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cometconnector · 6 months ago
do you guys like my new pfp
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hii werewolf tommy kinard.. welcome to my brain..
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aerithisms · 3 months ago
i do sympathise a lot with the fact that it seems like the arcane writers were working under some pretty tough constraints. there's only so much budget, animation of this calibre is extremely labour/time/resource intensive, and allegedly netflix made some cuts. but i just don't agree with the things they decided to prioritise. even if they'd had more time, making the climax of the story about jayce and viktor and the arcane instead of vi and jinx and the zaun/piltover conflict, which was set up as the focus and heart of the show, was a voluntary choice they made. and it was a bad one.
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chiropteracupola · 1 month ago
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Poverty, poverty knock / Keeping one eye on the clock / I know I can guttle, when I hear my shuttle / Go poverty, poverty knock...
...so I read @nothwell's novel 'mr warren's profession' at approximately light speed the other day and felt like drawing some of the cast.
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avedoodles · 6 months ago
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i figured out how to connect my wacom to my new laptop :D
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ladyohdeath · 5 months ago
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@ofcrimsonenchantresses liked this for a starter
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her head tilts as she looks at the other, examining her. it's pure coincidence that she's here, unrelated to anything that wanda is currently doing, but she knows without a shadow of a doubt that this is the person who had trapped agatha, and who keeps her trapped to this day. moreso, she knows that this is the scarlet witch, but rio isn't afraid of her. she has a healthy respect instead.
"i thought you'd be taller," she teases, twirling her knife and stopping it with her teeth. the soul she'd been attending to had already passed on, and she had planned to leave now, but something had drawn her here. now she knows why. she pulls her knife out of her teeth and points it at wanda's head. "no crown?"
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midnightwind · 28 days ago
half asleep and considering writing the stereotypical Rook and Lucanis have to do a job at a ball, but with Rook actually poisoning half the people there in a dramatic flourish and cackling like a maniac in the rafters about it while Lucanis just kind of stares
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qulizalfos · 2 months ago
having a fantasy au moment it may or may not pass
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gcldfanged · 6 months ago
[Continued from HERE.]
he hums as he licks blood from knuckles, golden eyes flicking from carnage to meet those of man stood hovering at the edge of his brutality. listening but finding him pretentious, as most of those above him are. "no offence sir, but you're always gunna be lesser to someone. always gunna be a bigger fish'n you." a fact stated as such, no taunting or mockery, just plain old simple fact. "but i'll agree that money makes people stupid. makes 'em even dumber when they ain't got it and they need it." a gesture to the bodies moaning on the floor, an ill thought out attack against the enforcer to take back what he took from them previously.
"None taken. That IS true, otherwise I wouldn't be complaining all the damn time about having to clean up someone else's mess," he admits, looking down at the stranger's handiwork.
He'd heard odd things about Malachi, but seeing him in the flesh was quite different than what he had been expecting- Which, honestly, wasn't much. Clearly his cynicism had been an overstep. The presence of street level punks lining the pavement was enough to overwhelm by sheer number, yet the intended victim remained unscathed. And by the look of him, anyone who'd paint such an individual with a target had to be both blind and dumb.
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"But nevermind what I actually meant," Jae continued, offering a black and gold cigarette to the enforcer. A minor peace offering for interrupting his fun.
"If you have the time, I'd like to make you an offer. We can discuss in more pleasant surroundings, of course- Treat you to some fine food and drink, offer some entertainment if that's more your style?"
