generally closed off appearance despite how he actually is.
HOBBIES : writing — kadri has been keeping a journal of his visions ever since he was a pre-teen. he’s filled thousands of pages- some with detailed accounts of visions, described from a narrative perspective and others in vague phrases and prophetic stanzas. he hasn’t shown any of these writings to anyone, including his mothers and sisters.
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : ptsd — from his time in the army and from the various events that unfolded due to choices made from information he gathered in his visions. anxiety — kadri has had social anxiety and generalized anxiety from childhood, most assuredly a byproduct of his vrajiit gift; the weight of the future is a heavy burden for a young child to bear. sleep paralysis — kadri has suffered from sleep paralysis ever since he was very small. it’s not a nightly occurrence; in fact, it’s been months since his last episode. but it’s still there.  
EXERCISE HABIT : kadri is a runner— an early morning runner. in wenchinka, he’ll go on morning runs however he’s not resumed the good habit since being in the capital. he will also train with the ghita’s personal guards to keep himself at least somewhat sharp.
ADDICTION : there was a time when kadri was very into altering his state of mind through whatever means possible. he had a problem with a wide variety of drugs but hallucinogenics/psychedelics were his drug of choice for a long while. he’s since quit the habit- and most of his other habits- but there’s still cravings for that oblivion sometimes.
ALCOHOL USE : another habit kadri has since given up and not one that he’s been able to pick up socially as of yet. if kadri drinks, he’s going to drink to excess— that’s just how he is.
DRUG USE : former user of literally anything he could get his hands on at one point.
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mightyecho · 3 years ago
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berk cankat . cismale . he/him . wasn’t that kadri ghita walking the palace grounds ? it’s nice to see the lord of wenchinka and about on such a fine day as this. i’ve heard from the court spies that they notoriously capricious, whilst also managing to be quite compassionate. the thirty-two year old is eager to find out who exactly is behind the killings from what’s being said at court. i heard that they themselves are vrajiit ( precognition ). it’s funny, whenever i think of them, i think of misty dawns, a gentle smile and a hand reaching out to help. great to see the seer around, isn’t it ?
𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕧𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕥 𝕚𝕥 𝕒𝕝𝕝, 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖'𝕤 𝕤𝕠 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕞 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕟
𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝, 𝕣𝕚𝕕 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 ℙ𝕦𝕥 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕗𝕒𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖𝕕; 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕓𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟.
NAME  : kadri ghita TITLE : lord of wenchinka AGE :  thirty-two GENDER : cis - male   PRONOUNS : he  /  him SEXUAL ORIENTATION : bisexual BIRTHPLACE : wenchinka RESIDENCE  :  wenchinka ALLIANCE(S)  :   the ghita family ; the vrajiit army
MOTHER : filomena ghita MOTHER : tba. SIBLINGS : aditi ghita ; daphne ghita ALLIES : tba. ENEMIES : tba.
LABEL : the seer POSITIVE (+) : compassionate — soft-spoken — considerate — patient — kind NEGATIVE (-) : capricious — reclusive — apprehensive — pushover — gullible Optimist or pessimist? Introvert or extrovert? Daredevil or cautious? Logical or emotional? Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Prefers working or relaxing? Confident or unsure of himself?
𝔹𝔼 𝕊𝕋𝕀𝕃𝕃, 𝕃𝕆𝕍𝔼; 𝔻𝕆ℕ'𝕋 ℂℝ𝕐 —— as a child, they called him delicate. he was small for his age, prone to chest infections caused by the damp air of wenchinka and fevers that would leave him tucked in bed for days. when he was well enough, he never strayed far from his mothers’ skirts, a small fist clinging to the sweeping fabric— no one could accuse kadri of being anything close to adventurous when he was very young. he had a precocious way of approaching the world, much too cautious to dive in and hesitant to even dip his toe.
his complicated relationship with sleep started practically from birth. he was a colicky baby- difficult to console and even more difficult to keep asleep- and suffered from awful night terrors that started when he was a toddler. the castle calm was interrupted nearly nightly by his horrified screams, sobbing into his mothers chests, telling them about the horrible things that were in his room— monsters, ghosts, things too terrible that his young vocabulary couldn’t put them into words. as he got older and learned to express himself better, he would tell his mothers and healers how he would wake up, unable to move- frozen to his bed, trapped- and then he would see the Bad Things. around the time he was five, a healer finally found a name for this strange ailment: sleep paralysis.
