#➻ 𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 —《serpentxprince.》
pre1ude · 2 years
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@serpentxprince , said "Pay little mind to a certain injured vampire that has somehow managed to wrap himself up enough in a tarp and sleeping bag to keep from burning in the morning sun just long enough to find where Dan is living to hide from the daylight, barely being able to say hello and pull some curtains closed before collapsing into Torpor, just a literal corpse until sundown."
he  receives  the  unsteady  tarp-wrapped  vampire  bundle  at  the  doorway  and  sort  of  swings  it  inside  one-handed  with  the  fervor  of  a  man  half-panicked  out  of  his  mind.  he  hasn't  even  had  time  to  process  the  insanity,  the  sheer  impossibility  of  the  situation  -  this  is  a  werewolf  household  forsythe's  dragged  himself  to  -  before  he's  forced  to  act,  very  quickly  and  acutely  aware  of  his  friend  in  even  bigger  danger  on  the  other  side  of  that  door.  some  of  the  terror  bleeds  out  of  him  once  he's  got  a  hold  of  a  very  much  unharmed  vampire  and  he  realizes,  with  no  small  amount  of  discomfort,  that  he'd  half-expected  to  be  met  with  a  charred  corpse...
with  an  armful  of  Forsythe  and  a  new  record  for  undoing  all  of  the  front  door's  six  locks  under  his  belt  he  moves  them  inside,  minding  the  foyer's  big  bright  windows.  it's  a  large,  white  house,  near-impossible  to  accomodate  a  vampire,  but  danny  tries  his  best;  throws  the  opaque  curtains  closed,  then  sets  the  sleeping  bag  down  to  get  a  better  look  at  its  contents.
❝ what.  were  you.  thinking?! ❝  his  voice  is  a  low,  frightful  hiss  as  he  wrestles  with  the  string  of  the  tarp,  intent  on  lecturing  the  vampire  to  his  face.  he's  screwed  them  both  over,  daniel's  sure  this'll  bite  him  in  the  ass.  orchestrating  asylum  for  a  vampire  in  this  house?  is  going  to  be  a  nightmare.  the  stench  of  wyrm  is  impossible  to  rid  of,  he's  heard,  and  he  would  be  at  a  loss  for  reference  even  if  he  were  to  try  covering  their  tracks.  his  mother's  sure  to  sniff  it  out.  that  train  of  thought's  cut  quite  short  when  forsythe's  bloody  face  lolls  out  of  the  tarp's  confines.
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❝ good  god... ❝  for  a  creature  already  beyond  the  mortal  coil  and  therefore  immune  to  its  unpleasantries,  forsythe  sure  has  a  way  of  looking  disconcertingly,  horrifically  human  at  times.  even  paler  than  usual,  with  great  red  splotches  juxtaposed  against  his  skin,  eyes  glazed  and  unfocused,  he's  got  the  look  of  a  dying  man.  it's  enough  to  scare  daniel  right  out  of  his  anger.   ❝ Forsythe ...  who  did  this? ❝
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pre1ude · 2 years
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"He's a 10, but he's moody and kinda smells like a wet dog when sad." - @serpentxprince (being a lil shit)
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"Oh, like you're some fragrant flower!" Daniel crosses his arms, affronted as ever at the reoccurent implication. He suspects it's Forsythe's favourite joke to make. Joke being keyword. He's immaculately showered, thank you very much. "Pot calling kettle. And you're lucky I don't have a sense of smell."