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tskumoyuuma · 3 months ago
god damn was the ending of arcane good. I didnt blink for like the whole last episode
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worstsequence · 2 years ago
who else is here on this day thinking about eddie lovey dovey free with affection known dustin for not even a year uses his dying breath to tell him he loves him munson
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red-hemlock · 1 year ago
// [ hide ] sender leans in to receiver's body, hoping to hide against them in a moment of fear
Action Prompts for Leaning @mute-call
Green eyes pass a glance behind, taking-in the sight of the fearful form leant against her... He had good reason, denying the fact that things weren't a bit hairy at the moment would be nothing short of naïve. That gaze shifts ahead, a sight that causes her to bristle once more and fist an already too-tight grip around the blade-hilt in her palm. Hired hands, and a lot of them too, sent by their 'illustrious' target to no doubt excise the thorn trying to stab into his side; and rid the world of her employer as well. Kill the killer, and you've taken the-out the immediate issue; but eliminate the one holding the leash, and you've stayed the collaring of further attack dogs in the future.
Smart. But not if Bell's current mouthy 'mutt' had anything to say about it. River's free hand slips behind, a slow brush of skin-upon-skin, but a thought halts her touch at fingertips only. The minute she takes Steven's hand and turns, they'll be on them like sharks raring to savage a bloody carcass... Far too many to focus on killing, whilst keeping him safe.
"...Sorry, Boss. I'm afraid I'm going to be needing both hands to take-care of this." Raising to flatten against his chest, that hand now pushes him back. A movement seemingly born out of annoyance to their annoying pursuers, but in truth, it was a gentle nudge toward the door behind them. Half-hidden in the dark, and their only apparent way out.
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"Go, and don't look back." River speaks the soft order with an edge of insistence, "Don't worry. I'll meet you back, same spot as always."
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vellichorom · 2 years ago
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canoncompliance · 2 years ago
@araneiid sent: [ rest ] sender lays their head on receiver's shoulder and falls asleep there - briar being tired from training or something and accidentally does so? or something like that skjfdgjk ► from this meme.
Despite the impromptu jumpstart into field work, Briar hasn't disappointed since saving Earth-90723 from destruction. Her experience with V-forces had been palpable enough that Miguel chose to personally over-see her training after (something that Jess had teased him for, which of course he'd ignored to the best of his ability), and today they'd just finished another bout of conditioning.
It's noble, he thinks, that she wants to go out there and stop portals from collapsing. As he helps her out of the simulation chamber-- it had tested her movements and skills while applying artificial V-force, similar to how astronauts are supposed to train before going into space-- he can't help the slight curve of his lips at the sight of Briar's face once the mask comes off. She'd done well today, and he tells her as much in a simple but awkward "nice work".
The happiness on her face after, he decides, had been worth the embarrassment.
Miguel takes Briar to the cafeteria after, hoping to get food and water into her after she'd pushed her body to its limits. Together, they sit with their trays, but as he mixes the cheese into his chili, a weight lands on his shoulder.
And he freezes, spoon mid-stir and everything.
Turning his head has him seeing Briar's closed eyes and comfortable expression as she leans against him. His mouth opens-- surely he ought to tell her this isn't the time for it-- but as he thinks about everything she'd endured, he concludes that waking her up wouldn't be worth it.
So Miguel shifts his spoon to his other hand, mixing with it instead while the side Briar leans against is as still as possible. In the hustle and bustle of Society HQ's cafeteria, no-one pays them any mind, and for the minutes that she's asleep, Miguel has never felt more ordinary. He's hyperaware of her well-being, of course, and he eats his chili con carne much slower than he's used to, but it all feels normal in a bizarre, human way.
There are worse things to be than sitting in the middle of a cafeteria while someone uses you as a pillow. Smiling faintly, Miguel's head dips some as he finishes his food, because in the end it's nice to know someone trusts him this much to begin with. For that, he can wait for Briar to wake up from her nap, whenever that might be.
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valorxdrive · 2 years ago
An undeniable constant was that legend and myth found themselves tucked deep in the durable scales and broad wings of dragons. They served as mighty beasts of vitality, the penultimate challenge for countless heroes to the arrogant hoarders of boundless treasures, the sublime shine being more than enough to annihilate all opposition who dared to trespass.