the healer explained as best as they could to his young self that his part of his mind had woken up before his mind or body realized— that the things he saw were nothing but dreams, creations of a young boy’s imagination. they taught him tricks to help him try to wake the rest of his body, to pull his mind from the dreaming and back to the waking. it took time but with enough practice, the nights started to stretch uninterrupted til dawn and kadri, emboldened by the power he now held over the demons that lurked in the corners of his room at night, started to venture from the safety of his mothers skirts— see what the world might offer for a boy who could banish demons.
𝕐𝕆𝕌'ℝ𝔼 𝕊𝕆 𝔸𝕄𝔹𝕀𝕋𝕀𝕆𝕌𝕊 𝔽𝕆ℝ 𝔸 𝕁𝕌𝕍𝔼ℕ𝕀𝕃𝔼—— kadri took to his studies with his scholars like a fish to water. he loved to read, learning histories of walochnia and her folkstories. when his nose wasn’t stuck in a book, it was snooping around castle and the grounds. he would perch on a bench in the blacksmith’s shed, a thick leather apron draped across his front and weighing him down to the bench ( to keep him from inspecting any closer, just in case the young master got a particular curious bug up that nosy nose ) while the blacksmith mended scullery pots, shaped horses shoes or sharpened blades and imparted simple, worldly wisdoms.  hours were spent in the dusty stables, learning how each piece of the saddle and bridle worked, how to pick out the rocks and mud that packed in the horses hooves, and mucking out stalls alongside the stable-hands. he dipped and dodged underfoot of the various cooks and scullery maids in the kitchens, plucked from the floor to lean over a bubbling pan of sauce or plopped on a table with a spoon of whatever sweet batter was being prepared, his hair flour dusted and eyes attentive to the bustle that went into creating each meal that was placed before him and the rough, worn hands that prepared it.
it was about the people and learning from them, learning about them and their wants and needs and dreams— it was important for a young lord to know his people. at least that’s what he told himself whenever faced with the choice of running with the other younger boys and girls as they played in the sweeping fields of tall grass or retreating to one of his Safe Havens. it was just easier to be around adults— adults didn’t expect you to know rules of games or to even be good at them. there wasn’t rejection from adults, if anything the most he received was polite dismissal. that he could understand and rationalize; perhaps they were busy or had something important to do that he would only get in the way of. with other children though, their rejection ( or, the threat of ) wasn’t something that was easily rationalized.
his siblings were the only real children whose company he sought out. it was around his family that he was most himself— more apt to speak up and goof off and just be a kid instead of the wide eyed little boy desperately trying to be peers with adults. as aditi got older and started to explore and expand her own horizons, kadri found himself often trailing not far behind and then when daphne started her own wandering, he was often chasing after her to try and keep her from any trouble she might find herself in. it was through his sisters that he started to actually heed the constant you-ought-to-play-with-children-your-own-age‘s that he heard from every other Safe Haven— and who would’ve guessed that if you gave others the opportunity, they might not disappoint you? 
𝔸ℕ𝔻 𝕀𝔽 𝕋ℍ𝔼 ℕ𝕀𝔾ℍ𝕋 𝕀𝕊 𝔹𝕌ℝℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕀 𝕎𝕀𝕃𝕃 ℂ𝕆𝕍𝔼ℝ 𝕄𝕐 𝔼𝕐𝔼𝕊—— the visions started when he was nine and at first, he thought there were just dreams. they were faces he didn’t know, accidents that seemed commonplace that would leave him waking up feeling disoriented or horrible incidents that would rip him from sleep gasping and covered in sweat. he’d always struggled with nightmares- sleeping and waking ( though it had been years since he’d had an episode of sleep paralysis )- and when his tutors would inquire about his yawning or sagging head in class, he’d explain just that: he’d had nightmares.