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pre1ude · 2 years
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@serpentxprince , sent 👬 for four headcanons about our muses' relationship (<33)
Now, it's a well known fact these two team up for mutual gain, quid pro quo and mostly out of necessity. Forsythe seems an outsider from his own community, smart enough to be terrified of Danny, semi-raliable at worst (by proxy, since he's a Lasombra) and in possession of such an intrinsic link to the great Wyrm that he's essentially a portable scourge compass. Dan meets him and decides to keep him in his pocket like a Boss Map to toggle at his leisure. It doesn't mean he likes the guy, but at the very least he has an appreciation for him. That said, with how Daniel's character in this verse has developed, I think at this point I can comfortably say this: He likely planned to dispose of Forsythe once he'd outlived his usefullness. Sentiments and attachments aside (few as they are at the beginning), he can't ignore what a giant liability their whole involvement with each other is, in light of the penance Danny would receive for it from the Regiment. Until Forsythe saves his life and he finds himself rethinking everything. I'm fairly sure he'd confess at some point, since guilt never sits well with him, and I'm excited about it.
Daniel sends him letters. Once he finds out they have no feasible electronic communication available, he's all too happy to make the switch. It might be a necessity but he still overindulges, for the inherent drama of it alone. He writes in perfect calligraphy and absolutely words it like an english victorian writing to a starcrossed paramour. It's such a nerdy cringefest. Yes, Forsythe's name adds to the fantasy, if you're wondering. Mostly does it when he's sent away somewhere far enough that he can't make the walk to visit within an hour. His letters are blackmail material, he is so very serious about them. Yes, he also sends postcards from the next state over.
After his second time tending to a particular vampire with a 'death wish', Danny starts making sure he's well-prepared. Forsythe's a trouble magnet and whoever finds themself so unlucky to be his designated safehouse has to take their nursing seriously. And Daniel does, he has phenomenal bedside manner for a man who's never needed medical aid past the age of 12. That's not to say he asks what Fodsythe needs; it would be far too embarassing. Rather, like any self-respecting nerd, he studies for it (part of it is his assumption that Forsythe's hostile sire never taught him much about his own bloodline). He does feel a little guilty for consulting the Regiment's vampiric records, no doubt sourced in a horrific manner, but the information on physiology and weaknesses there, used primarily for attack tactics, serves to educate Dan on how to better keep his own personal Lasombra out of death's second door. He strays away from using fire around the vampire, for example.
Juxtaposing headcanon no. 1 (listen, character development): Daniel grows to cherish and treasure Forsythe and worry for him so much that he deigns to bestow upon him the old mark of the Regiment without his mother's knowledge. A crescent with a sword stabbed through it, to signify he is under their jurisdiction and protection, and all who may harm him will answer to the ancient order. A sort of immunity he thinks his vampire friend may benefit from. Paints it on his skin in a hidden place Forsythe can expose in a pinch, if he needs that sort of saving grace last minute. Essentially leaves the choice to him, but urgently implores him to please utilize it as often as he wishes, for his safety. I like to think vampire clans in particular are deathly afraid of it.
+ 1
Safe to say, Forsythe will find himself in trouble with Patricia at some point. I just know it. The way they're being even a little careless in most of our threads, it's inevitable. Danny's lulled himself into a false sense of security with the self-imposed assumption he would be excommunicated at best, and at worst, able to overpower and succeed his mother as Regiment leader if confronted violently (technically, he would). Which he is consciously giving her ample reason to do, with his betrayals and disloyalties and the particularly vile pact/relationship he has with a dark creature. But the mistake he makes is thinking she would not play dirty the moment she has the information necessary. The woman is ten steps ahead at all times, though. I don't know what to tell you. You've got a big storm coming, buddy. 😔
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pre1ude · 2 years
"Not that anyone asked, but.....smash." - @serpentxprince
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"Well, then... I see I've managed to enchant you with my impeccable wit and manner?"
"ˢᵒ ʰᵒʷ ᵈᵒᵉˢ ᵗʰⁱˢ ʷᵒʳᵏ? ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ ᴵ ˢᵃʸ ⁱᵗ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ? ᴵ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ˢᵃʸ ⁱᵗ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ."
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pre1ude · 2 years
"hey....stop being attractive, it's distracting as hell." - jug
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" ...Nice excuse.. Now stand still. " He resumes cleaning dirt and debris out of one bleeding, squirmy arm. " Flattery gets meddlesome vampires with a clear death wish nowhere. "
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