These peaks of vitality also served as a natural line that held vivaciously powerful Hearts. In short, the perfect meal for the chaotic hands of darkness to draw within it’s insatiable grip through it’s legions. Grim and dreary clouds festered upon the Land of Dragons, allowing violet rays of lightning to crackle and pierce through the heavens as the death throes of these great beasts, serving as a threatening sign that the Dark Realm was taking a more mercilessly approach of seizing this world’s heart.
Wire itself into the very life force of this land itself.
It was only natural that in turn that a certain band of Starseekers; keyblade wielders, would be the counter force that finds themselves endlessly attracted to lands threatened by destruction. Donning brave smiles, boundless experience, further coupled with the shining instruments that serve to strike a visceral rush of fear into the Heartless themselves, causing them to enact on deeper potential due to tightly wired instincts. The constant plucks and thrums of negative emotion resonating within their newly amassed group of Wyverns and Great Drakes would be the testament.
Sora and Phos’s trials never held the luxury of being simple. No, even with Xehanort’s departure to the beyond, the avatars of Darkness were eagerly working away to not just seal up this vacant seat of power, but to forge a greater force due to the destabilization that echoes akin to a festering wound within the Greater cosmos. Their time of travail amidst the frost kissed peaks of the mountain ranges would serve as a testament.
Not even a good ten minutes in and Sora finds himself stuck in a pesky gridlock.
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Light found itself exuding and erupting with fiery brilliance from the keyblade, serving contrasting force against the sky born attack, a vicious pillar of sickly blue hellfire being erupted from the heartless drake’s lips, those soulless golden eyes holding no inch of emotion despite the roar escaping it. They keybearer found himself situated upon the rapidly melting bank of snow, the said ground cracking with frosty fissures as he found himself being forcefully pressed into a crater as the metric tons of force intended to scald and burn him all the way down to the mountain’s heart.
“This is..!” Strength flocks to his veins! Light burns within his eyes! “So.. Messed up!” His voice would roar in distaste, a sudden seizing of strength grasped within his heart, immediately bringing strength to limb and blade. A sudden slash of ice energy would be imbued into the weapon, a forceful swing immediately allowing him to slash through the beam of flame, diminishing this attack to pure steam as the Heartless finds itself knocked into a sudden spin, staggering for its stature.
Sora doesn’t miss a beat as he pivots upon his heel, ignoring the precipice of danger in order to reconvene with Phos at her center point of the chaos.. With the way things are going, they are going to need a plan as a crucial detail immediately comes to mind. He briefly catches a whip of her blonde hair amidst her nimble figure while she weaves seamlessly through her foes. After quickly springing into attack, dodging and counter slashing through a small volley of Wyvern’s, his voice is quick to call, recklessly leaving him less cognizant of the overwhelming shadow above.
“Phos! Careful about magic! Normal elements aren’t..!”
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A shrieking screech signifies the presence of danger as the space Sora occupied was quickly overtaken. The corrosive maw of the beast immediately slammed at his location, clearly working to bite down as surrounding space instantly caved him from the titanic force, leaving no visible view outside the towering walls of snow that briefly erupts alongside bedrock as the unstable ground shudders. Despite the stirring rush of pain, he’s hanging on strong, fixed between the beast’s teeth by enchanted shoes and the sparking resistance of the Kingdom Key keeping that mouth from slamming down.
So.. unexpectedly strong..!
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wilder-fangirl · 26 days ago
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story in the tags
the unbreakable connection between me and a song I heard in a fanvid over ten years ago
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insightfultrends · 18 days ago
Master Your Serger and Overlocker with the #1 Online Sewing Course!
Master Your Serger and Overlocker with the #1 Online Sewing Course! Tired of tangled threads, skipped stitches, or confusion over your serger’s settings? Whether you’re a sewing enthusiast or a professional looking to refine your craft, The Number 1 Serger and Overlocker Online Sewing Course is your ultimate guide to mastering these powerful machines. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to…
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