one night he had a dream about a boy climbing a tree, racing two other children to the top. in his dream’s eye, he was the climbing boy and he saw himself reach for a branch only to have it snap off and then he was falling, hitting branches that knocked the wind from him and scratched at his arms and legs, landing on the deceptively soft looking ground with a sickening crunch and pain shot up his arm. a scream erupted from his dream mouth, waking him up to his arm still dully aching. he shook it off, chalking it up to another nightmare— until later that afternoon, he watched the scene unfold in front of his wide eyes, mouth dropping open in slow realization and dawning horror as the branch snapped and the boy tumbled to the ground, landing hard on his arm.
he didn’t tell his mothers initially. shaken by seeing his dream pass into the realm of reality, he tried to rationalize the experience in his own mind. a coincidence, that’s all it was. he was sure that people who climbed trees fell out and broke their arms all the time, if it didn’t happen then it was bound to happen somewhere else— it was just a matter of chance that he happened to see it exactly as he dreamed it. however, a few weeks later after a dream of one of the serving girls burning her hand on a too hot pan and seeing the girl come out with her hand wrapped in a damp cloth before depositing his breakfast in front of him had him beginning to doubt just how much chance was involved.
after confiding the dreams to his mothers, telling them about watching the boy break his arm and knowing that the girl had burned herself, he was given a simple journal to begin recording the dreams in. every morning he would wake up and write whatever he’d dreamed the night before and as time went on, it became easier to distinguish was a dream and what was more-than-a-dream.
when he was twelve he had his first waking-vision. one moment he’d been talking with one of his tutors when the world suddenly fell away, his tutor’s voice fading as the more-than-a-dream sensation flooded his senses and the scene bloomed in front of his mind’s eye. when he came to, he was flat on his back hovered by the concerned face of his tutor calling for a healer. it happened three more times over a month before it was decided that kadri should attend the academy of mircea to learn how to control or at the very least manage this gift of his with those who might be better equipped at helping him.
𝕐𝕆𝕌'ℝ𝔼 ℕ𝕆𝕋 𝔸𝕊 𝔹ℝ𝔸𝕍𝔼 𝔸𝕊 𝕐𝕆𝕌 𝕎𝔼ℝ𝔼 𝔸𝕋 𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕋—— the first few years at the academy were filled with frustration. trying to learn how or why the visions came- waking or dreaming- was like trying to hold onto water; the second that he thought he had a grasp on it, it slipped through his fingers and he was left with nothing but droplets of whatever grand realization he’d come to. his nights were punctuated with more-than-dreams, his journal never more than an arm length’s away at any point now and his days were filled with hours long meditation sessions that left him feeling sluggish and restless.
he was away from his Safe Havens, away from his mothers and sisters, away from thundery skies and heavy air and thrust into this strange place with strange people and strange, thin mountain air where every day was the same thing over and over and it seemed like he was getting nowhere. for a time, kadri became more withdrawn in himself, isolating as much as possible from the other academy students, every thought consumed with trying to learn how to control the visions ( so that he could go home ) and also with the overwhelming dread of never being able to control them ( and thus, never being able to go home ). in reality, he knew that at any point, his status could earn him a ticket back to wenchinka whenever it became too much— but to go back home now would be giving up and that filled him with shame for even considering it.  no matter how difficult it was, he wasn’t leaving the academy until he knew how to control this gift he’d never asked for.
they compared time to a river. a river is a straight line until it’s diverted; sometimes the river is able to go around what is blocking it- like a rock- or seep around and eventually wear it down- like a felled tree. sometimes, a diversion could cause a full breakaway in the river, part of it diverted for good— but who was to say that the path this new stream would carve a better path than the one it was already on? or that the stream wouldn’t eventually curve and divert and find its way back to the river it branched from? or that it wouldn’t come to a dead stop, unable to flow any further once it reached a certain point— without the power of the full river at it’s back to push it forward, a stream could trickle off and end.
time was a powerful and also fragile thing; a butterfly could flap it’s wings in crysala and cause an avalanche in danruba. for people who were on this river of life, they could only see what was right in front of them— there’s no real peeking forward around the bend to see where the river’s going to take you. however, kadri could peek. they put it into terms of having something like a  spyglass that allowed him to look forward- not to see the whole picture, but a piece of where it could lead. up to this point, he hadn’t been using the spyglass but only opening an eye from time to time and catching glimpses of wherever it was pointing, usually not in the far off future. the trick was to teach his mind how to point that spyglass, how to focus it in on the places he chose— and more importantly, how to cap the lens when he wasn’t using it.
it took eight years— and even then, there was still so much of this future-sight that he could not control or understand. he could never stop the waking-visions but had trained his mind to split in a way- allowing his mind’s eye to focus through the spyglass at whatever it had caught in its lens and the rest of his mind to stay awake and alert to keep him upright at the very least. he’d never figured out how to point the spyglass exactly but through deep meditative trances, he was able to almost expand the spyglass, letting that river of time pass over him with hundreds of thousands of futures passing by before catching hold to something and then narrowing that span of the spyglass in on it exactly. it was never exact and would have him sitting stone still for hours and when he would pull himself from the trance, the exhaustion from the effort would render him almost useless for hours, if not days without ample rest. the more time he spent in that river of time, letting the knowledge of hundreds of futures wash over his subconscious and losing himself in it, the more vulnerable it made his other mental defenses and the sleep paralysis came back with a vengeance.
& 𝕐𝕆𝕌ℝ 𝕍𝕆𝕀ℂ𝔼 𝕀𝕊 𝔸 𝕎𝔼𝔸ℙ𝕆ℕ —— a seer was useful to a kingdom at war. kadri left the academy at twenty and enlisted immediately to the vrajiit army. he grew up in the academy at mircea but the army made him into a man. it was a completely different world once again, frozen ground and sharp air that stung your lungs with every breath and there was no room for isolation in army barracks. his youth in wenchinka was a million leagues away from the rough and tumble upbringing the danruban soldiers had and the academy had been focused on training his mind, not his body. he had no idea how to fight- aside from the scraps he and his siblings had gotten into when they were young- and truth be told? he was not eager to learn at the hands of people who were definitely more capable.
twenty years is a long time to go without an asskicking. each time he hit the hardpacked snow though, there was always a hand reaching down to help him up. kadri found acceptance and brotherhood among the ranks of others gifted with powers and found solace in the fact that really? most of them were still figuring out their gifts. no man is an island and for too long, he’d felt stranded— the army was what rescued him from that. the hesitancy he approached army life with slowly melted in the warmth of the bonds he was creating with his company. a bow felt at home in his hand, his focus aiding in helping him to hit targets from far distances with amazing accuracy and when his hand wrapped around the hilt of a sword, he could open that lens in his mind, catching glimpses of his opponent’s next move and counter before the other could begin to react.
little diversions— pebbles in the stream that would only cause the river to ripple. three years after he joined the army, his unit had been dispatched towards the borders on information from army intelligence of the location of ottolan army base camps. under orders by his captain, he stayed in one of his meditative trances for most of the journey, seeking through the stream in his mind for any information on the camps they were advancing on. he relayed everything he could gather about the camps to his superiors, exhaustion seeping into his very bones when through a narrow tunnel, they asked what moves could be made. without thinking, he handed them boulders and when time came that they were thrown into the stream of time, there was no diverting the stream in their favor— all it did was cause a huge splash.
they had planned an ambush, not knowing about the ottolan archers that had been hidden in the rocky terrain that surrounded the target camp. it was a slaughter and kadri had retreated with the few remaining members of his unit, horror dawning as his horse flew over frozen terrain that he had helped to make the call— the entire plan that became their downfall had been under his advisement. their ragged few returned back to the army base in danruba, relaying the news of the failure to the maistru and later that night, kadri tried to leave. it was too much— he couldn’t stop replaying it in his mind, going back and reviewing the visions he’d written down and the events that had unfolded before his eyes, trying to find the point where it’d gone wrong but all he saw was his vrajiit brothers and sisters dying over and over. there had been no future where they would’ve won— he hadn’t seen the whole picture and because of his own arrogance in thinking he knew what he saw, people had died. and he couldn’t live with it.
he wanted to go home, back to those Safe Havens that had kept him protected, to his mothers heavy skirts that he could ground himself with, to his sisters and the love and devotion to them that could anchor him and keep him from being swept away. it was too heavy a burden to bear and he was so tired.
they caught him at the border of trasnavda and with great reluctance, kadri went back. for the next two years, the weight of his future-sight wore on him. he tried to isolate himself again, pulling back from the vrajiit around him to try and distance himself from whatever untimely demise could befall them based on decisions made from the visions he was plagued with. he would relay the visions to his superiors but kept his mouth firmly closed after, refusing to offer any further insight or ideas on how to avoid what the future held or worse, how to manipulate it towards their favor— he wouldn’t be responsible for that blood again, though he knew in his heart that every time he shared what he had seen, it was his hands giving them the rocks to throw in the stream. there was no getting rid of that responsibility and guilt.
𝕀 𝔻𝕆ℕ'𝕋 𝕎𝔸ℕ𝕋 𝕋𝕆 ℝ𝔼𝕊𝕋 𝕀ℕ ℙ𝔼𝔸ℂ𝔼——as soon as his five years were up, kadri didn’t linger in danruba. when he returned to wenchinka, he’d felt almost hollowed out, delicate in a way he hadn’t been since he was very small. that fragility only caused a sense of self-resentment and at first, he tried to find solace for the hollowed out feeling in his chest in his family, in his duties as a young lord, in prayer- to the one true god and when those prayers fell on deaf ears, to the old gods. when they stayed as mute as adi, he stopped trying to protect the thin glass shell around him and turned instead to trying to shatter it.
he tried to drown himself in wine and ale and between the thighs of lovers, desperately trying to fill himself up with anything to replace what the army had carved out of him. he tried to lose his mind in opium pipes and elixirs that opened his mind up to universes with their own streams of time— strangely, he found comfort losing himself into that oblivion. when the enormity of time stretches out before you, it seems too large but when the frame zooms out and the expanse of space and time and reality is laid out like a heavy quilt, you realize that your own burden is only one thread— hardly consequential.
maybe it was because he was lost that it was so easy to give himself to people. he chased after approval, acceptance, love all over walochnia but it was all in efforts to find absolution. his heart was an open door for people to track through, believing with every fiber of his being that whatever the intentions they had, they were pure. sometimes he was right- more often than not, he wasn’t. his journals stayed empty, gathering dust as he tried to keep that lens in his mind shut tightly as possible and in the times when he threw the shutters open to stare out into the expanse, he never chronicled what he saw. he knew what happened when other people knew what time held and he would not be responsible again.
it took five more years for kadri to realize he couldn’t fill the hole in his chest with things meant to shatter him— that absolution wouldn’t come from these places. he spent weeks sweating poisons from his skin, hunched over a bucket as his body forced out the death he’d been trying to kill the emptiness with. when he returned back to wenchinka this time, it was for good and with every intention of taking responsibility— for everything. there was no erasing the past and there was no filling that hollow feeling with anything. instead he focused on his home, on trying to find resolutions for food shortages around their kingdom, looking to aditi for guidance on how they could best care for their people.
in the past two years, kadri has settled into a more familiar self- a mixture of the all stages of his life. he’s grown comfortable in his position in wenchinka and his goal in helping his homeland but with rising tensions, a stone of dread has started to grow in his gut, wondering how long it would be before his curse gift calls him away.
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mightyecho · 3 years ago
"dearest kadri, do you think your sisters might end up in the chopping block next for whatever ungodly crime is committed against the king? what would you do if Daphne or Aditi end up in that dreadful hell you were in?"
the thought steals the breath from his lungs— rough hands grabbing for his sisters soft arms, clamping manacles to their slender wrists and ankles, throwing them to darkness, forcing them to kneel and stretch their necks out for an axeman's blade— and fear unlike anything he's ever known wraps a fist tight around his heart. "no," he says— pleas; "no, my sisters— in all of this, in everything, they are blameless. the ghita family has always been devoted to the crown, they—"
his mind can't fathom daphne being thrown into the dark for days, weeks; can't imagine aditi's face looking up towards the sky, her neck in the divot carved out by hundreds of executions as a blade falls—
what wouldn't he do? fight anyone who came for them until he was cut down? take them and flee the capitol? ( but where would we go? to wenchinka where our starving people look at us with resentment in their hearts? where would be safe? ) he wouldn't let them be shut in the dark- wouldn't let their names be besmirched and reputations tarnished-- and he would not watch them die. if it came to it, he'd take the blame- confess to whatever crime they wanted to lay at aditi or daphne's feet- and bear the burden of the punishment. he'd seen their futures and they were too important and too precious to him to lose them to a king's maddening whim.
"whatever i have to."
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